$testset_assoc_status = $row[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS];
 # Build list of records
 if (empty($records)) {
     $records = "{$test_id} => '{$testset_assoc_status}'";
 } else {
     $records .= ", {$test_id} => '{$testset_assoc_status}'";
 $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
 print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
 if (session_records_ischecked("testset_copy", $test_id, $testset_assoc_status)) {
     print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='row_{$test_id}' value='{$testset_assoc_status}' checked></td>" . NEWLINE;
 } else {
     print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='row_{$test_id}' value='{$testset_assoc_status}'></td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td align='center'>{$display_test_id}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left' nowrap>" . html_print_testtype_icon($manual, $automated) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left' nowrap>{$test_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left'>{$ba_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left'>{$qa_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left'>{$tester}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left' nowrap>{$test_type}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left' nowrap>{$area_tested}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left' nowrap>{$testset_assoc_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='center'><a href='{$test_page}?test_id={$test_id}' target='_blank'>" . lang_get('docs_link') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='center'><a href='{$results_test_run_page}?test_id={$test_id}&amp;testset_menu_testset_id={$_GET['testset_menu_testset_id']}'>" . lang_get('results_link') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='left'>{$assigned_to}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 # -------- Comment Icon ----------
 if (!empty($comments)) {
     print "<td class='center'><img src='images/info.gif' title='{$comments}'></td>" . NEWLINE;
 } else {
     print "<td>&nbsp;</td>" . NEWLINE;
Exemplo n.º 2
     if ($row_test_detail[TEST_AUTO_PASS] == "Y") {
         $autopass = "******";
     } else {
         $autopass = "******";
     $filename = test_get_filename($test_id);
     #$row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     #print"<tr class='$row_style'>". NEWLINE;
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='row_test_arr[{$test_id}]'></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='{$test_update_url}?test_id={$test_id}'><img src='" . IMG_SRC . "update.gif' title='" . lang_get('update_test') . "' border=0></a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     //$detail_url = $detail_page ."?test_id=". $test_id ."&test_version_id=". $test_version_id;
     $detail_url = $detail_page . "?test_id=" . $test_id . "&project_id=" . $project_id;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='{$detail_url}' title='" . lang_get('test_view_detail') . "'>{$display_test_id}</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'>" . html_print_testtype_icon($manual, $automated) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'>" . html_file_type($filename) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$autopass}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$ba_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$qa_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$tester}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_type}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$area_tested}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$priority}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 $g_timer->mark_time("Finished outputting main html table to browser");
 print "</tbody>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</table>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
 $display_test_id = util_pad_id($test_id);
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>{$display_test_id}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>{$test_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 #print"<td class=grid-data-c>$version_no</td>". NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</table>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<br>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<table class=width95>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-header-l width='25%'>" . NEWLINE;
 print lang_get('test_performance') . " | " . lang_get('man_auto');
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-l width='25%'>" . NEWLINE;
 print html_print_testtype_icon($manual, $automated, $performance);
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-header-l width='25%'>" . NEWLINE;
 print lang_get('last_updated_by');
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-l width='25%'>" . NEWLINE;
 print $last_updated_by;
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-header-l>" . lang_get('test_status') . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-l>{$test_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-header-l>" . lang_get('last_updated_date') . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-l>{$last_updated_date}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
 #html_tbl_print_header( lang_get('status'), TEST_STATUS, 			$order_by, $order_dir );
 #html_tbl_print_header( lang_get('archive') );
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</thead>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tbody>" . NEWLINE;
 foreach ($row as $test_row) {
     #$row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     #print"<tr class='$row_style'>". NEWLINE;
     print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . html_print_testtype_icon($test_row[TEST_MANUAL], $test_row[TEST_AUTOMATED]) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $test_row[TEST_NAME] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $test_row[TEST_TESTTYPE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $test_row[TEST_AREA_TESTED] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $test_row[TEST_STATUS] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     if (session_records_ischecked("archive_tests", $test_row[TEST_ID])) {
         $checked = "checked";
     } else {
         $checked = "";
     if (empty($records)) {
         $records = $test_row[TEST_ID] . " => ''";
     } else {
         $records .= ", " . $test_row[TEST_ID] . " => ''";
     print "<td><input type=checkbox name=row_" . $test_row[TEST_ID] . " {$checked}></td>" . NEWLINE;
 html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('area_tested'), TEST_AREA_TESTED, $order_by, $order_dir);
 html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('test_assigned_to'), TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO, $order_by, $order_dir);
 html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('test_status'), TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS, $order_by, $order_dir);
 html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('info'), TEST_TS_ASSOC_COMMENTS, $order_by, $order_dir);
 html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('time_approved'), TEST_TS_ASSOC_TIMESTAMP, $order_by, $order_dir);
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 foreach ($test_signoff_details as $row_test_signoff) {
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     $last_test_run = test_get_last_run($row_test_signoff[TEST_ID], $testset_id);
     $os = $last_test_run[TEST_RESULTS_OS];
     $time_started = $last_test_run[TEST_RESULTS_TIME_STARTED];
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . html_print_testtype_icon($row_test_signoff[TEST_MANUAL], $row_test_signoff[TEST_AUTOMATED]) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_test_signoff[TEST_NAME] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_test_signoff[TEST_AREA_TESTED] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>";
     if (!empty($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO])) {
         print $row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO];
     } else {
         print "Not Assigned";
     print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>";
     if (!empty($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS])) {
         print $row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS];
     } else {
         print "Not Used";