Exemplo n.º 1
function day_time($time = false)
    if ($time === false) {
        $time = time();
    return mktime(0, 0, 0, idate('m', $time), idate('d', $time), idate('Y', $time));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function word($from, $now = null)
     if (null === $now) {
         $now = time();
     $between = $now - $from;
     if ($between > 0 && $between < 86400 && idate('d', $from) == idate('d', $now)) {
         if ($between < 3600 && idate('H', $from) == idate('H', $now)) {
             if ($between < 60 && idate('i', $from) == idate('i', $now)) {
                 $second = idate('s', $now) - idate('s', $from);
                 if (0 == $second) {
                     return '刚刚';
                 } else {
                     return sprintf('%d秒前', $second);
             $min = idate('i', $now) - idate('i', $from);
             return sprintf('%d分钟前', $min);
         $hour = idate('H', $now) - idate('H', $from);
         return sprintf('%d小时前', $hour);
     if ($between > 0 && $between < 172800 && (idate('z', $from) + 1 == idate('z', $now) || idate('z', $from) > 2 + idate('z', $now))) {
         return sprintf('昨天 %s', date('H:i', $from));
     if ($between > 0 && $between < 604800 && idate('W', $from) == idate('W', $now)) {
         $day = intval($between / (3600 * 24));
         return sprintf('%d天前', $day);
     if ($between > 0 && $between < 31622400 && idate('Y', $from) == idate('Y', $now)) {
         return date('n月j日', $from);
     return date('Y年m月d日', $from);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 有消息时触发该方法
  * @param int $client_id 发消息的client_id
  * @param string $message 消息
  * @return void
 public static function onMessage($client_id, $message)
     $db = \Lib\Db::instance('tc504');
     $nowtime = idate("U");
     $ok = "right";
     $error = "error";
     $sqlok = "sql right!";
     $sqlerror = "sql error!";
     if ($message[0] == '{') {
         $message = JsonProtocol::decode($message);
         $sqldidian = $message['ID'];
         $sqlshidu = $message['humidity'];
         $sqlwendu = $message['temperature'];
         $insert_id = $db->insert('wenshidu')->cols(array('didian' => $sqldidian, 'shidu' => $sqlshidu, 'wendu' => $sqlwendu, 'time' => $nowtime))->query();
         GateWay::sendToClient($client_id, TextProtocol::encode($insert_id));
     } else {
         $message = TextProtocol::decode($message);
         $commend = trim($message);
         $ret = $db->select('ui_cardid')->from('tbl_user')->where("ui_cardid = '{$commend}' ")->single();
         if ($commend === $ret) {
             $insert_id = $db->insert('tbl_log')->cols(array('log_card' => $commend, 'log_time' => $nowtime))->query();
             if ($insert_id === 1) {
                 GateWay::sendToClient($client_id, TextProtocol::encode($sqlok));
             } else {
                 GateWay::sendToClient($client_id, TextProtocol::encode($sqlerror));
         } else {
             GateWay::sendToClient($client_id, TextProtocol::encode($error));
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     // TODO: These should be user-based and navigable in the interface.
     $year = idate('Y');
     $month = idate('m');
     $holidays = id(new PhabricatorCalendarHoliday())->loadAllWhere('day BETWEEN %s AND %s', "{$year}-{$month}-01", "{$year}-{$month}-31");
     $statuses = id(new PhabricatorUserStatus())->loadAllWhere('dateTo >= %d AND dateFrom <= %d', strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01"), strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01 next month"));
     $month_view = new AphrontCalendarMonthView($month, $year);
     $phids = mpull($statuses, 'getUserPHID');
     $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids);
     foreach ($statuses as $status) {
         $event = new AphrontCalendarEventView();
         $event->setEpochRange($status->getDateFrom(), $status->getDateTo());
         $name_text = $handles[$status->getUserPHID()]->getName();
         $status_text = $status->getTextStatus();
         $event->setName("{$name_text} ({$status_text})");
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(array('<div style="padding: 2em;">', $month_view, '</div>'), array('title' => 'Calendar'));
 public function __construct($email_id)
     $this->_email_id = $email_id;
     //ISO Week number of the current year
     $week_number = idate("W");
     $year = idate("Y");
     $month = idate("m");
     $last_day_of_month = idate('t');
     $today = new \DateTime();
     $start_of_month = clone $today;
     $start_of_month->setDate($year, $month, 1);
     $start_of_month->setTime(0, 0, 1);
     $end_of_month = clone $today;
     $end_of_month->setDate($year, $month, $last_day_of_month);
     $end_of_month->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     $start_of_week = clone $today;
     $start_of_week->setISODate($year, $week_number);
     $start_of_week->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $end_of_week = clone $start_of_week;
     $date_interval = new \DateInterval("P6D");
     $end_of_week->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     $this->_today = $today;
     $this->_start_of_month = $start_of_month;
     $this->_end_of_month = $end_of_month;
     $this->_start_of_week = $start_of_week;
     $this->_end_of_week = $end_of_week;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function __construct()
     require_once 'Date.php';
     global $pref;
     $this->time = new Date();
     // Convert this original time to UTC so we can get an accurate conversion
     $localtimeOffset = idate('Z');
     // Subtract or add the perfect amount of hours
     $s = $localtimeOffset / 3600;
     $hour = $this->time->hour - $s;
     $this->timeZone = $this->time->tz;
     $this->offset = $this->timeZone->offset / 1000;
     // Set available time zones
     $this->availableZones = $this->timeZone->getAvailableIDs();
     // Set now
     $this->now['second'] = $this->time->getSecond();
     $this->now['minute'] = $this->time->getMinute();
     $this->now['hour'] = $this->time->getHour();
     $this->now['day'] = $this->time->getDay();
     $this->now['month'] = $this->time->getMonth();
     $this->now['year'] = $this->time->getYear();
     // Set current GMT timestamp
     $this->timestamp = $this->make($this->now['second'], $this->now['minute'], $this->now['hour'], $this->now['day'], $this->now['month'], $this->now['year']);
function mysql_to_json($connection_name, $table_name, $file_name)
    // Verifies that table name and connection to MySQL exist.
    if (!$connection_name || !$table_name) {
        return false;
    // If the user did not enter a desired file name, a unique one will be initiated.
    if (!$file_name) {
        $file_name = "new_json_file" . idate("U");
    // Type casts input variables to strings in the case that the user entered a different variable type.
    $table_name = string($table_name);
    $file_name = string($file_name);
    // Query data from MySQL server.
    $data_query = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name}";
    $data_request = @mysqli_query($connection_name, $data_query);
    // Insert queried data into an array.
    $data_saved[] = array();
    while ($entry = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data_request)) {
        $data_saved[] = $entry;
    // Copy array data to file.
    $file_wrtie = fopen($file_name, 'w');
    fwrite($file_write, json_encode($data_saved));
    // Return true to let the user know that everything ran successfully.
    return true;
 protected function getDST($timestamp)
     if (idate('I', $timestamp)) {
         return 3600;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function add()
     //checks if data posted by user is valid; helps prevent SQL Injection
     $valid = true;
     //16 digit number needed for card
     if (preg_match("/^(\\d{16})+\$/", $_POST["card"]) === 0) {
         $_SESSION["cardBorder"] = "1px solid #aa0000";
         $_SESSION["cardWarn"] = true;
         $valid = false;
     //checks if expiry date hasn't already passed
     if ($_POST["expYear"] == idate("y")) {
         if ($_POST["expMonth"] <= idate("m")) {
             $_SESSION["expBorder"] = "1px solid #aa0000";
             $_SESSION["expWarn"] = true;
             $valid = false;
     //3 digit number needed for card security number
     if (preg_match("/^(\\d{3})+\$/", $_POST["secNo"]) === 0) {
         $_SESSION["secBorder"] = "1px solid #aa0000";
         $_SESSION["secWarn"] = true;
         $valid = false;
     if ($valid == false) {
     } else {
         $add = $this->model("Cart");
         $add->addCard($_POST["card"], $_POST["expMonth"] . "/" . $_POST["expYear"], $_POST["secNo"], $_SESSION["email"]);
         $this->view($add->view, $add->message);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Run method with main page logic
  * Reads in events for a given month or current month if no parameters are passed.
  * Allow filtering by platform id. Populate template and display event data in a calendar view on the page.
  * @access public
 public function run()
     $session = Session::getInstance();
     $user = $session->getUser();
     $eventDAO = EventDAO::getInstance();
     $platformDAO = PlatformDAO::getInstance();
     //$page = (isset ($_GET["page"]) && is_numeric ($_GET["page"])) ? intval ($_GET["page"]) : 1;
     $platform_id = isset($_GET["platform"]) && is_numeric($_GET["platform"]) ? intval($_GET["platform"]) : 0;
     $month = isset($_GET["month"]) && is_numeric($_GET["month"]) ? intval($_GET["month"]) : 0;
     $year = isset($_GET["year"]) && is_numeric($_GET["year"]) ? intval($_GET["year"]) : 0;
     //if ($page < 1) {
     //    $page = 1;
     $count = $paginator = $paginator_page = $event_array = $next_eventday = $prev_eventday = $current_platform = null;
     if ($platform_id > 0 && checkdate($month, 1, $year)) {
         $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
         $end = strtotime("+1 month", $start) - 1;
         //$count = $eventDAO->countPlatformStatusAndRange ($platform, Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end);
         //$paginator = new Paginator ($count, 3);
         //$paginator_page = $paginator->getPage ($page);
         $event_array = $eventDAO->allByPlatformStatusAndRange($platform_id, Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end, array("order" => "{$eventDAO->getTableName()}.date DESC, {$eventDAO->getTableName()}.id DESC", "joins" => true));
     } else {
         if ($platform_id > 0) {
             $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, idate("m"), 1, idate("Y"));
             $end = strtotime("+1 month", $start) - 1;
             //$count = $eventDAO->countPlatformStatusAndRange ($platform, Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end);
             //$paginator = new Paginator ($count, 3);
             //$paginator_page = $paginator->getPage ($page);
             $event_array = $eventDAO->allByPlatformStatusAndRange($platform_id, Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end, array("order" => "{$eventDAO->getTableName()}.date DESC, {$eventDAO->getTableName()}.id DESC", "joins" => true));
         } else {
             if (checkdate($month, 1, $year)) {
                 $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
                 $end = strtotime("+1 month", $start) - 1;
                 //$count = $eventDAO->countStatus (Event::APPROVED_STATUS);
                 //$paginator = new Paginator ($count, 3);
                 //$paginator_page = $paginator->getPage ($page);
                 $event_array = $eventDAO->allByStatusAndRange(Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end, array("order" => "{$eventDAO->getTableName()}.date DESC, {$eventDAO->getTableName()}.id DESC", "joins" => true));
             } else {
                 $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, idate("m"), 1, idate("Y"));
                 $end = strtotime("+1 month", $start) - 1;
                 //$count = $eventDAO->countStatus (Event::APPROVED_STATUS);
                 //$paginator = new Paginator ($count, 3);
                 //$paginator_page = $paginator->getPage ($page);
                 $event_array = $eventDAO->allByStatusAndRange(Event::APPROVED_STATUS, $start, $end, array("order" => "{$eventDAO->getTableName()}.date DESC, {$eventDAO->getTableName()}.id DESC", "joins" => true));
     $next_eventday = $eventDAO->loadByNextDay($end, Event::APPROVED_STATUS);
     $prev_eventday = $eventDAO->loadByPreviousDay($start, Event::APPROVED_STATUS);
     if ($platform_id > 0) {
         $current_platform = $platformDAO->load($platform_id);
     $platform_array = $platformDAO->all();
     //print_r ($event_array);
     $this->template->render(array("title" => "Event Month Calendar - " . date("F", $start) . " " . date("Y", $start), "main_page" => "events_month_tpl.php", "event_array" => $event_array, "session" => $session, "start" => $start, "end" => $end, "next_eventday" => $next_eventday, "prev_eventday" => $prev_eventday, "sidebar_extra" => joinPath("fragments", "event_sidebar_tpl.php"), "platform_array" => $platform_array, "current_platform" => $current_platform));
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function CalculatePaydays($year, PaydayCalc $calc)
     $months = new MonthsCollection();
     while ($months->HasNext()) {
         $this->_paydays->Add(new Payday($calc->GetSalaryDay($year, $months->Current())));
         $this->_paydays->Add(new Payday($calc->GetBonusDay($year, $months->Current())));
Exemplo n.º 12
function isHourForAlerts()
    $hour = idate("H");
    if ($hour != 7) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $year Year 2014 or * for all (optional)
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When year value is invalid
 public function __construct($year = '*')
     if ($year !== '*' && (strlen($year) !== 4 || !ctype_digit($year))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Year value must be like 2014 or "*", "%s" given.', $year));
     if ($year === '*') {
         $year = idate('Y');
     $this->year = $year;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function GetNextMeeting()
     $time = idate("H") * 100 + idate("i");
     // Format time as HHMM (12:34 -> 1234)
     foreach ($this->meetings as $key => $current) {
         if ($current->StartTime > $time) {
             return array($current);
     return array($this->meetings[0]);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * 生成SN编号
  * 分为四段 共12位:
  * 第一段 一位 保留字段 默认为0
  * 第二段 三位:生成日期,第一位表示年、第二位表示月、第三位表示日。用字每顺序表示数字,A代表1、B代表2、C代表3,Z代表26以此类推,1代表27、2代表28、3代表29、4代表30、5代表31。
  * 第三段 五位随机数:  从00000-99999 (后续可用来扩展流水号等)
  * 第四段 三位随机数:000-ZZZ
  * 例如:2015年5月13日生成的一条条形码:0PFN93151DQV
  * @return string
 public static function getSN()
     $a = '0';
     $dicArray = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
     $b = $dicArray[intval(idate('y'))] . $dicArray[intval(idate('m'))] . $dicArray[intval(idate('d'))];
     $c = sprintf("%05d", rand(0, 99999));
     $d = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $d .= $dicArray[rand(0, 35)];
     return $a . $b . $c . $d;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function __construct($args)
     if (isset($args['yearRange'][0])) {
         $this->yearRange[0] = $args['yearRange'][0];
     } else {
         $this->yearRange[0] = intval(date("Y")) - 100;
     if (isset($args['yearRange'][1])) {
         $this->yearRange[1] = $args['yearRange'][1];
     } else {
         $this->yearRange[1] = idate("Y");
Exemplo n.º 17
function weekdaysInMonth($year, $month)
    $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
    $daysInMonth = idate("t", $date);
    $weekdays = 0;
    for ($d = 1; $d <= $daysInMonth; $d++) {
        $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year);
        $dayOfWeek = idate("w", $date);
        if ($dayOfWeek != 0 && $dayOfWeek != 6) {
    return $weekdays;
Exemplo n.º 18
function viewsFirstSixMonthsByYear($dbAdapter)
    $gate = new WebsiteVisitsTableGateway($dbAdapter);
    $result = $gate->getFirstSixMonthsByYear(idate('Y'));
    $geoTable = "[\n\t\t\t['Country', 'Total Views'],";
    $last = end($result);
    foreach ($result as $country) {
        $geoTable .= "['" . $country['CountryName'] . "'," . $country['visits'] . "]";
        if ($country != $last) {
            $geoTable .= ",";
    $geoTable .= "]";
    return $geoTable;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Process submission of the default page and do the analysis 
 private function processDefaultPage()
     list($manuscript_urls, $manuscript_titles, $collection_urls_data, $collection_titles) = $this->request_processor->getDefaultPageData();
     $page_titles = $this->getPageTitlesCorrespondingToPostedUrls($manuscript_urls, $manuscript_titles, $collection_urls_data, $collection_titles);
     $page_texts = $this->getTextsFromWikiPages($manuscript_urls, $collection_urls_data);
     $collatex_converter = $this->getCollatexConverter();
     $collatex_output = $collatex_converter->execute($page_texts);
     $imploded_page_titles = $this->createImplodedPageTitles($page_titles);
     $new_url = $this->makeUrlForNewPage($imploded_page_titles);
     $time = idate('U');
     //time format (Unix Timestamp). This timestamp is used to see how old tempcollate values are
     $this->updateDatabase($page_titles, $imploded_page_titles, $new_url, $time, $collatex_output);
     $this->viewer->showCollatexOutput($page_titles, $collatex_output, $time);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
 function set_timestamp($time)
     $this->_jahr = date("Y", $time);
     $this->_monat = date("n", $time);
     $this->_tag = date("j", $time);
     $this->_stunde = date("H", $time);
     $this->_minute = date("i", $time);
     $this->_sekunde = 0;
     if (date("s", $time) == '59' and date("i", $time) == '59') {
         $this->_minute = '00';
         $this->_stunde = $this->_stunde + 1;
     $this->_timestamp = $time;
     $this->_letzterTag = idate('d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->_monat + 1, 0, $this->_jahr));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function __construct($name = null, $email = null)
     $name = trim($name);
     if (empty($name)) {
         $this->name = "Anonymous User";
     } else {
         $this->name = $name;
     if (empty($email)) {
         $this->email = "anonymous@" . (isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "unknown");
     } else {
         $this->email = $email;
     $this->time = time();
     $this->offset = idate('Z', $this->time);
Exemplo n.º 22
 private function ViewCalendar()
     $day_one = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year);
     //number of spaces on the first line of the calendar:
     $space = idate('w', $day_one);
     //total number of days in the month:
     $total_day = idate('t', $day_one);
     //other info about the month:
     $wantday = getdate($day_one);
     $dayint = 0;
     $this->linkurl = 'index.php?Action=ViewPost&blogID=' . $this->blogID . '&year=' . $this->year . '&month=' . $this->month . '&date=';
     if ($this->month != $this->today['mon'] || $this->year != $this->today['year']) {
         $lookingAtOtherMonth = true;
     //top row - static
     $cal .= "\n" . '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="calendar_table">' . "\n" . '<tr id="calendar_week_row">' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Sun</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Mon</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Tue</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Wed</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Thu</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Fri</td>' . "\n" . '<td id="calendar_week">Sat</td>' . "\n" . '</tr><tr>' . "\n";
     //1st row, skipping spaces until we hit the 1st of the month
     for ($count = 0; $count < 7; ++$count) {
         if ($count >= $space) {
             $daystr = $this->getDayString($lookingAtOtherMonth, $dayint);
         } else {
             $daystr = '<td></td>';
         $cal .= $daystr . "\n";
     $cal .= "</tr>\n";
     //after 1st row
     //for each row:
     while (!$done) {
         $cal .= "<tr>\n";
         //for each day in a row:
         for ($count = 0; $count < 7; ++$count) {
             if (!($dayint <= $total_day)) {
                 $daystr = '';
                 $done = true;
             } else {
                 $daystr = $this->getDayString($lookingAtOtherMonth, $dayint);
             $cal .= $daystr . "\n";
         $cal .= "</tr>\n";
     return $cal . "</table>\n";
  * Sets variables for view of "Default" page
 public function renderDefault()
     $template = $this->template;
     $template->title = "Kronika";
     $vp = new \VisualPaginator($this, 'vp');
     $vp->short = FALSE;
     //output the whole list
     $paginator = $vp->getPaginator();
     $year = idate("m") < 8 ? idate("Y") - 1 : idate("Y");
     //school year start in August
     $page = $vp->page ? $vp->page : $year;
     $paginator->setItemCount($year - $paginator->getBase() + 1);
     $template->chronicles = $this->events->getEventsForChronicle($page);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * 格式化日期
 public static function formatDate2($timestamp = '', $noSecond = false)
     if (empty($timestamp)) {
         return '1分钟内';
     $_timestamp = idate('U');
     $_lang_day = '天';
     $_lang_hour = '小时';
     $_lang_minute = '分钟';
     $_lang_minute2 = '分';
     $_lang_second = '秒钟';
     $_lang_now = '现在';
     $result = '';
     $time = $timestamp;
     if ($time > 24 * 3600) {
         $result = floor($time / (24 * 3600)) . $_lang_day;
         if ($time - floor($time / (24 * 3600)) * 24 * 3600 > 3600) {
             $result .= floor(($time - floor($time / (24 * 3600)) * 24 * 3600) / 3600) . $_lang_hour;
     } elseif ($time >= 3600) {
         $result = floor($time / 3600) . $_lang_hour;
         if ($time - floor($time / 3600) * 3600 > 0) {
             $result .= floor(($time - floor($time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) . $_lang_minute2;
         if ($noSecond) {
             $result .= '前';
     } elseif ($time >= 60) {
         $result = intval($time / 60) . $_lang_minute;
         if ($noSecond) {
             $result .= '前';
     } elseif ($time > 0) {
         if (!$noSecond) {
             $result = $time . $_lang_second;
         } else {
             $result = '1分钟前';
     } else {
         $result = $_lang_now;
     return $result;
function birthday_check($birthday)
    $current_year = idate('Y');
    $current_yday = idate('z');
    $dateTime = new DateTime($birthday);
    $year = $dateTime->format('Y');
    $month = $dateTime->format('m');
    $day = $dateTime->format('d');
    $check = ($current_year - $year - 1) * 365;
    $yday = 365 - ($month - 1) * 30 - $day;
    $check += $yday + $current_yday;
    $check /= 365;
    if ($check >= 18) {
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        $this->form_validation->set_message('birthday_check', 'The %s should be at 18 years old');
        return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 26
function get_timelineauction($pubtime)
    $time = time();
    /** 如果不是同一年 */
    if (idate('Y', $time) != idate('Y', $pubtime)) {
        return date('Y-m-d', $pubtime);
    /** 以下操作同一年的日期 */
    $seconds = $time - $pubtime;
    $days = idate('z', $time) - idate('z', $pubtime);
    /** 如果是同一天 */
    if ($days == 0) {
        /** 如果是一小时内 */
        if ($seconds < 3600) {
            /** 如果是一分钟内 */
            if ($seconds < 60) {
                if (3 > $seconds) {
                    return '刚刚';
                } else {
                    return $seconds . '秒前';
            return intval($seconds / 60) . '分钟前';
        return idate('H', $time) - idate('H', $pubtime) . '小时前';
    /** 如果是昨天 */
    if ($days == 1) {
        return '昨天 ' . date('H:i', $pubtime);
    /** 如果是前天 */
    if ($days == 2) {
        return '前天 ' . date('H:i', $pubtime);
    /** 如果是7天内 */
    if ($days < 7) {
        return $days . '天前';
    /** 超过7天 */
    return date('n-j H:i', $pubtime);
Exemplo n.º 27
 private static function idate($format, $timestamp)
     switch ($format) {
         case "D":
             $value = self::getShortWeekdayName(idate("j", $timestamp) - 1);
         case "l":
             $value = self::getWeekdayName(idate("j", $timestamp) - 1);
         case "M":
             $value = self::getShortMonthName(idate("n", $timestamp) - 1);
         case "F":
             $value = self::getMonthName(idate("n", $timestamp) - 1);
             $value = date($format, $timestamp);
             // using date() because idate() chokes on unknown chars and trims leading zeroes
     return $value;
  * Get a list of intervals for a given period
  * @param string $step Interval descriptor as defined in BsDiagram
  * @param string $offset Date string
  * @param string $limit Date string
  * @param string $modLabel Date format item, e.g. "M" for "Jan, Feb"
  * @return Interval
 public static function getIntervals($step = "W", $offset = '05/01/2007', $limit = '01/31/2009', $modLabel = false)
     $intervals = array();
     $starttime = strtotime($offset);
     $endtime = strtotime($limit);
     $interval = new Interval();
     $old = idate($step, $starttime);
     if ($modLabel) {
         $interval->setLabel(date($modLabel, $starttime));
     } else {
     $oldts = $starttime;
     for ($ts = $starttime; $ts <= $endtime; $ts += 86400) {
         $oldts = $ts - 1;
         $cur = idate($step, $ts);
         if ($old != $cur) {
             $intervals[] = $interval;
             $interval = new Interval();
             if ($modLabel) {
                 $interval->setLabel(date($modLabel, $ts));
             } else {
             //echo "<br/>-----------------------";
         $old = $cur;
         //echo "<br/>".$oldts." :: ".date("d.m.YHis", $oldts-1);
     $oldts = $oldts + 86400;
     $intervals[] = $interval;
     return $intervals;
Exemplo n.º 29
function smarty_modifier_date_familiar($datetime)
    $date_secs = strtotime($datetime);
    $days_since = idate("z") - idate("z", $date_secs);
    if ($days_since < 7) {
        if ($days_since == 0) {
            return "This " . Log::evaluateTime($datetime);
        } elseif ($days_since == 1) {
            return "Yesterday " . Log::evaluateTime($datetime);
        } else {
            return date("l", $date_secs) . " " . Log::evaluateTime($datetime);
    $weeks_since = idate("W") - idate("W", $date_secs);
    $months_since = idate("m") - idate("m", $date_secs);
    if ($months_since == 0) {
        switch ($weeks_since) {
            case 1:
                return "Last week";
            case 2:
                return "Two weeks ago";
            case 3:
                return "Three weeks ago";
            case 4:
                return "Four weeks ago";
    } elseif ($months_since == 1) {
        return "Last month";
    } elseif ($months_since > 1) {
        return date("F Y", $date_secs);
Exemplo n.º 30
function getToIsoWeek(DateTime $date)
    $iso_week = idate('W', $date->getTimestamp());
    return intval($iso_week);