Exemplo n.º 1
function getoption_values($option)
    if ($option == 'USA' || $option == 'US') {
        $values = array("AL" => "Alabama", "AK" => "Alaska", "AS" => "American Samoa", "AZ" => "Arizona", "AR" => "Arkansas", "AE" => "Armed Forces Africa", "AA" => "Armed Forces Americas", "AC" => "Armed Forces Canada", "AE" => "Armed Forces Europe", "AM" => "Armed Forces Middle East", "AP" => "Armed Forces Pacific", "CA" => "California", "CO" => "Colorado", "CT" => "Connecticut", "DE" => "Delaware", "DC" => "District Of Columbia", "FM" => "Fed. States Of Micronesia", "FP" => "Fleet Post Office ", "FL" => "Florida", "GA" => "Georgia", "GU" => "Guam", "HI" => "Hawaii", "ID" => "Idaho", "IL" => "Illinois", "IN" => "Indiana", "IA" => "Iowa", "KS" => "Kansas", "KY" => "Kentucky", "LA" => "Louisiana", "ME" => "Maine", "MH" => "Marshall Islands", "MD" => "Maryland", "MA" => "Massachusetts", "MI" => "Michigan", "MN" => "Minnesota", "MS" => "Mississippi", "MO" => "Missouri", "MT" => "Montana", "NE" => "Nebraska", "NV" => "Nevada", "NH" => "New Hampshire", "NJ" => "New Jersey", "NM" => "New Mexico", "NY" => "New York", "NL" => "Newfoundland and Labrador", "NC" => "North Carolina", "ND" => "North Dakota", "MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands", "OH" => "Ohio", "OK" => "Oklahoma", "OR" => "Oregon", "PW" => "Palau", "PA" => "Pennsylvania", "PR" => "Puerto Rico", "RI" => "Rhode Island", "SC" => "South Carolina", "SD" => "South Dakota", "TN" => "Tennessee", "TX" => "Texas", "UT" => "Utah", "VT" => "Vermont", "VI" => "Virgin Islands", "VA" => "Virginia", "WA" => "Washington", "WV" => "West Virginia", "WI" => "Wisconsin", "WY" => "Wyoming", "YK" => "Yukon", "YT" => "Yukon");
    if ($option == 'CAN' || $option == 'CA') {
        $values = array("AB" => "Alberta", "BC" => "British Columbia", "MB" => "Manitoba", "NB" => "New Brunswick", "NF" => "Newfoundland", "NT" => "Northwest Territory", "NS" => "Nova Scotia", "NU" => "Nunavut", "ON" => "Ontario", "PE" => "Prince Edward Island", "QC" => "Quebec", "SK" => "Saskatchewan", "YT" => "Yukon");
    if ($option != 0 && $option != 1) {
        $values = array('NUS' => 'Non US State');
    return $values;
$country = $_REQUEST['country'];
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$states = getoption_values($country);
if ($type != 'ez') {
    foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
        $countrys .= '<option value="' . $key . '" <? if($name==$user_row[user_country]) echo \'selected="selected"\';?> ' . $value . '</option>';
    echo '<select name="bill_state" id="bill_state" style="width:196px;"><option value="">--Select State--</option>' . $countrys . '</select>';
} else {
    foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
        $countrys .= '<option value="' . $key . '" <? if($name==$ship_state) echo \'selected="selected"\';?> ' . $value . '</option>';
    echo '<select name="state" id="state" onblur="shipping_price()" style="width:196px;"><option value="">--Select State--</option>' . $countrys . '</select>';
Exemplo n.º 2
                                    <div class="div_text" id="bill_country_div" style="display:none;float:left;padding-left:10px">*Please enter country</div>
                                <div style="padding-top:10px;clear:both">
                                    <div style="float:left;width:150px;text-align:right;margin-top:4px;" class="checkout"><span style="color:#FF0000;">*&nbsp;</span>State/Province:</div>
                                    <div style="float:left;margin-left:10px" id="stat_div"><?php 
if ($user_row['user_country'] != 'US' && $user_row['user_country'] != 'CA') {
<input type="text" id="bill_state" name="bill_state" style="width:190px" value="<?php 
    echo $user_row['user_state'];
} else {
    $states = getoption_values('state', NULL, $user_row['user_country']);
                                    <select name="bill_state" id="bill_state" style="width:196px;"><option value="">--Select State--</option>
    foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
                                        <option value="<?php 
        echo $key;
" <?php 
        if ($key == $user_row['user_state']) {
            echo 'selected="selected"';
        echo $value;
Exemplo n.º 3
while ($conversation = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_conversation)) {
    $name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT concat(`user_fname`,' ',`user_lname`)as name FROM `toon_users` WHERE `user_id`='{$conversation['user_id']}'"));
    $attachment = $conversation['msg_attachment'];
    $file = explode('.', $attachment);
    $ext = $file[1];
                <td width="25%"class="table_details"  valign="top"><?php 
    echo $name['name'];
                <td class="message" >
    if ($attachment) {
        if (in_array($ext, getoption_values('image_types'))) {
                			<a href="<?php 
            echo DIR_MESSAGING_IMAGES . $attachment;
"onclick="return hs.expand(this)"><img src="<?php 
            echo '../includes/imageProcess.php?image=' . $attachment . '&type=messaging&size=30';
" border="0"/></a></br><?php 
        } else {
                        	<a href="<?php 
            echo DIR_MESSAGING_IMAGES . $attachment;
"><img src="images/generic.gif" border="0" /></a></br>
Exemplo n.º 4
    echo $value;
                  <td align="left" class="table_details">Country&nbsp;:</td>
                  <td align="left"><?php 
$countryprovince = getoption_values(country);
                    <select name="user_country" id="user_country" style="width:142px;" onchange="return country('user_country','user_state');">
                      <option value="">--Select--</option>
foreach ($countryprovince as $key => $value) {
                      <option value="<?php 
    echo $key;
" <?php 
    if ($key == $row_artist['user_country']) {
        echo 'selected="selected"';
Exemplo n.º 5

include "includes/configuration.php";
include DIR_FUNCTIONS . 'options.php';
$artist_id = $_GET['artist_id'];
$artist_name_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `toon_users` WHERE `user_id`='{$artist_id}'");
$artist_name_row = mysql_fetch_array($artist_name_query);
$artist_review_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM toon_orders WHERE artist_id = '" . $artist_id . "' AND (order_status='Completed' OR order_status='artist paid') ORDER BY `review_date` DESC");
$artist_num = @mysql_num_rows($artist_review_query);
$countryprovince = getoption_values('country');
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/highslide.css" />
<link href="styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div >
        <div style="padding-left:10px; padding-bottom:10px; height:150px;">
            <div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><?php 
if ($artist_name_row['user_image'] == '') {
<img src="z_uploads/profile_images/noimage.gif" border="0" width="100" /><?php 
} else {
<img src="z_uploads/profile_images/<?php 
    echo $artist_name_row['user_image'];
" border="0" width="140" /><?php 
Exemplo n.º 6
                  <td align="left" class="text_blue" valign="top">Address2&nbsp;:</td>
                  <td align="left"><textarea name="user_address2" id="user_address2" ><?php 
    echo $artist_address2;
                  <td align="left" class="text_blue">Country&nbsp;:<span style="color:#F00;">*</span></td>
                  <td align="left">
    $countries = getoption_values('country');
					<select name="bill_country" id="bill_country" onChange="check_us(this.value)" style="width:180px;">
					<option value="">Select Country</option>
    foreach ($countries as $name => $code) {
						<option value="<?php 
        echo $name;
" <?php 
        if ($artist_country == $name) {
 selected="selected" <?php 