Exemplo n.º 1
if (empty($uid) || empty($key)) {
$asyn_userkey = asyn_userkey($uid);
if ($asyn_userkey != $key) {
$SMSconfig = get_cache('sms_config');
$SMStemplates = get_cache('sms_templates');
$userinfo = get_user_inid($uid);
if ($SMSconfig['open'] != "1") {
if ($act == 'jobs_apply') {
    $jobs_uid = intval($_GET['jobs_uid']);
    $comuser = get_user_inid($jobs_uid);
    if (empty($comuser['mobile']) || $comuser['mobile_audit'] == '0') {
    } else {
        $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_applyjobs']);
        exit(send_sms($comuser['mobile'], $templates));
} elseif ($act == 'set_invite') {
    $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_invite']);
    exit(send_sms($_GET['mobile'], $templates));
} elseif ($act == 'set_order') {
    $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_order']);
    send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_payment') {
    $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_payment']);
    send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * 更新用户信息
function update_user_info($uid, $record = true, $setcookie = true, $cookie_expire = NULL)
    global $timestamp, $online_ip, $db, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain, $_CFG;
    //3.4升级修改 引入变量$_CFG
    $user = get_user_inid($uid);
    if (empty($user)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['uid'] = intval($user['uid']);
        $_SESSION['username'] = addslashes($user['username']);
        $_SESSION['utype'] = intval($user['utype']);
    if ($setcookie) {
        $expire = intval($cookie_expire) > 0 ? time() + 3600 * 24 * $cookie_expire : 0;
        setcookie('QS[uid]', $user['uid'], $expire, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
        setcookie('QS[username]', addslashes($user['username']), $expire, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
        setcookie('QS[password]', $user['password'], $expire, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
        setcookie('QS[utype]', $user['utype'], $expire, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
    if ($record) {
        $last_login_time = $timestamp;
        $remind_email_time = strtotime("+" . $_CFG['user_unlogin_time'] . " day");
        $last_login_ip = $online_ip;
        $sql = "UPDATE " . table('members') . " SET last_login_time = '{$last_login_time}', remind_email_time = '{$remind_email_time}', last_login_ip = '{$last_login_ip}' WHERE uid='{$_SESSION['uid']}'  LIMIT 1";
        if (($_CFG['operation_mode'] == '1' || $_CFG['operation_mode'] == '3') && $_SESSION['utype'] == "1") {
            $rule = get_cache('points_rule');
            if ($rule['userlogin']['value'] > 0) {
                $time = time();
                $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $info = $db->getone("SELECT uid FROM " . table('members_handsel') . " WHERE uid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND htype='userlogin' AND addtime>{$today}  LIMIT 1");
                if (empty($info)) {
                    $members_handsel_arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
                    $members_handsel_arr['htype'] = "userlogin";
                    $members_handsel_arr['addtime'] = $time;
                    $db->inserttable(table("members_handsel"), $members_handsel_arr);
                    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_company.php';
                    report_deal($_SESSION['uid'], $rule['userlogin']['type'], $rule['userlogin']['value']);
                    $user_points = get_user_points($_SESSION['uid']);
                    $operator = $rule['userlogin']['type'] == "1" ? "+" : "-";
                    $_SESSION['handsel_userlogin'] = $operator . $rule['userlogin']['value'];
                    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 9001, $_SESSION['username'], date("Y-m-d") . " 第一次登录,({$operator}{$rule['userlogin']['value']}),(剩余:{$user_points})", 1, 1014, "会员每天第一次登录", "{$operator}{$rule['userlogin']['value']}", "{$user_points}");
        } elseif ($_SESSION['utype'] == '2') {
            $rule = get_cache('points_rule');
            if ($rule['personaluserlogin']['value'] > 0) {
                $time = time();
                $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $info = $db->getone("SELECT uid FROM " . table('members_handsel') . " WHERE uid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND htype='userlogin' AND addtime>{$today}  LIMIT 1");
                if (empty($info)) {
                    $members_handsel_arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
                    $members_handsel_arr['htype'] = "userlogin";
                    $members_handsel_arr['addtime'] = $time;
                    $db->inserttable(table("members_handsel"), $members_handsel_arr);
                    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_personal.php';
                    report_deal($_SESSION['uid'], $rule['personaluserlogin']['type'], $rule['personaluserlogin']['value']);
                    $user_points = get_user_points($_SESSION['uid']);
                    $operator = $rule['personaluserlogin']['type'] == "1" ? "+" : "-";
                    $_SESSION['handsel_userlogin'] = $operator . $rule['personaluserlogin']['value'];
                    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 2, 9001, $_SESSION['username'], date("Y-m-d") . " 第一次登录,({$operator}{$rule['personaluserlogin']['value']}),(剩余:{$user_points})");
        } elseif ($_CFG['operation_train_mode'] == '1' && $_SESSION['utype'] == '4') {
            $rule = get_cache('points_rule');
            if ($rule['trainuserlogin']['value'] > 0) {
                $time = time();
                $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $info = $db->getone("SELECT uid FROM " . table('members_handsel') . " WHERE uid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND htype='userlogin' AND addtime>{$today}  LIMIT 1");
                if (empty($info)) {
                    $members_handsel_arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
                    $members_handsel_arr['htype'] = "userlogin";
                    $members_handsel_arr['addtime'] = $time;
                    $db->inserttable(table("members_handsel"), $members_handsel_arr);
                    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_train.php';
                    report_deal($_SESSION['uid'], $rule['trainuserlogin']['type'], $rule['trainuserlogin']['value']);
                    $user_points = get_user_points($_SESSION['uid']);
                    $operator = $rule['trainuserlogin']['type'] == "1" ? "+" : "-";
                    $_SESSION['handsel_userlogin'] = $operator . $rule['trainuserlogin']['value'];
                    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 4, 9101, $_SESSION['username'], date("Y-m-d") . " 第一次登录,({$operator}{$rule['trainuserlogin']['value']}),(剩余:{$user_points})");
        } elseif ($_CFG['operation_hunter_mode'] == '1' && $_SESSION['utype'] == '3') {
            $rule = get_cache('points_rule');
            if ($rule['hunteruserlogin']['value'] > 0) {
                $time = time();
                $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $info = $db->getone("SELECT uid FROM " . table('members_handsel') . " WHERE uid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND htype='userlogin' AND addtime>{$today}  LIMIT 1");
                if (empty($info)) {
                    $members_handsel_arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
                    $members_handsel_arr['htype'] = "userlogin";
                    $members_handsel_arr['addtime'] = $time;
                    $db->inserttable(table("members_handsel"), $members_handsel_arr);
                    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_hunter.php';
                    report_deal($_SESSION['uid'], $rule['hunteruserlogin']['type'], $rule['hunteruserlogin']['value']);
                    $user_points = get_user_points($_SESSION['uid']);
                    $operator = $rule['hunteruserlogin']['type'] == "1" ? "+" : "-";
                    $_SESSION['handsel_userlogin'] = $operator . $rule['hunteruserlogin']['value'];
                    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 3, 9201, $_SESSION['username'], date("Y-m-d") . " 第一次登录,({$operator}{$rule['hunteruserlogin']['value']}),(剩余:{$user_points})");
        } elseif ($_SESSION['utype'] == '2') {
            $time = time();
            $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
            $info = $db->getone("SELECT uid FROM " . table('members_handsel') . " WHERE uid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND htype='userlogin' AND addtime>{$today}  LIMIT 1");
            if (empty($info)) {
                $members_handsel_arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
                $members_handsel_arr['htype'] = "userlogin";
                $members_handsel_arr['addtime'] = $time;
                $db->inserttable(table("members_handsel"), $members_handsel_arr);
                $_SESSION['personal_login_first'] = 1;
    $user_pmid = $db->getone("SELECT pmid FROM " . table('pms_sys_log') . " WHERE loguid ='{$_SESSION['uid']}' ORDER BY `pmid` DESC  LIMIT 1");
    $user_pmid = intval($user_pmid['pmid']);
    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . table('pms_sys') . " WHERE spmid>{$user_pmid} AND (spms_usertype='0' OR spms_usertype='{$_SESSION['utype']}') AND spms_type='1' ");
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        $setsqlarr['msgtype'] = 1;
        $setsqlarr['msgtouid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
        $setsqlarr['msgtoname'] = $_SESSION['username'];
        $setsqlarr['message'] = $row['message'];
        $setsqlarr['dateline'] = $timestamp;
        $setsqlarr['replytime'] = $timestamp;
        $setsqlarr['new'] = 1;
        $db->inserttable(table('pms'), $setsqlarr);
        $log['loguid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
        $log['pmid'] = $row['spmid'];
        $db->inserttable(table('pms_sys_log'), $log);
        unset($setsqlarr, $log);
    $pmscount = $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('pms') . " WHERE (msgfromuid='{$_SESSION['uid']}' OR msgtouid='{$_SESSION['uid']}') AND `new`='1' AND `replyuid`<>'{$_SESSION['uid']}'");
    setcookie('QS[pmscount]', $pmscount, $expire, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
     if (in_array("address", $reg_com_config)) {
         $com_setarr['address'] = $_POST['address'] ? trim($_POST['address']) : showmsg("请输入企业详细地址");
     if (in_array("contents", $reg_com_config)) {
         $com_setarr['contents'] = $_POST['contents'] ? trim($_POST['contents']) : showmsg("请输入企业介绍");
 if ($reg_type == 1) {
     $mobile = $_POST['mobile'] ? trim($_POST['mobile']) : showmsg("注册手机号丢失");
     $rst = user_register($reg_type, $password, $member_type, "", $mobile, false);
 } else {
     $email = $_POST['email'] ? trim($_POST['email']) : showmsg("注册邮箱号丢失");
     $rst = user_register($reg_type, $password, $member_type, $email, "", $uc_reg = true);
 if ($rst > 0) {
     $user = get_user_inid($rst);
     // 企业信息
     if ($member_type == 1 && !empty($com_setarr)) {
         $com_setarr['uid'] = intval($rst);
         $com_setarr['audit'] = intval($_CFG['audit_add_com']);
         $com_setarr['addtime'] = $timestamp;
         $com_setarr['refreshtime'] = $timestamp;
         $db->inserttable(table('company_profile'), $com_setarr);
     $login_js = user_login($user['username'], $password);
     $mailconfig = get_cache('mailconfig');
     if ($mailconfig['set_reg'] == "1") {
         switch ($user['utype']) {
             case '1':
                 $utype_cn = '企业';
Exemplo n.º 4
    $token = substr(md5(mt_rand(100000, 999999)), 8, 16);
    $_SESSION['getpass_token'] = $token;
    $smarty->assign('token', $token);
    $smarty->assign('userinfo', $userinfo);
    $smarty->assign('title', '找回密码 - 设置新密码-' . $_CFG['site_name']);
} elseif ($act == "get_pass_save") {
    global $QS_pwdhash;
    if (empty($_POST['token']) || $_POST['token'] != $_SESSION['getpass_token']) {
        $link[0]['text'] = "重新找回密码";
        $link[0]['href'] = "?act=enter";
        showmsg("找回密码失败,非正常链接", 0, $link);
    $uid = intval($_POST['uid']);
    $password = $_POST['password'] ? trim($_POST['password']) : showmsg("请输入密码!", 1);
    $userinfo = get_user_inid($uid);
    if (empty($userinfo)) {
        $link[0]['text'] = "重新找回密码";
        $link[0]['href'] = "?act=enter";
        showmsg("修改密码失败", 0, $link);
    $password_hash = md5(md5($password) . $userinfo['pwd_hash'] . $QS_pwdhash);
    $setsqlarr['password'] = $password_hash;
    $rst = $db->updatetable(table('members'), $setsqlarr, array("uid" => $userinfo['uid']));
    if ($rst) {
        header("Location: ?act=get_pass_sucess");
    } else {
        showmsg("设置新密码失败!", 1);
} elseif ($act == "get_pass_sucess") {
    $smarty->assign('title', '找回密码 - 找回成功 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']);
Exemplo n.º 5
    $useremail = get_user_inid($uid);
    smtp_mail($useremail['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_applycou') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_applycou']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_applycou_title']);
    smtp_mail($_GET['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_downapp') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_downapp']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_downapp_title']);
    smtp_mail($_GET['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_hunallow') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunallow']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunallow_title']);
    $useremail = get_user_inid($uid);
    smtp_mail($useremail['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_hunnotallow') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunnotallow']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunnotallow_title']);
    $useremail = get_user_inid($uid);
    smtp_mail($useremail['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_hunjobsallow') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunjobsallow']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunjobsallow_title']);
    $useremail = get_user_inid($uid);
    smtp_mail($useremail['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
} elseif ($act == 'set_hunjobsnotallow') {
    $templates = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunjobsnotallow']);
    $templates_title = label_replace($mail_templates['set_hunjobsnotallow_title']);
    $useremail = get_user_inid($uid);
    smtp_mail($useremail['email'], $templates_title, $templates);
Exemplo n.º 6
define('IN_QISHI', true);
$alias = "QS_my_evaluation";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/common.inc.php';
if ($mypage['caching'] > 0) {
    $smarty->cache = true;
    $smarty->cache_lifetime = $mypage['caching'];
} else {
    $smarty->cache = false;
$cached_id = $alias . (isset($_GET['id']) ? "|" . intval($_GET['id']) % 100 . '|' . intval($_GET['id']) : '') . (isset($_GET['page']) ? "|p" . intval($_GET['page']) % 100 : '');
require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/mysql.class.php';
$db = new mysql($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_user.php';
$user_info = get_user_inid($_SESSION['uid']);
if (!empty($user_info['avatars'])) {
    $user_info['avatars'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/avatar/100/" . $user_info['avatars'];
} else {
    $user_info['avatars'] = $_CFG['site_template'] . "images/06.jpg";
$count_sql = "SELECT count(*) as num,type_id FROM " . table('evaluation_record') . " WHERE uid=" . $_SESSION['uid'] . " GROUP BY type_id ORDER BY type_id ";
$result = $db->query($count_sql);
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
    $count[$row['type_id']] = intval($row['num']);
for ($x = 1; $x <= 4; $x++) {
    if (empty($count[$x])) {
        $count[$x] = 0;