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$rest = $resarr['dintype']; } $dintypes[] = array("dintype" => $rs['dintype'], "typename" => $rest); } if (is_array($dintypes)) { foreach ($dintypes as $e => $row) { $i = "select * from wm_dininfo where shopid = '" . $shopid . "' and dintype = '" . $row['dintype'] . "' order by dinimage desc"; foreach ($db->query($i) as $rsi) { $dinners[$e][] = array('dinid' => $rsi['dinid'], 'dinname' => $rsi['dinname'], 'dinimage' => $rsi['dinimage'], 'dinprice' => $rsi['dinprice'], 'shopid' => $rsi['shopid'], 'isellout' => $rsi['isellout'], 'intro' => $rsi['beizhu']); } } } $querys = "select yhtime,yhcontent from wm_yhinfo where shopid='" . $shopid . "'"; foreach (@$db->query($querys) as $rowyh) { $yhtime = empty($rowyh['yhcontent']) ? '' : '截止日期:' . $rowyh[yhtime]; $smarty->assign("yhtime", $yhtime); } $row = get_shop_details($db, $shopid); $smarty->assign("shopimage", $row['shopimage']); $smarty->assign("shopname", $row['shopname']); $smarty->assign("shopintro", $row['shopintro']); $smarty->assign("shoptel", $row['shoptel']); $smarty->assign("shopadd", $row['shopadd']); $smarty->assign("price", $row['price']); $smarty->assign("beizhu", $row['beizhu']); $smarty->assign("online", $row['online']); $smarty->assign("dinners", $dinners); $smarty->assign("shops", $dintypes); $smarty->assign("shopcart", $cart->display_cart($jcart)); $smarty->display("graduate.tpl", $shopid); include_once './footer.php';
foreach (@$db->query($query) as $rs) { $sql = "select dintype from wm_dincategory where id ='" . $rs['dintype'] . "'"; foreach ($db->query($sql) as $resarr) { $rest = $resarr['dintype']; } $dintypes[] = array("dintype" => $rs['dintype'], "typename" => $rest); } if (is_array($dintypes)) { foreach ($dintypes as $e => $row) { $i = "select * from wm_dininfo where shopid = '" . $shopid . "' and dintype = '" . $row['dintype'] . "' order by dinimage desc"; foreach ($db->query($i) as $rsi) { $dinners[$e][] = array('dinid' => $rsi['dinid'], 'dinname' => $rsi['dinname'], 'dinprice' => $rsi['dinprice'], 'shopid' => $rsi['shopid'], 'isellout' => $rsi['isellout'], 'popnum' => $rsi['popnum'], 'dinimage' => $rsi['dinimage']); } } } $shopinfo = get_shop_details($db, $shopid); $yysj = "上午" . substr($shopinfo['swstart'], 0, 5) . "-" . substr($shopinfo['swend'], 0, 5) . " 下午" . substr($shopinfo['xwstart'], 0, 5) . "-" . substr($shopinfo['xwend'], 0, 5); //餐品的评价开始 if ($tag == 1) { $rpp = 18; // results per page $adjacents = intval($_GET['adjacents']); if (!$_GET['tpages']) { $count = $db->query("SELECT count(`id`) FROM `wm_grade` WHERE `shopid`='{$shopid}' and `speed`='0'")->fetchColumn(); $tpages = $count ? ceil($count / $rpp) : 1; // total pages, last page number } else { $tpages = $_GET['tpages']; } if ($adjacents <= 0) { $adjacents = 2;
include "./header.php"; session_start(); $cart =& $_SESSION['jcart']; if (!is_object($cart)) { $cart = new jcart(); } $bulid = isset($_COOKIE['bid']) ? $_COOKIE['bid'] : 8; $search = $_POST['txtSuggestEntity']; if ($search == '' || $search == 'ËÑË÷²ÍÆ·:Ãû³Æ') { echo "ÇëÊäÈëÒªËÑË÷µÄ²ÍÆ·Ãû³Æ£¡£¡£¡"; } else { $searchshops = get_searchshops($db, $search, $bulid); $dinners = get_searchdinners($db, $search, $bulid); foreach ($dinners as $row) { //$row['dinname']=preg_replace("/($search)/i","<font color=red><b>\${1}</b></font>",$row['dinname']); if ($shopid != $row['shopid']) { $shops[$row['shopid']] = get_shop_details($db, $row['shopid']); } $shopid = $row['shopid']; } $now = strtotime(date("YmdHis")); $smarty->assign("searchshops", $searchshops); $smarty->assign("bulid", $bulid); $smarty->assign("now", $now); $smarty->assign("search", $search); $smarty->assign('shops', $shops); $smarty->assign("dinners", $dinners); $smarty->assign("shopcart", $cart->display_cart($jcart)); $smarty->display("searchdinners.tpl"); } include "./footer.php";