function get_order_info($od_id) { global $g5; // 주문정보 $sql = " select * from {$g5['g5_shop_order_table']} where od_id = '{$od_id}' "; $od = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$od['od_id']) { return false; } $info = array(); // 장바구니 주문금액정보 $sql = " select SUM(IF(io_type = 1, (io_price * ct_qty), ((ct_price + io_price) * ct_qty))) as price,\n SUM(cp_price) as coupon,\n SUM( IF( ct_notax = 0, ( IF(io_type = 1, (io_price * ct_qty), ( (ct_price + io_price) * ct_qty) ) - cp_price ), 0 ) ) as tax_mny,\n SUM( IF( ct_notax = 1, ( IF(io_type = 1, (io_price * ct_qty), ( (ct_price + io_price) * ct_qty) ) - cp_price ), 0 ) ) as free_mny\n from {$g5['g5_shop_cart_table']}\n where od_id = '{$od_id}'\n and ct_status IN ( '주문', '입금', '준비', '배송', '완료' ) "; $sum = sql_fetch($sql); $cart_price = $sum['price']; $cart_coupon = $sum['coupon']; // 배송비 $send_cost = get_sendcost($od_id); $od_coupon = $od_send_coupon = 0; if ($od['mb_id']) { // 주문할인 쿠폰 $sql = " select a.cp_id, a.cp_type, a.cp_price, a.cp_trunc, a.cp_minimum, a.cp_maximum\n from {$g5['g5_shop_coupon_table']} a right join {$g5['g5_shop_coupon_log_table']} b on ( a.cp_id = b.cp_id )\n where b.od_id = '{$od_id}'\n and b.mb_id = '{$od['mb_id']}'\n and a.cp_method = '2' "; $cp = sql_fetch($sql); $tot_od_price = $cart_price - $cart_coupon; if ($cp['cp_id']) { $dc = 0; if ($cp['cp_minimum'] <= $tot_od_price) { if ($cp['cp_type']) { $dc = floor($tot_od_price * ($cp['cp_price'] / 100) / $cp['cp_trunc']) * $cp['cp_trunc']; } else { $dc = $cp['cp_price']; } if ($cp['cp_maximum'] && $dc > $cp['cp_maximum']) { $dc = $cp['cp_maximum']; } if ($tot_od_price < $dc) { $dc = $tot_od_price; } $tot_od_price -= $dc; $od_coupon = $dc; } } // 배송쿠폰 할인 $sql = " select a.cp_id, a.cp_type, a.cp_price, a.cp_trunc, a.cp_minimum, a.cp_maximum\n from {$g5['g5_shop_coupon_table']} a right join {$g5['g5_shop_coupon_log_table']} b on ( a.cp_id = b.cp_id )\n where b.od_id = '{$od_id}'\n and b.mb_id = '{$od['mb_id']}'\n and a.cp_method = '3' "; $cp = sql_fetch($sql); if ($cp['cp_id']) { $dc = 0; if ($cp['cp_minimum'] <= $tot_od_price) { if ($cp['cp_type']) { $dc = floor($send_cost * ($cp['cp_price'] / 100) / $cp['cp_trunc']) * $cp['cp_trunc']; } else { $dc = $cp['cp_price']; } if ($cp['cp_maximum'] && $dc > $cp['cp_maximum']) { $dc = $cp['cp_maximum']; } if ($dc > $send_cost) { $dc = $send_cost; } $od_send_coupon = $dc; } } } // 과세, 비과세 금액정보 $tax_mny = $sum['tax_mny']; $free_mny = $sum['free_mny']; if ($od['od_tax_flag']) { $tot_tax_mny = $tax_mny + $send_cost + $od['od_send_cost2'] - ($od_coupon + $od_send_coupon + $od['od_receipt_point']); if ($tot_tax_mny < 0) { $free_mny += $tot_tax_mny; $tot_tax_mny = 0; } } else { $tot_tax_mny = $tax_mny + $free_mny + $send_cost + $od['od_send_cost2'] - ($od_coupon + $od_send_coupon + $od['od_receipt_point']); $free_mny = 0; } $od_tax_mny = round($tot_tax_mny / 1.1); $od_vat_mny = $tot_tax_mny - $od_tax_mny; $od_free_mny = $free_mny; // 장바구니 취소금액 정보 $sql = " select SUM(IF(io_type = 1, (io_price * ct_qty), ((ct_price + io_price) * ct_qty))) as price\n from {$g5['g5_shop_cart_table']}\n where od_id = '{$od_id}'\n and ct_status IN ( '취소', '반품', '품절' ) "; $sum = sql_fetch($sql); $cancel_price = $sum['price']; // 미수금액 $od_misu = $cart_price + $send_cost + $od['od_send_cost2'] - ($cart_coupon + $od_coupon + $od_send_coupon) - ($od['od_receipt_price'] + $od['od_receipt_point'] - $od['od_refund_price']); // 장바구니상품금액 $od_cart_price = $cart_price + $cancel_price; // 결과처리 $info['od_cart_price'] = $od_cart_price; $info['od_send_cost'] = $send_cost; $info['od_coupon'] = $od_coupon; $info['od_send_coupon'] = $od_send_coupon; $info['od_cart_coupon'] = $cart_coupon; $info['od_tax_mny'] = $od_tax_mny; $info['od_vat_mny'] = $od_vat_mny; $info['od_free_mny'] = $od_free_mny; $info['od_cancel_price'] = $cancel_price; $info['od_misu'] = $od_misu; return $info; }
</strong></span> </div> </li> <?php $tot_point += $point; $tot_sell_price += $sell_price; } // for 끝 if ($i == 0) { //echo '<tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.'" class="empty_table">장바구니에 담긴 상품이 없습니다.</td></tr>'; alert('장바구니가 비어 있습니다.', G5_SHOP_URL . '/cart.php'); } else { // 배송비 계산 $send_cost = get_sendcost($s_cart_id); } // 복합과세처리 if ($default['de_tax_flag_use']) { $comm_tax_mny = round(($tot_tax_mny + $send_cost) / 1.1); $comm_vat_mny = $tot_tax_mny + $send_cost - $comm_tax_mny; } ?> </ul> <?php if ($goods_count) { $goods .= ' 외 ' . $goods_count . '건'; } ?>
$dc = $cp['cp_maximum']; } if ($tot_od_price < $dc) { die('Order coupon error.'); } $tot_od_cp_price = $dc; $tot_od_price -= $tot_od_cp_price; } } $tot_cp_price = $tot_it_cp_price + $tot_od_cp_price; } if ((int) ($row['od_price'] - $tot_cp_price) !== $i_price) { die("Error."); } // 배송비가 상이함 $send_cost = get_sendcost($tmp_cart_id); $tot_sc_cp_price = 0; if ($is_member && $send_cost > 0) { // 배송쿠폰 if ($_POST['sc_cp_id']) { $sql = " select cp_id, cp_type, cp_price, cp_trunc, cp_minimum, cp_maximum\n from {$g5['g5_shop_coupon_table']}\n where cp_id = '{$_POST['sc_cp_id']}'\n and mb_id IN ( '{$member['mb_id']}', '전체회원' )\n and cp_start <= '" . G5_TIME_YMD . "'\n and cp_end >= '" . G5_TIME_YMD . "'\n and cp_method = '3' "; $cp = sql_fetch($sql); // 사용한 쿠폰인지 $cp_used = is_used_coupon($member['mb_id'], $cp['cp_id']); $dc = 0; if (!$cp_used && $cp['cp_id'] && $cp['cp_minimum'] <= $tot_od_price) { if ($cp['cp_type']) { $dc = floor($send_cost * ($cp['cp_price'] / 100) / $cp['cp_trunc']) * $cp['cp_trunc']; } else { $dc = $cp['cp_price']; }