# BerliOS SourceAgency: http://sourceagency.berlios.de # BerliOS - The OpenSource Mediator: http://www.berlios.de # # This page shows the sponsors that are currently involved on a given project # # This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL. ###################################################################### require 'include/prepend.php3'; page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session')); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth['perm'])) { page_close(); page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session', 'auth' => 'SourceAgency_Auth', 'perm' => 'SourceAgency_Perm')); } require 'include/header.inc'; require 'include/sponsoringlib.inc'; $bx = new box('100%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = 'sponsoring'; if (check_proid($proid)) { top_bar($proid, $page); htmlp_image('ic/d.png', 0, 60, 53, $t->translate('Summary')); print $t->translate("Here sponsors can involve themselves in projects") . ".\n"; print "<p align=right>[ <b><a href=\"" . $sess->url('sponsoring_edit.php') . $sess->add_query(array('proid' => $proid)) . "\">" . $t->translate('Sponsor this project') . "</a></b> ] <p>\n"; show_sponsorings($proid); lib_comment_it($proid, 'General', 0, 0, '', $t->translate('General Comments')); } end_content(); require 'include/footer.inc'; @page_close();
$ability_value = 0; $ability_code = $db->f("code"); $colname = $db->f("colname"); $ability_value = $db2->f($colname); if ($ability_value > 1) { $counter2++; if ($counter2 % 3 == 1) { echo "<tr><td width=18% align=right>\n"; } else { echo "<td width=18% align=right>\n"; } echo $db->f("language") . "\n"; echo "</td><td width=90>"; $printstars = 1; while ($printstars != $ability_value) { htmlp_image("13.gif", 0, 17, 16, "*"); $printstars++; } if ($counter2 % 3 == 0) { echo "</td></tr>\n\n"; } else { echo "</td>\n"; } } } if ($counter2 % 3 == 0) { echo "</tr>\n\n"; } htmlp_form_hidden("lang_amount", $lang_amount); echo "</table></center>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n";
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL. # # $Id: summary.php,v 1.1 2003/11/21 12:55:59 helix Exp $ # ###################################################################### require "include/prepend.php3"; page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session")); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) { page_close(); page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm")); } require "include/header.inc"; $bx = new box("100%", $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = "summary"; if (check_proid($proid)) { top_bar($proid, $page); $db->query("SELECT * FROM description WHERE proid='{$proid}'"); $db->next_record(); htmlp_image("ic/a.png", 0, 48, 48, "Summary"); print '<b>' . $t->translate('Project description') . ':</b> '; $db->p("description"); print '<p>'; // step_information ($db->f("status")); summary($proid); lib_comment_it($proid, "General", "0", "0", "", $t->translate('General Comments')); } end_content(); require "include/footer.inc"; @page_close();
# # This is the index file which shows the recent apps # # This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL. ###################################################################### require "include/prepend.php3"; page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session")); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) { page_close(); page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm")); } require "include/header.inc"; require "include/newslib.inc"; $bx = new box("100%", $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = "news"; if (check_proid($proid)) { top_bar($proid, $page); htmlp_image("ic/b.png", 0, 60, 60, "Summary"); print $t->translate("News are posted by the project initiator. " . "Any other contribution can be done by " . "filling out a General Comment") . ".<p>\n"; if (is_project_initiator($proid)) { print "<p align=right>[ " . html_link("news_edit.php", array("proid" => $proid), $t->translate("Submit News")) . " ]\n"; } newsshow($proid); lib_comment_it($proid, "General", "0", "0", "", $t->translate("General Comments")); } end_content(); require "include/footer.inc"; @page_close();
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL. ###################################################################### require "include/prepend.php3"; page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session")); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) { page_close(); page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm")); } require "include/header.inc"; require "include/historylib.inc"; $bx = new box("100%", $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = "history"; if (check_proid($proid)) { top_bar($proid, $page); htmlp_image("ic/e.png", 0, 60, 51, "Summary"); print $t->translate('This is the chronological list of all the actions ' . 'that have affected the current project') . ".<p>\n"; $i = 0; history_extract_table("description", "description_creation", "description_user", "project_title"); history_extract_table("consultants", "creation", "consultant", "Consultant offered"); history_extract_table("comments", "creation_cmt", "user_cmt", "subject_cmt"); history_extract_table("news", "creation_news", "user_news", "subject_news"); history_extract_table("tech_content", "creation", "content_user", "Content proposed"); history_extract_table("history", "creation", "history_user", "action"); history_extract_table("developing", "creation", "developer", "Developing Proposal"); history_extract_table("sponsoring", "creation", "sponsor", "Sponsoring wish"); history_extract_table("milestones", "creation", "milestone_user", "product"); history_extract_table("referees", "creation", "referee", "Referee offered"); bubblesort($history); show_history($history); lib_comment_it($proid, 'General', '0', '0', 'Comment on the Project History', $t->translate('General Comments'));
# # $Id: comments.php,v 1.1 2003/11/21 12:55:58 helix Exp $ # ###################################################################### require 'include/prepend.php3'; page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session')); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth['perm'])) { page_close(); page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session', 'auth' => 'SourceAgency_Auth', 'perm' => 'SourceAgency_Perm')); } require 'include/header.inc'; require 'include/commentslib.inc'; $bx = new box('100%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = 'comments'; if (check_permission($proid, $page)) { top_bar($proid, $page); if (is_not_set_or_empty($type)) { $type = 'General'; } if (is_not_set_or_empty($ref)) { $ref = ''; } htmlp_image('ic/c.png', 0, 60, 53, 'Summary'); print $t->translate('General comments can be posted') . ' ' . $t->translate('by registered users of the system') . ".\n<br><p>\n"; comments_show($proid, $type, $number, $cmt_id, $ref); lib_comment_it($proid, 'General', '0', '0', '', $t->translate('General Comments')); } end_content(); require 'include/footer.inc'; @page_close();