/** * this function returns the contents * of the right block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema. * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { //Crea el contenedor del right_block $ret_val = container(); //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal. //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML. $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $ret_val->add($hr); //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS $div = html_div('ul-big'); //Añade una imagen del tema $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("menu/idea.png")); //Incluimos texto en negrita $div->add(html_b('Sugerencias')); //Ahora dos retornos de carro $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); $div = html_div('medium-text'); if ($this->getViewVariable('bol_cuestion')) { //Incluye en el Div un texto. Usa la funciÛn agt('etiqueta') para internacionalizar $div->add(agt('miguelTodoText')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); //Añadimos al contenedor principal el formulario de entrada de datos $ret_val->add($this->addForm('todo', 'miguel_todoForm')); } else { //Muestra en el Div el texto con los datos insertados $div->add(agt('miguelInsertTodo')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); //getContextValue obtiene un par·metro de config.xml $table =& html_table(Session::getContextValue("mainInterfaceWidth"), 0, 2, 2); //add_row aÒade una fila a la tabla, html_td crea un contenedor celda de la fila $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoNombre')), $this->getViewVariable('sug_nombre')))); $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoMail')), $this->getViewVariable('sug_email')))); $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoComment')), html_br(), $this->getViewVariable('sug_comentario')))); $ret_val->add($table); //AÒade al contenedor principal un formulario $ret_val->add($this->addForm('common', 'miguel_navForm')); } //EnvÌa el contenedor del bloque right para que sea renderizado por el sistema return $ret_val; }
function right_block() { /* * As usual, we create a container and add to it the main elements * and set some of its properties */ $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4(agt("miguel_AuthorTool"))); /* * Arrays of possible statuses. We'll use them to simplify the code */ $statusArray = array(1 => "List", "Send_File", "Send_Document", "Send_Folder", "Delete"); $statusArray2 = array(1 => "list", "send_file", "send_document", "send_folder", "delete"); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); /* * We check that satatus has a recognizable status for security. * Note that we obviate that status var exists nbecause it was set in * control class. */ if ($id = array_search($status, $statusArray2)) { /* * If any change form operation was executed, * then show operation status. */ if ($this->issetViewVariable('submit')) { /* * getViewVariable('opstat') is either * '(db|fs|zipdirdb)?error' or 'success'. */ $opStat = html_div(agt("opstat-{$status}-" . $this->getViewVariable('opstat'))); $opStat->set_id("opstat"); $ret_val->add($opStat); } $ret_val->add($this->addForm('authortool', "miguel_VAuthorTool_" . $statusArray[$id])); } elseif ($status == "Show_File") { /* * Show document!!! */ } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div('ul-big'); $div->add(html_img(Util::app_URLPath('../var/themes/Miguel/image/menu/addcourse.png'), 0, 0, 0, '')); $div->add(html_b('Nuevo Curso')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); $ret_val->add($this->addForm('newCourse', 'miguel_newCourseForm')); return $ret_val; //$div = html_div(); //$div->add($this->addForm('newCourse', 'miguel_newCourseForm')); //return $div; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Alta Título Bibliográfico de la Bibilioteca Virtual del Campus")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newbook') && $this->getViewVariable('newbook') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Alta de título correcto.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("main/index.php", 'id=institution'), agt('Volver'))); $ret_val->add(_HTML_SPACE); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('newBook/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Título Bibliográfico'))); } else { $ret_val->add($this->addForm('newBook', 'miguel_bookForm')); } return $ret_val; }
function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div('ul-big'); $div->add(html_img(Util::app_URLPath('../var/themes/Miguel/image/menu/addcourse.png'), 0, 0, 0, '')); $div->add(html_b('Nuevo Curso Adicionado')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); $div1 = html_div(); $div1->add(agt('El curso se ha adicionado correctamente en la base de datos.')); $div1->add(html_br(2)); $div1->add(agt('NOMBRE DEL CUSRSO'), ' : ', $this->getViewVariable('courseName')); $div1->add(html_br(2), agt('DESCRIPCION'), ' : ', $this->getViewVariable('courseDescription')); $div1->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_resultNewCourseForm(), 'resultNewCourse', Util::format_URLPath('main/index.php'))); $ret_val->add($div1); return $ret_val; }
function right_block() { $main = html_div(); $main->set_tag_attribute('width', Session::getContextValue('mainInterfaceWidth')); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $main->add($hr); $table = html_table(Session::getContextValue('mainInterfaceWidth'), 0, 1, 0); $table->set_tag_attribute('border'); //Cabecera $elem1 = html_td('ptabla02', '', html_b('Perfil')); $elem1->set_tag_attribute('width', '50%'); $elem2 = html_td('ptabla02', '', html_b('Conexiones')); $elem2->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $elem3 = html_td('ptabla02', '', html_b('%')); $elem3->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $table->add_row($elem1, $elem2, $elem3); $arrUsers = $this->getViewVariable('arrUsers'); $iTotalCon = $this->getViewVariable('iTotalCon'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrUsers); $i++) { $elem1 = html_td('ptabla03', '', $arrUsers[$i]['user.user_alias']); $elem2 = html_td('ptabla03', '', $arrUsers[$i]['countLogin']); $elem2->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $porc = sprintf('%.2f', $arrUsers[$i]['countLogin'] * 100 / $iTotalCon); $elem3 = html_td('ptabla03', '', $porc); $elem3->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $table->add_row($elem1, $elem2, $elem3); } $elem1 = html_td('ptabla03', '', html_b('TOTAL')); $elem2 = html_td('ptabla03', '', html_b($iTotalCon)); $elem2->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $elem3 = html_td('ptabla03', '', html_b(100)); $elem3->set_tag_attribute('align', 'right'); $table->add_row($elem1, $elem2, $elem3); $main->add($table); return $main; }
function _userListView() { $ret_val = html_div(); if ($this->issetViewVariable('form_name_search')) { $ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_searchresultForm($this->arr_commarea), 'search_form', Util::format_URLPath('admin/index.php', 'admin_screen=user_list'))); } $ret_val->add(html_hr()); $ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_searchForm($this->arr_commarea), 'search_form', Util::format_URLPath('admin/index.php', 'admin_screen=user_list'))); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("edcenters.png")); $div->add(agt('miguel_Courses')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $course = $this->getViewVariable("arr_courses"); $ul = html_ul(); if ($course[0]['course_id'] != '') { $countCourse = count($course); for ($i = 0; $i < $countCourse; $i++) { $elem = container(); $link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", "course=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), $course[$i]["course_name"], null, "_top"); $link->set_tag_attribute('tabindex', $i + 7); $elem->add($link); $elem->add(html_br()); $elem->add($course[$i]["course_description"]); $elem->add(html_br()); $mailLink = Theme::getMailURL($course[$i]['course_email'], Session::getValue('migueloo_userinfo_user_id')); $elem->add(html_b(agt('miguel_responsable') . ' '), html_a($mailLink, $course[$i]["course_responsable"])); $elem->add(html_br()); $elem->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("unsubscribe/index.php", "course_id=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), agt('miguel_unsubscribe'), null, '_top')); $ul->add($elem); } $div->add($ul); } $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción - Paso 2")); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); if (!Session::getValue("inscript")) { $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::main_URLPath('index.php'), agt('Regresar a la página principal'))); $ret_val->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::app_URLPath('auth/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Usuario'))); } else { //$ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_inscriptionForm())); } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Insertar nuevo enlace")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newlink') && $this->getViewVariable('newlink') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Inserción de enlace correcto.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::main_URLPath('index.php'), agt('Regresar a la página principal'))); $ret_val->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::app_URLPath('links/index.php'), agt('Página de Enlaces'))); } else { if ($this->issetViewVariable('msgError') && $this->getViewVariable('msgError') != '') { $ret_val->add(html_h2($this->getViewVariable('msgError'))); } $ret_val->add($this->addForm('links', 'miguel_insertionform')); } return $ret_val; }
function footer_block() { $this->registry->pushApp('common'); $footer_div = html_div('pie'); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $footer_div->add($hr); include_once Util::app_Path('common/view/classes/miguel_footer.class.php'); $table = new miguel_Footer(); $footer_div->add($table->getContent()); unset($table); $this->registry->popApp('common'); return $footer_div; }
function addPostList(&$div) { $arrPosts = $this->getViewVariable('arrPosts'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrPosts); $i++) { if ($arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_poster'] != NULL) { $div->add($this->addPost($arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_poster'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_time'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_text'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_ip'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_id'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_parent'], $arrPosts[$i]['forum_post.forum_post_title'], $arrPosts[$i]['is_logged'])); $div->add(html_hr()); } } }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("edcenters.png")); $div->add(agt('miguel_Center')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $navinfo = $this->getSessionElement('navinfo', 'institution_id'); if (isset($navinfo) && $navinfo != '') { $div->add($this->_courseList(false)); $div->add(html_br(2)); $div->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("newCourse/index.php"), Theme::getThemeImage('menu/addcourse.png', 'miguel_newCourse'))); $div->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("newCourse/index.php"), agt('miguel_newCourse'))); } else { $div->add($this->_courseList(true)); } $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the right block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema. * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { //Crea el contenedor del right_block $ret_val = container(); //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal. //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML. $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $ret_val->add($hr); //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS $div = html_div(); //Añade una imagen del tema //$div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('modules/agenda.png')); //Incluimos texto en negrita $titulo = html_p('Agenda del Curso'); $titulo->set_class('ptabla01'); $div->add($titulo); //Ahora dos retornos de carro //$ret_val->add($div); //$div = html_div('medium-text'); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); switch ($status) { case 'new': $pTitulo = html_p('Alta de evento'); $pTitulo->set_class('ptabla01'); $ret_val->add($pTitulo); $ret_val->add($this->addForm('calendar', 'miguel_calendarForm')); break; case 'show': $ret_val->add($this->show_Details($this->getViewVariable('calendar'), $this->getViewVariable('course'), $this->getViewVariable('event'), $this->getViewVariable('subject'), $this->getViewVariable('content'), $this->getViewVariable('dt_ini'), $this->getViewVariable('dt_fin'), false)); break; case 'menu': //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Nuevo_Evento'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Ver_Eventos'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); $pNew = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'), 'Nuevo Evento')); $pNew->set_class('ptabla03'); $pShow = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'), 'Ver Eventos')); $pShow->set_class('ptabla03'); $div->add($pNew); $div->add($pShow); $ret_val->add($div); break; case 'list': default: $calendar_array = $this->getViewVariable('calendar_array'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($calendar_array); $i++) { $div->add($this->show_Details($calendar_array[$i]['calendar'], $calendar_array[$i]['course'], $calendar_array[$i]['event_type'], $calendar_array[$i]['subject'], $calendar_array[$i]['content'], $calendar_array[$i]['dt_ini'], $calendar_array[$i]['dt_fin'], true)); $div->add(html_br(2)); } $ret_val->add($div); break; } return $ret_val; }
function left_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); //Mensaje de bienvenida $div->add($this->_addFileContent(Theme::getTheme() . Session::getContextValue('texto_ini'))); $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("links.png")); $div->add(agt('miguel_Links')); $div->add(html_br(2)); // $div->add( $this->_categoryTable()); $div->add($this->_LinksList()); $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
function footer_block() { $this->registry->pushApp('common'); //include_once(Util::base_Path('include/classes/nls.class.php')); //NLS::setTextdomain('common', Util::formatPath(MIGUELGETTEXT_DIR), NLS::getCharset()); $footer_div = html_div('pie'); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $footer_div->add($hr); include_once Util::app_Path('common/view/classes/miguel_footer.class.php'); $footer = new miguel_Footer(); $footer_div->add($footer->getContent()); $this->registry->popApp('common'); return $footer_div; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function _block() { $ret_val = container(); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción - Paso 1")); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(new FormProcessor(new miguel_inscriptionForm())); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); //Muestra las instituciones $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("edcenters.png")); $div->add(agt('miguel_Center')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $div->add($this->_categoryTable()); $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // cuurent day if ($view != VIEW_DAY) { echo link_module('./?view=day', $lvm_title_day, ICON_PUCE); } // current month $period = sprintf('&year=%d&month=%02d', date('Y'), date('n')); if ($view != VIEW_MONTH) { echo link_module('./?view=month' . $period, $lvm_title_current_month, ICON_PUCE); } // year (last months in fact) if ($view != VIEW_YEAR) { echo link_module('./?view=year', $lvm_title_year, ICON_PUCE); } // user if ($view != VIEW_USER) { echo html_hr(); echo link_module('./?view=user', $lvm_title_user, ICON_PUCE); }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the right block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema. * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { //Crea el contenedor del right_block $ret_val = container(); //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal. //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML. $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $ret_val->add($hr); //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS $div = html_div(); //Añade una imagen del tema //$div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('modules/agenda.png')); //Incluimos texto en negrita $titulo = html_p('Agenda del Curso'); $titulo->set_class('ptabla01'); $div->add($titulo); //Ahora dos retornos de carro //$ret_val->add($div); //$div = html_div('medium-text'); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); switch ($status) { case 'show': $tableTask = html_table(Session::getContextValue("mainInterfaceWidth"), 0, 2, 2); $tableTask->add($this->add_head()); $tableTask->add($this->show_Details($this->getViewVariable('event'), $this->getViewVariable('subject'), $this->getViewVariable('dt_ini'), false)); $div->add($tableTask); $ret_val->add($div); break; /* case 'menu': //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Nuevo_Evento'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Ver_Eventos'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); $pNew = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'),'Nuevo Evento')); $pNew->set_class('ptabla03'); $pShow = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'),'Ver Eventos')); $pShow->set_class('ptabla03'); $div->add($pNew); $div->add($pShow); $ret_val->add($div); break; */ /* case 'menu': //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Nuevo_Evento'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); //$div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'), // Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/agenda.png'), agt('miguel_Ver_Eventos'))); //$div->add(html_br(2)); $pNew = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=new'),'Nuevo Evento')); $pNew->set_class('ptabla03'); $pShow = html_p(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('calendar/index.php', 'status=list'),'Ver Eventos')); $pShow->set_class('ptabla03'); $div->add($pNew); $div->add($pShow); $ret_val->add($div); break; */ case 'new': case 'list': case 'delete': default: $div->add($this->add_main_window()); $ret_val->add($div); break; } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $ret_val->add(html_h4("Inscripción al Campus Virtual")); if ($this->issetViewVariable('newclient') && $this->getViewVariable('newclient') == 'ok') { $ret_val->add(html_h2(agt('Alta de usuario correcta.'))); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("main/index.php", 'id=institution'), agt('Volver'))); $ret_val->add(_HTML_SPACE); $ret_val->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('auth/index.php'), agt('Nuevo Usuario'))); } else { $ret_val->add($this->addForm('auth', 'miguel_inscriptionForm')); } return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div("ul-big"); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage("edcenters.png")); $div->add(html_br(2)); $course = $this->getViewVariable("arr_courses"); $ul = html_ul(); $countCourse = count($course); for ($i = 0; $i < $countCourse; $i++) { $elem = container(); $elem->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", "course=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), $course[$i]["course_name"], null, "_top")); $elem->add(html_br()); $elem->add($course[$i]["course_description"]); $ul->add($elem); } $div->add($ul); $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the right block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema. * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { //Crea el contenedor del right_block $ret_val = container(); //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal. //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML. $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $ret_val->add($hr); //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS $div = html_div(); //Añade una imagen del tema $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('modules/announces.png')); //Incluimos texto en negrita $div->add(html_b('Tabl�n de anuncios')); //Ahora dos retornos de carro $div->add(html_br(2)); //$ret_val->add($div); //$div = html_div('medium-text'); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); switch ($status) { case 'menu': default: $div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('notice/index.php', 'status=new'), Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/announces.png'), 'Nuevo Mensaje')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('notice/index.php', 'status=list'), Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/announces.png'), 'Ver Mensajes')); $div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); break; case 'new': //Incluye en el Div un texto. Usa la funciÛn agt('etiqueta') para internacionalizar //$div->add(agt('miguelNoticeText')); //$div->add(html_br(2)); $ret_val->add($div); //Añadimos al contenedor principal el formulario de entrada de datos $ret_val->add($this->addForm('notice', 'miguel_noticeForm')); break; case 'list': $notice_array = $this->getViewVariable('notice_array'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($notice_array); $i++) { $div->add($this->add_notice($notice_array[$i]['notice.author'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.subject'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.time'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.notice_id'])); $div->add(html_br(2)); } $ret_val->add($div); break; case 'show': $ret_val->add($this->add_noticeDetails()); break; } //EnvÌa el contenedor del bloque right para que sea renderizado por el sistema return $ret_val; }
function right_section() { $ret_val = html_div(); $ret_val->set_id('content'); $div = html_div(); $status = $this->getViewVariable('status'); switch ($status) { case 'menu': default: $arrMessages = $this->getViewVariable('arrMessages'); $unreaded = count($arrMessages); //Si es 1 hay que mirar si no es nulo if ($unreaded == 1 && $arrMessages[0]['message.id'] == null) { $unreaded = 0; } $div->add($this->add_sectionHead('Mensajería ' . "({$unreaded})", 'modules/email.png')); $div->add($this->add_inbox()); $div->add(html_br(2)); $div->add(html_hr()); $notice_array = $this->getViewVariable('notice_array'); $unreaded = count($notice_array); //Si es 1 hay que mirar que no sea nulo if ($unreaded == 1 && $notice_array[0]['notice.author'] == null) { $unreaded = 0; } $div->add($this->add_sectionHead('Tablón de anuncios ' . "({$unreaded})")); $div->add($this->add_notices()); $div->add(html_br(2)); $div->add(html_hr()); $candidates_array = $this->getViewVariable('candidates_array'); $unreaded = count($candidates_array); //Si es 1 hay que mirar que no sea nulo if ($unreaded == 1 && $candidates_array[0]['candidate.person_name'] == null) { $unreaded = 0; } $div->add($this->add_sectionHead('Candidatos ' . "({$unreaded})", 'modules/inscription.png')); $div->add($this->add_candidates()); break; } $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the right block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema. * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { //Crea el contenedor del right_block $main = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute('noshade'); $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2); //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal $main->add($hr); $table = html_table(Session::getContextValue('mainInterfaceWidth'), 0, 1, 0); $table->set_class('simple'); $elem1 = html_td('', '', $this->left_section()); $elem1->set_tag_attribute('width', '20%'); $elem1->set_tag_attribute('valign', 'top'); $elem2 = html_td('', '', $this->right_section()); $elem2->set_tag_attribute('valign', 'top'); $row = html_tr(); $row->add($elem1); $row->add($elem2); $table->add_row($row); $main->add($table); return $main; }
/** * this function returns the contents * of the left block. It is already wrapped * in a TD * * @return HTMLTag object */ function right_block() { $ret_val = container(); $hr = html_hr(); $hr->set_tag_attribute("noshade"); $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2); $ret_val->add($hr); $div = html_div(); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('edcenters.png')); $infoCourse = $this->getViewVariable('infoCourse'); $path_arr = $infoCourse['path']; $strPath = $path_arr['institution']; if ($path_arr['faculty'] != '') { $strPath .= ' > '; } $strPath .= $path_arr['faculty']; if ($path_arr['department'] != '') { $strPath .= ' > '; } $strPath .= $path_arr['department']; if ($path_arr['area'] != '') { $strPath .= ' > '; } $strPath .= $path_arr['area']; $div->add($strPath); $div->add(html_br()); $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('info.png', $infoCourse['name'])); $div->add(html_b(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", 'course=' . $infoCourse['course_id']), $infoCourse['name']))); $div->add(html_br()); $mailLink = Theme::getMailURL($infoCourse['email'], Session::getValue('migueloo_userinfo_user_id')); $div->add(html_b(agt('miguel_responsable') . ' '), html_a($mailLink, $infoCourse['user_responsable'])); $div->add(html_br(2)); $table = html_table("100%", 0, 8, 0); $table->set_class("simple"); $table->set_id("modules"); $table->set_tag_attribute("valign", "top"); /*$arr_elem = $this->_getModuleElements(); $int_elem = count($arr_elem); for($i=0; $i<$int_elem; $i = $i+2){ $row = html_tr(); $col = html_td("","left"); $col->add( $this->imag_ref( Util::format_URLPath( $arr_elem[$i][0]), Theme::getThemeImagePath( $arr_elem[$i][1] ), agt('miguel_Module' . $arr_elem[$i][2]) ) ); $row->add($col); $col = html_td("","left"); if ( $arr_elem[$i+1][0] != '' ){ $col->add( $this->imag_ref(Util::format_URLPath( $arr_elem[$i+1][0]), Theme::getThemeImagePath( $arr_elem[$i+1][1] ), agt( 'miguel_Module' . $arr_elem[$i+1][2]) )); $row->add($col); } $table->add_row($row); } */ $is_admin = $this->getViewVariable('isCourseAdmin'); $arr_elem = $this->getViewVariable('visual_array'); //Debug::oneVar($arr_elem, __FILE__,__LINE__); $int_elem = count($arr_elem); $bol_row = true; for ($i = 0; $i < $int_elem; $i++) { $item = $i + 1; if ($bol_row) { $row = html_tr(); $bol_row_add = false; } $row->add($this->_formatRowElement($arr_elem[$i], $item, $is_admin)); $bol_row = $bol_row ? false : true; if ($bol_row) { $table->add($row); $bol_row_add = true; } } if (!$bol_row_add) { $table->add($row); } $div->add($table); $ret_val->add($div); return $ret_val; }