function getSql($type, $pageno = '', $pagesize = '', $postinfo = '', $addtype = '', $pid_list = '', $get_order_by_str = '') { require_once './class/db.class.php'; $sql = ''; if (!empty($type)) { switch ($type) { //首页 case 'top': //头条大图 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . TOPBID . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'tops': //头条小图 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . TOPSBID . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'topic_pic': //话题大图 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT title,pic,idtype,id FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` WHERE bid=" . TOPICPICBID . " ORDER BY dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'topic': //话题 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.idtype,,a.dateline, FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON = b.tid LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_forum` as c ON b.fid = c.fid WHERE" . TOPICBID . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'poll': //投票 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.idtype,,b.subject,b.dateline,c.expiration FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON = b.tid LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_poll` as c ON = c.tid WHERE" . POLLBID . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'poll_detail': //投票详情 $sql = "SELECT votes,polloption,polloptionid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_polloption` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' ORDER BY polloptionid asc"; break; case 'poll_result': //投票结果统计 $sql = "SELECT a.votes,a.polloption,b.voters FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_polloption` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_poll` as b ON a.tid=b.tid WHERE a.tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' ORDER BY a.polloptionid asc"; break; case 'allpoll': $sql = "SELECT title FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` WHERE bid=" . POLLBID . " ORDER BY dateline desc"; break; case 'index2': //茶座 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . INDEX2 . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'index3': //焦点 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . INDEX3 . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'index4': //娱乐 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . INDEX4 . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'index5': //情感 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.title,a.pic,a.summary,a.idtype,,b.closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_block_item_data` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON WHERE" . INDEX5 . " ORDER BY a.dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; //生活 //生活 case 'second1': //美食 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND1 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'second2': //汽车 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND2 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'second3': //房产 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND3 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'second4': //家装 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND4 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'second5': //婚姻 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND5 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'second6': //母婴 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . SECOND6 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; //安卓额外 //安卓额外 case 'third1': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD1 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'third2': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD2 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'third3': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD3 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'third4': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD4 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'third5': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD5 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'third6': //板块1 $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE `displayorder` = '0' AND `fid` = '" . THIRD6 . "' " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; //论坛部分 //论坛部分 case 'forum_list': //论坛板块列表 $sql = "SELECT a.fid,a.fup,a.type,,a.status,b.viewperm,b.postperm,b.replyperm,b.postimageperm,b.formulaperm,b.moderators,b.spviewperm FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_forum` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_forumfield` as b ON a.fid=b.fid WHERE a.status = 1 ORDER BY a.displayorder asc"; break; case 'thread_list': //板块帖子列表(需要传一个fid参数) //调取板块默认排序方式 $orderby = ''; $ascdesc = ''; $forums_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_syscache` WHERE cname = 'forums'"; $db = new DB(); $forums_info = $db->fetch_all($forums_sql); $forums_string = $forums_info[0]['data']; if (strtoupper(DBCHARSET) == 'GBK') { $forums_string = mb_convert_encoding($forums_string, 'GBK', 'UTF-8'); } $forums = unserialize($forums_string); if (!empty($forums)) { foreach ($forums as $k => $v) { if ($v['fid'] == $_GET['fid']) { $orderby = $v['orderby']; $ascdesc = $v['ascdesc']; break; } } } $orderby = $this->getorderby($orderby, $ascdesc); $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); if ($_GET['orderby'] == '') { $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE displayorder != '-1' AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . $orderby . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; } else { $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid,closed FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE displayorder != '-1' AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . " " . $get_order_by_str . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; } break; case 'threadcount': $sql = "SELECT count(tid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE displayorder = '0' AND fid=" . $_GET['fid']; break; case 'thread_detail_getpid': $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); if ($addtype == 'only_owner') { //只看楼主 $sql = "SELECT pid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' AND invisible = '0' AND authorid = '" . $_GET['authorid'] . "' GROUP BY pid ORDER BY dateline asc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; } elseif ($addtype == 'last_post') { //最新回复 $sql = "SELECT pid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' AND invisible = '0' GROUP BY pid ORDER BY dateline desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; } else { $sql = "SELECT pid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' AND invisible = '0' GROUP BY pid ORDER BY dateline asc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; } break; case 'thread_detail': //帖子详细(需要传一个tid参数) //$limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno,$pagesize); if ($addtype == 'only_owner') { //只看楼主 $sql = "SELECT a.status,a.anonymous,,subject,message,a.dateline,a.tid,author,b.uid,fid,avatarstatus,c.attachment,c.remote FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "common_member` as b ON a.authorid=b.uid LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_attachment_" . gettableidbytid($_GET['tid']) . "` as c ON WHERE IN (" . $pid_list . ") ORDER BY dateline asc"; } elseif ($addtype == 'last_post') { //最新回复 $sql = "SELECT a.status,a.anonymous,,subject,message,a.dateline,a.tid,author,b.uid,fid,avatarstatus,c.attachment,c.remote FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "common_member` as b ON a.authorid=b.uid LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_attachment_" . gettableidbytid($_GET['tid']) . "` as c ON WHERE IN (" . $pid_list . ") ORDER BY dateline desc"; } else { $sql = "SELECT a.status,a.anonymous,,subject,message,a.dateline,a.tid,author,b.uid,fid,avatarstatus,c.attachment,c.remote FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "common_member` as b ON a.authorid=b.uid LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_attachment_" . gettableidbytid($_GET['tid']) . "` as c ON WHERE IN (" . $pid_list . ") ORDER BY dateline asc"; } break; case 'owner_authorid': $sql = "SELECT authorid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE tid=" . $_GET['tid'] . " AND first = '1'"; break; case 'postcount': //帖子楼层总数 if ($addtype == 'only_owner') { //只看楼主 $sql = "SELECT count(pid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE invisible = '0' AND tid=" . $_GET['tid'] . " AND authorid=" . $_GET['authorid']; } else { $sql = "SELECT count(pid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE invisible = '0' AND tid=" . $_GET['tid']; } break; case 'top_thread': //置顶帖子(需要传一个fid参数) $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE displayorder>0 AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'top_thread_count': //置顶帖子数量 $sql = "SELECT count(tid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE displayorder>0 AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . " ORDER BY dateline desc"; break; case 'digest_thread': //精华帖(需要传一个fid参数) $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE digest!=0 AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1] . " ORDER BY dateline desc"; break; case 'digest_thread_count': //精华帖子数量 $sql = "SELECT count(tid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE digest!=0 AND fid=" . $_GET['fid']; break; case 'search_thread': //搜索帖子(需要传一个fid参数+一个keyword参数<经过url编码过的>) $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT subject,author,dateline,views,replies,tid,fid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE subject like '%" . urldecode($_GET['keyword']) . "%' AND fid=" . $_GET['fid'] . " LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'search_thread_count': //搜索结果帖子数量 $sql = "SELECT count(tid) as num FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE subject like '%" . urldecode($_GET['keyword']) . "%' AND fid=" . $_GET['fid']; break; case 'post_step1': //发帖插入主题表(需要传一个fid参数) if ($_GET['img'] == '1') { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` (`fid`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`lastpost`,`lastposter`,`views`,`attachment`,`typeid`,`displayorder`) VALUES ('" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','1','2','" . $postinfo['typeid'] . "','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "')"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` (`fid`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`lastpost`,`lastposter`,`views`,`typeid`,`displayorder`) VALUES ('" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','1','" . $postinfo['typeid'] . "','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "')"; } break; case 'post_step2': //发帖插入帖子表(需要传一个fid参数) if ($_GET['img'] == '1') { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` (`pid`,`fid`,`tid`,`first`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`message`,`useip`,`bbcodeoff`,`smileyoff`,`usesig`,`attachment`,`invisible`,`status`) VALUES ('" . $postinfo['pid'] . "','" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $postinfo['tid'] . "','1','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . strtr(addslashes($postinfo['message']), array('(' => '\\(', ')' => '\\)')) . "','" . $postinfo['useip'] . "','-1','0','1','2','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "','" . $postinfo['status'] . "')"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` (`pid`,`fid`,`tid`,`first`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`message`,`useip`,`bbcodeoff`,`smileyoff`,`usesig`,`invisible`,`status`) VALUES ('" . $postinfo['pid'] . "','" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $postinfo['tid'] . "','1','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . strtr(addslashes($postinfo['message']), array('(' => '\\(', ')' => '\\)')) . "','" . $postinfo['useip'] . "','-1','0','1','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "','" . $postinfo['status'] . "')"; } break; case 'reply': //回帖(需要传一个tid参数) if ($_GET['img'] == '1') { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` (`pid`,`fid`,`tid`,`first`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`message`,`useip`,`bbcodeoff`,`smileyoff`,`usesig`,`attachment`,`invisible`,`status`) VALUES ('" . $postinfo['pid'] . "','" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $_GET['tid'] . "','0','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . strtr(addslashes($postinfo['message']), array('(' => '\\(', ')' => '\\)')) . "','" . $postinfo['useip'] . "','" . $postinfo['bbcodeoff'] . "','0','1','2','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "','" . $postinfo['status'] . "')"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` (`pid`,`fid`,`tid`,`first`,`author`,`authorid`,`subject`,`dateline`,`message`,`useip`,`bbcodeoff`,`smileyoff`,`usesig`,`invisible`,`status`) VALUES ('" . $postinfo['pid'] . "','" . $_GET['fid'] . "','" . $_GET['tid'] . "','0','" . $postinfo['author'] . "','" . $postinfo['authorid'] . "','" . $postinfo['subject'] . "','" . $postinfo['date'] . "','" . strtr(addslashes($postinfo['message']), array('(' => '\\(', ')' => '\\)')) . "','" . $postinfo['useip'] . "','" . $postinfo['bbcodeoff'] . "','0','1','" . $postinfo['verify'] . "','" . $postinfo['status'] . "')"; } break; case 'smiley': $sql = "SELECT code,url FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_smiley` WHERE type='smiley' AND typeid='" . SMILEY_TYPEID . "' ORDER BY displayorder asc"; break; case 'all_smiley': $sql = "SELECT code,url,directory FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_smiley` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_imagetype` as b ON a.typeid=b.typeid WHERE a.type='smiley' AND b.available != '0'"; break; case 'memberinfo': $sql = "SELECT username,adminid,groupid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_member` WHERE uid = " . intval($_GET['uid']); break; case 'picshow_info': $limit_param = $this->getLimitParam($pageno, $pagesize); $sql = "SELECT a.picshow_id,a.picshow_title,a.picshow_coverpic,a.tid,b.fid FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_picshow` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` as b ON a.tid=b.tid ORDER BY a.picshow_addtime desc LIMIT " . $limit_param[0] . "," . $limit_param[1]; break; case 'picshow_pic_info': $sql = "SELECT a.*,b.picshow_title,b.picshow_content FROM `" . DB_PRE . "common_pic` as a LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PRE . "common_picshow` as b ON a.picshow_id=b.picshow_id WHERE a.picshow_id = '" . $_GET['picshow_id'] . "'"; break; default: $sql = "none"; } return $sql; } }
echo '<script>alert("成功新增一条图片新闻!");window.location.href="picshow_list.php"</script>'; die; } else { echo '<script>alert("新增一条图片新闻失败");history.back();</script>'; die; } } if ($_GET['tid'] == '' || $_GET['tid'] == '0') { echo '<script>alert("参数错误");history.back();</script>'; } else { $sql = "SELECT pid,author,authorid,subject,message FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_post` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "' ORDER BY pid asc LIMIT 0,1"; $thread_info = $db->fetch_all($sql); if (empty($thread_info)) { echo '<script>alert("帖子信息为空");history.back();</script>'; } else { $picsql = "SELECT attachment FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_attachment_" . gettableidbytid($_GET['tid']) . "` WHERE pid = '" . $thread_info[0]['pid'] . "'"; $picinfo = $db->fetch_all($picsql); } } /** * 根据tid获取到附件表的tableid */ function gettableidbytid($tid) { $tid_s = (string) $tid; $tableid = intval($tid_s[strlen($tid_s) - 1]); return $tableid; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""><head>
$tmp_data_array[$tk]['attachment'] = $tmp_data_array[$tk]['attachment'] != '' ? $tmp_data_array[$tk]['attachment'] . ',' . $data_array[$k]['attachment'] : $data_array[$k]['attachment']; //将图片加入attachment } break; } } if ($sign) { $tmp_data_array[$v['pid']] = $data_array[$k]; } } unset($tmp_attchment_array); unset($first_c); } } $data_array = $tmp_data_array; $tableid = gettableidbytid(intval($_GET['tid'])); if (!empty($data_array)) { foreach ($data_array as $k => $v) { //添加用户头像信息 if ($v['avatarstatus'] == '1' && $v['anonymous'] == '0') { //有头像 $data_array[$k]['avatar_url'] = getuseravatarurl($v['uid']); } else { //无头像则返回默认头像 $data_array[$k]['avatar_url'] = UC_URL . '/images/noavatar_small.gif'; } //对用户名进行匿名和游客的判断 if ($v['uid'] == 0) { $data_array[$k]['author'] = '游客'; } if ($v['anonymous'] == '1') {