/** * Function that processes the callback from the bank and returns CPayment objects with isSuccessful * (and other applicable) parameters filled according to the answers from the bank. * * @return CPayment */ public function HandleCallback() { $rsField = array(); foreach ((array) $_REQUEST as $ixField => $fieldValue) { $rsField[$ixField] = $fieldValue; } $sSignatureBase = sprintf("%03s", $rsField['ver']) . sprintf("%-10s", $rsField['id']) . sprintf("%012s", $rsField['ecuno']) . sprintf("%06s", $rsField['receipt_no']) . sprintf("%012s", $rsField['eamount']) . sprintf("%3s", $rsField['cur']) . $rsField['respcode'] . $rsField['datetime'] . sprintf("%-40s", $rsField['msgdata']) . sprintf("%-40s", $rsField['actiontext']); function hex2str($hex) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2) { $str .= chr(hexdec(substr($hex, $i, 2))); } return $str; } $mac = hex2str($rsField['mac']); $sSignature = sha1($sSignatureBase); $flKey = openssl_get_publickey(file_get_contents($this->flBankCertificate)); if (!openssl_verify($sSignatureBase, $mac, $flKey)) { trigger_error("Invalid signature", E_USER_ERROR); } if ($rsField['receipt_no'] == 00) { return new CPayment($rsField['ecuno'], $rsField['msgdata'], null, null, False); } else { return new CPayment($rsField['ecuno'], $rsField['msgdata'], $rsField['eamount'] / 100, $rsField['cur'], True); } }
public function isSuccesful() { foreach ((array) $_REQUEST as $ixField => $fieldValue) { $this->responseFields[$ixField] = $fieldValue; } $sSignatureBase = sprintf("%03s", $this->responseFields['ver']) . sprintf("%-10s", $this->responseFields['id']) . sprintf("%012s", $this->responseFields['ecuno']) . sprintf("%06s", $this->responseFields['receipt_no']) . sprintf("%012s", $this->responseFields['eamount']) . sprintf("%3s", $this->responseFields['cur']) . $this->responseFields['respcode'] . $this->responseFields['datetime'] . $this->mb_sprintf("%-40s", $this->responseFields['msgdata']) . $this->mb_sprintf("%-40s", $this->responseFields['actiontext']); function hex2str($hex) { $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2) { $str .= chr(hexdec(substr($hex, $i, 2))); } return $str; } $mac = hex2str($this->responseFields['mac']); $flKey = openssl_get_publickey(\Configuration::where('code', '=', 'estcard/pubkey')->first()->value); if (!openssl_verify($sSignatureBase, $mac, $flKey)) { // invalidSignature return false; } if ($this->responseFields['receipt_no'] == 00) { # Payment was cancelled return false; } if ($this->responseFields['respcode'] == 00) { # Payment success return true; } }
function getMessage() { $message = $this->message; $message = hex2str($message); $message = wordwrap($message, 70); $this->message = $message; }
function main() { global $VERSION, $key, $iv2; $a = $_GET['a']; switch ($a) { default: print ' <html> <head> <title>rsdf2txt ' . $VERSION . ' from fox21.at</title> </head> <body> Copy and paste the content of the .rsdf file into this textarea.<br /> <form action="?a=decrypt" method="post"> <textarea name="content" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Get" /> </form> </body> </head> '; break; case 'decrypt': $content = $_POST['content']; #$content = implode('', file($url)); $content = hex2str($content); $links = explode("\r\n", $content); $out = ''; foreach ($links as $link) { if (strlen($link) != 0) { $b64 = base64_decode($link); $dec = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $b64, MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, $iv2); $dec = substr($dec, strpos($dec, '/files/')); if ($dec != '') { $out .= "http://rapidshare.com{$dec}\n"; } } } print ' <html> <head> <title>rsdf2txt ' . $VERSION . ' from fox21.at</title> </head> <body> <textarea rows="20" cols="70">' . $out . '</textarea> </body> </head> '; break; } }
/** * @param number $factor * @return string */ public function color($factor) { $factor = max(0.0, min(1.0, $factor)); $color1 = $color2 = $this->gradient['0.0']; $f1 = 0; foreach ($this->gradient as $f => $color) { if ($factor <= $f) { $color2 = $color; if ($f1 != $f) { $factor = ($factor - $f1) / ($f - $f1); } else { $factor = $f; } break; } $color1 = $color; $f1 = $f; } return hex2str(interpolate($color1, $color2, $factor)); }
case 2: $gdbo->sql = "delete from _srv_resolution where id_srv_resolution={$rid}"; $gdbo->dbTable = "_srv_resolution"; $gdbo->execQuery(); break; } $gdbo->sql = "update _srv set srv_du=current_timestamp where id_srv={$id}"; $gdbo->dbTable = "_srv"; $gdbo->execQuery(); $gdbo->sql = "SELECT\na.id_srv_resolution,\nscript2text(a.srv_resolution) as \"Notes\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.srv_resolution_dc)+{$gmtOffset}) as \"srv_resolution_dc\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.srv_resolution_du)+{$gmtOffset},'%M %D, %Y') as \"srv_resolution_du\",\nconcat(d.cust_contact_givenName,' ',d.cust_contact_familyName) as \"fullname\",\na.id_sys_user,\na.srv_resolution_privateBit,\n(SELECT concat('<img src=''/_avatar/thumb_',fso,''' height=''32'' width=''32''/>') as fso FROM _fso where fso_pkcol='id_cust_contact' AND fso_pk=b.id_cust_contact AND fso_originalname='avatar') as \"Avatar\"\nFROM\n_srv_resolution a\nLEFT JOIN _sys_user_emp b ON a.id_sys_user=b.id_sys_user\nLEFT JOIN _cust_contact d ON b.id_cust_contact=d.id_cust_contact\nWHERE a.id_srv=" . $id . "\nORDER BY\na.srv_resolution_dc DESC"; $gdbo->getRec(); $aResolution = $gdbo->dbData; if (count($aResolution) > 0) { $debug = 1; foreach ($aResolution as $key => $row) { $isPrivate = $row[6] == 1 ? " [Private Note]" : ""; $editRecord = $row[5] == $id_sys_user ? " onclick=\"editRow('resolution'," . $row[0] . ")\"" : ""; echo "<div class=\"frmrowh\" {$editRecord}>"; foreach ($row as $col => $value) { if ($col == 1) { $notes = $row[6] == 1 && $row[5] != $id_sys_user ? encrypt(hex2str($value)) : $value; $notes = wordwrap($notes, 128, "\n", true); echo "<div class=\"srvDate\" id=\"resolution_head_" . $row[0] . "\">\n<div class=\"flLeft\">" . $row[7] . " Last updated " . $row[3] . " by " . $row[4] . "</div><div class=\"flRight\">{$isPrivate}</div></div>"; echo "<div class=\"srvData\" id=\"resolution_" . $row[0] . "\">" . $notes . "</div>"; } } echo "</div>"; } } else { echo ""; }
function dosendsms($msisdn, $sms_text) { // 短信中心号码 $smsc = "8613800755500"; // 短信最大长度70个汉字,Unicode表示需要280个字节 $max_len = 280; $invert_smsc = InvertNumbers($smsc); $len = 1; $s = chr(13); $msisdn = "86" . $msisdn; $sms_text = $sms_text; $pdu_text = hex2str(gb2unicode($sms_text)); echo gb2unicode($sms_text) . "\n"; $invert_msisdn = InvertNumbers($msisdn); // 拆分发送超过70汉字的短信(todo: 没有判断全英文的情况) $pdu_len = strlen($pdu_text); if ($pdu_len > $max_len) { $pdu_text1 = substr($pdu_text, 0, $max_len); $pdu_text = substr($pdu_text, $max_len, $pdu_len - $max_len); } else { $pdu_text1 = $pdu_text; $pdu_text = ""; } $pdu_len1 = sprintf("%02X", strlen($pdu_text1) / 2); $pdu_text1 = $pdu_len1 . $pdu_text1; $pdu_text1 = "11000D91" . $invert_msisdn . "000800" . $pdu_text1; $atcmd = "AT+CMGS=" . sprintf("%d", strlen($pdu_text1) / 2) . chr(13); $l = strlen($atcmd); echo $atcmd . "\n"; /* $ll = @dio_write($fd,$atcmd); while ($l != $ll) { sleep(10); $ll = @dio_write($fd,$atcmd); } if ($DEBUG) echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." DEBUG $atcmd\n"; do { $data = dio_read($fd, $len); echo $data; } while ( $data != $s ); sleep(1); */ $pdu_text1 = "0891" . $invert_smsc . $pdu_text1 . chr(26) . chr(13); $l = strlen($pdu_text1); echo $pdu_text1 . "\n"; /* $ll = @dio_write($fd,$pdu_text1); while ($l != $ll) { sleep(10); $ll = @dio_write($fd,$pdu_text1); } if ($DEBUG) echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." DEBUG $pdu_text1\n"; do { $data = dio_read($fd, $len); echo $data; } while ( $data != $s ); sleep(7); */ }
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; if (!isset($_POST["id_cfg"])) { $_POST["id_cfg"] = ""; } $device = new ArcTbl(); $device->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $device->dbLimit = 10; $device->dbOffset = 0; $device->dbType = $globalDBTP; $device->dbSchema = $globalDB; $device->recIndex = "id_cfg_device"; $device->recOrder = "asc"; $device->actionDestination = "popWindow"; $device->recOrderCol = "Label"; $device->recLink = $path . "edit_cfgdevice.php"; $device->actionFilterKey = "id_cfg_device"; $device->recQuery = "\nSELECT\na.cfg_device as \"Device Label\",\na.id_cfg_device,\nc.device_grp as \"Type\",\nb.device as \"Device\",\na.cfg_device_os as \"OS\",\nconcat(f.cust_contact_familyName,',',f.cust_contact_givenName) as \"Admin\",\na.cfg_device_serialnumber as \"Serial Number\",\nUNHEX(a.cfg_device_notes) as \"Notes\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.cfg_device_dc)+" . $gmtOffset . ",'%Y-%m-%d') as \"Date Entered\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.cfg_device_du)+" . $gmtOffset . ") as \"Last Update\",\nd.sys_status as \"Status\",\nCASE\nWHEN a.cfg_device_keyenabled = 1\nTHEN 'Yes'\nELSE 'No'\nEND as \"Manageable\",\na.id_cfg,\nconcat('\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Interfaces\" onclick=\"arc(''popWindow'',''/_mod/smod_18/manage_interface.php'',''id_cfg=',cast(id_cfg as char),'&id_cfg_device=',cast(a.id_cfg_device as char),'&id_device=',cast(a.id_device as char),''',1,1)\"/>\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"delCfgDevice(',cast(id_cfg as char),',',cast(a.id_cfg_device as char),')\"/>\n') as \"\" FROM _cfg_device a\nLEFT JOIN\n_device b ON a.id_device=b.id_device\nLEFT JOIN\n_device_grp c ON b.id_device_grp=c.id_device_grp\nLEFT JOIN\n_sys_status d ON a.id_sys_status=d.id_sys_status\nLEFT JOIN\n_hr_emp e ON a.id_hr_emp = e.id_hr_emp\nLEFT JOIN\n_cust_contact f ON e.id_cust_contact = f.id_cust_contact\nWHERE a.id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] . " ORDER by a.cfg_device"; $device->ajDestination = "list18-0"; $device->ajPage = "/_mod/smod_18/list_cfgdevice.php"; $device->recOrder = "asc"; $device->recOrderCol = "Device"; $device->ignoreCols = array("id_cfg", "Notes", "Date Entered", "id_cfg_device"); $device->ignoreFilterCols = array("id_cfg", "id_cfg_device", ""); $device->build(); echo hex2str($device->tblNav); echo $device->dataTable;
function snmp_hexstring($hex) { return hex2str(str_replace(' ', '', str_replace(' 00', '', $hex))); }
function snmp_hexstring($str) { if (isHexString($str)) { return hex2str(str_replace(' ', '', str_replace(' 00', '', $str))); } else { return $str; } }
function parsEmo($matches) { return hex2str($matches[1]); }
function decrypt($str) { $key = $GLOBALS['salt']; $str = hex2str($str); $str = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $block = mcrypt_get_block_size('des', 'ecb'); $pad = ord($str[($len = strlen($str)) - 1]); return substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - $pad); }
# Contract Type require "_model/dboContractTp.php"; $gdbo->getRec(); $listContractTp = $gdbo->dbData; # Contract Category require "_model/dboContractCat.php"; $gdbo->getRec(); $listContractCat = $gdbo->dbData; # Contract Status require "_model/dboContractStatus.php"; $gdbo->getRec(); $listContractStatus = $gdbo->dbData; # Fieldset Variables $buttonDate = '<div class="elementIconBox" onclick="openCalendar(this,\'interface\',null,\'dateFld\')"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>'; # Fieldsets $fsContract = array(array(array("*Organization", "id_cust_company", null, 1, $listCompany, $rec[0]["id_cust_company"]), array("*Status", "id_sys_status", null, 1, $listContractStatus, $rec[0]["id_sys_status"]), array(null, "id_contract", null, 3, null, $rec[0]["id_contract"])), array(array("*Type", "id_contract_tp", null, 1, $listContractTp, $rec[0]["id_contract_tp"]), array("*Category", "id_contract_cat", null, 1, $listContractCat, $rec[0]["id_contract_cat"])), array(array("*Contract", "contract", null, 0, null, $rec[0]["contract"]), array("*Label", "contract_label", null, 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_label"])), array(array("*Value", "contract_value", 'onblur="validateElement(\'money\',this)"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_value"]), array("Paid to Date", "paid", 'disabled="disabled"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_paid"])), array(array('Award Date', 'contract_da', 'class="dateFld elementIcon" onblur="validateElement(\'date\',this)"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_da"], null, $buttonDate, null, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), array("Date Updated", "contract_du", 'disabled="disabled"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_du"])), array(array('Execution Date', 'contract_ds', 'class="dateFld elementIcon" onblur="validateElement(\'date\',this)"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_ds"], null, $buttonDate, null, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), array("Date Terminated", "contract_dr", 'disabled="disabled"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_dr"])), array(array('Expiration Date', 'contract_de', 'class="dateFld elementIcon" onblur="validateElement(\'date\',this)"', 0, null, $rec[0]["contract_ds"], null, $buttonDate, null, 'YYYY-MM-DD')), array(array('General Notes', 'contract_notes', 'onkeydown="detectTab(this,event)"', 6, null, hex2str($rec[0]["contract_notes"]))), array(array('Billing Notes', 'contract_billingNotes', 'onkeydown="detectTab(this,event)"', 6, null, hex2str($rec[0]["contract_billingNotes"])))); $requiredFields = "contract_value,id_cust_company,id_sys_status,contract_label,contract,id_contract_cat,id_contract_tp"; ?> <form method="post" id="frmContract" name="frmContract" action="javascript:submitFrmVals('content','/_mod/smod_08/sql.php','<?php echo $requiredFields; ?> ','&form=frmContract&action=update','frmContract')"> <fieldset id="contract_detail"> <legend>Contract Detail</legend> <?php echo frmElements($fsContract); ?> </fieldset> </form> <form action="#"> <fieldset id="Files">
public function sendImage($msgid, $to, $path, $size, $link, $b64thumb) { $thumb_length = hex2str(_hex(strlen($b64thumb))); $to_length = chr(mb_strlen($to, "UTF-8")); $msgid_length = chr(mb_strlen($msgid)); $path_length = chr(mb_strlen($path)); $size_length = chr(mb_strlen($size)); // in bytes $link_length = chr(strlen($link)); $content = "ø] úü{$to_length}"; $content .= $to; $content .= "Š¢Cü{$msgid_length}"; $content .= $msgid; $content .= "øøº½OøøŒø\f\\½°¢Düfileü{$path_length}"; $content .= $path; $content .= "üsizeü{$size_length}"; $content .= $size; $content .= "¥ü{$link_length}"; $content .= $link; $content .= "ý{$thumb_length}"; $content .= $b64thumb; $total_length = hex2str(_hex(strlen($content))); $msg = ""; $msg .= "{$total_length}"; $msg .= $content; echo str2hex($msg); $stream = $this->send($msg); $this->read(); }
$inc = 1; foreach ($dboData as $Column => $Data) { $comma = $inc != 1 ? "," : ""; $dbo->{$Column} = $Data; $inc = $inc + 1; } if (isset($dbo->dependents)) { $dependents = json_decode($dbo->dependents); foreach ($dependents as $element => $name) { echo '<script>$("' . $name . '").prop("disabled",true);</script>'; } } $attributes = isset($dbo->attributes) ? $dbo->attributes : ""; $recID = isset($dbo->id) ? $dbo->id : ""; if (!empty($_POST["VAL"])) { $dbo->sql = $dbo->sql . " " . $dbo->dbFilter . hex2str($_POST["VAL"]); $dbo->getRec(); $results = $dbo->dbData; $count = $dbo->dbRows; $disabled = ""; } else { $results = array(); $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } if ($count == 0) { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; $first = null; $text = null; } else { $first = $results[0][0]; $text = $results[0][1];
$contactMethods = hex2str($_POST["contact_method_mText"]); $contactMethods = json_decode($contactMethods); $contactMethodsInsertStr = array2sqlstring($contactMethods, "0,2"); } if (isset($_POST["degree_mText"])) { $degree = hex2str($_POST["degree_mText"]); $degree = json_decode($degree); $degreeInsertStr = array2sqlstring($degree, "0,1,2,4,5,6"); } if (isset($_POST["certification_mText"])) { $certification = hex2str($_POST["certification_mText"]); $certification = json_decode($certification); $certificationInsertStr = array2sqlstring($certification, "3,4,5"); } if (isset($_POST["insurance_mText"])) { $insurance = hex2str($_POST["insurance_mText"]); $insurance = json_decode($insurance); $insuranceInsertStr = array2sqlstring($insurance, "0,2,3,4"); } # Multi Form Columns $contactMethodsCols = "contact_method,contact_method_notes,id_contact_method_tp,id_cust_contact"; $degreeCols = "hr_degree_hours,hr_degree,hr_degree_ds,hr_degree_da,id_hr_degree_status,id_hr_degree_level,id_cust_company,id_cust_branch,id_hr_emp"; $certificationCols = "hr_certification_hours,hr_certification_ds,hr_certification_da,id_hr_certification_status,id_hr_certification_provider,id_hr_certification_tp,id_hr_emp"; $insuranceCols = "hr_insurance_ds,hr_insurance_de,id_cust_company,id_hr_insurance_plan,id_hr_insurance_coverage,id_hr_emp"; # Parse Form Action $action = $_POST['action']; $form = $_POST['form']; $formAction = $form . "," . $action; # Begin SQL Functions switch ($formAction) { case "frmEmp,insert":
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $arctbl = json_decode(hex2str($_POST["arctbl"]), TRUE); $cols = json_decode(hex2str($_POST["arccols"]), TRUE); foreach ($cols as $key => $col) { $coltype[$key] = $col["type"]; $collabel[$key] = $col["name"]; } array_multisort($collabel, SORT_ASC, $cols); $colFullArray = array(); foreach ($cols as $column) { $colFullArray[] = array($column["type"], $column["name"]); } ?> <div id="popBox"> <form method="POST" id="frmFilter" name="frmFilter" action="javascript:buildLocalFilter('<?php echo $arctbl["ajPage"]; ?> ','<?php
.syntaxhighlighter table td.code .line { white-space: pre-wrap !important; word-wrap: break-word !important; } @media screen and (max-width: 680px) { .syntaxhighlighter .gutter { display:none; } </style> <?php /* Copyright (C) © 2010-2013 BIFRÖST SOFTWARE LLC Author: Carlos Omar Villanueva */ require "_lib/php/auth.php"; $data = hex2str($_POST["DBO"]); ?> <html> <head> <title></title> <link href="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shThemeDefault.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shCoreDefault.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="/_thirdparty/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_lib/jquery/0-jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_lib/js/ArcJS.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shCore.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shLegacy.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shBrushJScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/_thirdparty/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shBrushXml.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head><body> <?php
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; if (isset($_POST["uid"])) { $uid = hex2str($_POST["uid"]); $arrUser = explode(",", $uid); # Find existing users $gdbo->sql = "SELECT id_sys_user FROM _srv_res WHERE id_srv=" . $_POST["id_srv"]; $gdbo->getRec(); $recordset = $gdbo->dbData; $existing = array_column($recordset, 0); $newusers = array_diff($arrUser, $existing); $users = ""; foreach ($newusers as $key => $value) { if ($key != 0) { $comma = ","; } else { $comma = ""; } $users .= $comma . "(" . $_POST["id_srv"] . ",{$value})";
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $data_received[$key] = $value; } } if (count($_POST) > 0) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $data_received[$key] = $value; } } //Treating the whole frame $frame = $data_received['frame']; //Parsing: $frame_type = hexdec(substr($frame, 6, 2)); $data_fields = hexdec(substr($frame, 8, 2)); //Converting all to ASCII $frame_ascii = hex2str($frame); //Exploding the frame by # $array_data = explode('#', $frame_ascii); $id_secret = $array_data[1]; $id_wasp = $array_data[2]; $frame_number = $array_data[3]; $Sensortype = $id_wasp; $Sensorname = $id_secret; //Now, we take all the sensors data: (BAT:89) for ($index = 0; $index < $data_fields; $index++) { $sensor = explode(':', $array_data[$index + 4]); if ($debug) { print_r($sensor); echo '<br>'; } $sensor_ascii = $sensor[0];
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ # Includes require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; # Parse Contact Methods if (isset($_POST["contact_method_mText"])) { $contactMethods = hex2str($_POST["contact_method_mText"]); $contactMethods = json_decode($contactMethods); $contactMethodsInsertStr = array2sqlstring($contactMethods, "0,2"); } # Multi Form Columns $contactMethodsCols = "contact_method,contact_method_notes,id_contact_method_tp,id_cust_contact"; # Parse Form Action $action = $_POST['action']; $form = $_POST['form']; $formAction = $form . "," . $action; # Begin SQL Functions switch ($formAction) { case "frmContact,insert": /*****************************************************************************/ # Insert Address Record $gdbo->dbTable = "_addr";
/** * Convert an SNMP index string (without len!) to regular string * * @param string $index * @return string */ function snmp_indexstring($index) { if (preg_match('/^[\\d\\.]+$/', $index)) { $string = ''; foreach (explode('.', $index) as $char) { if ($char > 255) { // break, incorrect index string return $index; } $string .= zeropad(dechex($char)); } return hex2str($string); } return $index; }
$arcdb->dbSchema = $globalDB; /**************************************************/ $arcdb->sql = "\nSELECT\na.id_con, \na.con, \na.id_con_db_tp,\na.con_alias,\na.con_user,\na.con_enabledbit,\na.con_password,\na.con_host,\na.con_port,\na.con_catalog,\na.con_options,\nb.con_db_tp\nFROM _con a\nLEFT JOIN _con_db_tp b ON a.id_con_db_tp=b.id_con_db_tp\nWHERE a.id_con =" . $_POST["id_con"]; $arcdb->getRec(); $con = $arcdb->getAssociative(); } $arcCon = new ArcTbl(); $arcCon->dbLimit = 23; $arcCon->dbOffset = 0; $arcCon->dbCatalog = isset($con[0]["con_catalog"]) ? $con[0]["con_catalog"] : $arcCon->dbCatalog; $arcCon->oCon = isset($con[0]["con"]) ? $con[0]["con"] : $arcCon->oCon; $arcCon->dbTable = $arcCon->oCon; $arcCon->dbSchema = isset($con[0]["con"]) ? $con[0]["con"] : $arcCon->dbSchema; $arcCon->oUser = isset($con[0]["con_user"]) ? $con[0]["con_user"] : $arcCon->oUser; $arcCon->oPassword = isset($con[0]["con_password"]) && !empty($con[0]["con_password"]) ? decrypt($con[0]["con_password"]) : $arcCon->oPassword; $arcCon->oHost = isset($con[0]["con_host"]) ? $con[0]["con_host"] : $arcCon->oHost; $arcCon->oPort = isset($con[0]["con_port"]) ? $con[0]["con_port"] : $arcCon->oPort; $arcCon->oOptions = isset($con[0]["con_options"]) ? $con[0]["con_options"] : $arcCon->oOptions; $arcCon->dbType = isset($con[0]["con_db_tp"]) ? $con[0]["con_db_tp"] : $arcCon->dbType; $arcCon->ajDestination = "queryReport"; $arcCon->ajPage = $path . "view_customquery.php"; $arcCon->ignoreCols = array(); $arcCon->ignoreFilterCols = array(); $arcCon->post = isset($_POST["arctbl"]) ? $_POST["arctbl"] : null; $arcCon->recQuery = $sql; $arcCon->build(); echo hex2str($arcCon->tblNav); echo $arcCon->dataTable; ?>
} if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['type'])) { $type = $_GET['type']; } if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['extension'])) { $file_extension = $_GET['extension']; } if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $password = $_POST['password']; } $typed_pw = $password; $results = array('success' => false, 'url' => 'http://blockstrap.com', 'msg' => 'Unable to copy or delete file'); $api = new bs_api(); $tx = $api->transaction(array('chain' => $chain, 'id' => $txid)); if (isset($tx['time']) && isset($tx['outputs']) && isset($tx['outputs'][1]) && isset($tx['outputs'][1]['script_pub_key'])) { $pub_key = hex2str($tx['outputs'][1]['script_pub_key']); // TODO - WHY IS THIS FLAKEY...? $key_array = explode('jI', $pub_key); if (!isset($key_array[1])) { $key_array = explode('j:', $pub_key); } if (strpos($pub_key, '{') == 2) { $msg = json_decode(substr($pub_key, 2), true); } else { $msg = json_decode($key_array[1], true); } $pw = 'false'; if (isset($msg['p'])) { $pw = $msg['p']; } $hash = $msg['h'];
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; printArray($_POST); filterQryPost("id"); $id = hex2str($id); filterQryPost("rid"); filterQryPost("val"); filterQryPost("edit"); filterQryPost("pri"); switch ($edit) { case 0: $gdbo->sql = "insert into _srv_descr (srv_descr_privateBit,id_srv,srv_descr,id_sys_user,srv_descr_du) values ({$pri},{$id},'{$val}',{$id_sys_user},current_timestamp)"; $gdbo->dbTable = "_srv_descr"; $gdbo->execQuery(); break; case 1: $gdbo->sql = "update _srv_descr set srv_descr_privateBit={$pri},srv_descr_du=current_timestamp,id_srv={$id},srv_descr='{$val}',id_sys_user={$id_sys_user} where id_srv_descr={$rid}"; $gdbo->dbTable = "_srv_descr"; $gdbo->execQuery(); break;
$ajCfgDevice = isset($_POST["id_cfg_device"]) ? "&id_cfg_device=" . $_POST["id_cfg_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_device"]) ? "&id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_cfg"]) ? "&id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] : ""; if (!isset($_POST["id_device"])) { $_POST["id_device"] = ""; } require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $gdbo = new ArcTbl(); $gdbo->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $gdbo->dbLimit = 25; $gdbo->dbOffset = 0; $gdbo->dbType = $globalDBTP; $gdbo->dbSchema = $globalDB; #$gdbo->recDetail="hex2str(\$record['Notes'])"; $gdbo->recOrder = "asc"; $gdbo->tblKey = "iflabel"; $gdbo->elements = array(array("Label", "device_interfacelabel")); $gdbo->recOrderCol = "id_device_interfacelabel"; $gdbo->recQuery = "\nSELECT \nid_device_interfacelabel,\ndevice_interfacelabel as Label,\nid_device\nFROM _device_interfacelabel WHERE id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"]; $gdbo->dbTable = "_device_interfacelabel"; $gdbo->recIndex = $gdbo->getPrimaryKey(); $gdbo->updateAction = '"updateTable(\'rc".$rowIndex."_".$tblKey."\',\'". $this -> dbTable. "\',\'".$this->primaryKey."\',".$rowIndex.",1,\'' . $path . 'sql.php\',\'fs_labels\',\'&form=frmIFLabel&action=edit' . $ajCfgDevice . '\')"'; $gdbo->deleteAction = '"updateTable(\'rc".$rowIndex."_".$tblKey."\',\'". $this -> dbTable. "\',\'".$this->primaryKey."\',".$rowIndex.",2,\'' . $path . 'sql.php\',\'fs_labels\',\'&form=frmIFLabel&action=delete' . $ajCfgDevice . '\')"'; $gdbo->editable = true; $gdbo->ajDestination = "tbliflabel"; $gdbo->ajPage = "/_mod/smod_18/list_iflabel.php"; $gdbo->ignoreCols = array("id_device", "id_device_interfacelabel"); $gdbo->ignoreFilterCols = array("id_device_interfacelabel", "id_device"); $gdbo->build(); echo hex2str($gdbo->tblNav); echo $gdbo->dataTable;
# Parse Form Action $action = $_POST['action']; $form = $_POST['form']; $formAction = $form . "," . $action; # Static Variables $_POST["contract_du"] = $dtTimeUTC; if (isset($_POST["id_sys_status"]) && $_POST["id_sys_status"] == 14 && isset($_POST["contract_dr"]) && $_POST["contract_dr"] == "") { $_POST["contract_dr"] = $dtTimeUTC; } elseif ($_POST["id_sys_status"] != 14 && isset($_POST["contract_dr"]) && $_POST["contract_dr"] != "") { $_POST["contract_dr"] = ''; } else { $_POST["contract_dr"] = isset($_POST["contract_dr"]) ? $_POST["contract_dr"] : null; } # Parse if (isset($_POST["payment_mText"])) { $payments = hex2str($_POST["payment_mText"]); $payments = json_decode($payments); $paymentsFormatted = array(); foreach ($payments as $payment => $entry) { $paymentProcessed = !empty($entry[2]) ? strtotime($entry[2]) : NULL; $paymentsFormatted[] = array($entry[0], strtotime($entry[1]), $paymentProcessed, $entry[3]); } $paymentsInsertStr = array2sqlstring($paymentsFormatted, "0,1"); } # Multi Form Columns $paymentCols = "contract_payment,contract_payment_dr,contract_payment_dp,id_contract"; switch ($formAction) { case "frmContract,insert": /*****************************************************************************/ $gdbo->dbTable = "_contract"; $gdbo->insertRec();
function build() { $pgParams = $this->get(); #echo "<pre>".print_r($pgParams,true)."</pre>"; if ($this->prep()) { $dbType = $this->dbType; $oUser = $this->oUser; $oPassword = $this->oPassword; $oHost = $this->oHost; $oPort = $this->oPort; $oOptions = $this->oOptions; $oCon = $this->oCon; $dbLimit = $this->dbLimit; $recTotalRows = $this->recTotalRows; $tblKey = $pgParams->tblKey; $recPage = $pgParams->recPage; $previousPage = $recPage - 1; $nextPage = $recPage + 1; $start = $this->dbOffset + 1; $end = $start + $this->dbRows - 1; $dbCols = $this->dbCols; $ignoreCols = $this->ignoreCols; $ignoreFilterCols = $this->ignoreFilterCols; $recIndex = $this->recIndex; $tableRows = $this->getAssociative(); $filterableCols = $dbCols; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dbCols); $i++) { foreach ($ignoreFilterCols as $key => $value) { if ($dbCols[$i]["name"] == $value) { unset($filterableCols[$i]); } } } $tableColumns = array(); $dbColData = array(); foreach ($dbCols as $entry) { $tableColumns[] = $entry["name"]; $dbColData[$entry["name"]] = array("type" => $entry["type"]); } $tableColumnsFiltered = array_diff($tableColumns, $ignoreCols); if ($recTotalRows <= $dbLimit) { $numPages = 1; } else { if ($recTotalRows % $dbLimit == 0) { $numPages = $recTotalRows / $dbLimit; } else { $numPages = (int) ($recTotalRows / $dbLimit) + 1; } } $firstLink = isset($previousPage) && $previousPage > 1 ? $this->buildNav('<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>First', 1) : ""; $lastLink = $prevLink = isset($previousPage) && $previousPage > 0 ? $this->buildNav('<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>Previous', $previousPage) : ""; $nextLink = isset($nextPage) && $nextPage <= $numPages ? $this->buildNav('<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>Next', $nextPage) : ""; $lastLink = isset($nextPage) && $nextPage <= $numPages ? $this->buildNav('<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>Last', $numPages) : ""; $refreshLink = $this->buildNav('<i class="fa fa-refresh" style="margin:0"></i>', 1, 'clTblRefresh'); if (isset($this->dbCatlog) && $this->dbCatalog != null) { $exportCatalog = ",'" . encrypt($this->dbType) . "'"; } else { $exportCatalog = ""; } $dbo = encrypt(json_encode((array) $this)); $exportLink = '<a class="button" onclick="qry2csv(\'' . $dbo . '\' )"><i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>Export</a>'; $pageSummary = "<strong>Page</strong> " . $recPage . " of " . $numPages; $recordRange = "<strong>Record</strong> " . $start . " thru " . $end; $recordSummary = $recordRange . " | <strong>Total</strong> " . $recTotalRows; $filterLink = '<a class="button" onclick="arc(\'popWindowFilter\',\'/_lib/php/ArcDbFilter.php\',\'arccols=' . bin2hex(json_encode($filterableCols)) . '&arctbl=' . bin2hex(json_encode($pgParams)) . '\',1,1)"><i class="fa fa-filter fa-fw"></i>Advanced Filter</a>'; $this->tblNav = bin2hex("\n<div id=\"" . $this->tblID . "_controlBar\" class=\"headingRow\">\n<div class=\"headingLeft\">" . $recordSummary . " | " . $pageSummary . "</div>\n<div class=\"headingRight\">" . $firstLink . $prevLink . $nextLink . $lastLink . $exportLink . $filterLink . $refreshLink . "</div>\n</div>"); $pagingDebugValues = (object) array("recPage" => $recPage, "first" => $firstLink, "previous" => $previousPage, "nextPage" => $nextPage, "prevPage" => $previousPage, "last" => $lastLink, "numPages" => $numPages, "recTotalRows" => $recTotalRows); if ($this->debug === TRUE) { printArray($pagingDebugValues); } $dataTable = "<table class=\"dataGrid\" id=\"" . $this->tblID . "\"><tr><th> </th>"; $order = $pgParams->recOrder; switch ($this->dbType) { case "mysql": $strBox = array("`", "`"); break; case "mssql": $strBox = array("[", "]"); break; case "pgsql": $strBox = array("\"", "\""); break; } $orderCol = $pgParams->recOrderCol; if ($this->debug === TRUE) { printArray($pgParams); } foreach ($tableColumnsFiltered as $record => $col) { if (strtolower($col) == 'action' | $col == '') { $actioncol = 'class="colaction"'; $actioncolid = $record; } else { $actioncol = ''; $actioncolid = null; } if ($orderCol == $strBox[0] . $col . $strBox[1]) { if ($order == "asc") { $pgParams->recPage = 1; $pgParams->recOrder = "desc"; $sortString = '<i class="fa fa-sort-alpha-asc"></i>'; } else { $pgParams->recPage = 1; $pgParams->recOrder = "asc"; $sortString = '<i class="fa fa-sort-alpha-desc"></i>'; } } else { $pgParams->recOrder = "asc"; $sortString = '<i class="fa fa-sort"></i>'; } $pgParams->recOrderCol = $strBox[0] . $col . $strBox[1]; $thtext = $col == $this->primaryKey ? '<i class="fa fa-key"></i> ' . $col : $col; $thdata = $actioncol == '' ? "onclick=\"arc('" . $pgParams->ajDestination . "','" . $pgParams->ajPage . "','arctbl=" . bin2hex(json_encode($pgParams)) . "',1,1)\"><div style='float:left'>" . $thtext . "</div><div style='float:right;padding-right:4px'> " . $sortString . "</div>" : ">"; $dataTable .= "<th " . $actioncol . $thdata . "</th>"; } if ($this->editable === true) { $dataTable .= "<th> </th>"; } $dataTable .= "</tr>"; foreach ($tableRows as $record) { $rowIndex = isset($recIndex) ? $record[$recIndex] : $start; if (!is_null($pgParams->recDetail)) { $detailStr = $pgParams->recDetail; eval("\$detail=" . $detailStr . ";"); $action = ' onClick="$(\'#rd' . $rowIndex . '_' . $this->tblKey . '\').toggle()"'; } elseif (!is_null($pgParams->recLink)) { $detail = " "; $action = " onClick=\"arc('" . $pgParams->actionDestination . "','" . $pgParams->recLink . "','" . $pgParams->actionFilterKey . "=" . $record[$recIndex] . "'){$pgParams->moreActions}\""; } else { $detail = " "; $action = ""; } $rowClass = $start % 2 == 0 ? "class=\"evenRow\"" : "class=\"oddRow\""; $dataTable .= "<tr {$rowClass} id=\"rc" . $rowIndex . "_" . $tblKey . "\">"; $dataTable .= "<td class=\"rowID\">" . $start . "</td>"; if ($this->editable === true) { foreach ($tableColumnsFiltered as $col => $value) { if ($this->elements != null) { $key = multiArraySearch($this->elements, $tableColumnsFiltered[$col]); $recColumn = $key !== false ? $this->elements[$key][1] : $tableColumnsFiltered[$col]; } else { $recColumn = $tableColumnsFiltered[$col]; } $dbColType = $dbColData[$tableColumnsFiltered[$col]]["type"]; $addAction = $col != $actioncolid ? $action : ""; $disabled = $tableColumnsFiltered[$col] == $this->primaryKey ? 'disabled=="disabed"' : ''; $colData = $dbColType == "text" || $dbColType == "blob" ? hex2str($record[$value]) : $record[$value]; switch ($dbColType) { case "string": case "varchar": case "char": case "date": case "datetime": case "timestamp": case "time": $dataTable .= "<td " . $addAction . "><input {$disabled} onblur=\"isDefault(this)\" type=\"text\" name=\"" . $recColumn . "\" value=\"" . $colData . "\"/></td>"; break; case "int": case "bigint": case "numeric": case "decimal": $dataTable .= "<td " . $addAction . "><input {$disabled} onblur=\"isDefault(this)\" type=\"text\" name=\"" . $recColumn . "\" value=\"" . $colData . "\"/></td>"; break; case "text": case "blob": $dataTable .= "<td " . $addAction . "><textarea {$disabled} onblur=\"isDefault(this)\" type=\"text\" name=\"" . $recColumn . "\">" . str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("<", "<", $colData)) . "</textarea></td>"; break; default: $dataTable .= "<td>Not Supported.</td>"; break; } } } else { foreach ($tableColumnsFiltered as $col => $value) { $addAction = $col != $actioncolid ? $action : ""; $dataTable .= "<td " . $addAction . ">" . $record[$value] . "</td>"; } } if ($this->editable === true) { if ($this->deleteAction === null) { $deleteAction = "updateRow('rc" . $rowIndex . "_" . $tblKey . "','" . $this->dbTable . "','" . $this->primaryKey . "'," . $rowIndex . ",2,'" . $this->control . "','" . $this->ajDestination . "','" . $this->actionDestination . "')"; } else { eval("\$deleteAction = " . $this->deleteAction . ";"); } if ($this->updateAction === null) { $updateAction = "updateRow('rc" . $rowIndex . "_" . $tblKey . "','" . $this->dbTable . "','" . $this->primaryKey . "'," . $rowIndex . ",1,'" . $this->control . "','" . $this->ajDestination . "','" . $this->actionDestination . "')"; } else { eval("\$updateAction = " . $this->updateAction . ";"); } $dataTable .= "<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"Update\" onclick=\"" . $updateAction . "\"/><input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"" . $deleteAction . "\"/></td>"; } $dataTable .= "</tr>"; $colCount = count($tableColumnsFiltered) + 1; $dataTable .= "<tr class=\"rdetail\" id=\"rd" . $rowIndex . "_" . $tblKey . "\" style=\"display:none\"><td colspan=\"" . $colCount . "\" >" . $detail . "</td></tr>"; $start = $start + 1; } $dataTable .= "</table>"; $this->dataTable = $dataTable; } }
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $arctbl = new ArcTbl(); $arctbl->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $arctbl->dbOffset = 0; $arctbl->dbLimit = 23; $arctbl->dbType = $globalDBTP; $arctbl->dbSchema = $globalDB; $arctbl->recLink = $path . "edit.php"; $arctbl->actionFilterKey = "id_cust_department"; $arctbl->recIndex = "id_cust_department"; $arctbl->ignoreCols = array("id_cust_department"); $arctbl->recQuery = "\nSELECT\na.id_cust_department,\na.cust_department as \"Department\",\nc.cust_branch_tp as \"Type\",\nb.cust_branch as \"Branch\"\nFROM _cust_department a\nJOIN _cust_branch b ON a.id_cust_branch=b.id_cust_branch\nJOIN _cust_branch_tp c ON b.id_cust_branch_tp=c.id_cust_branch_tp"; $arctbl->actionDestination = "content"; $arctbl->ajDestination = "list03"; $arctbl->ajPage = $path . "list.php"; $arctbl->build(); echo hex2str($arctbl->tblNav); echo $arctbl->dataTable;
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; filterQryPost("period"); $period = hex2str($period); $periodArray = explode(".", $period); $periodStart = $periodArray[1]; $periodEnd = $periodArray[2]; /*************************************/ /* application variables */ /*************************************/ $curYear = date('Y', strtotime($dtTimeCurrent)); $curDay = date('j', strtotime($dtTimeCurrent)); $curMonth = date('n', strtotime($dtTimeCurrent)); $yearID = isset($yearID) ? $yearID : $curYear; $monthID = isset($monthID) ? $monthID : $curMonth; $firstDayofMonth = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthID, 1, $yearID)); $dayCount = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $monthID, $yearID); $todayTime = strtotime("{$yearID}-{$monthID}-{$curDay} 00:00:00 "); /************************************************************************/