Exemplo n.º 1

 * Retrive markers data and marker info window to use in map
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax_action']) && $_REQUEST['ajax_action'] == 'homemap_catlist') {
    $post_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($_REQUEST['post_type']);
    $map_canvas_name = $_REQUEST['map_canvas'];
    $child_collapse = $_REQUEST['child_collapse'];
    echo home_map_taxonomy_walker($post_taxonomy, 0, true, 0, $map_canvas_name, $child_collapse, true);
// Send the content-type header with correct encoding
header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax_action']) && $_REQUEST['ajax_action'] == 'cat') {
    // Retrives markers data for categories
    echo get_markers();
} else {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax_action']) && $_REQUEST['ajax_action'] == 'info') {
        // Retrives marker info window html
         * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
         * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
        global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
        if ($_REQUEST['m_id'] != '') {
            $pid = $_REQUEST['m_id'];
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Home map Taxonomy walker.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @param string $cat_taxonomy Name of the taxonomy e.g place_category.
 * @param int $cat_parent Optional. Parent term ID to retrieve its child terms. Default 0.
 * @param bool $hide_empty Optional. Do you want to hide the terms that has no posts. Default true.
 * @param int $pading Optional. CSS padding value in pixels. e.g: 12 will be considers as 12px.
 * @param string $map_canvas_name Unique canvas name for your map.
 * @param bool $child_collapse Do you want to collapse child terms by default?.
 * @param bool $is_home_map Optional. Is this a home page map? Default: false.
 * @return string|void
function home_map_taxonomy_walker($cat_taxonomy, $cat_parent = 0, $hide_empty = true, $pading = 0, $map_canvas_name = '', $child_collapse, $is_home_map = false)
    global $cat_count, $geodir_cat_icons;
    $exclude_categories = get_option('geodir_exclude_cat_on_map');
    $exclude_categories_new = get_option('geodir_exclude_cat_on_map_upgrade');
    // check if exclude categories saved before fix of categories identical names
    if ($exclude_categories_new) {
        $gd_cat_taxonomy = isset($cat_taxonomy[0]) ? $cat_taxonomy[0] : '';
        $exclude_categories = !empty($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) && is_array($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) ? array_unique($exclude_categories[$gd_cat_taxonomy]) : array();
    $exclude_cat_str = implode(',', $exclude_categories);
    if ($exclude_cat_str == '') {
        $exclude_cat_str = '0';
    $cat_terms = get_terms($cat_taxonomy, array('parent' => $cat_parent, 'exclude' => $exclude_cat_str, 'hide_empty ' => $hide_empty));
    $main_list_class = '';
    //If there are terms, start displaying
    if (count($cat_terms) > 0) {
        //Displaying as a list
        $p = $pading * 15;
        if ($cat_parent == 0) {
            $list_class = 'main_list';
            $display = '';
        } else {
            $list_class = 'sub_list';
            $display = !$child_collapse ? '' : 'display:none';
        $out = '<ul class="treeview ' . $list_class . '" style="margin-left:' . $p . 'px;' . $display . ';">';
        $geodir_cat_icons = geodir_get_term_icon();
        foreach ($cat_terms as $cat_term) {
            $post_type = isset($_REQUEST['post_type']) ? $_REQUEST['post_type'] : 'gd_place';
            $icon = !empty($geodir_cat_icons) && isset($geodir_cat_icons[$cat_term->term_id]) ? $geodir_cat_icons[$cat_term->term_id] : '';
            if (!in_array($cat_term->term_id, $exclude_categories)) {
                //Secret sauce.  Function calls itself to display child elements, if any
                $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                // Untick the category by default on home map
                if ($is_home_map && ($geodir_home_map_untick = get_option('geodir_home_map_untick'))) {
                    if (!empty($geodir_home_map_untick) && in_array($post_type . '_' . $cat_term->term_id, $geodir_home_map_untick)) {
                        $checked = '';
                $term_check = '<input type="checkbox" ' . $checked . ' class="group_selector ' . $main_list_class . '"';
                $term_check .= ' name="' . $map_canvas_name . '_cat[]" group="catgroup' . $cat_term->term_id . '"';
                $term_check .= ' alt="' . $cat_term->taxonomy . '" title="' . esc_attr(ucfirst($cat_term->name)) . '" value="' . $cat_term->term_id . '" onclick="javascript:build_map_ajax_search_param(\'' . $map_canvas_name . '\',false, this)">';
                $term_check .= '<img height="15" width="15" alt="" src="' . $icon . '" title="' . ucfirst($cat_term->name) . '"/>';
                $out .= '<li>' . $term_check . '<label>' . ucfirst($cat_term->name) . '</label><i class="fa fa-long-arrow-down"></i>';
            // get sub category by recurson
            $out .= home_map_taxonomy_walker($cat_taxonomy, $cat_term->term_id, $hide_empty, $pading, $map_canvas_name, $child_collapse, $is_home_map);
            $out .= '</li>';
        $out .= '</ul>';
        return $out;
    } else {
        if ($cat_parent == 0) {
            return _e('No category', 'geodirectory');
 * Display the google map html.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @global array $map_canvas_arr Array of map canvas data.
 * @param array $map_args {
 *    Array of map arguments to use in map options.
 *    @type string $width Map width.
 *    @type string $height Map height.
 *    @type string $child_collapse Collapse filter div?.
 *    @type string $sticky Todo: desc needed.
 *    @type bool $enable_map_resize_button Do you want to enable map resize button?.
 *    @type bool $enable_cat_filters Do you want to enable category filters?.
 *    @type bool $enable_text_search Do you want to enable text search?.
 *    @type bool $enable_post_type_filters Do you want to enable post type filters?.
 *    @type bool $enable_location_filters Do you want to enable location filters?.
 *    @type bool $enable_jason_on_load Do you want to enable json on load?.
 *    @type bool $enable_map_direction Do you want to enable map directions?.
 *    @type bool $enable_marker_cluster Do you want to enable marker cluster?.
 *    @type string $ajax_url Map ajax url.
 *    @type string $map_canvas_name Map canvas name.
 *    @type string $inputText Text search placeholder.
 *    @type string $latitude Map default latitude.
 *    @type string $longitude Map default longitude.
 *    @type string $zoom Map default zoom.
 *    @type string $scrollwheel Map default scroll wheel level.
 *    @type bool $streetViewControl Display street view control?.
 *    @type string $maptype Map type.
 *    @type string $showPreview Show preview?.
 *    @type int $maxZoom Map maximum zoom level.
 *    @type int $autozoom Map auto zoom level.
 *    @type string $bubble_size Map bubble size.
 *    @type string $token Map token.
 *    @type array $navigationControlOptions {
 *        Options of navigation control.
 *        @type string $position Navigation position.
 *        @type string $style Navigation style.
 *    }
 *    @type string $map_class_name Map class name.
 *    @type bool $is_geodir_home_map_widget Is this a home page map? True if the current page is home.
 * }
 * @return string|void Html content for google map.
function geodir_draw_map($map_args = array())
    global $map_canvas_arr;
    $map_canvas_name = !empty($map_args) && $map_args['map_canvas_name'] != '' ? $map_args['map_canvas_name'] : 'home_map_canvas';
    $map_class_name = !empty($map_args) && isset($map_args['map_class_name']) ? $map_args['map_class_name'] : '';
    $default_location = geodir_get_default_location();
    $map_default_lat = isset($default_location->city_latitude) ? $default_location->city_latitude : '';
    $map_default_lng = isset($default_location->city_longitude) ? $default_location->city_longitude : '';
    $map_default_zoom = 12;
    // map options default values
    $width = 950;
    $height = 450;
    $child_collapse = '0';
    $sticky = '';
    $enable_cat_filters = false;
    $enable_text_search = false;
    $enable_post_type_filters = false;
    $enable_location_filters = false;
    $enable_jason_on_load = false;
    $enable_map_direction = false;
    $enable_marker_cluster = false;
    $enable_map_resize_button = false;
    $maptype = 'ROADMAP';
    $geodir_map_options = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'child_collapse' => $child_collapse, 'sticky' => $sticky, 'enable_map_resize_button' => $enable_map_resize_button, 'enable_cat_filters' => $enable_cat_filters, 'enable_text_search' => $enable_text_search, 'enable_post_type_filters' => $enable_post_type_filters, 'enable_location_filters' => $enable_location_filters, 'enable_jason_on_load' => $enable_jason_on_load, 'enable_map_direction' => $enable_map_direction, 'enable_marker_cluster' => $enable_marker_cluster, 'ajax_url' => geodir_get_ajax_url(), 'map_canvas_name' => $map_canvas_name, 'inputText' => __('Title or Keyword', 'geodirectory'), 'latitude' => $map_default_lat, 'longitude' => $map_default_lng, 'zoom' => $map_default_zoom, 'scrollwheel' => true, 'streetViewControl' => true, 'maptype' => $maptype, 'showPreview' => '0', 'maxZoom' => 21, 'autozoom' => true, 'bubble_size' => 'small', 'token' => '68f48005e256696074e1da9bf9f67f06', 'navigationControlOptions' => array('position' => 'TOP_LEFT', 'style' => 'ZOOM_PAN'));
    if (!empty($map_args)) {
        foreach ($map_args as $map_option_key => $map_option_value) {
            $geodir_map_options[$map_option_key] = $map_option_value;
    if (strpos($geodir_map_options['height'], '%') !== false || strpos($geodir_map_options['height'], 'px') !== false || strpos($geodir_map_options['height'], 'vh') !== false) {
    } else {
        $geodir_map_options['height'] = $geodir_map_options['height'] . 'px';
    if (strpos($geodir_map_options['width'], '%') !== false || strpos($geodir_map_options['width'], 'px') !== false) {
    } else {
        $geodir_map_options['width'] = $geodir_map_options['width'] . 'px';
     * Filter the options to use in google map.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param array $geodir_map_options {@see geodir_draw_map()} docblock.
    $geodir_map_options = apply_filters("geodir_map_options_{$map_canvas_name}", $geodir_map_options);
    $map_canvas_arr[$map_canvas_name] = array();
     * Filter the post types to display data on map.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param object $object Objects of post types.
    $post_types = apply_filters("geodir_map_post_type_list_{$map_canvas_name}", geodir_get_posttypes('object'));
     * Filter the post types to exclude to display data on map.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param array Array of post types to exclude to display data on map.
    $exclude_post_types = apply_filters("geodir_exclude_post_type_on_map_{$map_canvas_name}", get_option('geodir_exclude_post_type_on_map'));
    if (count((array) $post_types) != count($exclude_post_types) || $enable_jason_on_load) {
        // Set default map options
        wp_enqueue_script('geodir-map-widget', geodir_plugin_url() . '/geodirectory-functions/map-functions/js/map.min.js');
        wp_localize_script('geodir-map-widget', $map_canvas_name, $geodir_map_options);
        if ($map_canvas_name == 'detail_page_map_canvas' || $map_canvas_name == 'preview_map_canvas') {
            $map_width = '100%';
        } else {
            $map_width = $geodir_map_options['width'];
         * Filter the width of map.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param int $map_width Width of map box, eg: gd_place.
        $map_width = apply_filters('geodir_change_map_width', $map_width);
        <div id="catcher_<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
        <div class="stick_trigger_container">
            <div class="trigger_sticky triggeroff_sticky"></div>
            <div class="top_banner_section geodir_map_container <?php 
        echo $map_class_name;
        echo $map_canvas_name;
        echo $geodir_map_options['height'];
        echo $map_width;

                <div class="map_background">
                    <div class="top_banner_section_in clearfix">
                        <div class="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_TopLeft TopLeft"><span class="triggermap" id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_triggermap" <?php 
        if (!$geodir_map_options['enable_map_resize_button']) {
><i class="fa fa-arrows-alt"></i></span></div>
                        <div class="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_TopRight TopRight"></div>
                        <div id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_wrapper" class="main_map_wrapper"
        echo $geodir_map_options['height'];
        echo $map_width;
                            <!-- new map start -->
                            <div class="iprelative">
                                <div class="geodir_marker_cluster" id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
        echo $geodir_map_options['height'];
        echo $map_width;
                                <div id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_loading_div" class="loading_div"
                                     style=" height:<?php 
        echo $geodir_map_options['height'];
        echo $map_width;
                                <!--<div id="home_map_counter"></div>        -->
                                <div id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
        echo MAP_NO_RESULTS;
                            <!-- new map end -->
                        <div class="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_BottomLeft BottomLeft"></div>
        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_jason_on_load']) {
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_jason_enabled" value="1"/>
        } else {
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_jason_enabled" value="0"/>
        if (!$geodir_map_options['enable_text_search'] && !$geodir_map_options['enable_cat_filters']) {
            $show_entire_cat_panel = "none";
        } else {
            $show_entire_cat_panel = "''";

        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_map_direction']) {

                    <input type="text" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_fromAddress" name="from" class="textfield"
            echo ENTER_LOCATION_TEXT;
                           onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = '<?php 
            echo ENTER_LOCATION_TEXT;
                           onfocus="if (this.value == '<?php 
            echo ENTER_LOCATION_TEXT;
') {this.value = '';}"/>
                    <input type="button" value="<?php 
            _e('Get Directions', 'geodirectory');
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_getdirection" id="directions"
            echo $map_canvas_name;

            if (geodir_is_page('detail')) {
                        jQuery(function () {

                        function gd_initialize_ac() {
                            // Create the autocomplete object, restricting the search
                            // to geographical location types.
                            autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
                                /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(document.getElementById('<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
                                {types: ['geocode']});
                            // When the user selects an address from the dropdown,
                            // populate the address fields in the form.
                            google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {

                        function gd_fillInAddress_ac() {
                            //submit the form


                    <div id='directions-options' class="hidden">
                        <select id="travel-mode" onchange="calcRoute('<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
                            <option value="driving"><?php 
            _e('Driving', 'geodirectory');
                            <option value="walking"><?php 
            _e('Walking', 'geodirectory');
                            <option value="bicycling"><?php 
            _e('Bicycling', 'geodirectory');
                            <option value="transit"><?php 
            _e('Public Transport', 'geodirectory');

                        <select id="travel-units" onchange="calcRoute('<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
                            <option value="miles"><?php 
            _e('Miles', 'geodirectory');
                            <option <?php 
            if (get_option('geodir_search_dist_1') == 'km') {
                echo 'selected="selected"';
            _e('Kilometers', 'geodirectory');

                    <div id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_directionsPanel" style="width:auto;"></div>
        $geodir_default_map_search_pt = get_option('geodir_default_map_search_pt');
        if (empty($geodir_default_map_search_pt)) {
            $geodir_default_map_search_pt = 'gd_place';
         * Filter the post type to retrive data for map
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $geodir_default_map_search_pt Post type, eg: gd_place.
        $map_search_pt = apply_filters('geodir_default_map_search_pt', $geodir_default_map_search_pt);
                <div class="map-category-listing-main" style="display:<?php 
        echo $show_entire_cat_panel;
        $exclude_post_types = get_option('geodir_exclude_post_type_on_map');
        $geodir_available_pt_on_map = count(geodir_get_posttypes('array')) - count($exclude_post_types);
        $map_cat_class = '';
        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_post_type_filters']) {
            $map_cat_class = $geodir_available_pt_on_map > 1 ? ' map-cat-ptypes' : ' map-cat-floor';
        echo $map_cat_class;
                        <div class="trigger triggeroff"><i class="fa fa-compress"></i><i class="fa fa-expand"></i></div>
                        <div id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_map_category  map_category"
        if ($child_collapse) {
checked="checked" <?php 
        echo $geodir_map_options['height'];
                                onkeydown="if(event.keyCode == 13){build_map_ajax_search_param('<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
', false)}"
                                class="inputbox <?php 
        echo $geodir_map_options['enable_text_search'] ? '' : 'geodir-hide';
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_search_string" name="search"
        _e('Title', 'geodirectory');
        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_cat_filters']) {
            if ($geodir_map_options['child_collapse']) {
                $child_collapse = "1";
                                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
                echo $map_canvas_name;
_child_collapse" value="1"/>
            } else {
                $child_collapse = "0";
                                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
                echo $map_canvas_name;
_child_collapse" value="0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_cat_enabled" value="1"/>
                                <div class="toggle">
            echo home_map_taxonomy_walker(array($map_search_pt . 'category'), 0, true, 0, $map_canvas_name, $child_collapse, true);
                                    <script>jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
        } else {
            // end of cat filter
                                <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_cat_enabled" value="0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_child_collapse" value="0"/>
                            <div class="BottomRight"></div>

                <!-- map-category-listings-->

        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_location_filters']) {
            $country = get_query_var('gd_country');
            $region = get_query_var('gd_region');
            $city = get_query_var('gd_city');
            //fix for location/me page
            $country = $country != 'me' ? $country : '';
            $region = $region != 'me' ? $region : '';
            $city = $country != 'me' ? $city : '';
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_location_enabled" value="1"/>
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_country" name="gd_country"
            echo $country;
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_region" name="gd_region"
            echo $region;
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_city" name="gd_city"
            echo $city;
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_neighbourhood" name="gd_neighbourhood"
            if (isset($_REQUEST['gd_neighbourhood'])) {
                echo $_REQUEST['gd_neighbourhood'];
        } else {
            //end of location filter
                    <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_location_enabled" value="0"/>

                <input type="hidden" id="<?php 
        echo $map_canvas_name;
_posttype" name="gd_posttype" value="<?php 
        echo $map_search_pt;

                <input type="hidden" name="limitstart" value=""/>

        if ($geodir_map_options['enable_post_type_filters']) {
            $post_types = geodir_get_posttypes('object');
            if (count((array) $post_types) > 1) {
                        <div class="map-places-listing" id="<?php 
                echo $map_canvas_name;
                echo $map_width;

                if (isset($geodir_map_options['is_geodir_home_map_widget']) && $map_args['is_geodir_home_map_widget']) {
                            <div class="geodir-map-posttype-list"><?php 
                                <ul class="clearfix place-list">
                $exclude_post_types = get_option('geodir_exclude_post_type_on_map');
                foreach ($post_types as $post_type => $args) {
                    if (!in_array($post_type, $exclude_post_types)) {
                        $class = $map_search_pt == $post_type ? 'class="gd-map-search-pt"' : '';
                        echo '<li id="' . $post_type . '" ' . $class . '><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="jQuery(\'#' . $map_canvas_name . '_posttype\').val(\'' . $post_type . '\');build_map_ajax_search_param(\'' . $map_canvas_name . '\', true)">' . __(ucfirst($args->labels->name), 'geodirectory') . '</a></li>';
                if (isset($geodir_map_options['is_geodir_home_map_widget']) && $map_args['is_geodir_home_map_widget']) {
                            <div class="geodir-map-navigation">
                                    <li class="geodir-leftarrow"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a></li>
                                    <li class="geodir-rightarrow"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>

                        </div> <!-- map-places-listings-->
        // end of post type filter if

        </div> <!--end of stick trigger container-->
        <script type="text/javascript">

            jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        echo $map_canvas_name;
'); // depreciated, no need to load this twice
        echo $map_canvas_name;
', false);
        echo $map_canvas_name;

        if (strpos($geodir_map_options['height'], 'vh')) {
                (function () {
                    var screenH = jQuery(window).height();
                    var heightVH = "<?php 
            echo str_replace("vh", "", $geodir_map_options['height']);

                    var ptypeH = '';
                    if (jQuery("#<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_posttype_menu").length) {
                        ptypeH = jQuery("#<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;

            echo $map_canvas_name;
").css("min-height", screenH * (heightVH / 100) + 'px');
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_wrapper").height(screenH * (heightVH / 100) + 'px');
            echo $map_canvas_name;
").height(screenH * (heightVH / 100) + 'px');
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_loading_div").height(screenH * (heightVH / 100) + 'px');
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_cat").css("max-height", (screenH * (heightVH / 100)) - ptypeH + 'px');


        } elseif (strpos($geodir_map_options['height'], 'px')) {
                (function () {
                    var screenH = jQuery(window).height();
                    var heightVH = "<?php 
            echo str_replace("px", "", $geodir_map_options['height']);
                    var ptypeH = '';
                    if (jQuery("#<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;
_posttype_menu").length) {
                        ptypeH = jQuery("#<?php 
            echo $map_canvas_name;

            echo $map_canvas_name;
_cat").css("max-height", heightVH - ptypeH + 'px');

         * Action that runs after all the map code has been output;
         * @since 1.5.3
         * @param array $geodir_map_options Array of map settings.
         * @param string $map_canvas_name The canvas name and ID for the map.
        do_action('geodir_map_after_render', $geodir_map_options, $map_canvas_name);
    // Exclude posttypes if end