function rubricView($guid, $connection2, $gibbonRubricID, $mark, $gibbonPersonID = "", $contextDBTable = "", $contextDBTableIDField = "", $contextDBTableID = "", $contextDBTableGibbonRubricIDField = "", $contextDBTableNameField = "", $contextDBTableDateField = "") { $output = false; try { $data = array("gibbonRubricID" => $gibbonRubricID); $sql = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubric WHERE gibbonRubricID=:gibbonRubricID"; $result = $connection2->prepare($sql); $result->execute($data); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>"; } if ($result->rowCount() != 1) { print "<div class='error'>"; print _("The specified record cannot be found."); print "</div>"; } else { $row = $result->fetch(); //Get rows, columns and cells try { $dataRows = array("gibbonRubricID" => $gibbonRubricID); $sqlRows = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubricRow WHERE gibbonRubricID=:gibbonRubricID ORDER BY sequenceNumber"; $resultRows = $connection2->prepare($sqlRows); $resultRows->execute($dataRows); } catch (PDOException $e) { } $rowCount = $resultRows->rowCount(); try { $dataColumns = array("gibbonRubricID" => $gibbonRubricID); $sqlColumns = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubricColumn WHERE gibbonRubricID=:gibbonRubricID ORDER BY sequenceNumber"; $resultColumns = $connection2->prepare($sqlColumns); $resultColumns->execute($dataColumns); } catch (PDOException $e) { } $columnCount = $resultColumns->rowCount(); try { $dataCells = array("gibbonRubricID" => $gibbonRubricID); $sqlCells = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubricCell WHERE gibbonRubricID=:gibbonRubricID"; $resultCells = $connection2->prepare($sqlCells); $resultCells->execute($dataCells); } catch (PDOException $e) { } $cellCount = $resultCells->rowcount(); if ($rowCount <= 0 or $columnCount <= 0) { $output .= "<div class='error'>"; $output .= _("The rubric cannot be drawn."); $output .= "</div>"; } else { $count = 0; $rows = array(); while ($rowRows = $resultRows->fetch()) { $rows[$count][0] = $rowRows["gibbonRubricRowID"]; $rows[$count][1] = $rowRows["title"]; $rows[$count][2] = $rowRows["sequenceNumber"]; $rows[$count][3] = $rowRows["gibbonOutcomeID"]; $count++; } $count = 0; $columns = array(); while ($rowColumns = $resultColumns->fetch()) { $columns[$count][0] = $rowColumns["gibbonRubricColumnID"]; $columns[$count][1] = $rowColumns["title"]; $columns[$count][2] = $rowColumns["sequenceNumber"]; $columns[$count][3] = $rowColumns["gibbonScaleGradeID"]; $count++; } $cells = array(); while ($rowCells = $resultCells->fetch()) { $cells[$rowCells["gibbonRubricRowID"]][$rowCells["gibbonRubricColumnID"]][0] = $rowCells["contents"]; $cells[$rowCells["gibbonRubricRowID"]][$rowCells["gibbonRubricColumnID"]][1] = $rowCells["gibbonRubricCellID"]; } //Get other uses of this rubric in this context $contexts = array(); $contextCount = 0; if ($contextDBTable != "" and $contextDBTableIDField != "" and $contextDBTableID != "" and $contextDBTableGibbonRubricIDField != "" and $contextDBTableNameField != "" and $contextDBTableDateField != "") { try { $dataContext = array("gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID); $sqlContext = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubricEntry JOIN {$contextDBTable} ON (gibbonRubricEntry.contextDBTableID={$contextDBTable}.{$contextDBTableIDField} AND gibbonRubricEntry.gibbonRubricID={$contextDBTable}.{$contextDBTableGibbonRubricIDField}) JOIN gibbonRubricCell ON (gibbonRubricEntry.gibbonRubricCellID=gibbonRubricCell.gibbonRubricCellID) WHERE contextDBTable='{$contextDBTable}' AND gibbonRubricEntry.gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND NOT {$contextDBTableDateField} IS NULL ORDER BY {$contextDBTableDateField} DESC"; $resultContext = $connection2->prepare($sqlContext); $resultContext->execute($dataContext); } catch (PDOException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); } while ($rowContext = $resultContext->fetch()) { if (isset($cells[$rowContext["gibbonRubricRowID"]][$rowContext["gibbonRubricColumnID"]][2])) { $cells[$rowContext["gibbonRubricRowID"]][$rowContext["gibbonRubricColumnID"]][2] .= $rowContext[$contextDBTableNameField] . " (" . dateConvertBack($guid, $rowContext[$contextDBTableDateField]) . ")<br/>"; } else { $cells[$rowContext["gibbonRubricRowID"]][$rowContext["gibbonRubricColumnID"]][2] = $rowContext[$contextDBTableNameField] . " (" . dateConvertBack($guid, $rowContext[$contextDBTableDateField]) . ")<br/>"; } } } if ($mark == TRUE) { print "<p>"; print _("Click on any of the cells below to highlight them. Data is saved automatically after each click."); print "</p>"; } //Controls for viewing mode if ($gibbonPersonID != "") { $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $output .= "\$(document).ready(function(){"; $output .= "\$('div.historical').css('display','none');"; $output .= "\$('#type').change(function(){"; $output .= "if (\$('select.type option:selected').val()=='Current' ) {"; $output .= "\$('div.historical').css('display','none');"; $output .= "\$('div.currentView').css('display','block');"; $output .= "} "; $output .= "else if (\$('select.type option:selected').val()=='Historical' ) {"; $output .= "\$('div.currentView').css('display','none');"; $output .= "\$('div.historical').css('display','block');"; $output .= "}"; $output .= "});"; $output .= "});"; $output .= "</script>"; $output .= "<div class='linkTop'>"; $output .= "Viewing Mode: <select name='type' id='type' class='type' style='width: 152px; float: none'>"; $output .= "<option id='type' name='type' value='Current'>" . _('Current') . "</option>"; $output .= "<option id='type' name='type' value='Historical'>" . _('Historical Data') . "</option>"; $output .= "</select>"; $output .= "</div>"; } $output .= "<style type=\"text/css\">"; $output .= "table.rubric { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #000 }"; $output .= "table.rubric tr { border: 1px solid #000 }"; $output .= "table.rubric td { border: 1px solid #000 }"; $output .= "</style>"; $output .= "<form method='post' action='" . $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . "/modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/rubrics_data_editProcess.php?gibbonRubricID={$gibbonRubricID}&gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}'>"; $output .= "<table cellspacing='0' class='rubric'>"; //Create header $output .= "<tr class='head'>"; $output .= "<td style='width: 100px; background: none; background-color: #ffffff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff'></td>"; for ($n = 0; $n < $columnCount; $n++) { $output .= "<td style='vertical-align: bottom'>"; if ($columns[$n][3] != "") { try { $dataOutcome = array("gibbonScaleGradeID" => $columns[$n][3]); $sqlOutcome = "SELECT * FROM gibbonScaleGrade WHERE gibbonScaleGradeID=:gibbonScaleGradeID"; $resultOutcome = $connection2->prepare($sqlOutcome); $resultOutcome->execute($dataOutcome); } catch (PDOException $e) { } if ($resultOutcome->rowCount() != 1) { print _("Error"); } else { $rowOutcome = $resultOutcome->fetch(); $output .= "<b>" . _($rowOutcome["descriptor"]) . " (" . _($rowOutcome["value"]) . ")</b><br/>"; //Try to get scale name if ($row["gibbonScaleID"] != "") { try { $dataScale = array("gibbonScaleID" => $row["gibbonScaleID"]); $sqlScale = "SELECT * FROM gibbonScale WHERE gibbonScaleID=:gibbonScaleID"; $resultScale = $connection2->prepare($sqlScale); $resultScale->execute($dataScale); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>"; } if ($resultScale->rowCount() == 1) { $rowScale = $resultScale->fetch(); } } if ($rowScale["name"] != "") { $output .= "<span style='font-size: 85%'><i>" . _($rowScale["name"]) . " Scale</i></span><br/>"; } } } else { $output .= "<b>" . $columns[$n][1] . "</b><br/>"; } $output .= "</td>"; } $output .= "</tr>"; //Create body for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $output .= "<tr style='height: auto'>"; $output .= "<td style='background: none!important; background-color: #666!important; color: #fff; vertical-align: top; padding: 0px!important'>"; if ($rows[$i][3] != "") { try { $dataOutcome = array("gibbonOutcomeID" => $rows[$i][3]); $sqlOutcome = "SELECT * FROM gibbonOutcome WHERE gibbonOutcomeID=:gibbonOutcomeID"; $resultOutcome = $connection2->prepare($sqlOutcome); $resultOutcome->execute($dataOutcome); } catch (PDOException $e) { } if ($resultOutcome->rowCount() != 1) { print _("Error"); } else { $rowOutcome = $resultOutcome->fetch(); //Check if outcome is specified in unit if ($contextDBTable != "" and $contextDBTableID != "" and $contextDBTableIDField != "") { try { $dataOutcome2 = array("gibbonOutcomeID" => $rows[$i][3], "contextDBTableID" => $contextDBTableID); $sqlOutcome2 = "SELECT * FROM gibbonOutcome JOIN gibbonUnitOutcome ON (gibbonUnitOutcome.gibbonOutcomeID=gibbonOutcome.gibbonOutcomeID) JOIN {$contextDBTable} ON ({$contextDBTable}.gibbonUnitID=gibbonUnitOutcome.gibbonUnitID) WHERE gibbonOutcome.gibbonOutcomeID=:gibbonOutcomeID AND {$contextDBTableIDField}=:contextDBTableID"; $resultOutcome2 = $connection2->prepare($sqlOutcome2); $resultOutcome2->execute($dataOutcome2); } catch (PDOException $e) { } if ($resultOutcome2->rowCount()) { $output .= "<img style='float: right' title='This outcome is one of the unit outcomes.' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/iconTick.png'/> "; } } if ($rowOutcome["category"] == "") { $output .= "<span title='" . htmlprep($rowOutcome["description"]) . "'><b>" . $rowOutcome["name"] . "</b></span><br/>"; } else { $output .= "<span title='" . htmlprep($rowOutcome["description"]) . "'><b>" . $rowOutcome["name"] . "</b><i> - " . $rowOutcome["category"] . "</i></span><br/>"; } $output .= "<span style='font-size: 85%'><i>" . $rowOutcome["scope"] . " " . _('Outcome') . "</i></span><br/>"; } } else { $output .= "<b>" . $rows[$i][1] . "</b><br/>"; } $output .= "</td>"; for ($n = 0; $n < $columnCount; $n++) { if ($mark == TRUE) { $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $output .= "\$(document).ready(function(){"; $output .= "\$(\"#" . $rows[$i][0] . "-" . $columns[$n][0] . "\").click(function(){"; $output .= "if (\$(\"#" . $rows[$i][0] . "-" . $columns[$n][0] . "\").css('background-color')==\"rgb(251, 251, 251)\" ) {"; $output .= "\$(\"#" . $rows[$i][0] . "-" . $columns[$n][0] . "\").css('background', 'none').css('background-color', '#79FA74');"; $output .= "var request=\$.ajax({ url: \"" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/modules/Rubrics/rubrics_data_saveAjax.php\", type: \"GET\", data: {mode: \"Add\", gibbonRubricID : \"" . $gibbonRubricID . "\", gibbonPersonID : \"" . $gibbonPersonID . "\",gibbonRubricCellID : \"" . $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][1] . "\",contextDBTable : \"" . $contextDBTable . "\",contextDBTableID : \"" . $contextDBTableID . "\"}, dataType: \"html\"});"; $output .= "}"; $output .= "else {"; $output .= "\$(\"#" . $rows[$i][0] . "-" . $columns[$n][0] . "\").css('background', 'none').css('background-color', '#fbfbfb');"; $output .= "var request=\$.ajax({ url: \"" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/modules/Rubrics/rubrics_data_saveAjax.php\", type: \"GET\", data: {mode: \"Remove\", gibbonRubricID : \"" . $gibbonRubricID . "\", gibbonPersonID : \"" . $gibbonPersonID . "\",gibbonRubricCellID : \"" . $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][1] . "\",contextDBTable : \"" . $contextDBTable . "\",contextDBTableID : \"" . $contextDBTableID . "\"}, dataType: \"html\"});"; $output .= "}"; $output .= "});"; $output .= "});"; $output .= "</script>"; } try { $dataEntry = array("gibbonRubricCellID" => $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][1], "gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID, "contextDBTable" => $contextDBTable, "contextDBTableID" => $contextDBTableID); $sqlEntry = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubricEntry WHERE gibbonRubricCellID=:gibbonRubricCellID AND gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND contextDBTable=:contextDBTable AND contextDBTableID=:contextDBTableID"; $resultEntry = $connection2->prepare($sqlEntry); $resultEntry->execute($dataEntry); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>"; } $bgcolor = "#fbfbfb"; if ($resultEntry->rowCount() == 1) { $bgcolor = "#79FA74"; } $output .= "<td id='" . $rows[$i][0] . "-" . $columns[$n][0] . "' style='background: none; background-color: {$bgcolor}; height: 100%; vertical-align: top'>"; $output .= "<div class='currentView' style='font-size: 90%'>" . $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][0] . "</div>"; $output .= "<div class='historical' style='font-size: 90%'>"; if (isset($cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][2])) { $arrayHistorical = explode("<br/>", $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][2]); $countHistorical = count($arrayHistorical) - 1; } else { $arrayHistorical = array(); $countHistorical = 0; } $countHistorical = count($arrayHistorical) - 1; if ($countHistorical > 0) { $output .= "<b><u>" . _('Total Occurences:') . " " . $countHistorical . "</u></b><br/>"; for ($h = 0; $h < $countHistorical; $h++) { if ($h < 7) { $output .= $h + 1 . ") " . $arrayHistorical[$h] . "<br/>"; } } if ($countHistorical > 7) { $output .= "<b>" . _('Older occurrences not shown...') . "</b>"; } } $output .= "</div>"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='gibbonRubricColumnID[]' value='" . $columns[$n][0] . "'>"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='gibbonRubricRowID[]' value='" . $rows[$i][0] . "'>"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='gibbonRubricCellID[]' value='" . $cells[$rows[$i][0]][$columns[$n][0]][1] . "'>"; $output .= "</td>"; } $output .= "</tr>"; } $output .= "</table>"; $output .= "</form>"; } } return $output; }
print "</td>"; print "<td>"; print $row["gibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; $style = ""; if ($row["gibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"] != $row["newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"]) { $style = "style='color: #ff0000'"; } print "<span {$style}>"; print $row["newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"]; print "</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; if ($row["gibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"] != $row["newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"]) { print "<input checked type='checkbox' name='newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDListOn'><input name='newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList' type='hidden' value='" . htmlprep($row["newgibbonFinanceFeeCategoryIDList"]) . "'>"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='right' colspan=4>"; print "<input name='gibbonFinanceInvoiceeID' type='hidden' value='" . $row["gibbonFinanceInvoiceeID"] . "'>"; print "<input name='address' type='hidden' value='" . $_GET["q"] . "'>"; print "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; ?> </form> <?php }
print _("Home Language"); print "</td>"; print "<td>"; print $row["languageHome"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; $style = ""; if ($row["languageHome"] != $row["newlanguageHome"]) { $style = "style='color: #ff0000'"; } print "<span {$style}>"; print $row["newlanguageHome"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; if ($row["languageHome"] != $row["newlanguageHome"]) { print "<input checked type='checkbox' name='newlanguageHomeOn'><input name='newlanguageHome' type='hidden' value='" . htmlprep($row["newlanguageHome"]) . "'>"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='right' colspan=4>"; print "<input name='gibbonFamilyID' type='hidden' value='" . $row["gibbonFamilyID"] . "'>"; print "<input name='address' type='hidden' value='" . $_GET["q"] . "'>"; print "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; ?> </form> <?php }
<form method="post" action="<?php print $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/student_view_details_notes_editProcess.php?gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&search=" . $_GET["search"] . "&subpage={$subpage}&gibbonStudentNoteID={$gibbonStudentNoteID}&category=" . $_GET["category"]; ?> "> <table class='smallIntBorder' cellspacing='0' style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td style='width: 275px'> <b><?php print _('Title'); ?> *</b><br/> <span style="font-size: 90%"><i></i></span> </td> <td class="right"> <input name="title" id="title" maxlength=100 value="<?php print htmlprep($row["title"]); ?> " type="text" style="width: 300px"> <script type="text/javascript"> var title=new LiveValidation('title'); title.add(Validate.Presence); </script> </td> </tr> <?php try { $dataCategories = array(); $sqlCategories = "SELECT * FROM gibbonStudentNoteCategory WHERE active='Y' ORDER BY name"; $resultCategories = $connection2->prepare($sqlCategories); $resultCategories->execute($dataCategories); } catch (PDOException $e) {
print "</td>"; print "<td>"; print $row["privacy"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; $style = ""; if ($row["privacy"] != $row["newprivacy"]) { $style = "style='color: #ff0000'"; } print "<span {$style}>"; print $row["newprivacy"]; print "</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; if ($row["privacy"] != $row["newprivacy"]) { print "<input checked type='checkbox' name='newprivacyOn'><input name='newprivacy' type='hidden' value='" . htmlprep($row["newprivacy"]) . "'>"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; $privacySet = true; } } } if ($privacySet == false) { print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"newprivacyOn\" value=\"\">"; } print "<tr>"; print "<td class='right' colspan=4>"; print "<input name='gibbonPersonID' type='hidden' value='" . $row["gibbonPersonID"] . "'>"; print "<input name='address' type='hidden' value='" . $_GET["q"] . "'>"; print "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
if ($current != $newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]]) { $style = "style='color: #ff0000'"; } print "<span {$style}>"; if ($rowFields["type"] == "date") { print dateConvertBack($guid, $newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]]); } else { print $newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]]; } print "</span>"; } print "</td>"; print "<td>"; if (isset($newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]])) { if ($current != $newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]]) { print "<input checked type='checkbox' name='newcustom" . $rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"] . "On'><input name='newcustom" . $rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"] . "' type='hidden' value='" . htmlprep($newfields[$rowFields["gibbonPersonFieldID"]]) . "'>"; } } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } print "<tr>"; print "<td class='right' colspan=4>"; print "<input name='gibbonPersonID' type='hidden' value='" . $row["gibbonPersonID"] . "'>"; print "<input name='address' type='hidden' value='" . $_GET["q"] . "'>"; print "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; ?>
print _("Comment"); print "</td>"; print "<td>"; print $rowCond2["comment"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; $style = ""; if ($rowCond2["comment"] != $rowCond["comment"]) { $style = "style='color: #ff0000'"; } print "<span {$style}>"; print $rowCond["comment"]; print "</td>"; print "<td>"; if ($rowCond2["comment"] != $rowCond["comment"]) { print "<input checked type='checkbox' name='commentOn" . ($count + $count2) . "'><input name='comment" . ($count + $count2) . "' type='hidden' value='" . htmlprep($rowCond["comment"]) . "'>"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<input type='hidden' name='gibbonPersonMedicalConditionUpdateID" . ($count + $count2) . "' type='gibbonPersonMedicalConditionUpdateID" . ($count + $count2) . "' value='" . $rowCond["gibbonPersonMedicalConditionUpdateID"] . "'>"; } print "<input name='count2' id='count2' value='{$count2}' type='hidden'>"; } print "<tr>"; print "<td class='right' colspan=4>"; print "<input name='formExists' type='hidden' value='{$formExists}'>"; print "<input name='gibbonPersonID' type='hidden' value='" . $row["gibbonPersonID"] . "'>"; print "<input name='address' type='hidden' value='" . $_GET["q"] . "'>"; print "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>";