Exemplo n.º 1
function siemens_push_str($phone_ip, $postdata)
    $prov_host = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST');
    $data = "POST /server_push.html/ServerPush HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $data .= "User-Agent: Gemeinschaft\r\n";
    $data .= "Host: {$phone_ip}:8085\r\n";
    $data .= "Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2\r\n";
    $data .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
    $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $data .= "Content-Length: " . strLen($postdata) . "\r\n\r\n";
    $data .= $postdata;
    $socket = @fSockOpen($phone_ip, 8085, $error_no, $error_str, 4);
    if (!$socket) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Siemens: Failed to open socket - IP: {$phone_ip}");
        return 0;
    stream_set_timeout($socket, 4);
    $bytes_written = (int) @fWrite($socket, $data, strLen($data));
    $response = @fGetS($socket);
    if (strPos($response, '200') === false) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Siemens: Failed to push to phone {$phone_ip}");
        return 0;
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Siemens: Pushed {$bytes_written} bytes to phone {$phone_ip}");
    return $bytes_written;
Exemplo n.º 2
function InitRecordCall($filename, $index, $comment)
    $user = gs_user_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']);
    $call = "Channel: SIP/" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "MaxRetries: 0\n" . "WaitTime: 15\n" . "Context: vm-rec-multiple\n" . "Extension: webdialrecord\n" . "Callerid: {$comment} <Aufnahme>\n" . "Setvar: __user_id=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . "\n" . "Setvar: __user_name=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "Setvar: CHANNEL(language)=" . gs_get_conf('GS_INTL_ASTERISK_LANG', 'de') . "\n" . "Setvar: __is_callfile_origin=1\n" . "Setvar: __callfile_from_user="******"\n" . "Setvar: __record_file=" . $filename . "\n";
    $filename = '/tmp/gs-' . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . '-' . _pack_int(time()) . rand(100, 999) . '.call';
    $cf = @fOpen($filename, 'wb');
    if (!$cf) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to write call file "' . $filename . '"');
        echo 'Failed to write call file.';
    @fWrite($cf, $call, strLen($call));
    @chmod($filename, 0666);
    $spoolfile = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename);
    if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids();
        if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) {
            $our_host_ids = array();
        $user_is_on_this_host = in_array($_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['host_id'], $our_host_ids);
    } else {
        $user_is_on_this_host = true;
    if ($user_is_on_this_host) {
        # the Asterisk of this user and the web server both run on this host
        $err = 0;
        $out = array();
        @exec('sudo mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to move call file "' . $filename . '" to "' . '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename) . '"');
            echo 'Failed to move call file.';
    } else {
        $cmd = 'sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa('root@' . $user['host'] . ':' . $filename);
        //echo $cmd, "\n";
        @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to scp call file "' . $filename . '" to ' . $user['host']);
            echo 'Failed to scp call file.';
        //remote_exec( $user['host'], $cmd, 10, $out, $err ); // <-- does not use sudo!
        $cmd = 'sudo ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -l root ' . qsa($user['host']) . ' ' . qsa('mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile));
        //echo $cmd, "\n";
        @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to mv call file "' . $filename . '" on ' . $user['host'] . ' to "' . $spoolfile . '"');
            echo 'Failed to mv call file on remote host.';
Exemplo n.º 3
function gs_asterisks_reload($host_ids, $dialplan_only)
    $dialplan_only = !!$dialplan_only;
    if (!$host_ids || !is_array($host_ids)) {
        $host_ids = false;
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # get hosts
    $hosts = @gs_hosts_get();
    if (isGsError($hosts)) {
        return new GsError($hosts->getMsg());
    if (!is_array($hosts)) {
        return new GsError('Failed to get hosts.');
        # get our host IDs
        $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids();
        if (isGsError($our_host_ids)) {
            return new GsError($our_host_ids->getMsg());
        if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) {
            return new GsError('Failed to get our host IDs.');
    # are we root? do we have to sudo?
    $uid = @posix_geteuid();
    $uinfo = @posix_getPwUid($uid);
    $uname = @$uinfo['name'];
    $sudo = $uname == 'root' ? '' : 'sudo ';
    $ok = true;
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        if (!$host_ids || in_array($host['id'], $host_ids)) {
            $cmd = '/opt/gemeinschaft/sbin/start-asterisk' . ($dialplan_only ? ' --dialplan' : '');
            if (!$GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE && !in_array($host['id'], $our_host_ids)) {
                # this is not the local node
                $cmd = $sudo . 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -l root ' . qsa($host['host']) . ' ' . qsa($cmd);
            @exec($sudo . $cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
            $ok = $ok && $err == 0;
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to reload Asterisks.');
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
function gs_get_listen_to_ids($primary_only = false)
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
    	# return special host ID
    	return array(-1);
        # get our IPs
        $ips = @gs_get_listen_to_ips($primary_only);
        if (!is_array($ips)) {
            # kann entweder passieren wenn wir ein Gemeinschaft-Node sind
            # (dann ist es extrem schlecht wenn die Datei fehlt) oder wenn
            # wir ein Web-Server ohne Asterisk sind (dann ist es ok)
            gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to get our IP addresses");
            return array();
        if (count($ips) < 1) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "We're not configured to listen to any IP addresses");
            return array();
    # connect to db
    # must be to slave db so we can tell our IDs even if the master is down
    $db = gs_db_slave_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to connect to the database!");
        return array();
        # find the corresponding IDs
        $ips_escaped = array();
        foreach ($ips as $ip) {
            $ips_escaped[] = '\'' . $db->escape($ip) . '\'';
        // count($ips) guaranteed to be > 0
        $query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `hosts` WHERE `host` IN (' . implode(',', $ips_escaped) . ')';
    } else {
        $query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `hosts`';
    $rs = $db->execute($query);
    if (!$rs) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Database error!");
        return array();
    $ids = array();
    while ($r = $rs->fetchRow()) {
        $ids[] = (int) $r['id'];
    return $ids;
Exemplo n.º 5
function gs_get_listen_to_ips($primary_only = false)
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
    	# return special address
    	//return ($primary_only ? array('') : array(''));
    	return array('');
    //if (gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE') === 'gpbx') {
        return array(trim(gs_keyval_get('vlan_0_ipaddr')));
    $file = GS_DIR . 'etc/listen-to-ip';
    if (!@file_exists($file)) {
        # kann entweder passieren wenn wir ein Gemeinschaft-Node sind
        # (dann ist es extrem schlecht wenn die Datei fehlt) oder wenn
        # wir ein Web-Server ohne Asterisk sind (dann ist es ok)
        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "File \"{$file}\" not found");
        return false;
    if (!is_array($lines = @file($file))) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to read \"{$file}\"");
        return false;
    $ips = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $line = trim($line);
        if ($line == '' || @$line[0] == '#') {
        if (!preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}/', $line, $m)) {
        $ips[] = normalizeIPs($m[0]);
        if ($primary_only) {
            # only return the first IP address (our main one)
            return $ips;
    // remove duplicates:
    $ips = array_flip(array_flip($ips));
    return $ips;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function _getUser()
     $user_entered = strToLower(trim(@$_REQUEST['login_user']));
     $pwd_entered = @$_REQUEST['login_pwd'];
     if ($user_entered == '' || $pwd_entered == '') {
         return false;
     if ($user_entered === 'sysadmin' && in_array(gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE'), array('gpbx', 'single'), true)) {
         //Quickhack: sysadmin only valid for /gemeinschaft/setup
         $pin = false;
     } else {
         $db = gs_db_slave_connect();
         if (!$db) {
             return false;
         $pin = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `pin` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user_entered) . '\'');
     return $pin === $pwd_entered ? $user_entered : false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function _getUser()
     $ldapproto = gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_PROTOCOL');
     $ldapuser = trim(@$_REQUEST['login_user']);
     $ldapdn = gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_PROP_USER') . '=' . $ldapuser . ',' . gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_SEARCHBASE');
     $ldappass = @$_REQUEST['login_pwd'];
     $ldapsearchdn = gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_BINDDN');
     $ldapsearchpass = gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_PWD');
     $ldapconn = @ldap_connect(gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_HOST'));
     @ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (int) $ldapproto);
     if (!$ldapconn) {
         gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Unable to connect to LDAP server');
         return false;
     if ($ldapuser == '' || $ldappass == '') {
         return false;
     if ($ldapconn) {
         $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldapsearchdn, $ldapsearchpass);
         if ($ldapbind) {
             $searchresult = @ldap_search($ldapconn, gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_SEARCHBASE'), '(' . gs_get_conf('GS_LDAP_PROP_UID') . '=' . $ldapuser . ')', array());
             $ldapinfo = ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $searchresult);
             if ($ldapinfo['count'] != 1) {
                 gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Number of users found in LDAP is not 1 (' . $ldapinfo['count'] . ')');
                 return false;
         } else {
             gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Unable to bind to LDAP server as ' . $ldapsearchdn . ', ' . ldap_error($ldapconn));
             return false;
     $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldapinfo[0]['dn'], $ldappass);
     if ($ldapbind) {
         gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'User ' . $ldapinfo[0]['dn'] . ' found!');
         return $ldapuser;
     } else {
         gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Unable to bind to LDAP server as ' . $ldapinfo[0]['dn'] . ', ' . ldap_error($ldapconn));
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
function aastra_push_str($phone_ip, $xml)
    $prov_host = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST');
    //FIXME - call wget or something. this function should not block
    // for so long!
    // see _gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_ip_do_aastra() in
    // opt/gemeinschaft/inc/gs-fns/gs_prov_phone_checkcfg.php
    //$xml = utf8_decode($xml);
    if (subStr($xml, 0, 5) !== '<' . '?xml') {
        $xmlpi = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . '>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $xmlpi = '';
    $data = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $data .= "Host: {$phone_ip}\r\n";
    $data .= "Referer: {$prov_host}\r\n";
    $data .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
    $data .= "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n";
    $data .= "Content-Length: " . (strLen('xml=') + strLen($xmlpi) + strLen($xml)) . "\r\n";
    $data .= "\r\n";
    $data .= 'xml=' . $xmlpi . $xml;
    $socket = @fSockOpen($phone_ip, 80, $error_no, $error_str, 4);
    if (!$socket) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Aastra: Failed to open socket - IP: {$phone_ip}");
        return 0;
    stream_set_timeout($socket, 4);
    $bytes_written = (int) @fWrite($socket, $data, strLen($data));
    $response = @fGetS($socket);
    if (strPos($response, '200') === false) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Aastra: Failed to push XML to phone {$phone_ip}");
        return 0;
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Aastra: Pushed {$bytes_written} bytes to phone {$phone_ip}");
    return $bytes_written;
Exemplo n.º 9
    echo 'PHP &gt;= 5 required.';
require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/cn_hylafax.php';
include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/util.php';
include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gs-fns/gs_user_pin_get.php';
echo '<h2>';
if (@$MODULES[$SECTION]['icon']) {
    echo '<img alt=" " src="', GS_URL_PATH, str_replace('%s', '32', $MODULES[$SECTION]['icon']), '" /> ';
if (count($MODULES[$SECTION]['sub']) > 1) {
    echo $MODULES[$SECTION]['title'], ' - ';
echo $MODULES[$SECTION]['sub'][$MODULE]['title'];
echo '</h2>', "\n";
$per_page = (int) gs_get_conf('GS_GUI_NUM_RESULTS');
$page = (int) @$_REQUEST['page'];
$delete = trim(@$_REQUEST['delete']);
if ($delete) {
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="', GS_URL_PATH, 'js/arrnav.js"></script>', "\n";

<table cellspacing="1">

$jobs_send = fax_get_jobs_send($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name'], gs_user_pin_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']));
$recdate = array();
function _err($msg = '')
    echo '<html>', "\n";
    echo '<head><title>' . __('Fehler') . '</title></head>', "\n";
    echo '<body><b>' . __('Fehler') . '</b>: ' . $msg . '</body>', "\n";
    echo '</html>', "\n";
if (!gs_get_conf('GS_POLYCOM_PROV_ENABLED')) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Polycom provisioning not enabled');
    _err('Not enabled.');
$user = trim(@$_REQUEST['user']);
if (!preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $user)) {
    _err('Not a valid SIP user.');
$type = trim(@$_REQUEST['type']);
if (!in_array($type, array('in', 'out', 'missed', 'queue'), true)) {
    $type = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) {
    $delete = (int) $_REQUEST['delete'];
$db = gs_db_slave_connect();
Exemplo n.º 11
function gs_user_change($user, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $language, $host_id_or_ip, $force = false, $email = '', $reload = true)
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\-_.]+$/', $user)) {
        return new GsError('User must be alphanumeric.');
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pin)) {
        return new GsError('PIN must be numeric.');
    if (strLen($pin) < 3) {
        return new GsError('PIN too short (min. 3 digits).');
    } elseif (strLen($pin) > 10) {
        return new GsError('PIN too long (max. 10 digits).');
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $firstname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in first name.' );
    $firstname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($firstname));
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $lastname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in last name.' );
    $lastname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($lastname));
    // prepare language code
    $language = substr(trim($language), 0, 2);
    if (strlen($language) != 2) {
        return new GsError('Invalid language code.');
    if (!defined('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID')) {
        return new GsError('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID not defined.');
    if ($email != '' && !preg_match(GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID, $email)) {
        return new GsError('Invalid e-mail address.');
    include_once GS_DIR . 'lib/utf8-normalize/gs_utf_normal.php';
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # start transaction
    # get user_id
    $user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if (!$user_id) {
        return new GsError('Unknown user.');
    # get old host_id
    $old_host_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `host_id` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    $old_host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($old_host_id);
    if (isGsError($old_host) || !is_array($old_host)) {
        $old_host = false;
    # get user's peer name (extension)
    $ext = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # check if (new) host exists
    $host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($host_id_or_ip);
    if (isGsError($host)) {
        return new GsError($host->getMsg());
    if (!is_array($host)) {
        return new GsError('Unknown host.');
    if ($old_host_id != $host['id'] && !$force) {
        return new GsError('Changing the host will result in loosing mailbox messages etc. and thus will not be done without force.');
    # check if queue with same ext exists
    $num = (int)$db->executeGetOne( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ast_queues` WHERE `name`=\''. $db->escape($ext) .'\'' );
    if ($num > 0) {
    	return new GsError( 'A queue with that name already exists.' );
    # update user
    $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `users` SET `pin`=\'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', `firstname`=\'' . $db->escape($firstname) . '\', `lastname`=\'' . $db->escape($lastname) . '\', `email`=\'' . $db->escape($email) . '\', `host_id`=' . $host['id'] . ' WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to change user.');
    # update sip account (including language code)
    $calleridname = trim(gs_utf8_decompose_to_ascii($firstname . ' ' . $lastname));
    $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ast_sipfriends` SET `callerid`=CONCAT(_utf8\'' . $db->escape($calleridname) . '\', \' <\', `name`, \'>\'), `language`=\'' . $db->escape($language) . '\' WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to change SIP account.');
    # delete stuff not used for users on foreign hosts
    if ($host['is_foreign']) {
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `clir` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `dial_log` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `callforwards` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pickupgroups_users` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `vm` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_voicemail` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # update mailbox
    if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
        $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ast_voicemail` SET `password`=\'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', `fullname`=\'' . $db->escape($firstname . ' ' . $lastname) . '\' WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to change mailbox.');
    # new host?
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # delete from queue members
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        # delete from pickup groups
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pickupgroups_users` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # get info needed for foreign hosts
    if (is_array($old_host) && $old_host['is_foreign'] || $host['is_foreign']) {
        # get user's sip name and password
        $rs = $db->execute('SELECT `name`, `secret` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        if (!$rs || !($r = $rs->fetchRow())) {
            return new GsError('DB error.');
        $ext = $r['name'];
        $sip_pwd = $r['secret'];
    # modify user on foreign host(s)
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # host changed. delete user on old host and add on new one
        if (is_array($old_host) && $old_host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($old_host_id);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to delete user on old foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $old_host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_delete_extension($api, $old_host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to delete user on old foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Deleting user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $old_host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to delete user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $old_host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to delete user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
        if ($host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to add user on new foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_update_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $user, $sip_pwd, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to add user on new foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Adding user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to add user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to add user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    } else {
        # host did not change
        if ($host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_update_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $user, $sip_pwd, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Modifying user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to modify user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    # commit transaction
    if (!gs_db_commit_trans($db)) {
        return new GsError('Failed to modify user.');
    # new host?
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # reload dialplan (hints!)
        if (is_array($old_host) && !$old_host['is_foreign']) {
            $ok = @gs_asterisks_prune_peer($ext, array($old_host_id));
            if ($reload) {
                @gs_asterisks_reload(array($old_host_id), true);
        if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
            if ($reload) {
                @gs_asterisks_reload(array($host['id']), true);
    } else {
        $ok = @gs_asterisks_prune_peer($ext, array($host['id']));
    # reboot the phone
    //@ shell_exec( 'asterisk -rx \'sip notify snom-reboot '. $ext .'\' >>/dev/null' );
    @gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_ext($ext, true);
    # update fax authentication file if fax enabled
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_ENABLED')) {
        $ok = gs_hylafax_authfile_sync();
        if (isGsError($ok)) {
            return new GsError($ok->getMsg());
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to update fax authentication file.');
    return true;
        } elseif ($key_idx >= 7) {
            # gxp2010
            psetting('P' . (($key_idx - 7) * 4 + 353), subStr($key_def['function'], 1));
            //psetting('P'.(($key_idx-7)*4+354), '');
            //psetting('P'.(($key_idx-7)*4+355), '');
            psetting('P' . (($key_idx - 7) * 4 + 356), $key_def['data']);
#  Override provisioning parameters (group profile)
$prov_params = null;
$GS_ProvParams = gs_get_prov_params_obj($phone_type);
if ($GS_ProvParams->set_user($user['user'])) {
    if ($GS_ProvParams->retrieve_params($phone_type, array('{GS_PROV_HOST}' => gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST'), '{GS_P_PBX}' => $pbx, '{GS_P_EXTEN}' => $user_ext, '{GS_P_ROUTE_PREFIX}' => $hp_route_prefix, '{GS_P_USER}' => $user['user']))) {
        $prov_params = $GS_ProvParams->get_params();
if (!is_array($prov_params)) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to get provisioning parameters (group)');
} else {
    foreach ($prov_params as $param_name => $param_arr) {
        foreach ($param_arr as $param_index => $param_value) {
            if ($param_index == -1) {
                # not an array
                if (!array_key_exists($param_name, $settings)) {
                    # don't set unknown parameters because the order is important
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Group prov. param \"{$param_name}\": Unknown parameter");
Exemplo n.º 13
function gs_user_del($user, $reload = true)
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\-_.]+$/', $user)) {
        return new GsError('User must be alphanumeric.');
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # get user_id, nobody_index and softkey_profile_id
    $rs = $db->execute('SELECT `id`, `nobody_index`, `softkey_profile_id`, `prov_param_profile_id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if (!$rs) {
        return new GsError('DB error.');
    if (!($r = $rs->fetchRow())) {
        return new GsError('Unknown user.');
    $user_id = (int) $r['id'];
    $softkey_profile_id = (int) $r['softkey_profile_id'];
    $prov_profile_id = (int) $r['prov_param_profile_id'];
    if ($r['nobody_index'] > 0)
    	return new GsError( 'Cannot delete nobody user.' );
    # get host_id
    $host_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `host_id` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    //if (! $host_id)
    //	return new GsError( 'Unknown host.' );
    $host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($host_id);
    if (isGsError($host) || !is_array($host)) {
        $host = false;
    # get user's sip name
    $ext = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # reboot phone
    //$user_name = $db->executeGetOne( 'SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`='. $user_id );
    //@ shell_exec( 'asterisk -rx \'sip notify snom-reboot '. $user_name .'\' >>/dev/null' );
    @gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_user($user, true);
    #delete user from all groups
    gs_group_members_purge_by_type('user', array($user_id));
    # delete clir settings
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `clir` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete dial log
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `dial_log` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    $db->execute('UPDATE `dial_log` SET `remote_user_id`=NULL WHERE `remote_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete call waiting settings
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `callwaiting` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete call forward settings
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `callforwards` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete anounce files
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `vm_rec_messages` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete parallel-call definition
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `cf_parallelcall` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete timerules definition
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `cf_timerules` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete from pickup groups
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pickupgroups_users` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete from queue members
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete external numbers
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `users_external_numbers` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete info about voicemail messages //FIXME - delete files?
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `vm_msgs` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete mailbox settings
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `vm` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete private phonebook
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pb_prv` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete mailbox
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_voicemail` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete callblocking rules
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `callblocking` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete callerids
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `users_callerids` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete sip account
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete BOI permissions
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `boi_perms` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete ringtones
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ringtones` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete softkeys
    if ($softkey_profile_id > 0) {
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `softkeys` WHERE `profile_id`=' . $softkey_profile_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `softkey_profiles` WHERE `id`=' . $softkey_profile_id . ' AND `is_user_profile`=1');
    # delete prov_params
    if ($prov_profile_id > 0) {
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `prov_params` WHERE `profile_id`=' . $prov_profile_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `prov_param_profiles` WHERE `id`=' . $prov_profile_id . ' AND `is_group_profile`=0');
    # delete watchlist buddies
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `user_watchlist` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `user_watchlist` WHERE `buddy_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete instant messaging
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `instant_messaging` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete monitor data
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `monitor` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `monitor_queues` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `monitor_colors` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # do a clean logout from the current phone
    $db->execute('UPDATE `phones` SET `user_id`=NULL WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete huntgroup memberships
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `huntgroups` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete drop targets
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `user_calldrop` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete dnd
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `dnd` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # delete user
    $db->execute('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    # astbuttond
    if (GS_BUTTONDAEMON_USE == true) {
    # reload dialplan (to update hints) and prune realtime peer
    if ($host_id > 0) {
        if (is_array($host) && !$host['is_foreign']) {
            @gs_asterisks_prune_peer($ext, array($host_id));
            if ($reload) {
                @gs_asterisks_reload(array($host_id), true);
    # delete user on foreign host
    if (is_array($host) && $host['is_foreign']) {
        if (trim($ext) != '') {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                    $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to delete user on foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                    $soap_faultcode = null;
                    $ok = gs_boi_delete_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $soap_faultcode);
                    if (!$ok) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to delete user on foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Deleting user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to delete user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to delete user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    # update fax authentication file if fax enabled
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_ENABLED')) {
        $ok = gs_hylafax_authfile_sync();
        if (isGsError($ok)) {
            return new GsError($ok->getMsg());
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to update fax authentication file.');
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
function gs_extstate_single($ext)
    if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/db_connect.php';
        $db = @gs_db_slave_connect();
        if (!$db) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_FATAL, 'Could not connect to slave DB!');
            return AST_MGR_EXT_UNKNOWN;
        $host = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `h`.`host`
	`ast_sipfriends` `s` JOIN
	`users` `u` ON (`u`.`id`=`s`.`_user_id`) JOIN
	`hosts` `h` ON (`h`.`id`=`u`.`host_id`)
WHERE `s`.`name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
        if (!$host) {
            # not a user
            return AST_MGR_EXT_UNKNOWN;
    } else {
        $host = '';
    return gs_extstate($host, $ext);
Exemplo n.º 15
function _snomCnfXmlEsc($str)
    return str_replace(array('&', '<', '>', '"'), array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '\'\''), $str);
function _settings_err($msg = '')
    echo '<!-- // ', _snomCnfXmlEsc($msg != '' ? str_replace('--', '- -', $msg) : 'Error'), ' // -->', "\n";
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
        header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @ob_get_length());
if (gs_get_conf('GS_SNOM_PROV_M9_ACCOUNTS') < 1) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Snom M9 provisioning not enabled");
    _settings_err('Not enabled.');
$requester = gs_prov_check_trust_requester();
if (!$requester['allowed']) {
    _settings_err('No! See log for details.');
$mac = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-F]/', '', strToUpper(@$_REQUEST['mac']));
if (strLen($mac) !== 12) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Snom M9 provisioning: Invalid MAC address \"{$mac}\" (wrong length)");
    # don't explain this to the users
    _settings_err('No! See log for details.');
if (hexDec(subStr($mac, 0, 2)) % 2 == 1) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Snom M9 provisioning: Invalid MAC address \"{$mac}\" (multicast address)");
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: dnd.php Projeto: rkania/GS3
function _err($msg = '')
    aastra_textscreen('Error', $msg != '' ? $msg : 'Unknown error');
function _get_userid()
    global $_SERVER, $db;
    $remote_addr = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `current_ip`=\'' . $db->escape($remote_addr) . '\'');
    if ($user_id < 1) {
        _err('Unknown user.');
    return $user_id;
if (!gs_get_conf('GS_AASTRA_PROV_ENABLED')) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Aastra provisioning not enabled');
    _err('Not enabled.');
$db = gs_db_master_connect();
$prov_url_aastra = GS_PROV_SCHEME . '://' . GS_PROV_HOST . (GS_PROV_PORT ? ':' . GS_PROV_PORT : '') . GS_PROV_PATH . 'aastra/';
$ua = trim(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if (preg_match('/\\sMAC:(00-08-5D-\\w{2}-\\w{2}-\\w{2})\\s/', $ua, $m)) {
    $mac = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-F]/', '', strToUpper($m[1]));
$user = trim(@$_REQUEST['u']);
$user_id = _get_userid($user);
$user_id_check = $db->executeGetOne("SELECT `user_id` FROM `phones` WHERE `mac_addr`='" . $db->escape($mac) . "'");
if ($user_id != $user_id_check) {
    _err("Not authorized");
Exemplo n.º 17
 function _upload_ringtone($ringtonefile)
     $file = '/opt/gemeinschaft-siemens/conf.php';
     if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) {
         include_once $file;
     } else {
         gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Siemens provisioning not available");
         return false;
     $fileserver['wan'] = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_SIEMENS_FTP_SERVER_WAN');
     $fileserver['lan'] = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_SIEMENS_FTP_SERVER_LAN');
     //$fileserver['local'] = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST');
     $ftp_path = '';
     $external_ftp_path = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_SIEMENS_FTP_RINGTONE_PATH');
     if ($external_ftp_path === null) {
         $external_ftp_path = '/';
     include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/ftp-filesize.php';
     $ftp = new GS_FTP_FileSize();
     foreach ($fileserver as $file_server) {
         if ($file_server == '') {
         if (!$ftp->connect($file_server, null, gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_SIEMENS_FTP_USER'), gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_SIEMENS_FTP_PWD'))) {
             gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Siemens prov.: Can\'t upload ' . $ringtonefile . ' file to ' . $file_server . ' (FTP server failed)');
         } else {
             $ok = $ftp->upload_file($ringtonefile, $external_ftp_path);
             if (!$ok) {
                 gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to copy ringtone to FTP server');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
			<label for="ipt-callwaiting-0"><?php 
echo __('aus');
echo __('Das Verhalten ist ggf. von Ihrem Endger&auml;t abh&auml;ngig.');

if (gs_get_conf('GS_USER_SELECT_CALLERID')) {
    echo "<tr>\n";
    $numbers = gs_user_callerids_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']);
    if (isGsError($numbers)) {
        echo $numbers->getMsg();
    $sel = " selected";
    foreach ($numbers as $number) {
        if ($number['dest'] != 'external') {
        if ($number['selected'] == 1) {
            $sel = "";
    echo "<td>", __('Angezeigte Rufnummer extern'), "</td>\n";
Exemplo n.º 19
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
        header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @ob_get_length());
function _err($msg = '')
    echo '<?', 'xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?', '>', "\n", '<TiptelIPPhoneTextScreen>', "\n", '<Title>', __('Fehler'), '</Title>', "\n", '<Text>', tiptelXmlEsc(__('Fehler') . ': ' . $msg), '</Text>', "\n", '</TiptelIPPhoneTextScreen>', "\n";
if (!gs_get_conf('GS_TIPTEL_PROV_ENABLED')) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Tiptel provisioning not enabled");
    _err('Not enabled.');
$user = trim(@$_REQUEST['u']);
if (!preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $user)) {
    _err('Not a valid SIP user.');
$type = trim(@$_REQUEST['type']);
if (!in_array($type, array('in', 'out', 'missed', 'queue'), true)) {
    $type = false;
$db = gs_db_slave_connect();
# get user_id
$user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `_user_id` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `name`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
Exemplo n.º 20
        foreach ($out as $line) {
            if (preg_match('/[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}/', $line, $m)) {
                $addrs[] = $m[0];
    //if (($addr = gs_keyval_get('vlan_0_ipaddr'))) $addrs[] = $addr;
    $good_addrs = array();
    foreach ($addrs as $addr) {
        if (subStr($addr, 0, 4) === '127.') {
        if (subStr($addr, 0, 8) === '169.254.') {
        $good_addrs[] = $addr;
    if (count($good_addrs) > 0) {
        $our_ip = $good_addrs[0];
    } else {
        $our_ip = '';
echo 'system_ip=', $our_ip, ';', "\n";
# not really useful for technical purposes.
# more like a "system name"
$connid_enabled = gs_get_conf('GS_DP_CONNID');
echo 'connid_enabled=', $connid_enabled ? '1' : '0', ';', "\n";
$call_recording_auto = gs_get_conf('GS_CALL_RECORDING_AUTO');
echo 'call_recording_auto=', $call_recording_auto ? '1' : '0', ';', "\n";
Exemplo n.º 21
# (TSI = Transmitting Subscriber Identification)
_gscnf('FAX_HYLAFAX_HOST', '');
_gscnf('FAX_HYLAFAX_PORT', 4559);
$FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-_.]/i', '', @$FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN);
_gscnf('FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN', '');
$FAX_HYLAFAX_PASS = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-_.]/i', '', @$FAX_HYLAFAX_PASS);
_gscnf('FAX_HYLAFAX_PASS', '');
_gscnf('FAX_HYLAFAX_PATH', '/var/spool/hylafax/');
_gscnf('FAX_INIT_DOCDIR', '/tmp/');
_gscnf('FAX_NOAUTH_LOCALHOST', false);
_gscnf('BOI_ENABLED', false);
_gscnf('BOI_API_DEFAULT', 'm01');
_gscnf('BOI_BRANCH_NETMASK', '/24');
_gscnf('BOI_BRANCH_PBX', '');
_gscnf('BOI_NOBODY_EXTEN_PATTERN', '95xxxx');
_gscnf('BOI_GUI_REVERSE_PROXY', 'http://' . gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST') . ':8080/');
_gscnf('BOI_GUI_HOME_USER', 'information/praesenzmonitor');
_gscnf('BOI_GUI_HOME_ADMIN', 'information/status');
_gscnf('SBSERVER_HOSTS', '');
_gscnf('SBSERVER_PORT', '18771');
_gscnf('LOG_TO', 'file');
_gscnf('LOG_FILE', '/var/log/gemeinschaft/gs.log');
_gscnf('LOG_GMT', true);
_gscnf('LOG_SYSLOG_FACILITY', 'local5');
$LOG_LEVEL = strToUpper(@$LOG_LEVEL);
if (!in_array($LOG_LEVEL, array('FATAL', 'WARNING', 'NOTICE', 'DEBUG'), true)) {
define('GS_LOG_LEVEL', constant('GS_LOG_' . $LOG_LEVEL));
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
    # PHP >= 5.1.0
Exemplo n.º 22
<table cellspacing="1">
	<th style="width:150px;"></th>
	<th style="width:350px;"></th>

echo "<tr>\n";
echo '<th>', __('Senderkennung'), '</th>', "\n";
echo '<td>';
echo '<select name="tsi">', "\n";
if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI_PREFIX')) {
    echo '<option value="', gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI_PREFIX'), $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'], '">', gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI_PREFIX'), $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'], '</option>', "\n";
$fax_tsis_global = explode(',', gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI'));
foreach ($fax_tsis_global as $fax_tsi_global) {
    echo '<option value="', trim($fax_tsi_global), '">', trim($fax_tsi_global), '</option>', "\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo '<th>', __('Faxnummer'), '</th>', "\n";
echo '<td>';
echo '<input name="faxnumber" type="text" value="' . $faxnumber . '" style="width:250px;" />';
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo '<th>', __('Aufl&ouml;sung'), '</th>', "\n";
echo '<td>';
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: mon.php Projeto: rkania/GS3
define('GS_VALID', true);
/// this is a parent file
require_once dirName(__FILE__) . '/../../../inc/conf.php';
include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gettext.php';
require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/netmask.php';
require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/db_connect.php';
require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/string.php';
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Vary: *');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
$remote_ip = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$allowed = false;
$networks = explode(',', gs_get_conf('GS_MONITOR_FROM_NET'));
foreach ($networks as $net) {
    if (ip_addr_in_network($remote_ip, trim($net))) {
        $allowed = true;
if (!$allowed) {
    @header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
    @header('Status: 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
    @header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
    echo "Not allowed for {$remote_ip}.\nSee config.\n";
Exemplo n.º 24
$pin = gs_user_pin_get($user);
# use default fax TSI if not provided in http request
if ($tsi == '') {
    $fax_tsis_global = explode(',', gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI'));
    if (array_key_exists(0, $fax_tsis_global) && $fax_tsis_global[0] != '') {
        $tsi = $fax_tsis_global[0];
    } else {
        $tsi = '0';
# if no local file is specified check if ist's provided in http request
if ($local_file == '' && is_array($_FILES) && array_key_exists('file', $_FILES) && $_FILES['file']['error'] == 0 && $_FILES['file']['size'] > 0) {
    $local_file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
# invoke function from the fax library
if ($local_file != '') {
    $local_file = gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_INIT_DOCDIR', '') . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.\\./', '', $local_file);
    if (file_exists($local_file)) {
        $fax_job_id = fax_send($user_id, $user, $to, $tsi, $local_file, $email, $resolution, $pin);
# result
if (isset($fax_job_id) && $fax_job_id >= 1) {
    die_ok('Fax job sent with id: ' . $fax_job_id);
} else {
    die_error('Fax job not accepted');
Exemplo n.º 25
	`m`.`file`=\'' . $DB->escape($file) . '\'');
$info = $rs->fetchRow();
if (!$info) {
$etag = gmDate('Ymd') . '-' . md5($user_id . '-' . $fld . '-' . $file . '-' . $info['host_id'] . '-' . $info['orig_time'] . '-' . $info['dur'] . '-' . $info['cidnum']) . '-' . $fmt;
$fake_filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z\\-_.]/i', '', 'vm_' . $ext . '_' . date('Ymd_Hi', $info['orig_time']) . '_' . subStr(md5(date('s', $info['orig_time']) . $info['cidnum']), 0, 4) . '.' . $formats[$fmt]['ext']);
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', $_SERVER) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] === $etag) {
    _not_modified($etag, $attach, $fake_filename);
if ($info['dur'] > 900) {
    # 900 s = 15 min
    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Voicemail too long for web.');
    _server_error('File too long.');
if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
    $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids();
    if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to get our host IDs.');
        _server_error('Failed to get our host IDs.');
    $vmmsg_is_on_this_host = in_array($info['host_id'], $our_host_ids, true);
} else {
    $vmmsg_is_on_this_host = true;
$vm_dir = '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/';
$origorigfile = $vm_dir . 'default/' . $ext . '/' . $fld . '/' . $file . '.alaw';
$tmpfile_base = '/tmp/gs-vm-' . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $ext) . '-' . $fld . '-' . $file;
# delete files like /tmp/gs-vm-* with mtime < time()-10 minutes
@exec('find \'/tmp/\' -maxdepth 1 -name \'gs-vm-*\' -type f -mmin +10 | xargs rm -f 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null');
Exemplo n.º 26
function gs_host_add($host_ip_or_name, $comment, $foreign = false, $group_id = null, $boi_prefix = '', $sip_proxy_from_wan = null, $sip_sbc_from_wan = null)
    if (!$host_ip_or_name) {
        return new GsError('Invalid host.');
    $host = normalizeIPs($host_ip_or_name);
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $host)) {
        # not an IP address. => resolve hostname
        $addresses = @gethostbynamel($host);
        if (count($addresses) < 1) {
            return new GsError('Could not resolve hostname: ' . $host);
        } elseif (count($addresses) > 1) {
            return new GsError('Hostname ' . $host . ' cannot be used because it\'s resolved to more than one IP addr.');
        } elseif (count($addresses) == 1) {
            if (strlen($addresses[0]) == 0) {
                return new GsError('Could not resolve hostname: ' . $host);
            $host = $addresses[0];
    } else {
        $host = $host_ip_or_name;
    $group_id = (int) $group_id;
    if ($group_id < 1) {
        $group_id = null;
    if (!$foreign) {
        if ($boi_prefix != '') {
            return new GsError('Route prefix not allowed for non-foreign hosts.');
    } else {
        if ($boi_prefix != '' && !preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $boi_prefix)) {
            return new GsError('Route prefix must be numeric.');
    if ($sip_proxy_from_wan != '' && !preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $sip_proxy_from_wan)) {
        return new GsError('Invalid IP address of SIP proxy from WAN.');
    if ($sip_sbc_from_wan != '' && !preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $sip_sbc_from_wan)) {
        return new GsError('Invalid IP address of SIP SBC from WAN.');
    if ($foreign) {
        $api = gs_get_conf('GS_BOI_API_DEFAULT');
    } else {
        $api = '';
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    $db->execute('OPTIMIZE TABLE `hosts`');
    # recalculate next auto-increment value
    $db->execute('ANALYZE TABLE `hosts`');
    $sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `hosts` (
		\'' . $db->escape($host) . '\',
		\'' . $db->escape($comment) . '\',
		' . ($foreign ? 1 : 0) . ',
		' . (int) $group_id . '
    $ok = $db->execute($sql_query);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to add host ' . $host);
    $host_id = (int) $db->getLastInsertId();
    if ($host_id < 1) {
        return new GsError('Failed to add host ' . $host);
    $db->execute('REPLACE INTO `host_params` (`host_id`, `param`, `value`) VALUES (' . $host_id . ', \'api\', \'' . $db->escape($api) . '\')');
    if ($sip_proxy_from_wan != '') {
        $db->execute('REPLACE INTO `host_params` (`host_id`, `param`, `value`) VALUES (' . $host_id . ', \'sip_proxy_from_wan\', \'' . $db->escape($sip_proxy_from_wan) . '\')');
    if ($sip_sbc_from_wan != '') {
        $db->execute('REPLACE INTO `host_params` (`host_id`, `param`, `value`) VALUES (' . $host_id . ', \'sip_server_from_wan\', \'' . $db->escape($sip_sbc_from_wan) . '\')');
    if ($foreign) {
        $db->execute('REPLACE INTO `host_params` (`host_id`, `param`, `value`) VALUES (' . $host_id . ', \'route_prefix\', \'' . $db->escape($boi_prefix) . '\')');
    return true;
    echo '<input type="text" name="extnum" value="" size="20" maxlength="40" />';
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "<td>\n";
    echo '<button type="submit" title="', __('Speichern') ,'" class="plain">', "\n";
    echo '<img alt="', __('Speichern') ,'" src="', GS_URL_PATH ,'crystal-svg/16/act/filesave.png" />', "\n";
    echo "</button>\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";

    if (gs_get_conf('GS_BOI_ENABLED')) {
<br />

<table cellspacing="1">
		<th style="width:180px;">
        echo __('Lokale Admin-Rechte');
		<th style="width:217px;" colspan="2">
        echo __('Anlage');
Exemplo n.º 28
function gs_queue_status($host, $ext, $getMembers, $getCallers)
    static $hosts = array();
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        $host = '';
    if (!isset($hosts[$host])) {
        $hosts[$host] = array('sock' => null, 'lasttry' => 0);
    if (!is_resource($hosts[$host]['sock'])) {
        if ($hosts[$host]['lasttry'] > time() - 60) {
            # we have tried less than a minute ago
            $hosts[$host]['lasttry'] = time();
            return false;
        $hosts[$host]['lasttry'] = time();
        $sock = @fSockOpen($host, 5038, $err, $errMsg, 2);
        if (!is_resource($sock)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Connection to AMI on ' . $host . ' failed');
            return false;
        $data = _sock_read($sock, 3, '/[\\r\\n]/');
        if (!preg_match('/^Asterisk [^\\/]+\\/(\\d(?:\\.\\d)?)/mis', $data, $m)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Incompatible Asterisk manager interface on ' . $host);
            $m = array(1 => '0.0');
        } else {
            if ($m[1] > '1.1') {
                # Asterisk 1.4: manager 1.0
                # Asterisk 1.6: manager 1.1
                gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Asterisk manager interface on ' . $host . ' speaks a new protocol version (' . $m[1] . ')');
                # let's try anyway and hope to understand it
        $hosts[$host]['sock'] = $sock;
        $req = "Action: Login\r\n" . "Username: "******"gscc" . "\r\n" . "Secret: " . "gspass" . "\r\n" . "Events: off\r\n" . "\r\n";
        @fWrite($sock, $req, strLen($req));
        $data = _sock_read2($sock, 5, '/\\r\\n\\r\\n/S');
        if (!preg_match('/Authentication accepted/i', $data)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Authentication to AMI on ' . $host . ' failed');
            $hosts[$host]['sock'] = null;
            return false;
    } else {
        $sock = $hosts[$host]['sock'];
    $queue_stats = array('maxlen' => null, 'calls' => null, 'holdtime' => null, 'completed' => null, 'abandoned' => null, 'sl' => null, 'slp' => null);
    if ($getMembers) {
        $queue_stats['members'] = array();
    if ($getCallers) {
        $queue_stats['callers'] = array();
    $default_member = array('dynamic' => null, 'calls' => null, 'lastcall' => null, 'devstate' => null, 'paused' => null);
    $default_caller = array('channel' => null, 'cidnum' => null, 'cidname' => null, 'wait' => null);
    $req = "Action: QueueStatus\r\n" . "Queue: " . $ext . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
    @fWrite($sock, $req, strLen($req));
    $resp = trim(_sock_read2($sock, 2, '/Event:\\s*QueueStatusComplete\\r\\n\\r\\n/i'));
    //echo "\n$resp\n\n";
    if (!preg_match('/^Response:\\s*Success/is', $resp)) {
        return false;
    $resp = preg_split('/\\r\\n\\r\\n/S', $resp);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    $manager_ok = false;
    foreach ($resp as $pkt) {
        $pkt = lTrim($pkt);
        if (preg_match('/^Event:\\s*QueueParams/is', $pkt)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^Queue:\\s*' . $ext . '/mis', $pkt)) {
            //echo $pkt, "\n\n";
            if (preg_match('/^Max:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['maxlen'] = (int) $m[1] > 0 ? (int) $m[1] : null;
            if (preg_match('/^Calls:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['calls'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^Holdtime:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['holdtime'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^Completed:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['completed'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^Abandoned:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['abandoned'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^ServiceLevel:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['sl'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^ServiceLevelPerf:\\s*(\\d+?(\\.\\d+)?)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['slp'] = (double) $m[1];
            $manager_ok = true;
        } elseif ($getMembers && preg_match('/^Event:\\s*QueueMember/is', $pkt)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^Queue:\\s*' . $ext . '/mis', $pkt)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^Location:\\s*([A-Z\\d\\/]+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
            $loc = $m[1];
            $queue_stats['members'][$loc] = $default_member;
            //echo $pkt, "\n\n";
            if (preg_match('/^Membership:\\s*([a-z]+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['members'][$loc]['dynamic'] = $m[1] != 'static';
            if (preg_match('/^CallsTaken:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['members'][$loc]['calls'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^LastCall:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['members'][$loc]['lastcall'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^Status:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['members'][$loc]['devstate'] = (int) $m[1];
            if (preg_match('/^Paused:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['members'][$loc]['paused'] = (int) $m[1] > 0;
        } elseif ($getCallers && preg_match('/^Event:\\s*QueueEntry/is', $pkt)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^Queue:\\s*' . $ext . '/mis', $pkt)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^Position:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
            $pos = (int) $m[1];
            $queue_stats['callers'][$pos] = $default_caller;
            //echo $pkt, "\n\n";
            if (preg_match('/^Channel:\\s*([^\\n\\r]+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['callers'][$pos]['dynamic'] = trim($m[1]);
            if (preg_match('/^CallerID:\\s*([^\\n\\r]+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['callers'][$pos]['cidnum'] = strToLower(trim($m[1])) != 'unknown' ? trim($m[1]) : null;
            if (preg_match('/^CallerIDName:\\s*([^\\n\\r]+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['callers'][$pos]['cidname'] = strToLower(trim($m[1])) != 'unknown' ? trim($m[1]) : null;
            if (preg_match('/^Wait:\\s*(\\d+)/mis', $pkt, $m)) {
                $queue_stats['callers'][$pos]['wait'] = (int) $m[1];
    if (!$manager_ok && $getMembers) {
        # failed to get information about the queue from the manager
        # interface. this happens after a reload of Asterisk when
        # no call has entered the queue using Queue() yet
        $queue_stats['calls'] = 0;
        $queue_stats['completed'] = 0;
        $queue_stats['abandoned'] = 0;
        $queue_stats['holdtime'] = 0;
        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/db_connect.php';
        $db = @gs_db_slave_connect();
        if (!$db) {
            return $queue_stats;
        $maxlen = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `maxlen` FROM `ast_queues` WHERE `name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
        $queue_stats['maxlen'] = $maxlen > 0 ? $maxlen : null;
        $rs = $db->execute('SELECT `interface` FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `queue_name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
        $queue_members = array();
        while ($r = $rs->fetchRow()) {
            if (strToUpper(subStr($r['interface'], 0, 4)) == 'SIP/') {
                $queue_members[] = subStr($r['interface'], 4);
            } else {
                $queue_members[] = $r['interface'];
        if (count($queue_members) < 1) {
            return $queue_stats;
        foreach ($queue_members as $queue_member) {
            $queue_stats['members']['SIP/' . $queue_member] = $default_member;
        $ext_states = @gs_extstate($host, $queue_members);
        if (!is_array($ext_states)) {
            return $queue_stats;
        foreach ($queue_members as $queue_member) {
            $queue_stats['members']['SIP/' . $queue_member]['devstate'] = extstate_to_devstate(@$ext_states[$queue_member]);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    return $queue_stats;
Exemplo n.º 29
$type = trim(@$_REQUEST['t']);
if (!in_array($type, array('gs', 'prv', 'imported', 'gss', 'prvs', 'importeds'), true)) {
    $type = false;
$page = (int) trim(@$_REQUEST['p']);
$entry = (int) trim(@$_REQUEST['e']);
$search = trim(@$_REQUEST['s']);
$name_search = trim(@$_REQUEST['n']);
//$per_page = (int)gs_get_conf('GS_AASTRA_PROV_PB_NUM_RESULTS', 10);
$per_page = 4;
$db = gs_db_slave_connect();
$tmp = array(15 => array('k' => 'gs', 'v' => gs_get_conf('GS_PB_INTERNAL_TITLE', __("Intern"))), 25 => array('k' => 'prv', 'v' => gs_get_conf('GS_PB_PRIVATE_TITLE', __("Persönlich"))));
if (gs_get_conf('GS_PB_IMPORTED_ENABLED')) {
    $pos = (int) gs_get_conf('GS_PB_IMPORTED_ORDER', 9) * 10;
    $tmp[$pos] = array('k' => 'imported', 'v' => gs_get_conf('GS_PB_IMPORTED_TITLE', __("Extern")));
foreach ($tmp as $arr) {
    $typeToTitle[$arr['k']] = $arr['v'];
$url_aastra_pb = GS_PROV_SCHEME . '://' . GS_PROV_HOST . (GS_PROV_PORT ? ':' . GS_PROV_PORT : '') . GS_PROV_PATH . 'aastra/pb.php';
#################################### SEARCH SCREEN {
if ($search) {
    $xml = '<AastraIPPhoneInputScreen type = "string">' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<Title>' . __('Suchen') . '</Title>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<Prompt>' . __('Name') . ':</Prompt>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<URL>' . $url_aastra_pb . '?t=' . $type . '</URL>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<Parameter>n</Parameter>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<Default></Default>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<SoftKey index="1">' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 30
if (!gs_get_conf('GS_POLYCOM_PROV_ENABLED')) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Polycom provisioning not enabled');
    _err('Not enabled.');
$type = trim(@$_REQUEST['t']);
if (!in_array($type, array('internal', 'external', 'std', 'var', 'timeout'), true)) {
    $type = false;
$db = gs_db_slave_connect();
$user = trim(@$_REQUEST['u']);
$user_id = getUserID($user);
// setup i18n stuff
gs_setlang(gs_get_lang_user($db, $user, GS_LANG_FORMAT_GS));
$tmp = array(15 => array('k' => 'internal', 'v' => gs_get_conf('GS_CLIR_INTERNAL', __('von intern'))), 25 => array('k' => 'external', 'v' => gs_get_conf('GS_CLIR_EXTERNAL', __('von extern'))));
foreach ($tmp as $arr) {
    $typeToTitle[$arr['k']] = $arr['v'];
$url_polycom_provdir = GS_PROV_SCHEME . '://' . GS_PROV_HOST . (GS_PROV_PORT ? ':' . GS_PROV_PORT : '') . GS_PROV_PATH . 'polycom/';
$url_polycom_callforward = $url_polycom_provdir . 'callforward.php';
$url_polycom_menu = $url_polycom_provdir . 'configmenu.php';
$cases = array('always' => __('immer'), 'busy' => __('besetzt'), 'unavail' => __('keine Antw.'), 'offline' => __('offline'));
$actives = array('no' => __('Aus'), 'std' => __('Std.'), 'var' => __('Tmp.'));
################################## SET FEATURE {
if ($type != false && isset($_REQUEST['value'])) {
    $value = trim(@$_REQUEST['value']);
    $user_name = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `user` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=\'' . $db->escape($user_id) . '\'');
    $timeout = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `timeout` FROM `callforwards` WHERE `user_id`=\'' . $user_id . '\' AND `case`=\'unavail\' AND `source`=\'internal\'');
    $num['std'] = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `number_std` FROM `callforwards` WHERE `user_id`=\'' . $user_id . '\' AND `case`=\'unavail\' AND `source`=\'internal\'');