//building the right path to required template
$templpath = $GLOBALS['templatepath'] . $settings['template'] . "/index.html";
//copies template into variable
$connect = @fopen($templpath, "rb") or die("Unfortunately I could not find a valid template!");
$template = fread($connect, 262144);
//includes official loudblog-tags
include "loudblog/inc/loudblogtags.php";
//includes plugins from plugins-folder
$folder = opendir('loudblog/custom/plugins');
while ($file = readdir($folder)) {
    if (substr($file, -4, 4) == ".php") {
        include "loudblog/custom/plugins/" . $file;
echo fullparse(hrefmagic($template));
function fullparse($string)
    //first we have to look for container-tags and parse them.
    $contparsed = parsecontainer($string);
    //now we put the container-parsing-results into the original string
    if (isset($contparsed[0]) and $contparsed[0] != false) {
        foreach ($contparsed as $replace) {
            $string = str_replace($replace['origin'], $replace['parsed'], $string);
    //secondly, we have to look for single-tags and parse them, too.
    $singleparsed = parsesingle($string);
    //now we put the single-parsing-results into the original template
    if (isset($singleparsed[0])) {
Exemplo n.º 2

// This is the second slowliest and second ugliest parsing method ever. Please do not take a closer look. Loudblog will be rewritten soon with an elegant and fast parsing method. Until then, you will have to use this one. I'm sorry.
//start parsing!
$parsedpage = fullparse(firstparse(hrefmagic($template)));
//do we have php code within our template? switch between echo and eval!
if ($php_use) {
    $templatepieces = explode($phpseparator, $parsedpage);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($templatepieces); $i += 2) {
        echo $templatepieces[$i];
        if (isset($templatepieces[$i + 1])) {
            eval($templatepieces[$i + 1]);
    //no php code, no eval!
} else {
    echo $parsedpage;
function firstparse($string)
    //very first, we do the loop_postings, because we need some global data for other functions, aight?
    $postparsed = parsepostings($string);
    //now we put the posting-parsing-results into the original string
    if (isset($postparsed[0]) and $postparsed[0] != false) {
        foreach ($postparsed as $replace) {
            $string = str_replace($replace['origin'], $replace['parsed'], $string);
    return $string;