Exemplo n.º 1
function plugin_tooltip_inline()
    $args = func_get_args();
    $glossary = array_pop($args);
    $term = array_shift($args);
    //	$glossary_page = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : '';
    $glossary_page = '';
    if ($glossary == '') {
        $glossary = plugin_tooltip_get_glossary($term, $glossary_page, FALSE);
        // $debug .= "B=$glossary/";
        if ($glossary === FALSE) {
            $glossary = plugin_tooltip_get_page_title($term);
            if ($glossary === FALSE) {
                $glossary = '';
    $s_glossary = htmlspecialchars($glossary);
    $page = strip_bracket($term);
    if (is_page($page)) {
        $url = get_page_uri($page);
        $passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
        return <<<EOD
<a href="{$url}" class="linktip" title="{$s_glossary}{$passage}">{$term}</a>
    } else {
        return <<<EOD
<span class="tooltip" title="{$s_glossary}" onmouseover="javascript:this.style.backgroundColor='#ffe4e1';" onmouseout="javascript:this.style.backgroundColor='transparent';">{$term}</span>
Exemplo n.º 2
function plugin_pg_passage_inline()
    $argv = func_get_args();
    $argc = func_num_args();
    $field = array('page', 'paren');
    for ($i = 0; $i < $argc; $i++) {
        ${$field}[$i] = htmlspecialchars($argv[$i], ENT_QUOTES);
    if (empty($page)) {
        return '';
    $paren = empty($paren) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    return get_pg_passage($page, $paren);
Exemplo n.º 3
function plugin_list_array($pages)
    $qm = get_qm();
    $symbol = ' ';
    $other = 'zz';
    $list = array();
    $cnd = 0;
    foreach ($pages as $file => $page) {
        $pgdata = array();
        $pgdata['urlencoded'] = rawurlencode($page);
        $pgdata['sanitized'] = htmlspecialchars($page, ENT_QUOTES);
        $pgdata['passage'] = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
        $pgdata['mtime'] = date('Y年m月d日 H時i分s秒', filemtime(get_filename($page)));
        $pgdata['title'] = get_page_title($page);
        $pgdata['title'] = $pgdata['title'] == $pgdata['sanitized'] ? '' : '(' . $pgdata['title'] . ')';
        $pgdata['filename'] = htmlspecialchars($file);
        $head = preg_match('/^([A-Za-z])/', $page, $matches) ? $matches[1] : (preg_match('/^([ -~])/', $page, $matches) ? $symbol : $other);
        $list[$head][$page] = $pgdata;
    $tmparr = isset($list[$symbol]) ? $list[$symbol] : null;
    $list[$symbol] = $tmparr;
    $retlist = array();
    foreach ($list as $head => $pages) {
        if (is_null($pages)) {
        if ($head === $symbol) {
            $head = $qm->m['func']['list_symbol'];
        } else {
            if ($head === $other) {
                $head = $qm->m['func']['list_other'];
        $retlist[$head] = $pages;
    return $retlist;
Exemplo n.º 4
function plugin_popular_convert()
    global $vars, $whatsnew;
    global $_popular_plugin_frame, $_popular_plugin_today_frame;
    $except = '';
    $array = func_get_args();
    $today = FALSE;
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        case 3:
            if ($array[2]) {
                $today = get_date('Y/m/d');
        case 2:
            $except = $array[1];
        case 1:
            $max = $array[0];
    $counters = array();
    foreach (get_existpages(COUNTER_DIR, '.count') as $file => $page) {
        if ($except != '' && ereg($except, $page) || $page == $whatsnew || check_non_list($page) || !is_page($page)) {
        $array = file(COUNTER_DIR . $file);
        $count = rtrim($array[0]);
        $date = rtrim($array[1]);
        $today_count = rtrim($array[2]);
        if ($today) {
            // $pageが数値に見える(たとえばencode('BBS')=424253)とき、
            // array_splice()によってキー値が変更されてしまうのを防ぐ
            // ため、キーに '_' を連結する
            if ($today == $date) {
                $counters['_' . $page] = $today_count;
        } else {
            $counters['_' . $page] = $count;
    asort($counters, SORT_NUMERIC);
    // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
    $counters = array_reverse($counters, TRUE);
    // with array_splice()
    $counters = array_splice($counters, 0, $max);
    $items = '';
    if (!empty($counters)) {
        $items = '<ul class="popular_list">' . "\n";
        foreach ($counters as $page => $count) {
            $page = substr($page, 1);
            $s_page = htmlsc($page);
            if ($page == $vars['page']) {
                // No need to link itself, notifies where you just read
                $pg_passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
                $items .= ' <li><span title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span></span></li>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $items .= ' <li>' . make_pagelink($page, $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span>') . '</li>' . "\n";
        $items .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    return sprintf($today ? $_popular_plugin_today_frame : $_popular_plugin_frame, count($counters), $items);
Exemplo n.º 5
function catbody($title, $page, $body)
    global $script;
    // MUST BE SKIN.FILE. Do not delete line.
    global $vars, $arg, $defaultpage, $whatsnew, $help_page, $hr;
    global $attach_link, $related_link, $function_freeze;
    global $search_word_color, $foot_explain, $note_hr, $head_tags, $foot_tags;
    global $trackback, $referer, $javascript;
    global $newtitle, $newbase, $language, $use_local_time;
    // Plus! skin extension
    global $nofollow;
    global $_LANG, $_LINK, $_IMAGE;
    global $pkwk_dtd;
    // XHTML 1.1, XHTML1.0, HTML 4.01 Transitional...
    global $page_title;
    // Title of this site
    global $do_backup;
    // Do backup or not
    global $modifier;
    // Site administrator's  web page
    global $modifierlink;
    // Site administrator's name
    global $skin_file, $menubar, $sidebar;
    global $_string;
    if (!defined('SKIN_FILE') || !file_exists(SKIN_FILE) || !is_readable(SKIN_FILE)) {
        if (!file_exists($skin_file) || !is_readable($skin_file)) {
            die_message(SKIN_FILE . '(skin file) is not found.');
        } else {
            define('SKIN_FILE', $skin_file);
    $_LINK = $_IMAGE = array();
    // Add JavaScript header when ...
    $_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $r_page = rawurlencode($_page);
    // Set $_LINK for skin
    $_LINK['add'] = get_cmd_uri('add', $_page);
    $_LINK['backup'] = get_cmd_uri('backup', $_page);
    $_LINK['brokenlink'] = get_cmd_uri('brokenlink', $_page);
    $_LINK['copy'] = get_cmd_uri('template', '', '', 'refer=' . $r_page);
    $_LINK['diff'] = get_cmd_uri('diff', $_page);
    $_LINK['edit'] = get_cmd_uri('edit', $_page);
    $_LINK['guiedit'] = get_cmd_uri('guiedit', $_page);
    $_LINK['filelist'] = get_cmd_uri('filelist');
    $_LINK['freeze'] = get_cmd_uri('freeze', $_page);
    $_LINK['help'] = get_cmd_uri('help');
    $_LINK['linklist'] = get_cmd_uri('linklist', $_page);
    $_LINK['list'] = get_cmd_uri('list');
    $_LINK['log_login'] = get_cmd_uri('logview', '', '', 'kind=login');
    $_LINK['log_browse'] = get_cmd_uri('logview', $_page, '', 'kind=browse');
    $_LINK['log_update'] = get_cmd_uri('logview', $_page);
    $_LINK['log_down'] = get_cmd_uri('logview', $_page, '', 'kind=download');
    $_LINK['log_check'] = get_cmd_uri('logview', $_page, '', 'kind=check');
    $_LINK['menu'] = get_page_uri($menubar);
    $_LINK['new'] = get_cmd_uri('newpage', '', '', 'refer=' . $r_page);
    $_LINK['newsub'] = get_cmd_uri('newpage_subdir', '', '', 'directory=' . $r_page);
    $_LINK['print'] = get_cmd_uri('print', $_page);
    $_LINK['full'] = get_cmd_uri('print', $_page) . '&amp;nohead&amp;nofoot';
    $_LINK['read'] = get_page_uri($_page);
    $_LINK['recent'] = get_page_uri($whatsnew);
    $_LINK['refer'] = get_cmd_uri('referer', $_page);
    $_LINK['reload'] = get_page_absuri($_page);
    // 本当は、get_script_uri でいいけど、絶対パスでないと、スキンに影響が出る
    $_LINK['reload_rel'] = get_page_uri($_page);
    $_LINK['rename'] = get_cmd_uri('rename', '', '', 'refer=' . $r_page);
    $_LINK['skeylist'] = get_cmd_uri('skeylist', $_page);
    $_LINK['search'] = get_cmd_uri('search');
    $_LINK['side'] = get_page_uri($sidebar);
    $_LINK['source'] = get_cmd_uri('source', $_page);
    $_LINK['template'] = get_cmd_uri('template', '', '', 'refer=' . $r_page);
    $_LINK['top'] = get_page_uri($defaultpage);
    if ($trackback) {
        $tb_id = tb_get_id($_page);
        $_LINK['trackback'] = get_cmd_uri('tb', '', '', '__mode=view&tb_id=' . $tb_id);
    $_LINK['unfreeze'] = get_cmd_uri('unfreeze', $_page);
    $_LINK['upload'] = get_cmd_uri('attach', $_page, '', 'pcmd=upload');
    // link rel="alternate" にも利用するため absuri にしておく
    $_LINK['rdf'] = get_cmd_absuri('rss', '', 'ver=1.0');
    $_LINK['rss'] = get_cmd_absuri('rss');
    $_LINK['rss10'] = get_cmd_absuri('rss', '', 'ver=1.0');
    // Same as 'rdf'
    $_LINK['rss20'] = get_cmd_absuri('rss', '', 'ver=2.0');
    $_LINK['mixirss'] = get_cmd_absuri('mixirss');
    // Same as 'rdf' for mixi
    // Compat: Skins for 1.4.4 and before
    $link_add =& $_LINK['add'];
    $link_backup =& $_LINK['backup'];
    $link_brokenlink =& $_LINK['brokenlink'];
    $link_template =& $_LINK['copy'];
    $link_diff =& $_LINK['diff'];
    $link_edit =& $_LINK['edit'];
    $link_guiedit =& $_LINK['guiedit'];
    $link_filelist =& $_LINK['filelist'];
    $link_freeze =& $_LINK['freeze'];
    $link_help =& $_LINK['help'];
    $link_linklist =& $_LINK['linklist'];
    $link_list =& $_LINK['list'];
    $link_log_login =& $_LINK['log_login'];
    $link_log_browse =& $_LINK['log_browse'];
    $link_log_update =& $_LINK['log_update'];
    $link_log_down =& $_LINK['log_down'];
    $link_log_check =& $_LINK['log_check'];
    $link_menu =& $_LINK['menu'];
    $link_new =& $_LINK['new'];
    $link_newsub =& $_LINK['newsub'];
    $link_print =& $_LINK['print'];
    $link_full =& $_LINK['full'];
    $link_read =& $_LINK['read'];
    $link_whatsnew =& $_LINK['recent'];
    $link_refer =& $_LINK['refer'];
    $link_reload =& $_LINK['reload'];
    $link_reload_rel =& $_LINK['reload_rel'];
    $link_rename =& $_LINK['rename'];
    $link_skeylist =& $_LINK['skeylist'];
    $link_search =& $_LINK['search'];
    $link_side =& $_LINK['side'];
    $link_source =& $_LINK['source'];
    $link_top =& $_LINK['top'];
    if ($trackback) {
        $link_trackback =& $_LINK['trackback'];
    $link_unfreeze =& $_LINK['unfreeze'];
    $link_upload =& $_LINK['upload'];
    $link_rdf =& $_LINK['rdf'];
    $link_rss =& $_LINK['rss'];
    $link_rss10 =& $_LINK['rss10'];
    $link_rss20 =& $_LINK['rss20'];
    $link_mixirss =& $_LINK['mixirss'];
    // Init flags
    $is_page = is_pagename($_page) && !arg_check('backup') && !is_cantedit($_page);
    $is_read = arg_check('read') && is_page($_page);
    $is_freeze = is_freeze($_page);
    // Last modification date (string) of the page
    $lastmodified = $is_read ? get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', get_filetime($_page)) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($_page, FALSE) : '';
    // List of attached files to the page
    $attaches = '';
    if ($attach_link && $is_read && exist_plugin_action('attach')) {
        if (do_plugin_init('attach') !== FALSE) {
            $attaches = attach_filelist();
    // List of related pages
    $related = $related_link && $is_read ? make_related($_page) : '';
    // List of footnotes
    ksort($foot_explain, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $notes = !empty($foot_explain) ? $note_hr . join("\n", $foot_explain) : '';
    // Tags will be inserted into <head></head>
    $head_tag = !empty($head_tags) ? join("\n", $head_tags) . "\n" : '';
    $foot_tag = !empty($foot_tags) ? join("\n", $foot_tags) . "\n" : '';
    // 1.3.x compat
    // Last modification date (UNIX timestamp) of the page
    $fmt = $is_read ? get_filetime($_page) : 0;
    // Search words
    if ($search_word_color && isset($vars['word'])) {
        $body = '<div class="small">' . $_string['word'] . htmlspecialchars($vars['word']) . '</div>' . $hr . "\n" . $body;
        // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
        $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', $vars['word'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $words = array_splice($words, 0, 10);
        // Max: 10 words
        $words = array_flip($words);
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($words as $word => $id) {
            $keys[$word] = strlen($word);
        arsort($keys, SORT_NUMERIC);
        $keys = get_search_words(array_keys($keys), TRUE);
        $id = 0;
        foreach ($keys as $key => $pattern) {
            $s_key = htmlspecialchars($key);
            $pattern = '/' . '<textarea[^>]*>.*?<\\/textarea>' . '|' . '<[^>]*>' . '|' . '&[^;]+;' . '|' . '(' . $pattern . ')' . '/sS';
            $decorate_Nth_word = create_function('$matches', 'return (isset($matches[1])) ? ' . '\'<strong class="word' . $id . '">\' . $matches[1] . \'</strong>\' : ' . '$matches[0];');
            $body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $body);
            $notes = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $notes);
    // Compat: 'HTML convert time' without time about MenuBar and skin
    $taketime = elapsedtime();
    require SKIN_FILE;
Exemplo n.º 6
function plugin_print_action()
    global $defaultpage, $page_title, $newtitle;
    global $use_local_time, $language;
    global $head_tags, $foot_tags, $pkwk_dtd;
    global $vars;
    global $fixed_heading_edited, $autoglossary, $_symbol_paraedit, $_symbol_paraguiedit;
    global $_symbol_noexists;
    global $foot_explain, $note_hr;
    if (empty($vars['page']) || !is_page($vars['page'])) {
        return '';
    $page = $vars['page'];
    check_readable($page, false);
    $head = isset($vars['nohead']) ? 0 : 1;
    $foot = isset($vars['nofoot']) ? 0 : 1;
    $noa = isset($vars['noa']) ? 1 : 0;
    $fixed_heading_edited = $autoglossary = 0;
    $_symbol_paraedit = $_symbol_paraguiedit = '&nbsp;';
    $body = convert_html(get_source($page));
    // Yetlist
    $noexists_pattern = '#<span class="noexists">([^<]*)<a[^>]+>' . preg_quote($_symbol_noexists, '#') . '</a></span>#';
    $body = preg_replace($noexists_pattern, '$1', $body);
    // List of footnotes
    ksort($foot_explain, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $notes = !empty($foot_explain) ? $note_hr . join("\n", $foot_explain) : '';
    if ($noa) {
        $body = strip_a($body);
        $notes = strip_a($notes);
    // Tags will be inserted into <head></head>
    $head_tag = !empty($head_tags) ? join("\n", $head_tags) . "\n" : '';
    $foot_tag = !empty($foot_tags) ? join("\n", $foot_tags) . "\n" : '';
    $css_charset = 'utf-8';
    switch (UI_LANG) {
        case 'ja_JP':
            $css_charset = 'Shift_JIS';
    // Output header
    header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . CONTENT_CHARSET);
    header('ETag: ' . md5(MUTIME));
    // Output HTML DTD, <html>, and receive content-type
    $meta_content_type = isset($pkwk_dtd) ? pkwk_output_dtd($pkwk_dtd) : pkwk_output_dtd();
    // Plus! not use $meta_content_type. because meta-content-type is most browser not used. umm...
    echo <<<EOD
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset={$CONTENT_CHARSET}" />
 <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />
 <meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
 <meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" />

    // $newtitle - TITLE: (convert_html)
    if ($newtitle != '') {
        $h1 = $newtitle . ' - ' . $page_title;
    } elseif ($page == $defaultpage) {
        $h1 = $page_title;
    } else {
        $h1 = $page . ' - ' . $page_title;
    echo ' <title>' . $h1 . '</title>' . "\n";
    echo <<<EOD
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SKIN_URI}default.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="{$css_charset}" />
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SKIN_URI}print.css" type="text/css" media="print" charset="{$css_charset}" />
 <script type="text/javascript">

    if (exist_plugin_convert('js_init')) {
        echo do_plugin_convert('js_init');
    echo <<<EOD
 // -->
 <script type="text/javascript" src="{$SKIN_URI}lang/{$language}.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="{$SKIN_URI}default.js"></script>

    if (!$use_local_time) {
        echo <<<EOD
 <script type="text/javascript" src="{$SKIN_URI}tzCalculation_LocalTimeZone.js"></script>

    echo $head_tag;
    echo <<<EOD

    	if ($head) {
    		echo <<<EOD
    <div id="header">
     <h1 class="title">$h1</h1>
    if ($head) {
        // Last modification date (string) of the page
        $lastmodified = get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', get_filetime($page)) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
        // <span style="font-size: large;line-height: 1;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;">$h1</span>
        echo <<<EOD
<div style="background-color: {$PRINT_HEAD_BGCOLOR};border: 1px {$PRINT_HEAD_BORDER} solid;padding: 6px 8px;margin: 6px 1%;">
\t<h1 class="title">{$h1}</h1>
\t<p style="font-size:10px;text-align:right;">Last-Modified: {$lastmodified}</p>

    echo <<<EOD
<div id="contents">
<table class="contents" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <td class="ctable" valign="top">
    <div id="body">

    echo $body;
    echo <<<EOD

    if ($notes) {
        echo <<<EOD
<div id="note">

    if ($foot) {
        echo print_foot_area();
    if (exist_plugin_convert('tz')) {
        echo do_plugin_convert('tz');
    echo $foot_tag;
    echo <<<EOD

Exemplo n.º 7
function page_list($pages, $cmd = 'read', $withfilename=FALSE)
	global $script,$list_index,$top;
	global $_msg_symbol,$_msg_other;
	global $pagereading_enable;
	// ソートキーを決定する。 ' ' < '[a-zA-Z]' < 'zz'という前提。
	$symbol = ' ';
	$other = 'zz';
	$retval = '';
	if($pagereading_enable) {
		$readings = get_readings($pages);
	$list = array();
	foreach($pages as $file=>$page)
		$r_page = rawurlencode($page);
		$s_page = htmlspecialchars($page,ENT_QUOTES);
		$passage = get_pg_passage($page);
		$str = "   <li><a href=\"$script?cmd=$cmd&amp;page=$r_page\">$s_page</a>$passage";
		if ($withfilename)
			$s_file = htmlspecialchars($file);
			$str .= "\n    <ul><li>$s_file</li></ul>\n   ";
		$str .= "</li>";
		if($pagereading_enable) {
			if(mb_ereg('^([A-Za-zァ-ヶ])',$readings[$page],$matches)) {
				$head = $matches[1];
			elseif (mb_ereg('^[ -~]|[^ぁ-ん亜-熙]',$page)) {
				$head = $symbol;
			else {
				$head = $other;
		else {
			$head = (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z])/',$page,$matches)) ? $matches[1] :
				(preg_match('/^([ -~])/',$page,$matches) ? $symbol : $other);
		$list[$head][$page] = $str;
	$cnt = 0;
	$arr_index = array();
	$retval .= "<ul>\n";
	foreach ($list as $head=>$pages)
		if ($head === $symbol)
			$head = $_msg_symbol;
		else if ($head === $other)
			$head = $_msg_other;
		if ($list_index)
			$arr_index[] = "<a id=\"top_$cnt\" href=\"#head_$cnt\"><strong>$head</strong></a>";
			$retval .= " <li><a id=\"head_$cnt\" href=\"#top_$cnt\"><strong>$head</strong></a>\n  <ul>\n";
		$retval .= join("\n",$pages);
		if ($list_index)
			$retval .= "\n  </ul>\n </li>\n";
	$retval .= "</ul>\n";
	if ($list_index and $cnt > 0)
		$top = array();
		while (count($arr_index) > 0)
			$top[] = join(" | \n",array_splice($arr_index,0,16))."\n";
		$retval = "<div id=\"top\" style=\"text-align:center\">\n".
			join("<br />",$top)."</div>\n".$retval;
	return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 8
function page_list($pages, $cmd = 'read', $withfilename = FALSE)
    global $script, $list_index;
    global $_msg_symbol, $_msg_other;
    global $pagereading_enable;
    // ソートキーを決定する。 ' ' < '[a-zA-Z]' < 'zz'という前提。
    $symbol = ' ';
    $other = 'zz';
    $retval = '';
    if ($pagereading_enable) {
        $readings = get_readings($pages);
    $list = $matches = array();
    // Shrink URI for read
    if ($cmd == 'read') {
        $href = $script . '?';
    } else {
        $href = $script . '?cmd=' . $cmd . '&amp;page=';
    foreach ($pages as $file => $page) {
        $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
        $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page, ENT_QUOTES);
        $passage = get_pg_passage($page);
        $str = '   <li><a href="' . $href . $r_page . '">' . $s_page . '</a>' . $passage;
        if ($withfilename) {
            $s_file = htmlspecialchars($file);
            $str .= "\n" . '    <ul><li>' . $s_file . '</li></ul>' . "\n" . '   ';
        $str .= '</li>';
        // WARNING: Japanese code hard-wired
        if ($pagereading_enable) {
            if (mb_ereg('^([A-Za-z])', mb_convert_kana($page, 'a'), $matches)) {
                $head = $matches[1];
            } elseif (isset($readings[$page]) && mb_ereg('^([ァ-ヶ])', $readings[$page], $matches)) {
                // here
                $head = $matches[1];
            } elseif (mb_ereg('^[ -~]|[^ぁ-ん亜-熙]', $page)) {
                // and here
                $head = $symbol;
            } else {
                $head = $other;
        } else {
            $head = preg_match('/^([A-Za-z])/', $page, $matches) ? $matches[1] : (preg_match('/^([ -~])/', $page, $matches) ? $symbol : $other);
        $list[$head][$page] = $str;
    $cnt = 0;
    $arr_index = array();
    $retval .= '<ul>' . "\n";
    foreach ($list as $head => $pages) {
        if ($head === $symbol) {
            $head = $_msg_symbol;
        } else {
            if ($head === $other) {
                $head = $_msg_other;
        if ($list_index) {
            $arr_index[] = '<a id="top_' . $cnt . '" href="#head_' . $cnt . '"><strong>' . $head . '</strong></a>';
            $retval .= ' <li><a id="head_' . $cnt . '" href="#top_' . $cnt . '"><strong>' . $head . '</strong></a>' . "\n" . '  <ul>' . "\n";
        $retval .= join("\n", $pages);
        if ($list_index) {
            $retval .= "\n  </ul>\n </li>\n";
    $retval .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    if ($list_index && $cnt > 0) {
        $top = array();
        while (!empty($arr_index)) {
            $top[] = join(' | ' . "\n", array_splice($arr_index, 0, 16)) . "\n";
        $retval = '<div id="top" style="text-align:center">' . "\n" . join('<br />', $top) . '</div>' . "\n" . $retval;
    return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 9
function plugin_ls2_get_headings($page, &$params, $level, $include = FALSE)
    global $script;
    static $_ls2_anchor = 0;
    // ページが未表示のとき
    $is_done = isset($params["page_{$page}"]) && $params["page_{$page}"] > 0;
    if (!$is_done) {
        $params["page_{$page}"] = ++$_ls2_anchor;
    $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
    $s_page = htmlsc($page);
    $title = $s_page . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
    $href = $script . '?cmd=read&amp;page=' . $r_page;
    plugin_ls2_list_push($params, $level);
    $ret = $include ? '<li>include ' : '<li>';
    if ($params['title'] && $is_done) {
        $ret .= '<a href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $s_page . '</a> ';
        $ret .= '<a href="#list_' . $params["page_{$page}"] . '"><sup>&uarr;</sup></a>';
        array_push($params['result'], $ret);
    $ret .= '<a id="list_' . $params["page_{$page}"] . '" href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $s_page . '</a>';
    array_push($params['result'], $ret);
    $matches = array();
    foreach (get_source($page) as $line) {
        if ($params['title'] && preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})/', $line, $matches)) {
            $id = make_heading($line);
            $level = strlen($matches[1]);
            $id = PLUGIN_LS2_ANCHOR_PREFIX . $anchor++;
            plugin_ls2_list_push($params, $level + strlen($level));
            array_push($params['result'], '<li><a href="' . $href . $id . '">' . $line . '</a>');
        } else {
            if ($params['include'] && preg_match('/^#include\\((.+)\\)/', $line, $matches) && is_page($matches[1])) {
                plugin_ls2_get_headings($matches[1], $params, $level + 1, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: html.php Projeto: big2men/qhm
function catbody($title, $page, $body)
    global $script, $script_ssl, $vars, $arg, $defaultpage, $whatsnew, $help_page, $hr;
    global $attach_link, $related_link, $cantedit, $function_freeze;
    global $search_word_color, $_msg_word, $foot_explain, $note_hr, $head_tags;
    global $trackback, $trackback_javascript, $referer, $javascript;
    global $nofollow, $non_list;
    global $_LANG, $_LINK, $_IMAGE;
    global $pkwk_dtd;
    // XHTML 1.1, XHTML1.0, HTML 4.01 Transitional...
    global $page_title;
    // Title of this site
    global $do_backup;
    // Do backup or not
    global $modifier;
    // Site administrator's  web page
    global $modifierlink;
    // Site administrator's name
    global $owneraddr;
    // Site owner address
    global $ownertel;
    // Site owner tel
    global $headcopy;
    // Site headcopy
    global $menuadmin;
    // Menu Administrate Page
    global $style_type, $style_name, $logo_image, $logo_header;
    global $keywords, $description, $accesstag, $ga_tracking_id, $killer_fg, $killer_bg, $noindex, $accesstag_moved;
    //for skin by hokuken
    global $qhm_adminmenu;
    // Site administration menu 20 JUN 2007
    global $custom_meta;
    // Insert meta tag for specific meta tag
    global $adcode;
    // AD code (exp. Google Adwords, Analytics ... )  25 JLY 2007 by hokuken.com
    global $nowindow;
    // Disable including external_link.js
    global $killer_page2;
    // for Killer page Design 2
    global $no_qhm_licence;
    // qhm licence
    global $include_skin_file_path;
    //orignal skin setting
    global $qhm_access_key;
    global $reg_exp_host;
    global $unload_confirm, $check_login;
    global $enable_wp_theme, $enable_wp_theme_name, $wp_add_css;
    global $mobile_redirect, $googlemaps_apikey;
    global $other_plugins, $other_plugin_categories;
    global $default_script, $init_scripts;
    global $enable_smart_style, $smart_name;
    // smart phone
    global $is_update;
    global $enable_fitvids;
    // body部分以外は、元々の$script を使う(通常のリンク設定)を使う
    // 結果、$body内は、script_sslを使ったリンクになるが、ナビ、メニューなどは、元の$scriptを必ず使う
    $script = $init_scripts['normal'];
    $script_ssl = $init_scripts['ssl'];
    if (!file_exists(SKIN_FILE) || !is_readable(SKIN_FILE)) {
        die_message('SKIN_FILE is not found');
    $_LINK = $_IMAGE = array();
    // Add JavaScript header when ...
    if ($trackback && $trackback_javascript) {
        $javascript = 1;
    // Set something If you want
    $_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $r_page = rawurlencode($_page);
    //QHM Template
    $qt = get_qt();
    if (!$qt->set_page) {
    //QHM Messages
    $qm = get_qm();
    // Set $_LINK for skin
    $_LINK['add'] = "{$script}?cmd=add&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['backup'] = "{$script}?cmd=backup&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['copy'] = "{$script}?plugin=template&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['diff'] = "{$script}?cmd=diff&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['edit'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['filelist'] = "{$script}?cmd=filelist";
    $_LINK['freeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=freeze&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['help'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($help_page);
    $_LINK['list'] = "{$script}?cmd=list";
    $_LINK['new'] = "{$script}?plugin=newpage&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rdf'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=1.0";
    $_LINK['recent'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($whatsnew);
    $_LINK['refer'] = "{$script}?plugin=referer&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['reload'] = "{$script}?{$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rename'] = "{$script}?plugin=rename&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['delete'] = "{$script}?plugin=delete&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rss'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss";
    $_LINK['rss10'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=1.0";
    // Same as 'rdf'
    $_LINK['rss20'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=2.0";
    $_LINK['search'] = "{$script}?cmd=search";
    $_LINK['top'] = dirname($script . 'dummy.php') . '/';
    if ($trackback) {
        $tb_id = tb_get_id($_page);
        $_LINK['trackback'] = "{$script}?plugin=tb&amp;__mode=view&amp;tb_id={$tb_id}";
    $_LINK['unfreeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=unfreeze&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['upload'] = "{$script}?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd=upload&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['menuadmin'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($menuadmin);
    //Hokuken.com original
    $_LINK['qhm_adminmenu'] = qhm_get_script_path() . "?cmd=qhmauth";
    $_LINK['qhm_logout'] = "{$script}?cmd=qhmlogout";
    $_LINK['qhm_setting'] = "{$script}?cmd=qhmsetting";
    $_LINK['edit_menu'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=MenuBar";
    $_LINK['edit_menu2'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=MenuBar2";
    $_LINK['edit_navi'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=SiteNavigator";
    $_LINK['edit_navi2'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=SiteNavigator2";
    $_LINK['edit_header'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=SiteHeader";
    $_LINK['yetlist'] = "{$script}?cmd=yetlist";
    // Compat: Skins for 1.4.4 and before
    $link_add =& $_LINK['add'];
    $link_new =& $_LINK['new'];
    // New!
    $link_edit =& $_LINK['edit'];
    $link_diff =& $_LINK['diff'];
    $link_top =& $_LINK['top'];
    $link_list =& $_LINK['list'];
    $link_filelist =& $_LINK['filelist'];
    $link_search =& $_LINK['search'];
    $link_whatsnew =& $_LINK['recent'];
    $link_backup =& $_LINK['backup'];
    $link_help =& $_LINK['help'];
    $link_trackback =& $_LINK['trackback'];
    // New!
    $link_rdf =& $_LINK['rdf'];
    // New!
    $link_rss =& $_LINK['rss'];
    $link_rss10 =& $_LINK['rss10'];
    // New!
    $link_rss20 =& $_LINK['rss20'];
    // New!
    $link_freeze =& $_LINK['freeze'];
    $link_unfreeze =& $_LINK['unfreeze'];
    $link_upload =& $_LINK['upload'];
    $link_template =& $_LINK['copy'];
    $link_refer =& $_LINK['refer'];
    // New!
    $link_rename =& $_LINK['rename'];
    $link_delete =& $_LINK['delete'];
    $link_menuadmin =& $_LINK['menuadmin'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_copy =& $_LINK['copy'];
    $link_qhm_adminmenu =& $_LINK['qhm_adminmenu'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_qhm_logout =& $_LINK['qhm_logout'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_qhm_setting =& $_LINK['qhm_setting'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_edit_menu =& $_LINK['edit_menu'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_edit_menu2 =& $_LINK['edit_menu2'];
    $link_edit_navi =& $_LINK['edit_navi'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_edit_navi2 =& $_LINK['edit_navi2'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_edit_header =& $_LINK['edit_header'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    $link_yetlist =& $_LINK['yetlist'];
    //Hokuken.com original
    // Init flags
    $is_page = is_pagename($_page) && $_page != $whatsnew;
    $is_read = arg_check('read') && is_page($_page);
    $is_freeze = is_freeze($_page);
    // Last modification date (string) of the page
    $lastmodified = $is_read ? format_date(get_filetime($_page)) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($_page, FALSE) : '';
    // List of attached files to the page
    $attaches = $attach_link && $is_read && exist_plugin_action('attach') ? attach_filelist() : '';
    // List of related pages
    $related = $related_link && $is_read ? make_related($_page) : '';
    // List of footnotes
    ksort($foot_explain, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $notes = !empty($foot_explain) ? $note_hr . join("\n", $foot_explain) : '';
    // Tags will be inserted into <head></head>
    $head_tag = !empty($head_tags) ? join("\n", $head_tags) . "\n" : '';
    // 1.3.x compat
    // Last modification date (UNIX timestamp) of the page
    $fmt = $is_read ? get_filetime($_page) + LOCALZONE : 0;
    // Search words
    if ($search_word_color && isset($vars['word'])) {
        $body = '<div class="small">' . $_msg_word . htmlspecialchars($vars['word']) . '</div>' . $hr . "\n" . $body;
        // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
        // with array_splice(), array_flip()
        $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', $vars['word'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $words = array_splice($words, 0, 10);
        // Max: 10 words
        $words = array_flip($words);
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($words as $word => $id) {
            $keys[$word] = strlen($word);
        arsort($keys, SORT_NUMERIC);
        $keys = get_search_words(array_keys($keys), TRUE);
        $id = 0;
        foreach ($keys as $key => $pattern) {
            $s_key = htmlspecialchars($key);
            $pattern = '/' . '<textarea[^>]*>.*?<\\/textarea>' . '|' . '<[^>]*>' . '|' . '&[^;]+;' . '|' . '(' . $pattern . ')' . '/sS';
            $decorate_Nth_word = create_function('$matches', 'return (isset($matches[1])) ? ' . '\'<strong class="word' . $id . '">\' . $matches[1] . \'</strong>\' : ' . '$matches[0];');
            $body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $body);
            $notes = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $notes);
    // customized by hokuken for QHM (2009/1/28)
    //----------------- 携帯の場合の処理 --------------------------------------
    if (preg_match('/keitai.skin.php$/', SKIN_FILE)) {
        require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init.php';
        require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init_main.php';
        require SKIN_FILE;
    //------------------- IF UA is mobile, end here -----------------------
    //---------- KILLERPAGE: でもKILLERPAGE2:に統合 いつか消したい --------------
    if ($killer_fg != '') {
        //load common setting and output header
        require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init.php';
        $killer_page2['fg'] = $killer_fg;
        $killer_page2['bg'] = $killer_bg;
        $killer_page2['width'] = 700;
        $killer_page2['padding'] = 60;
        $killer_page2['bg_body'] = '#fff';
        $killer_page2['fg_body'] = '#000';
        require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init_killer.php';
        $longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
        $taketime = sprintf('%01.03f', $longtaketime);
        $qt->setv('taketime', $taketime);
    //--------------------------- いつか消したい end here ----------------
    // Main
    //common setting
    require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init.php';
    $qt->enable_cache = $qt->getv('editable') ? false : $qt->enable_cache;
    $qt->set_encode($shiftjis || $eucjp ? true : false);
    if ($shiftjis) {
        $output_encode = 'Shift_JIS';
    } else {
        if ($eucjp) {
            $output_encode = 'EUC-JP';
        } else {
            $output_encode = CONTENT_CHARSET;
    define('WORDPRESS_CHARSET', $output_encode);
    //output common header (available change encode)
    $qt->setv('meta_content_type', qhm_output_dtd($pkwk_dtd, CONTENT_CHARSET, $output_encode));
    //------- KILLERPAGE2: セールスレター型デザイン -------------------
    if (isset($killer_page2['fg']) != '') {
        require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init_killer.php';
        //JQuery Include
        $jquery_script = '';
        $jquery_cookie_script = '';
        if ($qt->getv('jquery_include')) {
            $jquery_script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>';
            $jquery_cookie_script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>';
        $bootstrap_style = $bootstrap_script = '';
        if ($qt->getv('bootstrap_script')) {
            $bootstrap_style = $qt->getv('bootstrap_style');
            $bootstrap_script = $qt->getv('bootstrap_script');
        $qt->setv('jquery_script', $bootstrap_style . $jquery_script . $bootstrap_script);
        $qt->setv('jquery_cookie_script', $jquery_cookie_script);
        $longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
        $taketime = sprintf('%01.03f', $longtaketime);
        $qt->setv('taketime', $taketime);
    // ---- include main design skin file ----
    if (isset($_SESSION['temp_skin']) && strlen($_SESSION['temp_skin']) > 0) {
        $style_type = $_SESSION['temp_style_type'];
    if ($include_skin_file_path != '') {
        $style_name = $include_skin_file_path;
    require LIB_DIR . 'qhm_init_main.php';
    // meta:GENERATOR
    $generator_tag = '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Quick Homepage Maker; version=' . QHM_VERSION . '; haik=' . (is_bootstrap_skin() ? 'true' : 'false') . '" />' . "\n";
    $qt->prependv_once('generator_tag', 'beforescript', $generator_tag);
    // ogp タグを挿入
    if (exist_plugin('ogp')) {
    $skin_file = SKIN_DIR . "{$style_name}/pukiwiki.skin.php";
    if ($qt->getv('layout_name')) {
        $layout_file = $qt->getv('layout_name') . '.skin.php';
        $layout_path = SKIN_DIR . "{$style_name}/{$layout_file}";
        if (file_exists($layout_path)) {
            $skin_file = $layout_path;
    } else {
        $layout_prefix = 'content';
        if ($_page === $defaultpage) {
            $layout_prefix = 'default';
        } else {
            if (is_qblog()) {
                $layout_prefix = 'article';
        $layout_name = isset($style_config["{$layout_prefix}_layout"]) ? $style_config["{$layout_prefix}_layout"] : "";
        $layout_path = SKIN_DIR . "{$style_name}/{$layout_name}.skin.php";
        if (file_exists($layout_path)) {
            $skin_file = $layout_path;
    if (!file_exists($skin_file)) {
        $skin_file = SKIN_FILE;
    // Read design config for customize
    $style_config = read_skin_config($style_name);
    $skin_custom_vars = get_skin_custom_vars($style_name);
    $custom_css = make_custom_css($style_name);
    $qt->prependv('beforescript', $custom_css);
    if (isset($style_config['bootstrap']) && $style_config['bootstrap'] !== false) {
        $qt->setv('jquery_include', true);
    // Default Eyecatch
    if (isset($skin_custom_vars['default_eyecatch']) && $skin_custom_vars['default_eyecatch'] && $qt->getv('main_visual') === '' && exist_plugin('eyecatch')) {
        $bg_image = $color = '';
        if (isset($skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_bgimage'])) {
            $bg_image = $skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_bgimage'];
            $bg_image = is_url($bg_image, TRUE, TRUE) || file_exists(get_file_path($bg_image)) ? $bg_image : '';
        if (isset($skin_custom_vars['enable_eyecatch_bgimage']) && !$skin_custom_vars['enable_eyecatch_bgimage']) {
            $bg_image = '';
        if (isset($skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_color'])) {
            $color = 'color=' . $skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_color'];
        if (is_qblog()) {
            $title_copy = $qblog_title;
        } else {
            if (isset($skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_title_type']) && trim($skin_custom_vars['eyecatch_title_type']) == 'site') {
                $title_copy = $page_title;
            } else {
                if ($_page === $defaultpage) {
                    $title_copy = $page_title;
                } else {
                    $title_copy = get_page_title($_page);
        $content = <<<EOD
! {$title_copy}
        plugin_eyecatch_convert($bg_image, $color, '__default', $content);
    if ($qt->getv('no_eyecatch')) {
        $qt->setv('main_visual', "<!-- no eyecatch -->");
    // Determine emptiness of eyecatch
    $qt->setv('eyecatch_is_empty', $qt->getv('no_eyecatch') || $qt->getv('main_visual') === '');
    if (isset($skin_custom_vars['palette_color']) && trim($skin_custom_vars['palette_color'])) {
        $qt->setv('palette_color', trim($skin_custom_vars['palette_color']));
        $qt->setv('palette_color_class', 'haik-palette-' . trim($skin_custom_vars['palette_color']));
    //JQuery Include
    $jquery_script = '';
    $jquery_cookie_script = '';
    if ($qt->getv('jquery_include')) {
        $jquery_script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>';
        $jquery_cookie_script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>';
    if ($qt->getv('bootstrap_script')) {
        $bootstrap_script = $qt->getv('bootstrap_script');
    $qt->setv('jquery_script', $jquery_script . $bootstrap_script);
    $qt->setv('jquery_cookie_script', $jquery_cookie_script);
    $longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
    $taketime = sprintf('%01.03f', $longtaketime);
    $qt->setv('taketime', $taketime);
    //UniversalAnalytics Tracking Code
    if ($code = $qt->getv('ga_universal_analytics')) {
        $qt->appendv('beforescript', $code);
    // WordPressデザイン
    if ($enable_wp_theme && ($vars['cmd'] != 'qhmsetting' && $vars['plugin'] != 'qhmsetting')) {
        define('TEMPLATEPATH', 'skin/wordpress/' . $enable_wp_theme_name);
        include LIB_DIR . 'wp_adapter.php';
        $skin_file = get_wp_skin_file();
    // 	プレビュー用のskinファイルを表示
    $tmpfilename = '';
    if (isset($_SESSION['temp_skin']) && strlen($_SESSION['temp_skin']) > 0) {
        $tmpfilename = $skin_file = tempnam(realpath(CACHEQHM_DIR), 'qhmdesign');
        file_put_contents($skin_file, $_SESSION['temp_skin']);
        $qt->setv('default_css', $bootstrap_css . $_SESSION['temp_css']);
        $qt->setv('style_path', $_SESSION['temp_style_path']);
    $qt->read($skin_file, $_page);
    // 一時ファイルの削除
    if (file_exists($tmpfilename) && strpos(basename($tmpfilename), 'qhmdesign') === 0) {
Exemplo n.º 11
function plugin_mixirecent_convert()
    global $vars, $date_format;
    // $_mixirecent_plugin_frame;
    static $done;
    $_mixirecent_plugin_frame_s = _('recent(%d)');
    $_mixirecent_plugin_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_mixirecent_plugin_frame_s);
    $mixirecent_lines = PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_DEFAULT_LINES;
    if (func_num_args()) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        if (!is_numeric($args[0]) || isset($args[1])) {
            return PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_USAGE . '<br />';
        } else {
            $mixirecent_lines = $args[0];
    // Show only the first one
    if (isset($done)) {
        return '<!-- #mixirecent(): You already view changes -->';
    // Get latest N changes
    if (file_exists(PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_CACHE)) {
        $source = file(PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_CACHE);
        $lines = array_splice($source, 0, $mixirecent_lines);
    } else {
        return '#mixirecent(): Cache file of RecentChanges not found' . '<br />';
    $date = $items = '';
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line));
        $_date = get_date($date_format, $time);
        if ($date != $_date) {
            // End of the day
            if ($date != '') {
                $items .= '</ul>' . "\n";
            // New day
            $date = $_date;
            $items .= '<strong>' . $date . '</strong>' . "\n" . '<ul class="mixirecent_list">' . "\n";
        $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page);
        $pg_passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
        if (plugin_mixirecent_isValidDate(substr($page, -10)) && check_readable($page, false, false)) {
            // for Calendar/MiniCalendar
            $savepage = $vars['page'];
            $title = $page;
            $source = get_source($page);
            $itemhx = '';
            $itemlx = '';
            while (!empty($source)) {
                $line = array_shift($source);
                if (preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})(.*)\\[#([A-Za-z][\\w-]+)\\](.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) {
                    $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(convert_html($matches[2]));
                    $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle);
                    $anchortitle = PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_NOTITLE ? $anchortitle : $anchortitle . '(' . $title . ')';
                    $sharp = '#';
                    $itemhx .= "<li><a href=\"" . get_page_uri($page) . "{$sharp}{$matches[3]}\" title=\"{$s_page} {$pg_passage}\">{$anchortitle}</a></li>\n";
            if ($itemhx != '') {
                $items .= $itemhx;
            } else {
                if ($page == $vars['page']) {
                    // No need to link to the page now you read, notifies where you just read
                    $items .= ' <li>' . $s_page . '</li>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $items .= ' <li><a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . '" title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '</a></li>' . "\n";
            $vars['page'] = $savepage;
        } else {
            if ($page == $vars['page']) {
                // No need to link to the page now you read, notifies where you just read
                $items .= ' <li>' . $s_page . '</li>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $items .= ' <li><a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . '" title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '</a></li>' . "\n";
    // End of the day
    if ($date != '') {
        $items .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    $done = TRUE;
    return sprintf($_mixirecent_plugin_frame, count($lines), $items);
Exemplo n.º 12
function catbody($title,$page,$body)
	global $script,$vars,$arg,$defaultpage,$whatsnew,$help_page,$hr;
	global $related_link,$cantedit,$function_freeze,$search_word_color,$_msg_word;
	global $foot_explain,$note_hr,$head_tags;
	global $html_transitional; // FALSE:XHTML1.1 TRUE:XHTML1.0 Transitional
	global $page_title;        // ホームページのタイトル
	global $do_backup;         // バックアップを行うかどうか
	global $modifier;          // 編集者のホームページ
	global $modifierlink;      // 編集者の名前

	$_page = $vars['page'];
	$r_page = rawurlencode($_page);
	$link_add      = "$script?cmd=add&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_edit     = "$script?cmd=edit&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_diff     = "$script?cmd=diff&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_top      = "$script?".rawurlencode($defaultpage);
	$link_list     = "$script?cmd=list";
	$link_filelist = "$script?cmd=filelist";
	$link_search   = "$script?cmd=search";
	$link_whatsnew = "$script?".rawurlencode($whatsnew);
	$link_backup   = "$script?cmd=backup&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_help     = "$script?".rawurlencode($help_page);
	$link_rss      = "$script?cmd=rss10";
	$link_freeze   = "$script?cmd=freeze&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_unfreeze = "$script?cmd=unfreeze&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_upload   = "$script?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd=upload&amp;page=$r_page";
	$link_template = "$script?plugin=template&amp;refer=$r_page";
	$link_rename   = "$script?plugin=rename&amp;refer=$r_page";
	// ページの表示時TRUE(バックアップの表示、RecentChangesの表示を除く)
	$is_page = (is_pagename($_page) and !arg_check('backup') and $_page != $whatsnew);
	// ページの読み出し時TRUE
	$is_read = (arg_check('read') and is_page($_page));
	// ページが凍結されているときTRUE
	$is_freeze = is_freeze($_page);
	// ページの最終更新時刻(文字列)
	$lastmodified = $is_read ?
		get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T',get_filetime($_page)).' '.get_pg_passage($_page,FALSE) : '';
	// 関連するページのリスト
	$related = ($is_read and $related_link) ? make_related($_page) : '';
	// 添付ファイルのリスト
	$attaches = ($is_read and exist_plugin_action('attach')) ? attach_filelist() : '';
	// 注釈のリスト
	$notes = count($foot_explain) ? $note_hr.join("\n",$foot_explain) : '';
	// <head>内に追加するタグ
	$head_tag = count($head_tags) ? join("\n",$head_tags)."\n" : '';
	// 1.3.x compat
	// ページの最終更新時刻(UNIX timestamp)
	$fmt = $is_read ? get_filetime($_page) + LOCALZONE : 0;

	if ($search_word_color and array_key_exists('word',$vars))
		$body = '<div class="small">'.$_msg_word.htmlspecialchars($vars['word'])."</div>$hr\n$body";
		$words = array_flip(array_splice(preg_split('/\s+/',$vars['word'],-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY),0,10));
		$keys = array();
		foreach ($words as $word=>$id)
			$keys[$word] = strlen($word);
		$keys = get_search_words(array_keys($keys),TRUE);
		$id = 0;
		foreach ($keys as $key=>$pattern)
			$s_key = htmlspecialchars($key);
			$pattern = "/(<[^>]*>)|($pattern)/";
			$callback = create_function(
				'return $arr[1] ? $arr[1] : "<strong class=\"word'.$id++.'\">{$arr[2]}</strong>";'
			$body = preg_replace_callback($pattern,$callback,$body);
			$notes = preg_replace_callback($pattern,$callback,$notes);
	$longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
	$taketime = sprintf('%01.03f',$longtaketime);
	if (!file_exists(SKIN_FILE)||!is_readable(SKIN_FILE))
		die_message(SKIN_FILE.'(skin file) is not found.');
function weblog_viewer_show_headings($page, &$params, $prefix = "", $child_count = "")
    global $script, $auto_template_name;
    global $_weblog_list_anchor, $_weblog_msgs;
    static $_auto_template_name = "";
    if (!$_auto_template_name) {
        $_auto_template_name = preg_quote($auto_template_name, '/');
    // テンプレートページは表示しない場合
    if (preg_match("/\\/" . $_auto_template_name . "(_m)?\$/", $page)) {
    $ret = '';
    $rules = '/\\(\\(((?:(?!\\)\\)).)*)\\)\\)/';
    $is_done = (isset($params[$page]) and $params[$page] > 0);
    if (!$is_done) {
        $params[$page] = ++$_weblog_list_anchor;
    $name = strip_bracket($page);
    $title = $name . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
    if ($params['weblog']) {
        if (!ereg("(.*/)?([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{6}).*\$", $name, $m)) {
        if (!checkdate($m[3], $m[4], $m[2])) {
    if ($use_static_url = 1) {
        $pgid = get_pgid_by_name($page);
        $href = XOOPS_WIKI_URL . "/{$pgid}.html";
    } else {
        $href = $script . '?' . rawurlencode($name);
    $_name = "";
    if (preg_match("/^(.*\\/)?[0-9\\-]+\$/", $name)) {
        $_name = get_heading($page);
    //基準ページ名は省く nao-pon
    if ($name != $prefix) {
        $name = str_replace($prefix, "", $name);
        $_is_base = false;
    } else {
        $_is_base = true;
    $name = str_replace("/", "\t", $name);
    $c_count = count_chars($name);
    if ($_is_base) {
        $c_margin = 0;
    } else {
        $c_margin = $c_count[9] * 15;
    $name = preg_replace("/.*\t/", "", $name);
    $ret .= '<li style="margin-left:' . $c_margin . 'px;">';
    if ($params['weblog']) {
        $_page = preg_replace("/(.*\\/)?([0-9\\-]+)\$/", "\\2", $page);
        $t_year = substr($_page, 0, 4);
        $t_month = substr($_page, 5, 2);
        $t_day = substr($_page, 8, 2);
        $t_hour = substr($_page, 11, 2);
        $t_min = substr($_page, 13, 2);
        $t_sec = substr($_page, 15, 2);
        $timestamp = mktime($t_hour, $t_min, $t_sec, $t_month, $t_day, $t_year);
        //		$info =  get_pg_info_db($page);
        //		$timestamp = $info['buildtime'];
        $make_date[1] = date("Y", $timestamp);
        $make_date[2] = date("m", $timestamp);
        $make_date[3] = date("d", $timestamp);
        $make_date[4] = date("H:i", $timestamp);
        if ($params['weblog'] === "time") {
            $page_attr = $make_date[4];
        } else {
            $page_attr = $make_date[2] . "/" . $make_date[3] . " " . $make_date[4];
        $ret .= $page_attr . " - ";
    if ($_name) {
        $name = $_name;
    if ($params['relatedcount']) {
        $name .= " (" . links_get_related_count($page) . ")";
    if ($child_count != "") {
        $name .= " ({$child_count})";
    if (!$params['nonew'] && exist_plugin_inline("new")) {
        $new_mark = do_plugin_inline("new", "{$page}/,nolink", "");
    $ret .= '<a id="list_' . $params[$page] . '" href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $new_mark;
    $_ret = '';
    if ($_ret != '') {
        $ret .= "<ul>{$_ret}</ul>\n";
    $ret .= '</li>' . "\n";
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 14
function plugin_popular_convert()
    global $vars, $whatsnew;
    $qm = get_qm();
    $qt = get_qt();
    $except = '';
    $array = func_get_args();
    //---- キャッシュのための処理を登録 -----
    if ($qt->create_cache) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        return $qt->get_dynamic_plugin_mark(__FUNCTION__, $args);
    $today = FALSE;
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        case 3:
            if ($array[2]) {
                $today = get_date('Y/m/d');
        case 2:
            $except = $array[1];
        case 1:
            $max = $array[0];
    $counters = array();
    foreach (get_existpages(COUNTER_DIR, '.count') as $file => $page) {
        if ($except != '' && ereg($except, $page) || $page == $whatsnew || check_non_list($page) || !is_page($page)) {
        $array = array_pad(file(COUNTER_DIR . $file), 3, 0);
        $count = rtrim($array[0]);
        $date = rtrim($array[1]);
        $today_count = rtrim($array[2]);
        if ($today) {
            // $pageが数値に見える(たとえばencode('BBS')=424253)とき、
            // array_splice()によってキー値が変更されてしまうのを防ぐ
            // ため、キーに '_' を連結する
            if ($today == $date) {
                $counters['_' . $page] = $today_count;
        } else {
            $counters['_' . $page] = $count;
    asort($counters, SORT_NUMERIC);
    // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
    $counters = array_reverse($counters, TRUE);
    // with array_splice()
    $counters = array_splice($counters, 0, $max);
    $items = '';
    if (!empty($counters)) {
        $items = '<ul class="popular_list">' . "\n";
        foreach ($counters as $page => $count) {
            $page = substr($page, 1);
            $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page);
            //customized by hokuken.com
            $s_page = get_page_title($page);
            if ($page == $vars['page']) {
                // No need to link itself, notifies where you just read
                $pg_passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
                $items .= ' <li><span title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span></span></li>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $items .= ' <li>' . make_pagelink($page, $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span>') . '</li>' . "\n";
        $items .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    $html = sprintf($today ? $qm->m['plg_popular']['today_frame'] : $qm->m['plg_popular']['frame'], count($counters), $items);
    return '<div class="qhm-plugin-popular">' . $html . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 15
function plugin_ls2_1_get_headings($page, &$params, $level = 1, $include = false, $prefix, $top_level = 1, &$pages)
    global $script;
    static $_ls2_anchor = 0;
    // すでにこのページの見出しを表示したかどうかのフラグ
    $is_done = isset($params["page_{$page}"]) && $params["page_{$page}"] > 0;
    if (!$is_done) {
        $params["page_{$page}"] = ++$_ls2_anchor;
    $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page);
    $title = $s_page . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, false);
    $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
    $href = $script . '?' . $r_page;
    // relative オプション。リンク名制御。
    if ($params['relative']) {
        // パターンの最後の / 以下を取り除く。例) sample/test/d -> sample/test
        // $prefix_dir = preg_replace('/[^\/]+$/','',$prefix);
        if (($pos = strrpos($prefix, '/')) !== false) {
            $prefix_dir = substr($prefix, 0, $pos + 1);
        // ページ名からそのパターンをとり除く。
        // $s_page = ereg_replace("^$prefix_dir",'',$s_page);
        $s_page = substr($s_page, strlen($prefix_dir));
        // relative オプションと hierarchy オプションが同時に指定された場合は
        // パターンを取り除くだけでなく、上位の存在しているページ名も取り除く。
        if ($params['display'] == 'hierarchy') {
            $tmp = $s_page;
            // depth オプションが指定されていた場合 $top_level が変わります。
            while (substr_count($tmp, "/") > $top_level - 1) {
                // 一階層ずつとりのぞく
                if (($pos = strrpos($tmp, '/')) !== false) {
                    $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, $pos);
                // 上位のページが存在していれば、その文字列を取り除き、相対名にする。
                if (in_array($prefix_dir . $tmp, $pages)) {
                    // $s_page = ereg_replace("^$tmp/",'',$s_page);
                    $s_page = substr($s_page, strlen("{$tmp}/"));
    // date オプション。更新日時の追加。
    $date = '';
    if ($params['date']) {
        $date = format_date(get_filetime($page));
    // new オプション。New! 表示の追加。
    $new = '';
    if ($params['new']) {
        global $_plugin_new_elapses;
        $timestamp = get_filetime($page) - LOCALZONE;
        $erapse = UTIME - $timestamp;
        foreach ($_plugin_new_elapses as $limit => $tag) {
            if ($erapse <= $limit) {
                $new .= sprintf($tag, get_passage($timestamp));
    plugin_ls2_1_list_push($params, $level);
    // LI TAG. display オプションに依る。plugin_ls2_1_list_push にも。
    if ($params['display'] == 'inline') {
        $litag = '';
    } else {
        $litag = '<li>';
    array_push($params['result'], $litag);
    // include されたページの場合
    if ($include) {
        $ret = 'include ';
    } else {
        $ret = '';
    // すでに表示済みなら必ずファイル内探索処理はせずに抜ける
    if ($is_done) {
        $ret .= '<a href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $s_page . '</a> ';
        $ret .= '<a href="#list_' . $params["page_{$page}"] . '"><sup>&uarr;</sup></a>';
        array_push($params['result'], $ret);
    $ret .= '<a id="list_' . $params["page_{$page}"] . '" href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $s_page . '</a>';
    if ($date != '') {
        $ret .= " {$date}";
    if ($new != '') {
        $ret .= " {$new}";
    array_push($params['result'], $ret);
    // title オプション、include オプション時はファイル内探索もする
    if ($params['title'] || $params['include']) {
        $anchor = PLUGIN_LS2_1_ANCHOR_ORIGIN;
        $matches = array();
        // 全体で title_number 個ではなく各ファイル単位で title_number 個
        $title_counter = 0;
        foreach (get_source($page) as $line) {
            if ($params['title'] && preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})/', $line, $matches)) {
                if ($params['title_number']) {
                    // ただの件数制限なので途中で抜けても $anchor には不整合はでないはず
                    if ($title_counter >= $params['title_number']) {
                        if (!$params['include']) {
                        } else {
                // $line は 'remove footnotes and HTML tags' される。見出し行のアンカーが返されるが正直いらない。
                $id = make_heading($line);
                $hlevel = strlen($matches[1]);
                $id = PLUGIN_LS2_1_ANCHOR_PREFIX . $anchor++;
                plugin_ls2_1_list_push($params, $level + $hlevel);
                array_push($params['result'], $litag);
                array_push($params['result'], '<a href="' . $href . $id . '">' . $line . '</a>');
            } else {
                if ($params['include'] && preg_match('/^#include\\((.+)\\)/', $line, $matches) && is_page($matches[1])) {
                    plugin_ls2_1_get_headings($matches[1], $params, $level + $hlevel + 1, true, $prefix, $top_level, $pages);
Exemplo n.º 16
function catbody($title, $page, $body)
    global $script, $vars, $arg, $defaultpage, $whatsnew, $help_page, $hr;
    global $attach_link, $related_link, $cantedit, $function_freeze;
    global $search_word_color, $_msg_word, $foot_explain, $note_hr, $head_tags;
    global $trackback, $trackback_javascript, $referer, $javascript;
    global $nofollow;
    global $_LANG, $_LINK, $_IMAGE;
    global $pkwk_dtd;
    // XHTML 1.1, XHTML1.0, HTML 4.01 Transitional...
    global $page_title;
    // Title of this site
    global $do_backup;
    // Do backup or not
    global $modifier;
    // Site administrator's  web page
    global $modifierlink;
    // Site administrator's name
    if (!file_exists(SKIN_FILE) || !is_readable(SKIN_FILE)) {
        die_message('SKIN_FILE is not found');
    $_LINK = $_IMAGE = array();
    // Add JavaScript header when ...
    if ($trackback && $trackback_javascript) {
        $javascript = 1;
    // Set something If you want
    $_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $r_page = rawurlencode($_page);
    // Set $_LINK for skin
    $_LINK['add'] = "{$script}?cmd=add&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['backup'] = "{$script}?cmd=backup&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['copy'] = "{$script}?plugin=template&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['diff'] = "{$script}?cmd=diff&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['edit'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['filelist'] = "{$script}?cmd=filelist";
    $_LINK['freeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=freeze&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['help'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($help_page);
    $_LINK['list'] = "{$script}?cmd=list";
    $_LINK['new'] = "{$script}?plugin=newpage&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rdf'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=1.0";
    $_LINK['recent'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($whatsnew);
    $_LINK['refer'] = "{$script}?plugin=referer&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['reload'] = "{$script}?{$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rename'] = "{$script}?plugin=rename&amp;refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rss'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss";
    $_LINK['rss10'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=1.0";
    // Same as 'rdf'
    $_LINK['rss20'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&amp;ver=2.0";
    $_LINK['search'] = "{$script}?cmd=search";
    $_LINK['top'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($defaultpage);
    if ($trackback) {
        $tb_id = tb_get_id($_page);
        $_LINK['trackback'] = "{$script}?plugin=tb&amp;__mode=view&amp;tb_id={$tb_id}";
    $_LINK['unfreeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=unfreeze&amp;page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['upload'] = "{$script}?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd=upload&amp;page={$r_page}";
    // Compat: Skins for 1.4.4 and before
    $link_add =& $_LINK['add'];
    $link_new =& $_LINK['new'];
    // New!
    $link_edit =& $_LINK['edit'];
    $link_diff =& $_LINK['diff'];
    $link_top =& $_LINK['top'];
    $link_list =& $_LINK['list'];
    $link_filelist =& $_LINK['filelist'];
    $link_search =& $_LINK['search'];
    $link_whatsnew =& $_LINK['recent'];
    $link_backup =& $_LINK['backup'];
    $link_help =& $_LINK['help'];
    $link_trackback =& $_LINK['trackback'];
    // New!
    $link_rdf =& $_LINK['rdf'];
    // New!
    $link_rss =& $_LINK['rss'];
    $link_rss10 =& $_LINK['rss10'];
    // New!
    $link_rss20 =& $_LINK['rss20'];
    // New!
    $link_freeze =& $_LINK['freeze'];
    $link_unfreeze =& $_LINK['unfreeze'];
    $link_upload =& $_LINK['upload'];
    $link_template =& $_LINK['copy'];
    $link_refer =& $_LINK['refer'];
    // New!
    $link_rename =& $_LINK['rename'];
    // Init flags
    $is_page = is_pagename($_page) && !arg_check('backup') && $_page != $whatsnew;
    $is_read = arg_check('read') && is_page($_page);
    $is_freeze = is_freeze($_page);
    // Last modification date (string) of the page
    $lastmodified = $is_read ? format_date(get_filetime($_page)) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($_page, FALSE) : '';
    // List of attached files to the page
    $attaches = $attach_link && $is_read && exist_plugin_action('attach') ? attach_filelist() : '';
    // List of related pages
    $related = $related_link && $is_read ? make_related($_page) : '';
    // List of footnotes
    ksort($foot_explain, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $notes = !empty($foot_explain) ? $note_hr . join("\n", $foot_explain) : '';
    // Tags will be inserted into <head></head>
    $head_tag = !empty($head_tags) ? join("\n", $head_tags) . "\n" : '';
    // 1.3.x compat
    // Last modification date (UNIX timestamp) of the page
    $fmt = $is_read ? get_filetime($_page) + LOCALZONE : 0;
    // Search words
    if ($search_word_color && isset($vars['word'])) {
        $body = '<div class="small">' . $_msg_word . htmlsc($vars['word']) . '</div>' . $hr . "\n" . $body;
        // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
        // with array_splice(), array_flip()
        $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', $vars['word'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $words = array_splice($words, 0, 10);
        // Max: 10 words
        $words = array_flip($words);
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($words as $word => $id) {
            $keys[$word] = strlen($word);
        arsort($keys, SORT_NUMERIC);
        $keys = get_search_words(array_keys($keys), TRUE);
        $id = 0;
        foreach ($keys as $key => $pattern) {
            $s_key = htmlsc($key);
            $pattern = '/' . '<textarea[^>]*>.*?<\\/textarea>' . '|' . '<[^>]*>' . '|' . '&[^;]+;' . '|' . '(' . $pattern . ')' . '/sS';
            $decorate_Nth_word = create_function('$matches', 'return (isset($matches[1])) ? ' . '\'<strong class="word' . $id . '">\' . $matches[1] . \'</strong>\' : ' . '$matches[0];');
            $body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $body);
            $notes = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $notes);
    $longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
    $taketime = sprintf('%01.03f', $longtaketime);
    require SKIN_FILE;
Exemplo n.º 17
 function get_popular_links($pages, $linkstrs, $counts, $currentpage = '')
     $links = array();
     foreach ($pages as $i => $page) {
         $linkstr = htmlspecialchars($linkstrs[$i]);
         $count = $counts[$i];
         if ($count === 0) {
         $linkstr .= '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span>';
         if ($page == $currentpage) {
             // Do not link to itself
             $title = htmlspecialchars($page) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, false);
             $links[$i] = '<span title="' . $title . '">' . $linkstr . '</span>';
         } else {
             $links[$i] = make_pagelink($page, $linkstr);
     return $links;
Exemplo n.º 18
function plugin_contents2_1_get_headings($page, &$params)
    static $_contents2_1_anchor = 0;
    // すでにこのページの見出しを表示したかどうかのフラグ
    $is_done = isset($params["page_{$page}"]) && $params["page_{$page}"] > 0;
    if (!$is_done) {
        $params["page_{$page}"] = ++$_contents2_1_anchor;
    // include ページの場合
    if ($params['page_anchor_counter'] > 1) {
        // 表示済み
        if ($is_done) {
        // 標準 #include プラグインにはアンカーはつかないのでこのアンカーリンクは機能しない。
        // 自作プラグイン/include2.inc.php はこれに対応しています。
        $id = '#' . plugin_contents2_1_pageanchor($page);
        // include ページ名のレベルは0
        $level = 0;
        $link_string = htmlspecialchars($page);
        $title = $link_string . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, false);
        plugin_contents2_1_push2result($page, &$params, $level, $page, $id, $title, $link_string);
    $anchor_counter = PLUGIN_CONTENTS2_1_ANCHOR_ORIGIN;
    $matches = array();
    foreach (get_source($page) as $line) {
        // include ページにある #contents2_1 は呼び出しの #contents2_1 とは明らかに違うやつなので
        // include ページに対しては fromhere 検索すらしない(無論見出しも)。
        // ただ $params['page_anchor_counter'] のために #include を辿って #include の数は数えないといけない。
        // fixed_anchor=false だとしても fixed_anchor がまだ作られていないページである可能性があるのでやはり数えないといけない。
        if ($params['fromhere'] && !$params['fromhere_detected'] && $params['page_anchor_counter'] > 1) {
            if ($params['include'] && preg_match('/^#include.*\\((.+)\\)/', $line, $matches) && is_page($matches[1])) {
                plugin_contents2_1_get_headings($matches[1], $params);
        // fromhere 判定。まだ見つかっていない場合は何もしない
        if ($params['fromhere'] && !$params['fromhere_detected'] && ($params['fromhere_detected'] = preg_match('/^#contents2\\_1/', $line, $matches))) {
            // do nothing
        } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})/', $line, $matches)) {
            // アンカー文字列をつくる。$anchor_counter++ が重要。
            $id = PLUGIN_CONTENTS2_1_ANCHOR_PREFIX . $params['page_anchor_counter'] . '_' . $anchor_counter++;
            // fromhere がまだ見つかっていなければ $anchor_counter++ だけして continue。
            if ($params['fromhere'] && !$params['fromhere_detected']) {
            // 見出しレベルは1以降
            $level = strlen($matches[1]);
            // $line は 'remove footnotes and HTML tags' される。見出し行の固定アンカーが返される。
            $fixed_id = make_heading($line);
            if ($params['fixed_anchor'] && $fixed_id !== '') {
                $id = '#' . $fixed_id;
            // 自動アンカーがつく設定の場合の [#438239] の前に勝手に挿入される空白が make_heading ではまだ残るようなので。
            $title = $link_string = trim($line);
            plugin_contents2_1_push2result($line, &$params, $level, $page, $id, $title, $link_string);
            // number 判定。制限を越えていれば抜けて終了。
            if ($params['number'] != '' && $params['number_counter'] >= $params['number']) {
        } elseif ($params['include'] && preg_match('/^#include.*\\((.+)\\)/', $line, $matches) && is_page($matches[1])) {
            plugin_contents2_1_get_headings($matches[1], $params);
Exemplo n.º 19
function make_pagelink($page, $alias = '', $anchor = '', $refer = '', $isautolink = FALSE)
    global $vars, $link_compact, $related, $_symbol_noexists;
    $s_page = htmlspecialchars(strip_bracket($page));
    if (!is_page($page)) {
        $realpages = get_autoaliases(strip_bracket($page));
        foreach ($realpages as $realpage) {
            if (is_page($realpage)) {
                $page = $realpage;
    $s_alias = $alias == '' ? $s_page : $alias;
    if ($page == '') {
        return '<a href="' . $anchor . '">' . $s_alias . '</a>';
    //	if ($page == '') return open_uri_in_new_window('<a href="' . $anchor . '">' . $s_alias . '</a>', 'make_pagelink');
    $r_refer = $refer == '' ? '' : '&amp;refer=' . rawurlencode($refer);
    if (!isset($related[$page]) && $page != $vars['page'] && is_page($page)) {
        $related[$page] = get_filetime($page);
    if ($isautolink || is_page($page)) {
        // Hyperlink to the page
        if ($link_compact) {
            $title = '';
        } else {
            $title = ' title="' . $s_page . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE) . '"';
        // AutoLink marker
        if ($isautolink) {
            $al_left = '<!--autolink--><span class="autolink">';
            $al_right = '</span><!--/autolink-->';
        } else {
            $al_left = $al_right = '';
        return $al_left . '<a ' . 'href="' . get_page_uri($page) . $anchor . '"' . $title . '>' . $s_alias . '</a>' . $al_right;
        //		return open_uri_in_new_window($al_left .
        //			'<a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . $anchor . '"' . $title . '>' .
        //			$s_alias . '</a>' . $al_right, 'make_pagelink');
    } else {
        // Dangling link
        // if (PKWK_READONLY) return $s_alias; // No dacorations
        if (auth::check_role('readonly')) {
            return $s_alias;
        // No dacorations
        $retval = $s_alias . '<a href="' . get_cmd_uri('edit', $page) . $r_refer . '">' . $_symbol_noexists . '</a>';
        if ($link_compact) {
            return $retval;
            //			return open_uri_in_new_window($retval, 'make_pagelink_e');
        } else {
            return '<span class="noexists">' . $retval . '</span>';
Exemplo n.º 20
function make_pagelink($page, $alias = '', $anchor = '', $refer = '', $isautolink = FALSE)
    global $script, $vars, $link_compact, $related, $_symbol_noexists;
    $s_page = htmlspecialchars(strip_bracket($page));
    $s_alias = $alias == '' ? $s_page : $alias;
    if ($page == '') {
        return '<a href="' . $anchor . '">' . $s_alias . '</a>';
    $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
    $r_refer = $refer == '' ? '' : '&amp;refer=' . rawurlencode($refer);
    if (!isset($related[$page]) && $page != $vars['page'] && is_page($page)) {
        $related[$page] = get_filetime($page);
    if ($isautolink || is_page($page)) {
        // Hyperlink to the page
        if ($link_compact) {
            $title = '';
        } else {
            $title = ' title="' . $s_page . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE) . '"';
        // AutoLink marker
        if ($isautolink) {
            $al_left = '<!--autolink-->';
            $al_right = '<!--/autolink-->';
        } else {
            $al_left = $al_right = '';
        return $al_left . '<a ' . 'href="' . $script . '?' . $r_page . $anchor . '"' . $title . '>' . $s_alias . '</a>' . $al_right;
    } else {
        // Dangling link
        if (PKWK_READONLY) {
            return $s_alias;
        // No dacorations
        $retval = $s_alias . '<a href="' . $script . '?cmd=edit&amp;page=' . $r_page . $r_refer . '">' . $_symbol_noexists . '</a>';
        if ($link_compact) {
            return $retval;
        } else {
            return '<span class="noexists">' . $retval . '</span>';
Exemplo n.º 21
function plugin_popular_convert()
    global $vars;
    //	global $_popular_plugin_frame, $_popular_plugin_today_frame;
    static $localtime;
    $_popular_plugin_frame_s = _('popular(%d)');
    $_popular_plugin_today_frame_s = _('today\'s(%d)');
    $_popular_plugin_yesterday_frame_s = _('yesterday\'s(%d)');
    $_popular_plugin_recent_frame_s = _('recent\'s(%d)');
    $_popular_plugin_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_popular_plugin_frame_s);
    $_popular_plugin_today_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_popular_plugin_today_frame_s);
    $_popular_plugin_yesterday_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_popular_plugin_yesterday_frame_s);
    $_popular_plugin_recent_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_popular_plugin_recent_frame_s);
    $view = 'total';
    $except = '';
    if (!isset($localtime)) {
        list($zone, $zonetime) = set_timezone(DEFAULT_LANG);
        $localtime = UTIME + $zonetime;
    $today = gmdate('Y/m/d', $localtime);
    // $yesterday = gmdate('Y/m/d', strtotime('yesterday', $localtime));
    $yesterday = gmdate('Y/m/d', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m', $localtime), gmdate('d', $localtime) - 1, gmdate('Y', $localtime)));
    $array = func_get_args();
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        case 3:
            switch ($array[2]) {
                case 'today':
                case 'true':
                    $view = 'today';
                case 'yesterday':
                    $view = 'yesterday';
                case 'recent':
                    $view = 'recent';
                case 'total':
                case 'false':
                    $view = 'total';
        case 2:
            $except = $array[1];
        case 1:
            $max = $array[0];
    $counters = array();
    foreach (auth::get_existpages(COUNTER_DIR, '.count') as $file => $page) {
        if ($except != '' && ereg($except, $page) || is_cantedit($page) || check_non_list($page) || !is_page($page)) {
        $array = file(COUNTER_DIR . $file);
        $count = rtrim($array[0]);
        $date = rtrim($array[1]);
        $today_count = rtrim($array[2]);
        $yesterday_count = rtrim($array[3]);
        $counters['_' . $page] = 0;
        if ($view == 'today' or $view == 'recent') {
            // $pageが数値に見える(たとえばencode('BBS')=424253)とき、
            // array_splice()によってキー値が変更されてしまうのを防ぐ
            // ため、キーに '_' を連結する
            if ($today == $date) {
                $counters['_' . $page] = $today_count;
        if ($view == 'yesterday' or $view == 'recent') {
            if ($today == $date) {
                $counters['_' . $page] += $yesterday_count;
            } elseif ($yesterday == $date) {
                $counters['_' . $page] += $today_count;
        if ($view == 'total') {
            $counters['_' . $page] = $count;
        if ($counters['_' . $page] == 0) {
            unset($counters['_' . $page]);
    asort($counters, SORT_NUMERIC);
    // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
    $counters = array_reverse($counters, TRUE);
    // with array_splice()
    $counters = array_splice($counters, 0, $max);
    $items = '';
    if (!empty($counters)) {
        $items = '<ul class="popular_list">' . "\n";
        foreach ($counters as $page => $count) {
            $page = substr($page, 1);
            $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page);
            if ($page == $vars['page']) {
                // No need to link itself, notifies where you just read
                $pg_passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE);
                $items .= ' <li><span title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span></span></li>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $items .= ' <li>' . make_pagelink($page, $s_page . '<span class="counter">(' . $count . ')</span>') . '</li>' . "\n";
        $items .= '</ul>' . "\n";
    switch ($view) {
        case 'today':
            $frame = $_popular_plugin_today_frame;
        case 'yesterday':
            $frame = $_popular_plugin_yesterday_frame;
        case 'recent':
            $frame = $_popular_plugin_recent_frame;
        case 'total':
            $frame = $_popular_plugin_frame;
    return sprintf($frame, count($counters), $items);