function output_domain_block($project_id) { foreach (ProjectInfo::$mDomainList as $domain_handle) { if ($domain_handle == 'home' || $domain_handle == 'misc') { continue; } $domain_link = ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, $domain_handle); $domain_name = ProjectInfo::getDomainName($project_id, $domain_handle); $domain_desc = ProjectInfo::getDomainDesc($project_id, $domain_handle); switch ($domain_handle) { case 'download': $icon_name = 'download'; break; case 'document': $icon_name = 'book'; break; case 'community': $icon_name = 'group'; break; case 'contribute': $icon_name = 'heart'; break; } ?> <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 note-block"> <div class="well text-center"> <div class="note-icon"> <a href="<?php echo $domain_link; ?> "> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-<?php echo $icon_name; ?> "></span> </a> </div> <div class="note-desc"> <h2> <a href="<?php echo $domain_link; ?> "> <?php echo h5($domain_name); ?> </a> </h2> <p> <?php echo h5($domain_desc); ?> </p> </div> </p> </div> </div> <?php } }
static function getPersonalHomeLink($fse_info = false, $with_tags = false, $style_class = false) { if ($fse_info == false) { $fse_info = $_SESSION['FSEInfo']; } if ($fse_info == false) { if ($with_tags) { return '<a href="/" class="' . $style_class . '">' . t('No Name') . '</a>'; } return '/'; } if (preg_match("/^zh/i", $fse_info['def_locale'])) { $doc_lang = 'zh'; } else { $doc_lang = 'en'; } $link = "/{$doc_lang}/engineer/" . $fse_info['user_name']; if ($with_tags) { return '<a href="' . $link . '" class="' . $style_class . '">' . h5($fse_info['nick_name']) . '</a>'; } return $link; }
/** *###################################################################### *# takeaway heading *###################################################################### */ function takeaway_heading($atts) { if (isset($atts['type'])) { switch ($atts['type']) { case 'h1': return h1($atts); break; case 'h2': return h2($atts); break; case 'h3': return h3($atts); break; case 'h4': return h4($atts); break; case 'h5': return h5($atts); break; } } return ''; }
public static function getChapterDesc($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $chapter_handle) { $chapter_info = self::getChapterInfo($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $chapter_handle); if ($chapter_info == false) { return false; } return h5($chapter_info['chapter_desc']); }
echo h3("Interplay of Relationship"), h4("Relative House Position of each other's Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Venus."), begin_ul(); foreach ($relationship_calculator->relative_positionals as $planet => $positional) { $positional_text = ''; if ($positional) { $positional_text = ", " . $positional; } echo li($planet, "- house ", $relationship_calculator->relative_houses[$planet], $positional_text); } echo end_ul(); echo h4("Deeper Synastry Analysis of each other's Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Venus."), h5("Influences to ", $female_data['report_name'], "'s Planets in ", $male_data['report_name'], "'s chart."); foreach (array('Ascendant', 'Sun', 'Moon', 'Venus') as $planet) { echo h5($planet), ul($relationship_calculator->female_male_influences[$planet]); } echo h5("Influences to ", $male_data['report_name'], "'s Planets in ", $female_data['report_name'], "'s chart."); foreach (array('Ascendant', 'Sun', 'Moon', 'Venus') as $planet) { echo h5($planet), ul($relationship_calculator->male_female_influences[$planet]); } echo h4("Marriage Compatibility Based on Indian Astrology"); echo "Male Nakshatra: "; echo $kuta_calculator->male_nakshatra, br(); echo "Female Nakshatra: "; echo $kuta_calculator->female_nakshatra, br(), br(); echo "Nadi Kuta Score: "; echo $kuta_calculator->nadiKutaScore; echo "/8", br(); echo "Male Dosha: "; echo $kuta_calculator->male_dosha, br(); echo "Female Dosha: "; echo $kuta_calculator->female_dosha, br(), br(); echo "Rashi Kuta Score: "; echo $kuta_calculator->rashiKutaScore;
</h3> </header> <?php if (count($normal_blogs) > 0) { ?> <ul class="list-group"> <?php foreach ($normal_blogs as $blg) { ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <p> <a href="<?php echo ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $blg['chapter_handle']); ?> "><?php echo h5($blg['chapter_name']); ?> </a> </p> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> </div>
</a> </li> <?php foreach ($volumes as $v) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo ProjectInfo::assemblePath($sys_project_id, 'misc', $v['volume_handle']); ?> " title="<?php echo h5($v['volume_desc']); ?> " class="inline-list small"><?php echo h5($v['volume_name']); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <ul> <li><a class="inline-list small" target="_blank" href="">Concrete5</a></li> <li><a class="inline-list small" target="_blank" href="">Bootstrap</a></li> <li><a class="inline-list small" target="_blank" href="">PHP Markdown</a></li> </ul> </nav>
src="<?php echo $icon_url; ?> " alt="<?php echo h5($project_info['name']); ?> " /> </section> <section class="col-md-9"> <h1><?php echo h5($project_info['name']); ?> </h1> <p><?php echo h5($project_info['short_desc']); ?> </p> <?php if (isset($gh_user)) { ?> <div class="text-left"> <iframe src="<?php echo $gh_user; ?> &repo=<?php echo $gh_repo; ?> &type=watch&count=true&size=large" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170" height="30"></iframe> <iframe src="<?php echo $gh_user;
public function edit_member_roles() { if (!fse_try_to_login()) { header("location:/fse_login"); return; } $project_id = $this->post('projectID'); $area_handle = $this->post('areaHandle'); $domain_handle = $this->post('domainHandle'); $volume_handle = $this->post('volumeHandle'); $part_handle = $this->post('partHandle'); $chapter_handle = $this->post('chapterHandle'); $section_id = $this->post('sectionID'); $member_username = $this->post('memberUsername'); $member_display_name = $this->post('memberDisplayName'); $member_desc = $this->post('memberDescription'); $member_roles = array('g-mmb'); for ($i = 0; $i < ProjectInfo::NR_ROLES; $i++) { $role = $this->post("memberRole{$i}"); if (in_array($role, ProjectInfo::$mMemberRoleList)) { $member_roles[] = $role; } } $member_roles = array_unique($member_roles); $role_description = ''; $doc_lang = substr($project_id, -2); foreach ($member_roles as $role) { $role_description .= ProjectInfo::$mRoleDescriptions[$doc_lang][$role]; $role_description .= ' '; } $member_roles = implode('|', $member_roles); $page_path = ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $chapter_handle); error_log("Edit Member: {$page_path}\n", 3, '/var/tmp/fsen.log'); $page_id = Page::getByPath($page_path)->getCollectionID(); if ($page_id <= 0) { header('Location: /'); return; } if (!fse_try_to_login()) { set_page_action_status($page_id, t('Add/Edit Member Roles'), 'error', t('You do not sign in or session expired.')); header("Location: {$page_path}"); return; } $curr_fse_id = $_SESSION['FSEInfo']['fse_id']; $curr_rights = ProjectInfo::getUserRights($project_id, $curr_fse_id); if ($curr_rights[0] != 't') { set_page_action_status($page_id, t('Add/Edit Member Roles'), 'error', t('You have no right to edit member roles.')); header("Location: {$page_path}"); return; } $fse_info = FSEInfo::getBasicProfile($member_username); if ($fse_info == false) { set_page_action_status($page_id, t('Add/Edit Member Roles'), 'error', t('No such user!')); header("Location: {$page_path}"); return; } if (strlen($member_display_name) == 0) { $member_display_name = $fse_info['nick_name']; } $member_rights = ProjectInfo::setUserRoles($project_id, $fse_info['fse_id'], $member_display_name, $member_desc, $member_roles); if (substr($member_rights, 0, 3) == 'ttt') { $style = "primary"; } else { if ($member_rights[0] == 't') { $style = "success"; } else { if ($member_rights[1] == 't') { $style = "info"; } else { if ($member_rights[2] == 't') { $style = "warning"; } else { $style = "default"; } } } } $type_handle = "member:markdown_safe:{$member_username}:{$style}:none"; $section_content = sprintf(self::MEMBER_MARKDOWN_TEXT, $member_display_name, $fse_info['user_name'], $role_description, h5($member_desc), h5($fse_info['self_desc']), $fse_info['avatar_url']); $section_manager = new DocSectionManager(); $res = $section_manager->addNewSectionVersion($project_id, $curr_fse_id, $domain_handle, $section_id, $type_handle, '', $section_content, '[]'); if ($res != DocSectionManager::EC_OK) { set_page_action_status($page_id, t('Add/Edit Member Roles'), 'error', t('Failed to add/edit member roles: %s', $section_manager->getErrorMessage($res))); header("Location: {$page_path}"); return; } set_page_action_status($page_id, t('Add/Edit Member Roles'), 'success', t('Succeed to edit the member roles.')); header("Location: {$page_path}"); }
</div> <?php if (count($latest_chapter) > 0) { $author_info = FSEInfo::getNameInfo($latest_chapter['fse_id']); ?> <div class="col-md-6 wrap-on-xs"> <span class="badge"><?php echo $latest_chapter['nr_sections'] - 1; ?> </span> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"> <a href="<?php echo "{$page_path}/" . $vlm['volume_handle'] . '/' . $prt['part_handle'] . '/' . $latest_chapter['chapter_handle']; ?> "><?php echo h5($latest_chapter['chapter_name']); ?> </a> </h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"> <?php echo FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($author_info, true); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> </li> <?php }
href="<?php echo ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, 'download'); ?> " class="tab-item"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span></a> <a <?php echo $domain_handle == 'home' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, 'home'); ?> " class="tab-item"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span></a> <?php if ($domain_handle != 'home') { ?> <img src="<?php echo get_url_from_file_id($project_info['icon_file_id'], '/files/images/icon-fsen-144.png'); ?> "/ alt="Logo Icon" /> <h1><?php echo h5($project_info['name']); ?> </h1> <?php } ?> </nav>
$db = Loader::db(); $projects = $db->getAll("SELECT project_id, fse_id, name FROM fsen_projects WHERE doc_lang=? AND project_id NOT LIKE 'sys-__' ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT 10", array($doc_lang)); if (count($projects) > 0) { ?> <ul class="list-group"> <?php foreach ($projects as $p) { $link = "/{$doc_lang}/project/" . $p['project_id']; $owner_info = FSEInfo::getNameInfo($p['fse_id']); ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> "><?php echo h5($p['name']); ?> </a></h4> <h5 class="list-group-item-heading"><?php echo FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($owner_info, true); ?> </h5> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </h1>
public function addNewSectionVersion($project_id, $author_id, $domain_handle, $section_id, $type_handle, $section_subject, $section_content, $attached_files) { if (!in_array($domain_handle, $this->mDomainList)) { return self::EC_BAD_DOMAIN; } $db = Loader::db(); $doc_lang = substr($project_id, -2); $section_row = $db->getRow("SELECT page_id, area_handle, block_id, max_ver_code\n\tFROM fsen_document_sections_{$doc_lang} WHERE id=?", array($section_id)); if (count($section_row) == 0) { return self::EC_NO_SUCH_ENTRY; } $page = Page::getByID($section_row['page_id']); $area = Area::get($page, $section_row['area_handle']); if (!is_object($area)) { return self::EC_BAD_PAGEAREA; } $block = Block::getByID($section_row['block_id'], $page, $section_row['area_handle']); if (!$block instanceof Block) { return self::EC_NO_SUCH_OBJ; } $content_file_name = $section_id; $new_ver_code = $section_row['max_ver_code'] + 1; $full_content_path_name = $this->getSectionContentPath($content_file_name, $new_ver_code, ''); $fp = fopen($full_content_path_name . 'org', "w"); if ($fp === FALSE) { return self::EC_FILE; } fwrite($fp, "{$author_id}\n"); fwrite($fp, "{$type_handle}\n"); fwrite($fp, "{$attached_files}\n"); fwrite($fp, h5($section_subject) . "\n"); fwrite($fp, h5($section_content)); fclose($fp); $section_content_html = $this->org2html($section_subject, $section_content, $type_handle); $fp = fopen($full_content_path_name . 'html', "w"); if ($fp === FALSE) { return self::EC_FILE; } fwrite($fp, $section_content_html); fclose($fp); $query = "UPDATE fsen_document_sections_{$doc_lang}\n\tSET max_ver_code=max_ver_code+1, curr_ver_code=max_ver_code WHERE id=?"; $res = $db->Execute($query, array($section_id)); if ($db->Affected_Rows() == 0) { return self::EC_DATABASE; } $block->update(array("domainHandle" => $domain_handle, "sectionID" => $content_file_name, "currentVerCode" => $new_ver_code)); self::updateCachedSectionInfo($domain_handle, $section_id, 'max_ver_code', $new_ver_code); /* purge the full page cache */ $page_cache = PageCache::getLibrary(); $page_cache->purge($page); return self::EC_OK; }
"> <div class="panel-heading"> <div class="media"> <a class="media-left" href="<?php echo FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($author_name_info); ?> "><img class="middle-avatar" src="<?php echo $author_name_info['avatar_url']; ?> " alt="Avatar"></a> <div class="media-body"> <div class="post-heading"> <h4> <?php if (strlen($content_subject)) { echo h5($content_subject); } else { echo t('(No title)'); } ?> </h4> <p> <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pen"></span> <?php echo FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($author_name_info, true, $link_style); ?> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-clock"></span> <?php echo $edit_time; ?>
continue; } unset($replied_name_info); if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{32}\$/", $comment['replied_author_id'])) { $replied_name_info = FSEInfo::getNameInfo($comment['replied_author_id']); if ($replied_name_info == false) { unset($replied_name_info); } } if ($comment['action'] == DocSectionManager::COMMENT_ACTION_PRAISE) { $body = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up" style="color:#eb7350;"></span>'; } else { if ($comment['action'] == DocSectionManager::COMMENT_ACTION_FAVORITE) { $body = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart" style="color:#eb7350;"></span>'; } else { $body = h5($comment['body']); } } ?> <li id="liComment<?php echo $comment['id']; ?> " class="list-group-item" data-value="<?php echo $comment['id']; ?> "> <div class="media"> <span class="badge"><?php echo $author_name_info['heat_level']; ?>
?> "> <img class="small-avatar" src="<?php echo $author_name_info['avatar_url']; ?> " alt="avatar"> </a> <section class="media-body"> <h6 class="media-heading"> <?php echo FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($author_name_info, true); ?> </h6> <p><small> <?php echo (isset($replied_name_info) ? t('Reply to ') . FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($replied_name_info, true) . ': ' : '') . h5($comment['body']); ?> </small></p> </section><!-- media-body --> <footer class="comment-block"> <div class="block-left"> <p> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-clock"></span> <?php echo $comment['create_time']; ?> </p> </div> <div class="block-right"> <ul> <li><a class="reply-comment" href="#" data-name="<?php
$ret_info->detail .= ' <div class="media" style="margin-top:5px;"> <a class="media-left" href="' . FSEInfo::getPersonalHomeLink($author_info) . '"> <img class="small-avatar" src="' . $author_info['avatar_url'] . '" alt="' . $author_info['nick_name'] . '"> </a> <div class="media-body"> <p style="line-height: 1; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;"> <small><strong class="text-info">' . $author_info['nick_name'] . '</strong></small> </p> <p style="line-height: 1; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;"> <small>'; if ($replied_name_info != false) { $ret_info->detail .= t('Reply to ') . '<strong class="text-info">' . $replied_name_info['nick_name'] . ': </strong>'; } $ret_info->detail .= h5($comment['body']) . '</small> </p> </div> </div>'; } $ret_info->detail .= ' </div> </div> </div> </div>'; $nr++; } echo $json->encode($ret_info); exit(0); ?>
$link .= '#section-' . $fvr['section_id']; if (strlen($plain_content['title']) == 0) { $page = Page::getByID($info['page_id']); $plain_content['title'] = $page->getCollectionName(); } ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <span class="badge"><?php echo $info['heat_level']; ?> </span> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> "><?php echo h5($plain_content['title']); ?> </a></h4> <p><?php echo $plain_content['content']; ?> </p> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible" role="alert">
</li> <li class="email"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $fse_info['public_email']; ?> "><?php echo $fse_info['public_email']; ?> </a></li> <li class="url"><a href="<?php echo $fse_info['public_url']; ?> "><?php echo $fse_info['public_url']; ?> </a></li> <li class="clock"> <?php echo t('Joined on %s', $fse_info['joined_date']); ?> </li> </ul> <h4> <?php echo h5($fse_info['self_desc']); ?> </h4> </section> </section> <?php }
" required="true" pattern=".{2,32}" placeholder="<?php echo t('2~32 characters'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="blogTags" class="control-label"> <?php echo t('Tags'); ?> </label> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="blogTags" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo h5($tags); ?> " required="false" placeholder="<?php echo t('Space delimited tags'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="checkbox"> <label for="authorSuggested"> <input type="checkbox" name="authorSuggested" <?php if ($bi['info']['required']) { echo 'checked="true"'; }
function mostrar_informacion() { global $d, $t, $pk, $pki, $con, $meta; echo h3("Tabla {$t}"); echo h4("Clave primaria: {$pk} con index {$pki}"); echo h4("Claves forraneas:"); $fka = db_getFK($meta, $d, $t); if ($fka[0]) { foreach ($fka[1] as $fk) { echo h5($fk[0] . " hace referencia a " . link_table($fk[1]) . "(" . $fk[2] . ")"); } } echo h4("Referencias a esta tabla:"); $rfka = db_getrFK($meta, $d, $t); if ($rfka[0]) { foreach ($rfka[1] as $rfk) { echo h5(link_table($rfk[1]) . "(" . $rfk[2] . ") hace referencia a " . $rfk[0]); } } }
<?php echo t('Normal Q&A'); ?> </li> <?php $normal_threads = ProjectInfo::getNormalThreads($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle); foreach ($normal_threads as $thd) { ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <a href="<?php echo "{$page_path}/" . $thd['chapter_handle']; ?> "><?php echo h5($thd['chapter_name']); ?> </a> <span class="section-action visible-on-manage-community-right" style="margin-top: 0;"> <a class="launch-modal" href="/index.php/tools/thread_action.php?fsenDocLang=<?php echo $doc_lang; ?> &cID=<?php echo $page_id; ?> &projectID=<?php echo $project_id; ?> &domainHandle=<?php
<?php function h5() { $x = array(1, 2, 3, 4); end($x); next($x); $y = $x; $y[] = 4; var_dump(current($x)); var_dump(current($y)); } h5();
?> </li> <?php $normal_threads = ProjectInfo::getNormalThreads($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle); foreach ($normal_threads as $thd) { ?> <li class="list-group-item"> <span class="badge"><?php echo $thd['nr_sections'] - 1; ?> </span> <?php if ($thd['chapter_handle'] == $chapter_handle) { echo h5($thd['chapter_name']) . PHP_EOL; } else { echo '<a href="' . $thd['chapter_handle'] . '">' . h5($thd['chapter_name']) . '</a>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </section> <!-- .col-md-3 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- .container-fluid --> </article> <?php if ($project_shortname != SYSTEM_PROJECT_SHORTNAME) { include 'inc/project_footer.php';
if ($idx_curr_part == count($parts) - 1) { ?> <li class="next disabled"> <a href="#">»</a> </li> <?php } else { $href = ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $parts[$idx_curr_part + 1]['part_handle']); $name = $parts[$idx_curr_part + 1]['part_name']; ?> <li class="next"> <a href="<?php echo $href; ?> "><?php echo h5($name); ?> »</a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </nav> <?php } ?> </div><!-- col-md-8 --> <!-- right side bar --> <div class="col-md-4">
foreach ($comments as $comment) { if ($nr >= $nr_comments) { break; } $author_name_info = FSEInfo::getNameInfo($comment['author_id']); if ($author_name_info == false) { continue; } $author_info = FSEInfo::getBasicProfile($author_name_info['user_name']); unset($replied_name_info); if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{32}\$/", $comment['replied_author_id'])) { $replied_name_info = FSEInfo::getNameInfo($comment['replied_author_id']); if ($replied_name_info == false) { unset($replied_name_info); } } $ret_info->detail .= ' <li class="list-group-item"> <p> <small><strong class="text-info">' . $author_info['nick_name'] . '</strong>' . (isset($replied_name_info) ? t('Reply to ') . '<strong class="text-info">' . $replied_name_info['nick_name'] . '</strong>' : '') . ': ' . h5($comment['body']) . ' </small> </p> </li>'; $nr++; } $ret_info->detail .= '</ul>'; echo $json->encode($ret_info); exit(0); ?>
echo $content_style; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="contentAlignment" value="<?php echo $content_alignment; ?> " /> <div style="margin-bottom:15px;"> <label for="sectionSubject"><?php echo t('Title (optional): '); ?> </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="sectionSubject" maxlength="40" style="width:100%;" value="<?php echo h5($section_subject); ?> "/> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:15px;"> <label for="sectionContent"> <?php echo t('Content (20 characters at least): '); ?> </label> <?php echo $form->textarea('sectionContent', $section_content, array("required" => "true", "rows" => "15", "style" => "width:100%;")); ?> </div>
include 'inc/project_navbar.php'; include 'inc/project_alert_banner.php'; ?> <header class="banner-<?php echo $page_style; ?> "> <div class="container"> <h1> <?php echo h5($c->getCollectionName()); ?> </h1> <p class="lead"> <?php echo h5($c->getCollectionDescription()); ?> </p> </div> </header> <div class="v-seperator"> </div> <?php include 'inc/project_main_areas.php'; include 'inc/project_footer.php'; include 'inc/footer.php'; include 'inc/status-bar.php'; ?>
</a> </span> </h2> </header> <ul> <?php $chapters = ProjectInfo::getAllChapters($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle); foreach ($chapters as $cpt) { ?> <li class="list-unstyled"> <a href="<?php echo ProjectInfo::assemblePath($project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $parts[$p]['part_handle'], $cpt['chapter_handle']); ?> "> <p><span></span><?php echo h5($cpt['chapter_name']); ?> </p> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </nav> <?php $start_part++; } ?> </div> </div>
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