Exemplo n.º 1
 $randpasswd = strtolower(random(6, 1));
 $uid = add_user($userinfo['nickname'], $randpasswd, $gender, $token, $openid);
 $userid = $uid;
 if ($uid && $setting['qqlogin_avatar']) {
     $avatardir = "/data/avatar/";
     $uid = sprintf("%09d", $uid);
     $dir1 = $avatardir . substr($uid, 0, 3);
     $dir2 = $dir1 . '/' . substr($uid, 3, 2);
     $dir3 = $dir2 . '/' . substr($uid, 5, 2);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir1) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir1);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir2) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir2);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir3) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir3);
     $smallimg = $dir3 . "/small_" . $uid . '.jpg';
     get_remote_image($userinfo['figureurl_qq_2'], TIPASK_ROOT . $smallimg);
     $user = get_user($uid);
     $redirect = url("user/profile", 1);
     $subject = "恭喜您在" . $setting['site_name'] . "注册成功!";
     $content = '您可以正常提问和回答了!您的登录用户名是 ' . $user['username'] . ',登录密码是 ' . $randpasswd . ',为了保证您的账号安全,请及时修改密码,完善个人信息!<br /><a href="' . $redirect . '">请点击此处完善个人信息</a>';
     $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_TABLEPRE . "message  SET `from`='" . $setting['site_name'] . "' , `fromuid`=0 , `touid`={$userid}  , `subject`='{$subject}' , `time`=" . time() . " , `content`='{$content}'");
     header("Location:" . SITE_URL);
 $user = get_user($userid);
 $redirect = url("user/profile", 1);
 $subject = "恭喜您在" . $setting['site_name'] . "注册成功!";
 $content = '您可以正常提问和回答了!您的登录用户名是 ' . $user['username'] . ',登录密码是 ' . $randpasswd . ',为了保证您的账号安全,请及时修改密码,完善个人信息!<br /><a href="' . $redirect . '">请点击此处完善个人信息</a>';
 $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_TABLEPRE . "message  SET `from`='" . $setting['site_name'] . "' , `fromuid`=0 , `touid`={$userid}  , `subject`='{$subject}' , `time`=" . time() . " , `content`='{$content}'");
Exemplo n.º 2
                //$type_source=='generic' &&
                //@todo for image services (panoramio, flikr) take thumbnails directly
                $img = get_remote_image($file['ulf_ExternalFileReference']);
            } else {
                if ($type_source == 'youtube') {
                    $url = $file['ulf_ExternalFileReference'];
                    $youtubeid = preg_replace('/^[^v]+v.(.{11}).*/', '$1', $url);
                    $img = get_remote_image("http://img.youtube.com/vi/" . $youtubeid . "/0.jpg");
                    //get thumbnail
} else {
    if (array_key_exists('file_url', $_REQUEST)) {
        $img = get_remote_image($_REQUEST['file_url']);
if (!$img) {
    //return image placeholder
    header('Location: ../images/100x100-check.gif');
// calculate image size
// note - we never change the aspect ratio of the image!
$orig_x = imagesx($img);
$orig_y = imagesy($img);
$rx = $x / $orig_x;
$ry = $y / $orig_y;
$scale = $rx ? $ry ? min($rx, $ry) : $rx : $ry;
if ($no_enlarge && $scale > 1) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 $randpasswd = strtolower(random(6, 1));
 $uid = add_user($userinfo['screen_name'], $randpasswd, $gender, $token, $openid);
 $userid = $uid;
 if ($uid && $setting['sinalogin_avatar']) {
     $avatardir = "/data/avatar/";
     $uid = sprintf("%09d", $uid);
     $dir1 = $avatardir . substr($uid, 0, 3);
     $dir2 = $dir1 . '/' . substr($uid, 3, 2);
     $dir3 = $dir2 . '/' . substr($uid, 5, 2);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir1) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir1);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir2) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir2);
     !is_dir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir3) && forcemkdir(TIPASK_ROOT . $dir3);
     $smallimg = $dir3 . "/small_" . $uid . '.jpg';
     get_remote_image($userinfo['profile_image_url'], TIPASK_ROOT . $smallimg);
     $user = get_user($uid);
     $redirect = url("user/profile", 1);
     $subject = "恭喜您在" . $setting['site_name'] . "注册成功!";
     $content = '您可以正常提问和回答了!您的登录用户名是 ' . $user['username'] . ',登录密码是 ' . $randpasswd . ',为了保证您的账号安全,请及时修改密码,完善个人信息!<br /><a href="' . $redirect . '">请点击此处完善个人信息</a>';
     $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_TABLEPRE . "message  SET `from`='" . $setting['site_name'] . "' , `fromuid`=0 , `touid`={$userid}  , `subject`='{$subject}' , `time`=" . time() . " , `content`='{$content}'");
     header("Location:" . SITE_URL);
 $user = get_user($userid);
 $redirect = url("user/profile", 1);
 $subject = "恭喜您在" . $setting['site_name'] . "注册成功!";
 $content = '您可以正常提问和回答了!您的登录用户名是 ' . $user['username'] . ',登录密码是 ' . $randpasswd . ',为了保证您的账号安全,请及时修改密码,完善个人信息!<br /><a href="' . $redirect . '">请点击此处完善个人信息</a>';
 $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_TABLEPRE . "message  SET `from`='" . $setting['site_name'] . "' , `fromuid`=0 , `touid`={$userid}  , `subject`='{$subject}' , `time`=" . time() . " , `content`='{$content}'");
Exemplo n.º 4
 * A function to parse text for <img> tags and get from moodle the corresponding images during server side processing. 
 * The function stores locally the images which only the web service user via the web service token 
 * has permission to download from the moodle site.
 * @param string $text the text to be parsed
 * @param string $context_prefix the type of resourse the images correspond to, typically 'course'|'user'
 * @param integer $context_id the moodle resource id, typically course id or user id, which the images correspond to
 * @return string the input text having the <img> 'src' attributes, pointing to the moodle site, replaced with local wordpress URLs
function parse_images($text, $context_prefix, $context_id)
    preg_match_all("|<img[^>]+src=\"(.*)\".*>|U", $text, $images, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($images as $img) {
        $newimgurl = get_remote_image($img[1], $context_prefix, $context_id);
        $text = str_replace($img[1], $newimgurl, $text);
    return $text;