$display_name = $row[MAN_TD_DISPLAY_NAME];
 $man_test_id = $row[MAN_TD_MANUAL_TEST_ID];
 $filename = $row[MAN_TD_VER_FILENAME];
 $comments = $row[MAN_TEST_DOCS_VERS_COMMENTS];
 $time_stamp = $row[MAN_TD_VER_TIME_STAMP];
 $uploaded_by = $row[MAN_TD_VER_UPLOADED_BY];
 $version = $row[MAN_TD_VER_VERSION];
 $fname = $s_project_properties['test_upload_path'] . $filename;
     $file_name = substr($filename, 28);
 } else {
     $file_name = $display_name;
 print "<tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>" . html_file_type($filename) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>{$file_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>{$version}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>";
 print "<a href='{$fname}' target='new'>" . lang_get('view') . "</a>";
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>";
 print "<a href='download.php?upload_filename={$fname}'>" . lang_get('download') . "</a>";
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 if ($user_has_delete_rights) {
     print "<td class=grid-data-c>";
     #print"<a href='test_delete_doc_version.php?test_id=$test_id&mantestid=$manual_test_id&filename=$filename'>";
     print '<a onclick="return confirmSubmit(\'' . $message . '\')" href="test_delete_doc_version.php?test_id=' . $test_id . '&mantestid=' . $man_test_id . '&filename=' . $filename . '">';
     print lang_get('delete') . "</a></td>";
 print "<td class=grid-data-c>{$uploaded_by}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     } else {
         $checked = "";
     # Build list of records
     if (empty($records)) {
         $records = $req_id . " => ''";
     } else {
         $records .= ", " . $req_id . " => ''";
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     $rows_functions = requirement_get_functionality($project_id, $row_requirement[REQ_ID]);
     # Rows
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><input type='checkbox' name=row_{$req_id} {$checked}></td>";
     print "<td><a href='requirement_detail_page.php?req_id={$req_id}&amp;req_version_id={$req_version_id}'>" . util_pad_id($row_requirement[REQ_ID]) . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . html_file_type($row_requirement[REQ_VERS_FILENAME]) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_FILENAME] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_DETAIL] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_DOC_TYPE_NAME] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_STATUS] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_AREA_COVERAGE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>";
     foreach ($rows_functions as $key => $value) {
         print $value . "<br>";
     print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_LOCKED_BY] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>" . $row_requirement[REQ_LOCKED_DATE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</table>" . NEWLINE;
     $req_version = $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_VERSION];
     $req_version_filename = $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_FILENAME];
     $req_version_detail = $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_DETAIL];
     $req_doc_type = $row_requirement[REQ_DOC_TYPE_NAME];
     $req_version_status = $row_requirement[REQ_VERS_STATUS];
     $req_area_covered = $row_requirement[REQ_AREA_COVERAGE];
     $req_locked_by = $row_requirement[REQ_LOCKED_BY];
     $req_locked_date = $row_requirement[REQ_LOCKED_DATE];
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     $rows_functions = requirement_get_functionality($project_id, $row_requirement[REQ_ID]);
     # Rows
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top><input type='checkbox' name='row_req_arr[{$req_id}][{$req_version_id}]'></td>";
     print "<td valign=top><a href='requirement_detail_page.php?req_id={$req_id}&amp;req_version_id={$req_version_id}'>{$req_id}</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top nowrap class='tbl-l' valign=top>{$req_version}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top>" . html_file_type($req_version_filename) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_version_detail}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_doc_type}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_version_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_area_covered}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>";
     foreach ($rows_functions as $key => $value) {
         print "{$value}; ";
     print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_locked_by}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td valign=top class='tbl-l'>{$req_locked_date}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</table>" . NEWLINE;
Exemplo n.º 4
         $autopass = "******";
     } else {
         $autopass = "******";
     $filename = test_get_filename($test_id);
     #$row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     #print"<tr class='$row_style'>". NEWLINE;
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='row_test_arr[{$test_id}]'></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='{$test_update_url}?test_id={$test_id}'><img src='" . IMG_SRC . "update.gif' title='" . lang_get('update_test') . "' border=0></a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     //$detail_url = $detail_page ."?test_id=". $test_id ."&test_version_id=". $test_version_id;
     $detail_url = $detail_page . "?test_id=" . $test_id . "&project_id=" . $project_id;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='{$detail_url}' title='" . lang_get('test_view_detail') . "'>{$display_test_id}</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'>" . html_print_testtype_icon($manual, $automated) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-c'>" . html_file_type($filename) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$autopass}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_name}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$ba_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$qa_owner}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$tester}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_type}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$area_tested}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$test_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$priority}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 $g_timer->mark_time("Finished outputting main html table to browser");
 print "</tbody>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</table>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</div>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 foreach ($rows as $row) {
     $test_plan_id = $row[TEST_PLAN_ID];
     $upload_path = $s_project_properties['test_plan_upload_path'];
     $file_name = $upload_path . $row[TEST_PLAN_VERSION_FILENAME];
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     print "<tr class={$row_style}>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . html_file_type($row[TEST_PLAN_NAME]) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row[TEST_PLAN_NAME] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row[TEST_PLAN_VERSION_VERSION] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><a href='{$file_name}' target='_blank'>" . lang_get('view') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><a href='download.php?upload_filename={$file_name}'>" . lang_get('download') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><a href=\"testset_show_test_plan_history_page.php?test_plan_id={$test_plan_id}\">" . lang_get('show') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><a href=\"testset_upload_new_test_plan_version_page.php?test_plan_id={$test_plan_id}\">" . lang_get('add') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row[TEST_PLAN_VERSION_UPLOADEDBY] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row[TEST_PLAN_VERSION_UPLOADEDDATE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . html_info_icon($row[TEST_PLAN_VERSION_COMMMENTS]) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>";
     print "<form method='post' action='{$delete_page}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<input type='submit' name='delete' value='" . lang_get('delete') . "' class='page-numbers'>";
     print "<input type='hidden' name='r_page' value='{$redirect_url}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<input type='hidden' name='f' value='delete_testplan'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<input type='hidden' name='id' value={$test_plan_id}>" . NEWLINE;
 if (!$locked) {
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) {
     if (substr($row['FileName'], 0, 4) != 'Link') {
         $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
         $project_properties = session_get_project_properties();
         $file_path = $project_properties['test_run_upload_path'];
         $fname = $file_path . $row['DisplayName'];
         //Gets the extension of the file and loads the image for that type
         $fileType = substr($row['DisplayName'], -4);
         $doc_id = $row['UniqueDocID'];
         print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td>" . html_file_type($fileType) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td>{$row['FileName']}</td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td><A HREF='{$fname}' target='new'>View</A></td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td><A HREF='download.php?upload_filename={$fname}'>Download</A></td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td>{$row['UploadedBy']}</td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td WIDTH='160'>{$row['TimeStamp']}</td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td WIDTH='160'>{$row['Comments']}</td>" . NEWLINE;
         #print"<td><a href='delete_individual_run_doc.php?test_run_id=$test_run_id&test_id=$test_id&testset_id=$testset_id&filename=$row[FileName]&displayname=$row[DisplayName]'>Delete</a></font></td>". NEWLINE;
         if (!$locked) {
             print "<td>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<form name='delete_uploaded_document' method=post action='{$delete_page}'>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<input type='submit' name='delete_uploaded_testrun_document' value='" . lang_get('delete') . "' class='page-numbers'>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<input type='hidden' name='r_page' value='{$redirect_url}#'>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<input type='hidden' name='f' value='delete_uploaded_testrun_document'>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$doc_id}'>" . NEWLINE;
             print "<input type='hidden' name='project_id' value='{$project_id}'>" . NEWLINE;