Exemplo n.º 1
function mage_power_growth($userid)
    include_once "inc/functions/get.php";
    $kingdom = get_kingdom_nonarray($userid);
    // Science
    $alliance_size = get_alliance_size($kingdom) * 80;
    $science_update_bonus = get_science_update_bonus($kingdom);
    $prod['science_offence_bonus'] = round(1.98 * $science_update_bonus['offence_bonus'] / ($alliance_size + $science_update_bonus['offence_bonus']), 3);
    if ($prod['science_offence_bonus'] > 1) {
        $prod['science_offence_bonus'] = 1;
    $build = mysql_query("SELECT guilds,land FROM build WHERE id = '{$userid}' ");
    $build = mysql_fetch_array($build);
    // Martel: Standard mana regrowth is 1/8 + 1mp per update
    $growth = $build['guilds'] * (1 / 8) + 1;
    $race = get_race($userid);
    if ($race == "Eagle") {
        $growth = $build['guilds'] * (1 / 6) + 1;
    } elseif ($race == "Dark Elf") {
        $growth *= 1.35;
    //     elseif($race == "Wood Elf")
    //     {
    //         $growth *= 0.8;
    //     }
    $growth = $growth * (1 + $build["guilds"] / (2 * $build["land"]));
    $growth = round($growth * ($prod['science_offence_bonus'] / 2 + 1));
    return $growth;
Exemplo n.º 2
function cast_spell(&$objSrcUser, &$objTrgUser, $arrSpell, $amount, $minHours, $dmg)
    $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
    $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    $arrTrgBuild = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
    $arrSrcBuild = $objSrcUser->get_builds();
    $homes = $arrTrgBuild[HOMES];
    $destroyable = 0.004;
    require_once "inc/functions/get.php";
    $kingdom = get_kingdom_nonarray($arrTrgStats['id']);
    //$kingdom = $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE];
    $alliance_size = get_alliance_size($kingdom) * 80;
    $science_update_bonus = get_science_update_bonus($kingdom);
    $science_defence_bonus = round(1.98 * $science_update_bonus['defence_bonus'] / ($alliance_size + $science_update_bonus['defence_bonus']), 3);
    if ($science_defence_bonus > 1) {
        $science_defence_bonus = 1;
    //$science_defence_bonus = min(1,$science_defence_bonus);
    $destroyable = $destroyable - $science_defence_bonus / 500;
    //$intMaxHomeDamage = ceil($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[ACADEMIES] * 0.015);
    $intMaxHomeDamage = ceil($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[LAND] * get_mage_level($objSrcUser) * 0.00015);
    //changed to work with magelevel so Templars won't get max damages of zero - AI 21/02/2007
    //damage caps here, see dragonmage for info
    $totalHomeDamage = 0;
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $amount; $x++) {
        $intDamage = ceil($dmg * $homes * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxHomeDamage);
        $totalHomeDamage += $intDamage;
        $homes -= $intDamage;
    if ($amount > 1) {
        $plural1 = "s";
        $plural2 = "";
    } else {
        $plural1 = "";
        $plural2 = "s";
    $result["text_news"] = "<font class=\"negative\">{$amount} Dragon{$plural1}</font> rage{$plural2} through your tribe destroying <b><font class=\"negative\">{$totalHomeDamage}</font></b> acres of \n                homes";
    $result["text_screen"] = "With the aid of dragons, {$totalHomeDamage} of " . $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . "(#" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(KINGDOM) . ")'s homes were destroyed.";
    $result["damage"] = 1;
    $result["casted"] = $amount;
    $objTrgUser->set_build(HOMES, $homes);
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
function cast_spell(&$objSrcUser, &$objTrgUser, $arrSpell, $amount, $minHours, $dmg)
    $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
    $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    $arrTrgBuild = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
    $arrSrcBuild = $objSrcUser->get_builds();
    $homes = $arrTrgBuild[HOMES];
    $farms = $arrTrgBuild[FARMS];
    $acads = $arrTrgBuild[ACADEMIES];
    $guilds = $arrTrgBuild[GUILDS];
    $hideouts = $arrTrgBuild['hideouts'];
    $destroyable = 0.01;
    include_once "inc/functions/get.php";
    $kingdom = get_kingdom_nonarray($arrTrgStats['id']);
    $alliance_size = get_alliance_size($kingdom) * 80;
    $science_update_bonus = get_science_update_bonus($kingdom);
    $science_defence_bonus = round(1.98 * $science_update_bonus['defence_bonus'] / ($alliance_size + $science_update_bonus['defence_bonus']), 3);
    if ($science_defence_bonus > 1) {
        $science_defence_bonus = 1;
    $destroyable = $destroyable - $science_defence_bonus / 200;
    //$intMaxHomeDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[ACADEMIES] * 0.015);
    //$intMaxFarmDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[ACADEMIES] * 0.002);
    //$intMaxMagicDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[ACADEMIES] * 0.00225);
    $intMaxHomeDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[LAND] * get_mage_level($objSrcUser) * 0.00015);
    $intMaxFarmDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[LAND] * get_mage_level($objSrcUser) * 2.0E-5);
    $intMaxMagicDamage = floor($dmg * $arrSrcBuild[LAND] * get_mage_level($objSrcUser) * 2.25E-5);
    //changed to work with magelevel so Templars won't get max damages of zero - AI 21/02/2007
    // Added the same kind of damage caps that fireball uses. They are based on the assumption
    // of an average build with 30% homes, 8% farms, 10% guilds and 10% academies. -Reaver
    $totalHomeDamage = 0;
    $totalFarmDamage = 0;
    $totalAcadDamage = 0;
    $totalGuildDamage = 0;
    $totalHideoutDamage = 0;
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $amount; $x++) {
        $intDamage = floor($dmg * $homes * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxHomeDamage);
        $totalHomeDamage += $intDamage;
        $homes -= $intDamage;
        $intDamage = floor($dmg * $farms * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxFarmDamage);
        $totalFarmDamage += $intDamage;
        $farms -= $intDamage;
        $intDamage = floor($dmg * $acads * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxMagicDamage);
        $totalAcadDamage += $intDamage;
        $acads -= $intDamage;
        $intDamage = floor($dmg * $guilds * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxMagicDamage);
        $totalGuildDamage += $intDamage;
        $guilds -= $intDamage;
        $intDamage = floor($dmg * $hideouts * $destroyable);
        $intDamage = min($intDamage, $intMaxMagicDamage);
        $totalHideoutDamage += $intDamage;
        $hideouts -= $intDamage;
    if ($amount > 1) {
        $plural1 = "S";
        $plural2 = "";
    } else {
        $plural1 = "";
        $plural2 = "s";
    $totalDamage = $totalHomeDamage + $totalFarmDamage + $totalAcadDamage + $totalGuildDamage + $totalHideoutDamage;
    $result["text_news"] = "<span class=negative>{$amount} dragon{$plural1}</span> rage{$plural2} through your tribe destroying <strong class=negative>{$totalDamage}</strong> acres of residential and magical land";
    $result["text_screen"] = "With the aid of the dragons, {$totalHomeDamage} homes, {$totalFarmDamage} farms, {$totalAcadDamage} academies, {$totalGuildDamage} guilds and {$totalHideoutDamage} hideouts were destroyed.<br /><br />" . "A total of {$totalDamage} of " . $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . " (#" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(KINGDOM) . ")s buildings were ruined.";
    $result["damage"] = 1;
    $result["casted"] = $amount;
    $objTrgUser->set_build(HOMES, $homes);
    $objTrgUser->set_build(FARMS, $farms);
    $objTrgUser->set_build(GUILDS, $guilds);
    $objTrgUser->set_build(ACADEMIES, $acads);
    $objTrgUser->set_build(HIDEOUTS, $hideouts);
    return $result;