Exemplo n.º 1
html_inputbox("domainname", gettext("Domain name"), $pconfig['domainname'], gettext("A host name alias. This option can appear multiple times, for each domain that has the same IP. Use a space to separate multiple alias names."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], "", true, 20);
html_passwordbox("password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['password'], "", true, 20);
html_inputbox("updateperiod", gettext("Update period"), $pconfig['updateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is checked. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_inputbox("forcedupdateperiod", gettext("Forced update period"), $pconfig['forcedupdateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is updated even if it is not changed. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_checkbox("wildcard", gettext("Wildcard"), !empty($pconfig['wildcard']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable domain wildcarding."), "", false);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), !empty($pconfig['auxparam']) ? $pconfig['auxparam'] : "", sprintf(gettext("These parameters will be added to global settings in %s."), "inadyn.conf"), false, 65, 3, false, false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
Exemplo n.º 2
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Network File System"), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_inputbox("numproc", gettext("Number of servers"), $pconfig['numproc'], gettext("Specifies how many servers to create.") . " " . gettext("There should be enough to handle the maximum level of concurrency from its clients, typically four to six."), false, 2);
html_checkbox("v4enable", gettext("NFSv4"), !empty($pconfig['v4enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable NFSv4 server."), "", false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 3
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Add URL");
" /></a>
							<span class="vexpl"><?php 
echo gettext("Define directories/URL's that require authentication.");
html_checkbox("dirlisting", gettext("Directory listing"), !empty($pconfig['dirlisting']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable directory listing."), gettext("A directory listing is generated if a directory is requested and no index-file (index.php, index.html, index.htm or default.htm) was found in that directory."), false);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), !empty($pconfig['auxparam']) ? $pconfig['auxparam'] : "", sprintf(gettext("These parameters will be added to %s."), "websrv.conf") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki"), false, 85, 7, false, false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 4

<div class="input-users-list">

foreach ($value as $user) {

            <li class="profile">
                <div class="checkbox">
    echo html_checkbox($field->element_name . '[]', false, $user['id'], array('id' => "cb-user-{$user['id']}"));
                <div class="item">
                    <label for="cb-user-<?php 
    echo $user['id'];
                        <div class="avatar">
    echo html_avatar_image($user['avatar'], 'micro', $user['nickname']);
                        <div class="name">
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Генерирует список опций с множественным выбором
 * @param string $name Имя списка
 * @param array $items Массив элементов списка (значение => заголовок)
 * @param string $selected Массив значений выбранных элементов
 * @param array $attributes Массив аттрибутов тега
 * @return html
function html_select_multiple($name, $items, $selected = array(), $attributes = array(), $is_tree = false)
    $attr_str = html_attr_str($attributes);
    $html = '<div class="input_checkbox_list" ' . $attr_str . '>' . "\n";
    $start_level = false;
    foreach ($items as $value => $title) {
        $checked = is_array($selected) && in_array($value, $selected);
        if ($is_tree) {
            $level = mb_strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $title)) - mb_strlen(ltrim(str_replace(' ', '', $title), '-'));
            if ($start_level === false) {
                $start_level = $level;
            $level = $level - $start_level;
            $title = ltrim($title, '- ');
            $html .= "\t" . '<label ' . ($level > 0 ? 'style="margin-left:' . $level * 20 . 'px"' : '') . '>' . html_checkbox($name . '[]', $checked, $value) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</label><br>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $html .= "\t" . '<label>' . html_checkbox($name . '[]', $checked, $value) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</label>' . "\n";
    $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    return $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
    $a_device[$vdevicev['name']] = htmlspecialchars("{$vdevicev['name']} ({$vdevicev['type']}" . (!empty($vdevicev['desc']) ? ", {$vdevicev['desc']})" : ")"));
html_listbox("vdevice", gettext("Virtual devices"), !empty($pconfig['vdevice']) ? $pconfig['vdevice'] : array(), $a_device, "", true);
html_inputbox("root", gettext("Root"), $pconfig['root'], gettext("Creates the pool with an alternate root."), false, 40);
html_inputbox("mountpoint", gettext("Mount point"), $pconfig['mountpoint'], gettext("Sets an alternate mount point for the root dataset. Default is /mnt."), false, 40);
html_checkbox("force", gettext("Force use"), !empty($pconfig['force']) ? true : false, gettext("Forces use of vdevs, even if they appear in use or specify different size. (This is not recommended.)"), "", false);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
Exemplo n.º 7
    html_checkbox("disablefirmwarecheck", gettext("Firmware version check"), $pconfig['disablefirmwarecheck'] ? true : false, gettext("Disable firmware version check"), sprintf(gettext("This will cause %s not to check for newer firmware versions when the <a href='%s'>%s</a> page is viewed."), get_product_name(), "system_firmware.php", gettext("System") . ": " . gettext("Firmware")));
html_checkbox("disablebeep", gettext("System Beep"), $pconfig['disablebeep'] ? true : false, gettext("Disable speaker beep on startup and shutdown"));
html_checkbox("tune_enable", gettext("Tuning"), $pconfig['tune_enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable tuning of some kernel variables"));
html_checkbox("powerd", gettext("Power Daemon"), $pconfig['powerd'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable the system power control utility"), gettext("The powerd utility monitors the system state and sets various power control options accordingly."));
html_checkbox("zeroconf", gettext("Zeroconf/Bonjour"), $pconfig['zeroconf'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable Zeroconf/Bonjour to advertise services of this device"));
html_textarea("motd", gettext("MOTD"), $pconfig['motd'], gettext("Message of the day."), false, 65, 7, false, false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" />
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 8
// Quotes submitted via Control Panel have no Quote Date initially
$value = date("Y-m-d", $r->incept);
html_dateselect("Date", "incept", $value);
customer_select("Customer", "custid", $r->custid, 0, 'required');
custcontact_select("External Contact", "contactsid", $r->contactsid, $r->custid);
staff_select("Internal Contact", "staffid", $r->staffid);
html_textarea("Quote Description *", "content", $r->content, "body", 'required');
html_text("Price *", "price", $r->price, 'required');
html_textarea("Notes", "notes", $r->notes, "notes");
Making a Quote as Live means it can be seen by customer in the
			Customer Control Panel

$chkd = $r->live ? 1 : 0;
html_checkbox('Make it Live?', 'live', 1, $chkd);


	<fieldset class="buttons"><?php 
html_button("Save changes");
 or <a href="/quotes/" class="cancel" title="Cancel">Cancel</a>



<script type="text/javascript">
Exemplo n.º 9
html_combobox("type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['type'], $type, '', true, false, 'toggle_type($(this).val())');
html_inputbox("ldaphostname", gettext("URI"), $pconfig['ldaphostname'], gettext("The space-separated list of URIs for the LDAP server."), true, 60);
html_inputbox("ldapbase", gettext("Base DN"), $pconfig['ldapbase'], sprintf(gettext("The default base distinguished name (DN) to use for searches, e.g. %s"), "dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_textarea("ldapauxparam", gettext("Ldap auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['ldapauxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "ldap.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
html_textarea("sssdauxparam", gettext("Sss auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['sssdauxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "sssd.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
html_checkbox("sssclearcache", gettext("Clear sss cache"), !empty($pconfig['sssclearcache']) ? true : false, gettext("Clear sss cache on each restart"));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 10
    html_ipv6addrbox("ipv6addr", "ipv6subnet", gettext("IP address"), !empty($pconfig['ipv6addr']) ? $pconfig['ipv6addr'] : "", !empty($pconfig['ipv6subnet']) ? $pconfig['ipv6subnet'] : "", "", true);
    html_titleline(gettext("Advanced Configuration"));
    html_inputbox("mtu", gettext("MTU"), $pconfig['mtu'], gettext("Set the maximum transmission unit of the interface to n, default is interface specific. The MTU is used to limit the size of packets that are transmitted on an interface. Not all interfaces support setting the MTU, and some interfaces have range restrictions."), false, 5);
    html_checkbox("polling", gettext("Device polling"), $pconfig['polling'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable device polling"), gettext("Device polling is a technique that lets the system periodically poll network devices for new data instead of relying on interrupts. This can reduce CPU load and therefore increase throughput, at the expense of a slightly higher forwarding delay (the devices are polled 1000 times per second). Not all NICs support polling."), false);
    html_combobox("media", gettext("Media"), $pconfig['media'], array("autoselect" => gettext("Autoselect"), "10baseT/UTP" => "10baseT/UTP", "100baseTX" => "100baseTX", "1000baseTX" => "1000baseTX", "1000baseSX" => "1000baseSX"), "", false, false, "media_change()");
    html_combobox("mediaopt", gettext("Duplex"), $pconfig['mediaopt'], array("half-duplex" => "half-duplex", "full-duplex" => "full-duplex"), "", false);
    if (!empty($ifinfo['wolevents'])) {
        $wakeonoptions = array("off" => gettext("Off"), "wol" => gettext("On"));
        foreach ($ifinfo['wolevents'] as $woleventv) {
            $wakeonoptions[$woleventv] = $woleventv;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function getFilterInput($value = false)
     return html_checkbox($this->name, (bool) $value);
Exemplo n.º 12
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
$a_pathlist = array();
foreach ($a_path as $pathv) {
    $a_pathlist[$pathv['path']] = htmlspecialchars($pathv['path']);
html_combobox("path", gettext("Path"), $pconfig['path'], $a_pathlist, "", true);
html_inputbox("name", gettext("Name"), $pconfig['name'], "", true, 20);
html_checkbox("recursive", gettext("Recursive"), !empty($pconfig['recursive']) ? true : false, gettext("Creates the recursive snapshot."), "", false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $pconfig['uuid'];
" />
Exemplo n.º 13
 /> <?php 
echo gettext("Suppress non-error messages.");
<br />
html_checkbox("perms", gettext("Preserve permissions"), !empty($pconfig['perms']) ? true : false, gettext("This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions to be the same as the source permissions."), "", false);
html_checkbox("xattrs", gettext("Preserve extended attributes"), !empty($pconfig['xattrs']) ? true : false, gettext("This option causes rsync to update the remote extended attributes to be the same as the local ones."), "", false);
html_checkbox("reversedirection", gettext("Reverse direction"), !empty($pconfig['reversedirection']) ? true : false, gettext("This option causes rsync to copy the local data to the remote server."), "", false);
html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Extra options"), !empty($pconfig['extraoptions']) ? $pconfig['extraoptions'] : "", gettext("Extra options to rsync (usually empty).") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/rsync.html"), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $pconfig['uuid'];
" />
for ($n = 1; $n <= 9; $n++) {
    $mode = "gzip-{$n}";
    $a_compressionmode[$mode] = $mode;
html_combobox("compression", gettext("Compression"), $pconfig['compression'], $a_compressionmode, gettext("Controls the compression algorithm used for this dataset. The 'lzjb' compression algorithm is optimized for performance while providing decent data compression. Setting compression to 'On' uses the 'lzjb' compression algorithm. You can specify the 'gzip' level by using the value 'gzip-N', where N is an integer from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression ratio). Currently, 'gzip' is equivalent to 'gzip-6'."), true);
html_checkbox("canmount", gettext("Canmount"), $pconfig['canmount'] ? true : false, gettext("If this property is disabled, the file system cannot be mounted."), "", false);
html_checkbox("readonly", gettext("Readonly"), $pconfig['readonly'] ? true : false, gettext("Controls whether this dataset can be modified."), "", false);
html_checkbox("xattr", gettext("Extended attributes"), $pconfig['xattr'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable extended attributes for this file system."), "", false);
html_inputbox("quota", gettext("Quota"), $pconfig['quota'], gettext("Limits the amount of space a dataset and its descendants can consume. This property enforces a hard limit on the amount of space used. This includes all space consumed by descendants, including file systems and snapshots. To specify the size use the following human-readable suffixes (for example, 'k', 'KB', 'M', 'Gb', etc.)."), false, 10);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
							<input name="quiet" id="quiet" type="checkbox" value="yes" <?php 
if ($pconfig['quiet']) {
    echo "checked=\"checked\"";
 /> <?php 
echo gettext("Suppress non-error messages.");
<br />
html_checkbox("perms", gettext("Preserve permissions"), $pconfig['perms'] ? true : false, gettext("This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions to be the same as the source permissions."), "", false);
html_checkbox("xattrs", gettext("Preserve extended attributes"), $pconfig['xattrs'] ? true : false, gettext("This option causes rsync to update the remote extended attributes to be the same as the local ones."), "", false);
html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Extra options"), $pconfig['extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options to rsync (usually empty).") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/rsync.html"), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $pconfig['uuid'];
" />
        if (strcmp($tmp, $dev) != 0) {
            $a_device[strip_dev($dev)] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%s (%s)", strip_dev($dev), strip_dev($tmp)));
        } else {
            $tmp = strip_partition($dev);
            if (strcmp($tmp, $dev) != 0) {
                $a_device[strip_dev($dev)] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%s (%s)", strip_dev($dev), strip_dev($tmp)));
html_listbox("device", gettext("Devices"), !empty($pconfig['device']) ? $pconfig['device'] : array(), $a_device, "", true, isset($uuid) && false !== $cnid);
html_checkbox("aft4k", gettext("4KB wrapper"), !empty($pconfig['aft4k']) ? true : false, gettext("Create 4KB wrapper (nop device)."), "", false, "");
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
Exemplo n.º 17
$options = array("AES" => "AES-XTS", "AES-CBC" => "AES-CBC", "Blowfish" => "Blowfish", "Camellia" => "Camellia", "3DES" => "3DES");
html_combobox("ealgo", gettext("Encryption algorithm"), $pconfig['ealgo'], $options, gettext("Encryption algorithm to use."), true, false, "ealgo_change()");
$options = array("" => gettext("Default"), 128 => "128", 192 => "192", 256 => "256", 448 => "448");
html_combobox("keylen", gettext("Key length"), $pconfig['keylen'], $options, gettext("Key length to use with the given cryptographic algorithm.") . " " . gettext("The default key lengths are: 128 for AES, 128 for Blowfish, 128 for Camellia and 192 for 3DES."), false);
html_passwordconfbox("passphrase", "passphraseconf", gettext("Passphrase"), "", "", "", true);
html_checkbox("init", gettext("Initialize"), $pconfig['init'] ? true : false, gettext("Initialize and encrypt disk."), gettext("This will erase ALL data on your disk! Do not use this option if you want to add an existing encrypted disk."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
if ($pconfig['do_action']) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
Exemplo n.º 18

				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
html_checkbox("leave_autosnapshots", gettext("Leave auto snapshot configuration"), true, gettext("Leave already configured auto snapshots."), "", false);
html_checkbox("import_disks", gettext("Import disks"), true, gettext("Import disks used in configuration."), "", false);
html_checkbox("import_disks_overwrite", gettext("Overwrite disks configuration"), false, gettext("Overwrite already configured disks (only affects filesystem value)."), "", false);
				<br />
				<div id="submit">
					<input type="submit" name="import_config" value="<?php 
echo gettext('Synchronize');
" />
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 19

            $default = isset($values[$rule['id']][$group['id']]) ? $values[$rule['id']][$group['id']] : null;

                                <td class="center">
            if ($rule['type'] == 'flag') {
                echo html_checkbox("value[{$rule['id']}][{$subject['name']}]", $default);
            if ($rule['type'] == 'list') {
                echo html_select("value[{$rule['id']}][{$subject['name']}]", $rule['options'], $default);
            if ($rule['type'] == 'number') {
html_text("installation_directory", gettext("Installation directory"), sprintf(gettext("The extension is installed in %s"), $config['onebuttoninstaller']['rootfolder']));
html_filechooser("storage_path", gettext("Common directory"), $pconfig['storage_path'], gettext("Common directory for all extensions (a persistant place where all extensions are/should be - a directory below <b>/mnt/</b>)."), $pconfig['storage_path'], true, 60);
html_checkbox("path_check", gettext("Path check"), $pconfig['path_check'], gettext("If this option is selected no examination of the common directory path will be carried out (whether it was set to a directory below /mnt/)."), "<b><font color='red'>" . gettext("Please use this option only if you know what you are doing!") . "</font></b>", false);
html_checkbox("re_install", gettext("Re-install"), $pconfig['re_install'], gettext("If enabled it is possible to install extensions even if they are already installed."), "<b><font color='red'>" . gettext("Please use this option only if you know what you are doing!") . "</font></b>", false);
html_checkbox("auto_update", gettext("Update"), $pconfig['auto_update'], gettext("Update extensions list automatically."), "", false);
html_checkbox("show_beta", gettext("Beta releases"), $pconfig['show_beta'], gettext("If enabled, extensions in beta state will be shown in the extensions list."), "", false);
        <div id="submit">
			<input id="save" name="save" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
Exemplo n.º 21
 if (empty($_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['engineerPeriod'])) {
     $_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['engineerPeriod'] = 60;
 if (empty($_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['customerPeriod'])) {
     $_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['customerPeriod'] = 120;
 if (!empty($_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['timed'])) {
     $timedchecked = 'CHECKED';
 echo "<h2>" . icon('sla', 32) . " ";
 echo "{$title}</h2>";
 echo "<form name='add_servicelevel' action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}' method='post'>";
 echo "<p align='center'>{$strTag}: <input type='text' name='tag' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['tag']}' /></p>";
 echo "<table align='center'>";
 echo "<tr><th>{$strTimed}</th><td class='shade1'><input type='checkbox' id='timed' name='timed' value='yes' onchange='enableBillingPeriod();' {$timedchecked} />" . help_link('ServiceLevelTimed') . "</td></tr>";
 echo "<tr><th>{$strAllowIncidentReopen}</th><td class='shade2'>" . html_checkbox('allow_reopen', $sla->allow_reopen) . "</td></tr>\n";
 echo "<tr id='engineerBillingPeriod'><th>{$strBillingEngineerPeriod}</th><td class='shade1'><input type='text' size='5' name='engineerPeriod' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['engineerPeriod']}' /> {$strMinutes}</td></tr>";
 echo "<tr id='customerBillingPeriod'><th>{$strBillingCustomerPeriod}</th><td  class='shade2'><input type='text' size='5' name='customerPeriod' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['customerPeriod']}' /> {$strMinutes}</td></tr>";
 echo "<tr id='limit'><th>{$strLimit}</th><td  class='shade1' >{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']} <input type='text' size='5' name='limit' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['limit']}' /></td></tr>";
 echo "</table>";
 echo "<script type='text/javascript'>enableBillingPeriod();</script>";
 echo "<table align='center'>";
 echo "<tr><th>{$strPriority}</th><th>{$strInitialResponse}</th>";
 echo "<th>{$strProblemDefinition}</th><th>{$strActionPlan}</th><th>{$strResolutionReprioritisation}</th>";
 echo "<th>{$strReview}</th></tr>";
 echo "<tr class='shade1'>";
 echo "<td>{$strLow}</td>";
 echo "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='low_initial_response_mins' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['low_initial_response_mins']}' /> {$strMinutes}</td>";
 echo "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='low_prob_determ_mins' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['low_prob_determ_mins']}' /> {$strMinutes}</td>";
 echo "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='low_action_plan_mins' maxlength='5' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['low_action_plan_mins']}' /> {$strMinutes}</td>";
 echo "<td><input type='text' size='5' name='low_resolution_days' maxlength='3' value='{$_SESSION['formdata']['add_servicelevel']['low_resolution_days']}' /> {$strDays}</td>";
Exemplo n.º 22
                <form action="" method="post" id="props-bind">
                    <div id="ctypes-props-toolbar">
        echo LANG_CP_PROPS_BIND;
        echo html_select('prop_id', array_collection_to_list($props, 'id', 'title'));
        echo html_submit('+');
                        <label id="is_childs">
        echo html_checkbox('is_childs', true);
                <div style="display:none">
        echo html_select('props_list', array_collection_to_list($props, 'id', 'title'));
Exemplo n.º 23
if ($savemsg) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Trivial File Transfer Protocol"), $pconfig['enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_filechooser("dir", gettext("Directory"), $pconfig['dir'], gettext("The directory containing the files you want to publish. The remote host does not need to pass along the directory as part of the transfer."), $g['media_path'], true, 60);
html_checkbox("allowfilecreation", gettext("Allow new files"), $pconfig['allowfilecreation'] ? true : false, gettext("Allow new files to be created."), gettext("By default, only already existing files can be uploaded."), false);
html_titleline(gettext("Advanced settings"));
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], gettext("The port to listen to. The default is to listen to the tftp port specified in /etc/services."), false, 5);
$a_user = array();
foreach (system_get_user_list() as $userk => $userv) {
    $a_user[$userk] = htmlspecialchars($userk);
Exemplo n.º 24
							<br /><?php 
echo gettext("Specify the percentage of space held back from normal users. Note that lowering the threshold can adversely affect performance and auto-defragmentation.");
html_checkbox("aft4k", gettext("Advanced Format"), $pconfig['aft4k'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable Advanced Format (4KB sector)"), "", false, "");
html_checkbox("zfsgpt", gettext("GPT partition"), $pconfig['zfsgpt'] ? true : false, gettext("Create ZFS on GPT partition"), "", false, "");
			      <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("Don't Erase MBR");
			      <td width="78%" class="vtable">
			        <input name="notinitmbr" id="notinitmbr" type="checkbox" value="yes" />
echo gettext("Don't erase the MBR (useful for some RAID controller cards)");
				<div id="submit">
Exemplo n.º 25
html_combobox("harddiskstandby", gettext("Hard disk standby time"), $pconfig['harddiskstandby'], $options, gettext("Puts the hard disk into standby mode when the selected amount of time after the last hard disk access has been elapsed."), false);
$options = array(0 => gettext("Disabled"), 1 => gettext("Level 1 - Minimum power usage with Standby (spindown)"), 64 => gettext("Level 64 - Intermediate power usage with Standby"), 127 => gettext("Level 127 - Intermediate power usage with Standby"), 128 => gettext("Level 128 - Minimum power usage without Standby (no spindown)"), 192 => gettext("Level 192 - Intermediate power usage without Standby"), 254 => gettext("Level 254 - Maximum performance, maximum power usage"));
html_combobox("apm", gettext("Advanced Power Management"), $pconfig['apm'], $options, gettext("This allows you to lower the power consumption of the drive, at the expense of performance."), false);
$options = array(0 => gettext("Disabled"), 1 => gettext("Minimum performance, Minimum acoustic output"), 64 => gettext("Medium acoustic output"), 127 => gettext("Maximum performance, maximum acoustic output"));
html_combobox("acoustic", gettext("Acoustic level"), $pconfig['acoustic'], $options, gettext("This allows you to set how loud the drive is while it's operating."), false);
html_checkbox("smart_enable", gettext("S.M.A.R.T."), !empty($pconfig['smart_enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Activate S.M.A.R.T. monitoring for this device."), "", false, "smart_enable_change()");
html_inputbox("smart_extraoptions", gettext("S.M.A.R.T. extra options"), $pconfig['smart_extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options (usually empty).") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/man/smartd.conf.5.html"), false, 40);
$options = get_fstype_list();
html_combobox("fstype", gettext("Preformatted file system"), $pconfig['fstype'], $options, gettext("This allows you to set the file system for preformatted hard disks containing data.") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Leave '%s' for unformated disks and format them using <a href='%s'>format</a> menu."), "Unformated", "disks_init.php"), false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
Exemplo n.º 26
html_inputbox("srcport", gettext("Source port"), $pconfig['srcport'], "", false, 5);
html_inputbox("dst", gettext("Destination"), $pconfig['dst'], gettext("To match any IP address leave this field empty."), false, 40);
html_inputbox("dstport", gettext("Destination port"), $pconfig['dstport'], "", false, 5);
html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Options"), $pconfig['extraoptions'], "", false, 40);
html_combobox("direction", gettext("Direction"), $pconfig['direction'], array("in" => gettext("In"), "out" => gettext("Out"), "" => gettext("Any")), "", true);
html_checkbox("log", gettext("Log"), !empty($pconfig['log']) ? true : false, gettext("Log packets that are handled by this rule to syslog."), "", false);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
Exemplo n.º 27
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Simple Network Management Protocol"), $pconfig['enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_inputbox("location", gettext("Location"), $pconfig['location'], gettext("Location information, e.g. physical location of this system: 'Floor of building, Room xyz'."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("contact", gettext("Contact"), $pconfig['contact'], gettext("Contact information, e.g. name or email of the person responsible for this system: '*****@*****.**'."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("read", gettext("Community"), $pconfig['read'], gettext("In most cases, 'public' is used here."), true, 40);
html_checkbox("trapenable", gettext("Traps"), $pconfig['trapenable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable traps."), "", false, "trapenable_change()");
html_inputbox("traphost", gettext("Trap host"), $pconfig['traphost'], gettext("Enter trap host name."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("trapport", gettext("Trap port"), $pconfig['trapport'], gettext("Enter the port to send the traps to (default 162)."), true, 5);
html_inputbox("trap", gettext("Trap string"), $pconfig['trap'], gettext("Trap string."), true, 40);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters will be added to %s."), "snmpd.config") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=bsnmpd&amp;apropos=0&amp;sektion=0&amp;manpath=FreeBSD+{$os_release}-RELEASE&amp;format=html"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
Exemplo n.º 28
    echo gettext("Switch VIP to MASTER");
" />
html_titleline(gettext("Advanced settings"));
html_checkbox("alertemail", gettext("Alert email"), isset($pconfig['alertemail']) ? true : false, gettext("Send email if error"));
html_inputbox("alertemailto", gettext("Email to"), $pconfig['alertemailto'], gettext("Where email alert will be send."), true, 40);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "hast.conf") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks-hast.html"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
	<div id="submit">
	  <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" />
Exemplo n.º 29
echo gettext("Enable guest access.");
<br />
							<input name="local" id="local" type="checkbox" value="yes" <?php 
if ($pconfig['local']) {
    echo "checked=\"checked\"";
echo gettext("Enable local user authentication.");
html_checkbox("noddp", gettext("DDP"), $pconfig['noddp'] ? true : false, gettext("Disable AFP-over-Appletalk to prevent DDP connections."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("You have to activate <a href='%s'>Zeroconf/Bonjour</a> to advertise this service to clients."), "system_advanced.php"));
include "formend.inc";
Exemplo n.º 30
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", sprintf("%s (%s)", gettext("Lightweight Directory Access Protocol"), gettext("Client")), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_inputbox("hostname", gettext("URI"), $pconfig['hostname'], gettext("The space-separated list of URIs for the LDAP server."), true, 60);
html_inputbox("base", gettext("Base DN"), $pconfig['base'], sprintf(gettext("The default base distinguished name (DN) to use for searches, e.g. %s"), "dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_checkbox("anonymousbind", gettext("Anonymous bind"), !empty($pconfig['anonymousbind']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable anonymous bind."), "", true, "anonymousbind_change()");
html_inputbox("binddn", gettext("Bind DN"), $pconfig['binddn'], sprintf(gettext("The distinguished name to bind to the directory server, e.g. %s"), "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_passwordconfbox("bindpw", "bindpw2", gettext("Bind password"), $pconfig['bindpw'], $pconfig['bindpw2'], gettext("The cleartext credentials with which to bind."), true);
html_inputbox("rootbinddn", gettext("Root bind DN"), $pconfig['rootbinddn'], sprintf(gettext("The distinguished name with which to bind to the directory server, e.g. %s"), "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_passwordconfbox("rootbindpw", "rootbindpw2", gettext("Root bind password"), $pconfig['rootbindpw'], $pconfig['rootbindpw2'], gettext("The credentials with which to bind."), true);
html_combobox("pam_password", gettext("Password encryption"), $pconfig['pam_password'], array("clear" => "clear", "crypt" => "crypt", "md5" => "md5", "nds" => "nds", "racf" => "racf", "ad" => "ad", "exop" => "exop"), gettext("The password encryption protocol to use."), true);