public function init()
     $this->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($this->getObjectManager()))->setObject(new FileAttachment());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'filename', 'type' => 'File', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Filename'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'fileLink', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('File Link'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
 public function init()
     $this->setObject(new Semester());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'year', 'type' => 'Number', 'options' => array('label' => gettext('Year'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "", 'min' => '0', 'step' => '1')));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'isWinter', 'type' => 'Checkbox', 'options' => array('label' => '', 'use-switch' => true, 'checked_value' => '1', 'label_options' => array('position' => \Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormRow::LABEL_PREPEND), 'column-size' => 'sm-10 col-sm-offset-2'), 'attributes' => array('id' => "", 'data-label-text' => gettext_noop('Term'), 'data-label-width' => '100', 'data-off-color' => 'warning', 'data-on-text' => gettext_noop('Winter'), 'data-off-text' => gettext_noop('Summer'))));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function init()
     $this->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($this->getObjectManager()))->setObject(new Role());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'roleId', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Role Id'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'parent', 'type' => 'DoctrineModule\\Form\\Element\\ObjectSelect', 'options' => array('object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(), 'target_class' => Role::class, 'label_generator' => function ($item) {
         return $item->getRoleId();
     }, 'display_empty_item' => true, 'empty_item_label' => gettext_noop('Root'), 'label' => gettext_noop('Parent'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
 public function init()
     $this->add(array('name' => 'host', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Host'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'port', 'type' => 'Number', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Port'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "", 'min' => 0, 'max' => pow(2, 16) - 1, 'step' => 1)));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'connection_class', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Connection class'), 'value_options' => array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'plain' => 'Plain', 'login' => 'Login', 'crammd5' => 'CRAM-MD5'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'))));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'username', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Username'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'Password', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Password'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'ssl', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('SSL'), 'value_options' => array('tls' => 'TLS', 'ssl' => 'SSL', '' => gettext_noop('None')), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'))));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function init()
     $this->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($this->getObjectManager()))->setObject(new Bubble());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'title', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Title'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'posX', 'type' => 'Number', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Pos X'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "", 'step' => '1')));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'posY', 'type' => 'Number', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Pos Y'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "", 'step' => '1')));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'priority', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Priority'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function init()
     $this->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($this->getObjectManager()))->setObject(new Edge());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'from', 'type' => ObjectSelect::class, 'options' => array('object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(), 'target_class' => Bubble::class, 'label_generator' => function ($item) {
         $o = $item->getOwner();
         return $item->getTitle() . ' (' . ($o ? $o->getDisplayName() : '') . ')';
     }, 'display_empty_item' => true, 'empty_item_label' => gettext_noop('-- Bubble From --'), 'label' => gettext_noop('Bubble From'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'to', 'type' => ObjectSelect::class, 'options' => array('object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(), 'target_class' => Bubble::class, 'label_generator' => function ($item) {
         $o = $item->getOwner();
         return '(' . $item->getId() . ')' . $item->getTitle() . ' (' . ($o ? $o->getDisplayName() : '') . ')';
     }, 'display_empty_item' => true, 'empty_item_label' => gettext_noop('-- Bubble to --'), 'label' => gettext_noop('Bubble to'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
 public function init()
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator()->getServiceLocator();
     $this->add(array('name' => 'registration_method_flag', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Registration Method'), 'value_options' => array(0 => gettext_noop('Registration disabled'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_AUTO_ENABLE => gettext_noop('Auto enable'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_SELF_CONFIRM => gettext_noop('Self confirm'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_MODERATOR_CONFIRM => gettext_noop('Moderator confirm'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_AUTO_ENABLE | SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_SELF_CONFIRM => gettext_noop('Auto enable + Self confirm'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_SELF_CONFIRM | SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_MODERATOR_CONFIRM => gettext_noop('Self confirm + Moderator confirm')), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'))));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'registration_email_flag', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('E-Mail notifications'), 'value_options' => array(SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_MODERATOR => gettext_noop('Notify moderator'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_WELCOME => gettext_noop('Welcome (Only auto enable)'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_WELCOME_CONFIRM_MAIL => gettext_noop('Welcome confirm (Auto enable & self confirm)'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_CONFIRM_MAIL => gettext_noop('Self Confirm'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_DOUBLE_CONFIRM_MAIL => gettext_noop('Double confirm (After successful confirmation with Self + Moderator confirm)'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_CONFIRM_MODERATOR => gettext_noop('Moderator confirm'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_ACTIVATED => gettext_noop('Activated'), SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_DISABLED => gettext_noop('Disabled')), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'data-fancy' => '1')));
     $config = $sm->get('Config');
     $roleEntity = $config['zfcuser']['role_entity_class'];
     $this->add(array('name' => 'registration_notify', 'type' => 'DoctrineModule\\Form\\Element\\ObjectMultiCheckbox', 'options' => array('object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(), 'target_class' => $roleEntity, 'label' => gettext_noop('Registration notification'), 'label_generator' => function ($role) {
         /* @var $role \SkelletonApplication\Entity\Role */
         return str_repeat('&nbsp', 2 * $role->getLevel()) . $role->getRoleId();
     }, 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'), 'label_options' => array('disable_html_escape' => true))));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'registration_notification_from', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Registration notification from'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
 public function init()
     $this->setObject(new LinkAttachment());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'url', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('URL'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
Exemplo n.º 9
$songprops[gettext_noop('Album')] = $song->f_album_link . ($song->year ? " (" . scrub_out($song->year) . ")" : "");
$songprops[gettext_noop('Genre')] = $song->f_genre_link;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Length')] = scrub_out($song->f_time);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Comment')] = scrub_out($song->comment);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Label')] = scrub_out($song->label);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Song Language')] = scrub_out($song->language);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Catalog Number')] = scrub_out($song->catalog_number);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Bitrate')] = scrub_out($song->f_bitrate);
if (Access::check('interface', '75')) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Filename')] = scrub_out($song->file) . " " . $song->f_size;
if ($song->update_time) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Last Updated')] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $song->update_time);
$songprops[gettext_noop('Added')] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $song->addition_time);
if (AmpConfig::get('show_played_times')) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('# Played')] = scrub_out($song->object_cnt);
if (AmpConfig::get('show_lyrics')) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Lyrics')] = $song->f_lyrics;
foreach ($songprops as $key => $value) {
    if (trim($value)) {
        $rowparity = UI::flip_class();
        echo "<dt class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . T_($key) . "</dt><dd class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . $value . "</dd>";
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function __construct($options = null)
     if (!empty($options['parent_options'])) {
         // this should not be used I guess..
         $parentOptions = new static($options['parent_options']);
         $options['parent_options'] = $parentOptions;
     if (!empty($options['child_options'])) {
         $childOptions = array();
         foreach ($options['child_options'] as $key => $option) {
             if (!empty($options['child_options']['route_base'])) {
                 // ignore route base on children
                 $options['child_options']['route_base'] = null;
             $child = new static($option);
             if (empty($child->getParentAttributeName())) {
             $childOptions[$key] = $child;
         $options['child_options'] = $childOptions;
     // generate missing values
     if (empty($this->listTitle)) {
         $this->listTitle = gettext_noop('%ss');
     if (empty($this->buttonTitle)) {
         $this->buttonTitle = $this->name;
     if (empty($this->editTitle)) {
         $this->editTitle = gettext_noop('Edit %s');
     if (empty($this->createTitle)) {
         $this->createTitle = gettext_noop('Create %s');
     if (empty($this->deleteWarningText)) {
         $this->deleteWarningText = gettext_noop('Really delete %s?');
     if (empty($this->createText)) {
         $this->createText = gettext_noop('Add new %s');
     if ($this->pageLength === null) {
         $this->pageLength = 10;
     if (empty($this->aliasParamName)) {
         $this->aliasParamName = strtolower($this->name) . '_alias';
     if (empty($this->idParamName)) {
         $this->idParamName = strtolower($this->name) . '_id';
     if (empty($this->idName)) {
         $this->idName = 'id';
     if (empty($this->aliasName)) {
         $this->aliasName = 'alias';
     if (empty($this->listRoute)) {
     if (empty($this->createRoute)) {
     if (empty($this->editRoute)) {
     if (empty($this->deleteRoute)) {
     if (empty($this->entityClass) && !empty($this->baseNamespace)) {
         $this->entityClass = $this->baseNamespace . "\\Entity\\" . $this->name;
     if (empty($this->formClass) && !empty($this->baseNamespace)) {
         $this->formClass = $this->baseNamespace . "\\Form\\" . $this->name . "Form";

/* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */
 * LICENSE: GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2)
 * Copyright 2001 - 2015
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Location')] = $video->f_location;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Summary')] = scrub_out($video->summary);
 public function getEditTitle()
     return gettext_noop('E-Mail Configuration');
Exemplo n.º 13
# In the format (('Full Name', '*****@*****.**'), ('Full Name', '*****@*****.**'))
# Tuple of IP addresses, as strings, that:
#   * See debug comments, when DEBUG is true
#   * Receive x-headers
# Local time zone for this installation. All choices can be found here:
# (although not all
# systems may support all possibilities).
$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['TIME_ZONE'] = 'Europe/Istanbul';
# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:
# Languages we provide translations for, out of the box. The language name
# should be the utf-8 encoded local name for the language.
$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['LANGUAGES'] = array(array('ar', gettext_noop('Arabic')), array('bg', gettext_noop('Bulgarian')), array('bn', gettext_noop('Bengali')), array('bs', gettext_noop('Bosnian')), array('ca', gettext_noop('Catalan')), array('cs', gettext_noop('Czech')), array('cy', gettext_noop('Welsh')), array('da', gettext_noop('Danish')), array('de', gettext_noop('German')), array('el', gettext_noop('Greek')), array('en', gettext_noop('English')), array('en-gb', gettext_noop('British English')), array('es', gettext_noop('Spanish')), array('es-ar', gettext_noop('Argentinean Spanish')), array('et', gettext_noop('Estonian')), array('eu', gettext_noop('Basque')), array('fa', gettext_noop('Persian')), array('fi', gettext_noop('Finnish')), array('fr', gettext_noop('French')), array('fy-nl', gettext_noop('Frisian')), array('ga', gettext_noop('Irish')), array('gl', gettext_noop('Galician')), array('he', gettext_noop('Hebrew')), array('hi', gettext_noop('Hindi')), array('hr', gettext_noop('Croatian')), array('hu', gettext_noop('Hungarian')), array('id', gettext_noop('Indonesian')), array('is', gettext_noop('Icelandic')), array('it', gettext_noop('Italian')), array('ja', gettext_noop('Japanese')), array('ka', gettext_noop('Georgian')), array('km', gettext_noop('Khmer')), array('kn', gettext_noop('Kannada')), array('ko', gettext_noop('Korean')), array('lt', gettext_noop('Lithuanian')), array('lv', gettext_noop('Latvian')), array('mk', gettext_noop('Macedonian')), array('mn', gettext_noop('Mongolian')), array('nl', gettext_noop('Dutch')), array('no', gettext_noop('Norwegian')), array('nb', gettext_noop('Norwegian Bokmal')), array('nn', gettext_noop('Norwegian Nynorsk')), array('pl', gettext_noop('Polish')), array('pt', gettext_noop('Portuguese')), array('pt-br', gettext_noop('Brazilian Portuguese')), array('ro', gettext_noop('Romanian')), array('ru', gettext_noop('Russian')), array('sk', gettext_noop('Slovak')), array('sl', gettext_noop('Slovenian')), array('sq', gettext_noop('Albanian')), array('sr', gettext_noop('Serbian')), array('sr-latn', gettext_noop('Serbian Latin')), array('sv', gettext_noop('Swedish')), array('ta', gettext_noop('Tamil')), array('te', gettext_noop('Telugu')), array('th', gettext_noop('Thai')), array('tr', gettext_noop('Turkish')), array('uk', gettext_noop('Ukrainian')), array('vi', gettext_noop('Vietnamese')), array('zh-cn', gettext_noop('Simplified Chinese')), array('zh-tw', gettext_noop('Traditional Chinese')));
# Languages using BiDi (right-to-left) layout
$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['LANGUAGES_BIDI'] = array("he", "ar", "fa");
# If you set this to False, Pjango will make some optimizations so as not
# to load the internationalization machinery.
$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['USE_I18N'] = true;
# If you set this to True, Pjango will format dates, numbers and calendars
# according to user current locale
$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['USE_L10N'] = false;
# Not-necessarily-technical managers of the site. They get broken link
# notifications and other various e-mails.
# Default content type and charset to use for all HttpResponse objects, if a
# MIME type isn't manually specified. These are used to construct the

 * GoalioForgotPassword Configuration
 * If you have a ./config/autoload/ directory set up for your project, you can
 * drop this config file in it and change the values as you wish.
$settings = array('email_from_address' => array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'name' => 'Aleksandr Grinspun'), 'reset_email_subject_line' => gettext_noop('[SkelletonApplication] Your new password'));
 * You do not need to edit below this line
return array('goalioforgotpassword' => $settings);
 public function init()
     $options = $this->getConfigOptions();
     $this->add(array('name' => 'type', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Transport type'), 'value_options' => $options->getAllowedEmailTransports(), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'))));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'smtp_options', 'type' => SmtpOptionsFieldset::class, 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('SMTP Options (only for type SMTP)'), 'use_as_base_fieldset' => false)));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function addRoleSelect(Event $e)
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     /* @var $em EntityManager */
     $em = $sm->get(EntityManager::class);
     /* @var $form \ZfcUser\Form\Register */
     $form = $e->getTarget();
     $config = $sm->get('Config');
     $roleEntity = $config['zfcuser']['role_entity_class'];
     $form->add(array('name' => 'roles', 'type' => ObjectMultiCheckbox::class, 'options' => array('object_manager' => $em, 'target_class' => $roleEntity, 'label' => gettext_noop('Roles'), 'label_generator' => function ($role) {
         /* @var $role \SkelletonApplication\Entity\Role */
         return str_repeat('&nbsp', 2 * $role->getLevel()) . $role->getRoleId();
     }, 'label_options' => array('disable_html_escape' => true))));
Exemplo n.º 17
$songprops[gettext_noop('Title')] = $episode->f_title;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Description')] = $episode->f_description;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Category')] = $episode->f_category;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Author')] = $episode->f_author;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Publication Date')] = $episode->f_pubdate;
$songprops[gettext_noop('State')] = $episode->f_state;
$songprops[gettext_noop('Website')] = $episode->f_website;
if ($episode->time > 0) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Length')] = $episode->f_time;
if (!empty($episode->file)) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('File')] = $episode->file;
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Size')] = $episode->f_size;
foreach ($songprops as $key => $value) {
    if (trim($value)) {
        $rowparity = UI::flip_class();
        echo "<dt class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . T_($key) . "</dt><dd class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . $value . "</dd>";
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function init()
     $this->setObject(new Course());
     $this->add(array('name' => 'courseroom', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('L2P courseroom'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
Exemplo n.º 19

/* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */
 * LICENSE: GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2)
 * Copyright 2001 - 2015
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Artist')] = $video->f_artist;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Song')] = $video->f_song;
Exemplo n.º 20
    $allowHelper = $view->plugin('isAllowed');
    if (!$allowHelper('administration', 'user/block')) {
        return false;
    if ($item !== null && !$item->isActive()) {
        return false;
    return $urlHelper('zfcadmin/user/block', array('userId' => $id));
}), 'unblock' => array('title' => gettext_noop('Unblock'), 'route_builder' => function ($view, $id, $alias = "", $item = null) {
    $urlHelper = $view->plugin('url');
    $allowHelper = $view->plugin('isAllowed');
    if (!$allowHelper('administration', 'user/unblock')) {
        return false;
    if ($item !== null && $item->isActive()) {
        return false;
    return $urlHelper('zfcadmin/user/unblock', array('userId' => $id));
}))), 'role' => array('name' => 'Role', 'controller_class' => Controller\RoleController::class, 'base_namespace' => __NAMESPACE__, 'list_columns' => array(gettext_noop('Id') => 'id', gettext_noop('RoleId') => 'roleId'), 'list_title' => gettext_noop('Roles'), 'route_base' => 'zfcadmin/roles', 'rest_enabled' => true)));
$guardConfig = array('zfcuser' => ['route' => 'zfcuser', 'roles' => ['guest', 'user']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/login', 'roles' => ['guest', 'user']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/register', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/register/registered', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/authenticate', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/logout', 'roles' => ['guest', 'user']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/changepassword', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/changeemail', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/forgotpassword', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/resetpassword', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'zfcuser/check-token', 'roles' => ['guest']], ['route' => 'home', 'roles' => ['guest', 'user']], ['route' => 'doctrine_orm_module_yuml', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin', 'roles' => ['moderator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/userprofile', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/user', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/user/block', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/user/unblock', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/roles', 'roles' => ['administrator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/registration', 'roles' => ['moderator']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/emails', 'roles' => ['moderator']]);
$ressources = array('debug', 'user', 'administration');
$ressourceAllowRules = array([['user'], 'user', 'profile'], [['user'], 'user', 'logout'], [['user'], 'user', 'changepassword'], [['guest'], 'user', 'login'], [['guest'], 'user', 'register'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'login'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'user/list'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'user/create'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'user/block'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'user/unblock'], [['moderator'], 'administration', 'userprofile'], [['moderator'], 'debug', 'moderator'], [['administrator'], 'debug', 'administrator'], [['moderator'], 'siteconfig', 'registration/list'], [['administrator'], 'siteconfig', 'registration/edit'], [['moderator'], 'siteconfig', 'emails/list'], [['administrator'], 'siteconfig', 'emails/edit']);
return array('controllers' => array('invokables' => array(Controller\IndexController::class => Controller\IndexController::class, Controller\UserController::class => Controller\UserController::class, Controller\RegistrationConfigController::class => Controller\RegistrationConfigController::class, Controller\EmailTemplateController::class => Controller\EmailTemplateController::class, Controller\RoleController::class => Controller\RoleController::class), 'factories' => array(Controller\FrontendUserController::class => function ($controllerManager) {
    /* @var \Zend\Mvc\Controller\ControllerManager $controllerManager*/
    $serviceManager = $controllerManager->getServiceLocator();
    /* @var \ZfcUser\Controller\RedirectCallback $redirectCallback */
    $redirectCallback = $serviceManager->get('zfcuser_redirect_callback');
    $controller = new Controller\FrontendUserController($redirectCallback);
    return $controller;
})), 'xelax' => $xelaxConfig, 'router' => array('router_class' => Mvc\Router\Http\LanguageTreeRouteStack::class, 'routes' => include 'router.config.php'), 'bjyauthorize' => array('resource_providers' => array(Provider\Resource\Config::class => $ressources), 'rule_providers' => array(Provider\Rule\Config::class => array('allow' => $ressourceAllowRules, 'deny' => array())), 'guards' => array(Guard\Route::class => $guardConfig)), 'skelleton_application' => array('roles' => array('guest' => array(), 'user' => array('moderator' => array('administrator' => array())))), 'zfctwig' => array('loader_chain' => array(Twig\DbLoader::class)), 'service_manager' => include 'service.config.php', 'translator' => array('locale' => array('de_DE', 'de_DE'), 'translation_file_patterns' => array(array('type' => 'gettext', 'base_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../language', 'pattern' => ''), array('type' => 'gettext', 'base_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/zf-commons/zfc-user/src/ZfcUser/language', 'pattern' => '')), 'remote_translation' => array(array('type' => I18n\Translator\Loader\Db::class))), 'view_manager' => array('display_not_found_reason' => true, 'display_exceptions' => true, 'doctype' => 'HTML5', 'not_found_template' => 'error/404', 'exception_template' => 'error/index', 'template_map' => array('layout/layout' => __DIR__ . '/../view/layout/layout.phtml', 'error/404' => __DIR__ . '/../view/error/404.phtml', 'error/index' => __DIR__ . '/../view/error/index.phtml', 'zfc-user/user/login' => __DIR__ . '/../view/zfc-user/user/login.phtml', 'skelleton-application/frontend-user/register' => __DIR__ . '/../view/zfc-user/user/register.phtml', 'skelleton-application/frontend-user/registered' => __DIR__ . '/../view/zfc-user/user/registered.phtml'), 'template_path_stack' => array(__DIR__ . '/../view')), 'view_helpers' => array('invokables' => array('languageSwitch' => View\Helper\LanguageSwitch::class)), 'navigation' => array('default' => array('home' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Home'), 'route' => 'home'), 'admin' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Admin'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin', 'resource' => 'administration', 'privilege' => 'login'), 'login' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Login'), 'route' => 'zfcuser/login', 'resource' => 'user', 'privilege' => 'login'), 'register' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Register'), 'route' => 'zfcuser/register', 'resource' => 'user', 'privilege' => 'register'), 'profile' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Profile'), 'route' => 'zfcuser', 'resource' => 'user', 'privilege' => 'profile'), 'change-password' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Change Password'), 'route' => 'zfcuser/changepassword', 'resource' => 'user', 'privilege' => 'changepassword'), 'logout' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Logout'), 'route' => 'zfcuser/logout', 'resource' => 'user', 'privilege' => 'logout')), 'admin' => array('zfcuseradmin' => null, 'home' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Home'), 'route' => 'home'), 'config' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Config'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/email', 'resource' => 'siteconfig', 'privilege' => 'list', 'pages' => array('email' => array('label' => gettext_noop('E-Mail'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/email', 'action' => 'index', 'resource' => 'siteconfig', 'privilege' => 'registration/list'), 'registration' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Registration'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/registration', 'action' => 'index', 'resource' => 'siteconfig', 'privilege' => 'registration/list'), 'email-templates' => array('label' => gettext_noop('E-Mail Templates'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/siteconfig/emails', 'action' => 'index', 'resource' => 'siteconfig', 'privilege' => 'emails/list'))), 'users' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Users'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/user', 'resource' => 'administration', 'privilege' => 'user/list'), 'user-profiles' => array('label' => gettext_noop('User Profiles'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/userprofile', 'resource' => 'administration', 'privilege' => 'userprofile'))), 'console' => array('router' => array('routes' => array())), 'doctrine' => array('driver' => array(__NAMESPACE__ . '_driver' => array('class' => \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver::class, 'cache' => 'array', 'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/' . __NAMESPACE__ . '/Entity')), 'orm_default' => array('drivers' => array(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver'))), 'fixture' => array(__NAMESPACE__ . '_fixture' => __DIR__ . '/../data/Fixtures')));
 public function init()
     $this->add(array('name' => 'subject', 'type' => 'Text', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Subject'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
     $this->add(array('name' => 'template', 'type' => 'Textarea', 'options' => array('label' => gettext_noop('Template'), 'column-size' => 'sm-10', 'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'), 'value_use_pre' => true), 'attributes' => array('id' => "")));
Exemplo n.º 22

/* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */
 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPLv3)
 * Copyright 2001 - 2015
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Summary')] = $video->summary;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Year')] = $video->year;
 public function checkTokenAction()
     $model = new ViewModel();
     $userService = $this->getSkelletonUserService();
     // remove old, not verified records
     // Pull and validate the Request Key
     $token = $this->getEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParam('token', false);
     if (!$token) {
         $model->setVariables(array('success' => false, 'message' => gettext_noop('Invalid Token!')));
         return $model;
     $validator = new \Zend\Validator\Hex();
     if (!$validator->isValid($token)) {
         $model->setVariables(array('success' => false, 'message' => gettext_noop('Invalid Token!')));
         return $model;
     // Find the token in DB
     $users = $userService->findByToken($token);
     if (count($users) !== 1) {
         $model->setVariables(array('success' => false, 'message' => gettext_noop('Invalid Token!')));
         return $model;
     $user = $users[0];
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         $model->setVariables(array('success' => false, 'message' => gettext_noop('Invalid Token!')));
         return $model;
     if ($user->isEmailVerified()) {
         $model->setVariables(array('success' => true, 'activated' => $user->isActive()));
         return $model;
     /* @var $options SiteRegistrationOptions */
     $options = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(SiteRegistrationOptions::class);
     $flag = $options->getRegistrationMethodFlag();
     $variables = array('success' => true, 'activated' => false);
     if (!($flag & SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_MODERATOR_CONFIRM) || $flag & SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_METHOD_AUTO_ENABLE) {
         $variables['activated'] = true;
     // send user notifications
     $notificationService = $this->getNotificationService();
     $notificationService->notifyUser($user, UserNotificationService::EVENT_TOKEN);
     return $model;

/* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */
 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPLv3)
 * Copyright 2001 - 2015
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
$videoprops[gettext_noop('TV Show')] = $video->f_tvshow_link;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Season')] = $video->f_season_link;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Episode')] = $video->episode_number;
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Summary')] = $video->summary;
Exemplo n.º 25
if (!strtolower(get_class($video)) != 'video') {
    require AmpConfig::get('prefix') . UI::find_template('show_partial_' . strtolower(get_class($video)) . '.inc.php');
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Release Date')] = scrub_out($video->f_release_date);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Codec')] = scrub_out($video->f_codec);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Resolution')] = scrub_out($video->f_resolution);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Display')] = scrub_out($video->f_display);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Audio Bitrate')] = scrub_out($video->f_bitrate);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Video Bitrate')] = scrub_out($video->f_video_bitrate);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Frame Rate')] = scrub_out($video->f_frame_rate);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Channels')] = scrub_out($video->channels);
if (Access::check('interface', '75')) {
    $videoprops[gettext_noop('Filename')] = scrub_out($video->file) . " " . $video->f_size;
if ($video->update_time) {
    $videoprops[gettext_noop('Last Updated')] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $video->update_time);
$videoprops[gettext_noop('Added')] = date("d/m/Y H:i", $video->addition_time);
if (AmpConfig::get('show_played_times')) {
    $videoprops[gettext_noop('# Played')] = scrub_out($video->object_cnt);
foreach ($videoprops as $key => $value) {
    if (trim($value)) {
        $rowparity = UI::flip_class();
        echo "<dt class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . T_($key) . "</dt><dd class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . $value . "</dd>";
 protected function getEmailLabel($flag)
     switch ($flag) {
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_ACTIVATED:
             return gettext_noop('Account activated');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_CONFIRM_MAIL:
             return gettext_noop('Confirm mail');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_CONFIRM_MODERATOR:
             return gettext_noop('Confirm moderator');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_DISABLED:
             return gettext_noop('Account disabled');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_DOUBLE_CONFIRM_MAIL:
             return gettext_noop('Double confirm');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_MODERATOR:
             return gettext_noop('Moderator notification');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_WELCOME:
             return gettext_noop('Welcome');
         case SiteRegistrationOptions::REGISTRATION_EMAIL_WELCOME_CONFIRM_MAIL:
             return gettext_noop('Welcome, confirm mail');
Exemplo n.º 27

 * Copyright (C) 2015 schurix
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
namespace BubblePle;

use BjyAuthorize\Provider;
use BjyAuthorize\Guard;
use XelaxAdmin\Router\ListRoute;
$xelaxConfig = array('list_controller' => include __DIR__ . '/xelax.config.php');
$routerConfig = array('home' => array('options' => array('defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\IndexController::class))), 'test' => array('type' => 'Literal', 'options' => array('route' => '/test', 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'renderForm', 'bubbleType' => 'BubblePle\\Entity\\FileAttachment', 'bubbleId' => 10))), 'zfcadmin' => array('child_routes' => array('bubblePLE' => array('type' => 'Literal', 'options' => array('route' => '/bubblePLE'), 'may_terminate' => false, 'child_routes' => array('edges' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'edges')), 'bubbles' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'bubbles')), 'semesters' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'semesters')), 'courses' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'courses')), 'l2pmaterialfolders' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'l2pmaterialfolders')), 'attachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'attachments')), 'fileAttachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'fileAttachments')), 'l2pmaterialattachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'l2pmaterialattachments')), 'mediaAttachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'mediaAttachments')), 'imageAttachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'imageAttachments')), 'videoAttachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'videoAttachments')), 'linkAttachments' => array('type' => ListRoute::class, 'options' => array('controller_options_name' => 'linkAttachments')), 'filter' => array('type' => 'Segment', 'options' => array('route' => '/filter[/parent/:parent]', 'constraints' => array('parent' => '[0-9]+'), 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'filter'))), 'form' => array('type' => 'Segment', 'options' => array('route' => '/form/:bubbleType[/:bubbleId]', 'constraints' => array('bubbleId' => '[0-9]*', 'bubbleType' => "[A-Za-z0-9%]*"), 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'renderForm'))), 'sync' => array('type' => 'Literal', 'options' => array('route' => '/sync', 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'sync'))), 'share' => array('type' => 'Segment', 'options' => array('route' => '/share/:bubbleId/:userId', 'constraints' => array('bubbleId' => '[0-9]+', 'userId' => '[0-9]+'), 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'share'))), 'unshare' => array('type' => 'Segment', 'options' => array('route' => '/unshare/:bubbleId/:userId', 'constraints' => array('bubbleId' => '[0-9]+', 'userId' => '[0-9]+'), 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'unShare'))), 'usernames' => array('type' => 'Literal', 'options' => array('route' => '/usernames', 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'usernames'))), 'updatePositions' => array('type' => 'Literal', 'options' => array('route' => '/updatePositions', 'defaults' => array('controller' => Controller\BubbleController::class, 'action' => 'updatePositions'))))))));
$guardConfig = array('test' => ['route' => 'test', 'roles' => ['guest', 'user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/updatePositions', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/sync', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/filter', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/form', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/usernames', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/share', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/unshare', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/edges', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/bubbles', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/semesters', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/courses', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/l2pmaterialfolders', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/l2pmaterialattachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/attachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/fileAttachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/mediaAttachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/imageAttachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/videoAttachments', 'roles' => ['user']], ['route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/linkAttachments', 'roles' => ['user']]);
$ressources = array('bubblePLE');
$ressourceAllowRules = array([['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'edges/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'bubbles/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'semesters/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'courses/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'l2PMaterialFolders/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'l2PMaterialAttachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'attachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'fileAttachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'mediaAttachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'imageAttachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'videoAttachments/list'], [['moderator'], 'bubblePLE', 'linkAttachments/list']);
return array('controllers' => array('invokables' => array(Controller\IndexController::class => Controller\IndexController::class, Controller\BubbleController::class => Controller\BubbleController::class, Controller\SemesterController::class => Controller\SemesterController::class)), 'xelax' => $xelaxConfig, 'router' => array('routes' => $routerConfig), 'bjyauthorize' => array('resource_providers' => array(Provider\Resource\Config::class => $ressources), 'rule_providers' => array(Provider\Rule\Config::class => array('allow' => $ressourceAllowRules, 'deny' => array())), 'guards' => array(Guard\Route::class => $guardConfig)), 'translator' => array('translation_file_patterns' => array(array('type' => 'gettext', 'base_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../language', 'pattern' => ''))), 'service_manager' => array('factories' => array(), 'invokables' => array(Service\L2PSync::class => Service\L2PSync::class, Service\BubblePermission::class => Service\BubblePermission::class, Listener\L2PListener::class => Listener\L2PListener::class)), 'view_manager' => array('template_path_stack' => array(__DIR__ . '/../view'), 'template_map' => array('angular/layout' => __DIR__ . '/../view/angular/layout.phtml')), 'navigation' => array('admin' => array(array('label' => gettext_noop('BubblePLE'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubbles', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'bubbles/list', 'pages' => array(array('label' => gettext_noop('Edges'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/edges', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'edges/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('Bubbles'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/bubbles', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'bubbles/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('Semesters'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/semesters', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'semesters/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('Courses'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/courses', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'courses/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('L2PMaterialFolders'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/l2pmaterialfolders', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'l2PMaterialFolders/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('Attachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/attachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'attachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('FileAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/fileAttachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'fileAttachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('L2PMaterialAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/l2pmaterialattachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'l2PMaterialAttachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('MediaAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/mediaAttachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'mediaAttachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('ImageAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/imageAttachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'imageAttachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('VideoAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/videoAttachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'videoAttachments/list'), array('label' => gettext_noop('LinkAttachments'), 'route' => 'zfcadmin/bubblePLE/linkAttachments', 'resource' => 'bubblePLE', 'privilege' => 'linkAttachments/list'))))), 'doctrine' => array('driver' => array(__NAMESPACE__ . '_driver' => array('class' => \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver::class, 'cache' => 'array', 'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/' . __NAMESPACE__ . '/Entity')), 'orm_default' => array('drivers' => array(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver')))));
Exemplo n.º 28
if (AmpConfig::get('show_lyrics')) {
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Lyrics')] = $song->f_lyrics;
if (AmpConfig::get('licensing')) {
    if ($song->license) {
        $license = new License($song->license);
        $songprops[gettext_noop('Licensing')] = $license->f_link;
$owner_id = $song->get_user_owner();
if (AmpConfig::get('sociable') && $owner_id > 0) {
    $owner = new User($owner_id);
    $songprops[gettext_noop('Uploaded by')] = $owner->f_link;
foreach ($songprops as $key => $value) {
    if (trim($value)) {
        $rowparity = UI::flip_class();
        echo "<dt class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . T_($key) . "</dt><dd class=\"" . $rowparity . "\">" . $value . "</dd>";
if (Song::isCustomMetadataEnabled()) {
    $dismetas = $song->getDisabledMetadataFields();
    foreach ($song->getMetadata() as $metadata) {
        if (!in_array($metadata->getField()->getName(), $dismetas)) {
            $rowparity = UI::flip_class();
            echo '<dt class="' . $rowparity . '">' . $metadata->getField()->getFormattedName() . '</dt>';
            echo '<dd class="' . $rowparity . '">' . $metadata->getData() . '</dd>';