Exemplo n.º 1
function unsolclic_airos($dev)
    $version = "1.1";
    $loc = node_load(array('nid' => $dev->nid));
    $zone = node_load(array('nid' => $loc->zone_id));
    $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
    list($primary_dns, $secondary_dns) = explode(' ', guifi_get_dns($zone, 2));
    $dns[] .= $primary_dns;
    $dns[] .= $secondary_dns;
    foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            if (isset($ipv4['links'])) {
                foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $key => $link) {
                    $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'];
    $apssid = guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']);
    if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
    if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] == 'Main') {
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '34') {
            // NanoStation Loco2.
            $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
        } else {
            $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '2';
        // Main on NanoStation2, Nanostation5 and  Loco5.
    } else {
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '34') {
            // NanoStation Loco2.
            $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '2';
        } else {
            $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
        // External on NanoStation2, Nanostation5 and  Loco5.
    $radiorx = $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode];
    $radiotx = $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode];
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "25":
            $net_mode = 'b';
            $lnet_mode = 'B Only (2,4Ghz 11MB)';
            $rate_max = '11M';
            $txpower = '6';
            $ack = '45';
            $extant = 'disabled';
            $mcastrate = '11';
        case "26":
            $net_mode = 'a';
            $lnet_mode = 'A (5Ghz)';
            $rate_max = '54M';
            $txpower = '6';
            $ack = '25';
            $extant = 'disabled';
            $mcastrate = '54';
        case "34":
            //NanoStation Loco2
            $net_mode = 'b';
            $lnet_mode = 'B Only (2,4Ghz 11MB)';
            $rate_max = '11M';
            $txpower = '6';
            $ack = '44';
            $extant = 'enabled';
            $mcastrate = '11';
        case "35":
            //NanoStation Loco5
            $net_mode = 'a';
            $lnet_mode = 'A (5Ghz)';
            $rate_max = '54M';
            $txpower = '6';
            $ack = '25';
            $extant = 'disabled';
            $mcastrate = '54';
    ## Create Script file
    $File = 'files/nanostation/' . $dev->nick . '.cfg';
    $Handle = fopen($File, 'w');
    $Data = "aaa.1.status=disabled\naaa.status=disabled\nbridge.1.devname=br0\nbridge.1.fd=1\nbridge.1.port.1.devname=eth0\nbridge.1.port.2.devname=ath0\nbridge.status=disabled\ndhcpc.1.devname=br0\ndhcpc.1.status=disabled\ndhcpc.status=disabled\ndhcpd.1.devname=eth0\ndhcpd.1.end=\ndhcpd.1.lease_time=3600\ndhcpd.1.netmask=\ndhcpd.1.start=\ndhcpd.1.status=enabled\ndhcpd.status=enabled\nebtables.1.cmd=-t nat -A PREROUTING --in-interface ath0 -j arpnat --arpnat-target ACCEPT\nebtables.1.status=enabled\nebtables.2.cmd=-t nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface ath0 -j arpnat --arpnat-target ACCEPT\nebtables.2.status=enabled\nebtables.3.cmd=-t broute -A BROUTING --protocol 0x888e --in-interface ath0 -j DROP\nebtables.3.status=enabled\nebtables.status=disabled\nhttpd.https.status=enabled\nhttpd.port.http=80\nhttpd.status=enabled\niptables.1.status=enabled\niptables.1.cmd=-t nat -I POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE\niptables.2.status=disabled\niptables.status=enabled\nnetconf.1.devname=eth0\nnetconf.1.ip=\nnetconf.1.netmask=\nnetconf.1.promisc=enabled\nnetconf.1.status=enabled\nnetconf.1.up=enabled\nnetconf.2.allmulti=enabled\nnetconf.2.devname=ath0\nnetconf.2.status=enabled\nnetconf.2.up=enabled\nnetconf.3.devname=br0\nnetconf.3.ip=\nnetconf.3.netmask=\nnetconf.3.status=disabled\nnetconf.3.up=enabled\nnetconf.status=enabled\nnetmode=router\nppp.1.password=\nppp.1.status=disabled\nppp.status=disabled\nradio.1.ack.auto=enabled\nradio.1.ackdistance=450\nradio.1.ani.status=enabled\nradio.1.chanshift=0\nradio.1.clksel=0\nradio.1.countrycode=724\nradio.1.devname=ath0\nradio.1.frag=off\nradio.1.mode=managed\nradio.1.rate.auto=enabled\nradio.1.rts=off\nradio.1.tx_antenna_diversity=disabled\nradio.1.rx_antenna_diversity=disabled\nradio.1.status=enabled\nradio.1.thresh62a=28\nradio.1.thresh62b=28\nradio.1.thresh62g=28\nradio.ratemodule=ath_rate_minstrel\nradio.countrycode=724\nradio.status=enabled\nresolv.host.1.status=enabled\nresolv.nameserver.1.status=enabled\nresolv.nameserver.2.status=enabled\nresolv.status=enabled\nroute.1.devname=ath0\nroute.1.ip=\nroute.1.netmask=0\nroute.1.status=enabled\nroute.status=enabled\nsnmp.community=public\nsnmp.contact=guifi@guifi.net\nsnmp.status=enabled\ntelnetd.status=enabled\nsshd.status=enabled\ntshaper.status=disabled\nusers.1.name=root\nusers.1.password=JjYNUu92yMZd.\nusers.1.status=enabled\nusers.status=enabled\nwireless.1.ap=\nwireless.1.authmode=1\nwireless.1.compression=0\nwireless.1.devname=ath0\nwireless.1.fastframes=0\nwireless.1.frameburst=0\nwireless.1.hide_ssid=disabled\nwireless.1.l2_isolation=enabled\nwireless.1.macclone=disabled\nwireless.1.rssi_led1=1\nwireless.1.rssi_led2=15\nwireless.1.rssi_led3=22\nwireless.1.rssi_led4=30\nwireless.1.security=none\nwireless.1.status=enabled\nwireless.1.wds=disabled\nwireless.1.wmm=disabled\nwireless.1.wmmlevel=-1\nwireless.status=enabled\nwpasupplicant.device.1.status=disabled\nwpasupplicant.status=disabled\nwireless.1.ssid=guifi.net-{$apssid}\nnetconf.2.ip={$wan->ipv4}\nnetconf.2.netmask={$wan->netmask}\nroute.1.gateway={$gateway}\nresolv.nameserver.1.ip={$primary_dns}\nresolv.nameserver.2.ip={$secondary_dns}\nresolv.host.1.name={$dev->nick}\nsnmp.location={$loc->nick}\nradio.1.ieee_mode={$net_mode}\nradio.1.rate.max={$rate_max}\nradio.1.txpower={$txpower}\nradio.1.acktimeout={$ack}\nradio.1.rx_antenna={$radiorx}\nradio.1.tx_antenna={$radiotx}\nradio.1.ext_antenna={$extant}\nradio.1.mcastrate={$mcastrate}\n";
    fwrite($Handle, $Data);
    print '<br/><a href="' . base_path() . 'files/nanostation/' . $dev->nick . '.cfg"> Click here to download configuration file for: ' . $dev->nick . ' </a><br />';
    print 'Put the mouse cursor over the link. Right click the link and select "Save Link/Target As..." to save to your Desktop.<br /><br />';
    if ($radiorx == '2') {
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '34') {
            // NanoStation Loco2.
            $ant = 'Horizontal';
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '35') {
            // NanoStation Loco5.
            $ant = 'Vertical';
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '25' || $dev->variable['model_id'] == '26') {
            // NanoStation2 and NanoStation5.
            $ant = 'Main/Internal - Vertical';
    } else {
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '34') {
            // NanoStation Loco2.
            $ant = 'Vertical';
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '35') {
            // NanoStation Loco5.
            $ant = 'Horizontal';
        if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == '25' || $dev->variable['model_id'] == '26') {
            // NanoStation2 and NanoStation5.
            $ant = 'Aux/External - Vertical';
    _outln_comment('Configuration for AirOs> Unsolclic version:' . $version . ' !! WARNING: Beta version !!');
    _outln_comment(' Device: ' . $dev->nick . '');
    _outln_comment(' Methods to upload/execute the file:');
    _outln_comment(' 1.- As a file. Upload this through web management:');
    _outln_comment('     a.System->Configuration Management->Locate file');
    _outln_comment('     b.Upload');
    _outln_comment(' 2.- Telnet: Open a terminal session, create new /tmp/system.cfg file and cut&paste');
    _outln_comment('     the contents of the file. Save it an execute the command:');
    _outln_comment('     /usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart save');
    _outln_comment(' Notes:');
    _outln_comment(' -Web access method is recommended');
    _outln_comment('   (the script reconfigures some IP addresses, so communication can be lost.');
    _outln_comment(' will be the new one)');
    _outln_comment(' -Changes are done in user passwords on the device, default user and password are');
    _outln_comment('  changed to root/guifi.');
    _outln_comment(' -The ACK is set to 45 for 802.11b mode, and to 25 for 802.11a (600 meters aprox,)');
    _outln('## Link to AP info');
    Ap SSID = guifi.net-' . $apssid . '<br />
    WAN Ip address = ' . $wan->ipv4 . '<br />
    WAN Netmask = ' . $wan->netmask . '<br />
    WAN Gateway = ' . $gateway . '<br />
    Primary DNS Server = ' . $primary_dns . '<br />
    Secondary DNS Server = ' . $secondary_dns . '<br />
    Device HostName = ' . $dev->nick . '<br />
    IEEE 802.11 Mode: = ' . $lnet_mode . '<br />
    Antenna Selection or/and Polarization: = ' . $ant . '<br />
Exemplo n.º 2
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone)
    $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2);
    $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan');
    $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask);
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "38":
            // RouterStation
            $wireless_model = 'atheros';
            $lan_iface = 'eth0';
            $lan2_iface = 'eth1';
            $packages = 'ar71xx/packages';
            _outln_comment('model id not supported');
    _outln_comment(t('Wireless Settings'));
    print '<pre>';
    function wds_add($dev, $radio, $radio_id)
        $wds_links = array();
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
                $ifcount = 0;
                foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                        $status = 'active';
                        print 'uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].bssid' . $ifcount . '=' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        $status = 'disabled';
                        print '# uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].bssidX=' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . ' # ' . t($wds['flag']) . '<br />';
    function wds_network($dev, $radio)
        $ifcount = '0';
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                        $wds_links = array();
                        $wds_links[] = $link;
                        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
                            $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']);
                            if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                                $status = 'active';
                                print '
## wds_' . $hostname . '
uci delete network.wds_' . $hostname . '
uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '=interface
uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ifname=ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wds' . $ifcount . '
uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.proto=static
                            } else {
                                $status = 'disabled';
                                print '
##### ' . t($wds['flag']) . ' ####
## wds_' . $hostname . '
# uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ifname=ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wdsX
# uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.proto=none
                        if ($status == 'active') {
                            print 'uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '
uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.netmask=' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '
                        } else {
                            print '# uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '
# uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.netmask=' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '
    if (isset($dev->radios)) {
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            $mode = 'apwds';
            $ssid = $radio[ssid];
            $channel = atheros_channel($radio);
            if ($channel <= 14) {
                $band = '11b';
            } else {
                $band = '11a';
            if (empty($radio[antenna_mode])) {
                $radio[antenna_mode] = '1';
            } else {
                if ($radio[antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
                    $radio[antenna_mode] = '2';
                } else {
                    $radio[antenna_mode] = '1';
            if ($radio_id == '0') {
                $wireless_iface = 'wifi0';
                $network = 'wlanLan';
            } else {
                $wireless_iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id;
                $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
            $wireless_model = 'atheros';
            $txant = $radio[antenna_mode];
            $rxant = $radio[antenna_mode];
            print '
## Radio: ' . $radio[ssid] . '
uci delete wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '=wifi-device
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.type=' . $wireless_model . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.channel=' . $channel . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.disabled=0
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.hwmode=' . $band . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.diversity=0
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.txantenna=' . $txant . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.rxantenna=' . $rxant . '
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.txpower=16
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.regdomain=31
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.country=724
uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.distance=2000
uci delete wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . ']
uci add wireless wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . ']=wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].device=' . $wireless_iface . '
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].network=' . $network . '
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].mode=' . $mode . '
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].ssid=guifi.net-' . $radio[ssid] . '
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].encryption=none
            wds_add($dev, $radio, $radio_id);
    print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    _outln_comment(t('Network Settings'));
    print '<pre>';
    function cable_network($dev)
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            switch ($interface[interface_type]) {
                case 'vlan1':
                    $iname = 'eth0:1';
                case 'vlan2':
                    $iname = 'eth1';
                case 'vlan3':
                    $iname = 'eth1:1';
                    $iname = $interface[interface_type];
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $network = guifi_get_hostname($link[device_id]);
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                        $status = 'active';
                        if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wLan/Lan') {
                            print '
## cable_' . $network . '
uci delete network.' . $network . '
uci set network.' . $network . '=interface
uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iname . '
uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static
uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '
uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . '
                    } else {
                        $status = 'disabled';
                        print '
##### ' . t($link['flag']) . ' ####
## cable_' . $network . '
# uci set network.' . $network . '=interface
# uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iname . '
# uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static
# uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '
# uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . '
    print '
uci set network.loopback=interface
uci set network.loopback.ifname=lo
uci set network.loopback.proto=static
uci set network.loopback.ipaddr=
uci set network.loopback.netmask=

uci delete network.lan
uci delete network.wan
    if (isset($dev->radios)) {
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            if (isset($radio[interfaces])) {
                foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wds/p2p') {
                        if (isset($interface[ipv4])) {
                            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                                    $iface = '"ath0 eth0"';
                                    $network = 'wlanLan';
                                } else {
                                    $iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id;
                                    $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                                $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                                // FILE NETWORK
                                print '
uci delete network.' . $network . '
uci set network.' . $network . '=interface
                                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                                    print 'uci set network.' . $network . '.type=bridge
                                print 'uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iface . '
uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static
uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '
uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . '
uci set network.' . $network . '.dns="' . $dns . '"
            wds_network($dev, $radio);
    print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    _outln_comment(t('Firewall Settings'));
    print '<pre>';
    print 'uci set firewall.@defaults[0]=defaults
uci set firewall.@defaults[0].syn_flood=1
uci set firewall.@defaults[0].input=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@defaults[0].output=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@defaults[0].forward=ACCEPT
    print 'COUNTER=0
while [  $COUNTER -lt 64 ]; do
  uci delete firewall.@zone[0] > /dev/null 2>&1
uci delete firewall.@forwarding[0]
    $icount = '0';
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                        $network = 'wlanLan';
                    } else {
                        $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                    print 'uci add firewall zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=' . $network . '
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links = array();
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
                            foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
                                $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']);
                                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                                    print 'uci add firewall zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=wds_' . $hostname . '
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT
    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                    print 'uci add firewall zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=' . $hostname . '
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT
uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT
    print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    _outln_comment(t('DHCP Static Leases'));
    print '<pre>';
    $dhcp_statics = array();
    $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4);
    function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr)
        if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) {
            $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF';
        $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id]));
        $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]);
        if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) {
            $max[3] = $curr[3];
    $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id);
    $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]);
    $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]);
    // cable links
    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') {
                    $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]);
                    if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) {
                        merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    // ap/client links
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) {
                        merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1;
    $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics);
    $first = explode(".", $item[netid]);
    $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]);
    $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics;
    $counter = '0';
    print 'COUNTER=0
while [  $COUNTER -lt 64 ]; do
  uci delete luci_ethers.@static_lease[0] > /dev/null 2>&1
    foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) {
        print '
## Device: ' . $static[2] . '
uci add luci_ethers static_lease
uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . ']=static_lease
uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . '].macaddr=' . $static[1] . '
uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . '].ipaddr=' . $static[0] . '
    print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    // FILE DHCP
    _outln_comment(t('DHCP Settings'));
    print '<pre>';
    print 'uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0]=dnsmasq                                                                                                               
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domainneeded=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].boguspriv=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].filterwin2k=0
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].localise_queries=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local=/lan/
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain=lan
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].expandhosts=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].nonegcache=0
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].authoritative=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].readethers=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].leasefile=/tmp/dhcp.leases
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile=/tmp/resolv.conf.auto
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                        $iface = 'wlanLan';
                        $network = 'wlanLan';
                    } else {
                        $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                    $max = explode(".", $ipv4[ipv4]);
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) {
                            $totalstaticss = count($ipv4[links]);
                    $first = explode(".", $item[netid]);
                    $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]);
                    $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstaticss;
                    $totalstaticss = '0';
                    print '
uci delete dhcp.lan
uci delete dhcp.wan
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '=dhcp
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.interface=' . $network . '
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.leasetime=12h
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.start=' . ($max[3] + 2) . '
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.limit=' . $limit . '
uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . '
    print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    $wds_links = array();
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
    foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
        if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
            $wds_bgpd = '1';
        if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
            $wds_ospfd = '1';
    $cable_links = array();
    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                if ($link['link_type'] == 'cable') {
                    $cable_links[] = $link;
    foreach ($cable_links as $key => $cable) {
        if ($cable['routing'] == 'BGP') {
            $cable_bgpd = '1';
        if ($cable['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
            $cable_ospfd = '1';
    $file_zebra = '';
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf'));
    print '<pre>';
    print 'true > /etc/quagga/zebra.conf';
    print '</pre>';
    if ($wds_ospfd == '1' || $cable_ospfd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf'));
        print '<pre>';
        print 'cat > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf << EOF
interface br-lan
router ospf
 ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
 redistribute bgp
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                    foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                        $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                        print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4'];
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                    print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        print 'default-information originate

        print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    // FILE BGPD
    if ($wds_bgpd == '1' || $cable_bgpd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf'));
        print '<pre>';
        print 'cat > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf << EOF
interface br-lan
router bgp ' . $dev->id . '
bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                    foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                        $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        print 'redistribute ospf
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4'];
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                    print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . '<br />';
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                            if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                                print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . '
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . '
        print 'EOF

        print 'sleep 1</pre>';
    $opkg_conf = '
src/gz snapshots http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/' . $packages . '
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /jffs
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf'));
    openwrt_out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf');
Exemplo n.º 3
function unsolclic_guifistationos($dev)
    $version = "1.0";
    $loc = node_load(array('nid' => $dev->nid));
    $zone = node_load(array('nid' => $loc->zone_id));
    $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
    list($primary_dns, $secondary_dns) = explode(' ', guifi_get_dns($zone, 2));
    $dns[] .= $primary_dns;
    $dns[] .= $secondary_dns;
    list($ntp1, $ntp2) = explode(' ', guifi_get_ntp($zone, 2));
    $ntp[] .= $ntp1;
    $ntp[] .= $ntp2;
    foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            if (isset($ipv4['links'])) {
                foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $key => $link) {
                    $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'];
    $apssid = guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']);
    if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
    if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] == 'Main') {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
    } else {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '2';
    // External on GuifiStation2 and GuifiStation5.
    $radiorx = $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode];
    $radiotx = $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode];
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "49":
            // GuifiStation2
            $skin = 'skin.active=guifi-station-2';
            $net_mode = 'B';
            $lnet_mode = 'B Only (2,4Ghz 11MB)';
            $rate_max = '11M';
            $txpower = '10';
            $ack = '45';
            $extant = 'disabled';
            $mcastrate = '11';
            $iface = 'eth0';
            $wiface = 'ath0';
            $lanip = '';
            $lanmask = '';
            $wanip = $wan->ipv4;
            $wanmask = $wan->netmask;
            $iiface = '1';
            $specs = 'device.limitband.1.bands.1.band=B
        case "50":
            // GuifiStation5
            $skin = 'skin.active=guifi-station-5';
            $net_mode = 'A';
            $lnet_mode = 'A (5Ghz)';
            $rate_max = '54M';
            $txpower = '10';
            $ack = '45';
            $extant = 'disabled';
            $mcastrate = '54';
            $iface = 'ath0';
            $wiface = 'eth0';
            $lanip = $wan->ipv4;
            $lanmask = $wan->netmask;
            $wanip = '';
            $wanmask = '';
            $iiface = '2';
            $specs = 'device.limitband.1.bands.1.band=A
    ## Create Script file
    $File = 'files/guifistation/' . $dev->nick . '.cfg';
    $Handle = fopen($File, 'w');
    $Data = "netconf.status=enabled\nnetconf.1.status=enabled\nnetconf.2.status=enabled\nradio.countrycode=es\nradio.status=enabled\nradio.1.channel=0\nradio.1.devname=ath0\nradio.1.frag=off\nradio.1.mode=managed\nradio.1.parent=wifi0\nradio.1.rate.auto=enabled\nradio.1.rts=off\nradio.1.rx_antenna_diversity=disabled\nradio.1.status=enabled\nradio.1.turbo=disabled\nradio.1.tx_antenna_diversity=disabled\nwireless.status=enabled\nwireless.1.devname=ath0\nwireless.1.fastframes=disabled\nwireless.1.frameburst=disabled\nwireless.1.l2_isolation=disabled\nwireless.1.max_clients=64\nwireless.1.ssid_broadcast=enabled\nwireless.1.status=enabled\nwireless.1.wmm=disabled\nroute.status=enabled\nroute.1.devname=ath0\nroute.1.ip=\nroute.1.netmask=0\nroute.1.status=enabled\nfirewall.status=enabled\nfirewall.rule.1.chain=POSTROUTING\nfirewall.rule.1.out=ath0\nfirewall.rule.1.status=enabled\nfirewall.rule.1.table=nat\nfirewall.rule.1.target=MASQUERADE\ndhcpd.status=enabled\ndhcpd.1.devname=eth0\ndhcpd.1.dns.1.server=\ndhcpd.1.end=\ndhcpd.1.gateway=\ndhcpd.1.lease_time=600\ndhcpd.1.netmask=\ndhcpd.1.start=\ndhcpd.1.status=enabled\nsyslog.file=/var/log/messages\nsyslog.file.msg.level=info\nsyslog.file.umask=077\nsyslog.status=enabled\nsnmpd.contact=guifi@guifi.net\nsnmpd.rocommunity=public\nsnmpd.status=enabled\nresolv.status=enabled\ndate.status=enabled\ndate.timezone=GMT-1\nntpd.status=enabled\nntpd.1.status=enabled\nusers.status=enabled\nusers.1.name=admin\nusers.1.password=84OZbhpCnpRZI\nusers.1.status=enabled\ndevice.mode=router\ndevice.status=enabled\ndiscoveryd.status=enabled\nhttpd.backlog=100\nhttpd.external.status=disabled\nhttpd.max.connections=50\nhttpd.max.request=51200\nhttpd.port.admin=444\nhttpd.port.http=80\nhttpd.port.https=443\nhttpd.status=enabled\nhttpd.verbose=disabled\nsshd.port=22\nsshd.status=enabled\ndnsmasq.status=enabled\ndnsmasq.1.status=enabled\ndnsmasq.1.devname=eth0\ndevice.limitband.status=enabled\ndevice.limitband.1.status=enabled\ndevice.limitband.1.devname=ath0\nwireless.1.ssid=guifi.net-{$apssid}\nnetconf.1.devname={$iface}\nnetconf.1.ip={$lanip}\nnetconf.1.netmask={$lanmask}\nnetconf.2.devname={$wiface}\nnetconf.2.ip={$wanip}\nnetconf.2.netmask={$wanmask}\nroute.1.gateway={$gateway}\nresolv.nameserver.1.ip={$primary_dns}\nresolv.nameserver.2.ip={$secondary_dns}\nsnmpd.name={$dev->nick}\nsnmpd.location={$loc->nick}\nradio.1.ieee_mode={$net_mode}\nradio.1.rate.max={$rate_max}\nradio.1.txpower={$txpower}\nradio.1.acktimeout={$ack}\nradio.1.rx_antenna={$radiorx}\nradio.1.tx_antenna={$radiotx}\nntpd.1.server={$ntp1}\nskin.active={$skin}\nnetconf.{$iiface}.duplex=full\nnetconf.{$iiface}.speed=100\nnetconf.{$iiface}.up=enabled\n{$specs}\n";
    fwrite($Handle, $Data);
    _outln_comment('Unsolclic version: ' . $version);
    print '<br/><a href="' . base_path() . 'files/guifistation/' . $dev->nick . '.cfg"> Click here to download configuration file for: ' . $dev->nick . ' </a><br />';
    print 'Put the mouse cursor over the link. Right click the link and select "Save Link/Target As..." to save to your Desktop.<br /><br />';
    _outln_comment(' Method to upload/execute the file:');
    _outln('     1. Open your web browser and type the router IP address (Usually and login');
    _outln('     2. Go to System Tab');
    _outln('     3. Press on restore button');
    _outln('     4. Select downloaded file and upload it');
    _outln('     5. When the saved new settings message appears on the screen, click on Reboot button');
    _outln('     6. Wait aproximate 2 minutes, then you can surf the network!');
    _outln_comment(' Notes:');
    _outln('   The script reconfigures IP addresses, so communication can be lost.');
    _outln(' -Changes are done in user passwords on the device,');
    _outln('  default user and password are changed to admin/guifi.');
    _outln(' -The ACK is set to 45 for 802.11b mode, and to 45 for 802.11a (600 meters aprox,)');
    _outln_comment(' Link to AP info:');
    Ap SSID = guifi.net-' . $apssid . '<br />
    WAN Ip address = ' . $wan->ipv4 . '<br />
    WAN Netmask = ' . $wan->netmask . '<br />
    WAN Gateway = ' . $gateway . '<br />
    Primary DNS Server = ' . $primary_dns . '<br />
    Secondary DNS Server = ' . $secondary_dns . '<br />
    Device HostName = ' . $dev->nick . '<br />
    IEEE 802.11 Mode: = ' . $lnet_mode . '<br />
Exemplo n.º 4
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone)
    $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2);
    $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan');
    $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask);
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "39":
            // Avila GW2348-4
            $wireless_model = 'atheros';
            $lan_iface = 'eth0';
            $lan2_iface = 'eth1';
            $packages = 'ixp4xx/packages';
            _outln_comment('model id not supported');
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless'));
    function wds_add($dev, $radio)
        $wds_links = array();
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
                $ifcount = 0;
                foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                        $status = 'active';
                        print '        option \'wds_add' . $ifcount . '\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\'<br />';
                    } else {
                        $status = 'disabled';
                        print '# option \'wds_addX\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\'# ' . t($wds['flag']) . '<br />';
    function wds_network($dev, $radio)
        $ifcount = '0';
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                        $wds_links = array();
                        $wds_links[] = $link;
                        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
                            $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']);
                            if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                                $status = 'active';
                                print '
## wds_' . $hostname . '
config \'interface\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\'
        option \'ifname\' \'ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wds' . $ifcount . '\'
        option \'proto\' \'static\'
                            } else {
                                $status = 'disabled';
                                print '
##### ' . t($wds['flag']) . ' ####
## wds_' . $hostname . '
# config \'interface\' \'ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wdsX\'
#       option \'proto\' \'none\'
                        if ($status == 'active') {
                            print '        option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\'
        option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '\'
                        } else {
                            print '#       option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\'
#       option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '\'
    function cable_network($dev)
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            switch ($interface[interface_type]) {
                case 'vlan1':
                    $iname = 'eth0:1';
                case 'vlan2':
                    $iname = 'eth1';
                case 'vlan3':
                    $iname = 'eth2';
                    $iname = $interface[interface_type];
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $network = guifi_get_hostname($link[device_id]);
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                        $status = 'active';
                        if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wLan/Lan') {
                            print '
## cable_' . $network . '
config \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\'
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $iname . '\'
                            print '        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\'

                    } else {
                        $status = 'disabled';
                        print '
##### ' . t($link['flag']) . ' ####
## cable_' . $network . '
# config \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\'
#        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $iname . '\'
                        print '#        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
#        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\'
#        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\'

    print '<pre>
echo "
    if (isset($dev->radios)) {
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            $mode = 'ap';
            $ssid = $radio[ssid];
            $channel = atheros_channel($radio);
            if ($channel < 14) {
                $band = '11b';
            } else {
                $band = '11a';
            if (empty($radio[antenna_mode])) {
                $radio[antenna_mode] = '1';
            } else {
                if ($radio[antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
                    $radio[antenna_mode] = '2';
                } else {
                    $radio[antenna_mode] = '1';
            if ($radio_id == '0') {
                $wireless_iface = 'wifi0';
                $network = 'lan';
            } else {
                $wireless_iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id;
                $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
            $wireless_model = 'atheros';
            $txant = 'txantenna';
            $rxant = 'rxantenna';
            print '
## Radio: ' . $radio[ssid] . '
config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\'
        option \'channel\' \'' . $channel . '\'
        option \'disabled\' \'0\'
        option \'hwmode\' \'' . $band . '\'
        option \'diversity\' \'0\'
        option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $radio[antenna_mode] . '\'
        option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $radio[antenna_mode] . '\'
        option \'txpower\' \'16\'

config wifi-iface
        option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'network\' \'' . $network . '\'
        option \'agmode\' \'' . $mode . '\'
        option \'ssid\' \'guifi.net-' . $radio[ssid] . '\'
        option \'encryption\' \'none\'
            wds_add($dev, $radio);
    print '
" > /etc/config/wireless </pre>
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network'));
    print '<pre>
echo "
config interface loopback
        option \'ifname\'  \'lo\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'

    if (isset($dev->radios)) {
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            if (isset($radio[interfaces])) {
                foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wds/p2p') {
                        if (isset($interface[ipv4])) {
                            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                                    $iface = 'ath0 eth0';
                                    $network = 'lan';
                                } else {
                                    $iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id;
                                    $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                                $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                                // FILE NETWORK
                                print '
config interface ' . $network . '
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $iface . '\'
                                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                                    print '        option \'type\'     \'bridge\'
                                print '        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'

            wds_network($dev, $radio);
    print '
" > /etc/config/network </pre>
    $wds_links = array();
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
    foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
        if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
            $wds_bgpd = '1';
        if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
            $wds_ospfd = '1';
    $cable_links = array();
    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                if ($link['link_type'] == 'cable') {
                    $cable_links[] = $link;
    foreach ($cable_links as $key => $cable) {
        if ($cable['routing'] == 'BGP') {
            $cable_bgpd = '1';
        if ($cable['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
            $cable_ospfd = '1';
    $file_zebra = '';
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf'));
    _out_file($file_zebra, '/etc/quagga/zebra.conf');
    if ($wds_ospfd == '1' || $cable_ospfd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf'));
        print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf.bak
echo "
interface br-lan
router ospf
 ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
 redistribute bgp
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                    foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                        $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                        print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4'];
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                    print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        print 'default-information originate
" > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf</pre>';
    // FILE BGPD
    if ($wds_bgpd == '1' || $cable_bgpd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf'));
        print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.bak
echo "
interface br-lan
router bgp ' . $dev->id . '
bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                    foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                        $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        print 'redistribute ospf
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4'];
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
                    print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]);
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . '<br />';
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                            if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                                print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . '
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                    if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                            print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . '
        print '" > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf</pre>';
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall'));
    print '<pre>
echo "
config defaults
        option \'syn_flood\' \'1\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                        $network = 'lan';
                    } else {
                        $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                    print '        
config zone
        option \'name\' \'' . $network . '\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'

    if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                    $ifcount = 0;
    foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
        $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']);
        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
            print '        
config zone
        option \'name\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'

    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']);
                if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) {
                    print '        
config zone
        option \'name\' \'' . $hostname . '\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'

    print '" > /etc/config/firewall</pre>';
    $opkg_conf = '
src/gz snapshots http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/' . $packages . '
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /jffs
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf'));
    _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf');
    $dhcp_statics = array();
    $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4);
    function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr)
        if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) {
            $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF';
        $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id]));
        $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]);
        if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) {
            $max[3] = $curr[3];
    $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id);
    $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]);
    $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]);
    // cable links
    foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) {
        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
            foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') {
                    $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]);
                    if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) {
                        merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    // ap/client links
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) {
            foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) {
                        merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1;
    $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics);
    $first = explode(".", $item[netid]);
    $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]);
    $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics;
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers'));
    print 'echo "';
    foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) {
        print '<pre>
## Device: ' . $static[2] . '
config \'static_lease\'
        option \'macaddr\' \'' . $static[1] . '\'
        option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $static[0] . '\'
    print '" > /etc/config/luci_ethers<br />';
    // FILE DHCP
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/dhcp'));
    print '<pre>
echo "
config \'dnsmasq\'
        option \'domainneeded\' \'1\'
        option \'boguspriv\' \'1\'
        option \'filterwin2k\' \'0\'
        option \'localise_queries\' \'1\'
        option \'local\' \'/lan/\'
        option \'domain\' \'lan\'
        option \'expandhosts\' \'1\'
        option \'nonegcache\' \'0\'
        option \'authoritative\' \'1\'
        option \'readethers\' \'1\'
        option \'leasefile\' \'/tmp/dhcp.leases\'
        option \'resolvfile\' \'/tmp/resolv.conf.auto\'
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') {
                        $iface = 'lan';
                        $network = 'lan';
                    } else {
                        $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1);
                    $max = explode(".", $ipv4[ipv4]);
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) {
                            $totalstaticss = count($ipv4[links]);
                    $first = explode(".", $item[netid]);
                    $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]);
                    $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstaticss;
                    $totalstaticss = '0';
                    print '
 config \'dhcp\' \'' . $network . '\'
        option \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\'
        option \'leasetime\' \'12h\'
        option \'start\' \'' . ($max[3] + 2) . '\'
        option \'limit\' \'' . $limit . '\'
    print '" > /etc/config/dhcp<br /></pre>';
Exemplo n.º 5
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone)
    foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            if (isset($ipv4['links'])) {
                foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $key => $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client') {
                        $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'];
    $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
    $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2);
    list($ntp1, $ntp2) = explode(' ', guifi_get_ntp($zone, 2));
    $ntp[] .= $ntp1;
    $ntp[] .= $ntp2;
    $apssid = 'guifi.net-' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']);
    $wireless_model = 0;
    $wireless_iface = 0;
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "25":
        case "26":
        case "32":
        case "33":
        case "34":
        case "35":
        case "36":
        case "37":
            // NanoStationX, LiteStationX, NanoStation LocoX, Bullet
            $wireless_model = 'atheros';
            $wireless_iface = 'wifi0';
            $vlans = NULL;
            $mode = NULL;
            if ($dev->variable['model_id'] == 25 || $dev->variable['model_id'] == 32 || $dev->variable['model_id'] == 34 || $dev->variable['model_id'] == 36) {
                $mode = 'option \'hwmode\' \'11b\'';
            } else {
                $mode = 'option \'hwmode\' \'11a\'';
            $lan_iface = 'eth0';
            $wan_iface = 'ath0';
            $txant = 'txantenna';
            $rxant = 'rxantenna';
            $packages = 'atheros/packages';
            _outln_comment('model id not supported');
    if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
    if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
    } else {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0';
    $file_network = '
' . $vlans . '
config interface loopback
        option \'ifname\'  \'lo\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'

config interface lan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $lan_iface . '\'
        option \'type\'     \'bridge\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'

config interface wan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $wan_iface . '\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $wan->ipv4 . '\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $wan->netmask . '\'
        option \'gateway\'  \'' . $gateway . '\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network'));
    _out_file($file_network, '/etc/config/network');
    $file_wireless = '
config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\'
        option \'disabled\' \'0\'
        option \'diversity\' \'0\'
        option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'
        option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'
        ' . $mode . '
        option \'txpower\' \'16\'

config wifi-iface
        option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'network\' \'wan\'
        option \'mode\' \'sta\'
        option \'ssid\' \'' . $apssid . '\'
        option \'encryption\' \'none\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless'));
    _out_file($file_wireless, '/etc/config/wireless');
    $firewall = '
config defaults
        option \'syn_flood\' \'1\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'

config zone
        option \'name\' \'lan\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'

config zone
        option \'name\' \'wan\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'
        option \'masq\' \'1\'

config forwarding
        option \'src\' \'lan\'
        option \'dest\' \'wan\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'22\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'tcp\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'80\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'tcp\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'161\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'udp\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall'));
    _out_file($firewall, '/etc/config/firewall');
    $opkg_conf = '
src/gz snapshots http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/' . $packages . '
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /jffs
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf'));
    _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf');
Exemplo n.º 6
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone)
    foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) {
        foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
            if (isset($ipv4['links'])) {
                foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $key => $link) {
                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client') {
                        $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'];
    $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
    $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2);
    list($ntp1, $ntp2) = explode(' ', guifi_get_ntp($zone, 2));
    $ntp[] .= $ntp1;
    $ntp[] .= $ntp2;
    $apssid = 'guifi.net-' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']);
    $wireless_model = 0;
    $wireless_iface = 0;
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "1":
        case "15":
        case "16":
        case "17":
        case "18":
            // WRT54Gv1-4, WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54S (BUFFALO), WRT54GL, WRT54GSv1-2, WRT54GSv4
            $wireless_model = 'broadcom';
            $wireless_iface = 'wl0';
            $vlans = 'config switch eth0
        option vlan0    \\"1 2 3 4 5*\\"
        option vlan1    \\"0 5\\"
            $mode = NULL;
            $lan_iface = 'eth0.0';
            $wan_iface = 'eth0.1';
            $txant = 'txant';
            $rxant = 'rxant';
            $packages = 'broadcom/packages';
            _outln_comment('model id not supported');
    if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
    if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
    } else {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0';
    $file_network = '
' . $vlans . '
config interface loopback
        option \'ifname\'  \'lo\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'

config interface lan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $lan_iface . '\'
        option \'type\'     \'bridge\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'

config interface wan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $wan_iface . '\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $wan->ipv4 . '\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $wan->netmask . '\'
        option \'gateway\'  \'' . $gateway . '\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network'));
    _out_file($file_network, '/etc/config/network');
    $file_wireless = '
config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\'
        option \'disabled\' \'0\'
        option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'
        option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'
        ' . $mode . '

config wifi-iface
        option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'network\' \'wan\'
        option \'mode\' \'sta\'
        option \'ssid\' \'' . $apssid . '\'
        option \'encryption \'none\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless'));
    _out_file($file_wireless, '/etc/config/wireless');
    $firewall = '
config defaults
        option \'syn_flood\' \'1\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'

config zone
        option \'name\' \'lan\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'

config zone
        option \'name\' \'wan\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'REJECT\'
        option \'masq\' \'1\'

config forwarding
        option \'src\' \'lan\'
        option \'dest\' \'wan\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'22\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'tcp\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'80\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'tcp\'

config rule
        option \'dst\'              \'wan\'
        option \'src_dport\'        \'161\'
        option \'target\'           \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'protocol\'         \'udp\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall'));
    _out_file($firewall, '/etc/config/firewall');
    $opkg_conf = '
src/gz guifi http://ausa.guifi.net/drupal/files/openwrt/client/' . $packages . '
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf'));
    _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf');
Exemplo n.º 7
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone)
    $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan');
    $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
    $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2);
    $wireless_model = 0;
    $wireless_iface = 0;
    switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) {
        case "1":
        case "15":
        case "16":
        case "17":
        case "18":
            // WRT54Gv1-4, WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54S (BUFFALO), WRT54GL, WRT54GSv1-2, WRT54GSv4
            $wireless_model = 'broadcom';
            $wireless_iface = 'wl0';
            $vlans = 'config switch eth0
        option vlan0    \\"1 2 3 4 5*\\"
        option vlan1    \\"0 5\\"
            $lan_iface = 'eth0.0';
            $wan_iface = 'eth0.1';
            $txant = 'txant';
            $rxant = 'rxant';
            $packages = 'broadcom/packages';
            _outln_comment('model id not supported');
    if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
    if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
    } else {
        $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0';
    $wds_links = array();
    $wds_str = '';
    foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
        foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
            if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'wds/p2p') {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $key => $link) {
                        if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') {
                            $wds_links[] = $link;
                        $iplocal[] = $ipv4;
                        $iflocal[] = $interface;
    if (count($wds_links) == 0) {
    $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask);
    $file_network = '
' . $vlans . '
config interface loopback
        option \'ifname\'  \'lo\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'\'

config interface lan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $lan_iface . '\'
        option \'type\'     \'bridge\'
        option \'proto\'    \'static\'
        option \'ipaddr\'   \'' . $lan->ipv4 . '\'
        option \'netmask\'  \'' . $lan->netmask . '\'
        option \'gateway\'  \'\'
        option \'dns\'      \'' . $dns . '\'

config interface wan
        option \'ifname\'   \'' . $wan_iface . '\'
        option \'proto\'    \'none\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network'));
    _out_file($file_network, '/etc/config/network');
    $file_wireless = '
config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\'
        option \'channel\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][channel] . '\'
        option \'disabled\' \'0\'
        option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'
        option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\'

config wifi-iface
        option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\'
        option \'network\' \'lan\'
        option \'mode\' \'ap\'
        option \'ssid\' \'guifi.net-' . guifi_to_7bits($dev->radios[0][ssid]) . '\'
        option \'encryption \'none\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless'));
    _out_file($file_wireless, '/etc/config/wireless');
    // WDS Links
    $ifcount = 1;
    foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
        $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']);
        if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) {
            $status = 'active';
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                $bgpd = '1';
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                $ospfd = '1';
            $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\'';
            $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'static\'
        option \'ifname\' \'wds0.' . ($key + 1) . '\'
        option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][ipv4] . '\'
        option \'netmask\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][netmask] . '\'';
        } else {
            $status = 'disabled';
            $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'00:00:00:00:00:00\'';
            $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'none\'';
        $wds_network = 'config \'interface\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\'
        ' . $wds_non . '
        $wds_wireless = 'config \'wifi-iface\'
        option \'device\' \'wl0\'
        option \'network\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\'
        option \'mode\' \'wds\'
        option \'encryption\' \'none\'
        ' . $wds_won . '
        _outln_comment('WDS ' . $hostname . '');
        _outln_comment('Routing: ' . $wds['routing'] . '');
        _outln_comment('Status: ' . $status . '');
        print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_network . '
" >> /etc/config/network
        print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_wireless . '
" >> /etc/config/wireless
    if (count($wds_links) >= 5) {
    $file_zebra = '';
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf'));
    _out_file($file_zebra, '/etc/quagga/zebra.conf');
    if ($ospfd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf'));
        print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf.bak
echo "
interface br-lan
router ospf
 ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
 redistribute bgp
 network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />';
        print 'default-information originate
" > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf</pre>';
    // FILE BGPD
    if ($bgpd == '1') {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf'));
        print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.bak
echo "
interface br-lan
router bgp ' . $dev->id . '
bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . '
 network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) {
            if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]);
                print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />';
        print 'redistribute ospf
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) {
            foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                    foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) {
                        if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') {
                            print 'neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . '
        print '" > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf</pre>';
    $firewall = '
config defaults
        option \'syn_flood\' \'1\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'
config zone
        option \'name\' \'lan\'
        option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\'
        option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\'

    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall'));
    _out_file($firewall, '/etc/config/firewall');
    $opkg_conf = '
src/gz guifi http://ausa.guifi.net/drupal/files/openwrt/ap/' . $packages . '
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf'));
    _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf');
    $dhcp_statics = array();
    $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4);
    function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr)
        if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) {
            $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF';
        $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id]));
        $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]);
        if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) {
            $max[3] = $curr[3];
    $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id);
    $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]);
    $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]);
    // cable links
    if (!empty($dev->interfaces)) {
        foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) {
            if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) {
                foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
                    if (!empty($ipv4[links])) {
                        foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                            if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') {
                                $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]);
                                if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) {
                                    merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    // ap/client links
    if (!empty($dev->radios)) {
        foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) {
            if (!empty($radio[interfaces])) {
                foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) {
                    if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) {
                        foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) {
                            if (!empty($ipv4[links])) {
                                foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) {
                                    if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) {
                                        merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur);
    $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1;
    $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics);
    $first = explode(".", $item[netid]);
    $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]);
    $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics;
    if ($statics == -1) {
        _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers'));
        _outln_nvram('dhcp_start', $max[3] + 2);
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers'));
    print 'echo "';
    foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) {
        print '<pre>
## Device: ' . $static[2] . '
config \'static_lease\'
        option \'macaddr\' \'' . $static[1] . '\'
        option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $static[0] . '\'
    print '" > /etc/config/luci_ethers<br />';
    // FILE DHCP
    $file_dhcp = '
config \'dnsmasq\'
        option \'domainneeded\' \'1\'
        option \'boguspriv\' \'1\'
        option \'filterwin2k\' \'0\'
        option \'localise_queries\' \'1\'
        option \'local\' \'/lan/\'
        option \'domain\' \'lan\'
        option \'expandhosts\' \'1\'
        option \'nonegcache\' \'0\'
        option \'authoritative\' \'1\'
        option \'readethers\' \'1\'
        option \'leasefile\' \'/tmp/dhcp.leases\'
        option \'resolvfile\' \'/tmp/resolv.conf.auto\'

config \'dhcp\' \'lan\'
        option \'interface\' \'lan\'
        option \'leasetime\' \'12h\'
        option \'start\' \'' . ($max[3] + 2) . '\'
        option \'limit\' \'' . $limit . '\'
    _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/dhcp'));
    _out_file($file_dhcp, '/etc/config/dhcp');
Exemplo n.º 8
 function guifi_unsolclic_network_vars($dev, $zone)
     _outln_comment(t('Global network parameters'));
     _outln_nvram('router_name', $dev->nick);
     _outln_nvram('wan_hostname', $dev->nick);
     $wlan_lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan');
     if ($wlan_lan->ipv4 != '') {
         _outln_nvram('lan_ipaddr', $wlan_lan->ipv4);
         _outln_nvram('lan_gateway', '');
         _outln_nvram('lan_netmask', $wlan_lan->netmask);
     $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Lan');
     if ($lan->ipv4 != '') {
         _outln_nvram('lan_ipaddr', $lan->ipv4);
         $item = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask);
         _outln_nvram('lan_gateway', $item['netstart']);
         _outln_nvram('lan_netmask', $lan->netmask);
     $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan');
     if ($wan) {
         if (empty($wan->ipv4)) {
             _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'dhcp');
         } else {
             _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'static');
             _outln_nvram('wan_ipaddr', $wan->ipv4);
             _outln_nvram('wan_netmask', $wan->netmask);
             if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-WRTv23' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-guifi') {
                 _outln_nvram('fullswitch', '1');
                 _outln_nvram('wan_dns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3));
     } else {
         _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'disabled');
     _outln_nvram('lan_domain', 'guifi.net');
     _outln_nvram('wan_domain', 'guifi.net');
     _outln_nvram('http_passwd', 'guifi');
     _outln_nvram('time_zone', $zone->time_zone);
     _outln_nvram('sv_localdns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 1));
     if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy') {
         _outln_nvram('wan_dns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3));
     if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') {
         foreach (explode(' ', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3)) as $key => $dns) {
             _outln_nvram('wan_dns' . $key, $dns);
     _outln_nvram('wl_net_mode', 'b-only');
     _outln_nvram('wl0_net_mode', 'b-only');
     _outln_nvram('wl_afterburner', 'on');
     _outln_nvram('wl_frameburst', 'on');
     // Setting outpur power (mW)
     _outln_nvram('txpwr', '28');
     if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) {
         $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main';
     if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') {
         $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1';
     } else {
         $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0';
     _outln_nvram('txant', $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode]);
     _outln_nvram('wl0_antdiv', '0');
     _outln_nvram('wl_antdiv', '0');
     _outln_nvram('block_wan', '0');
     if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') {
         _outln_nvram('ident_pass', '0');
         _outln_nvram('multicast_pass', '0');
         _outln_nvram('wl_closed', '0');
         _outln_nvram('block_loopback', '0');
     _outln_nvram('telnetd_enable', '1');
     _outln_nvram('sshd_enable', '1');
     _outln_nvram('sshd_passwd_auth', '1');
     _outln_nvram('remote_management', '1');
     _outln_nvram('remote_mgt_https', '1');
     _outln_nvram('snmpd_enable', '1');
     _outln_nvram('snmpd_sysname', 'guifi.net');
     _outln_nvram('snmpd_syscontact', 'guifi_at_guifi.net');
     _outln_nvram('boot_wait', 'on');
     _outln_comment(t('This is just a fake key. You must install a trusted key if you like to have you router managed externally'));
     _outln_nvram('sshd_authorized_keys', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwWNX4942fQExw4Hph2M/sxOAWVE9PB1I4JnNyhoWuF9vid0XcU34kwWqBBlI+LjDErCQyaR4ysFgDX61V4kUuCKwBOMp+UGxhL648VTv5Qji/YwvIzt7nguUOZ5AGPISqsC0717hc0Aja1mvHkQqg9aXKznmszmyKZGhcm2+SU8= root@bandoler.guifi.net');
     // For DD-WRTv23
     _outln_nvram('http_enable', '1');
     _outln_nvram('https_enable', '1');
     _outln_comment('NTP Network time protocol');
     $ntp = guifi_get_ntp($zone, 1);
     if (empty($ntp)) {
         _outln_nvram('ntp_enable', '0');
     } else {
         _outln_nvram('ntp_enable', '1');
         _outln_nvram('ntp_server', $ntp);
     switch ($dev->radios[0][mode]) {
         case "ap":
         case "AP":
             _outln_comment(t('AP mode'));
             _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'ap');
             _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'ap');
             _outln_nvram('wl_channel', $dev->radios[0][channel]);
             _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', 'guifi.net-' . guifi_to_7bits($dev->radios[0][ssid]));
             _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'disable');
             _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'disable');
             _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'disable');
             _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'disable');
             guifi_unsolclic_ospf($dev, $zone);
         case 'client':
             _outln_comment(t('Client mode'));
             $ap_macs = array();
             foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) {
                 foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) {
                     if (isset($ipv4[links])) {
                         foreach ($ipv4[links] as $key => $link) {
                             if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client') {
                                 $ap_macs[] = $link['interface']['mac'];
                                 $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'];
                                 if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') {
                                     _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'wet');
                                     _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'wet');
                                     _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', 'guifi.net-' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']));
                                 if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-WRTv23' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-guifi') {
                                     _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'sta');
                                     _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'sta');
                                     _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', 'guifi.net-' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']));
                                 _outln_nvram('wan_gateway', $gateway);
             if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy') {
                 $filter = implode(" ", $ap_macs);
                 if ($filter == "") {
                     _outln_comment(t('WARNING: AP MAC not set'));
                     $filter = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF";
                 _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'allow');
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'allow');
                 _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'other');
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'other');
                 _outln_nvram('wl_maclist', $filter);
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_maclist', $filter);
                 _outln_nvram('wl_mac_list', $filter);
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_mac_list', $filter);
             } else {
                 _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'disabled');
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'disabled');
                 _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'disabled');
                 _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'disabled');
             $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Lan');
             if ($lan) {
                 guifi_unsolclic_ospf($dev, $zone);
             } else {