public function listarResponsavel($id_aluno, $cod_situacao = 1) { $query = "\n SELECT\n pessoa.id_pessoa,\n pessoa.id_escola,\n pessoa.id_turma,\n pessoa.tipo,\n pessoa.data_inclusao,\n pessoa.ultima_alteracao,\n pessoa.nome,\n pessoa.data_nascimento,\n pessoa.genero,\n pessoa.cpf_cnpj,\n pessoa.valor_mensalidade,\n pessoa.telefone1,\n pessoa.telefone2,\n pessoa.telefone3,\n pessoa.telefone4,\n pessoa.email1,\n pessoa.email2,\n pessoa.email3,\n pessoa.email4,\n pessoa.endereco,\n pessoa.complemento,\n pessoa.bairro,\n pessoa.cidade,\n pessoa.uf,\n pessoa.cod_situacao\n FROM pessoa\n INNER JOIN aluno_responsavel ON aluno_responsavel.id_responsavel = pessoa.id_pessoa\n WHERE aluno_responsavel.id_aluno = '" . do_escape($id_aluno) . "'\n AND pessoa.cod_situacao = '" . do_escape($cod_situacao) . "'\n "; $pessoas = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($pessoa = get_object($result)) { $pessoas[] = $this->atualizar($pessoa); } free_result($result); return $pessoas; }
public function listar($cod_situacao = null) { $query = $this->query() . "\n WHERE usuario.id_escola = '" . do_escape(ID_ESCOLA) . "'\n "; if (!is_null($cod_situacao)) { $query .= " AND usuario.cod_situacao = '" . do_escape($cod_situacao) . "' "; } $query .= " ORDER BY usuario.nome "; $usuarios = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($usuario = get_object($result)) { $usuarios[] = $this->atualizar($usuario); } free_result($result); return $usuarios; }
public function listar($id_usuario, $cod_situacao = 1) { $query = $this->query(); $query .= " \n WHERE id_usuario = '" . do_escape($id_usuario) . "'\n AND cod_situacao = '" . do_escape($cod_situacao) . "'\n "; $personagens = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($personagem = get_object($result)) { $personagens[] = $this->atualizar($personagem); } free_result($result); return $personagens; }
public static function listarItem($id_jogador = null) { $query = static::query(); if (!is_null($id_jogador)) { $query .= " WHERE id_jogador = " . do_escape($id_jogador) . " "; } $query .= " ORDER BY nome"; $itens = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($row = get_object($result)) { $itens[] = static::carregarDB($row); } free_result($result); return $itens; }
function vis_structure($io, $prev_value, &$allSame) { $id = $io['id']; $value = $io['value']; $ios = get_child_ios($id); $result = ''; if (count($ios) == 0) { $result = vis_value($value, $prev_value, $allSame); } else { $childrenSame = true; $result2 = ''; $result2 .= '<table class="table table-condensed">'; $dttoMode = false; $dttoNames = ''; foreach ($ios as $cio) { $childSame = true; $object = get_object($cio['object_id']); $result3 = '<tr><td>'; $result3 .= get_object_link($object, $cio['name'], $cio['operation_id']); $result3 .= '</td><td>'; $result3 .= render_value($cio, $object, $childSame); $result3 .= '</td></tr>'; $childrenSame = $childrenSame && $childSame; if (!$childSame) { if ($dttoMode) { $result2 .= "<tr><td title=\"These members are unchanged: {$dttoNames}\">⋮</td><td></td></tr>"; $dttoMode = false; $dttoNames = ''; } $result2 .= $result3; } else { $dttoMode = true; $dttoNames .= " " . htmlentities($cio['name']); } } $result2 .= '</table>'; if ($childrenSame) { $result = dtto(); } else { $allSame = false; $result = $result2; } } return $result; }
public static function listar($limit = 0) { $query = static::query(); $query .= "\n WHERE (\n sessao.id_mestre = '" . do_escape(ID_JOGADOR) . "' OR\n " . do_escape(ID_JOGADOR) . " IN (\n SELECT personagem.id_jogador\n FROM personagem\n WHERE personagem.id_sessao = sessao.id_sessao\n )\n )\n AND sessao.cod_situacao IN (" . SESSAO_ATIVA . "," . SESSAO_PAUSA . ")\n ORDER BY sessao.ultimo_turno DESC\n "; if ($limit > 0) { $query .= " LIMIT " . do_escape($limit); } $sessoes = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($dados = get_object($result)) { $sessao = new Sessao(); static::carregar($sessao, $dados); $sessoes[] = $sessao; } free_result($result); return $sessoes; }
function render_object($object_id, $operation_id) { $object = get_object($object_id); $ios = get_io_for_object($object_id); $name = get_name_for_object($ios); echo '<h2>'; home_btn(); echo ' <span style="color: #ddd">' . htmlspecialchars($object['type']) . '</span> ' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '</h2>'; echo '<table class="table table-condensed">'; $prev_io = null; $was_write = false; $last_write = false; $allSame = false; $first = true; foreach ($ios as $io) { if ($io['readwrite'] == ReadWrite::Read) { if (!$was_write && $first) { echo "<tr class=\"error-no-write\"><td colspan=\"6\">Not clear who wrote this value</td></tr>"; } } $result = ''; if ($io['operation_id'] == $operation_id) { $result .= "<tr class=\"highlight\">"; } else { $result .= "<tr>"; } $result .= '<td>' . $io['id'] . '</td>'; $result .= render_io($io, $allSame, 'operation', $name, $prev_io); $result .= "</tr>"; if ($was_write && $io['readwrite'] == ReadWrite::Read && !$allSame) { echo "<tr class=\"error-no-write\"><td colspan=\"6\">Not sure where exactly this value changed</td></tr>"; } echo $result; $prev_io = $io; $last_write = $io['readwrite'] == ReadWrite::Write; $was_write |= $last_write; $first = false; } if ($last_write) { echo "<tr class=\"error-no-write\"><td colspan=\"6\">Not clear who reads the value after this last write</td></tr>"; } echo '</table>'; }
function deleteProject($pid) { connect_db(); // delete the project from this array $id = array_search($pid, $this->projects); if ($id !== false) { array_splice($this->projects, $id, 1); update_object('Director', $this); } $proj = get_object('Project', $pid); if ($proj !== false) { $proj->cleanDelete(); } //close_db(); }
function send_request() { $u_id = $_SESSION['u_id']; if (!$_SESSION['friend_search_id']) { return 'no_friend_id'; } $friend_id = $_SESSION['friend_search_id']; $sql = "SELECT req_id FROM friend_request \n WHERE (req_u_id = {$u_id} and req_friend_id = {$friend_id}) \n or (req_u_id = {$friend_id} and req_friend_id = {$u_id})"; $result = get_object($sql); if ($result) { return 'request_exist'; } $sql = "INSERT INTO friend_request (req_u_id, req_friend_id) VALUES ({$u_id}, {$friend_id})"; insert($sql); $_SESSION['friend_search_id'] = null; return 'request_was_sent'; }
function my_download_object() { $bucket_name = 'download bucket'; $object_name = 'download object'; $options = array(ALIOSS::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => "download path", ALIOSS::OSS_RANGE => '0-1'); $response = $client > get_object($bucket_name, $object_name, $options); }
function get_object_exit($db_name, $table_name, $base_name) { $res = get_object($db_name, $table_name, $base_name); if (empty($res)) { jsonp_nocache_exit(array('status' => 'error', 'error' => $base_name . ' object not exists.')); } return $res; }
<?php $_POST['ssid'] = $_GET['ssid']; require '../session.php'; require 'edit_function.php'; // Clear the url temp for the ID TEMP $_SESSION[$ssid]['objet_fiche']->clear_url_temp(); // Parse the URL & insert params in database $object_type = get_object(); $object_id = get_object_id(); $object_version = get_object_version($_SESSION[$ssid]['message']['iknow'][504]); $object_ik_cartridge = get_object_ik_cartridge(); get_url_params(); $object_tab_level = get_tab_level(); $object_ik_valmod = get_object_ik_valmod(); /**================================================================== * HTML declare page interpretation directive ====================================================================*/ require '../../../../../../includes/common/html_doctype.php'; /*===================================================================*/ ?> <html> <head> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/iknow_tiny.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../../css/ifiche/tiny.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../../css/common/iknow/iknow_onglet.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../../css/ifiche/common_fiche.css" type="text/css"/> <style type="text/css"> .onglets {
public function listar($id_personagem) { $query = $this->query() . "\n WHERE id_personagem = '" . do_escape($id_personagem) . "'\n AND cod_situacao = '" . do_escape(QUEST_ATIVA) . "'\n "; $quests = array(); $result = get_result_db($query); while ($quest = get_object($result)) { if (array_key_exists($quest->id_tipo, $GLOBALS['_quest'])) { $this->carregar($quest); $quests[] = $quest; } } free_result($result); return $quests; }
//$IMAGES_DIRECTORY = "e107_images/"; //$MEDIA_DIRECTORY = "e107_media/"; //$THEMES_DIRECTORY = "e107_themes/"; //$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY = "e107_plugins/"; //$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY = "e107_handlers/"; //$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY = "e107_languages/"; //$HELP_DIRECTORY = "e107_docs/help/"; //$CACHE_DIRECTORY = "e107_system/cache/"; //$DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY = "e107_media/files/"; //$UPLOADS_DIRECTORY = "e107_media/temp/"; //$LOGS_DIRECTORY = "e107_files/logs"; //$CORE_DIRECTORY = "e107_core/"; //$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY = "e107_system/"; /* End configurable variables */ if (isset($_GET['object'])) { get_object($_GET['object']); die; } define("e107_INIT", TRUE); /*define("e_UC_PUBLIC", 0); define("e_UC_MAINADMIN", 250); define("e_UC_READONLY", 251); define("e_UC_GUEST", 252); define("e_UC_MEMBER", 253); define("e_UC_ADMIN", 254); define("e_UC_NOBODY", 255);*/ define("E107_INSTALL", TRUE); error_reporting(E_ALL); function e107_ini_set($var, $value) { if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
public function gerarXML() { $xml = new XMLWriter(); $xml->openMemory(); $xml->setIndent(true); $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->startElement("urlset"); $xml->writeAttribute('xmlns', ''); $url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"; $xml->startElement("url"); $xml->writeElement('loc', ''); //$xml->writeElement('lastmod', date('Y-m-d') ); $xml->writeElement('changefreq', 'daily'); $xml->writeElement('priority', '0.5'); $xml->endElement(); //url $query = "\n SELECT DISTINCT\n livros.liv_tes_id AS 'id_testamento',\n versiculos.ver_liv_id AS 'id_livro',\n versiculos.ver_capitulo AS 'id_capitulo'\n FROM versiculos\n INNER JOIN livros ON livros.liv_id = versiculos.ver_liv_id\n AND versiculos.ver_vrs_id = 3\n ORDER BY\n livros.liv_tes_id,\n versiculos.ver_liv_id,\n versiculos.ver_capitulo\n "; $result = get_result_db($query); while ($versiculo = get_object($result)) { $url = ''; if ($versiculo->id_testamento == NOVO_TESTAMENTO) { $url .= 'nt'; } elseif ($versiculo->id_testamento == ANTIGO_TESTAMENTO) { $url .= 'at'; } $url .= "/{$versiculo->id_livro}/{$versiculo->id_capitulo}"; $xml->startElement("url"); $xml->writeElement('loc', $url); //$xml->writeElement('lastmod', substr($imovel->ultima_alteracao, 0, 10) ); $xml->writeElement('changefreq', 'yearly'); $xml->writeElement('priority', '1.0'); $xml->endElement(); //url } free_result($result); $xml->endElement(); //urlset $xml->endDocument(); //echo $xml->outputMemory(TRUE); return $xml; }
public function find($param = 'all') { $this->is_edited = false; if (is_string($param)) { $param = strtolower($param); } $limit = -1; $argsnum = func_num_args(); $sqlstr = "select * from " . $this->_tablename . " where 1=1 "; if (intval($param) > 0) { $sqlstr .= " and id=" . $param; $limit = 1; } if ($param == 'first' || is_int($param)) { $limit = 1; } if ($argsnum >= 2) { $arg = func_get_arg(1); if (!is_array($arg)) { return; } if (!empty($arg["conditions"])) { $sqlstr .= " and " . $arg["conditions"]; } $limit = intval($arg["limit"]) > 0 ? $arg["limit"] : $limit; if (!empty($arg["order"])) { $sqlstr .= " order by " . $arg["order"]; } } if ($limit > 0) { $sqlstr .= " limit " . $limit; } $db = get_object('db'); if (!$db->query($sqlstr)) { return null; } if ($limit == 1) { if ($db->record_count <= 0) { return null; } $result = clone $this; foreach ($this->fields as $k => $v) { $result->fields[$k] = $db->field_by_name($k); $this->fields[$k] = $db->field_by_name($k); } return $result; } else { $result = array(); if ($db->record_count <= 0) { return $result; } do { $tmp = clone $this; foreach ($this->fields as $k => $v) { $tmp->fields[$k] = $db->field_by_name($k); } $result[] = $tmp; } while ($db->move_next()); return $result; } }
function send_message() { logit("POST", $_POST); // set_error_handler("error_handler"); try { $message = params('message'); $n_message = $message; $id = params('id'); logit('looking for object', $id); $object = get_object($id); if (is_null($object)) { logit('object not found', params('id')); halt(NOT_FOUND, array("exception" => "ObjectNotFound", "error" => 'Object not found')); // return "object:" . params('id') . ": was not found"; } else { $args = $_POST['args']; logit('message :' . $message . ' args <' . $args . '>'); if (is_null($args) || $args == '[]') { logit('args are empty'); if (!property_exists($object, $message)) { throw new NoMethodError("Property {$message} does not exist"); } $result = $object->{$message}; logit("\$object->{$message} returning ", $result); } else { $orig_args = $args; logit('decoding args <' . $args . '>'); $args = json_decode($args, true); logit('args are :', $args); if (preg_match('/\\=$/', $message) == 1) { $n_message = substr($message, 0, strlen($message) - 1); logit("\$object->{$n_message} = ", $args[0]); if (!property_exists($object, $n_message)) { throw new NoMethodError("property {$n_message} (original message:{$message}) does not exist"); } $object->{$n_message} = $args[0]; $result = array(); } else { logit("\$obect->{$message}()"); logit('class of object', get_class($object)); logit('object', object_properties_to_hash($object)); if (!method_exists($object, $message)) { throw new NoMethodError("method {$message} does not exist"); } if (is_array($args)) { // if (is_numeric($args[0])) { $args = convert_objs($args); logit("args after conversion", $args); $argstr = join($args, ","); logit("argstr after join", $argstr); // } // else { // $args = json_decode($orig_args, true); // $argstr = var_export($args, true); // } } else { $argstr = $args; } logit("calling " . "return \$object->{$message}({$argstr});"); $result = eval("return \$object->{$message}({$argstr});"); logit("returning ", $result); } } store_object_with_id($object, $id); return json_encode(array($result)); } } catch (Exception $e) { logit('Exception ' . $e->getMessage()); halt(422, array("exception" => get_class($e), "error" => $e->getMessage())); // return json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } }
$object_type = 'user'; $object_id = userid(); } try { if (!userid()) { cb_error(lang('You are not logged in')); } $object = get_object($object_type, $object_id); if (!$object) { cb_error(lang('Invalid object request')); } $content_type = mysql_clean(post('content_type')); $content_id = mysql_clean(post('content_id')); //$content = post('content'); if ($content_id) { $content = get_object($content_type, $content_id); if (!$content) { cb_error(lang('Invalid content request')); } } $post = mysql_clean(post('post')); if (!$content && !$post) { cb_error(lang('Please enter something for message')); } $action = mysql_clean(post('action')); if (!$action) { $action = 'added_status'; } //Lets add the feed.... $feed_array = array('userid' => userid(), 'user' => $userquery->udetails, 'content_id' => $content_id, 'content' => $cbfeeds->get_content($content_type, $content_id, $content), 'content_type' => $content_type, 'object_id' => $object_id, 'object' => $object, 'object_type' => $object_type, 'action' => $action, 'message' => $post); $fid = $cbfeeds->add_feed($feed_array);
//set_bucket_cors($oss_sdk_service); //get_bucket_cors($oss_sdk_service); //delete_bucket_cors($oss_sdk_service); //options_object($oss_sdk_service); /** * Object相关操作 */ // list_object($oss_sdk_service); //create_directory($oss_sdk_service); //upload_by_content($oss_sdk_service); upload_by_file($oss_sdk_service); //copy_object($oss_sdk_service); //get_object_meta($oss_sdk_service); //delete_object($oss_sdk_service); //delete_objects($oss_sdk_service); get_object($oss_sdk_service); //is_object_exist($oss_sdk_service); //upload_by_multi_part($oss_sdk_service); //upload_by_dir($oss_sdk_service); //batch_upload_file($oss_sdk_service); /** * 外链url相关 */ //get_sign_url($oss_sdk_service); } catch (Exception $ex) { die($ex->getMessage()); } /** * 函数定义 */ /*%**************************************************************************************************************%*/