Exemplo n.º 1
function generate_thumbnail($sURL, $needConnect)
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        return getError("no logged-in user");
    $res = array();
    //get picture from service
    $remote_path = str_replace("[URL]", $sURL, WEBSITE_THUMBNAIL_SERVICE);
    $heurist_path = tempnam(HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR, "_temp_");
    // . $file_id;
    $filesize = saveURLasFile($remote_path, $heurist_path);
    if ($filesize > 0) {
        //check the dimension of returned thumbanil in case it less than 50 - consider it as error
        if (strpos($remote_path, substr(WEBSITE_THUMBNAIL_SERVICE, 0, 24)) == 0) {
            $image_info = getimagesize($heurist_path);
            if ($image_info[1] < 50) {
                //remove temp file
                return getError("Thumbnail generator service can't create the image for specified URL");
        $fileID = upload_file("snapshot.jpg", "jpg", $heurist_path, null, $filesize, $sURL, $needConnect);
        if (is_numeric($fileID)) {
            $res = get_uploaded_file_info($fileID, $needConnect);
        } else {
            $res = getError("File upload was interrupted. " . $fileID);
    } else {
        $res = getError("Cannot download image");
    return $res;
Exemplo n.º 2
if (!is_logged_in()) {
    jsonError("no logged-in user");
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_POST) && empty($_FILES) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) {
    jsonError("File is too large. " . $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] . " bytes exceeds the limit of " . ini_get('post_max_size') . ". Please get system administrator to increase the file size limits or load your large files on a video server or other suitable web service and use the URL to reference the file here");
} else {
    $upload = @$_FILES["file"];
    if ($upload) {
        mysql_query("start transaction");
        //POST Content-Length of 103399974 bytes exceeds the limit of 29360128 bytes in Unknown on line
        $fileID = upload_file($upload["name"], null, $upload["tmp_name"], $upload["error"], $upload["size"], $_REQUEST["description"], false);
        if (is_numeric($fileID)) {
            $file = get_uploaded_file_info($fileID, false);
            print json_format($file);
        } else {
            if ($fileID) {
            } else {
                if ($_FILES["file"]["error"]) {
                    jsonError("uploaded file was too large");
                } else {
                    jsonError("file upload was interrupted");
    } else {
        jsonError("File data are not posted to server side");
 * description
 * Get all recDetails entries for this record,
 * as an array.
 * File entries have file data associated,
 * geo entries have geo data associated,
 * record references have title data associated.
 * here we want  list of detail values for this record grouped by detail Type
 * recordType can contain pseudoDetailTypes that are structural only information (relmarker, separator and fieldsetmarker)
 * since these will never be instantiated to a detail (data value) we don't need to worry about them here. Any detail will
 * will be of valid type and might not be in the definition of the rec type (Heurist separates data storage for type definition).
 * @param     int $recID record ID
 * @return    object array of details index by local detailID
 * @uses      get_uploaded_file_info() to get the file info
function getAllRecordDetails($recID)
    $res = mysql_query("select dtl_ID, dtl_DetailTypeID, dtl_Value, rec_Title, dtl_UploadedFileID, trm_Label,\n\t                           if(dtl_Geo is not null, astext(envelope(dtl_Geo)), null) as envelope,\n\t                           if(dtl_Geo is not null, astext(dtl_Geo), null) as dtl_Geo\n\t                      from recDetails\n\t                 left join defDetailTypes on dty_ID=dtl_DetailTypeID\n\t                 left join Records on rec_ID=dtl_Value and dty_Type='resource'\n\t                 left join defTerms on trm_ID = dtl_Value\n\t                     where dtl_RecID = {$recID} order by dtl_DetailTypeID, dtl_ID");
    $recDetails = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $detail = array();
        $detail["id"] = $row["dtl_ID"];
        $detail["value"] = $row["dtl_Value"];
        if (array_key_exists('trm_Label', $row) && $row['trm_Label']) {
            $detail["enumValue"] = $row["trm_Label"];
        if ($row["rec_Title"]) {
            $detail["title"] = $row["rec_Title"];
        if ($row["dtl_UploadedFileID"]) {
            $fileres = get_uploaded_file_info($row["dtl_UploadedFileID"], false);
            if ($fileres) {
                $detail["file"] = $fileres["file"];
        } else {
            if ($row["envelope"] && preg_match("/^POLYGON[(][(]([^ ]+) ([^ ]+),[^,]*,([^ ]+) ([^,]+)/", $row["envelope"], $poly)) {
                list($match, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY) = $poly;
                $x = 0.5 * ($minX + $maxX);
                $y = 0.5 * ($minY + $maxY);
                // This is a bit ugly ... but it is useful.
                // Do things differently for a path -- set minX,minY to the first point in the path, maxX,maxY to the last point
                if ($row["dtl_Value"] == "l" && preg_match("/^LINESTRING[(]([^ ]+) ([^ ]+),.*,([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)[)]\$/", $row["dtl_Geo"], $matches)) {
                    list($dummy, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY) = $matches;
                switch ($row["dtl_Value"]) {
                    case "p":
                        $type = "point";
                    case "pl":
                        $type = "polygon";
                    case "c":
                        $type = "circle";
                    case "r":
                        $type = "rectangle";
                    case "l":
                        $type = "path";
                        $type = "unknown";
                $wkt = $row["dtl_Value"] . " " . $row["dtl_Geo"];
                // well-known text value
                $detail["geo"] = array("minX" => $minX, "minY" => $minY, "maxX" => $maxX, "maxY" => $maxY, "x" => $x, "y" => $y, "type" => $type, "value" => $wkt);
        if (!@$recDetails[$row["dtl_DetailTypeID"]]) {
            $recDetails[$row["dtl_DetailTypeID"]] = array();
        array_push($recDetails[$row["dtl_DetailTypeID"]], $detail);
    return $recDetails;
Exemplo n.º 4
function loadRecordDetails(&$record)
    $recID = $record["rec_ID"];
    $squery = "select dtl_ID,\n\t\tdtl_DetailTypeID,\n\t\tdtl_Value,\n\t\tAsWKT(dtl_Geo) as dtl_Geo,\n\t\tdtl_UploadedFileID,\n\t\tdty_Type,\n\t\trec_ID,\n\t\trec_Title,\n\t\trec_RecTypeID,\n\t\trec_Hash\n\t\tfrom recDetails\n\t\tleft join defDetailTypes on dty_ID = dtl_DetailTypeID\n\t\tleft join Records on rec_ID = dtl_Value and dty_Type = 'resource'\n\t\twhere dtl_RecID = {$recID}";
    $res = mysql_query($squery);
    $details = array();
    while ($rd = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        // skip all invalid value
        if (!$rd["dty_Type"] === "file" && $rd["dtl_Value"] === null || ($rd["dty_Type"] === "enum" || $rd["dty_Type"] === "relationtype") && !$rd["dtl_Value"]) {
        if (!@$details[$rd["dtl_DetailTypeID"]]) {
            $details[$rd["dtl_DetailTypeID"]] = array();
        $detailValue = null;
        switch ($rd["dty_Type"]) {
            case "freetext":
            case "blocktext":
            case "float":
            case "date":
            case "enum":
            case "relationtype":
            case "integer":
            case "boolean":
            case "year":
            case "urlinclude":
                // these shoudl no logner exist, retained for backward compatibility
                $detailValue = $rd["dtl_Value"];
            case "file":
                $detailValue = get_uploaded_file_info($rd["dtl_UploadedFileID"], false);
            case "resource":
                $detailValue = array("id" => $rd["rec_ID"], "type" => $rd["rec_RecTypeID"], "title" => $rd["rec_Title"], "hhash" => $rd["rec_Hash"]);
            case "geo":
                if ($rd["dtl_Value"] && $rd["dtl_Geo"]) {
                    $detailValue = array("geo" => array("type" => $rd["dtl_Value"], "wkt" => $rd["dtl_Geo"]));
            case "separator":
                // this should never happen since separators are not saved as details, skip if it does
            // this should never happen since separators are not saved as details, skip if it does
            case "relmarker":
                // relmarkers are places holders for display of relationships constrained in some way
            // relmarkers are places holders for display of relationships constrained in some way
        if ($detailValue) {
            $details[$rd["dtl_DetailTypeID"]][$rd["dtl_ID"]] = $detailValue;
    $record["details"] = $details;
Exemplo n.º 5
function print_public_details($bib)
    global $terms, $is_map_popup;
    $bds_res = mysql_query('select dty_ID,
                ifnull(rdr.rst_DisplayName, dty_Name) as name,
                dtl_Value as val,
                if(dtl_Geo is not null, AsWKT(dtl_Geo), null) as dtl_Geo,
                if(dtl_Geo is not null, AsWKT(envelope(dtl_Geo)), null) as bd_geo_envelope
                from recDetails
                left join defDetailTypes on dty_ID = dtl_DetailTypeID
                left join defRecStructure rdr on rdr.rst_DetailTypeID = dtl_DetailTypeID
                and rdr.rst_RecTypeID = ' . $bib['rec_RecTypeID'] . '
                where dtl_RecID = ' . $bib['rec_ID'] . '
                order by rdr.rst_DisplayOrder is null,
    $bds = array();
    $thumbs = array();
    if ($bds_res) {
        while ($bd = mysql_fetch_assoc($bds_res)) {
            if ($bd['dty_ID'] == 603) {
                array_push($thumbs, array('url' => $bd['val'], 'thumb' => HEURIST_BASE_URL . 'common/php/resizeImage.php?db=' . HEURIST_DBNAME . '&file_url=' . $bd['val']));
            if ($bd['dty_Type'] == 'enum') {
                if (array_key_exists($bd['val'], $terms['termsByDomainLookup']['enum'])) {
                    $term = $terms['termsByDomainLookup']['enum'][$bd['val']];
                    $bd['val'] = output_chunker(getFullTermLabel($terms, $term, 'enum', false));
                    //$bd['val'] = output_chunker($terms['termsByDomainLookup']['enum'][$bd['val']][0]);
                } else {
                    $bd['val'] = "";
            } else {
                if ($bd['dty_Type'] == 'relationtype') {
                    $term = $terms['termsByDomainLookup']['relation'][$bd['val']];
                    $bd['val'] = output_chunker(getFullTermLabel($terms, $term, 'relation', false));
                    //$bd['val'] = output_chunker($terms['termsByDomainLookup']['relation'][$bd['val']][0]);
                } else {
                    if ($bd['dty_Type'] == 'date') {
                        $bd['val'] = temporalToHumanReadableString($bd['val'], true);
                        $bd['val'] = output_chunker($bd['val']);
                    } else {
                        if ($bd['dty_Type'] == 'resource') {
                            $res = mysql_query('select rec_Title from Records where rec_ID=' . intval($bd['val']));
                            $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
                            $bd['val'] = '<a target="_new" href="' . HEURIST_BASE_URL . 'records/view/renderRecordData.php?db=' . HEURIST_DBNAME . '&recID=' . $bd['val'] . (defined('use_alt_db') ? '&alt' : '') . '" onclick="return link_open(this);">' . htmlspecialchars($row[0]) . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            if ($bd['dty_Type'] == 'file' && $bd['dtl_UploadedFileID']) {
                                //All works with recUploadedFiles MUST be centralized in uploadFile.php
                                $filedata = get_uploaded_file_info($bd['dtl_UploadedFileID'], false);
                                if ($filedata) {
                                    $filedata = $filedata['file'];
                                    $remoteSrc = $filedata['remoteSource'];
                                    //add to thumbnail list
                                    $isplayer = array_key_exists('playerURL', $filedata) && $filedata['playerURL'];
                                    if (is_image($filedata) || $isplayer) {
                                        if ($isplayer && is_image($filedata) && is_logged_in()) {
                                            $filedata['playerURL'] .= "&annedit=yes";
                                        array_push($thumbs, array('id' => $filedata['id'], 'url' => $filedata['URL'], 'thumb' => $filedata['thumbURL'], 'player' => $isplayer ? $filedata['playerURL'] . ($remoteSrc == 'youtube' || $remoteSrc == 'gdrive' ? "" : "&height=60%") : null));
                                    if ($filedata['URL'] == $filedata['remoteURL']) {
                                        //remote resource
                                        $bd['val'] = '<a target="_surf" class="external-link" href="' . htmlspecialchars($filedata['URL']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($filedata['URL']) . '</a>';
                                    } else {
                                        $bd['val'] = '<a target="_surf" class="external-link" href="' . htmlspecialchars($filedata['URL']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($filedata['origName']) . '</a> ' . ($filedata['fileSize'] > 0 ? '[' . htmlspecialchars($filedata['fileSize']) . 'kB]' : '');
                            } else {
                                if (preg_match('/^https?:/', $bd['val'])) {
                                    if (strlen($bd['val']) > 100) {
                                        $trim_url = preg_replace('/^(.{70}).*?(.{20})$/', '\\1...\\2', $bd['val']);
                                    } else {
                                        $trim_url = $bd['val'];
                                    $bd['val'] = '<a href="' . $bd['val'] . '" target="_new">' . htmlspecialchars($trim_url) . '</a>';
                                } else {
                                    if ($bd['dtl_Geo'] && preg_match("/^POLYGON\\s?[(][(]([^ ]+) ([^ ]+),[^,]*,([^ ]+) ([^,]+)/", $bd["bd_geo_envelope"], $poly)) {
                                        list($match, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY) = $poly;
                                        if ($bd["val"] == "l" && preg_match("/^LINESTRING\\s?[(]([^ ]+) ([^ ]+),.*,([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)[)]\$/", $bd["dtl_Geo"], $matches)) {
                                            list($dummy, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY) = $matches;
                                        /*   redundant
                                             $minX = intval($minX*10)/10;
                                             $minY = intval($minY*10)/10;
                                             $maxX = intval($maxX*10)/10;
                                             $maxY = intval($maxY*10)/10;
                                        switch ($bd["val"]) {
                                            case "p":
                                                $type = "Point";
                                            case "pl":
                                                $type = "Polygon";
                                            case "c":
                                                $type = "Circle";
                                            case "r":
                                                $type = "Rectangle";
                                            case "l":
                                                $type = "Path";
                                                $type = "Unknown";
                                        if ($type == "Point") {
                                            $bd["val"] = "<b>Point</b> " . round($minX, 7) . ", " . round($minY, 7);
                                        } else {
                                            $bd['val'] = "<b>{$type}</b> X " . round($minX, 7) . ", " . round($maxX, 7) . " Y " . round($minY, 7) . ", " . round($maxY, 7);
                                        $geoimage = "<img class='geo-image' src='" . HEURIST_BASE_URL . "common/images/geo.gif' onmouseout='{if(mapViewer){mapViewer.hide();}}' " . "onmouseover='{if(mapViewer){mapViewer.showAtStatic(event, " . $bib['rec_ID'] . ");}}'>&nbsp;";
                                        $bd['val'] = $geoimage . $bd['val'];
                                    } else {
                                        $bd['val'] = output_chunker($bd['val']);
            array_push($bds, $bd);
    if ($is_map_popup) {
        echo '<div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div class=detailRowHeader>Shared';
            <div  class=thumbnail>
    foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
        print '<div class=thumb_image>';
        if ($thumb['player'] && !$is_map_popup) {
            print '<img id="img' . $thumb['id'] . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['thumb']) . '" onClick="showPlayer(this,' . $thumb['id'] . ',\'' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['player']) . '\')">';
            print '<div id="player' . $thumb['id'] . '" style="min-height:240px;min-width:320px;display:none;"></div>';
        } else {
            //for usual image
            print '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['thumb']) . '" onClick="zoomInOut(this,\'' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['thumb']) . '\',\'' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['url']) . '\')">';
        print '<br/><div class="download_link">';
        if ($thumb['player'] && !$is_map_popup) {
            print '<a id="lnk' . $thumb['id'] . '" href="#" style="display:none;" onclick="hidePlayer(' . $thumb['id'] . ')">CLOSE</a>&nbsp;';
        print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($thumb['url']) . '" target=_surf class="image_tool">DOWNLOAD</a></div>';
        print '</div>';
        if ($is_map_popup) {
            print '<br>';
            //in map popup show the only thumbnail
    $always_visible_dt = array(defined('DT_NAME') ? DT_SHORT_SUMMARY : 0, defined('DT_NAME') ? DT_GEO_OBJECT : 0);
    $prevLbl = null;
    foreach ($bds as $bd) {
        print '<div class="detailRow" style="width:100%;border:none 1px #00ff00;' . ($is_map_popup && !in_array($bd['dty_ID'], $always_visible_dt) ? 'display:none' : '') . '"><div class=detailType>' . ($prevLbl == $bd['name'] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($bd['name'])) . '</div><div class="detail' . ($is_map_popup && $bd['dty_ID'] != DT_SHORT_SUMMARY ? ' truncate' : '') . '">' . $bd['val'] . '</div></div>';
        $prevLbl = $bd['name'];

            <div class=detailRow <?php 
    echo $is_map_popup ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
                    <div class=detailType>Updated</div><div class=detail><?php 
    echo $bib['rec_Modified'];
            <div class=detailRow <?php 
    echo $is_map_popup ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
                    <div class=detailType>Cite as</div><div class="detail<?php 
    echo $is_map_popup ? ' truncate' : '';
"><a target=_blank class="external-link"
    echo $bib['rec_ID'] . "&db=" . HEURIST_DBNAME;
    echo $bib['rec_ID'] . "&db=" . HEURIST_DBNAME;
    // </div>
    if ($is_map_popup) {
        echo '<div class=detailRow><div class=detailType><a href="#" onClick="$(\'.detailRow\').show();$(event.target).hide()">more ...</a></div></div>';
        echo '<div class=detailRow>&nbsp;</div>';
    echo '</div>';