Exemplo n.º 1
    html_inputbox("descr", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['descr'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), true, 20);
    html_ipv4addrbox("ipaddr", "subnet", gettext("IP address"), !empty($pconfig['ipaddr']) ? $pconfig['ipaddr'] : "", !empty($pconfig['subnet']) ? $pconfig['subnet'] : "", "", true);
    html_titleline_checkbox("ipv6_enable", gettext("IPv6 Configuration"), !empty($pconfig['ipv6_enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Activate"), "enable_change(this)");
    html_combobox("ipv6type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['ipv6type'], array("Static" => gettext("Static"), "Auto" => gettext("Auto")), "", true, false, "ipv6_type_change()");
    html_ipv6addrbox("ipv6addr", "ipv6subnet", gettext("IP address"), !empty($pconfig['ipv6addr']) ? $pconfig['ipv6addr'] : "", !empty($pconfig['ipv6subnet']) ? $pconfig['ipv6subnet'] : "", "", true);
    html_titleline(gettext("Advanced Configuration"));
    html_inputbox("mtu", gettext("MTU"), $pconfig['mtu'], gettext("Set the maximum transmission unit of the interface to n, default is interface specific. The MTU is used to limit the size of packets that are transmitted on an interface. Not all interfaces support setting the MTU, and some interfaces have range restrictions."), false, 5);
    html_checkbox("polling", gettext("Device polling"), $pconfig['polling'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable device polling"), gettext("Device polling is a technique that lets the system periodically poll network devices for new data instead of relying on interrupts. This can reduce CPU load and therefore increase throughput, at the expense of a slightly higher forwarding delay (the devices are polled 1000 times per second). Not all NICs support polling."), false);
Exemplo n.º 2
html_ipv4addrbox("ipaddr", "subnet", gettext("IP address"), $pconfig['ipaddr'], $pconfig['subnet'], "", true);
html_inputbox("gateway", gettext("Gateway"), $pconfig['gateway'], "", true, 20);
html_titleline_checkbox("ipv6_enable", gettext("IPv6 Configuration"), $pconfig['ipv6_enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Activate"), "enable_change(this)");
html_combobox("ipv6type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['ipv6type'], array("Static" => gettext("Static"), "Auto" => "Auto"), "", true, false, "ipv6_type_change()");
html_ipv6addrbox("ipv6addr", "ipv6subnet", gettext("IP address"), $pconfig['ipv6addr'], $pconfig['ipv6subnet'], "", true);
html_inputbox("ipv6gateway", gettext("Gateway"), $pconfig['ipv6gateway'], "", true, 20);
html_titleline(gettext("Advanced Configuration"));
html_inputbox("mtu", gettext("MTU"), $pconfig['mtu'], gettext("Set the maximum transmission unit of the interface to n, default is interface specific. The MTU is used to limit the size of packets that are transmitted on an interface. Not all interfaces support setting the MTU, and some interfaces have range restrictions."), false, 5);
html_checkbox("polling", gettext("Device polling"), $pconfig['polling'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable device polling"), gettext("Device polling is a technique that lets the system periodically poll network devices for new data instead of relying on interrupts. This can reduce CPU load and therefore increase throughput, at the expense of a slightly higher forwarding delay (the devices are polled 1000 times per second). Not all NICs support polling."), false);