Exemplo n.º 1
 function csc($task = array())
     global $_G;
     $taskvars = array('num' => 0);
     $query = DB::query("SELECT variable, value FROM " . DB::table('common_taskvar') . " WHERE taskid='{$task['taskid']}'");
     while ($taskvar = DB::fetch($query)) {
         if ($taskvar['value']) {
             $taskvars[$taskvar['variable']] = $taskvar['value'];
     $tbladd = $sqladd = '';
     if ($taskvars['threadid']) {
         $sqladd .= " AND p.tid='{$taskvars['threadid']}'";
     } else {
         if ($taskvars['forumid']) {
             $sqladd .= " AND p.fid='{$taskvars['forumid']}'";
         if ($taskvars['author']) {
             $taskvars['authorid'] = DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username='******'author']) . "'");
             $tbladd .= ", " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t";
             $sqladd .= " AND p.tid=t.tid AND t.authorid='{$taskvars['authorid']}'";
     if ($taskvars['act']) {
         if ($taskvars['act'] == 'newthread') {
             $sqladd .= " AND p.first='1'";
         } elseif ($taskvars['act'] == 'newreply') {
             $sqladd .= " AND p.first='0'";
     $sqladd .= ($taskvars['time'] = floatval($taskvars['time'])) ? " AND p.dateline BETWEEN {$task['applytime']} AND {$task['applytime']}+3600*{$taskvars['time']}" : " AND p.dateline>{$task['applytime']}";
     $num = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post') . " p {$tbladd}", "p.authorid='{$_G['uid']}' {$sqladd}");
     if ($num && $num >= $taskvars['num']) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($taskvars['time'] && TIMESTAMP >= $task['applytime'] + 3600 * $taskvars['time'] && (!$num || $num < $taskvars['num'])) {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         return array('csc' => $num > 0 && $taskvars['num'] ? sprintf("%01.2f", $num / $taskvars['num'] * 100) : 0, 'remaintime' => $taskvars['time'] ? $task['applytime'] + $taskvars['time'] * 3600 - TIMESTAMP : 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        $modtpl = 'modcp_home';
$script = empty($script) ? 'noperm' : $script;
$modtpl = empty($modtpl) ? !empty($script) ? 'modcp_' . $script : '' : $modtpl;
$modtpl = 'forum/' . $modtpl;
$op = isset($op) ? trim($op) : '';
if ($script != 'log') {
    include libfile('function/misc');
    $extra = implodearray(array('GET' => $_GET, 'POST' => $_POST), array('cppwd', 'formhash', 'submit', 'addsubmit'));
    $modcplog = array(TIMESTAMP, $_G['username'], $_G['adminid'], $_G['clientip'], $_G['gp_action'], $op, $_G['fid'], $extra);
    writelog('modcp', implode("\t", clearlogstring($modcplog)));
require DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/include/modcp/modcp_' . $script . '.php';
$reportnum = $modpostnum = $modthreadnum = $modforumnum = 0;
$modforumnum = count($modforums['list']);
if ($modforumnum) {
    $modnum = ($_G['group']['allowmodpost'] ? getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "invisible='-2' AND first='0' and fid IN({$modforums['fids']})") + DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE fid IN({$modforums['fids']}) AND displayorder='-2'") : 0) + ($_G['group']['allowmoduser'] ? DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " WHERE status='0'") : 0);
switch ($_G['adminid']) {
    case 1:
        $access = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7';
    case 2:
        $access = '2,3,6,7';
        $access = '1,3,5,7';
$notenum = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_adminnote') . " WHERE access IN ({$access})");
include template('forum/modcp');
Exemplo n.º 3
    $fileupload = '<font color="red">' . $lang['no'] . '</font>';
$dbsize = 0;
$query = DB::query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$_G['config']['db'][1]['tablepre']}%'", 'SILENT');
while ($table = DB::fetch($query)) {
    $dbsize += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length'];
$dbsize = $dbsize ? sizecount($dbsize) : $lang['unknown'];
if (isset($_G['gp_attachsize'])) {
    $attachsize = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . ""), 0);
    $attachsize = is_numeric($attachsize) ? sizecount($attachsize) : $lang['unknown'];
} else {
    $attachsize = '<a href="' . ADMINSCRIPT . '?action=index&attachsize">[ ' . $lang['detail'] . ' ]</a>';
$membersmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " WHERE status='0'");
$postsmod = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "first='0' AND invisible='-2'");
$threadsdel = $threadsmod = 0;
$query = DB::query("SELECT displayorder FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE displayorder<'0'");
while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
    if ($thread['displayorder'] == -1) {
    } elseif ($thread['displayorder'] == -2) {
$blogsmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " WHERE status='1'");
$doingsmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_doing') . " WHERE status='1'");
$picturesmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_pic') . " WHERE status='1'");
$sharesmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE status='1'");
$commentsmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE status='1'");
$articlesmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('portal_article_title') . " WHERE status='1'");
Exemplo n.º 4
function checkflood()
    global $_G;
    if (!$_G['group']['disablepostctrl'] && $_G['uid']) {
        $floodmsg = $_G['setting']['floodctrl'] && TIMESTAMP - $_G['setting']['floodctrl'] <= getuserprofile('lastpost') ? 'post_flood_ctrl' : '';
        if (empty($floodmsg) && $_G['group']['maxpostsperhour']) {
            $userposts = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "authorid='{$_G['uid']}' AND dateline>{$_G['timestamp']}-3600");
            $floodmsg = $userposts && $userposts >= $_G['group']['maxpostsperhour'] ? 'thread_maxpostsperhour_invalid' : '';
        if (empty($floodmsg)) {
            return FALSE;
        } elseif (CURMODULE != 'wap') {
            showmessage($floodmsg, '', array('maxpostsperhour' => $_G['group']['maxpostsperhour'], 'floodctrl' => $_G['setting']['floodctrl']));
        } else {
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
                foreach ($validatedthreads as $thread) {
                    showtablerow('', '', array($thread['tid'], '<a href="forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $thread['tid'] . '&modthreadkey=' . modthreadkey($thread['tid']) . '" target="_blank">' . $thread['subject'] . '</a>', '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $thread['authorid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $thread['author'] . '</a>', dgmdate($thread['dateline'])));
        } else {
            cpmsg('moderate_threads_succeed', 'action=moderate&operation=threads', 'succeed', array('validates' => $validates, 'ignores' => $ignores, 'recycles' => $recycles, 'deletes' => $deletes));
} elseif ($operation == 'replies') {
    if (!submitcheck('modsubmit')) {
        require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
        $ppp = 10;
        $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $ppp;
        $modcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "invisible='{$displayorder}' AND first='0' {$fidadd['and']}{$fidadd['fids']}");
        $multipage = multi($modcount, $ppp, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=moderate&operation=replies&filter={$filter}&modfid={$modfid}");
        shownav('topic', $lang['moderate_replies']);
        showsubmenu('nav_moderate_posts', array(array('nav_moderate_threads', 'moderate&operation=threads', 0), array('nav_moderate_replies', 'moderate&operation=replies', 1)));
        showhiddenfields(array('filter' => $filter, 'modfid' => $modfid));
        showtableheader("{$lang['select']}: <select style=\"margin: 0px;\" onchange=\"if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != '') {window.location='" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=moderate&operation=replies&modfid={$modfid}&filter='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;}\">{$filteroptions}</select> <select style=\"margin: 0px;\" onchange=\"if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != '') {window.location='" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=moderate&operation=replies&filter={$filter}&modfid='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;}\">{$forumoptions}</select>");
        $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'f.name AS forumname, f.allowsmilies, f.allowhtml, f.allowbbcode, f.allowimgcode, p.pid, p.fid, p.tid, p.author, p.authorid, p.subject, p.dateline, p.message, p.useip, p.attachment, p.htmlon, p.smileyoff, p.bbcodeoff, t.subject AS tsubject', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t ON t.tid=p.tid LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f ON f.fid=p.fid", 'where' => "p.invisible='{$displayorder}' AND p.first='0' {$fidadd['and']}{$fidadd['p']}{$fidadd['fids']}", 'order' => "p.dateline DESC", 'limit' => "{$start_limit}, {$ppp}"));
        foreach ($postarray as $post) {
            $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
            $post['subject'] = $post['subject'] ? '<b>' . $post['subject'] . '</b>' : '<i>' . $lang['nosubject'] . '</i>';
            $post['message'] = discuzcode($post['message'], $post['smileyoff'], $post['bbcodeoff'], sprintf('%00b', $post['htmlon']), $post['allowsmilies'], $post['allowbbcode'], $post['allowimgcode'], $post['allowhtml']);
            $post['modthreadkey'] = modthreadkey($post['tid']);
            if ($post['attachment']) {
                require_once libfile('function/attachment');
                $queryattach = DB::query("SELECT aid, filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, isimage, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE pid='{$post['pid']}'");
Exemplo n.º 6
function checkmaxpostsperhour()
    global $_G;
    $morepostsperhour = false;
    if (!$_G['group']['disablepostctrl'] && $_G['uid']) {
        if ($_G['group']['maxpostsperhour']) {
            $userposts = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "authorid='{$_G['uid']}' AND dateline>{$_G['timestamp']}-3600");
            $isflood = $userposts && $userposts >= $_G['group']['maxpostsperhour'];
            if ($isflood) {
                $morepostsperhour = true;
    return $morepostsperhour;
Exemplo n.º 7
        $changesort = 1;
    $nextlink = "action=counter&changesort={$changesort}&cursort={$cursort}&specialarrange=yes";
    if ($processed) {
        cpmsg('counter_special_arrange', $nextlink, 'loading', array('cursort' => $cursort, 'sortids' => count($sortids)));
    } else {
        cpmsg('counter_special_arrange_succeed', 'action=counter', 'succeed');
    $nextlink = "action=counter&current={$next}&pertask={$pertask}&membersubmit=yes";
    $processed = 0;
    $queryt = DB::query("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " LIMIT {$current}, {$pertask}");
    while ($mem = DB::fetch($queryt)) {
        $processed = 1;
        $postcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "authorid='{$mem['uid']}' AND invisible='0'");
        $query_threads = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE authorid='{$mem['uid']}'");
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " SET posts='" . $postcount . "', threads='" . DB::result($query_threads, 0) . "' WHERE uid='{$mem['uid']}'");
    if ($processed) {
        cpmsg("{$lang['counter_member']}: " . cplang('counter_processing', array('current' => $current, 'next' => $next)), $nextlink, 'loading');
    } else {
        cpmsg('counter_member_succeed', 'action=counter', 'succeed');
} elseif (submitcheck('groupmembernum', 1)) {
    $nextlink = "action=counter&current={$next}&pertask={$pertask}&groupmembernum=yes";
    $processed = 0;
    $query = DB::query("SELECT fid FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE status='3' AND type='sub' LIMIT {$current}, {$pertask}");
    while ($group = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $processed = 1;
        $membernum = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE fid='{$group['fid']}' AND level>'0'");
Exemplo n.º 8
    } elseif ($_G['forum']['password'] != $_G['cookie']['fidpw' . $_G['fid']]) {
        include template('forum/forumdisplay_passwd');
$sdb = loadmultiserver();
if (!isset($_G['cookie']['collapse']) || strpos($_G['cookie']['collapse'], 'forum_rules') === FALSE) {
    $collapse['forum_rules'] = '';
} else {
    $collapse['forum_rules'] = 'display: none';
$threadtableids = !empty($_G['cache']['threadtableids']) ? $_G['cache']['threadtableids'] : array();
$threadtable = $_G['gp_archiveid'] && in_array($_G['gp_archiveid'], $threadtableids) ? "forum_thread_{$_G['gp_archiveid']}" : 'forum_thread';
if ($_G['forum']['modworks'] || $_G['forum']['modnewposts']) {
    $_G['forum']['modnewposts'] && ($_G['forum']['modworks'] = 1);
    $modnum = $_G['group']['allowmodpost'] ? getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "invisible='-2' AND first='0' and fid={$_G['fid']}") + $_G['forum']['modnewposts'] : 0;
    $modusernum = $_G['group']['allowmoduser'] ? DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " WHERE status='0'") : 0;
$optionadd = $filterurladd = $searchsorton = '';
if (!empty($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['types'])) {
    require_once libfile('function/threadsort');
    $showpic = intval($_G['gp_showpic']);
    $templatearray = $sortoptionarray = array();
    foreach ($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['types'] as $stid => $sortname) {
        loadcache(array('threadsort_option_' . $stid, 'threadsort_template_' . $stid));
        $templatearray[$stid] = $_G['cache']['threadsort_template_' . $stid]['subject'];
        $sortoptionarray[$stid] = $_G['cache']['threadsort_option_' . $stid];
    if (!empty($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['defaultshow']) && empty($_G['gp_sortid']) && empty($_G['gp_sortall'])) {
        $_G['gp_sortid'] = $_G['forum']['threadsorts']['defaultshow'];
        $filterurladd = '&amp;filter=sort';
Exemplo n.º 9
     if ($pmlist) {
         foreach ($pmlist as $pm) {
             $post = $pm['post'];
             $_G['tid'] = intval($pm['tid']);
             notification_add($pm['authorid'], 'system', $pm['act'], $pm['notevar'], 1);
     showmessage('modcp_mod_succeed', "{$cpscript}?action={$_G['gp_action']}&op={$op}&filter={$filter}&fid={$_G['fid']}");
 $attachlist = array();
 require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
 require_once libfile('function/attachment');
 $ppp = 10;
 $page = max(1, intval($_G['page']));
 $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $ppp;
 $modcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "invisible='{$pstat}' AND first='0' AND " . ($modfidsadd ? $modfidsadd : '1'));
 $multipage = multi($modcount, $ppp, $page, "{$cpscript}?action={$_G['gp_action']}&op={$op}&filter={$filter}&fid={$_G['fid']}");
 if ($modcount) {
     $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'f.name AS forumname, f.allowsmilies, f.allowhtml, f.allowbbcode, f.allowimgcode, p.pid, p.fid, p.tid, p.authorid, p.authorid, p.subject, p.dateline, p.message, p.useip, p.attachment, p.htmlon, p.smileyoff, p.bbcodeoff, t.subject AS tsubject', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t ON t.tid=p.tid LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f ON f.fid=p.fid", 'where' => "p.invisible='{$pstat}' AND p.first='0' AND " . ($modfidsadd ? "p.{$modfidsadd}" : '1'), 'order' => 'p.dateline DESC', 'limit' => "{$start_limit}, {$ppp}"));
     foreach ($postarray as $post) {
         $post['id'] = $post['pid'];
         $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
         $post['subject'] = $post['subject'] ? '<b>' . $post['subject'] . '</b>' : '<i>' . $lang['nosubject'] . '</i>';
         $post['message'] = nl2br(dhtmlspecialchars($post['message']));
         if ($post['attachment']) {
             $queryattach = DB::query("SELECT aid, filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, isimage, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE pid='{$post['pid']}'");
             while ($attach = DB::fetch($queryattach)) {
                 $_G['setting']['attachurl'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                 $attach['url'] = $attach['isimage'] ? " {$attach['filename']} (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")<br /><br /><img src=\"{$_G[setting][attachurl]}/attach[attachment]\" onload=\"if(this.width > 400) {this.resized=true; this.width=400;}\">" : "<a href=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "/{$attach['attachment']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$attach['filename']}</a> (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")";
                 $post['message'] .= "<br /><br />File: " . attachtype(fileext($attach['filename']) . "\t" . $attach['filetype']) . $attach['url'];
Exemplo n.º 10
if (!isset($_G['cookie']['collapse']) || strpos($_G['cookie']['collapse'], 'forum_rules_' . $_G['fid']) === FALSE) {
    $collapse['forum_rules'] = '';
    $collapse['forum_rulesimg'] = 'no';
} else {
    $collapse['forum_rules'] = 'display: none';
    $collapse['forum_rulesimg'] = 'yes';
$threadtableids = !empty($_G['cache']['threadtableids']) ? $_G['cache']['threadtableids'] : array();
$threadtable = $_G['gp_archiveid'] && in_array($_G['gp_archiveid'], $threadtableids) ? "forum_thread_{$_G['gp_archiveid']}" : 'forum_thread';
if ($_G['setting']['allowmoderatingthread'] && $_G['uid']) {
    $threadmodcount = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table($threadtable) . " WHERE fid='{$_G['fid']}' AND displayorder='-2' AND authorid='{$_G['uid']}'");
if ($_G['forum']['modworks'] || $_G['forum']['modnewposts']) {
    $_G['forum']['modnewposts'] && ($_G['forum']['modworks'] = 1);
    $modnum = $_G['group']['allowmodpost'] ? getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post'), "invisible='-2' AND fid='{$_G['fid']}'") : 0;
    $modusernum = $_G['group']['allowmoduser'] ? DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " WHERE status='0'") : 0;
$optionadd = $filterurladd = $searchsorton = '';
$quicksearchlist = array();
if (!empty($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['types'])) {
    require_once libfile('function/threadsort');
    $showpic = intval($_G['gp_showpic']);
    $templatearray = $sortoptionarray = array();
    foreach ($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['types'] as $stid => $sortname) {
        loadcache(array('threadsort_option_' . $stid, 'threadsort_template_' . $stid));
        $templatearray[$stid] = $_G['cache']['threadsort_template_' . $stid]['subject'];
        $sortoptionarray[$stid] = $_G['cache']['threadsort_option_' . $stid];
    if (!empty($_G['forum']['threadsorts']['defaultshow']) && empty($_G['gp_sortid']) && empty($_G['gp_sortall'])) {
        $_G['gp_sortid'] = $_G['forum']['threadsorts']['defaultshow'];
Exemplo n.º 11
 if (!$error) {
     if ($_G['gp_detail']) {
         $pagetmp = $page;
         do {
             $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'p.fid, p.tid, p.pid, p.author, p.authorid, p.dateline, t.subject, p.message', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t USING(tid)", 'where' => "t.digest>=0 {$sql}", 'limit' => ($pagetmp - 1) * $_G['setting']['postperpage'] . ", {$_G['setting']['postperpage']}"));
         } while (!count($postarray) && $pagetmp);
         $posts = '';
         foreach ($postarray as $post) {
             $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
             $post['subject'] = cutstr($post['subject'], 30);
             $post['message'] = dhtmlspecialchars(cutstr($post['message'], 50));
             $posts .= showtablerow('', '', array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"pidarray[]\" value=\"{$post['pid']}\" checked />", "<a href=\"forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid={$post['pid']}&ptid={$post['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$post['subject']}</a>", $post['message'], "<a href=\"forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid={$post['fid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$_G['cache'][forums][$post[fid]][name]}</a>", "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$post['authorid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$post['author']}</a>", $post['dateline']), TRUE);
         $postcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t USING(tid)", "t.digest>=0 {$sql}");
         $multi = multi($postcount, $_G['setting']['postperpage'], $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=prune");
         $multi = preg_replace("/href=\"" . ADMINSCRIPT . "\\?action=prune&amp;page=(\\d+)\"/", "href=\"javascript:page(\\1)\"", $multi);
         $multi = str_replace("window.location='" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=prune&amp;page='+this.value", "page(this.value)", $multi);
     } else {
         $postcount = 0;
         $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'pid', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t USING(tid)", 'where' => "t.digest>=0 {$sql}"));
         foreach ($postarray as $post) {
             $pids .= ',' . $post['pid'];
         $multi = '';
     if (!$postcount) {
         $error = 'prune_post_nonexistence';
Exemplo n.º 12
                $attachment['url'] = $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'forum/';
            } else {
                if (@fclose(@fopen($_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] . '/' . $attachment['attachment'], 'r'))) {
                    $matched = '';
                } else {
                    $matched = cplang('attach_lost');
                $attachment['url'] = $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] . '/forum/';
            $attachsize = sizecount($attachment['filesize']);
            if (!$_G['gp_nomatched'] || $_G['gp_nomatched'] && $matched) {
                $attachments .= showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'title="' . $attachment['description'] . '" class="td21"'), array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"{$attachment['aid']}\" />", $attachment['remote'] ? "<span class=\"diffcolor3\">{$attachment['filename']}" : $attachment['filename'], "<a href=\"{$attachment['url']}/{$attachment['attachment']}\" class=\"smalltxt\" target=\"_blank\">" . cutstr($attachment['attachment'], 30) . "</a>", $attachment['author'], "<a href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$attachment['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . cutstr($attachment['subject'], 20) . "</a>", $attachsize, $attachment['downloads'], $matched ? "<em class=\"error\">{$matched}<em>" : "<a href=\"forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=" . aidencode($attachment['aid']) . "&noupdate=yes\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"act nomargin\">{$lang['download']}</a>"), TRUE);
        $attachmentcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af ON a.aid=af.aid, " . DB::table('forum_post') . " p, " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t, " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f", "t.tid=a.tid ANd f.fid=p.fid ANd t.displayorder>='0' ANd p.invisible='0' AND {$sql}");
        $multipage = multi($attachmentcount, $ppp, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=attachments");
        $multipage = preg_replace("/href=\"" . ADMINSCRIPT . "\\?action=attachments&amp;page=(\\d+)\"/", "href=\"javascript:page(\\1)\"", $multipage);
        $multipage = str_replace("window.location='" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=attachments&amp;page='+this.value", "page(this.value)", $multipage);
        echo <<<EOT
<script type="text/JavaScript">
\tfunction page(number) {
        showtagheader('div', 'admin', $searchsubmit);
        showformheader('attach', '', 'attachmentforum');
        showhiddenfields(array('page' => $page, 'nomatched' => $_G['gp_nomatched'], 'inforum' => $_G['gp_inforum'], 'sizeless' => $_G['gp_sizeless'], 'sizemore' => $_G['gp_sizemore'], 'dlcountless' => $_G['gp_dlcountless'], 'dlcountmore' => $_G['gp_dlcountmore'], 'daysold' => $_G['gp_daysold'], 'filename' => $_G['gp_filename'], 'keywords' => $_G['gp_keywords'], 'author' => $_G['gp_author']));
        echo '<input type="submit" name="searchsubmit" value="' . cplang('submit') . '" class="btn" style="display: none" />';
Exemplo n.º 13
     if ($pmlist) {
         foreach ($pmlist as $pm) {
             $post = $pm['post'];
             $_G['tid'] = intval($pm['tid']);
             notification_add($pm['authorid'], 'system', $pm['act'], $pm['notevar'], 1);
     showmessage('modcp_mod_succeed', "{$cpscript}?mod=modcp&action={$_G['gp_action']}&op={$op}&filter={$filter}&fid={$_G['fid']}");
 $attachlist = array();
 require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
 require_once libfile('function/attachment');
 $ppp = 10;
 $page = max(1, intval($_G['page']));
 $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $ppp;
 $modcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post') . ' p INNER JOIN ' . DB::table('forum_thread') . ' t ON p.tid=t.tid', "p.invisible='{$pstat}' AND p.first='0' AND t.displayorder>='0' AND " . ($modfidsadd ? 'p.' . $modfidsadd : '1'));
 $multipage = multi($modcount, $ppp, $page, "{$cpscript}?mod=modcp&action={$_G['gp_action']}&op={$op}&filter={$filter}&fid={$_G['fid']}");
 if ($modcount) {
     $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'f.name AS forumname, f.allowsmilies, f.allowhtml, f.allowbbcode, f.allowimgcode, p.pid, p.fid, p.tid, p.authorid, p.author, p.subject, p.dateline, p.message, p.useip, p.attachment, p.htmlon, p.smileyoff, p.bbcodeoff, t.subject AS tsubject', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t ON t.tid=p.tid LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f ON f.fid=p.fid", 'where' => "p.invisible='{$pstat}' AND p.first='0' AND t.displayorder>='0' AND " . ($modfidsadd ? "p.{$modfidsadd}" : '1'), 'order' => 'p.dateline DESC', 'limit' => "{$start_limit}, {$ppp}"));
     foreach ($postarray as $post) {
         $post['id'] = $post['pid'];
         $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
         $post['subject'] = $post['subject'] ? '<b>' . $post['subject'] . '</b>' : '<i>' . $lang['nosubject'] . '</i>';
         $post['message'] = nl2br(dhtmlspecialchars($post['message']));
         if ($post['attachment']) {
             $queryattach = DB::query("SELECT aid, filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, isimage, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE pid='{$post['pid']}'");
             while ($attach = DB::fetch($queryattach)) {
                 $_G['setting']['attachurl'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                 $attach['url'] = $attach['isimage'] ? " {$attach['filename']} (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")<br /><br /><img src=\"{$_G[setting][attachurl]}forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" onload=\"if(this.width > 400) {this.resized=true; this.width=400;}\">" : "<a href=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$attach['filename']}</a> (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")";
                 $post['message'] .= "<br /><br />File: " . attachtype(fileext($attach['filename']) . "\t" . $attach['filetype']) . $attach['url'];
Exemplo n.º 14
 $sqlwhere = '';
 if (!empty($_G['gp_username'])) {
     $sqlwhere .= " AND p.author='{$_G['gp_username']}'";
 if (!empty($dateline) && $dateline != 'all') {
     $sqlwhere .= " AND p.dateline>'" . (TIMESTAMP - $dateline) . "'";
 if (!empty($_G['gp_title'])) {
     $sqlwhere .= " AND t.subject LIKE '%{$_G['gp_title']}%'";
 if ($modfid > 0) {
     $fidadd['and'] = ' AND';
     $fidadd['fids'] = " p.fid='{$modfid}'";
 $modcount = getcountofposts(DB::table('forum_post') . ' p INNER JOIN ' . DB::table('forum_thread') . ' t ON p.tid=t.tid', "p.invisible='{$displayorder}' AND p.first='0' AND t.displayorder>='0' {$fidadd['and']}{$fidadd['fids']}" . ($modfid == -1 ? " AND t.isgroup='1'" : '') . " {$sqlwhere}");
 $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $ppp;
 $postarray = getallwithposts(array('select' => 'f.name AS forumname, f.allowsmilies, f.allowhtml, f.allowbbcode, f.allowimgcode, p.pid, p.fid, p.tid, p.author, p.authorid, p.subject, p.dateline, p.message, p.useip, p.attachment, p.htmlon, p.smileyoff, p.bbcodeoff, t.subject AS tsubject', 'from' => DB::table('forum_post') . " p LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t ON t.tid=p.tid LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f ON f.fid=p.fid", 'where' => "p.invisible='{$displayorder}' AND p.first='0' AND t.displayorder>='0' {$fidadd['and']}{$fidadd['fids']}" . ($modfid == -1 ? " AND t.isgroup='1'" : '') . " {$sqlwhere}", 'order' => 'p.dateline DESC', 'limit' => "{$start_limit}, {$ppp}"));
 $multipage = multi($modcount, $ppp, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=moderate&operation=replies&filter={$filter}&modfid={$modfid}&dateline={$_G['gp_dateline']}&username={$_G['gp_username']}&title={$_G['gp_title']}&ppp={$ppp}");
 echo '<p class="margintop marginbot"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="expandall();">' . cplang('moderate_all_expand') . '</a> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="foldall();">' . cplang('moderate_all_fold') . '</a><p>';
 require_once libfile('class/censor');
 $censor =& discuz_censor::instance();
 $censor->highlight = '#FF0000';
 require_once libfile('function/misc');
 foreach ($postarray as $post) {
     $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
     $post['subject'] = $post['subject'] ? '<b>' . $post['subject'] . '</b>' : '<i>' . $lang['nosubject'] . '</i>';
     $post['message'] = discuzcode($post['message'], $post['smileyoff'], $post['bbcodeoff'], sprintf('%00b', $post['htmlon']), $post['allowsmilies'], $post['allowbbcode'], $post['allowimgcode'], $post['allowhtml']);
     $post_censor_words = $censor->words_found;