function getFiles($h, $l, $t, $g, $f) { // Define the good path to the Get API if (hasStatic()) { $path_to = HOST_STATIC . '/'; } else { $path_to = JAPPIX_BASE . '/'; } if (!multiFiles()) { $values = array(); if ($h) { $values[] = 'h=' . $h; } if ($l) { $values[] = 'l=' . $l; } if ($t) { $values[] = 't=' . $t; } if ($g) { $values[] = 'g=' . $g; } if ($f) { $values[] = 'f=' . $f; } return $path_to . 'php/get.php?' . implode('&', $values); } if ($g && !empty($g) && preg_match('/^(\\S+)\\.xml$/', $g) && preg_match('/^(css|js)$/', $t) && isSafe($g) && file_exists('xml/' . $g)) { $xml_data = file_get_contents('xml/' . $g); // Any data? if ($xml_data) { $xml_read = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_data); $xml_parse = $xml_read->{$t}; // Files were added to the list before (with file var)? if ($f) { $f .= '~' . $xml_parse; } else { $f = $xml_parse; } } } // Explode the f string if (strpos($f, '~') != false) { $array = explode('~', $f); } else { $array = array($f); } $a = array(); foreach ($array as $file) { $a[] = $path_to . $t . '/' . $file; } if (count($a) == 1) { return $a[0]; } return $a; }
function staticURL() { if (hasStatic()) { // Static URL in hosts.xml $url = HOST_STATIC . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { // Check for HTTPS $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http'; // Check for port $port_section = null; $port_value = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && is_numeric($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) : null; if ($port_value != null && ($protocol == 'http' && $port_value != 80) || $protocol == 'https' && $port_value != 443) { $port_section = ':' . $port_value; } // Full URL $url = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $port_section . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } return $url; }
function createChart($datas = array(), $legend = array(), $link, $evolution = FALSE, $type = 'others') { $this->has_errors = FALSE; $max = 0; // One or two data arrays if (isset($datas[0]) && is_array($datas[0])) { $datas_number = count($datas[0]); if ($datas_number >= 1) { $max = max($datas[0]); } else { $this->has_errors = TRUE; } } else { $datas_number = count($datas); if ($datas_number >= 1) { $max = max($datas); } else { $this->has_errors = TRUE; } } // Set the width of the chart if ($datas_number * 55 > 400) { $width = $datas_number * 55; } else { $width = 400; } $height = 250; $this->datas = $datas; $this->legend = $legend; $this->link = $link; $this->evolution = $evolution; $this->type = $type; $this->xml_elements = array(); // Scale if ($max <= 20) { $scale[4] = 20; $scale[3] = 15; $scale[2] = 10; $scale[1] = 5; } else { $scale[4] = ceil($max / 20) * 20; $scale[3] = $scale[4] * 3 / 4; $scale[2] = $scale[4] * 2 / 4; $scale[1] = $scale[4] * 1 / 4; } if ($scale[4] == 0 || $max == 0) { $this->has_errors = TRUE; } if ($this->has_errors) { return TRUE; } $this->xml_object = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); // Process the static file host prefix $static_prefix = '.'; if (hasStatic()) { $static_prefix = HOST_STATIC . '/php'; } // Add the stylesheet $style = $this->xml_object->createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/css' href='" . getFiles(genHash(getVersion()), '', 'css', '', 'stats-svg.css') . "'"); $this->xml_object->appendChild($style); // Create the root SVG element $this->svg = $this->xml_object->createElement('svg'); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns:svg', ''); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $this->svg->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', ''); $this->svg->setAttribute('version', '1.1'); $this->svg->setAttribute('width', $width); $this->svg->setAttribute('height', $height); $this->svg->setAttribute('id', 'svg'); $this->xml_object->appendChild($this->svg); // Create a definition $this->xml_elements['basic_defs'] = $this->xml_object->createElement('defs'); $path = $this->xml_object->createElement('path'); $path->setAttribute('id', 'mark'); $path->setAttribute('d', 'M 0,234 v 4 '); $path->setAttribute('stroke', '#596171'); $path->setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px'); $this->xml_elements['basic_defs']->appendChild($path); // Create the static background $this->xml_elements['static_background'] = $this->xml_object->createElement('g'); $this->xml_elements['static_background']->setAttribute('class', 'static-background'); // Draw the legend $this->drawLegend(); // Draw the table $this->drawTable($scale, $width); // Draw the chart $this->drawChart($scale, $width); }