Exemplo n.º 1
save_array_to_mongo($kurs, $currency, $data_collection);
$collection->update(array(), array("ts" => time()));
echo " updating capsidea.com datasets:";
$secret = sha1($capsidea_client_secret . $capsidea_permanent_access_token);
$clients_collection = $db->cbrclients;
$cursor = $clients_collection->find();
foreach ($cursor as $this_item) {
    $selected = unserialize(base64_decode($this_item["selected"]));
    $schemakey = $this_item["schemakey"];
    echo " {$schemakey}";
    // show my progress
    $rangeQuery = array('ts' => array('$gt' => $last_ts, '$lt' => time()));
    // select all new records
    $kurs = load_array_from_mongo($data_collection, $rangeQuery, $selected);
    // save array as csv
    $fname = save_array_as_csv($selected, $kurs);
    $stime = get_timer();
    $host_reply = askhost($server_url . "&schemakey=" . $schemakey, array('file_contents' => '@' . $fname), "", "", "", 80000, array("appid: {$capsidea_appid}", "sig: {$secret}"), true);
    // defined in askhost.php
    $capsidea_time = get_timer() - $stime;
    $result = $host_reply["data"];
    $error_log = "secret: {$secret} response: \n" . $host_reply["data"] . "\nconnection debug:\n" . $host_reply["d"];
    if (200 != $host_reply["httpcode"]) {
        mylog("ERR: {$error_log} " . $host_reply["httpcode"]);
    // if !200
    mylog("OK: {$schemakey} in {$capsidea_time} sec");
echo " complete\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/paypal_ds.log", print_r($ret, true) . " \n cdata:" . print_r($cdata, true) . "\n reply:" . print_r($host_reply, true) . "\n pgerr:" . pg_errormessage() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
        $resp = "system error, unable update client in database. Please contact support.";
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".prc", "100");
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".resp", $resp);
} else {
    if (1 != pg_affected_rows(@pg_query("insert into client (iname, ikey, ihash, ieml, cname, sftplogin, sftppwd,idate, todo, iparent, active, app ) values ('{$company_name}',{$ikey},'{$hash}','{$eml}','{$contact_name}','{$sftplog}','{$sftppwd}',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,1,{$parent_key}, 1, {$capsidea_appid})"))) {
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/paypal_ds.log", date(DATE_ATOM) . " ERR CPS ERR: client {$eml} [{$company_name}] {$contact_name} l: {$sftplog} p: {$sftppwd} \n", FILE_APPEND);
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/paypal_ds.log", print_r($ret, true) . " \n cdata:" . print_r($cdata, true) . "\n reply:" . print_r($host_reply, true) . "\n pgerr:" . pg_errormessage() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
        $resp = "system error, unable to insert client into database. Please contact support.";
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".prc", "100");
        file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".resp", $resp);
// all ok, proceed to cps
// create json for DB
if (0 == $parent_key) {
    $source_id = $ikey;
} else {
    $source_id = $parent_key;
$resp = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://beta.capsidea.com/api.js\"></script><script>CI.updateSource({$ikey});CI.closeApp();</script>\n<title>Success</title><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"view.css\" media=\"all\"></head><body id=\"main_body\"\n<img id=\"top\" src=\"top.png\" alt=\"\"><div id=\"form_container\"><h1><b>Source {$ikey} created</b></h1><br>\n<div id=\"footer\"></div></div><img id=\"bottom\" src=\"bottom.png\" alt=\"\"></body></html>";
// report time and mem
$mem = floor(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024));
$full_time = get_timer() - $stime1;
mystat("signup [{$ikey}] mem: {$mem} MB list: {$list_time} upload: {$cps_time} size: {$fsize} MB full: {$full_time}");
file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".resp", $resp);
file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".prc", "100");
Exemplo n.º 3
 // position recovered, proceed
 if (1 == $need_recover) {
 //if (("41424800"!=$series)&&("20237110"!=$ series)&&("10212100"!=$series)) continue;
 echo "\n[{$series}] {$value} ({$save_counter})";
 //if (0==$counter) {echo $resp['data'];die("\nerr no data in whole industry!");}  // debug
 if ($save_counter > 0) {
     //if (10==$save_counter) {
     echo "\nautosaving work ";
     $stime = get_timer();
     file_put_contents("/tmp/save-array.tmp", gzcompress(serialize($fields)));
     file_put_contents("/tmp/save-industry.tmp", serialize($value));
     echo get_timer() - $stime . "sec\n";
     $save_counter = 0;
 $counter = 0;
 //	$years=array(1930,1941,1952,1963,1974,1985,1996,2007);
 $years = array(2014);
 foreach ($years as $this_year) {
     $sy = $this_year;
     $ey = $this_year + 10;
     if ($ey > (int) date("Y")) {
         $ey = (int) date("Y");
     $series_num = 1;
     $list_series = "";
Exemplo n.º 4
function generate_application_report_to_cvs($client_dir, $dbconn, $source_id, $cases, &$merchant, $ware, $cntryarr)
    global $dbg;
    $fname = generatehash();
    $report_fname = $client_dir . "/" . $fname . ".csv";
    $fw = fopen($report_fname, "w");
    fputs($fw, "txn_lag,fee,amount,start_ts,stop_ts,status,tcode,currency,case_reason,case_status,case_money_move,due_date,case_type,case_lag,case_date,case_amount,days_before_case_closure,project,country\n");
    $qry = "select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and refid='' and ikey={$source_id} and stop_ts>(date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '1 month') order by stop_ts;";
    //$qry="select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and (refid='' or refid is null) and ikey=1591 and (stop_ts>(date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '1 month') or (stop_ts between (date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '13 month') and (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '12 month'))) order by stop_ts;";
    //$qry="select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and (refid='' or refid is null) and ikey=1591 order by stop_ts;";
    //$dbg=$dbg."\n executing txn qry $qry... ";
    $pgres = pg_query($qry);
    if (false === $pgres) {
        $qr = pg_errormessage($dbconn);
        log_fatal("generate_application_report_to_cvs:  src {$source_id} ERR {$qr} in query: {$qry} ");
    //$dbg=$dbg."($tcount) time ".((get_timer()-$stime)/1)." sec "; // $stime=get_timer();
    $stime = get_timer();
    while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($pgres)) {
        // process txn row
        $line = array();
        //if (isset($row["txnlag"])) $line["lag"]=$row["txnlag"]; else $line["lag"]="null";
        if (isset($row["txnlag"])) {
            $line["lag"] = $row["txnlag"];
        } else {
            $line["lag"] = "0";
        $line["fee"] = -1 * ((int) $row["fee"] / 100);
        $line["amount"] = (int) $row["amount"] / 100;
        $line["stopts"] = convert_to_cps_date($row["stop_ts"]);
        if (isset($row["start_ts"])) {
            $line["startts"] = convert_to_cps_date($row["start_ts"]);
        } else {
            $line["startts"] = $line["stopts"];
        $line["status"] = (string) $row["status"];
        if (isset($row["tcode"])) {
            $line["tcode"] = (string) $row["tcode"];
        } else {
            $line["tcode"] = " ";
        $line["currency"] = (string) $row["currency"];
        $ppid = $row["ppid"];
        $mid = $row["mid"];
        if (isset($cases[$mid])) {
            $row2 = $cases[$mid];
            $line["creason"] = $row2["creason"];
            $line["cstatus"] = $row2["cstatus"];
            $line["cmm"] = $row2["cmm"];
            $line["cdd"] = convert_to_cps_date($row2["cdd"]);
            $line["ctype"] = $row2["ctype"];
            $line["clag"] = $row2["clag"];
            $line["cdate"] = convert_to_cps_date($row2["cdate"]);
            $line["camount"] = $row2["camount"];
            $line["cdays"] = $row2["cdays"];
        } else {
            // null values
            $line["creason"] = "null";
            $line["cstatus"] = "null";
            $line["cmm"] = " ";
            $line["cdd"] = convert_to_cps_date("0");
            $line["ctype"] = " ";
            $line["clag"] = "0";
            $line["cdate"] = convert_to_cps_date("0");
            $line["camount"] = "0";
            $line["cdays"] = "0";
        // no case - empty values
        if (isset($merchant[$mid])) {
            $row2 = $merchant[$mid];
            $line["prj"] = process_prj_names($ware[$row2[1]]);
            if (!isset($cntryarr[$row2[2]])) {
                //$dbg=$dbg."country not found! '".$row2[2]."' \n";
                $line["country"] = "unknown country";
            } else {
                $line["country"] = $cntryarr[$row2[2]];
        } else {
            $line["prj"] = "null";
            $line["country"] = "null";
        fputcsv($fw, $line);
    // process txn's
    return $report_fname;
Exemplo n.º 5
        $res = @pg_query($qry);
        if (false === $res) {
            $qr = pg_errormessage($dbconn);
            $line = implode(",", $this_item);
            file_put_contents("{$my_data_dir}/loader.log", date(DATE_ATOM) . " (line: {$line}) client {$key} ERR {$qr} in query: {$qry} file: {$nfname}\n", FILE_APPEND);
            log_fatal("ERR error in " . implode(",", array_keys($this_item)) . "values" . implode(",", $this_item));
    // case?
    if ($i > 10000) {
        // 		@pg_query("commit;");
        echo ".";
        $lines_processed = $lines_processed + $i;
        $i = 0;
$lines_processed = $lines_processed + $i;
echo "\nOK {$lines_processed} records accepted";
@pg_query("update client set todo=1 where ikey={$key};");
// flag client as updated
@pg_query("update client set todo=1 where iparent={$key};");
$time = get_timer() - $stime;
//total timer
$mem = floor(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024));
file_put_contents("{$my_data_dir}/txn-stat.log", date(DATE_ATOM) . " client {$key} lines: {$lines_processed} time: {$time} sec mem: {$mem} MB\n", FILE_APPEND);
Exemplo n.º 6
     // $err="cube: $merchant_cube_id"."secret: ".$secret."<br>response:<pre>".$host_reply["data"]."</pre>"."<br>connection debug:<pre>".$host_reply["d"]."</pre>";
     // if (500==$host_reply["httpcode"]) {
     // 	echo "ERR: $err\n".$host_reply["httpcode"];
     // 	log_fatal("error 500 from cps: \n $dbg");
     // } // if 500
     // if (401==$host_reply["httpcode"]) {
     // 	echo "ERR: unauthorized $err\n".$host_reply["httpcode"];
     // 	log_fatal("error 401 from cps \n $dbg");
     // } // if 500
     // if (200==$host_reply["httpcode"]) {
     // 	echo "unlinking ".$report_fname."\n";
     // unlink($report_fname);
     // echo  "OK (http == 200)\n";
     // } else {echo  "UNK: $err\n".$host_reply["httpcode"];}
     pg_query("update client set pdate=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, todo=0 where ikey=" . $merchant_cube_id);
     $time4 = get_timer() - $time4;
     //total timer
     $mem = floor(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024));
     //file_put_contents("/tmp/paypal-gen.log", date(DATE_ATOM)." client $client_name [$source_id] cases: $ccount merchant $mcount / $time2 sec]  mem: $mem MB loading: $time1 uploading: $time3 size: $fsize MB full: $time4\n", FILE_APPEND);
     file_put_contents("/tmp/paypal-gen.log", date(DATE_ATOM) . " link client {$client_name} [{$source_id}]   mem: {$mem} MB loading: {$time1} full: {$time4}\n", FILE_APPEND);
 // select client which need update
 if (isset($force_run)) {
     echo "forced run done\n";
 echo $dbg;
 if ($data_modified) {
     $sleep_interval = 1;
 } else {
     $sleep_interval = 30;