function getContent($args = null, $raw = false) { global $SEM_TYPE, $SEM_CLASS; $this->group_by_fields = array(array('name' => _("Semester"), 'group_field' => 'sem_number'), array('name' => _("Bereich"), 'group_field' => 'bereich'), array('name' => _("Lehrende"), 'group_field' => 'fullname', 'unique_field' => 'username'), array('name' => _("Typ"), 'group_field' => 'status'), array('name' => _("Einrichtung"), 'group_field' => 'Institut', 'unique_field' => 'Institut_id')); // initialise data $this->sem_browse_data = array('start_item_id' => $this->getRootStartItemId(), 'do_search' => '0', 'type' => 'all', 'sem' => 'all', 'withkids' => '0', 'show_result' => '0'); // Daten aus config übernehmen $this->sem_browse_data['group_by'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'grouping'); $level_change = $args['start_item_id']; $this->search_obj = new StudipSemSearchHelper(null, true); $semester = new SemesterData(); $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); array_unshift($all_semester, 0); $switch_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7 * $this->config->getValue('Main', 'semswitch'), date('Y')); // get current semester $current_sem = get_sem_num($switch_time) + 1; switch ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'semstart')) { case 'previous': if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem - 1])) { $current_sem--; } break; case 'next': if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem + 1])) { $current_sem++; } break; case 'current': break; default: if (isset($all_semester[$this->config->getValue('Main', 'semstart')])) { $current_sem = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'semstart'); } } $this->sem_number = array($current_sem); $this->sem_browse_data['sem'] = $current_sem; $sem_classes = (array) $this->config->getValue('Main', 'semclasses'); $sem_types_order = (array) $this->config->getValue('ReplaceTextSemType', 'order'); $sem_types_visbility = (array) $this->config->getValue('ReplaceTextSemType', 'visibility'); foreach ($sem_types_order as $type_id) { if ($sem_types_visbility[$type_id] && in_array($GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$type_id]['class'], $sem_classes)) { $this->sem_browse_data['sem_status'][] = $type_id; } } $this->module_params = $this->getModuleParams($this->approved_params); if (!$this->module_params['reset_search']) { $this->sem_browse_data = array_merge($this->sem_browse_data, $this->module_params); } $sem_status = is_array($this->sem_browse_data['sem_status']) ? $this->sem_browse_data['sem_status'] : false; $params = $this->sem_browse_data; // delete array of semester data from the search object's parameters $params['sem_status'] = false; if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'mode') == 'show_sem_range') { $params['scope_choose'] = $this->sem_browse_data['start_item_id']; } else { $params['range_choose'] = $this->sem_browse_data['start_item_id']; } if ($this->sem_browse_data['sem'] == 'all') { $this->sem_number = array_keys($all_semester); } else { if (isset($this->sem_browse_data['sem'])) { $this->sem_number = array((int) $this->sem_browse_data['sem']); } } // set params for search object $this->search_obj->setParams($params, true); if ($this->sem_browse_data['do_search'] == 1) { $this->search_obj->doSearch(); $search_result = $this->search_obj->getSearchResultAsArray(); if (count($search_result)) { $this->sem_browse_data['search_result'] = array_flip($search_result); } else { $this->sem_browse_data['search_result'] = array(); } $this->sem_browse_data['show_result'] = '1'; $this->sem_browse_data['show_entries'] = false; } else { if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'mode') == 'show_sem_range') { $this->get_sem_range($this->sem_browse_data['start_item_id'], $this->sem_browse_data['withkids'] == 1); } else { //($this->config->getValue('Main', 'mode') == 'show_sem_range_tree') { $this->get_sem_range_tree($this->sem_browse_data['start_item_id'], $this->sem_browse_data['withkids'] == 1); } } $this->sem_dates = $all_semester; $this->sem_dates[0] = array('name' => sprintf(_("vor dem %s"), $this->sem_dates[1]['name'])); // reorganize the $SEM_TYPE-array foreach ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'] as $key_class => $class) { $i = 0; foreach ($GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'] as $key_type => $type) { if ($type['class'] == $key_class) { $i++; $this->sem_types_position[$key_type] = $i; } } } if ($this->sem_browse_data['xls_export']) { $tmp_file = basename($this->createResultXls()); if ($tmp_file) { ob_end_clean(); header('Location: ' . getDownloadLink($tmp_file, _("ErgebnisVeranstaltungssuche.xls"), 4)); page_close(); die; } } $this->global_markers['URL_SEARCH_PARAMS'] = ''; $search_params = $this->module_params; $param_key = 'ext_' . strtolower($this->name); foreach ($search_params as $key => $value) { $this->global_markers['URL_SEARCH_PARAMS'] .= "&{$param_key}[{$key}]=" . urlencode($value); } $this->global_markers['URL_PERSONDETAILS'] = $this->getLinkToModule('LinkInternPersondetails'); $this->global_markers['URL_LECTUREDETAILS'] = $this->getLinkToModule('LinkInternLecturedetails'); $this->global_markers['URL_LEVEL_NO_COURSES'] = $this->getLinkToModule('LinkInternTree'); $this->global_markers['URL_LEVEL_COURSES'] = $this->getLinkToModule('LinkInternShowCourses'); $this->global_markers['CURRENT_SEMESTER'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($all_semester[$this->sem_number[0]]['name']); if (trim($this->config->getValue('TemplateSimpleSearch', 'template'))) { $content['SEM_BROWSER']['SIMPLE_SEARCH'] = $this->elements['TemplateSimpleSearch']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentSimpleSearch(), 'subpart' => 'SIMPLE_SEARCH')); } if (trim($this->config->getValue('TemplateExtendedSearch', 'template'))) { $content['SEM_BROWSER']['EXTENDED_SEARCH'] = $this->elements['TemplateExtendedSearch']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentExtendedSearch(), 'subpart' => 'EXTENDED_SEARCH')); } if (trim($this->config->getValue('TemplateTree', 'template'))) { $content['SEM_BROWSER']['TREE'] = $this->elements['TemplateTree']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentTree(), 'subpart' => 'TREE')); } if (trim($this->config->getValue('TemplateResult', 'template')) && $this->sem_browse_data['show_result'] == '1') { $content['SEM_BROWSER']['RESULT'] = $this->elements['TemplateResult']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentResult(), 'subpart' => 'RESULT')); } // set super global markers $content['__GLOBAL__'] = $this->global_markers; return $content; }
function ExternSemBrowseTemplate (&$module, $start_item_id) { global $SEM_TYPE,$SEM_CLASS; $semester = new SemesterData(); $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); array_unshift($all_semester, 0); $this->group_by_fields = array( array('name' => _("Semester"), 'group_field' => 'sem_number'), array('name' => _("Bereich"), 'group_field' => 'bereich'), array('name' => _("Lehrende"), 'group_field' => 'fullname', 'unique_field' => 'username'), array('name' => _("Typ"), 'group_field' => 'status'), array('name' => _("Einrichtung"), 'group_field' => 'Institut', 'unique_field' => 'Institut_id')); $this->module = $module; $this->sem_browse_data["group_by"] = $this->module->config->getValue("Main", "grouping"); $this->sem_dates = $all_semester; $this->sem_dates[0] = array("name" => sprintf(_("vor dem %s"),$this->sem_dates[1]['name'])); // reorganize the $SEM_TYPE-array foreach ($SEM_CLASS as $key_class => $class) { $i = 0; foreach ($SEM_TYPE as $key_type => $type) { if ($type["class"] == $key_class) { $i++; $this->sem_types_position[$key_type] = $i; } } } $switch_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 7 * $this->module->config->getValue("Main", "semswitch"), date("Y")); // get current semester $current_sem = get_sem_num($switch_time) + 1; switch ($this->module->config->getValue("Main", "semstart")) { case "previous" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem - 1])) { $current_sem--; } break; case "next" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem + 1])) { $current_sem++; } break; case "current" : break; default : if (isset($all_semester[$this->module->config->getValue('Main', 'semstart')])) { $current_sem = $this->module->config->getValue('Main', 'semstart'); } } $last_sem = $current_sem + $this->module->config->getValue('Main', 'semrange'); if ($last_sem < $current_sem) $last_sem = $current_sem; if (!isset($all_semester[$last_sem])) $last_sem = sizeof($all_semester); for (;$last_sem > $current_sem; $last_sem--) $this->sem_number[] = $last_sem - 1; $semclasses = $this->module->config->getValue('Main', 'semclasses'); foreach ($SEM_TYPE as $key => $type) { if (in_array($type['class'], (array) $semclasses)) $this->sem_browse_data['sem_status'][] = $key; } $this->get_sem_range_tree($start_item_id, true); }
private function getContentListInstitutes () { $selected_item_ids = $this->config->getValue('SelectInstitutes', 'institutesselected'); // at least one institute has to be selected in the configuration if (!is_array($selected_item_ids)) { return array(); } $content = array(); $first_levels = $this->range_tree->getKids('root'); // var_dump($first_levels); $current_semester = get_sem_num(time()); $db_count = new DB_Seminar(); $dbv = DbView::getView('sem_tree'); $mrks = str_repeat('?,', count($selected_item_ids) - 1) . '?'; $query = "SELECT Institut_id, Name " . "FROM Institute " . "WHERE Institut_id IN ($mrks) " . "AND fakultaets_id != Institut_id " . "ORDER BY Name ASC"; $parameters = $selected_item_ids; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($parameters); while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'onlylecturers')) { // get only users with status dozent in an visible seminar in the current semester $query = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(su.user_id)) AS count_user " . "FROM user_inst ui " . "LEFT JOIN seminar_user su USING(user_id) " . "LEFT JOIN seminare s USING (seminar_id) " . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum ON su.user_id = aum.user_id " . "WHERE ui.Institut_id = '%s' " . "AND su.status = 'dozent' " . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 " . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query() . "AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' " . "AND ((%s) = %s OR ((%s) <= %s AND ((%s) >= %s OR (%s) = -1)))", $row['Institut_id'], $dbv->sem_number_sql, $current_semester, $dbv->sem_number_sql, $current_semester, $dbv->sem_number_end_sql, $current_semester, $dbv->sem_number_end_sql); } else { // get only users with the given status $query = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ui.user_id)) AS count_user " . "FROM user_inst ui " . "WHERE ui.Institut_id = '%s' " . "AND ui.inst_perms IN('%s') " . "AND ui.externdefault = 1" . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query(), $row['Institut_id'], implode("','", $this->config->getValue('Main', 'instperms'))); } $state = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $state->execute($parameters); while ($row_count = $state->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row_count['count_user'] > 0) { $content['LIST_INSTITUTES']['INSTITUTE'][] = array( 'INSTITUTE_NAME' => ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Name']), 'INSTITUTE_COUNT_USER' => $row_count['count_user'], 'URL_LIST_PERSONS' => $this->getLinkToModule('LinkInternListInstitutes', array('item_id' => $row['Institut_id']))); } } } return $content; }
private function getContentLectures () { global $attr_text_td, $end, $start; $semester = new SemesterData(); $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); // old hard coded $SEMESTER-array starts with index 1 array_unshift($all_semester, 0); $types = array(); $semclass = $this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semclass'); if (is_null($semclass)) { $semclass = array(1); } if (in_array($type["class"], $semclass)) { } $switch_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 7 * $this->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semswitch"), date("Y")); // get current semester $current_sem = get_sem_num($switch_time) + 1; switch ($this->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart")) { case "previous" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem - 1])) { $current_sem--; } break; case "next" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem + 1])) { $current_sem++; } break; case "current" : break; default : if (isset($all_semester[$this->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart")])) { $current_sem = $this->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart"); } } $last_sem = $current_sem + $this->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semrange") - 1; if ($last_sem < $current_sem) { $last_sem = $current_sem; } if (!isset($all_semester[$last_sem])) { $last_sem = sizeof($all_semester) - 1; } $types = array(); $semclass = $this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semclass'); if (is_null($semclass)) { $semclass = array(1); } foreach ($GLOBALS["SEM_TYPE"] as $key => $type) { if (in_array($type["class"], $semclass)) { $types[] = $key; } } $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare( "SELECT s.Name, s.Seminar_id, s.Untertitel, s.VeranstaltungsNummer " . "FROM seminar_user su " . "LEFT JOIN seminare s USING(seminar_id) " . "WHERE user_id = ? AND su.status LIKE 'dozent' " . "AND start_time <= ? AND (? <= start_time + duration_time OR duration_time = -1) " . "AND s.status IN (?) AND s.visible = 1 " . "ORDER BY Name"); $i = 0; for (;$current_sem <= $last_sem; $last_sem--) { $stm->execute(array($this->user_id, $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn'], $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn'], $types ?: '')); $result = $stm->fetchAll(); if ($result && sizeof($result)) { if (!($this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semstart') == 'current' && $this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semrange') == 1)) { $month = date('n', $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']); if ($month > 9) { $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['NAME'] = $this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'aliaswise') . date(' Y/', $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']) . date('y', $all_semester[$last_sem]['ende']); } else if ($month > 3 && $month < 10) { $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['NAME'] = $this->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'aliassose') . date(' Y', $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']); } } $k = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['LECTURE'][$k]['TITLE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Name']); $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['LECTURE'][$k]['LECTUREDETAILS-HREF'] = $this->elements['LinkInternLecturedetails']->createUrl(array('link_args' => 'seminar_id=' . $row['Seminar_id'])); if (trim($row['Untertitel']) != '') { $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['LECTURE'][$k]['SUBTITLE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Untertitel']); } if (trim($row['VeranstaltungsNummer']) != '') { $content['LECTURES']['SEMESTER'][$i]['LECTURE'][$k]['NUMBER'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['VeranstaltungsNummer']); } $k++; } } $i++; } return $content; }
function lehre (&$module, $row, $alias_content, $text_div, $text_div_end) { global $attr_text_td, $end, $start; $semester = new SemesterData(); $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); // old hard coded $SEMESTER-array starts with index 1 array_unshift($all_semester, 0); if ($margin = $module->config->getValue('TableParagraphSubHeadline', 'margin')) { $subheadline_div = '<div style="margin-left:' . $margin . ';">'; $subheadline_div_end = '</div>'; } else { $subheadline_div = ''; $subheadline_div_end = ''; } if ($margin = $module->config->getValue('List', 'margin')) { $list_div = '<div style="margin-left:' . $margin . ';">'; $list_div_end = '</div>'; } else { $list_div = ''; $list_div_end = ''; } $types = array(); $semclass = $module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semclass'); if (is_null($semclass)) { $semclass = array(1); } foreach ($GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'] as $key => $type) { if (in_array($type['class'], $semclass)) { $types[] = $key; } } $switch_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7 * $module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semswitch'), date('Y')); // get current semester $current_sem = get_sem_num($switch_time) + 1; switch ($module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semstart')) { case 'previous': if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem - 1])) { $current_sem -= 1; } break; case 'next': if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem + 1])) { $current_sem += 1; } break; case 'current': break; default: if (isset($all_semester[$module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semstart')])) { $current_sem = $module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semstart'); } } $last_sem = $current_sem + $module->config->getValue('PersondetailsLectures', 'semrange') - 1; if ($last_sem < $current_sem) { $last_sem = $current_sem; } if (!isset($all_semester[$last_sem])) { $last_sem = count($all_semester) - 1; } $query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_user AS su LEFT JOIN seminare AS s USING (seminar_id) WHERE user_id = :user_id AND su.status = 'dozent' AND start_time <= :beginn AND (:beginn <= start_time + duration_time OR duration_time = -1) AND s.status IN (:types) AND s.visible = 1"; if (Config::get()->IMPORTANT_SEMNUMBER) { $query .= " ORDER BY s.`VeranstaltungsNummer`, s.`Name`"; } else { $query .= " ORDER BY s.`Name`"; } $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->bindValue(':user_id', $row['user_id']); $statement->bindValue(':types', $types ?: ''); $out = ''; for (;$current_sem <= $last_sem; $last_sem--) { $statement->bindValue(':beginn', $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']); $statement->execute(); $data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($data) > 0) { if (!($module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart") == "current" && $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semrange") == 1)) { $out .= "<tr" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "tr") . ">"; $out .= "<td" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "td") . ">"; $out .= $subheadline_div; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "font") . ">"; $month = date("n", $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']); if($month > 9) { $out .= $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aliaswise"); $out .= date(" Y/", $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']) . date("y", $all_semester[$last_sem]['ende']); } else if($month > 3 && $month < 10) { $out .= $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aliassose"); $out .= date(" Y", $all_semester[$last_sem]['beginn']); } $out .= "</font>$subheadline_div_end</td></tr>\n"; } $out .= "<tr" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "tr") . ">"; $out .= "<td" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "td") . ">"; if ($module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aslist")) { $out .= "$list_div<ul" . $module->config->getAttributes("List", "ul") . ">\n"; foreach ($data as $item) { $out .= "<li" . $module->config->getAttributes("List", "li") . ">"; $name = $item['Name']; if (Config::get()->IMPORTANT_SEMNUMBER && $item['VeranstaltungsNummer']) { $name = $item['VeranstaltungsNummer'].' '.$name; } $out .= $module->elements["LinkIntern"]->toString(array("module" => "Lecturedetails", "link_args" => "seminar_id=" . $item['Seminar_id'], "content" => htmlReady($name, TRUE))); if ($item['Untertitel'] != '') { $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "font") . "><br>"; $out .= htmlReady($item['Untertitel'], TRUE) . "</font>\n"; } } $out .= "</ul>$list_div_end"; } else { $out .= $text_div; $j = 0; foreach ($data as $item) { if ($j) { $out .= '<br>'; } $out .= $module->elements['LinkIntern']->toString(array('module' => 'Lecturedetails', 'link_args' => 'seminar_id=' . $item['Seminar_id'], 'content' => htmlReady($item['Name'], TRUE))); if ($item['Untertitel'] != '') { $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "font") . ">"; $out .= "<br>" . htmlReady($item['Untertitel'], TRUE) . "</font>\n"; } $j = 1; } $out .= $text_div_end; } $out .= "</td></tr>\n"; } } if ($out) { $out_title = '<tr><td width="100%">' . "\n"; $out_title .= '<table' . $module->config->getAttributes('TableParagraph', 'table') . '>' . "\n"; $out_title .= '<tr' . $module->config->getAttributes('TableParagraphHeadline', 'tr') . '>'; $out_title .= '<td' . $module->config->getAttributes('TableParagraphHeadline', 'td') . '>'; $out_title .= '<font' . $module->config->getAttributes('TableParagraphHeadline', 'font') . '>'; $out_title .= $alias_content . '</font></td></tr>' . "\n"; echo $out_title . $out; echo '</table>' . "\n"; echo '</td></tr>' . "\n"; } }
function lehre (&$module, $data, $alias_content, $text_div, $text_div_end) { global $attr_text_td; $semester = new SemesterData; $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); // old hard coded $SEMESTER-array starts with index 1 array_unshift($all_semester, 0); if ($margin = $module->config->getValue("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "margin")) { $subheadline_div = "<div style=\"margin-left:$margin;\">"; $subheadline_div_end = "</div>"; } else { $subheadline_div = ""; $subheadline_div_end = ""; } if ($margin = $module->config->getValue("List", "margin")) { $list_div = "<div style=\"margin-left:$margin;\">"; $list_div_end = "</div>"; } else { $list_div = ""; $list_div_end = ""; } // sem-types in class 1 (Lehre) foreach ($GLOBALS["SEM_TYPE"] as $key => $type) { if ($type["class"] == 1) $types[] = $key; } $types = implode("','", $types); $switch_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 7 * $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semswitch"), date("Y")); // get current semester $current_sem = get_sem_num($switch_time) + 1; switch ($module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart")) { case "previous" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem - 1])) $current_sem--; break; case "next" : if (isset($all_semester[$current_sem + 1])) $current_sem++; break; case "current" : break; default : if (isset($all_semester[$module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart")])) $current_sem = $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart"); } $last_sem = $current_sem + $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semrange") - 1; if ($last_sem < $current_sem) $last_sem = $current_sem; if (!isset($all_semester[$last_sem])) $last_sem = sizeof($all_semester) - 1; $out = ""; for (;$current_sem <= $last_sem; $last_sem--) { if (!($module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semstart") == "current" && $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "semrange") == 1)) { $out .= "<tr" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "tr") . ">"; $out .= "<td" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "td") . ">"; $out .= $subheadline_div; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphSubHeadline", "font") . ">"; $month = date("n", $all_semester[$last_sem]["beginn"]); if($month > 9) { $out .= $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aliaswise"); $out .= date(" Y/", $all_semester[$last_sem]["beginn"]) . date("y", $all_semester[$last_sem]["ende"]); } else if($month > 3 && $month < 10) { $out .= $module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aliassose"); $out .= date(" Y", $all_semester[$last_sem]["beginn"]); } $out .= "</font>$subheadline_div_end</td></tr>\n"; } $out .= "<tr" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "tr") . ">"; $out .= "<td" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "td") . ">"; if ($module->config->getValue("PersondetailsLectures", "aslist")) { $out .= "$list_div<ul" . $module->config->getAttributes("List", "ul") . ">\n"; foreach ($data as $dat) { $out .= "<li" . $module->config->getAttributes("List", "li") . ">"; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("LinkIntern", "font") . ">"; $out .= "<a href=\"\"" . $module->config->getAttributes("LinkIntern", "a") . ">"; $out .= $dat["name"] . "</a></font>\n"; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "font") . "><br>"; $out .= $dat["untertitel"] . "</font>\n"; } $out .= "</ul>$list_div_end"; } else { $out .= $text_div; $j = 0; foreach ($data as $dat) { if ($j) $out .= "<br><br>"; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("LinkIntern", "font") . ">"; $out .= "<a href=\"$lnk\"" . $module->config->getAttributes("LinkIntern", "a") . ">"; $out .= $dat["name"] . "</a></font>\n"; $out .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphText", "font") . ">"; $out .= "<br>" . $dat["untertitel"] . "</font>\n"; $j = 1; } $out .= $text_div_end; } $out .= "</td></tr>\n"; } if ($out) { $out_title = "<tr><td width=\"100%\">\n"; $out_title .= "<table" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraph", "table") . ">\n"; $out_title .= "<tr" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphHeadline", "tr") . ">"; $out_title .= "<td" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphHeadline", "td") . ">"; $out_title .= "<font" . $module->config->getAttributes("TableParagraphHeadline", "font") . ">"; $out_title .= $alias_content . "</font></td></tr>\n"; echo $out_title . $out . "</table>\n</td></tr>\n"; } }