Exemplo n.º 1
function hupso_admin_settings_show()
    global $hupso_all_services, $hupso_default_services, $hupso_plugin_url;
    wp_enqueue_script('js_color', plugins_url('/js/jscolor/jscolor.js', __FILE__));
    wp_enqueue_script('hupso_create_button', plugins_url('/js/create_button.js', __FILE__));
    $hupso_lang_code = __('en_US', 'hupso');
    $hupso_language = __('English', 'hupso');
    $hupso_share_image = __('Share', 'hupso');
    $hupso_excerpts = __('Excerpts', 'hupso');
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'hupso'));
    /* save settings */
    if (@$_POST['button_type'] != '') {
    echo '<div class="wrap" style="padding-bottom:100px;"><div class="icon32" id="icon-users"></div>';
    echo '<h2>' . __('Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ (Settings)', 'hupso') . '</h2>';
    echo '<form name="hupso_settings_form" method="post" action="">';
    echo '<div id="right" style="float:right; width:200px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:20px; margin-top:20px;">';
    echo '<div id="button_preview" style="background: #F7FFBF; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; "><table><tr><td><h3>' . __('Preview', 'hupso') . '</h3></td><td style="padding-left:50px;"><input class="button-primary" name="submit-preview" type="button" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="' . __('Update', 'hupso') . '" /></td></tr></table><br/>';
    echo '<div id="button"></div>';
    echo '<div id="move_mouse"><p style="font-size:13px; padding-top: 15px;"><b>Move your mouse over the button to see the sharing menu.</b></p></div><br/><br/>';
    echo '<div style="padding-left:40px;"><input class="button-primary" name="submit-preview" type="submit" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'hupso') . '" /></div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="tips" style="background: #CCCCFF; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>' . __('Shortcodes', 'hupso') . '</b></p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>[hupso_hide]</b> anywhere in post\'s text to hide buttons for specific post.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>[hupso]</b> anywhere in post\'s text to show buttons for specific post at custom position.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>[hupso url="URL"]</b> anywhere in post\'s text to show buttons for specific post at custom position and using custom URL.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>Hupso Share Buttons Widget</b> to show share buttons in sidebar or footer.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>echo do_shortcode( \'[hupso]\' ); </b> to show share buttons anywhere inside template files.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>global $HUPSO_SHOW; $HUPSO_SHOW = false;</b> to hide share buttons inside template files. Make sure you do this before div id="content". This will hide the buttons in content. Share buttons will still show in widget (if used).</p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="feedback" style="background: #C7FFA3; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>Bugs? Comments?</b></p>';
    echo '<p>Please read <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hupso-share-buttons-for-twitter-facebook-google/faq/" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions</a>.</p>';
    echo '<p>We value your feedback. Please send comments, bug reports and suggestions, so we can make this plugin the best social sharing plugin for Wordpress.</p>';
    echo '<p><a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/feedback/" target="_blank">Use this suggestion form</a></p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="generic" style="background: #FFDD7F; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>Generic HTML code</b></p>';
    echo '<p>If you need generic HTML code for Hupso Share Buttons to use in HTML documents or inside other CMS, you can <a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/" target="_blank">generate the code here</a>.</p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="translations" style="background: #99EEDD; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>Translations</b></p>';
    echo '<p>If you would like to translate this plugin into your language, send message <a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/feedback/" target="_blank"> here</a>. Your translations will be included in the next version of the plugin.</p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    $start = '<!-- Hupso Share Buttons - http://www.hupso.com/share/ -->';
    $end = '<!-- Hupso Share Buttons -->';
    $class_name = 'hupso_pop';
    $alt = 'Share Button';
    $class_url = ' href="http://www.hupso.com/share/" ';
    $style = 'padding-left:5px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; margin:0; border:0px;';
    $button_60_img = '<img style="' . $style . ' width: 60px; height:14px;" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button60x14.png" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_80_img = '<img style="' . $style . ' width: 80px; height:19px;" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button80x19.png" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_100_img = '<img style="' . $style . ' width: 100px; height:23px;" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button100x23.png" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_120_img = '<img style="' . $style . ' width: 120px; height:28px;" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button120x28.png" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_160_img = '<img style="' . $style . ' width: 160px; height:37px;" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button160x37.png" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $checked = 'checked="checked"';
    $current_button_size = get_option('hupso_button_size', 'button100x23');
    $button60_checked = '';
    $button80_checked = '';
    $button100_checked = '';
    $button120_checked = '';
    $button160_checked = '';
    $share_button_custom_checked = '';
    switch ($current_button_size) {
        case 'button60x14':
            $button60_checked = $checked;
        case 'button80x19':
            $button80_checked = $checked;
        case 'button100x23':
            $button100_checked = $checked;
        case 'button120x28':
            $button120_checked = $checked;
        case 'button160x37':
            $button160_checked = $checked;
        case 'custom':
            $share_button_custom_checked = $checked;
            $button100_checked = $checked;
	<input type="hidden" name="code" value="" />	
	<div id="button_type">	
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button type', 'hupso');
    $hupso_button_type = get_option('hupso_button_type', 'share_toolbar');
    $hupso_button_image_custom_url = get_option('hupso_button_image_custom_url', '');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_share_button_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_counters_checked = '';
    switch ($hupso_button_type) {
        case 'share_button':
            $hupso_share_button_checked = $checked;
        case 'share_toolbar':
            $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = $checked;
        case 'counters':
            $hupso_share_counters_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = $checked;
		<td><input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="share_button" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_button_checked;
  /> Share Button<br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button100x23.png';
" /><br/><br/>
		<input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="share_toolbar" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_toolbar_checked;
 /> Share Toolbar <br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/img/share_toolbar_big.png';
" /><br/><br/>	
		<input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="counters" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_counters_checked;
 /> Counters <br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/img/counters.png';
" /><br/><br/>
	<tr><td style="width:100px;"></td><td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px; float:left;"/></td></tr>
	<div id="button_style">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button size', 'hupso');
			<table style="border: 0px;">
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button60x14" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button60_checked;
 /></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_60_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button80x19" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button80_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_80_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button100x23" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button100_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_100_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button120x28" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button120_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_120_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button160x37" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button160_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:20px;"><?php 
    echo $button_160_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="custom" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()"  <?php 
    echo $share_button_custom_checked;
  /></td><td style="padding-left:10px;"><?php 
    _e('Custom image from URL', 'hupso');
: <input type="text" name="hupso_button_image_custom_url" onchange="create_code()" style="width:300px;" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_button_image_custom_url;
"/><br/> See <a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/gallery.php" target="_blank">gallery of custom share buttons</a>.</td></tr>				
<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>			
	<div id="toolbar_size" style="display:none;">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Toolbar size', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px">
    $hupso_toolbar_size = get_option('hupso_toolbar_size', 'medium');
    $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked = '';
    $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = '';
    $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked = '';
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    switch ($hupso_toolbar_size) {
        case 'big':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked = $checked;
        case 'medium':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = $checked;
        case 'small':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = $checked;
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="big" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Big', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="medium" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Medium', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="small" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Small', 'hupso');
		<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>	
	<div id="share_image" style="padding-top:10px;">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Share image', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:500px">
    /* hupso_share_image */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_share_image = get_option('hupso_share_image', 'normal');
    $hupso_share_image_show_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_image_hide_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_image_lang_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_image_custom_checked = '';
    switch ($hupso_share_image) {
        case '':
        case 'show':
            $hupso_share_image_show_checked = $checked;
        case 'hide':
            $hupso_share_image_hide_checked = $checked;
        case 'lang':
            $hupso_share_image_lang_checked = $checked;
        case 'custom':
            $hupso_share_image_custom_checked = $checked;
    $hupso_share_image_lang = get_option('hupso_share_image_lang', '');
    $hupso_share_image_custom_url = get_option('hupso_share_image_custom_url', '');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_share_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="show" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_show_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Show in language', 'hupso');
			<select id="share_image_lang" name="share_image_lang" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()">
			  <option value="en" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'en' || $hupso_share_image_lang == '') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="fr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'fr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="de" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'de') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="it" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'it') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="pt" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'pt') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="es" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'es') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="id" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'id') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="da" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'da') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="nl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'nl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sv" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sv') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="no" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'no') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="hr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'hr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="et" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'et') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ro" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ro') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ga" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ga') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="af" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'af') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="pl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'pl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="bs" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'bs') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ms" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ms') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="zh" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'zh') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="cs" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'cs') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="tr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'tr') {
        echo ' selected ';
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_share_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="hide" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_hide_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Hide', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_share_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="custom" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_custom_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Custom image from URL', 'hupso');
: <input name="hupso_share_image_custom_url" type="text" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_custom_url;
" size="50" /><br/><span style="padding-left:30px; font-size:10px;">(<?php 
    _e('Optimal image height: 32px - big, 24px - medium, 16px - small/counters', 'hupso');
		<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>			
    /* background & border color */
    $hupso_background_color = get_option('hupso_background_color', 'EAF4FF');
    $hupso_border_color = get_option('hupso_border_color', '66CCFF');
	<div id="show_color">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
	<tr><td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Background color');
</td><td><input class="color" type="text" id="background_color" name="background_color" value="#<?php 
    echo $hupso_background_color;
" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" style="width: 100px;" /><input style="margin-left:30px;" type="button" value="Restore default" onclick="hupso_restore_background_color()" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Border color');
</td><td><input class="color" type="text" id="border_color" name="border_color" value="#<?php 
    echo $hupso_border_color;
" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" style="width: 100px;" /><input style="margin-left:30px;" type="button" value="Restore default" onclick="hupso_restore_border_color()" />	<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/></td></tr>

	<div id="services">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Social networks', 'hupso');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $twitter_tweet_checked = '';
    $facebook_like_checked = '';
    $facebook_send_checked = '';
    $google_plus_one_checked = '';
    $pinterest_pin_checked = '';
    $email_button_checked = '';
    $print_button_checked = '';
    $linkedin_share_checked = '';
    $twitter_tweet = get_option('hupso_twitter_tweet', '1');
    if ($twitter_tweet == 1) {
        $twitter_tweet_checked = $checked;
    $facebook_like = get_option('hupso_facebook_like', '1');
    if ($facebook_like == 1) {
        $facebook_like_checked = $checked;
    $facebook_send = get_option('hupso_facebook_send', '1');
    if ($facebook_send == 1) {
        $facebook_send_checked = $checked;
    $google_plus_one = get_option('hupso_google_plus_one', '1');
    if ($google_plus_one == 1) {
        $google_plus_one_checked = $checked;
    $pinterest_pin = get_option('hupso_pinterest_pin', '1');
    if ($pinterest_pin == 1) {
        $pinterest_pin_checked = $checked;
    $email_button = get_option('hupso_email_button', '0');
    if ($email_button == 1) {
        $email_button_checked = $checked;
    $print_button = get_option('hupso_print_button', '0');
    if ($print_button == 1) {
        $print_button_checked = $checked;
    $linkedin_share = get_option('hupso_linkedin_share', '0');
    if ($linkedin_share == 1) {
        $linkedin_share_checked = $checked;
	<div id="counters_config" style="display:none;">
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Social networks', 'hupso');
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="twitter_tweet" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $twitter_tweet_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/twitter_tweet.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="facebook_like" onclicke="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $facebook_like_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/facebook_like.png" /></td>
							<td><input type="checkbox" name="facebook_send" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $facebook_send_checked;
							<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/facebook_send.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="google_plus_one" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $google_plus_one_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/google_plus_one.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="pinterest_pin" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $pinterest_pin_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/buttons/PinExt.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="email_button" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $email_button_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/services/email-button.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="print_button" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $print_button_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/services/print-button.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="linkedin_share" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $linkedin_share_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/linkedin_share.png" /></td>
	<td style="padding-top:70px;">&nbsp;</td>
    _e('Show counters in language', 'hupso');
	<select id="hupso_counters_lang" name="hupso_counters_lang" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onclick="hupso_create_code()">
    _e('Language changes will not show in preview', 'hupso');
    _e('Select which language to use for Counters (Tweet, Facebook Like, Facebook Share...)', 'hupso');
. <?php 
    _e('Some social networks support more languages than others, so some buttons might get translated, while some might stay in English', 'hupso');

	<div id="show_icons">	
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Type of menu', 'hupso');
    $menu_type = get_option('hupso_menu_type', 'labels');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_labels_checked = '';
    $hupso_icons_checked = '';
    switch ($menu_type) {
        case 'labels':
            $hupso_labels_checked = $checked;
        case 'icons':
            $hupso_icons_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_labels_checked = $checked;
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/><input type="radio" name="menu_type" value="labels" onclick="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_labels_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Show icons and service names', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="menu_type" value="icons" onclick="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_icons_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Show icons only', 'hupso');
	<table style="border: 0px;">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button position', 'hupso');
    $button_position = get_option('hupso_button_position', 'below');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_below_checked = '';
    $hupso_above_checked = '';
    $hupso_both_checked = '';
    switch ($button_position) {
        case 'below':
            $hupso_below_checked = $checked;
        case 'above':
            $hupso_above_checked = $checked;
        case 'both':
            $hupso_both_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_below_checked = $checked;
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="above" <?php 
    echo $hupso_above_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Above the post', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="below" <?php 
    echo $hupso_below_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Below the post', 'hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="both" <?php 
    echo $hupso_both_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Above and below the post', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Show buttons on', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_show_posts_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_pages_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_category_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_excerpts_checked = '';
    /* posts */
    $hupso_show_posts = get_option('hupso_show_posts', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_posts == 1) {
        $hupso_show_posts_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_posts_checked = '';
    /* pages */
    $hupso_show_pages = get_option('hupso_show_pages', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_pages == 1) {
        $hupso_show_pages_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_pages_checked = '';
    /* frontpage */
    $hupso_show_frontpage = get_option('hupso_show_frontpage', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_frontpage == 1) {
        $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = '';
    /* archive pages (categories, tags, dates, authors) */
    $hupso_show_category = get_option('hupso_show_category', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_category == 1) {
        $hupso_show_category_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_category_checked = '';
    /* excerpts */
    $hupso_show_excerpts = get_option('hupso_show_excerpts', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_excerpts == 1) {
        $hupso_show_excerpts_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_excerpts_checked = '';
    /* search pages */
    $hupso_show_search = get_option('hupso_show_search', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_search == '1') {
        $hupso_show_search_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_search_checked = '';
    /* password protected posts */
    $hupso_password_protected = get_option('hupso_password_protected', '0');
    if ($hupso_password_protected == '1') {
        $hupso_password_protected_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_password_protected_checked = '';
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_posts" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_posts_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Posts', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_pages" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_pages_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Pages', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_frontpage" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_frontpage_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Front page', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_category" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_category_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Archive pages (categories, tags, dates, authors)', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_excerpts" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_excerpts_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Excerpts', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_search" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_search_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Search pages', 'hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_password_protected" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_password_protected_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Password protected posts', 'hupso');
    /* Custom post types */
    $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
    $output = 'names';
    // names or objects, note names is the default
    $operator = 'and';
    // 'and' or 'or'
    $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output, $operator);
    if (count($post_types) > 0) {
        echo '<p>' . __('Custom post types:', 'hupso') . '</p>';
        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            $name = 'hupso_custom_post_' . $post_type;
            $val = get_option($name, '1');
            if ($val == '1') {
                $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
            } else {
                $checked = '';
            echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '" value="1" ' . $checked . ' > ' . $post_type . '<br/>';
    echo __('If you want to show share buttons just on some posts/pages do this:', 'hupso') . ' ' . __('1. Clear options for posts/pages above', 'hupso') . ', ' . __('2. Enable Add share buttons option to "Edit Post" screen - below', 'hupso') . ', ' . __('3. Edit any post or page and configure display of share buttons at the bottom of right sidebar (on "Edit Post" screen)', 'hupso') . '<br/>';
    /* add meta box */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_meta_box = get_option('hupso_meta_box', '');
    if ($hupso_meta_box == 1) {
        $hupso_meta_box_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_meta_box_checked = '';
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_meta_box" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_meta_box_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Add share buttons option to "Edit Post" screen', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Hide buttons for specific categories', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/><table><tr><td>
    /* hidden categories */
    $hupso_hide_categories = get_option('hupso_hide_categories', array());
			<select multiple size="8" name="hupso_hide_categories[]"> 
    $categories = get_categories();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $option = '<option value="' . $category->category_nicename . '"';
        if (in_array($category->category_nicename, (array) $hupso_hide_categories)) {
            $option .= ' selected ';
        $option .= '>';
        $option .= $category->cat_name;
        $option .= ' (' . $category->category_count . ')';
        $option .= '</option>';
        echo $option;
			 <option value="hupso-option-always_show">--- <?php 
    _e('Always show', 'hupso');
    _e('Select categories where you want to hide share buttons.', 'hupso');
    _e('To select multiple categories, you need to hold down the Control Key for each selected category after the first one.', 'hupso');
<br />
    _e('Leave all options unselected or select just the last option to show buttons inside every category.', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Get share text from', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_title_text_page_checked = '';
    $hupso_title_text_post_checked = '';
    /* posts */
    $hupso_title_text = get_option('hupso_title_text', 'post');
    if ($hupso_title_text == 'page') {
        $hupso_title_text_page_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_title_text_post_checked = $checked;
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_title_text" value="post" <?php 
    echo $hupso_title_text_post_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Title of post in Wordpress', 'hupso');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_title_text" value="page" <?php 
    echo $hupso_title_text_page_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Title of current web page', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Twitter via', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    /* Twitter via */
    $hupso_twitter_via = get_option('hupso_twitter_via', '');
			@<input type="text" name="hupso_twitter_via" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" size="30" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_twitter_via;
" /> <span style="padding-left:30px;"><?php 
    _e('Add "via @yourprofile" to tweets', 'hupso', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Image for Facebook thumbnail', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    /* Facebook image */
    $hupso_facebook_image_header_checked = '';
    $hupso_facebook_image_featured_checked = '';
    $hupso_facebook_image_custom_checked = '';
    $hupso_facebook_image_none_checked = '';
    $hupso_facebook_image_fch_checked = '';
    $hupso_facebook_image = get_option('hupso_facebook_image', 'fch');
    switch ($hupso_facebook_image) {
        case 'header':
            $hupso_facebook_image_header_checked = $checked;
        case 'featured':
            $hupso_facebook_image_featured_checked = $checked;
        case 'custom':
            $hupso_facebook_image_custom_checked = $checked;
        case 'none':
            $hupso_facebook_image_none_checked = $checked;
        case 'fch':
            /* featured, custom, header */
            $hupso_facebook_image_fch_checked = $checked;
    /* Facebook custom image */
    $hupso_facebook_custom_image = get_option('hupso_facebook_custom_image', '');
    /* Other */
    $header_image = trim(get_header_image());
			<span style="font-size:10px"><?php 
    _e('All images for Facebook should be at least 200px in both dimensions (Facebook limitation)', 'hupso');
    _e('After you change settings here, please wait 24 hours (or more) for Facebook to fetch new thumbnails', 'hupso');
    _e('"og:image" meta tag with image url will be added to head of HTML. Select "None" to disable this feature', 'hupso');

			<input type="radio" name="hupso_facebook_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="header" <?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_image_header_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Header image', 'hupso');
    if ($header_image != '') {
        echo '(<a href="' . $header_image . '" title="' . __('Click here to see full header image', 'hupso') . '" target="_blank">' . __('preview', 'hupso') . '</a>)';
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_facebook_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="featured" <?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_image_featured_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Featured image of post', 'hupso');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_facebook_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="custom" <?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_image_custom_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Custom image from URL', 'hupso');
: <input type="text" name="hupso_facebook_custom_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" size="50" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_custom_image;
" /><br/>
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_facebook_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="none" <?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_image_none_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('None', 'hupso');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_facebook_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="fch" <?php 
    echo $hupso_facebook_image_fch_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('FCH  - use Featured image of post (if available), then use Custom image (if available), then use Header image (if available)', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('CSS style', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* CSS Style */
    $hupso_css_style = get_option('hupso_css_style', 'padding-bottom:20px; padding-top:10px;');
			<input type="text" name="hupso_css_style" style="width:400px;" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_css_style;
" /><br/><span><?php 
    _e('Use CSS to style share buttons. For example: you can increase padding to have more free space above or below the buttons', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Widget Text', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* Widget Text */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_widget_text = get_option('hupso_widget_text', '1');
    if ($hupso_widget_text == '1') {
        $hupso_widget_text_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_widget_text_checked = '';
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_widget_text" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_widget_text_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Use shortcodes in text widgets', 'hupso');
    _e('If this is checked, you can use [hupso] shortcode inside text widgets and it will be replaced by share buttons', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Custom title', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* page_title */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_page_title = stripslashes(get_option('hupso_page_title', ''));
    $hupso_page_title = htmlentities($hupso_page_title);
			<input type="text" name="page_title" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_page_title;
" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" size="50" /><br/><?php 
    _e('Enter custom text that will always be used for sharing.', 'hupso');
    _e('Leave this blank to use title of current page as text for sharing. [Default]', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Custom url', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* page_url */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_page_url = get_option('hupso_page_url', '');
			<input type="text" name="page_url" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_page_url;
" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" size="50" /><br/><?php 
    _e('Enter custom url that will always be used for sharing. You can enter your root website here (e.g.: http://www.example.com or http://example.blogspot.com), so counters will show statistics for your whole website, not for each page individually.', 'hupso');
    _e('Leave this blank to use url of current page for sharing. [Default]', 'hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Use custom social share icons', 'hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* image_folder_url */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_custom_icons_no_checked = '';
    $hupso_custom_icons_local_checked = '';
    $hupso_custom_icons_custom_checked = '';
    $hupso_custom_icons = get_option('hupso_custom_icons', 'no');
    $hupso_image_folder_url = get_option('hupso_image_folder_url', '');
    switch ($hupso_custom_icons) {
        case 'no':
            $hupso_custom_icons_no_checked = $checked;
        case 'local':
            $hupso_custom_icons_local_checked = $checked;
        case 'custom':
            $hupso_custom_icons_custom_checked = $checked;
    $image_url = plugins_url('/hupso-share-buttons-for-twitter-facebook-google/img/services/');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_custom_icons" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="no" <?php 
    echo $hupso_custom_icons_no_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('No. [Default. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.]', 'hupso');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_custom_icons" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="local" <?php 
    echo $hupso_custom_icons_local_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Yes, serve images from local Wordpress folder. ', 'hupso');
    echo $image_url;
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_custom_icons" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="custom" <?php 
    echo $hupso_custom_icons_custom_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Yes, serve images from remote URL: ', 'hupso');
			<input type="text" name="hupso_image_folder_url" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_image_folder_url;
" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" size="50" /><br/><input type="hidden" name="hupso_image_folder_local" value="<?php 
    echo $image_url;
" /><?php 
    _e('Enter URL to folder with custom social images.  Include "/" at the end of the URL. If you would like to use custom icons, make sure you <a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/custom-social-icons.php" target="_blank">read instructions</a>.', 'hupso');
    _e('This setting has no effect when using Counters.', 'hupso');
	<br/><br/><input class="button-primary" name="submit" type="submit" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Settings', 'hupso');
" />
Exemplo n.º 2
function hupso_admin_settings_show()
    global $hupso_all_services, $hupso_default_services, $hupso_plugin_url;
    $hupso_lang_code = __('en_US', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $hupso_language = __('English', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $hupso_share_image = __('Share', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $hupso_excerpts = __('Excerpts', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $hupso_feeds = __('Feeds', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'share_buttons_hupso'));
    /* save settings */
    if (@$_POST['button_type'] != '') {
    echo '<div class="wrap" style="padding-bottom:100px;"><div class="icon32" id="icon-users"></div>';
    echo '<h2>' . __('Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ (Settings)', 'share_buttons_hupso') . '</h2>';
    echo '<form name="hupso_settings_form" method="post" action="">';
    echo '<div id="right" style="float:right; width:200px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:20px; margin-top:20px;">';
    echo '<div id="button_preview" style="background: #F7FFBF; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; "><h3>' . __('Preview', 'share_buttons_hupso') . '</h3><br/>';
    echo '<div id="button"></div>';
    echo '<div id="move_mouse"><p style="font-size:13px; padding-top: 15px;"><b>Move your mouse over the button to see the sharing menu.</b></p></div><br/><br/>';
    echo '<div style="padding-left:40px;"><input class="button-primary" name="submit-preview" type="submit" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'share_buttons_hupso') . '" /></div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="tips" style="background: #CCCCFF; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>' . __('Shortcodes', 'share_buttons_hupso') . '</b></p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>[hupso_hide]</b> anywhere in post\'s text to hide buttons for specific post.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>[hupso]</b> anywhere in post\'s text to show buttons for specific post at custom position.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>Hupso Share Buttons Widget</b> to show share buttons in sidebar or footer.</p>';
    echo '<p>Use <b>echo do_shortcode( \'[hupso]\' ); </b> to show share buttons anywhere inside template files.</p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="feedback" style="background: #C7FFA3; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-top:30px; ">';
    echo '<p><b>Bugs? Comments?</b></p>';
    echo '<p>We value your feedback. Please send comments, bug reports and suggestions, so we can make this plugin the best social sharing plugin for Wordpress.</p>';
    echo '<p><a href="http://www.hupso.com/share/feedback/" target="_blank">Use this form</a> (opens in new window).</p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    $start = '<!-- Hupso Share Buttons - http://www.hupso.com/share/ -->';
    $end = '<!-- Hupso Share Buttons -->';
    $class_name = 'hupso_pop';
    $alt = 'Share';
    $class_url = ' href="http://www.hupso.com/share/" ';
    $style = 'padding-left:5px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; margin:0';
    $button_60_img = '<img style="' . $style . '" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button60x14.png" width="60" height="14" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_80_img = '<img style="' . $style . '" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button80x19.png" width="80" height="19" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_100_img = '<img style="' . $style . '" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button100x23.png" width="100" height="23" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_120_img = '<img style="' . $style . '" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button120x28.png" width="120" height="28" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $button_160_img = '<img style="' . $style . '" src="' . $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button160x37.png" width="160" height="37" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '"/>';
    $checked = 'checked="checked"';
    $current_button_size = get_option('hupso_button_size', 'button100x23');
    $button60_checked = '';
    $button80_checked = '';
    $button100_checked = '';
    $button120_checked = '';
    $button160_checked = '';
    switch ($current_button_size) {
        case 'button60x14':
            $button60_checked = $checked;
        case 'button80x19':
            $button80_checked = $checked;
        case 'button100x23':
            $button100_checked = $checked;
        case 'button120x28':
            $button120_checked = $checked;
        case 'button160x37':
            $button160_checked = $checked;
            $button100_checked = $checked;
	<input type="hidden" name="code" value="" />	
	<div id="button_type">	
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button type', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $hupso_button_type = get_option('hupso_button_type', 'share_toolbar');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_share_button_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_counters_checked = '';
    switch ($hupso_button_type) {
        case 'share_button':
            $hupso_share_button_checked = $checked;
        case 'share_toolbar':
            $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = $checked;
        case 'counters':
            $hupso_share_counters_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_share_toolbar_checked = $checked;
		<td><input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="share_button" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_button_checked;
  /> Share Button<br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/buttons/button100x23.png';
" /><br/><br/>
		<input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="share_toolbar" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_toolbar_checked;
 /> Share Toolbar <br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/img/share_toolbar_big.png';
" /><br/><br/>	
		<input type="radio" name="button_type" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="counters" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_counters_checked;
 /> Counters <br/><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url . '/img/counters.png';
" /><br/><br/>
	<tr><td style="width:100px;"></td><td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px; float:left;"/></td></tr>
	<div id="button_style">
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button size', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<table border="0">
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button60x14" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button60_checked;
 /></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_60_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button80x19" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button80_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_80_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button100x23" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button100_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_100_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button120x28" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button120_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:10px;"><?php 
    echo $button_120_img;
			<tr><td><input type="radio" name="size" value="button160x37" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $button160_checked;
/></td><td style="padding-right:20px;"><?php 
    echo $button_160_img;
<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>			
	<div id="toolbar_size" style="display:none;">
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Toolbar size', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px">
    $hupso_toolbar_size = get_option('hupso_toolbar_size', 'medium');
    $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked = '';
    $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = '';
    $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked = '';
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    switch ($hupso_toolbar_size) {
        case 'big':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked = $checked;
        case 'medium':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = $checked;
        case 'small':
            $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked = $checked;
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="big" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_big_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Big', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="medium" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_medium_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Medium', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="select_toolbar_size" value="small" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_toolbar_size_small_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Small', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>	
	<div id="share_image" style="padding-top:10px;">
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Share image', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:500px">
    /* hupso_share_image */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_share_image = get_option('hupso_share_image', 'normal');
    $hupso_share_image_show_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_image_hide_checked = '';
    $hupso_share_image_lang_checked = '';
    switch ($hupso_share_image) {
        case '':
        case 'show':
            $hupso_share_image_show_checked = $checked;
        case 'hide':
            $hupso_share_image_hide_checked = $checked;
        case 'lang':
            $hupso_share_image_lang_checked = $checked;
    $hupso_share_image_lang = get_option('hupso_share_image_lang', '');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_share_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="show" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_show_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Show in language', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<select id="share_image_lang" name="share_image_lang" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()">
			  <option value="en" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'en' || $hupso_share_image_lang == '') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="fr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'fr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="de" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'de') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="it" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'it') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="pt" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'pt') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="es" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'es') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="id" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'id') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="da" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'da') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="nl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'nl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sv" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sv') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="no" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'no') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="hr" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'hr') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="et" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'et') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ro" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ro') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ga" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ga') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="af" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'af') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="sl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'sl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="pl" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'pl') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="bs" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'bs') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="ms" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'ms') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="zh" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'zh') {
        echo ' selected ';
			  <option value="cs" <?php 
    if ($hupso_share_image_lang == 'cs') {
        echo ' selected ';
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_share_image" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" value="hide" <?php 
    echo $hupso_share_image_hide_checked;
/> <?php 
    _e('Hide', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/>			
	<div id="services">
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Social networks', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $twitter_tweet_checked = '';
    $facebook_like_checked = '';
    $facebook_send_checked = '';
    $google_plus_one_checked = '';
    $linkedin_share_checked = '';
    $twitter_tweet = get_option('hupso_twitter_tweet', '1');
    if ($twitter_tweet == 1) {
        $twitter_tweet_checked = $checked;
    $facebook_like = get_option('hupso_facebook_like', '1');
    if ($facebook_like == 1) {
        $facebook_like_checked = $checked;
    $facebook_send = get_option('hupso_facebook_send', '1');
    if ($facebook_send == 1) {
        $facebook_send_checked = $checked;
    $google_plus_one = get_option('hupso_google_plus_one', '1');
    if ($google_plus_one == 1) {
        $google_plus_one_checked = $checked;
    $linkedin_share = get_option('hupso_linkedin_share', '1');
    if ($linkedin_share == 1) {
        $linkedin_share_checked = $checked;
	<div id="counters_config" style="display:none;">
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Social networks', 'share_buttons_hupso');
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="twitter_tweet" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $twitter_tweet_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/twitter_tweet.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="facebook_like" onclicke="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $facebook_like_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/facebook_like.png" /></td>
							<td><input type="checkbox" name="facebook_send" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $facebook_send_checked;
							<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/facebook_send.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="google_plus_one" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $google_plus_one_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/google_plus_one.png" /></td>
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="linkedin_share" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="1" <?php 
    echo $linkedin_share_checked;
				<td><img src="<?php 
    echo $hupso_plugin_url;
/img/counters/linkedin_share.png" /></td>
	<td style="padding-top:70px;">&nbsp;</td>
	<td><? _e('Show counters in language', 'share_buttons_hupso');?>: 
	<select id="hupso_counters_lang" name="hupso_counters_lang" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onclick="hupso_create_code()">
    _e('Language changes will not show in preview', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    _e('Select which language to use for Counters (Tweet, Facebook Like, Facebook Share...)', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    _e('Some social networks support more languages than others, so some buttons might get translated, while some might stay in English', 'share_buttons_hupso');

	<div id="show_icons">	
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Type of menu', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $menu_type = get_option('hupso_menu_type', 'labels');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_labels_checked = '';
    $hupso_icons_checked = '';
    switch ($menu_type) {
        case 'labels':
            $hupso_labels_checked = $checked;
        case 'icons':
            $hupso_icons_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_labels_checked = $checked;
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;"/><input type="radio" name="menu_type" value="labels" onclick="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_labels_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Show icons and service names', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="menu_type" value="icons" onclick="hupso_create_code()" <?php 
    echo $hupso_icons_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Show icons only', 'share_buttons_hupso');
	<table border="0">
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Button position', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    $button_position = get_option('hupso_button_position', 'below');
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_below_checked = '';
    $hupso_above_checked = '';
    $hupso_both_checked = '';
    switch ($button_position) {
        case 'below':
            $hupso_below_checked = $checked;
        case 'above':
            $hupso_above_checked = $checked;
        case 'both':
            $hupso_both_checked = $checked;
            $hupso_below_checked = $checked;
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="above" <?php 
    echo $hupso_above_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Above the post', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="below" <?php 
    echo $hupso_below_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Below the post', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<input type="radio" name="hupso_button_position" value="both" <?php 
    echo $hupso_both_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Above and below the post', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Show buttons on', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_show_posts_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_pages_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = '';
    $hupso_show_category_checked = '';
    /* posts */
    $hupso_show_posts = get_option('hupso_show_posts', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_posts == 1) {
        $hupso_show_posts_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_posts_checked = '';
    /* pages */
    $hupso_show_pages = get_option('hupso_show_pages', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_pages == 1) {
        $hupso_show_pages_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_pages_checked = '';
    /* frontpage */
    $hupso_show_frontpage = get_option('hupso_show_frontpage', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_frontpage == 1) {
        $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_frontpage_checked = '';
    /* categories */
    $hupso_show_category = get_option('hupso_show_category', '1');
    if ($hupso_show_category == 1) {
        $hupso_show_category_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_show_category_checked = '';
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_posts" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_posts_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Posts', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_pages" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_pages_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Pages', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_frontpage" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_frontpage_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Front page', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_show_category" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_show_category_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Categories (categories, tags, dates, authors)', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Hide buttons for specific categories', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    /* hidden categories */
    $hupso_hide_categories = get_option('hupso_hide_categories', array());
			<select multiple size="8" name="hupso_hide_categories[]"> 
    $categories = get_categories();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $option = '<option value="' . $category->category_nicename . '"';
        if (in_array($category->category_nicename, $hupso_hide_categories)) {
            $option .= ' selected ';
        $option .= '>';
        $option .= $category->cat_name;
        $option .= ' (' . $category->category_count . ')';
        $option .= '</option>';
        echo $option;
			 <option value="hupso-option-always_show">--- <?php 
    _e('Always show', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    _e('Select categories where you want to hide share buttons.', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    _e('To select multiple categories, you need to hold down the Control Key for each selected category after the first one.', 'share_buttons_hupso');
<br />
    _e('Leave all options unselected or select just the last option to show buttons inside every category.', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Get share text from', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_title_text_page_checked = '';
    $hupso_title_text_post_checked = '';
    /* posts */
    $hupso_title_text = get_option('hupso_title_text', 'post');
    if ($hupso_title_text == 'page') {
        $hupso_title_text_page_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_title_text_post_checked = $checked;
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_title_text" value="post" <?php 
    echo $hupso_title_text_post_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Title of post in Wordpress', 'share_buttons_hupso');
			<input type="radio" name="hupso_title_text" value="page" <?php 
    echo $hupso_title_text_page_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Title of current web page', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Twitter via', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:500px;" align="left"/>
    /* Twitter via */
    $hupso_twitter_via = get_option('hupso_twitter_via', '');
			@<input type="text" name="hupso_twitter_via" onclick="hupso_create_code()" onchange="hupso_create_code()" onmouseout="hupso_create_code()" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_twitter_via;
" /> <span style="padding-left:30px;"><?php 
    _e('Add "via @yourprofile" to tweets', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('CSS style', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* CSS Style */
    $hupso_css_style = get_option('hupso_css_style', 'padding-bottom:20px; padding-top:10px;');
			<input type="text" name="hupso_css_style" style="width:400px;" value="<?php 
    echo $hupso_css_style;
" /><br/><span><?php 
    _e('Use CSS to style share buttons. For example: you can increase padding to have more free space above or below the buttons', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td style="width:100px;"><?php 
    _e('Widget Text', 'share_buttons_hupso');
		<td><hr style="height:1px; width:400px;" align="left"/>
    /* Widget Text */
    $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $hupso_widget_text = get_option('hupso_widget_text', '1');
    if ($hupso_widget_text == '1') {
        $hupso_widget_text_checked = $checked;
    } else {
        $hupso_widget_text_checked = '';
			<input type="checkbox" name="hupso_widget_text" value="1" <?php 
    echo $hupso_widget_text_checked;
 /> <?php 
    _e('Use shortcodes in text widgets', 'share_buttons_hupso');
    _e('If this is checked, you can use [hupso] shortcode inside text widgets and it will be replaced by share buttons', 'share_buttons_hupso');

	<br/><br/><input class="button-primary" name="submit" type="submit" onclick="hupso_create_code()" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Settings', 'share_buttons_hupso');
" />