if ($nodes->length < 1) { echo "{\"success\":false,\"error\":\"Your user account '" . $creator . "' is not specified in the triple store. You are not allowed to upload documents.\"}"; die; } } $creator = $nodes->item(0)->textContent; } $content = $_FILES["content"]; if ($_FILES["content"]["error"] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { echo '{"success":false,"error":' . $_FILES["content"]["error"] . '}'; die; } if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $title = $_POST["title"]; } else { $title = NULL; } $result = handleFileUpload($content["tmp_name"], $file, $creator, NULL, $title); setNonceForApp($service, $nonce); /* if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) header("Location: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); else */ echo json_encode($result); } else { echo '{"success":false,"error":"Unsupported method"}'; die; } } }
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VCMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ if (!is_object($libGlobal) || !$libAuth->isLoggedin()) { exit; } $libDb->connect(); if ($libAuth->isLoggedin() && isset($_REQUEST['veranstaltungId']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['veranstaltungId']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $_REQUEST['veranstaltungId']) && isset($_FILES['files']['name'])) { $allowedExtensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg'); $numerOfFiles = count($_FILES['files']['name']); $filesResult = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numerOfFiles; $i++) { $fileResult = handleFileUpload($i, $allowedExtensions); $filesResult[] = $fileResult; } $result = array(); $result['files'] = $filesResult; echo json_encode($result); } function handleFileUpload($i, $allowedExtensions) { global $libGlobal, $libImage; $name = $_FILES['files']['name'][$i]; $tmp_name = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$i]; $size = $_FILES['files']['size'][$i]; $pathinfo = pathinfo($name); $filename = $pathinfo['filename']; $ext = $pathinfo['extension'];
include '../includes/formvalidation/FormValidation.php'; include '../includes/fileFunctions.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION[USER])) { $errorCookie = "errorMessage"; $errorCookieValue = "U hebt geen toegang tot de pagina die u hebt getracht te bezoeken!"; setcookie($errorCookie, $errorCookieValue, time() + 60, "/"); header('location: ../index.php'); } $errors = []; if (!empty($_POST)) { $data = $_POST; $formValidation = new ProductFormValidation($data); $errors = $formValidation->validateForm(); if (empty($errors)) { $imageBaseName = basename($_FILES['image']['name']); if (!handleFileUpload($_FILES)) { $errorCookie = "errorMessage"; $errorCookieValue = "Er ging iets mis met het uploaden van het bestand"; setcookie($errorCookie, $errorCookieValue, time() + 60, "/"); header('location:index.php'); exit; } $query = 'INSERT INTO product (name,description,image,category,price) ' . 'VALUES (:name,:description,:image,:category,:price);'; $stmt = $db->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(['name' => $data['name'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'image' => $imageBaseName, 'category' => $data['category'], 'price' => (double) $data['price']]); if ($stmt->rowCount()) { $cookie_name = "userMessage"; $cookie_value = "Product is met succes toegevoegd!"; setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + 60, "/"); header('location:index.php'); }
} else { if ($nodes->length < 1) { ?> <html> <body> <p>Your user account is not specified in the triple store. You are not allowed to upload images.</p> </body> </html> <?php } } $uri = $nodes->item(0)->textContent; if ($_FILES["content"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $tmp_name = $_FILES["content"]["tmp_name"]; $file = $_POST["file"]; handleFileUpload($tmp_name, $file, $uri); } else { ?> <html> <body> <p>No document uploaded.</p> </body> </html><?php } } else { ?> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>TWC Document Manager</title> <script src="media.js"></script> <script src="sha1.js"></script>
function handlePicture() { handleFileUpload(); }