/** Possible actions for a participation: prioritize and delete */
 function participation_actions($participation_id)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $pp = $CI->participationModel->get_participation_by_id($participation_id);
     $not_cancelled = $pp->cancelled == 0;
     $is_confirmed = $pp->confirmed == 1 && $not_cancelled;
     $not_completed = $is_confirmed && $pp->noshow == 0 && $pp->completed == 0;
     $is_noshow = $pp->noshow == 1;
     $is_completed = $pp->completed == 1;
     $after_now = input_datetime($pp->appointment) > input_datetime('now');
     $get_link = participation_get_link($pp);
     $cancel_link = $not_completed && $not_cancelled ? anchor('participation/cancel/' . $pp->id, img_cancel(lang('cancelled'))) : img_cancel(lang('cancelled'), TRUE);
     $reschedule_link = $not_completed ? anchor('participation/reschedule/' . $pp->id, img_calendar()) : img_calendar(TRUE);
     $noshow_link = $is_confirmed && !$is_noshow && !$after_now ? anchor('participation/no_show/' . $pp->id, img_noshow()) : img_noshow(TRUE);
     $completed_link = $is_confirmed && !$after_now ? anchor('participation/completed/' . $pp->id, img_accept(lang('completed'))) : img_accept(lang('completed'), TRUE);
     $delete_link = anchor('participation/delete/' . $pp->id, img_p_delete(), warning(lang('sure_delete_part')));
     $comment_link = anchor('participation/edit_comment/' . $pp->id, img_comment());
     switch (current_role()) {
         case UserRole::Admin:
             $actions = array($get_link, $cancel_link, $reschedule_link, $noshow_link, $completed_link, $comment_link, $delete_link);
         case UserRole::Leader:
             $actions = array($get_link, $cancel_link, $reschedule_link, $noshow_link, $completed_link, $comment_link);
             $actions = array($get_link, $cancel_link, $reschedule_link, $comment_link);
     return implode(' ', $actions);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Possible actions for a comment: prioritize and delete */
 function comment_actions($comment_id)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $c = $CI->commentModel->get_comment_by_id($comment_id);
     $p = $CI->participantModel->get_participant_by_id($c->participant_id);
     $prio_link = anchor('comment/prioritize/' . $comment_id . ($c->priority ? '/0' : ''), img_star(!$c->priority));
     $handled_link = anchor('comment/mark_handled/' . $comment_id . ($c->handled ? '/0' : ''), img_accept(lang('mark_handled'), !$c->handled));
     $edit_link = anchor('comment/edit/' . $comment_id, img_edit());
     $p_link = anchor('participant/edit/' . $c->participant_id, img_edit_participant($p));
     $d_link = anchor('comment/delete/' . $comment_id, img_delete(), warning(lang('sure_delete_comment')));
     return implode(' ', array($prio_link, $handled_link, $edit_link, $p_link, $d_link));
Exemplo n.º 3
 # $type = ($op['TYPE'] == "C" ? "CREDIT" : "DEBIT");
 $type = $op['TYPE'];
 echo "<tr><td>" . $d->getDate() . '-' . $d->getMois(3) . "-" . $d->getYear(2) . "</td>" . "<td>" . $op['NOMEL'] . ' ' . $op['PRENOMEL'] . ".</td><td>" . $op['REFCAISSE'] . "</td>" . '<td>' . $op['DESCRIPTION'] . '</td><td align="right">' . moneyString($op['MONTANT']) . "</td>";
 if ($op['VALIDE'] == 0) {
     echo "<td style='background-color:#ff9999' align='center'>En cours</td>";
 } else {
     echo "<td style='background-color:#99ff99' align='center'>Valid&eacute;e</td>";
 echo "<td align='center'><img onclick = \"tooltip_on(event,'" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . "')\"" . " style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_info() . "' />";
 # Droit d'impression des recu
 if (isAuth(522)) {
     if (!empty($op['PERCUPAR'])) {
         echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<img style='cursor:pointer' title='Imprimer le recu de cette operation caisse' " . "src='" . img_print() . "' onclick=\"document.location='" . Router::url("caisse", "recu", $op['IDCAISSE']) . "'\">";
     } else {
         echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<img style='cursor:pointer' title='Certifier que vous avez recu ce montant' " . "src='" . img_accept() . "' onclick=\"percuRecu(" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . ")\">";
 echo "</td><td align='center'>";
 if (peutValiderLesOperationsCaisses()) {
     if ($op['VALIDE'] == 0 && !empty($op['PERCUPAR'])) {
         echo "<img onclick=\"validerOperation(" . $op['IDCAISSE'] . ")\" " . "style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider() . "' />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
     } else {
         echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider_disabled() . "' />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
 } else {
     echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_valider_disabled() . "' />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
 if (peutSupprimerLesOperationsCaisses()) {
     echo "<img style='cursor:pointer' src='" . img_delete() . "' " . "onclick=\"document.location='" . Router::url("caisse", "delete", $op['IDCAISSE']) . "'\" />";
 } else {