Exemplo n.º 1
function show_bad_word_add_form()
    global $MAX_BAD_WORD_LENGTH;
<form method="post" action="index.php">
    echo htmlspecialchars_default("Добавить слово");

<label for="word">Слово:</label>
<input type="text" name="word" id="word" maxlength="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars_default($MAX_BAD_WORD_LENGTH);
" class="inputText" />

<input type="hidden" name="action" value="addbadword" class="submit" />
<input type="submit" value="Добавить" class="submit" />
Exemplo n.º 2
function show_entry_count()
    echo htmlspecialchars_default(get_guestbook_entries_count());
Exemplo n.º 3
function guestbook_add($entry)
    global $READ_ONLY_MODE;
    global $dbs_error;
    if (guestbook_validate($entry)) {
        if ($READ_ONLY_MODE === TRUE) {
            $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("This guestbook is in read-only mode.");
            return FALSE;
        $now = gmstrftime(time());
        $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        if (is_flood_detected($ipaddress)) {
            global $ERROR_MSG_FLOOD_DETECTED;
            $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default($ERROR_MSG_FLOOD_DETECTED);
            return FALSE;
        $entry_stripped = array_map("strip_tags", $entry);
        $entry_encoded = array_map("rawurlencode", $entry_stripped);
        // Create file if it does not exist
        if (!file_exists(guestbook_file_path())) {
            if (touch(guestbook_file_path()) === FALSE) {
                $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("Unable to create guestbook file in data folder.");
                return FALSE;
        // Get existing entries
        if (guestbook_open_for_read() === FALSE) {
            // Acquires shared lock on guestbook file
            $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("Unable to open guestbook file for reading.");
            return FALSE;
        $oldContents = @file_get_contents(guestbook_file_path());
        // Releases shared lock
        if ($oldContents === FALSE) {
            $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("Unable to get guestbook file contents.");
            return FALSE;
        $nextId = guestbook_next_id();
        if (guestbook_open_for_writing() === FALSE) {
            $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("Unable to open guestbook file for writing.");
            return FALSE;
        // If moderation is enabled, all posts must be approved
        global $MODERATION_ENABLED;
        $approved = $MODERATION_ENABLED !== TRUE;
        // Write new entry
        global $guestbook_fp;
        fputs($guestbook_fp, $nextId . "|" . value_or_blank($entry_encoded, 'name') . "|" . value_or_blank($entry_encoded, 'email') . "|" . value_or_blank($entry_encoded, 'url') . "|" . value_or_blank($entry_encoded, 'comments') . "|" . $now . "|" . $ipaddress . "|" . ($approved ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n");
        // Append existing entries to file
        fputs($guestbook_fp, $oldContents);
        // Free memory
        // Update entry count
        // Send notification
        global $ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
        if (isset($ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS) && !empty($ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS)) {
            if (mail($ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS, ($approved ? "" : "PLEASE MODERATE: ") . "Новая запись в гостевой книге: " . value_or_blank($entry_stripped, 'name'), ($approved ? "" : "Пожалуйста, подтвердите или удалите запись:\n") . "Имя: " . value_or_blank($entry_stripped, 'name') . "\n" . "E-Mail: " . value_or_blank($entry_stripped, 'email') . "\n" . "URL-адрес: " . value_or_blank($entry_stripped, 'url') . "\n" . "Комментарии: \n" . value_or_blank($entry_stripped, 'comments'), "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nFrom: " . $ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS . "\r\n") !== TRUE) {
                $dbs_error = htmlspecialchars_default("Unable to send notification.");
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
function the_site_title()
    global $SITE_TITLE;
    echo htmlspecialchars_default($SITE_TITLE);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Redirect to admin page
        global $ADMIN_FOLDER;
        relative_location($ADMIN_FOLDER . "/");
    } else {
        $login_error = "Неправильный пароль.";
// Render login page

if ($login_error !== FALSE) {
    echo "<p class=\"errorMessage\">" . htmlspecialchars_default($login_error) . "</p>";

<form method="post" action="login.php">
<legend>Панель администрирования</legend>

<label for="username">Логин:</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="inputText" value="admin" readonly />
<br />
<label for="password">Пароль:</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="inputText" />
<input type="submit" value="Login" class="submit" />