imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagejpeg($im, "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/gd1.jpg"); header("Content-type: image/gif"); fpassthru(fopen('images/spacer.gif')); } elseif ($_GET['test_gd2']) { // GD2 test $im = imagecreatetruecolor(1, 1); imagejpeg($im, "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/gd2.jpg"); header("Content-type: image/gif"); fpassthru(fopen('images/spacer.gif')); } elseif ($_GET['phpinfo'] && !file_exists($DFLT['cfg_f'])) { phpinfo(); } else { // The installer html_header(); html_logo(); if (file_exists($DFLT['cfg_f'])) { html_installer_locked(); } elseif (count($_POST)) { test_fs(); test_sql_connection(); test_admin_login(); write_config_file(); if ($errors == '') { create_tables(); } if ($errors != '') { html_input_config($errors); } else { //lock_install(); html_install_success($notes);
function start_update() { // The updater html_header("Coppermine - Upgrade"); html_logo(); test_fs(); if ($errors != '') { html_prereq_errors($errors); } else { test_sql_connection(); if ($errors == '') { update_tables(); update_system_thumbs(); } else { html_error($errors); } if ($errors == '') { html_install_success($notes); session_destroy(); } else { html_error($errors); } } html_footer(); }
function register_changes() { global $CONFIG; if (count($_POST) > 0) { if (isset($_POST['check'])) { $doconvert = 0; } else { if (isset($_POST['convert'])) { $doconvert = 1; } } if (isset($doconvert)) { $charsetin = $_POST['charset_in']; $charsetout = $_POST['charset_out']; // elements of the database that need converting // the first element in the array is the id name of the table $affected_elements = array($CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] => array('aid', 'title', 'description', 'keyword'), $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] => array('pid', 'title', 'caption', 'keywords'), $CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS'] => array('msg_id', 'msg_author', 'msg_body'), $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] => array('cid', 'name', 'description'), $CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS'] => array('group_id', 'group_name'), $CONFIG['TABLE_USERS'] => array('user_id', 'user_name', 'user_password', 'user_profile1', 'user_profile2', 'user_profile3', 'user_profile4', 'user_profile5', 'user_profile6')); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$charsetout}"); //echo $charsetin . " " .$charsetout; if (!$doconvert) { $windowtitle = "Charset Manager - 2/3 - Check"; $title = "2/3 - Checking conversion from <b>{$charsetin}</b> to <b>{$charsetout}</b>"; } else { if ($doconvert) { $windowtitle = "Charset Manager - 3/3 - Conversion"; $title = "3/3 - Converting from <b>{$charsetin}</b> to <b>{$charsetout}</b>"; } } html_header($windowtitle, $charsetout); html_logo(); echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>"; echo '<table border="1" class="charsetchecktable" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="margin:auto;">'; if (!$doconvert) { echo '<p class="warning">You <b>must check</b> that all the cells in <span class="check">blue</span> are displayed properly.</p>'; } echo "<tr><th>String</th><th>Table</th><th>Column</th><th>Id</th><th>" . ($doconvert ? "Result" : "Query") . "</th></tr>"; foreach ($affected_elements as $table => $columns) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($columns); ++$i) { charset_convert($table, $columns[$i], $columns[0], $charsetin, $charsetout, $doconvert); } } echo '</table>'; if (!$doconvert) { echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post" name="cpgform" id="cpgform">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="charset_in" value="' . $charsetin . "\" />\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="charset_out" value="' . $charsetout . "\" />\n"; echo <<<EOT <div class="warning"> <p>Before converting you <b>must</b>:</p> <ol> <li>Make a backup of your database. <span class="bigwarning">A malfunction of this script will result in the partial or complete loss or corruption of your comments and other string data containing non-ascii characters.</span></li> <li>Check that all the strings above in <span class="check">blue</span> are displayed correctly. </ol> </div> EOT; echo '<div class="input"><input type="submit" class="button" name="convert" value="Convert" /></div>'; echo '</form>'; } if ($doconvert) { // the script has succeeded (hopefully): we change the charset accordingly in the database set_config('charset', $charsetout); echo <<<EOT <div class="warning"> <p>The conversion has been carried out.<br/> If you did not get any errors, for security reasons, you may now <b>remove the file charsetmgr.php</b>, or make it unaccessible, since you will not need this file anymore.<br/> You may now <a href="index.php">proceed to the main page.</a> </p> </div> EOT; } html_footer(); exit; } } }