Exemplo n.º 1
function action_order_list()
    $user = $GLOBALS['user'];
    $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG'];
    $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG'];
    $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs'];
    $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $action = $GLOBALS['action'];
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction.php';
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction_1.php';
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_payment.php';
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php';
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_clips.php';
    $ex_where = " and user_id={$user_id}";
    /* 已完成的订单 */
    $order_count['finished'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE 1 {$ex_where} " . order_query_sql('finished'));
    $status['finished'] = CS_FINISHED;
    /* 待发货的订单: */
    $order_count['await_ship'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*)' . ' FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE 1 {$ex_where} " . order_query_sql('await_ship'));
    $status['await_ship'] = CS_AWAIT_SHIP;
    /* 待付款的订单: */
    $order_count['await_pay'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*)' . ' FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE 1 {$ex_where} " . order_query_sql('await_pay'));
    $status['await_pay'] = CS_AWAIT_PAY;
    /* “未确认”的订单 */
    $order_count['unconfirmed'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE 1 {$ex_where} " . order_query_sql('unconfirmed'));
    $status['unconfirmed'] = OS_UNCONFIRMED;
    // $today_start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'));
    $order_count['stats'] = $db->getRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS oCount, IFNULL(SUM(order_amount), 0) AS oAmount' . ' FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info'));
    $smarty->assign('order_count', $order_count);
    $smarty->assign('status', $status);
    $composite_status = isset($_REQUEST['composite_status']) ? intval($_REQUEST['composite_status']) : -1;
    $where = '';
    switch ($composite_status) {
        case CS_AWAIT_PAY:
            $where .= order_query_sql('await_pay');
        case CS_AWAIT_SHIP:
            $where .= order_query_sql('await_ship');
        case CS_FINISHED:
            $where .= order_query_sql('finished');
            if ($composite_status != -1) {
                $where .= " AND o.order_status = '{$composite_status}' ";
    $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
    $record_count = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'");
    $pager = get_pager('user.php', array('act' => $action, 'composite_status' => $composite_status), $record_count, $page, 5);
    $orders = get_user_orders_1($user_id, $pager['size'], $pager['start'], $where);
    foreach ($orders as $k_kuaidi => $v_kuaidi) {
        // 同城快递
        if ($v_kuaidi['shipping_name_2'] == "同城快递") {
            $kos_order_id = $db->getOne("select order_id from " . $ecs->table('kuaidi_order') . " where order_sn='" . $v_kuaidi['invoice_no'] . "'");
            $sql = "select * from " . $ecs->table('kuaidi_order_status') . " where order_id='" . $kos_order_id . "'  order by status_id desc";
            $res_status = $db->query($sql);
            $have_shipping_info = 0;
            $shipping_info = "";
            while ($row_status = $db->fetchRow($res_status)) {
                if ($row_status['status_display'] == 1) {
                    switch ($row_status['status_id']) {
                        case 1:
                            $shipping_info .= "您提交了订单,请等待确认。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 2:
                            $shipping_info .= "您的快件已经确认,等待快递员揽收。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 3:
                            $postman_id = $db->getOne("select postman_id from " . $ecs->table('kuaidi_order') . " where order_sn='" . $orders[$k_kuaidi]['invoice_no'] . "'");
                            $postman_info = $db->getRow("select postman_name, mobile from " . $ecs->table('postman') . " where postman_id=" . $postman_id);
                            $shipping_info .= "您的快件正在派送,快递员:" . $postman_info['postman_name'] . ",电话:" . $postman_info['mobile'] . " (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 4:
                            $shipping_info .= "您的快件已经签收。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 5:
                            $shipping_info .= "您的快件已被拒收。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 6:
                            $shipping_info .= "您拒收的快件已被退回。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                        case 7:
                            $shipping_info .= "您的快件已经取消。 (" . local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row_status['status_time']) . ")";
                    $shipping_info .= "<br>";
                    if ($row_status['status_id'] >= 1) {
            if ($have_shipping_info) {
                $orders[$k_kuaidi]['result_content'] = $shipping_info;
            } else {
                $orders[$k_kuaidi]['result_content'] = '抱歉,暂时还没有该运单的物流信息哦!';
    $merge = get_user_merge($user_id);
    $smarty->assign('merge', $merge);
    $smarty->assign('pager', $pager);
    $smarty->assign('orders', $orders);
Exemplo n.º 2
function action_chat()
    $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $smarty = get_smarty();
    $ecs = get_ecs();
    $db = get_database();
     * 判断当前用户是为聊天系统的注册用户
    $exist = check_of_username_exist($user_id);
    // 获取用户头像
    if (!empty($user_id)) {
        $sql = "select password, headimg from " . $ecs->table('users') . " where user_id = '{$user_id}'";
        $row = $db->getRow($sql);
        $headimg = $row['headimg'];
        $password = $row['password'];
        $smarty->assign('headimg', $headimg);
    if (!$exist) {
        // 查询ECShop内用户信息
        $sql = 'select a.user_id, a.password, a.email, a.user_name from ' . $ecs->table('users') . ' AS a where a.user_id = "' . $user_id . '"';
        $user = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
        if (empty($user)) {
            // 根据user_id未查找到任何用户信息
        // 用户不存在,创建用户信息
        $username = $user_id;
        $password = $user['password'];
        $name = $user['user_name'];
        $email = $user['email'];
        $type = 10;
        $shop_id = -1;
        $result = create_of_user($username, $password, $name, $email, $type, $shop_id);
        if ($result) {
            // 创建成功
        } else {
            // 创建失败
    // 获取前端传来的商品编号、订单编号、店铺编号等
    // 商品编号则显示商品信息
    // 订单编号则显示订单信息
    // 店铺编号则显示店铺信息
    $goods_id = null;
    $supp_id = -1;
    $order_id = null;
    $customers = null;
    // 获取客服信息
    $tab_items = array();
    // 客服类型
    $cus_types = CUSTOMER_SERVICE;
    // 记录需要发给客服的URL
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['chat_goods_id'])) {
        /* 咨询商品信息 */
        $goods_id = $_REQUEST['chat_goods_id'];
        $goods = goods_info($goods_id);
        $smarty->assign('chat_goods', $goods);
        $smarty->assign('chat_goods_id', $goods_id);
        // 获取店铺信息
        $supp_id = null;
        $tab_items[] = array("id" => "chat_goods", "name" => "咨询商品");
        // 客服+售前
        $cus_types = CUSTOMER_SERVICE . ',' . CUSTOMER_PRE;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['chat_supp_id'])) {
        /* 店铺信息 */
        $supp_id = $_REQUEST['chat_supp_id'];
        $supp_info = get_dianpu_baseinfo($supp_id);
        $smarty->assign('supp_info', $supp_info);
        $smarty->assign('chat_supp_id', $supp_id);
        $tab_items[] = array("id" => "chat_supp", "name" => "店铺信息");
        // 客服+售前
        $cus_types = CUSTOMER_SERVICE . ',' . CUSTOMER_PRE;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['chat_order_id'])) {
        /* 咨询订单信息 */
        require 'includes/lib_order.php';
        $order_id = $_REQUEST['chat_order_id'];
        // 获取商品和店铺信息
        $goods_id = null;
        $supp_id = null;
        $order = order_info($order_id);
        $order['order_status_text'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['os'][$order['order_status']] . ',' . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['ps'][$order['pay_status']] . ',' . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['ss'][$order['shipping_status']];
        $order['goods_list'] = order_goods($order_id);
        $smarty->assign('chat_order', $order);
        $smarty->assign('chat_order_id', $order_id);
        $smarty->assign('chat_order_sn', $order['order_sn']);
        $tab_items[] = array("id" => "chat_order", "name" => "咨询订单");
        // 客服+售后
        $cus_types = CUSTOMER_SERVICE . ',' . CUSTOMER_AFTER;
    if (true) {
        /* 最近订单列表 */
        require 'includes/lib_transaction_1.php';
        // 获取用户最近的5条订单列表
        $order_list = get_user_orders_1($user_id, 5, 0);
        // 所有客服忙碌状态,提示web端
        $smarty->assign('order_list', $order_list);
        $smarty->assign('order_count', count($order_list));
        $tab_items[] = array("id" => "chat_order_list", "name" => "最近订单");
        // 客服
        $cus_types = CUSTOMER_SERVICE;
    // 获取客服信息
    $customers = get_customers($cus_types, $supp_id);
    // 转换为JSON数据
    $smarty->assign('tab_items', json_encode($tab_items));
    $to = null;
    // 客服获取策略:0-顺序、1-随机、2-竞争
    if (!empty($customers)) {
        // 暂时采用随机策略
        $poliy = 1;
        if ($poliy == 0) {
            foreach ($customers as $customer) {
                $status = $customer['status'];
                if ($status == '在线' || $status == '空闲') {
                    $to = $customer;
                    // 					if(isset($customer['cus_status']) && count($customers) > 1)
                    // 					{
                    // 						if(time() - $customer['chat_time'] > 5*60)
                    // 						{
                    // 							set_customer_status($customer['cus_id'], 0);
                    // 							$customer['cus_status'] = 0;
                    // 						}
                    // 						if($customer['cus_status'] == 0)
                    // 						{
                    // 							$to = $customer;
                    // 							break;
                    // 						}
                    // 					}
                    // 					else
                    // 					{
                    // 						$to = $customer;
                    // 						break;
                    // 					}
        } else {
            if ($poliy == 1) {
                /* 随进策略 */
                $onlines = array();
                foreach ($customers as $customer) {
                    $status = $customer['status'];
                    if ($status == '在线' || $status == '空闲') {
                        $onlines[] = $customer;
                if (count($onlines) > 0) {
                    $min = 1;
                    $max = count($onlines);
                    $i = mt_rand($min, $max);
                    $to = $onlines[$i - 1];
            } else {
        if (empty($to)) {
            if ($supp_id == -1) {
                // 所有客服忙碌状态,提示web端
                $smarty->assign('system_notice', '当前客服忙碌,请稍后联系!');
            } else {
                // 所有客服忙碌状态,提示web端
                $smarty->assign('system_notice', '当前店铺客服忙碌,请稍后联系!');
        } else {
            $xmpp_domain = get_xmpp_domain();
            $_SESSION['OF_FROM'] = $user_id . '@' . $xmpp_domain;
            $_SESSION['OF_TO'] = $to['of_username'] . '@' . $xmpp_domain;
            $smarty->assign('from', $_SESSION['OF_FROM']);
            $smarty->assign('password', $password);
            // $smarty->assign('password', "123456");
            $smarty->assign('to', '==to==');
            $smarty->assign('username', $_SESSION['user_name']);
            $smarty->assign('customername', $to['cus_name']);
            // 存储在Session中方便其他地方使用
            // 所有客服忙碌状态,提示web端
            $smarty->assign('system_notice', '客服<span class="kf_name">' . $to['cus_name'] . '</span>已加入会话!');
    } else {
        // 所有客服忙碌状态,提示web端
        $smarty->assign('system_notice', '当前客服忙碌,请稍后联系!');
    // 打开聊天页面