function htmldb_render_table($result, $options = 0) { $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); if (!$row) { echo "Table empty"; return; } if (!$options) { $options = array(); } if (isset($options['SHOW_COLS'])) { $show_cols = $options['SHOW_COLS']; } else { if (isset($options['SKIP_COLS'])) { $skip_cols = $options['SKIP_COLS']; } } html_start_table(); $headers = array_keys($row); if (isset($options['ROW_NUM'])) { $headers = array_merge(array('#'), $headers); } html_render_th_row($headers); $row_no = 1; do { $cells = array(); /* If so was requested, number the row */ if (isset($options['ROW_NUM'])) { $cells[] = $row_no; } foreach ($row as $fld => $val) { if (isset($show_cols) && !isset($show_cols[$fld])) { continue; } else { if (isset($skip_cols) && isset($skip_cols[$fld])) { continue; } } if (isset($options[$fld])) { $val = _option_process($val, $row, $options[$fld]); } $cells[] = $val; } html_render_table_row($cells); $row_no++; } while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)); html_end_table(); }
function show_message($group, $group_filter, $start, $msg, $search, $threaded) { global $PHP_SELF, $_COOKIE, $options; // print("<!-- show_message(group='$group', group_filter='$group_filter', " // ."start=$start, msg=$msg, search='$search', threaded=$threaded) -->\n"); // Figure out which messages to show... $stream = nntp_connect(); $matches = nntp_search($stream, $group, $search, $threaded); $count = count($matches); if ($msg[0] == ':') { // Lookup a specific message ID... $msg = (int) substr($msg, 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $fields = explode("\t", $matches[$i]); if ($msg == $fields[0]) { break; } } if ($i >= $count) { nntp_error("We were unable to show the requested message for the following " . "reason:", "The message number ({$msg}) is out of range.", $group); nntp_close($stream); return; } $msg = $i; } else { // Lookup index into search... if ($msg < 1 || $msg > $count) { nntp_error("We were unable to show the requested message for the following " . "reason:", "The message number is out of range.", $group); nntp_close($stream); return; } $fields = explode("\t", $matches[$msg - 1]); } // print("<!-- fields ="); // print_r($fields); // print("-->\n"); $msgnum = (int) $fields[0]; $subject = htmlspecialchars(eregi_replace("\\[[a-z]+\\.[a-z]+\\] ", "", $fields[1]), ENT_QUOTES); $author = sanitize_email($fields[2]); $date = format_date($fields[3]); if ($subject == "") { $subject = "(No Subject)"; } // Save last message read... $cookie = str_replace(".", "_", $group); if ($search == "" && (!array_key_exists($group, $_COOKIE) || (int) $_COOKIE[$cookie] < $msgnum)) { setcookie($cookie, $msgnum, time() + 90 * 86400, "/"); } $status = nntp_command($stream, "BODY {$msgnum}", 222); if ((int) $status != 222) { nntp_close($stream); nntp_error("We were unable to show the requested message for the following " . "reason:", $status, $group); return NULL; } $body = ""; while ($line = fgets($stream, 1024)) { $line = rtrim($line); if ($line == ".") { break; } $body = $body . $line . "\n"; } nntp_close($stream); $body = quote_text($body); nntp_header("{$subject}", array("All Forums" => "forums.php?g{$options}", "Back to {$group}" => "forums.php?g{$group}+s{$start}{$options}")); show_prevnext_msg($group, $group_filter, $start, $count, $msg, $threaded); html_start_table(array($subject, $author, $date), "", "", TRUE); html_start_row(); print "<td colspan='3'><tt>{$body}</tt><br />\n" . "[ <a href='{$PHP_SELF}?g{$group}+v:{$msgnum}'>Direct Link" . " to Message</a> ]</td>"; html_end_row(); html_end_table(); show_prevnext_msg($group, $group_filter, $start, $count, $msg, $threaded); html_footer(); }
if ($file != "") { print "<h1>Download</h1>\n"; print "<p>Your download should begin shortly. If not, please " . "<a href='{$site}/{$file}'>click here</a> to download the file " . "from the current mirror.</p>\n" . "<form action='{$PHP_SELF}' method='GET' name='download'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='FILE' value='" . htmlspecialchars($file, ENT_QUOTES) . "'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='VERSION' value='" . htmlspecialchars($version, ENT_QUOTES) . "'>\n"; reset($MIRRORS); while (list($key, $val) = each($MIRRORS)) { print "<input type='radio' name='SITE' value='{$key}' " . "onClick=';'"; if ($site == $key) { print " checked"; } print ">{$val['0']}<br>\n"; } print "<p><input type='submit' value='Change Mirror Site'>\n" . "</form>\n"; } else { // Show files... print "<h1>Releases</h1>\n"; html_start_table(array("Version", "Filename", "Size", "MD5 Sum")); $curversion = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { // Grab the data for the current file... $data = explode(" ", $files[$i]); $md5 = $data[0]; $fversion = $data[1]; $filename = $data[2]; $basename = basename($filename); if ($fversion == $version) { $cs = "<th>"; $ce = "</th>"; } else { $cs = "<td align='center'>"; $ce = "</td>"; }
} if ($count > $PAGE_MAX) { print "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' " . "width='100%'>\n"; print "<tr><td>"; if ($index > 0) { print "<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?L+I{$prev}+Q" . urlencode($search) . "'>Previous {$PAGE_MAX}</a>"; } print "</td><td align='right'>"; if ($end < $count) { $next_count = min($PAGE_MAX, $count - $end); print "<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?L+I{$next}+Q" . urlencode($search) . "'>Next {$next_count}</a>"; } print "</td></tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; } html_start_table(array("ID", "Title", "Last Modified", "Comment(s)")); db_seek($result, $index); for ($i = 0; $i < $PAGE_MAX && ($row = db_next($result)); $i++) { html_start_row(); $id = $row['id']; $link = "<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?L{$id}{$options}' alt='Article #{$id}'>"; print "<td nowrap>"; if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) { print "<input type='checkbox' name='ID_{$row['id']}'>"; } print "{$link}{$id}</a></td>"; $temp = htmlspecialchars($row['title']); if ($row['is_published'] == 0) { $temp .= " <img src='images/private.gif' width='16' height='16' " . "border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='Private'>"; } print "<td align='center' width='67%'>{$link}{$temp}</a></td>";
html_header("Polls"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL > AUTH_USER) { // Show all polls and allow poll creation... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll ORDER BY id DESC"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Add New Poll", "{$PHP_SELF}?n"); html_end_links(1); } else { // Only show published polls... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE is_published = 1 " . "ORDER BY id DESC"); } print "<h1>Polls</h1>\n"; if (db_count($result) == 0) { print "<p>No polls found.</p>\n"; } else { html_start_table(array("ID", "Question::2")); while ($row = db_next($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $votes = $row['votes']; $question = htmlspecialchars($row['question']); $ccount = count_comments("poll.php_r{$id}"); if ($ccount == 1) { $ccount .= " comment"; } else { $ccount .= " comments"; } html_start_row(); print "<td align='center'>#{$row['id']}</td>" . "<td align='center' width='67%'>{$question}"; if (!$row['is_published']) { print " <img src='images/private.gif' width='16' height='16' " . "align='middle' alt='private'/>"; }
$link = "<a href='links.php?UL{$id}'>"; } html_start_row(); print "<td align='center' nowrap>{$link}{$id}</a></td>" . "<td width='67%' align='center'>{$link}{$title}</a></td>" . "<td align='center'>{$link}{$date}</a></td>"; html_end_row(); } html_end_table(); } db_free($result); print "<h2>New/Pending STRs:</h2>\n"; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM str WHERE status >= {$STR_STATUS_PENDING} " . "AND (manager_email == '' OR manager_email = '{$email}') " . "ORDER BY status DESC, priority DESC, scope DESC, " . "modify_date"); $count = db_count($result); if ($count == 0) { print "<p>No new/pending STRs found.</p>\n"; } else { html_start_table(array("Id", "Priority", "Status", "Scope", "Summary", "Version", "Last Updated", "Assigned To")); while ($row = db_next($result)) { $date = date("M d, Y", $row['modify_date']); $summary = htmlspecialchars($row['summary'], ENT_QUOTES); $summabbr = htmlspecialchars(abbreviate($row['summary'], 80), ENT_QUOTES); $prtext = $priority_text[$row['priority']]; $sttext = $status_text[$row['status']]; $sctext = $scope_text[$row['scope']]; if ($row['is_published'] == 0) { $summabbr .= " <img src='images/private.gif' width='16' height='16' " . "border='0' align='middle' alt='Private'>"; } html_start_row(); print "<td nowrap>" . "<a href='str.php?L{$row['id']}{$options}' alt='STR #{$row['id']}: {$summary}'>" . "{$row['id']}</a></td>" . "<td align='center'>{$prtext}</td>" . "<td align='center'>{$sttext}</td>" . "<td align='center'>{$sctext}</td>" . "<td align='center'><a href='str.php?L{$row['id']}{$options}' " . "alt='STR #{$row['id']}: {$summary}'>{$summabbr}</a></td>" . "<td align='center'>{$row['str_version']}</td>" . "<td align='center'>{$date}</td>"; if ($row['manager_email'] != "") { $email = sanitize_email($row['manager_email']); } else {