Exemplo n.º 1
function tpl_function_qishi_resume_show($params, &$smarty)
    global $db, $_CFG, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain;
    $arr = explode(',', $params['set']);
    foreach ($arr as $str) {
        $a = explode(':', $str);
        switch ($a[0]) {
            case "简历ID":
                $aset['id'] = $a[1];
            case "列表名":
                $aset['listname'] = $a[1];
    $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset);
    $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0;
    $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list";
    $wheresql = " WHERE  id=" . $aset['id'] . "";
    $val = $db->getone("select id,uid,display,display_name,fullname,sex,sex_cn,major_cn,birthdate,photo,photo_img,photo_display,tag_cn,refreshtime,height,marriage_cn,education_cn,experience_cn,householdaddress,residence,talent,wage_cn,nature_cn,district_cn,trade_cn,intention_jobs,current_cn,specialty,title,telephone,email,addtime,resume_from_pc from " . table('resume') . $wheresql . " LIMIT  1");
    if (intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 1) {
        $company_profile = $db->getone("select companyname from " . table('company_profile') . " where uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']));
    if ($val) {
        setcookie('QS[view_resume_log][' . $val['id'] . ']', $val['id'], 0, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
        if (intval($_SESSION['uid']) > 0 && intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 1) {
            $company_profile = $db->getone("select companyname from " . table('company_profile') . " where uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']));
            $shield_company = $db->getall("select comkeyword from " . table('personal_shield_company') . " where pid=" . $val['id'] . " and uid=" . $val['uid']);
            foreach ($shield_company as $key => $value) {
                if (!empty($value['comkeyword']) && stristr($company_profile['companyname'], $value['comkeyword'])) {
                    header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            $check = check_view_log(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
            if (!$check) {
                add_view_log(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
                $sql = "select did from " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " ";
                if ($db->getone($sql)) {
                    $db->query("update " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " set personal_look=2 where  resume_id={$val['id']} and company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . "");
            } else {
                $db->query("update " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " set personal_look=2 where  resume_id={$val['id']} and company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . "");
            // 简历处理率
            $resume_applyed = $db->getone("select count(*) num from " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " where  company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " and resume_id={$val['id']} ");
            if (!empty($resume_applyed)) {
                $apply_see = $db->getone("select count(*) num from " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " where  company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " and  personal_look=2 ");
                $apply_all = $db->getone("select count(*) num from " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " where  company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " ");
                $company_info['resume_processing'] = $apply_see['num'] / $apply_all['num'] * 100;
                $db->updatetable(table("company_profile"), $company_info, array("uid" => $_SESSION['uid']));
            $download = $db->getone("select did from " . table("company_down_resume") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " ");
            if ($download) {
                if ($val['display_name'] == "2") {
                    $val['fullname'] = "N" . str_pad($val['id'], 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                    $val['fullname_'] = $val['fullname'];
                } elseif ($val['display_name'] == "3") {
                    if ($val['sex'] == 1) {
                        $val['fullname'] = cut_str($val['fullname'], 1, 0, "先生");
                    } elseif ($val['sex'] == 2) {
                        $val['fullname'] = cut_str($val['fullname'], 1, 0, "女士");
                } else {
                    $val['fullname_'] = $val['fullname'];
                    $val['fullname'] = $val['fullname'];
            $mes_apply = $db->getone("select jobs_name,apply_addtime from " . table('personal_jobs_apply') . " where `resume_id`=" . $val['id'] . " and  `company_uid`=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " limit 1 ");
            if ($mes_apply) {
                $val['message'] = "应聘职位:" . $mes_apply['jobs_name'] . " 投递时间:" . date('Y-m-d', $mes_apply['apply_addtime']);
            } else {
                $val['message'] = "";
        } else {
            if ($val['display_name'] == "2") {
                $val['fullname'] = "N" . str_pad($val['id'], 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $val['fullname_'] = $val['fullname'];
            } elseif ($val['display_name'] == "3") {
                if ($val['sex'] == 1) {
                    $val['fullname'] = cut_str($val['fullname'], 1, 0, "先生");
                } elseif ($val['sex'] == 2) {
                    $val['fullname'] = cut_str($val['fullname'], 1, 0, "女士");
            } else {
                $val['fullname_'] = $val['fullname'];
                $val['fullname'] = $val['fullname'];
        $val['education_list'] = get_this_education($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['work_list'] = get_this_work($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['training_list'] = get_this_training($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['language_list'] = get_this_language($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['credent_list'] = get_this_credent($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['img_list'] = get_this_img($val['uid'], $val['id']);
        $val['age'] = date("Y") - $val['birthdate'];
        if ($val['photo'] == "1") {
            $download = $db->getone("select did from " . table("company_down_resume") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and company_uid=" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . " ");
            if (empty($download)) {
                if ($val['photo_display'] == "1") {
                    $val['photosrc'] = $_CFG['resume_photo_dir'] . $val['photo_img'];
                } else {
                    $val['photosrc'] = $_CFG['resume_photo_dir_thumb'] . "no_photo_display.gif";
            } else {
                $val['photosrc'] = $_CFG['resume_photo_dir'] . $val['photo_img'];
        } else {
            $val['photosrc'] = $_CFG['resume_photo_dir_thumb'] . "no_photo.gif";
        if ($val['tag_cn']) {
            $tag_cn = explode(',', $val['tag_cn']);
            $val['tag_cn'] = $tag_cn;
        } else {
            $val['tag_cn'] = array();
        $apply = $db->getone("select * from " . table('personal_jobs_apply') . " where `resume_id`=" . $val['id']);
        $val['jobs_name'] = $apply['jobs_name'];
        $val['apply_addtime'] = $apply['apply_addtime'];
        $val['jobs_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_jobsshow', array('id' => $apply['jobs_id']));
        if ($val['jobs_name']) {
            $val['apply'] = 1;
        } else {
            $val['apply'] = 0;
        /* 简历活跃度  更新时间 主动申请职位数  浏览职位数 */
        $vitality = 0;
        $val['refreshtime_cn'] = daterange(time(), $val['refreshtime'], 'Y-m-d', "#FF3300");
        $timestr = time() - $val['refreshtime'];
        $day = intval($timestr / 86400);
        if ($day < 3) {
            $vitality += 2;
        } else {
            $vitality += 1;
        $time = time() - 15 * 86400;
        $val['apply_jobs'] = $db->get_total("select count(*) num from " . table("personal_jobs_apply") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and apply_addtime>{$time} and is_apply=1 ");
        if ($val['apply_jobs'] > 0 && $val['apply_jobs'] < 10) {
            $vitality += 1;
        } elseif ($val['apply_jobs'] >= 10) {
            $vitality += 2;
        $val['view_jobs'] = $db->get_total("select count(*) num from " . table("view_jobs") . " where uid={$val['uid']} and addtime>{$time} ");
        if ($val['view_jobs'] >= 10) {
            $vitality += 1;
        $val['vitality'] = $vitality;
        /*企业关注度 start */
        $attention = 0;
        $val['com_down'] = $db->get_total("select count(*) num from " . table("company_down_resume") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and down_addtime>{$time} ");
        if ($val['com_down'] >= 0 && $val['com_down'] < 10) {
            $attention += 1;
        } elseif ($val['com_down'] >= 10) {
            $attention += 2;
        $val['com_invite'] = $db->get_total("select count(*) num from " . table("company_interview") . " where resume_id={$val['id']} and interview_addtime>{$time} ");
        if ($val['com_invite'] > 0 && $val['com_invite'] < 10) {
            $attention += 1;
        } elseif ($val['com_invite'] >= 10) {
            $attention += 2;
        $val['com_view'] = $db->get_total("select count(*) num from " . table("view_resume") . " where resumeid={$val['id']} and addtime>{$time} ");
        if ($val['com_view'] >= 10) {
            $attention += 1;
        $val['attention'] = $attention;
        /*企业关注度 end */
        $is_audit_phone = $db->getone("SELECT mobile_audit,email_audit,weixin_openid FROM " . table('members') . " WHERE uid={$val['uid']}  LIMIT 1 ");
        $val['is_audit_mobile'] = $is_audit_phone['mobile_audit'];
        $val['is_audit_email'] = $is_audit_phone['email_audit'];
        $val['is_audit_weixin'] = $is_audit_phone['weixin_openid'];
        if ($_SESSION['utype'] == '2' && $_SESSION['uid'] == $val['uid']) {
            $val['isminesee'] = '1';
    } else {
        header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
    $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val);
Exemplo n.º 2

/* This file handles the content of the main page. */
require_once 'repository_fns.php';
$first_id = get_first_id();
$first_title = get_this_title($first_id);
$first_discipline = get_this_discipline($first_id);
$first_language = get_this_language($first_id);
$second_id = get_second_id();
$second_title = get_this_title($second_id);
$second_discipline = get_this_discipline($second_id);
$second_language = get_this_language($second_id);
$third_id = get_third_id();
$third_title = get_this_title($third_id);
$third_discipline = get_this_discipline($third_id);
$third_language = get_this_language($third_id);
do_page_content_index($first_id, $first_title, $first_discipline, $first_language, $second_id, $second_title, $second_discipline, $second_language, $third_id, $third_title, $third_discipline, $third_language);