function hottags_recache()
    global $DB, $db_prefix, $options;
    $setting = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT value FROM {$db_prefix}settings WHERE title='hottags_shownum'");
    $limit = $setting['value'] ? (int) $setting['value'] : 0;
    $tagdb = $counts = array();
    if ($limit) {
        $smallest = 14;
        $largest = 28;
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT mid, name, slug, description, count FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='tag' ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
        while ($tag = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
            $tag['counts'] = tag_count_scale($tag['count'] ? $tag['count'] : 1);
            $counts[$tag['mid']] = $tag['counts'];
            $tag['url'] = gettaglink($tag['slug']);
            $tagdb[$tag['mid']] = $tag;
        if ($counts) {
            $min_count = @min($counts);
            $spread = @max($counts) - $min_count;
            if ($spread <= 0) {
                $spread = 1;
            $font_spread = $largest - $smallest;
            if ($font_spread < 0) {
                $font_spread = 1;
            $font_step = $font_spread / $spread;
            foreach ($tagdb as $mid => $tag) {
                $tagdb[$mid]['fontsize'] = $smallest + ($tag['counts'] - $min_count) * $font_step;
    $contents = "\$tagcache = unserialize('" . addcslashes(serialize($tagdb), '\\\'') . "');";
    writetocache('hottags', $contents);
Exemplo n.º 2
         if ($article['description']) {
             $article['content'] = $article['description'];
     $articledb[$article['articleid']] = $article;
 scookie('viewarticle', $timestamp);
 $metadb = array();
 if ($aids) {
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT m.mid,, m.slug, m.type, r.cid FROM {$db_prefix}metas m\r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$db_prefix}relationships r ON r.mid = m.mid\r\n\t\t\tWHERE m.type IN ('category', 'tag') AND r.cid IN ({$aids})\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY m.displayorder ASC, m.mid DESC");
     while ($meta = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
         if ($meta['type'] == 'tag') {
             $meta['url'] = gettaglink($meta['slug']);
             $articledb[$meta['cid']]['content'] = highlight_tag($articledb[$meta['cid']]['content'], $meta['name']);
         } else {
             $meta['url'] = getcatelink($meta['mid'], $meta['slug']);
         $metadb[$meta['cid']][$meta['type']][] = $meta;
     if ($haveattach) {
         require_once SABLOG_ROOT . 'include/func/attachment.func.php';
         $attachdb = array();
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT attachmentid, articleid, dateline, filename, filetype, filesize, downloads, filepath, thumb_filepath, thumb_width, thumb_height, isimage FROM {$db_prefix}attachments WHERE articleid IN ({$aids}) ORDER BY attachmentid");
         $size = explode('x', strtolower($options['attachments_thumbs_size']));
         while ($attach = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
             $attach['filesize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
Exemplo n.º 3
 $arttotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(articleid) FROM {$db_prefix}articles a WHERE 1 {$addquery}"), 0);
 $hiddenarttotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(articleid) FROM {$db_prefix}articles a WHERE visible='0' {$addquery}"), 0);
 $displayarttotal = $arttotal - $hiddenarttotal;
 $stickarttotal = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(articleid) FROM {$db_prefix}articles a WHERE stick='1' {$addquery}"), 0);
 if ($mid) {
     $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid, name, slug, count, type FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE mid='{$mid}'");
     if (!$r) {
         redirect('记录不存在.', './');
     $aids = get_cids($r['mid']);
     $total = $r['count'];
     if ($total && $aids) {
         $addquery .= " AND a.articleid IN ({$aids})";
     $pageurl = gettaglink($r['slug']);
     $pagelink .= '&amp;mid=' . $mid;
     if ($r['type'] == 'category') {
         $subnav = '分类:' . $r['name'];
     } else {
         $subnav = 'Tags:' . $r['name'];
 if ($view == 'stick') {
     $addquery .= " AND a.stick='1'";
     $subnav = '置顶的日志';
     $pagelink .= '&amp;view=stick';
 } elseif ($view == 'hidden') {
     $addquery .= " AND a.visible='0'";
     $subnav = '隐藏的日志';
     $pagelink .= '&amp;view=hidden';
function highlight_tag($content, $tag)
    global $options;
    $tag = trim($tag);
    if (preg_match('/<a[^>]+?' . preg_quote($tag) . '[^>]+?>/i', $content)) {
        return $content;
    if (preg_match('/<img[^>]+?' . preg_quote($tag) . '[^>]+?>/i', $content)) {
        return $content;
    $content = preg_replace('/' . $tag . '/i', '<a href="' . gettaglink(urlencode($tag)) . '" onclick="javascript:tagshow(\'' . $tag . '\');return false;">' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . '</a>', $content, 1);
    if(function_exists('eregi_replace')) {	
    	$content = eregi_replace($tag, '<a href="'.$tagurl.'" onclick="tagshow(\''.$tag.'\');return false;" class="tagshow">'.htmlspecialchars($tag).'</a>', $content);	
    } else {
    	$content = str_replace($tag, '<a href="'.$tagurl.'" onclick="tagshow(\''.$tag.'\');return false;" class="tagshow">'.htmlspecialchars($tag).'</a>', $content);	
    return $content;
Exemplo n.º 5
 $pagenum = 400;
 if ($page) {
     $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum;
 } else {
     $start_limit = 0;
     $page = 1;
 $smallest = 14;
 $largest = 28;
 $multipage = multi($stats['tag_count'], $pagenum, $page, $tagslist_url, '', $maxpages);
 $query = $DB->query("SELECT mid, name, slug, type, count FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type = 'tag' ORDER BY mid DESC LIMIT {$start_limit}, " . $pagenum);
 $tagdb = $counts = array();
 while ($tag = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
     $tag['counts'] = tag_count_scale($tag['count'] ? $tag['count'] : 1);
     $counts[$tag['mid']] = $tag['counts'];
     $tag['url'] = gettaglink($tag['slug']);
     $tagdb[$tag['mid']] = $tag;
 if ($counts) {
     $min_count = @min($counts);
     $spread = @max($counts) - $min_count;
     if ($spread <= 0) {
         $spread = 1;
     $font_spread = $largest - $smallest;
     if ($font_spread < 0) {
         $font_spread = 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
    if ($tag) {
        $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT mid, name, slug, count FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type='tag' AND name='{$tag}' LIMIT 1");
        if (!$r) {
            $html .= 'TAG记录不存在';
        } else {
            $aids = get_cids($r['mid']);
            if ($aids) {
                $total = $r['count'];
                $query = $DB->query("SELECT articleid, title, alias FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE visible='1' AND articleid IN ({$aids}) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 10");
                $html .= '<ul>';
                while ($article = $DB->fetch_array($query)) {
                    $html .= '<li><a href="' . getpermalink($article['articleid'], $article['alias']) . '">' . $article['title'] . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '</ul>';
                if ($total > 10) {
                    $html .= '<div style="padding-top:20px;text-align:right;"><a href="' . gettaglink($r['slug']) . '">更多相关文章</a></p>';
            } else {
                $html .= '没有相关文章';
    } else {
        $html .= '没有相关文章';
    $html .= '</div>';
if ($_GET['action'] == 'getalltag') {
    $html = '<h2><a href="javascript:;" onclick="document.getElementById(\'ajax-div\').style.display=\'none\';">关闭</a>插入已有的标签</h2>';
    $total = $DB->result($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM {$db_prefix}metas WHERE type IN ('tag')"), 0);
    $html .= '<div class="alltag">';