Exemplo n.º 1
 function __get($k)
     if ($k == 'editKey') {
         return substr($this->auth, 20, 10);
     } else {
         if ($k == 'stale') {
             $cutoff = time() - 365 * (24 * 60 * 60);
             $stamp = strtotime($this->updated);
             return $stamp < $cutoff;
         } else {
             if ($k == 'descriptionHtml') {
                 return hashlinks(linkify(htmlify($this->description)));
             } else {
                 if ($k == 'descriptionSummary') {
                     return htmlify(substr_replace($this->description, ' ...', 140), false);
                 } else {
                     if ($k == 'rssDate') {
                         // TODO: Is there a better way to handle the timezone?  Mysql times are
                         // GMT and have to be parsed as such.
                         $oldtz = date_default_timezone_get();
                         return date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', strtotime($this->updated));
     return parent::__get($k);
Exemplo n.º 2
 function __get($k)
     if (strpos($k, 'html_') === 0) {
         $k = substr($k, 5);
         return htmlify($this->{$k});
     return parent::__get($k);
 public function testFunction()
     $this->assertEquals('&auml;', htmlify('ä'));
     $this->assertEquals('&Auml;', htmlify('Ä'));
     $this->assertEquals('&ouml;', htmlify('ö'));
     $this->assertEquals('&Ouml;', htmlify('Ö'));
     $this->assertEquals('&uuml;', htmlify('ü'));
     $this->assertEquals('&Uuml;', htmlify('Ü'));
     $this->assertEquals('&szlig;', htmlify('ß'));
     $this->assertEquals('&hellip;', htmlify('...'));
     $this->assertEquals('&amp;', htmlify('&'));
     $this->assertEquals('&apos;', htmlify("'"));
     $this->assertEquals('&quot;', htmlify('"'));
     $this->assertEquals('Der &Auml;rger ist gro&szlig;, wenn man es &uuml;bertrteibt.', htmlify('Der Ärger ist groß, wenn man es übertrteibt.'));
Exemplo n.º 4
    public function testExampleSignupMode2()
        $original = <<<EOF
2015-07-05 14:31:51 Signup created. 
 2015-07-05 14:31:51 ( system ) - User self signup. User requirement: testing <3
2015-07-15 19:18:37 (wishy) - Paypal - &pound;22 - Bob Status changed from PAYPAL_WAITING to PAID.  
 2015-10-16 21:38:35 ( system ) - Authenticated machine: 00:11:22:33:44:55:66
        $expected = <<<EOF
2015-07-05 14:31:51 Signup created. <br />
 2015-07-05 14:31:51 ( system ) - User self signup. User requirement: testing &lt;3<br />
2015-07-15 19:18:37 (wishy) - Paypal - &pound;22 - Bob Status changed from PAYPAL_WAITING to PAID.  <br />
 2015-10-16 21:38:35 ( system ) - Authenticated machine: 00:11:22:33:44:55:66
        $this->assertEquals($expected, htmlify($original, 2));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct('formEditEvent', 'Edit Event');
     $event = $this->getEvent();
     $isAdmin = Session::getUser()->hasPriv('MODERATE_EVENTS');
     $isOwner = Session::getUser()->getData('organization') == $event['organizer'];
     if (!$isAdmin && !$isOwner) {
         throw new Exception('You do not have the privs for this.');
     } else {
         if ($isAdmin) {
             $el = FormHelpers::getOrganizerList(true);
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('hidden', 'id', 'event id', $event['id']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'title', 'Title', $event['title']));
     if ($isAdmin) {
         $this->addElement(FormHelpers::getVenueListElement(null, true));
     } else {
         $this->addElement(FormHelpers::getVenueListElement(Session::getUser()->getData('organization'), true));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'dateStart', 'Start', $event['dateStart']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'dateFinish', 'Finish', $event['dateFinish']));
     $this->addScript('$("#formEditEvent-dateStart").datetime({"firstDay": 1 })');
     $this->addScript('$("#formEditEvent-dateFinish").datetime({"firstDay": 2 })');
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('numeric', 'priceOnDoor', 'Ticket price on the door', $event['priceOnDoor']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('numeric', 'priceInAdv', 'Ticket price in advance', $event['priceInAdv']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'website', 'Event website', $event['website']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('checkbox', 'showers', 'Showers', $event['showers']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('checkbox', 'alcohol', 'Bring your own alcohol?', $event['alcohol']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('checkbox', 'smoking', 'Smoking area?', $event['smoking']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('numeric', 'networkMbps', 'Network (mbps)', $event['networkMbps']));
     $this->getElement('networkMbps')->addSuggestedValue('100', 'Old 100 meg network');
     $this->getElement('networkMbps')->addSuggestedValue('1000', 'Shiny Gigabit network');
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('numeric', 'internetMbps', 'Internet (mbps)', $event['internetMbps'], 'If you have an internet connection, what speed is it? Enter 0 for no connection.'));
     $this->getElement('internetMbps')->addSuggestedValue('0', 'No internet!');
     $this->getElement('internetMbps')->addSuggestedValue('2', '2mbps');
     $this->getElement('internetMbps')->addSuggestedValue('8', '8mbps');
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('numeric', 'numberOfSeats', 'Number of seats', $event['numberOfSeats']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('textarea', 'blurb', 'Additional blurb', htmlify($event['blurb'])));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function __construct($id)
     parent::__construct('edit', 'Edit news');
     global $db;
     $sql = 'SELECT title, content FROM news WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';
     $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindValue(':id', $id);
     if ($stmt->numRows() == 0) {
         throw new Exception('News item not found');
     $news = $stmt->fetchRow();
     $this->addElement(new ElementHidden('action', null, 'edit'));
     $this->addElement(new ElementHidden('id', null, $id));
     $this->addElement(new ElementInput('title', 'Title', $news['title']));
     $this->addElement(new ElementTextbox('content', 'Content', stripslashes(htmlify($news['content']))));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct('formEditOrganizer', 'Edit Organizer');
     $organizer = fetchOrganizer($_REQUEST['formEditOrganizer-id']);
     if (Session::getUser()->hasPriv('PUBLISH_ORGANIZERS')) {
         $this->addElement(Element::factory('checkbox', 'published', 'Published', $organizer['published']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'title', 'Title', $organizer['title']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('hidden', 'id', null, $organizer['id']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'websiteUrl', 'Website', $organizer['websiteUrl']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('date', 'assumedStale', 'Assumed stale since', $organizer['assumedStale']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('text', 'steamGroupUrl', 'Steam group URL', htmlify($organizer['steamGroupUrl'])));
     $this->getElement('steamGroupUrl')->setMinMaxLengths(0, 255);
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('textarea', 'blurb', 'Blurb', $organizer['blurb']));
     $this->addElement(Element::factory('file', 'banner', 'Banner image', null, 'Your organizer banner image. Preferably a PNG, maximum image size is 468x160'));
     $this->getElement('banner')->destinationDir = 'resources/images/organizer-logos/';
     $this->getElement('banner')->destinationFilename = $organizer['id'] . '.jpg';
     $this->getElement('banner')->setMaxImageBounds(468, 160);
     if (!Session::hasPriv('EDIT_ORGANIZER') && Session::getUser()->getData('organization') != $organizer['id']) {
         throw new PermissionsException();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function getCiteHtml()
     $dataProvider = new CiteProvider(WS_DATA_DIRECTORY . '/cites.xml');
     $collection = $dataProvider->getCollection();
     $shuffler = new CiteShuffler($collection);
     $cite = $shuffler->getCite();
     $sb = new Monkey\StringBuilder('<h2>Ein Zitat das Weltraumschaf gut findet</h2>');
     $sb->append('<div id="cite">');
     if ($cite->hastitle()) {
         $sb->append(' (');
     return $sb;
Exemplo n.º 9

if (false && $entry->geocode) {
  <div id="map">
    $mapUrl = $entry->address;
    $mapUrl = preg_replace('/\\s/', '+', $mapUrl);
    $mapUrl = "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=" . htmlify($mapUrl);
    echo $mapUrl . "&output=embed&iwloc=near";
      <br />
      <a href="<?php 
    echo $mapUrl;
Exemplo n.º 10
 function Display()
     $port = $this->port;
     $HTML = '';
     #		$HTML = $this->JavascriptInclude();
     $MarkedAsNew = "N";
     $HTML .= "<DL>\n";
     $HTML .= "<DT>";
     $HTML .= port_display_WATCH_LIST_ADD_REMOVE;
     $HTML .= '<BIG><B>';
     if ($this->LinkToPort) {
         $HTML .= $this->LinkToPort();
     } else {
         $HTML .= $port->port;
     $HTML .= "</B></BIG>";
     // description
     if ($port->short_description && ($this->ShowShortDescription || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         $HTML .= ' <span class="fp_description_short">' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->short_description)) . '</span>';
         $HTML .= "<br>\n";
     $HTML .= "<b>";
     $PackageVersion = freshports_PackageVersion($port->{'version'}, $port->{'revision'}, $port->{'epoch'});
     if (strlen($PackageVersion) > 0) {
         $HTML .= ' ' . $PackageVersion;
     if (isset($port->category_looking_at)) {
         if ($port->category_looking_at != $port->category) {
             $HTML .= '<sup>*</sup>';
     $HTML .= "</b>";
     if ($this->ShowEverything || $this->ShowCategory) {
         $HTML .= ' <A HREF="/' . $port->category . '/" TITLE="The category for this port">' . $port->category . '</A>';
     // indicate if this port has been removed from cvs
     if ($port->IsDeleted()) {
         $HTML .= " " . freshports_Deleted_Icon_Link() . "\n";
     // indicate if this port needs refreshing from CVS
     if ($port->{'needs_refresh'}) {
         $HTML .= " " . freshports_Refresh_Icon_Link() . "\n";
     if ($port->{'date_added'} > Time() - 3600 * 24 * $this->DaysMarkedAsNew) {
         $MarkedAsNew = "Y";
         $HTML .= freshports_New_Icon() . "\n";
     if ($this->ShowEverything || $this->ShowWatchListCount) {
         $HTML .= ' ' . freshPorts_WatchListCount_Icon_Link() . '=' . $port->WatchListCount();
     $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Search_Depends_All($port->category . '/' . $port->port);
     # if this port is, or every has been, vulnerable, display the right skull
     # and a link to the list of all such vulnerabilities
     if ($port->IsVulnerable() || $port->WasVulnerable()) {
         $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_VuXML_Link($port->package_name, $port->IsVulnerable());
     # search for bugs related to this port
     $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Search_For_Bugs($port->category . '/' . $port->port);
     # report a bug related to this port
     $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Report_A_Bug($port->category . '/' . $port->port);
     $HTML .= "</DT>\n<DD>";
     # show forbidden and broken
     if ($port->forbidden) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Forbidden_Icon_Link($port->forbidden) . ' FORBIDDEN: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->forbidden)) . "<br>";
     if ($port->broken) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Broken_Icon_Link($port->broken) . ' BROKEN: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->broken)) . "<br>";
     if ($port->deprecated) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Deprecated_Icon_Link($port->deprecated) . ' DEPRECATED: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->deprecated)) . "<br>";
     if ($port->expiration_date) {
         if (date('Y-m-d') >= $port->expiration_date) {
             $HTML .= freshports_Expired_Icon_Link($port->expiration_date) . ' This port expired on: ' . $port->expiration_date . '<br>';
         } else {
             $HTML .= freshports_Expiration_Icon_Link($port->expiration_date) . ' EXPIRATION DATE: ' . $port->expiration_date . '<br>';
     if ($port->ignore) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Ignore_Icon_Link($port->ignore) . ' IGNORE: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->ignore)) . "<br>";
     if ($port->restricted) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Restricted_Icon_Link($port->restricted) . ' RESTRICTED: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->restricted)) . '<br>';
     if ($port->no_cdrom) {
         $HTML .= freshports_No_CDROM_Icon_Link($port->no_cdrom) . ' NO CDROM: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->no_cdrom)) . '<br>';
     if ($port->is_interactive) {
         $HTML .= freshports_Is_Interactive_Icon_Link($port->is_interactive) . ' IS INTERACTIVE: ' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->is_interactive)) . '<br>';
     // maintainer
     if ($port->maintainer && ($this->ShowMaintainedBy || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         if (strtolower($port->maintainer) == UNMAINTAINTED_ADDRESS) {
             $HTML .= '<br>There is no maintainer for this port.<br>';
             $HTML .= 'Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD ' . 'Ports mailing list via ';
             $HTML .= '<A HREF="' . MAILTO . ':' . freshportsObscureHTML($port->maintainer);
             $HTML .= '?subject=FreeBSD%20Port:%20' . $port->category . '/' . $port->port . '" TITLE="email the FreeBSD Ports mailing list">';
             $HTML .= freshportsObscureHTML($port->maintainer) . '</A>';
         } else {
             $HTML .= '<b>';
             $HTML .= 'Maintainer:</b> <A HREF="' . MAILTO . ':' . freshportsObscureHTML($port->maintainer);
             $HTML .= '?subject=FreeBSD%20Port:%20' . $port->category . '/' . $port->port . '" TITLE="email the maintainer">';
             $HTML .= freshportsObscureHTML($port->maintainer) . '</A>';
         $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Search_Maintainer($port->maintainer) . '<br>';
     // last commit date
     if (($this->ShowLastCommitDate || $this->ShowEverything) && $port->last_commit_date) {
         $HTML .= '<b>Last commit date:</b> ' . FormatTime($port->last_commit_date, 0, "Y-m-d H:i:s") . '<br>';
     // there are only a few places we want to show the last change.
     // therefore, we do not check ShowEverything here
     if ($this->ShowLastChange) {
         if ($port->updated != 0) {
             $HTML .= 'last change committed by ' . freshports_CommitterEmailLink($port->committer);
             // separate lines in case committer is null
             $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Search_Committer($port->committer);
             $HTML .= ' on <font size="-1">' . $port->updated . '</font>' . "\n";
             $HTML .= freshports_Email_Link($port->message_id);
             if ($port->EncodingLosses()) {
                 $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Encoding_Errors_Link();
             $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Commit_Link($port->message_id);
             $HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Commit_Link_Port($port->message_id, $port->category, $port->port);
             global $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
             $HTML .= freshports_PortDescriptionPrint($port->update_description, $port->encoding_losses, $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow, freshports_MoreCommitMsgToShow($port->message_id, $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow));
         } else {
             $HTML .= "no changes recorded in FreshPorts<br>\n";
     # show the date added, if asked
     if ($this->ShowDateAdded || $this->ShowEverything) {
         $HTML .= '<b>Port Added:</b> <font size="-1">';
         if ($port->date_added) {
             $HTML .= $port->date_added;
         } else {
             $HTML .= "unknown";
         $HTML .= '</font><BR>' . "\n";
     $HTML .= PeopleWatchingThisPortAlsoWatch($this->db, $port->element_id);
     if ($port->categories) {
         // remove the primary category and remove any double spaces or trailing/leading spaces
         // this ensures that explode gives us the right stuff
         if (isset($port->category_looking_at)) {
             $CategoryToRemove = $port->category_looking_at;
         } else {
             $CategoryToRemove = $port->category;
         $Categories = str_replace($CategoryToRemove, '', $port->categories);
         $Categories = str_replace('  ', ' ', $Categories);
         $Categories = trim($Categories);
         if ($Categories) {
             $HTML .= "<b>Also Listed In:</b> ";
             $CategoriesArray = explode(" ", $Categories);
             $Count = count($CategoriesArray);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
                 $Category = $CategoriesArray[$i];
                 #					$CategoryID = freshports_CategoryIDFromCategory($Category, $this->db);
                 #					if ($CategoryID) {
                 #						// this is a real category
                 $HTML .= '<a href="/' . $Category . '/">' . $Category . '</a>';
                 #					} else {
                 #						$HTML .= $Category;
                 #					}
                 if ($i < $Count - 1) {
                     $HTML .= " ";
             $HTML .= "<br>\n";
     $HTML .= '<b>License:</b> ';
     if ($port->license) {
         $HTML .= htmlentities($port->license);
     } else {
         $HTML .= 'not specified in port';
     $HTML .= "<br>\n";
     # The ad goes here
     if ($this->ShowAd || $this->ShowEverything) {
         $HTML .= port_display_AD;
     if ($this->ShowDescriptionLong || $this->ShowEverything) {
         $HTML .= '<PRE CLASS="code">' . htmlify(_forDisplay($port->long_description)) . '</PRE>';
     if ($this->ShowChangesLink || $this->ShowEverything) {
         # we want something like
         # http://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head/x11-wm/awesome/
         $HTML .= '<a href="http://' . $port->svn_hostname . $port->element_pathname . '/">SVNWeb</a>';
     if ($port->PackageExists() && ($this->ShowPackageLink || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         // package
         $HTML .= ' <b>:</b> ';
         $HTML .= '<A HREF="' . FRESHPORTS_FREEBSD_FTP_URL . '/' . freshports_PackageVersion($port->version, $port->revision, $port->epoch);
         $HTML .= '.tgz">Package</A>';
     if ($port->homepage && ($this->ShowHomepageLink || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         $HTML .= ' <b>:</b> ';
         $HTML .= '<a HREF="' . _forDisplay($port->homepage) . '" TITLE="Homepage for this port">Homepage</a>';
     if (defined('DISTFILESSURVEYSHOW') && ($this->ShowDistfilesSurveyLink || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         $HTML .= ' <b>:</b> ' . freshports_DistFilesSurveyURL($port->category, $port->port);
     if (defined('PORTSMONSHOW') && ($this->ShowPortsMonLink || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         $HTML .= ' <b>:</b> ' . freshports_PortsMonitorURL($port->category, $port->port);
     if ($this->ShowEverything || $this->ShowMasterSlave) {
         # Display our master port
         $MasterSlave = new MasterSlave($port->dbh);
         $NumRows = $MasterSlave->FetchByMaster($port->category . '/' . $port->port);
         if ($port->IsSlavePort() || $NumRows > 0) {
             $HTML .= "\n<hr>\n";
         if ($port->IsSlavePort()) {
             $HTML .= '<dl><dt><b>Master port:</b> ';
             list($MyCategory, $MyPort) = explode('/', $port->master_port);
             $HTML .= freshports_link_to_port($MyCategory, $MyPort);
             $HTML .= "</dt>\n";
             $HTML .= "</dl>\n";
         # Display our slave ports
         if ($NumRows > 0) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="slaveports">Slave ports</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="slaveports" id="slaveports">';
             for ($i = 0; $i < $NumRows; $i++) {
                 $HTML .= '<li>' . freshports_link_to_port($MasterSlave->slave_category_name, $MasterSlave->slave_port_name) . '</li>';
             $HTML .= "</ol>\n";
     if ($this->ShowDepends || $this->ShowEverything) {
         if ($port->depends_build || $port->depends_run || $port->depends_lib) {
             $HTML .= '<hr><p><big>NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies.  Optional dependencies are not covered.</big></p>';
         if ($port->depends_build) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Build dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredtobuild">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->depends_build);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         if ($port->depends_run) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Runtime dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredtorun">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->depends_run);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         if ($port->depends_lib) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Library dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredlibraries">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->depends_lib);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         if ($port->fetch_depends) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Fetch dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredfetches">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->fetch_depends);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         if ($port->patch_depends) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Patch dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredpatches">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->patch_depends);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         if ($port->extract_depends) {
             $HTML .= '<span class="required">Extract dependencies:</span>' . "\n" . '<ol class="required" id="requiredextracts">';
             $HTML .= freshports_depends_links($this->db, $port->extract_depends);
             $HTML .= "\n</ol>\n";
         # XXX when adding new depends above, be sure to update the array in ShowDependencies()
         $HTML .= $this->ShowDependencies($port);
     # only show if we're meant to show, and if the port has not been deleted.
     if ($this->ShowPackageLink || $this->ShowEverything) {
         $HTML .= "\n<hr>\n";
         if ($port->IsDeleted()) {
             $HTML .= '<p>No installation instructions: this port has been deleted.</p>';
             $HTML .= '<p>The package name of this deleted port was: <code class="code">' . $port->latest_link . '</code></p>';
         } else {
             $HTML .= '<p><b>To install <a href="/faq.php#port" TITLE="what is a port?">the port</a>:</b> <code class="code">cd /usr/ports/' . $port->category . '/' . $port->port . '/ && make install clean</code><br>';
             if (isset($port->no_package) && $port->no_package != '') {
                 $HTML .= '<p><b>No <a href="/faq.php#package" TITLE="what is a package?">package</a> is available:</b> ' . $port->no_package . '</p>';
             } else {
                 if ($port->forbidden || $port->broken || $port->ignore || $port->restricted) {
                     $HTML .= '<p><b>A <a href="/faq.php#package" TITLE="what is a package?">package</a> is not available for ports marked as: Forbidden / Broken / Ignore / Restricted</b></p>';
                 } else {
                     $HTML .= '<b>To add the <a href="/faq.php#package" TITLE="what is a package?">package</a>:</b> <code class="code">pkg install ' . $port->category . '/' . $port->port . '</code></p>';
         $HTML .= "\n<hr>\n";
     if ($this->ShowDescriptionShort && ($this->ShowDescriptionLink || $this->ShowEverything)) {
         // Long description
         $HTML .= '<A HREF="/' . $port->category . '/' . $port->port . '/">Description</a>';
         $HTML .= ' <b>:</b> ';
     if ($this->ShowEverything) {
         $HTML .= "<b>Configuration Options</b>\n<pre>";
         if ($port->showconfig) {
             $HTML .= $port->showconfig;
         } else {
             $HTML .= '     No options to configure';
         $HTML .= "</pre>\n<hr>\n";
     if ($this->ShowEverything && $port->uses) {
         $HTML .= "<b>USES:</b>\n<pre>";
         $HTML .= $port->uses;
         $HTML .= "</pre>\n<hr>\n";
     if ($this->ShowEverything || $this->ShowMasterSites) {
         $HTML .= '<b>Master Sites:</b>' . "\n" . '<ol class="mastersites" id="mastersites">' . "\n";
         $MasterSites = explode(' ', $port->master_sites);
         foreach ($MasterSites as $Site) {
             $HTML .= '<li>' . htmlify(_forDisplay($Site)) . "</li>\n";
         $HTML .= "</ol>\n";
         #			$HTML .= '<br>';
     #		$HTML .= "\n<hr>\n";
     $HTML .= "\n</DD>\n";
     $HTML .= "</DL>\n";
     return $HTML;
Exemplo n.º 11
    echo $color['dark'];
    echo $h2_;
    echo $_h2;
    $prevclass = '';
    foreach ($result->getTests() as $testcase) {
        foreach (array_merge($testcase->getErrors(), $testcase->getFailures()) as $error) {
            // Replace newlines with <br/>
            $content = htmlify($error->getContent());
            // Split up error info
            preg_match_all('#((\\w+)::test\\w+)(.+)#', $content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
            $testclass_testname = $matches[1][0];
            $testclass = $matches[2][0];
            // Trim all <br />'s at start of string
            $rest_contents = preg_replace('#(?i)^(?:<br ?\\/>)*#', '', $matches[3][0]);
            // Make URLs clickable
            $rest_contents = auto_link_text($rest_contents);
            if ($testclass != $prevclass) {
                $prevclass = $testclass;
    <td align="left" bgcolor="<?php 
                echo $color['medium'];
Exemplo n.º 12
function testdescriptionTxtFile($filename_txt)
    $handle = fopen($filename_txt, "r");
    // HTML-ify and get testdescription
    $testdescription = htmlify(fread($handle, filesize($filename_txt)));
    // Replace URLs with actual links
    $testdescription = auto_link_text($testdescription);
Exemplo n.º 13
        <div id="cite">
echo htmlify($cite->getText());
echo htmlify($cite->getAuthor());
if ($cite->hastitle()) {
    echo htmlify($cite->getTitle());

if (!isAjax()) {
    include 'inc/backlink.html';
Exemplo n.º 14

label IMG {
  height: 24px;
  vertical-align: middle;

if ($entry->id) {
    echo htmlify("{$entry->name}");
} else {
  <h2>New Entry</h2>

<form id="entry_form" class="basic_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="<?php 
echo $entry->id ? site_url("/entries/update/{$entry->id}") : site_url("/entries/create");
  <p class="required"> = required</p>
Exemplo n.º 15
$req = 0;
luminous::set('format', $inline ? 'html_inline' : 'html');
foreach ($samples as $s) {
    $formatter = luminous::formatter();
    $formatter->line_numbers = true;
    $formatter->link = true;
    // At the moment, this just stops TARGET attributes on links, which happen
    // to be highly convenient but the w3c in their infinite wisdom decided
    // were invalid in HTML4 strict.
    $formatter->strict_standards = true;
    $src = file_get_contents($s);
    $output = $formatter->format($src);
    $out[$s] = array();
    foreach ($doctypes_ as $spec) {
        $doctype = $doctypes[$spec];
        $html = @htmlify($output, $doctype);
        try {
            $return = validate($html);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Failed to connect or some other problem\n";
            echo "{$e->message}\n";
            $out[$s][$spec]['problems'] = array();
            $out[$s][$spec]['problems'][] = $e->message;
        if (isset($out[$s][$spec]['problems'])) {
        if ($return == false) {
            $out[$s][$spec]['problems'] = array('Validator returned false');
Exemplo n.º 16
    echo htmlify($entry->name, false);
    echo $entry->descriptionSummary;
    echo link_to($entry, 'show', 'Click for details');
    echo htmlify($entry->address, false);
    echo $entry->geocode;
Exemplo n.º 17
          <span class="action <?php 
        echo $comment->action;
        echo $comment->action;
    if (isset($edit_ui) && $edit_ui) {
        <a class="delete_button" class="button" href="#" onclick="deleteComment(<?php 
        echo $comment->id;
      <div class="body"><?php 
    echo linkify(htmlify($comment->body));
Exemplo n.º 18
function wikify($content)
    $content = htmlify($content, false);
    $content = preg_replace('#\\[\\[([\\w ]+);([\\w ]+)?\\]\\]#', '<a href = "wpage.php?title=$1">$2</a>', $content);
    $content = preg_replace('#\\[\\[([\\w ]+)\\]\\]#', '<a href = "wpage.php?title=$1">$1</a>', $content);
    $matches = array('#\\[url\\=(http://.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/url\\]#', '#\\[email:([\\w\\. ]+);([\\w\\@\\.]+)\\]#', '#funcFullArticle\\(([\\w ]+)\\)#', '#\\_([\\w ]+)\\_#', '#\\*([\\w \\d\\p{P}]+)\\*#', '#-([\\w \\&]+)-#', '#^=([\\w?\'\\"\\(\\)\\\\.,/ \\&]+)=#m', '#\\[img\\.(\\d+)\\](.+)\\[\\/img\\]#', '#\\[img\\](.+)\\[\\/img\\]#', '#\\|-([^\\|]+)#sm', '#{.(.+?).}#sm', '#^\\!(.+?)\\n#m', '#\\%(.+?)\\n#', '#\\[list\\]#', '#\\[\\/list\\]#', '#\\n-([\\w \\p{P}]+)#', '#\\[center\\]#', '#\\[\\/center\\]#', '#\\[space\\]#', '#\\[br\\]#');
    $replacements = array('<a href = "$1" class = "external" title = "This is an external link.">$2</a>', '<a href = "mailto:$2" class = "external" title = "This is an email address.">$1</a>', '<span class = "subtle">The following is a snippit, there is a full article available: <a href = "wiki.php?title=$1">$1</a>.</span><br />', '<em>$1</em>', '<b>$1</b>', '<del>$1</del>', '<h3>$1</h3>' . "\n", '<img src = "$2" width = "$1" alt = "unknown" />', '<img src = "$1" alt = "unknown" />', '<tr>\\1</tr>', '<table>\\1</table>', '<td>\\1</td>', '<th>\\1</th>', '<ul>', '</ul>', '<li>\\1</li>', '<div class = "centered">', '</div>', '&nbsp;', '<br />');
    $content = preg_replace($matches, $replacements, $content);
    while (strpos($content, 'imgPromo') !== FALSE) {
        $img = Galleries::getRandomImage();
        $rep = '<a href = "viewGalleryImage.php?filename=' . $img['filename'] . '&amp;galleryId=' . $img['galleryId'] . '"><img src = "' . $img['fullPath'] . '" width = "$1" alt = "unknown"></a>';
        $content = preg_replace('#\\[imgPromo\\.(\\d+)\\]#', $rep, $content, 1);
    return $content;
Exemplo n.º 19
print htmlify(htmlspecialchars($str), true);

The following should not get a PR type hyperlink:

echo htmlify("http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/release-8-2-2.html", false);

<h2>	Other links to check</h2>

<li>Ensure all PRs are HTMLified: <a href="/databases/postgresql7/files.php?message_id=200302062046.h16KkqNv024036@repoman.freebsd.org">/databases/postgresql7/files.php?message_id=200302062046.h16KkqNv024036@repoman.freebsd.org</a>
<li>Good test page: <a href="/lang/php4/">/lang/php4/</a>

<h2>Does it htmlify the URL and the URL name?</h2>
<li>Before: http://www.sql-ledger.org/cgi-bin/nav.pl?page=news.html&title=What's%20New
<li>After: <?php 
echo htmlify("http://www.sql-ledger.org/cgi-bin/nav.pl?page=news.html&title=What's%20New");

Exemplo n.º 20
    case 'delete':
        if (!Session::hasPriv('NEWS_DELETE')) {
            throw new PermissionException();
        $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM news WHERE id = :id ';
        $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindValue(':id', $id);
        logAndRedirect('news.php', 'News deleted: ' . $id);
        require_once 'includes/widgets/header.php';
        require_once 'includes/widgets/sidebar.php';
        $news = new News();
        while ($article = $news->getNext()) {
            echo '<p><span class = "subtle">Posted on ' . formatDt(new DateTime($article['date'])) . ' by <a href = "profile.php?id=' . $article['author'] . '">' . $article['username'] . '</a>.</span></p>';
            echo htmlify($article['content']);
            if (Session::hasPriv('NEWS_DELETE')) {
                echo '<dl class = "subtle">';
                echo '<dt><a href = "news.php?action=delete&amp;id=' . $article['id'] . '">Delete</a></dt>';
                echo '<dt><a href = "news.php?action=edit&amp;id=' . $article['id'] . '">Edit</a></dt>';
                echo '</dl>';
            stopBox(htmlify($article['title'], false));
require_once 'includes/widgets/footer.php';
Exemplo n.º 21
			<h2 id="csrf">CSRF</h2>
			<p>To enable CSRF protection you need to extend <code>Form</code>. This will ensure the token is present on all forms (using a special hidden called <code>csrf_token</code>). The developer must validate the token when POSTing the form.</p>

			<h2 id="methods">HTTP Methods (REST verbs)</h2>
			<p>To support other methods than <tt>GET</tt> and <tt>POST</tt> <code>Form</code> inserts a hidden field <code>_method</code> and uses POST to submit.</p>
			<table class="table table-striped table-condensed" style="width: auto;">
					<tr><th>Method</th><th>Submitted as</th><th>_method</th></tr>
					<tr><td colspan="4">... and so on.</td></tr>
Exemplo n.º 22
function pb_add_servise($user_id)
    $current_date = date("F j, Y, g:i:s a");
    $exp = fDate(date("Y-m-d"), '+6 month');
    $about = htmlify($_POST['about']);
    $service_id = pb_new_id('pb_services', 'service_id', 10, 'numbers');
    return pb_db("INSERT INTO pb_services (service_id, category, title, cost, location, hours, established, expires, bio, cover, logo, owner, members, ratings, portfolio, status) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$service_id}', '{$_POST['category']}', '{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['cost']}', '{$_POST['location']}', '', '{$current_date}', '{$exp}', '{$about}', '{$_POST['profile_cover']}', '{$_POST['profile_img']}', '{$user_id}', '', '', '{$_POST['profile_logo']}', 'open')");
Exemplo n.º 23
-source" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel"><div class="panel-body"><?php 
							<div class="panel panel-default">
								<div class="panel-heading" role="tab"><h4 class="panel-title"><a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#example<?php 
    echo $n;
-html">View output html</a></h4></div>
								<div id="example<?php 
    echo $n;
-html" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel"><div class="panel-body"><?php 

include 'badge.php';
		<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
Exemplo n.º 24
function weblink($url, $text = null)
    if (!$text) {
        $text = $url;
    if (!preg_match('|^http|', $url)) {
        $url = "http://{$url}";
    return "<a href=\"{$url}\" rel=\"nofollow\"" . ">" . htmlify($text) . "</a>";
Exemplo n.º 25
function update_eventitem_labs($record, $newid, $conn)
    $succ = TRUE;
    if ($record["PC_CATEG"]) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET eventCateg = '" . sql_real_escape_string($record["PC_CATEG"]) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    if ($record["LabName"]) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET eventTitle = '" . sql_real_escape_string($record["LabName"]) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    if ($record["LabLogoURL"]) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET eventThumbnail = '" . sql_real_escape_string($record["LabLogoURL"]) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    if ($record["LabAcronym"]) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET secondLine = '" . sql_real_escape_string($record["LabAcronym"]) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    if ($record["AOIKeys"]) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET broadcastInFeeds = '" . sql_real_escape_string($record["AOIKeys"]) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    $eventDetails = "";
    if ($record["LabDescription"]) {
        $eventDetails .= "<h2>Description</h2><p>" . htmlify($record["LabDescription"]) . "</p>";
    $labDirector = "";
    if ($record["LabDirector"]) {
        $labDirector = $record["LabDirector"];
        if ($record["DIRECTOR_PC_ID"]) {
            $labDirector = "<a href=\"pocketcampus://events.plugin.pocketcampus.org/showEventItem?eventItemId=" . rawurlencode($record["DIRECTOR_PC_ID"]) . "\">" . $labDirector . "</a>";
        $eventDetails .= "<h2>Director</h2><p>{$labDirector}</p>";
    if ($record["ATTENDING_MEMBERS_NAMES"]) {
        $authors = array_map("trim", explode(",", $record["ATTENDING_MEMBERS_NAMES"]));
        if ($record["ATTENDING_MEMBERS_IDS"]) {
            $author_map = array_map("rawurlencode", array_map("trim", explode(",", $record["ATTENDING_MEMBERS_IDS"])));
            if (count($authors) == count($author_map)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($author_map); $i++) {
                    if ($author_map[$i]) {
                        $authors[$i] = "<a href=\"pocketcampus://events.plugin.pocketcampus.org/showEventItem?eventItemId={$author_map[$i]}\">{$authors[$i]}</a>";
        if ($labDirector) {
            $authors = array_diff($authors, array($labDirector));
        $authors = array_map("make_li", $authors);
        if (count($authors)) {
            $eventDetails .= "<h2>Attending Members</h2><p>" . implode("", $authors) . "</p>";
    if ($record["LabHomepageURL"]) {
        $eventDetails .= "<h2>Homepage</h2><p><a href=\"{$record["LabHomepageURL"]}\">Link</a></p>";
    if ($eventDetails) {
        $succ = $succ && sql_query("UPDATE eventitems SET eventDetails = '" . sql_real_escape_string($eventDetails) . "'  WHERE eventId = '{$newid}'", $conn);
    return $succ;
Exemplo n.º 26
function printSubStages($dir)
    global $img;
    global $stage;
    global $stageout_cfg;
    global $current_stage_root;
    global $last_stage_root;
    $substageNo = 0;
    $parentStage = $stage;
    $first = true;
    $subs = glob("{$dir}/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT);
    usort($subs, "filedatecompare");
    foreach ($subs as $stagedir) {
        if ($first) {
            echo "<table style=\"width: 100%\">\n";
            $first = false;
        $stage = $parentStage . "_" . $substageNo;
        $stageName = file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/stagename.txt");
        if (file_exists("{$stagedir}/result.txt")) {
            $cur_res = file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/result.txt");
            $diff = 0;
            if (substr($stagedir, 0, strlen($current_stage_root)) == $current_stage_root) {
                $last_stage_dir = substr_replace($stagedir, $last_stage_root, 0, strlen($current_stage_root));
                if (file_exists("{$last_stage_dir}/result.txt")) {
                    $last_res = file_get_contents("{$last_stage_dir}/result.txt");
                    $diff = abs($cur_res) - abs($last_res);
                } else {
                    echo "<!-- {$last_stage_dir} " . file_exists("{$last_stage_dir}/result.txt") . " {$last_res} -->";
            $stageresult = htmlForResult($cur_res, $diff);
            $display_style = displayStyleForResult(file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/result.txt"));
        } else {
            $stageresult = htmlForResult("", 0);
            $display_style = displayStyleForResult("");
        $stageStack = explode("/", $stageName);
        if (file_exists("{$stagedir}/stagelink.txt")) {
            $stagelink = file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/stagelink.txt");
            $stageHtml = "<a href=\"{$stagelink}\">" . end($stageStack) . "</a>";
        } else {
            $stageHtml = end($stageStack);
        echo "  <tr><td>" . $stageHtml . "</td><td>" . $stageresult . "</td><td>";
        echo "      <div style=\"display:inline;cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('stageout" . $stage . "').style.display='inline'\"><img src=\"{$img}/Plus_sign.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"show details\"/></div>\n";
        echo "      <div style=\"display:inline;cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('stageout" . $stage . "').style.display='none'\"><img src=\"{$img}/Minus_sign.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"hide details\"/></div>\n";
        echo "      </td></tr>\n";
        echo "      <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div style=\"display:" . $display_style . "\" id=\"stageout" . $stage . "\">";
        echo "         <div class=\"substage\">";
        echo "         </div>";
        echo "         <p class=\"cmd\">" . htmlify(file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/cmd.txt")) . "</p>\n";
        echo "         <p class=\"out\">" . htmlify(file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/out.txt")) . "</p>\n";
        echo "         <p class=\"err\">" . htmlify(file_get_contents("{$stagedir}/err.txt")) . "</p>\n";
        // todo: improve info div (print duration as time)
        // todo: print summary (#of failed, #of warns and #of oks
        /* echo "         <div class=\"info\">\n"; */
        /* echo "         Start: " . file_get_contents("$stagedir/start.txt") . "\n"; */
        /* echo "         End: " . file_get_contents("$stagedir/end.txt") . "\n"; */
        /* echo "         </div>\n"; */
        echo "      </div></td></tr>";
        echo "   \n";
    if (!$first) {
        echo "</table>\n";
Exemplo n.º 27
.ogg" /></video>')
    echo $testcase->getClassName();
    // Add assertions, failures and errors to stacktrace
    $stacktrace = 'Assertions: ' . $testcase->getNumberOfAssertions() . ' Failures: ' . $testcase->getNumberOfFailure() . ' Errors: ' . $testcase->getNumberOfErrors();
    foreach ($testcase->getErrors() as $error) {
        $stackstring = htmlify($error->getContent());
        $stacktrace = $stacktrace . '<br/>####################################################<br/>## <b>ERROR:</b> ' . $error->getType() . '<br/>####################################################<br/>' . auto_link_text($stackstring);
    foreach ($testcase->getFailures() as $failure) {
        $stackstring = htmlify($failure->getContent());
        $stacktrace = $stacktrace . '<br/>####################################################<br/>## <b>FAILURE:</b> ' . $failure->getType() . '<br/>####################################################<br/>' . auto_link_text($stackstring);
    // Generate line numbers to use next to source code for easy to find failures and errors
    $linenumbers = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $testcase->getSourcecodeNumberOfLines(); $i++) {
        // Color red if there is an error on this line
        $screenshot = $testcase->getScreenshotOnLine($i);
        if ($testcase->lineHasError($i)) {
            $linenumbers .= '<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" color="white">';
            if ($screenshot) {
                $linenumbers .= '<a class="single_image" rel="group-' . $testcase->getClassName() . '" href="' . $result->getTestsDirectoryRelative() . $screenshot . '">';
            $linenumbers .= $i;
            if ($screenshot) {
                $linenumbers .= '</a>';
Exemplo n.º 28
 function CreateHTML()
     global $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
     $Debug = 0;
     if (!$this->result) {
         syslog(LOG_ERR, __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ': no result set supplied');
         die("read from database failed");
     $NumRows = pg_numrows($this->result);
     if ($this->Debug) {
         echo __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . " Number of rows = {$NumRows}<br>\n";
     if (!$NumRows) {
         $this->HTML = "<TR><TD>\n<P>Sorry, nothing found in the database....</P>\n</td></tr>\n";
         return $this->HTML;
     # if we have a UserID, but no flagged commits, grab them
     if ($this->UserID && !isset($this->FlaggedCommits)) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/commit_flag.php';
         $FlaggedCommits = new CommitFlag($this->dbh);
         $NumFlaggedCommits = $FlaggedCommits->Fetch($this->UserID);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $NumFlaggedCommits; $i++) {
             $this->FlaggedCommits[$FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id] = $FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id;
             if ($this->Debug) {
                 echo "fetching record # {$i} -> {$FlaggedCommits->commit_log_id}<br>";
     $GlobalHideLastChange = "N";
     $this->HTML = "";
     # leave it all empty as a comparison point
     $PreviousCommit = new CommitRecord();
     $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit = 0;
     $MaxNumberPortsToShow = 10;
     $TooManyPorts = false;
     # we might not show all of a commit, just for the really big ones.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $NumRows; $i++) {
         $myrow = pg_fetch_array($this->result, $i);
         if ($Debug) {
             echo 'processing row ' . $i . ' ' . $myrow['commit_log_id'] . ' ' . $myrow['message_id'] . "<br>\n";
         $mycommit = new CommitRecord();
         // OK, while we have the log change log, let's put the port details here.
         if ($mycommit->commit_log_id != $PreviousCommit->commit_log_id) {
             if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<BR>' . freshports_MorePortsToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit, $MaxNumberPortsToShow);
             $TooManyPorts = false;
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $this->HTML .= "\n<BLOCKQUOTE>";
                 $this->HTML .= freshports_CommitDescriptionPrint($PreviousCommit->commit_description, $PreviousCommit->encoding_losses, $Lines, freshports_MoreCommitMsgToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $Lines));
                 # close off the previous commit first
                 $this->HTML .= "\n</BLOCKQUOTE>\n</TD></TR>\n\n\n";
             # count the number of ports in this commit.
             # first time into the loop, this will be executed.
             $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit = 0;
             $MaxNumberPortsToShow = 10;
             if ($mycommit->commit_date != $PreviousCommit->commit_date) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<TR><TD COLSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="' . BACKGROUND_COLOUR . '" HEIGHT="0">' . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '   <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><BIG>' . FormatTime($mycommit->commit_date, 0, "D, j M Y") . '</BIG></FONT>' . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '</TD></TR>' . "\n\n";
             global $freshports_mail_archive;
             $this->HTML .= "<TR><TD>\n";
             $this->HTML .= '<SMALL>';
             $this->HTML .= '[ ' . $mycommit->commit_time . ' ' . freshports_CommitterEmailLink($mycommit->committer) . ' ]';
             $this->HTML .= '</SMALL>';
             $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
             $this->HTML .= freshports_Email_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
             if ($this->UserID) {
                 if (isset($this->FlaggedCommits[$mycommit->commit_log_id])) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Flagged_Link($mycommit->message_id);
                 } else {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Flagged_Not_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             if ($mycommit->EncodingLosses()) {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_Encoding_Errors();
             if ($mycommit->stf_message != '') {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp; ' . freshports_SanityTestFailure_Link($mycommit->message_id);
             #        			echo '<pre>' . print_r($mycommit, true) . '</pre>';
             if ($mycommit->svn_revision != '') {
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp; ' . freshports_svnweb_ChangeSet_Link($mycommit->svn_revision, $mycommit->svn_hostname, $mycommit->path_to_repo);
             $this->HTML .= "<br>\n";
         if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
             $TooManyPorts = true;
         if (!$TooManyPorts) {
             if (isset($mycommit->category) && $mycommit->category != '') {
                 if ($this->UserID) {
                     if ($mycommit->watch) {
                         $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Watch_Link_Remove($this->WatchListAsk, $mycommit->watch, $mycommit->element_id) . ' ';
                     } else {
                         $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Watch_Link_Add($this->WatchListAsk, $mycommit->watch, $mycommit->element_id) . ' ';
                 $this->HTML .= '<BIG><B>';
                 $this->HTML .= '<A HREF="/' . $mycommit->category . '/' . $mycommit->port . '/">';
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->port;
                 $this->HTML .= '</A>';
                 $PackageVersion = freshports_PackageVersion($mycommit->version, $mycommit->revision, $mycommit->epoch);
                 if (strlen($PackageVersion) > 0) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . $PackageVersion;
                 $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
                 $this->HTML .= '<A HREF="/' . $mycommit->category . '/">';
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->category . "</A>";
                 $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;';
                 // indicate if this port has been removed from cvs
                 if ($mycommit->status == "D") {
                     $this->HTML .= " " . freshports_Deleted_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 // indicate if this port needs refreshing from CVS
                 if ($mycommit->needs_refresh) {
                     $this->HTML .= " " . freshports_Refresh_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->date_added > Time() - 3600 * 24 * $this->DaysMarkedAsNew) {
                     $MarkedAsNew = "Y";
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_New_Icon() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->forbidden) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Forbidden_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->broken) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Broken_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->deprecated) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Deprecated_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->expiration_date) {
                     if (date('Y-m-d') >= $mycommit->expiration_date) {
                         $this->HTML .= freshports_Expired_Icon_Link($mycommit->expiration_date) . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $this->HTML .= freshports_Expiration_Icon_Link($mycommit->expiration_date) . "\n";
                 if ($mycommit->ignore) {
                     $this->HTML .= ' ' . freshports_Ignore_Icon_Link() . "\n";
                 $this->HTML .= freshports_Commit_Link_Port($mycommit->message_id, $mycommit->category, $mycommit->port);
                 $this->HTML .= "&nbsp;";
                 if ($mycommit->vulnerable_current) {
                     $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_VuXML_Icon() . '&nbsp;';
                 } else {
                     if ($mycommit->vulnerable_past) {
                         $this->HTML .= '&nbsp;' . freshports_VuXML_Icon_Faded() . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->restricted) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Restricted_Icon_Link($mycommit->restricted) . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->no_cdrom) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_No_CDROM_Icon_Link($mycommit->no_cdrom) . '&nbsp;';
                 if ($mycommit->is_interactive) {
                     $this->HTML .= freshports_Is_Interactive_Icon_Link($mycommit->is_interactive) . '&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 # This is a non-port element...
                 $this->HTML .= $mycommit->revision . ' ';
                 $this->HTML .= '<big><B>';
                 $PathName = preg_replace('|^/?ports/|', '', $mycommit->element_pathname);
                 #				echo "'$PathName' " . "'" . $mycommit->repo_name . "'";
                 switch ($mycommit->repo_name) {
                     case 'ports':
                         $PathName = preg_replace('|^head/|', '', $PathName);
                 if ($PathName != $mycommit->element_pathname) {
                     $this->HTML .= '<a href="/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($PathName)) . '">' . $PathName . '</a>';
                     $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
                 } else {
                     $this->HTML .= '<a href="' . FRESHPORTS_FREEBSD_CVS_URL . $PathName . '#rev' . $mycommit->revision . '">' . $PathName . '</a>';
                     $this->HTML .= "</B></BIG>\n";
             $this->HTML .= htmlify(_forDisplay($mycommit->short_description)) . "\n";
             $this->HTML .= "<BR>\n";
             global $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
             if ($this->ShowEntireCommit) {
                 $Lines = 0;
             } else {
                 $Lines = $freshports_CommitMsgMaxNumOfLinesToShow;
         # !$TooManyPorts
         $PreviousCommit = $mycommit;
     if ($NumberOfPortsInThisCommit > $MaxNumberPortsToShow && !$this->ShowAllPorts) {
         $this->HTML .= '<BR>' . freshports_MorePortsToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $NumberOfPortsInThisCommit, $MaxNumberPortsToShow);
     $this->HTML .= "\n<BLOCKQUOTE>";
     $this->HTML .= freshports_CommitDescriptionPrint($PreviousCommit->commit_description, $PreviousCommit->encoding_losses, $Lines, freshports_MoreCommitMsgToShow($PreviousCommit->message_id, $Lines));
     # close off the last commit
     $this->HTML .= "\n</BLOCKQUOTE>\n</TD></TR>\n\n\n";
     return $this->HTML;