Exemplo n.º 1
                if ($pa > 0) {
                    $js_c .= '
		if(confirm(\'确认要删除?\'))location.href=\'?m=album&id=' . $r_dbp['id'] . '&did=\'+$(this).data(\'id\');
                    $cm[] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="' . ($pa == 9 ? 'del_list_img' : 'hs_cbt') . '" data-id="' . ($pa == 9 ? '0' : 'l_0|del_0') . '" class="f_link"/>';
                if ($pa == 9 && $r_dbp['disp'] > 0) {
                    $cm[] = '&nbsp;<span class="del_n">已删除</span> <a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r_dbp['id'] . '&amp;pid=0"><img src="images/o_4.gif" alt="" title="恢复"/></a>';
            if (isset($cm)) {
                $content .= '<span class="gmod">' . join('&nbsp; &nbsp;', $cm) . '</span>';
            $content .= $t . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gdate">' . getalink($r_dbp['aid'], $r_dbp['name']) . ', ' . getldate($r_dbp['datetime']) . '</span></div>';
            $eb = 3;
            $js_c .= '
	var i0=' . $eb . ';
	var i1=' . $eb . ';
		if($("div[rel=\'pr_a\']:last img").attr(\'src\').match(\'images/r_al.gif\')){
				$("div[rel=\'pr_a1\']:first").attr(\'rel\', \'pr_a\');
				$("div[rel=\'pr_a\']:last").after(\'<div class="pr_ld_img" rel="pr_a" style="display: none;background-image: url(images/loading.gif);"></div>\');
				$("div[rel=\'pr_a\']:last").load(\'j_photo.php?i=' . $r_dbp['id'] . '&s=\'+i0, function(){
					$("div[rel=\'pr_a\']:last").css(\'background-image\', \'\');
Exemplo n.º 2
 } else {
     $title .= '班级活动';
     $s_a_dbc = sprintf('select a.*, b.name from %s as a, %s as b where a.aid=b.id and a.disp=0 order by a.closed, a.sticky desc, a.datetime desc', $dbprefix . 'camp', $dbprefix . 'member');
     $q_a_dbc = mysql_query($s_a_dbc) or die('');
     $c_dbc = mysql_num_rows($q_a_dbc);
     if ($c_dbc > 0) {
         $p_dbc = ceil($c_dbc / $config['pagesize']);
         if ($page > $p_dbc) {
             $page = $p_dbc;
         $s_dbc = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dbc, ($page - 1) * $config['pagesize'], $config['pagesize']);
         $q_dbc = mysql_query($s_dbc) or die('');
         $r_dbc = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbc);
         do {
             $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '发起人:<a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r_dbc['aid'] . '">' . $r_dbc['name'] . '</a>, ' . ($r_dbc['closed'] > 0 ? '已结束' : getldate($r_dbc['datetime']));
             if ($r_dbc['content'] != '') {
                 $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = gbookencode($r_dbc['content']) . '<br/>';
             if ($r_dbc['closed'] == 0) {
                 if ($r_dbc['cdate'] != '') {
                     $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>活动时间:</strong>' . $r_dbc['cdate'];
                 if ($r_dbc['cloc'] != '') {
                     $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>活动地点:</strong>' . $r_dbc['cloc'];
                 if ($r_dbc['cpay'] != '') {
                     $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>活动费用:</strong>' . $r_dbc['cpay'];
                 $s_dbu = sprintf('select sum(tid) as ctid from %s where cid=%s', $dbprefix . 'cuser', $r_dbc['id']);
                 $q_dbu = mysql_query($s_dbu) or die('');
Exemplo n.º 3
    $content .= '<div class="title">上传文件管理</div><div class="lcontent"><div class="file_list" style="background-image: url(images/file_fo.gif);"><b>' . $path . '</b></div><br/>';
    if ($pm != '') {
        $content .= '<div class="file_list" style="background-image: url(images/o_0.gif);"><a href="?m=setting&amp;t=file&amp;p=' . $up . '">../</a></div>';
    if (isset($file_a) && count($file_a) > 0) {
        $js_c .= '
			if(confirm(\'确认要删除?\'))location.href=\'?m=setting&t=file&p=' . $pm . '&did=\'+$(this).data(\'id\');
        foreach ($file_a as $v) {
            if ($v[2] > 0) {
                $content .= '<div class="file_list" style="background-image: url(images/file_fc.gif);"><a href="?m=setting&amp;t=file&amp;p=' . $pm . $v[1] . '">' . $v[1] . '/</a></div>';
            } else {
                $fid = md5($v[1]);
                if (isset($_GET['did']) && $_GET['did'] == $fid) {
                    unlink($path . $v[1]);
                    header('Location:./?m=setting&t=file&p=' . $pm);
                $content .= '<div class="file_list" style="background-image: url(images/file_ff.gif);"><a href="' . $path . $v[1] . '">' . $v[1] . '</a>  - ' . getldate($v[0]) . ' <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="del_img" data-id="' . $fid . '" class="f_link"/></div>';
    } else {
        $content .= '<br/>当前目录没有文件';
    $content .= '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 4
    } else {
        $title .= ' - 收件箱';
        $s_a_dbg = sprintf('select a.*, b.name from %s as a, %s as b where a.tid=%s and a.aid=b.id order by a.datetime desc', $dbprefix . 'message', $dbprefix . 'member', $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']]);
        $q_a_dbg = mysql_query($s_a_dbg) or die('');
        $c_dbg = mysql_num_rows($q_a_dbg);
        if ($c_dbg > 0) {
            $p_dbg = ceil($c_dbg / $config['pagesize']);
            if ($page > $p_dbg) {
                $page = $p_dbg;
            $s_dbg = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dbg, ($page - 1) * $config['pagesize'], $config['pagesize']);
            $q_dbg = mysql_query($s_dbg) or die('');
            $r_dbg = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbg);
            $content .= '<div class="title">收件箱</div>';
            do {
                $content .= '<div class="topic" id="topic-' . $r_dbg['id'] . '"><a href="?m=message&amp;id=' . $r_dbg['aid'] . '#msg-' . $r_dbg['id'] . '">' . $r_dbg['name'] . '</a> 致 我' . ($r_dbg['readed'] > 0 ? ' <img src="../images/new.gif" alt="" title="新消息"/>' : '') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . getldate($r_dbg['datetime']) . '<div class="list_c">' . mbookencode($r_dbg['content']) . '</div></div>';
                if ($r_dbg['readed'] > 0) {
                    $u_db = sprintf('update %s set readed=0 where id=%s', $dbprefix . 'message', $r_dbg['id']);
                    $result = mysql_query($u_db) or die('');
            } while ($r_dbg = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbg));
            if ($p_dbg > 1) {
                $content .= getpage($page, $p_dbg);
        } else {
            $content .= '<div class="title">短消息</div><div class="lcontent">没有短消息</div>';
} else {
Exemplo n.º 5
     $q_dbr = mysql_query($s_dbr) or die('');
     if ($r_dbl['tid'] == 0 && $p_dbr > 1) {
         $content .= '<span class="plist_' . $r_dbl['id'] . '" id="plist_' . $r_dbl['id'] . '_1">';
 $r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr);
 do {
     $ei = $r_dbl['tid'] == 0 && $c_log && ($pa > $r_dbr['power'] || $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']] == $r_dbr['aid']) ? '&nbsp; <img src="images/o_3.gif" alt="" title="编辑" name="hs_cbt" data-id="l_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '|h_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '" class="f_link"/>' : '';
     $content .= '<div class="reply_v"><div id="l_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '">' . getalink($r_dbr['aid'], $r_dbr['name'], 1) . ':' . getaco($r_dbr['content'], $r_dbr['id'], 1) . '</div>';
     if ($ei != '') {
         $content .= getcform($r_dbr['id'], $r_dbr['content']);
     if ($r_dbl['tid'] == 0 && $c_log && $pa > 0 && $pa < 9) {
         $content .= '<form method="post" action="" class="btform" id="del_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '" style="display: none;"><table><tr><td>删除理由:</td><td><input name="rtext" size="32" class="bt_input" rel="删除理由" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="删除" class="button" /> <input value="取消" class="button" type="button" name="h_cbt" data-id="del_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '"/><input type="hidden" name="did" value="' . $r_dbr['id'] . '" /></td></tr></table></form>';
     $content .= '<div class="reply_i">- ' . getldate($r_dbr['datetime']) . $ei;
     if ($r_dbl['tid'] == 0 && $c_log) {
         if ($pa > 0) {
             $content .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="' . ($pa == 9 ? 'del_list_img' : 's_cbt') . '" data-id="' . ($pa == 9 ? '' : 'del_') . $r_dbr['id'] . '" class="f_link"/>';
         if ($pa == 9 && $r_dbr['disp'] > 0) {
             $content .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="del_n">已删除</span> <a href="?page=' . $page . '&amp;pid=' . $r_dbr['id'] . '"><img src="images/o_4.gif" alt="" title="恢复"/></a>';
     $content .= '</div></div>';
 } while ($r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr));
 if ($r_dbl['tid'] > 1) {
     $content .= '<a href="?m=' . ($r_dbl['tid'] > 2 ? 'camp' : 'album') . '&amp;id=' . $r_dbl['sid'] . '">更多留言</a>';
 } else {
     if ($p_dbr > 1) {
Exemplo n.º 6
 if ($id > 0 && $is_comment > 0 || $c_dbr > 0) {
     $content .= '<div class="reply_d">';
 if ($c_dbr > 0) {
     if ($id == 0 && $r_dbt['tid'] < 2) {
         $s_dbr = sprintf('%s limit %d', $s_a_dbr, $reply_s);
         $q_dbr = mysql_query($s_dbr) or die('');
     $r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr);
     $i = 0;
     $fid = 0;
     do {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $fid = $r_dbr['id'];
         $content .= '<div class="reply_v" id="reply-' . $r_dbr['id'] . '"><a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r_dbr['aid'] . '">' . $r_dbr['name'] . '</a>:' . ($id > 0 ? mbookencode($r_dbr['content']) : getmco($r_dbr['content'], $r_dbt['id'], $r_dbr['id'], 1)) . '<div class="reply_i">- ' . getldate($r_dbr['datetime']) . '</div></div>';
     } while ($r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr));
     if ($id == 0) {
         if ($r_dbt['tid'] > 1) {
             $content .= '<div class="reply_v"><a href="?m=' . ($r_dbt['tid'] > 2 ? 'camp' : 'album') . '&amp;id=' . $r_dbt['sid'] . '#topic-' . $fid . '">更多评论</a></div>';
         } else {
             if ($is_comment > 0) {
                 $a_ci[$r_dbt['id']][] = '<a href="?m=list&amp;id=' . $r_dbt['id'] . '#reply">发表回复</a>';
             if ($c_dbr > $reply_s) {
                 $a_ci[$r_dbt['id']][] = '<a href="?m=list&amp;id=' . $r_dbt['id'] . '">更多回复</a>';
             if (isset($a_ci[$r_dbt['id']])) {
                 $content .= '<div class="reply_v">' . join(' | ', $a_ci[$r_dbt['id']]) . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 7
        $s_dba = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dba, ($page - 1) * $config['pagesize'], $config['pagesize']);
        $q_dba = mysql_query($s_dba) or die('');
        $r_dba = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dba);
        $js_c .= '
        do {
            if (isset($_GET['did']) && $_GET['did'] == $r_dba['id']) {
                $d_db = sprintf('delete from %s where id=%s', $dbprefix . 'adminop', $r_dba['id']);
                $result = mysql_query($d_db) or die('');
            } else {
                $content .= '<li class="l_list"><a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r_dba['aid'] . '"><img src="avator.php?id=' . $r_dba['aid'] . '" alt="" title="' . $r_dba['name'] . '" class="photo" width="55" height="55"/></a><div class="list_r"><div class="list_title"><span class="gmod"><img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="del" data-id="' . $r_dba['id'] . '" class="f_link"/></span>' . getalink($r_dba['aid'], $r_dba['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gdate">' . getldate($r_dba['datetime']) . '</span></div><div class="list_c">';
                switch ($r_dba['tid']) {
                    case 1:
                        $pr = getpinfo($r_dba['sid']);
                        $content .= '<a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r_dba['sid'] . '"><img src="' . getthu($pr) . '" alt="" title="' . $pr['title'] . '" width="70" height="70" class="al_t"/></a><br/>';
                    case 2:
                        $pr = getcinfo($r_dba['sid'], 'title');
                        $content .= '<a href="?m=camp&amp;id=' . $r_dba['sid'] . '">' . $pr['title'] . '</a><br/><br/>';
                $content .= gbookencode($r_dba['content']) . '</div></div></li>';
        } while ($r_dba = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dba));
        $content .= '</ul>';
Exemplo n.º 8
                    if ($r_dbc['cloc'] != '') {
                        $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>活动地点:</strong>' . $r_dbc['cloc'];
                    if ($r_dbc['cpay'] != '') {
                        $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>活动费用:</strong>' . $r_dbc['cpay'];
                    $s_dbu = sprintf('select sum(tid) as ctid from %s where cid=%s', $dbprefix . 'cuser', $r_dbc['id']);
                    $q_dbu = mysql_query($s_dbu) or die('');
                    $r_dbu = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbu);
                    if (mysql_num_rows($q_dbu) > 0 && $r_dbu['ctid'] > 0) {
                        $ca[$r_dbc['id']][] = '<strong>已报名人数:</strong> ' . $r_dbu['ctid'] . ' 人';
                $content .= '<li><div class="title"><a href="?m=camp&amp;id=' . $r_dbc['id'] . '">' . $r_dbc['title'] . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gdate">' . ($r_dbc['closed'] > 0 ? '已结束' : '发起人:' . getalink($r_dbc['aid'], $r_dbc['name']) . ', ' . getldate($r_dbc['datetime'])) . ($r_dbc['disp'] > 0 ? ' <span class="del_n">已删除</span>' : '') . '</span></div>' . (isset($ca[$r_dbc['id']]) ? '<div class="lcontent">' . join('<br/>', $ca[$r_dbc['id']]) . '</div>' : '') . '</li>';
            } while ($r_dbc = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbc));
            $content .= '</ul>';
            if ($p_dbc > 1) {
                $content .= getpage($page, $p_dbc);
        } else {
            $content .= '<li><div class="title">班级活动</div><div class="lcontent">没有活动</div></li></ul>';
        if ($c_log) {
            $content .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=1.3"></script><div class="title">发起活动</div><div class="lcontent"><form method="post" action="" class="btform" id="camform"><table><tr><td>活动名称:</td><td><input name="title" size="32" class="bt_input" rel="活动名称" /></td></tr><tr><td>活动时间:</td><td><input name="cdate" size="32" /></td></tr><tr><td>活动地点:</td><td><input name="cloc" title="准确填写详细住址后可以在地图上显示" id="formloc" size="32" /><span name="s_cbt" data-id="map_tr" class="mlink f_link">从地图上选取</span></td></tr><tr id="map_tr" style="display: none;"><td></td><td>操作方法:左键按住移动,滚轮放大缩小,左键单击选取地点 <span name="h_cbt" data-id="map_tr" class="mlink f_link">关闭地图</span><div style="width: 400px;height: 300px;border:1px solid #999;" id="map_container"></div></td></tr><tr><td>活动费用:</td><td><input name="cpay" size="32" /></td></tr></table><div class="formline"><textarea name="rinfo" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea></div><div class="formline"><input type="submit" value="发布" class="button" /> <input type="reset" value="取消" class="button" /></div></form></div>';
            $js_c .= '
	var map=new BMap.Map(\'map_container\');
Exemplo n.º 9
function getpcinfo($r)
    global $pa, $c_log, $dbprefix, $config;
    $u = '?m=' . (isset($r['pid']) ? 'album&amp;id=' . $r['pid'] : 'camp&amp;id=' . $r['cid']);
    $c = '<li class="l_list"><a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r['aid'] . '"><img src="avator.php?id=' . $r['aid'] . '" alt="" title="' . $r['name'] . '" class="photo" width="55" height="55"/></a><div class="list_r"><div class="list_title">';
    if ($c_log && (!isset($r['sid']) || $r['sid'] == 0)) {
        if ($pa > $r['power'] || $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']] == $r['aid']) {
            $cm[] = '&nbsp;<img src="images/o_3.gif" alt="" title="编辑" name="hs_cbt" data-id="l_' . $r['id'] . '|h_' . $r['id'] . '" class="f_link"/>';
        if ($pa > 0) {
            $cm[] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="' . ($pa == 9 ? 'del_list_img' : 's_cbt') . '" data-id="' . ($pa == 9 ? '' : 'del_') . $r['id'] . '" class="f_link"/>';
        if ($pa == 9 && $r['disp'] > 0) {
            $cm[] = '&nbsp;<span class="del_n">已删除</span> <a href="' . $u . '&amp;pid=' . $r['id'] . '"><img src="images/o_4.gif" alt="" title="恢复"/></a>';
    if (isset($cm)) {
        $c .= '<span class="gmod">' . join('&nbsp; &nbsp;', $cm) . '</span>';
    $c .= getalink($r['aid'], $r['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gdate">' . getldate($r['datetime']) . '</span></div><div class="list_c">';
    if ($c_log && $pa > 0 && $pa < 9 && (!isset($r['sid']) || $r['sid'] == 0)) {
        $c .= '<form method="post" action="" class="btform" id="del_' . $r['id'] . '" style="display: none;"><table><tr><td>删除理由:</td><td><input name="rtext" size="32" class="bt_input" rel="删除理由" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="删除" class="button" /> <input value="取消" class="button" type="button" name="h_cbt" data-id="del_' . $r['id'] . '"/><input type="hidden" name="did" value="' . $r['id'] . '" /></td></tr></table></form>';
    $c .= '<div id="l_' . $r['id'] . '">';
    if (isset($r['sid']) && $r['sid'] > 0) {
        $pr = getpinfo($r['sid']);
        $u = $pr['url'];
        if ($pr['upload'] == 0) {
            $tb_i = '';
            if (strstr($u, '[/]')) {
                $a_u = explode('[/]', $u);
                $l_u = count($a_u) - 1;
                $t_u = $a_u[$l_u];
                if (trim($t_u) != '' && strstr(trim($t_u), '://')) {
                    $tb_i = trim($t_u);
                $u = join('[/]', $a_u);
        if ($pr['vid'] > 0) {
            $c .= '<img src="' . getthu($pr) . '" width="70" height="70" class="f_link video_slink al_t" alt="" title="观看视频" data-id="' . $r['id'] . '"/><div id="video_div_' . $r['id'] . '"></div><textarea id="video_text_' . $r['id'] . '" style="display: none;">' . htmlspecialchars($u, ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea><a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r['sid'] . '">' . ($pr['title'] != '' ? $pr['title'] : '视频 #' . $pr['id']) . '</a>';
        } else {
            $c .= '<img src="' . getthu($pr) . '" alt="" title="点击查看原图" width="70" height="70" class="f_link img_lb al_t" data-img="' . ($config['slink'] > 0 || $pr['upload'] == 0 ? ($pr['upload'] > 0 ? 'file/' : '') . $u : 'img.php?id=' . $pr['id']) . '"/><br/><a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r['sid'] . '">' . ($pr['title'] != '' ? $pr['title'] : '照片 #' . $pr['id']) . '</a>';
        $reply_s = 5;
        $s_dbr = sprintf('select a.id, a.aid, a.content, a.datetime, b.name from %s as a, %s as b where a.pid=%s and a.aid=b.id and a.disp=0 order by a.datetime desc limit %d', $dbprefix . 'pcomment', $dbprefix . 'member', $r['sid'], $reply_s);
        $q_dbr = mysql_query($s_dbr) or die('');
        $r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr);
        if (mysql_num_rows($q_dbr) > 0) {
            $c .= '<div id="reply_v_' . $r['id'] . '" class="reply_d">';
            do {
                $c .= '<div class="reply_v"><div id="l_' . $r_dbr['id'] . '">' . getalink($r_dbr['aid'], $r_dbr['name'], 1) . ':' . getaco($r_dbr['content'], $r_dbr['id'], 1) . '</div><div class="reply_i">- ' . getldate($r_dbr['datetime']) . '</div></div>';
            } while ($r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr));
            $c .= '<a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r['sid'] . '">更多留言</a></div>';
    } else {
        $c .= getaco($r['content'], $r['id']);
    $c .= '</div>';
    if ($c_log && ($pa > $r['power'] || $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']] == $r['aid']) && (!isset($r['sid']) || $r['sid'] == 0)) {
        $c .= getcform($r['id'], $r['content']);
    $c .= '</div></div></li>';
    return $c;
Exemplo n.º 10
        $q_a_dbg = mysql_query($s_a_dbg) or die('');
        $c_dbg = mysql_num_rows($q_a_dbg);
        if ($c_dbg > 0) {
            $p_dbg = ceil($c_dbg / $config['pagesize']);
            if ($page > $p_dbg) {
                $page = $p_dbg;
            $s_dbg = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dbg, ($page - 1) * $config['pagesize'], $config['pagesize']);
            $q_dbg = mysql_query($s_dbg) or die('');
            $r_dbg = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbg);
            $js_c .= '
            do {
                $content .= '<li class="l_list"><a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r_dbg['aid'] . '"><img src="avator.php?id=' . $r_dbg['aid'] . '" alt="" title="' . $r_dbg['name'] . '" class="photo" width="55" height="55"/></a><div class="list_r"><div class="list_title"><span class="gmod"><img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="del_img" data-id="' . $r_dbg['id'] . '" class="f_link"/></span><a href="?m=message&amp;id=' . $r_dbg['aid'] . '#m' . $r_dbg['id'] . '">' . $r_dbg['name'] . ' 致 我</a>' . ($r_dbg['readed'] > 0 ? ' <img src="images/new.gif" alt="" title="新消息"/>' : '') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="gdate">' . getldate($r_dbg['datetime']) . '</span></div><div class="list_c">' . gbookencode($r_dbg['content']) . '</div></div></li>';
                if ($r_dbg['readed'] > 0) {
                    $u_db = sprintf('update %s set readed=0 where id=%s', $dbprefix . 'message', $r_dbg['id']);
                    $result = mysql_query($u_db) or die('');
            } while ($r_dbg = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbg));
            $content .= '</ul>';
            if ($p_dbg > 1) {
                $content .= getpage($page, $p_dbg);
        } else {
            $content .= '<li><div class="gcontent">没有短消息</div></li></ul>';
Exemplo n.º 11
 $c_dbt = mysql_num_rows($q_a_dbt);
 if ($c_dbt > 0) {
     $p_dbt = ceil($c_dbt / $reply_s);
     if ($page > $p_dbt) {
         $page = $p_dbt;
     $s_dbt = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dbt, ($page - 1) * $reply_s, $reply_s);
     $q_dbt = mysql_query($s_dbt) or die('');
     $r_dbt = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbt);
     do {
         $ei = $c_log && ($pa > $r_dbt['power'] || $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']] == $r_dbt['aid']) ? '&nbsp; <img src="images/o_3.gif" alt="" title="编辑" onclick="$(\'#l_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideUp(500);$(\'#h_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideDown(500);" class="f_link"/>' : '';
         echo '<div class="reply_v"><div id="l_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '">' . getalink($r_dbt['aid'], $r_dbt['name'], 1) . ':' . getaco($r_dbt['content'], $r_dbt['id'], 1) . '</div>' . ($ei != '' ? '<form method="post" action="" id="h_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '" style="display: none;" onsubmit="return chkform(\'h_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\');"><div class="formline"><textarea name="rinfo" id="forminfo' . $r_dbt['id'] . '" class="bt_input" rel="留言内容" rows="4">' . $r_dbt['content'] . '</textarea>' . getsync_c($ar) . '</div><div class="formline"><input type="submit" value="修改" class="button" /> <input value="取消" class="button" type="button" onclick="$(\'#h_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideUp(500);$(\'#l_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideDown(500);"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $r_dbt['id'] . '" /></div></form>' : '');
         if ($c_log && $pa > 0 && $pa < 9) {
             echo '<form method="post" action="" onsubmit="return chkform(\'del_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\');" id="del_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '" style="display: none;"><table><tr><td>删除理由:</td><td><input name="rtext" size="32" class="bt_input" rel="删除理由" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="删除" class="button" /> <input value="取消" class="button" type="button" onclick="$(\'#del_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideUp(500);"/><input type="hidden" name="did" value="' . $r_dbt['id'] . '" /></td></tr></table></form>';
         echo '<div class="reply_i">- ' . getldate($r_dbt['datetime']) . $ei;
         if ($c_log) {
             if ($pa > 0) {
                 echo '&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" onclick="' . ($pa == 9 ? 'if(confirm(\'确认要删除?\'))location.href=\'?page=' . $dpage . '&did=' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\';' : '$(\'#del_' . $r_dbt['id'] . '\').slideDown(500);') . '" class="f_link"/>';
             if ($pa == 9 && $r_dbt['disp'] > 0) {
                 echo '&nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="del_n">已删除</span> <a href="?page=' . $dpage . '&amp;pid=' . $r_dbt['id'] . '"><img src="images/o_4.gif" alt="" title="恢复"/></a>';
         echo '</div></div>';
     } while ($r_dbt = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbt));
     if ($p_dbt > 1) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $p_dbt; $i++) {
             echo ($i != $page ? '<span onclick="ld(' . $r . ', ' . $i . ', \'j_topic.php?i=' . $r . '&p=' . $i . '&e=' . $dpage . '\');" class="mlink f_link">' . $i . '</span>' : $i) . ' ';
Exemplo n.º 12
 if ($c_log) {
     $cr = getuinfo($r_dbu, 1);
     $content .= $cr . ($cr != '' ? '<br/>' : '');
     if ($r_dbu['jaid'] > 0) {
         $jadb = getainfo($r_dbu['jaid'], 'name');
         $content .= '邀请人:<a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $jadb['id'] . '">' . $jadb['name'] . '</a><br/>';
 $content .= '最后访问:' . ($r_dbu['visitdate'] > 0 ? date('Y-n-j H:i', $r_dbu['visitdate']) : '从未') . (isset($l_ip) ? '<br/>最后IP:' . ($config['ip'] != '' ? str_replace('[ip]', $l_ip, $config['ip']) : $l_ip) : '') . ($r_dbu['visit'] > 0 ? '<br/>访问次数:' . $r_dbu['visit'] : '') . (isset($a_sync_i) ? '<br/>' . join(' ', $a_sync_i) . '<br/><br/>' : '') . (isset($a_sync_v) ? join('', $a_sync_v) : '') . '</div></div>';
 $s_dbt = sprintf('select content, datetime from %s where aid=%s and disp=0 and tid=0 and mid=0 order by datetime desc limit 5', $dbprefix . 'topic', $r_dbu['id']);
 $q_dbt = mysql_query($s_dbt) or die('');
 $r_dbt = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbt);
 if (mysql_num_rows($q_dbt) > 0) {
     $content .= '<br/><div class="title">最近留言</div><br/><ul class="clist">';
     do {
         $content .= '<li class="l_list"><img src="avator.php?id=' . $r_dbu['id'] . '" alt="" title="' . $r_dbu['name'] . '" class="photo" width="55" height="55"/><div class="list_r"><div class="list_title"><span class="gdate">' . getldate($r_dbt['datetime']) . '</span></div><div class="list_c">' . gbookencode($r_dbt['content']) . '</div></div></li>';
     } while ($r_dbt = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbt));
     $content .= '</ul>';
 $s_dbp = sprintf('select id, title, url, vid, upload, disp from %s where aid=%s and disp=0 order by datetime desc limit 10', $dbprefix . 'photo', $r_dbu['id']);
 $q_dbp = mysql_query($s_dbp) or die('');
 $r_dbp = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbp);
 if (mysql_num_rows($q_dbp) > 0) {
     $content .= '<br/><div class="title">最近照片视频</div><div class="gcontent">';
     do {
         $content .= '<div class="al_list"><a href="?m=album&amp;id=' . $r_dbp['id'] . '"><img src="' . getthu($r_dbp) . '" width="70" height="70" class="' . ($r_dbp['disp'] > 0 ? 'del_' : '') . 'al_t" alt="" title="' . ($r_dbp['vid'] > 0 ? '[视频]' : '') . ($r_dbp['title'] != '' ? $r_dbp['title'] : '') . '"/></a></div>';
     } while ($r_dbp = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbp));
     $content .= '<div class="extr"></div><a href="?m=album&amp;user='******'id'] . '">查看全部…</a></div>';
Exemplo n.º 13
         $content .= '</div>';
         $s_a_dbr = sprintf('select a.id, a.aid, a.content, a.datetime, b.name from %s as a, %s as b where a.pid=%s and a.aid=b.id and a.disp=0 order by a.datetime desc', $dbprefix . 'pcomment', $dbprefix . 'member', $r_dbp['id']);
         $q_a_dbr = mysql_query($s_a_dbr) or die('');
         $c_dbr = mysql_num_rows($q_a_dbr);
         if ($c_dbr > 0) {
             $p_dbr = ceil($c_dbr / $config['pagesize']);
             if ($page > $p_dbr) {
                 $page = $p_dbr;
             $s_dbr = sprintf('%s limit %d, %d', $s_a_dbr, ($page - 1) * $config['pagesize'], $config['pagesize']);
             $q_dbr = mysql_query($s_dbr) or die('');
             $r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr);
             do {
                 $content .= '<div class="topic" id="topic-' . $r_dbr['id'] . '"><a href="?m=user&amp;id=' . $r_dbr['aid'] . '">' . $r_dbr['name'] . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . getldate($r_dbr['datetime']) . '<div class="list_c">' . mbookencode($r_dbr['content']) . '</div></div>';
             } while ($r_dbr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbr));
         if (isset($p_dbr) && $p_dbr > 1) {
             $content .= getpage($page, $p_dbt);
         if ($c_log) {
             $content .= '<div class="title">发表评论</div><div class="lcontent"><form method="post" action="" class="btform" id="lyform"><textarea name="rinfo" id="forminfor0" rows="4" style="width: 95%" class="bt_input" rel="内容"></textarea><br/><input type="submit" value="发表评论" /></form></div>';
 } else {