Exemplo n.º 1
function hit($keywords, $attempt = 0, $page_token = null)
    $geocode_api_key = '';
    //put your api key here
    $url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json';
    $params = array("query" => $keywords, "key" => $geocode_api_key);
    if ($page_token) {
        $params['pagetoken'] = $page_token;
    $url = $url . "?";
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
        $url = $url . $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
    rtrim($url, '&');
    if ($attempt > 0) {
        echo "\nattempt = {$attempt}\n";
    if ($attempt >= 5) {
        echo "\n\ngiving up on {$url}\n\n";
    $ch = new CurlHttpClient();
    $resp_raw = $ch->get_response();
    echo "{$url} attempt = {$attempt}, resp_raw = {$resp_raw}\n";
    $resp = json_decode($resp_raw, true);
    $status = $resp['status'];
    if ($status == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
        //api query limit exceeded
        echo "over limit for {$keywords}";
    if ($status == 'ZERO_RESULTS') {
        echo 'zero results';
    if ($status != 'OK') {
        return hit($keywords, $attempt + 1);
    $page_token = isset($resp['next_page_token']) ? $resp['next_page_token'] : null;
    return array($resp['results'], $page_token);
Exemplo n.º 2
                $uron = $uron / 2;
                $phrase .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span2}>{$select_target}</span> понял что его спасение это прием <b>Активная защита</b>.<br>";
                mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1 WHERE id_person='" . $users_id . "' and battle_id=" . $b_id . " and pr_name='block'");
            if (in_Array("fullshield", $def_priem)) {
                $uron = 1;
                $phrase .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span2}>{$select_target}</span> понял что его спасение это прием <b>Полная защита</b>.<br>";
                mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1 WHERE id_person='" . $users_id . "' and battle_id=" . $b_id . " and pr_name='fullshield'");
            if ($uron <= 0) {
                $uron = 3 * $db["level"];
            $uron = ceil($uron);
            $hp_new = $hp_now - $uron;
            if ($hp_new <= 0) {
                $hp_new = 0;
                $phrase .= "<span class=sysdate>{$date}</span> <B>" . $select_target . " убит</B><BR>";
            if ($target_bot != 1) {
                mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp='" . $hp_new . "' WHERE login='******'");
            } else {
                mysql_query("UPDATE bot_temp SET hp='" . $hp_new . "' WHERE battle_id='" . $b_id . "' AND bot_name='" . $select_target . "'");
            mysql_query("UPDATE teams SET hitted=hitted+{$uron} WHERE player='" . $login . "'");
            mysql_query("UPDATE battle_units SET counter=counter+1 WHERE battle_id={$b_id} and player='" . $login . "'");
            $phrase .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span}>" . $login . "</span> произнес заклятье <span class=magic>" . $is_pr["name"] . "</span> на <span class={$span2}>{$select_target}</span> на <span class=hitted>-{$uron}</span> [{$hp_new}/{$hp_all}]<BR>";
            battle_log($b_id, $phrase);
            hit($login, $target, 0, 0, 0, 0, $b_id, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
    $bat_id = (int) $_GET["bat_id"];
    $bat_sql = mysql_query("SELECT creator_id FROM battles WHERE id=" . $bat_id);
    if (mysql_num_rows($bat_sql)) {
        $battle = mysql_fetch_Array($bat_sql);
        $bot = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bot_temp WHERE battle_id='" . $bat_id . "' and hp>0");
        while ($bots = mysql_fetch_array($bot)) {
            $enemy_teams = $bots["team"] == 1 ? 2 : 1;
            $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams WHERE team={$enemy_teams} and battle_id=" . $battle["creator_id"]);
            while ($teams = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
                $hits = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hit_temp WHERE attack='" . $teams["player"] . "' and defend='" . $bots["bot_name"] . "' and battle_id=" . $bat_id);
                if (!mysql_num_rows($hits)) {
                    $hit1 = rand(1, 5);
                    $hit2 = rand(1, 5);
                    $block = rand(1, 5);
                    hit($bots["bot_name"], $teams["player"], $hit1, $hit2, $hit3, $block, $bat_id, 1);
            $sql_bot = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bot_temp WHERE team={$enemy_teams} and battle_id=" . $bat_id . " and hp>0");
            while ($teams_bot = mysql_fetch_array($sql_bot)) {
                $hits_bot = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hit_temp WHERE attack='" . $teams_bot["bot_name"] . "' and defend='" . $bots["bot_name"] . "' and battle_id=" . $bat_id);
                if (!mysql_num_rows($hits_bot)) {
                    $hit1 = rand(1, 5);
                    $hit2 = rand(1, 5);
                    $block = rand(1, 5);
                    hit($bots["bot_name"], $teams_bot["bot_name"], $hit1, $hit2, $hit3, $block, $bat_id, 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
    $hit2 = 0;
    $hit3 = 0;
    $blok = 0;
    if (!$_SESSION["random_hit"]) {
        $hit1 = (int) $_POST['attack0'];
        $hit2 = (int) $_POST['attack1'];
        $hit3 = (int) $_POST['attack2'];
        $blok = (int) $_POST['defend'];
    } else {
        $hit1 = mt_rand(1, 5);
        $hit2 = mt_rand(1, 5);
        $hit3 = mt_rand(1, 5);
        $blok = mt_rand(1, 5);
    if ($hit1 && ($zones == 2 && $hit2 || $zones == 3 && $hit2 && $hit3 || $zones == 1) && $blok) {
        hit($login, $opponent, $hit1, $hit2, $hit3, $blok, $bid, 0);
        Header("Location: battle.php?tmp={$random}");
<TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
include_once "inc/battle/left.php";
<TD width=100% valign=top align=center nowrap>
<FORM action="battle.php?act=hit&<?php 
Exemplo n.º 5
        $hp_now = $victims[$i]["hp"];
        $hp_all = $victims[$i]["hp_all"];
        $opponenti = $victims[$i]["opponent"];
        $hp_add = ceil(mt_rand($hp_min, $hp_max));
        if ($hp_all - $hp_now < $hp_add) {
            $hp_add = $hp_all - $hp_now;
        $hp_new = $hp_now + $hp_add;
        setHP($opponenti, $hp_new, $hp_all);
        $ret['action'] .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span}>" . $login . "</span> понимая, что ситуация становится критической, применил прием <span class=magic>" . $is_pr["name"] . "</span> и восстановил здоровье <span class={$span}>" . $opponenti . "</span> на <span class=hitted>+{$hp_add}</span> [{$hp_new}/{$hp_all}]<BR>";
    if ($db["hp"] < $db["hp_all"]) {
        if ($db["hp_all"] - $db["hp"] < $hp_me) {
            $hp_me = $db["hp_all"] - $db["hp"];
        $hp_new_me = $db["hp"] + $hp_me;
        setHP($login, $hp_new_me, $db["hp_all"]);
        $ret['action'] .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span}>" . $login . "</span> понимая, что ситуация становится критической, применил прием <span class=magic>" . $is_pr["name"] . "</span> и восстановил свое здоровье <span class=hitted>+{$hp_me}</span> [{$hp_new_me}/" . $db["hp_all"] . "]<BR>";
        $yes_me = 1;
    if (count($victims) > 0 || $yes_me == 1) {
        mysql_query("UPDATE battle_units SET hit=hit-" . (int) $is_pr["hit"] . ",krit=krit-" . (int) $is_pr["krit"] . ",uvarot=uvarot-" . (int) $is_pr["uvarot"] . ",block=block-" . (int) $is_pr["block"] . ",hp=hp-" . (int) $is_pr["hp"] . ",counter=counter-" . (int) $is_pr["all_hit"] . " WHERE player='" . $login . "' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
        mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1,pr_wait_for=" . $is_pr["wait"] . " WHERE id_person='" . $db["id"] . "' and pr_name='earthhp6' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
        mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1,pr_wait_for=" . $is_pr["wait"] . " WHERE id_person='" . $db["id"] . "' and pr_name='earthhp7' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
        mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1,pr_wait_for=" . $is_pr["wait"] . " WHERE id_person='" . $db["id"] . "' and pr_name='earthhp8' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
        mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1,pr_wait_for=" . $is_pr["wait"] . " WHERE id_person='" . $db["id"] . "' and pr_name='earthhp9' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
        mysql_query("UPDATE person_on SET pr_active=1,pr_wait_for=" . $is_pr["wait"] . " WHERE id_person='" . $db["id"] . "' and pr_name='earthhp10' and battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
    battle_log($b_id, $ret['action']);
    hit($login, $db["battle_opponent"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $b_id, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6

require_once "Character.php";
$bob = new Character(100, 5, 10);
$lennon = new Character(50, 10, 20);
function hit($attacker_name, $attacker, $defender_name, $defender)
    printf("{$attacker_name} attacks {$defender_name}" . PHP_EOL);
    printf("{$defender_name} has %d HP" . PHP_EOL, $defender->getHp());
    if ($defender->isKo()) {
        printf("{$attacker_name} won by Ko, he has %d hp left" . PHP_EOL, $attacker->getHp());
while (true) {
    hit("Bob", $bob, "Lennon", $lennon);
    hit("Lennon", $lennon, "Bob", $bob);
Exemplo n.º 7
            $ret['action'] .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <B>" . $victims[$i]["opponent"] . " убит</B><BR>";
        if ($victims[$i]["types"] == "human") {
            mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp='" . $hp_new . "' WHERE login='******'");
        } else {
            if ($victims[$i]["types"] == "bot") {
                mysql_query("UPDATE bot_temp SET hp='" . $hp_new . "' WHERE battle_id='" . $b_id . "' AND bot_name='" . $victims[$i]["opponent"] . "'");
        $ret['action'] .= "<span class=date>{$date}</span> <span class={$span}>" . $login . "</span> обрушил <span class=magic>Каменный Дождь[6]</span> на <span class={$span2}>" . $victims[$i]["opponent"] . "</span>, <span class=hitted>-{$uron}</span> [" . $hp_new . "/" . $victims[$i]["hp_all"] . "]<BR>";
        $ret['uron'] += $uron;
    mysql_query("UPDATE teams SET hitted=hitted+" . $ret['uron'] . " WHERE player='" . $login . "'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle_opponent='' WHERE login='******'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE timeout SET lasthit='" . $t . "' WHERE battle_id='" . $b_id . "'");
    $td = fopen("logs/" . $b_id . ".dis", "a");
    fputs($td, $ret['action']);
    mysql_query("UPDATE inv SET iznos = iznos+1 WHERE id='" . $id . "'");
    $S_INV = mysql_query("SELECT iznos,iznos_max FROM inv WHERE id = '" . $id . "' limit 1");
    $DAT = mysql_fetch_array($S_INV);
    if ($DAT["iznos"] == $DAT["iznos_max"]) {
        mysql_query("UPDATE users SET slot" . $slot . "=0 WHERE login='******'");
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM inv WHERE id = '" . $id . "'");
        say($login, "Заклинание <b>&laquo;" . $name . "&raquo;</b> полностью использован!", $login);
    $c = count($hited_targets);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        hit($login, $hited_targets[$i], 0, 0, 0, $b_id);
Exemplo n.º 8

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Øyvind
 * Date: 05.07.2015
 * Time: 17.52
if (!isset($_SESSION['doubleClick'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['newRound']) && $_SESSION['newRound']) {
    } elseif (isset($_POST['hit'])) {
    } elseif (isset($_POST['stand'])) {
    } elseif (isset($_POST['split'])) {
    } elseif (isset($_POST['double'])) {
} else {
    if (isset($_SESSION['language_changed']) && $_SESSION['language_changed']) {
        $_SESSION['language_changed'] = false;
 * Initializes a new round
function init()
Exemplo n.º 9
//$count = 0;
if (isset($_POST['hit']) && $_SESSION['blackjack_state'] == "in_game") {
    //check if player busted
    if (countCards($_SESSION['blackjack_player_cards']) > 21) {
        echo "You busted, dealer won...";
        $_SESSION['blackjack_state'] = 2;
} elseif (isset($_POST['stay']) && $_SESSION['blackjack_state'] == "in_game") {
    //calc player & dealer points
    $dealer = countCards($_SESSION['blackjack_dealer_cards']);
    $player = countCards($_SESSION['blackjack_player_cards']);
    //if dealer under 17 points, keep hitting.
    while ($dealer < 17) {
        $dealer = countCards($_SESSION['blackjack_dealer_cards']);
    //dealer has blackjack
    if ($dealer == 21) {
        echo "Dealer Got BlackJack... You lost...";
    } elseif ($dealer >= $player) {
        //if dealer under 21, they win
        if ($dealer < 21) {
            echo "Dealer Won...";
        } else {
            echo "Congradulations, you won. The dealer busted...";
    } else {
        //player has blackjack
        if ($player == 21) {