Exemplo n.º 1
function insert_item($dbc, $values, $status)
    if ($status == 'lost') {
        $person = 'owner';
    } else {
        $person = 'finder';
    # Get the next id for the stuff table
    $id = get_next_id($dbc);
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        # Sanitize the input
        $values[$key] = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $value);
    # Get the location id by name
    $building = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $id);
    $location_id = get_location_id($dbc, $values['building']);
    $person_value = $values[$person];
    $valueString = "({$id}, '{$values['item']}', '{$person_value}', '{$values['phone']}', '{$values['email']}', {$location_id}, '{$values['room']}', '{$values['description']}', NOW(), NOW(), '{$status}')";
    $query = "INSERT INTO stuff(id, item, {$person}, phone, email, location_id, room, description, create_date, update_date, status) VALUES " . $valueString;
    $results = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
    check_results($dbc, $results);
    if (!$results) {
        return false;
    } else {
        # If succesfful, return the id of the newly inserted item
        return $id;
Exemplo n.º 2
 *	combine BatchOuts from Threads
 * @param	int		order_id
 * @return	int		count of CheckOuts combined
function JKY_combine_batchouts($the_ids)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $my_id = get_next_id('BatchOuts');
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO BatchOuts ' . 'SELECT ' . $my_id . '    	, ' . get_session('user_id') . '     , NOW()' . '     , status' . '     , MIN(checkout_id)' . '     , thread_id' . '     , batchin_id' . '     , req_line_id' . '     , tdyer_thread_id' . '     , order_thread_id' . '     , code' . '     , batch' . '     , AVG(unit_price)' . '     , SUM(requested_weight)' . '     , AVG(average_weight)' . '     , SUM(requested_boxes)' . '     , SUM(reserved_boxes)' . '     , SUM(checkout_boxes)' . '     , SUM(checkout_weight)' . '  FROM BatchOuts' . ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')';
    log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_id, $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_id);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM BatchOuts' . ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')';
    log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_id, $sql);
    	$sql= 'UPDATE BatchOuts '
    	    . '   SET status = "History"'
    		. '  FROM BatchOuts'
    		. ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')'
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $sql = 'UPDATE BatchOuts' . '   SET status = "History"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_row['id'], $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_row['id']);
    return $my_id;
Exemplo n.º 3
 *	generate Purchase
 * @param	int		purchase_id
 * @return	int		count of Incomings generated
function JKY_generate_purchase($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM Purchases' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_purchase = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM PurchaseLines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_incoming_id = get_next_id('Incomings');
        $sql = 'INSERT Incomings' . '   SET         id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',      updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ',      updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', incoming_number = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',     supplier_id = ' . $my_purchase['supplier_id'] . ',    invoice_date ="' . $my_row['expected_date'] . '"' . ',  invoice_weight = ' . $my_row['expected_weight'];
        log_sql('Incomings', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'Incomings', $my_incoming_id);
        $my_batchin_id = get_next_id('Batches');
        $sql = 'INSERT Batches' . '   SET          id = ' . $my_batchin_id . ',       updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',      incoming_id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',        thread_id = ' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ', purchase_line_id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('Batches', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'Batches', $my_batchin_id);
        $sql = 'UPDATE PurchaseLines' . '   SET batch_id =  ' . $my_batchin_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('PurchaseLines', 'UPDATE', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'PurchaseLines', $my_row['id']);
    $sql = 'UPDATE Purchases' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('Purchases', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Purchases', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Create a mutex for enforcing mutual exclusion
  * @param string $name	the system wide name of the mutex
  * @param boolane $acquire	whether or not to acquire the mutex after it is created
  * @return Mutex
 function Mutex($name, $acquire = false)
     global $DBCONN, $TBLPREFIX;
     if (!Mutex::checkDBCONN()) {
         return false;
     $this->name = $name;
     //-- check if this mutex already exists
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM {$TBLPREFIX}mutex WHERE mx_name='" . $DBCONN->escapeSimple($name) . "'";
     $res = dbquery($sql);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     $num_rows = $res->numRows();
     //-- mutex doesn't exist so create it
     if ($num_rows == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}mutex (mx_id, mx_name, mx_thread) VALUES (" . get_next_id("mutex", "mx_id") . ", '" . $DBCONN->escapeSimple($this->name) . "', '0')";
         $res = dbquery($sql);
     $this->waitCount = 0;
     if ($acquire) {
Exemplo n.º 5
 *	generate Order from OSAs
 * @param	int		quotation_id
 * @return	int		count of Orders generated
function JKY_generate_order($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSAs' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_osa = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSA_Lines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_osa_line_id = $my_row['id'];
        $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSA_Colors' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $my_osa_line_id;
        $my_colors = $db->fetchAll($sql);
        foreach ($my_colors as $my_color) {
            $my_order_id = get_next_id('Orders');
            $sql = 'INSERT Orders' . '   SET          id =' . $my_order_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',     order_number =' . $my_order_id . ',      osa_line_id =' . $my_osa_line_id . ',       osa_number =' . $my_osa['osa_number'] . ',       ordered_at ="' . $my_osa['ordered_at'] . '"' . ',        needed_at ="' . $my_osa['needed_at'] . '"' . ',     quoted_units =' . $my_row['units'] . ',    quoted_pieces =' . $my_color['quoted_pieces'] . ',    quoted_weight =' . $my_color['quoted_weight'] . ',   ordered_pieces =' . $my_color['ordered_pieces'] . ',   ordered_weight =' . $my_color['ordered_weight'];
            if ($my_osa['customer_id']) {
                $sql .= ', customer_id=' . $my_osa['customer_id'];
            if ($my_row['product_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  product_id=' . $my_row['product_id'];
            if ($my_color['color_id']) {
                $sql .= ',    color_id=' . $my_color['color_id'];
            if ($my_color['ftp_id']) {
                $sql .= ',      ftp_id=' . $my_color['ftp_id'];
            if ($my_color['machine_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  machine_id=' . $my_color['machine_id'];
            if ($my_color['partner_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  partner_id=' . $my_color['partner_id'];
            log_sql('Orders', 'INSERT', $sql);
            insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $my_order_id);
            			$sql= 'UPDATE OSA_lines'
            				. '   SET status = "Active"'
            				. ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id']
            	log_sql('OSA_Lines', 'UPDATE', $sql);
            			insert_changes($db, 'OSA_Lines', $my_row['id']);
    $sql = 'UPDATE OSAs' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('OSAs', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'OSAs', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Exemplo n.º 6
 *	generate CheckOut from Planning Orders
 * @param	int		order_id
 * @return	int		count of CheckOuts generated
function JKY_generate_checkout($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM Orders' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_order = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OrdThreads' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    	$my_needed_at = $my_order['needed_at'];
    	if ($my_needed_at == null) {
    		$my_needed_at = get_time();
    $my_checkout_id = get_next_id('CheckOuts');
    $sql = 'INSERT CheckOuts' . '   SET          id =' . $my_checkout_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',           number =' . $my_checkout_id . ',     requested_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', requested_weight =' . $my_order['ordered_weight'];
    if ($my_order['machine_id']) {
        $sql .= ', machine_id=' . $my_order['machine_id'];
    if ($my_order['partner_id']) {
        $sql .= ', partner_id=' . $my_order['partner_id'];
    log_sql('CheckOuts', 'INSERT', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'CheckOuts', $my_checkout_id);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_ord_thread_id = $my_row['id'];
        $my_batch = db_get_row('Batches', 'id=' . $my_row['batchin_id']);
        $my_ordered_weight = $my_row['ordered_weight'];
        $my_ordered_boxes = ceil((double) $my_ordered_weight / (double) $my_batch['average_weight']);
        $my_batchout_id = get_next_id('BatchOuts');
        $sql = 'INSERT BatchOuts' . '   SET          id =' . $my_batchout_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',      checkout_id =' . $my_checkout_id . ',        thread_id =' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ',       batchin_id =' . $my_row['batchin_id'] . ',  order_thread_id =' . $my_ord_thread_id . ',            batch ="' . $my_batch['batch'] . '"' . ',       unit_price =' . $my_batch['unit_price'] . ',   average_weight =' . $my_batch['average_weight'] . ', requested_weight =' . $my_ordered_weight . ',  requested_boxes =' . $my_ordered_boxes;
        log_sql('BatchOuts', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_batchout_id);
        $sql = 'UPDATE OrdThreads' . '   SET batchout_id = ' . $my_batchout_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_ord_thread_id;
        log_sql('OrdThreads', 'UPDATE', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'OrdThreads', $my_ord_thread_id);
    $sql = 'UPDATE Orders' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('Orders', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Exemplo n.º 7
    $url = 'http://' . $url;
$error = process_url($url);
if ($error > 0) {
    goto out;
$url = trim($url, '/');
$codes = get_codes_for_url($url);
$ip = get_IP();
if (strlen($code) == 0) {
    if (count($codes) == 0) {
        $id = get_next_id();
        $code = int2code($id, false);
        if (code_spam_exists($code)) {
            $id = mt_rand(get_next_id() + 1, 0xffffff);
            $code = int2code($id, false);
        insert_url($code, $url, $ip, $uuid);
    } else {
        $code = $codes[0]->code;
} else {
    if (!empty($codes)) {
        if (in_array($code, $codes)) {
            goto out;
    if (code_exists($code)) {
        $error = ERR_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        goto out;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function history_log($method, $table, $parent_id, $new, $old)
     $history = '';
     $first = '';
     foreach ($new as $key => $value) {
         if ($method == 'update') {
             if ($key != 'updated_at' and $new[$key] != $old[$key]) {
                 $history .= $first . $key . ':' . $old[$key] . '=>' . $value;
                 $first = ', ';
         } else {
             $history .= $first . $key . ':' . $value;
             $first = ', ';
     if (empty($history)) {
     $my_id = get_next_id('History');
     $sql = 'INSERT History' . '   SET     id=' . $my_id . ',  updated_by=' . get_session('user_id') . ',  updated_at="' . get_time() . '"' . ', parent_name="' . $table . '"' . ',   parent_id=' . $parent_id . ',      method="' . $method . '"' . ',     history="' . $history . '"';
     //$this->log_sql('History', $my_id, $sql);
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     insert_changes($db, 'History', $my_id);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Adds a news item to the database
 * This function adds a news item represented by the $news array to the database.
 * If the $news array has an ["id"] field then the function assumes that it is
 * as update of an older news item.
 * @author John Finlay
 * @param array $news a news item array
function addNews($news)
    global $TBLPREFIX;
    if (!isset($news["date"])) {
        $news["date"] = client_time();
    if (!empty($news["id"])) {
        // In case news items are added from usermigrate, it will also contain an ID.
        // So we check first if the ID exists in the database. If not, insert instead of update.
        $exists = PGV_DB::prepare("SELECT 1 FROM {$TBLPREFIX}news where n_id=?")->execute(array($news["id"]))->fetchOne();
        if (!$exists) {
            return (bool) PGV_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}news (n_id, n_username, n_date, n_title, n_text) VALUES (?, ? ,? ,? ,?)")->execute(array($news["id"], $news["username"], $news["date"], $news["title"], $news["text"]));
        } else {
            return (bool) PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}news SET n_date=?, n_title=? , n_text=? WHERE n_id=?")->execute(array($news["date"], $news["title"], $news["text"], $news["id"]));
    } else {
        return (bool) PGV_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}news (n_id, n_username, n_date, n_title, n_text) VALUES (?, ? ,? ,? ,?)")->execute(array(get_next_id("news", "n_id"), $news["username"], $news["date"], $news["title"], $news["text"]));
Exemplo n.º 10
 $insertcrmentityordersql = "insert into ec_crmentity(crmid,smcreatorid,smownerid,setype,description,createdtime,modifiedtime) " . "values(" . $salesorderid . "," . $current_user->id . "," . $current_user->id . ",'SalesOrder','" . $description_order . "','" . $createdtime_order . "','" . $modifiedtime_order . "')";
 $num_iid = $order['num_iid'];
 $productid_tmp = checkItemIsExist($num_iid);
 if (empty($productid_tmp)) {
     $ItemInfo = getProductInfo($rooturl, $session, $appKey, $appSecret, $num_iid);
     if (empty($ItemInfo)) {
         $errormess .= "获取订单产品信息失败。<br>";
     } else {
         $productid = $adb->getUniqueID("ec_crmentity");
         $productname = $ItemInfo['title'];
         $productcode = $product_seqprefix . get_next_id('ec_products');
         $detail_url = $ItemInfo['detail_url'];
         $pro_num = $ItemInfo['num'];
         $price = $ItemInfo['price'];
         $comment = $sku_properties_name;
         $createdtime_pro = $ItemInfo['created'];
         if ($createdtime_pro == '') {
             $createdtime_pro = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $modifiedtime_pro = $ItemInfo['modified'];
         if ($modifiedtime_pro == '') {
Exemplo n.º 11
 case 'delete':
     PGV_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}blocks WHERE b_order=? AND b_name=? AND b_username=?")->execute(array($id, 'faq', $oldGEDCOM));
     AddToChangeLog("FAQ item has been deleted.<br />Header ID: " . $pidh . ".<br />Body ID: " . $pidb, $oldGEDCOM);
 case 'add':
     $faqs = get_faq_data();
     if (isset($faqs[$order])) {
         // New position number is already in use: find next higher one that isn't used
         while (true) {
             if (!isset($faqs[$order])) {
     $newid = get_next_id("blocks", "b_id");
     $header = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $header);
     PGV_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}blocks (b_id, b_username, b_location, b_order, b_name, b_config) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($newid, $whichGEDCOM, 'header', $order, 'faq', serialize($header)));
     $body = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $body);
     PGV_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}blocks (b_id, b_username, b_location, b_order, b_name, b_config) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($newid + 1, $whichGEDCOM, 'body', $order, 'faq', serialize($body)));
     AddToChangeLog("FAQ item has been added.<br />Header ID: " . $newid . ".<br />Body ID: " . ($newid + 1), $whichGEDCOM);
 case 'moveup':
     $faqs = get_faq_data();
     if (isset($faqs[$id - 1])) {
         PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id - 1]["header"]["pid"], 'header'));
         PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id - 1]["body"]["pid"], 'body'));
     PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id - 1, $pidh, 'header'));
     PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id - 1, $pidb, 'body'));
     AddToChangeLog("FAQ item has been moved up.<br />Header ID: " . $pidh . ".<br />Body ID: " . $pidb, $oldGEDCOM);
Exemplo n.º 12
 function user_picture($picture_id, $user_id = NULL, $album_id = NULL)
     $this->data['page_title'] = "User Album";
     $the_row = $this->m_custom->getOneUserPicture($picture_id);
     if ($the_row) {
         $message_info = '';
         if ($this->ion_auth->logged_in()) {
             $login_id = $this->ion_auth->user()->row()->id;
             //$login_data = $this->m_custom->getUser($login_id);
         $user_row = $this->m_custom->getUserInfo($the_row['user_id']);
         $this->data['picture_id'] = $picture_id;
         $this->data['picture_user_id'] = $the_row['user_id'];
         $this->data['user_name_url'] = $this->m_custom->generate_user_link($the_row['user_id']);
         $this->data['user_name'] = $this->m_custom->display_users($the_row['user_id']);
         $this->data['title'] = $the_row['title'];
         $this->data['description'] = $the_row['description'];
         $this->data['image_url'] = base_url($this->album_user . $the_row['image']);
         $this->data['like_url'] = $this->m_custom->generate_like_link($picture_id, 'usa');
         $this->data['comment_url'] = $this->m_custom->generate_comment_link($picture_id, 'usa');
         $this->data['average_rating'] = $this->m_custom->activity_rating_average($picture_id, 'usa');
         $this->data['message'] = $this->session->flashdata('message');
         $this->data['item_id'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'item_id', 'id' => 'item_id', 'value' => $picture_id);
         $this->data['item_type'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'item_type', 'id' => 'item_type', 'value' => 'usa');
         if (check_correct_login_type($this->group_id_user)) {
             $this->data['radio_level'] = " ";
         } else {
             $this->data['radio_level'] = "disabled";
         $this->data['page_path_name'] = 'all/picture_user';
         if ($user_id != NULL) {
             $current_list = $this->m_custom->getAlbumUser($user_id, $album_id);
             $id_array = get_key_array_from_list_array($current_list, 'user_album_id');
             $previous_id = get_previous_id($picture_id, $id_array);
             $next_id = get_next_id($picture_id, $id_array);
             if ($previous_id) {
                 $this->data['previous_url'] = base_url() . "all/user_picture/" . $previous_id . "/" . $user_id . "/" . $album_id;
             if ($next_id) {
                 $this->data['next_url'] = base_url() . "all/user_picture/" . $next_id . "/" . $user_id . "/" . $album_id;
         $meta = array(array('property' => 'og:type', 'content' => 'article'), array('property' => 'og:title', 'content' => $user_row['name']), array('property' => 'og:description', 'content' => limit_character($the_row['description'], 150)), array('property' => 'og:image', 'content' => base_url($this->album_user . $the_row['image'])));
         $this->data['meta_fb'] = meta_fb($meta);
         $this->data['page_path_name'] = 'all/picture_user';
         $this->load->view('template/index_background_blank', $this->data);
     } else {
         redirect('/', 'refresh');
Exemplo n.º 13
* import media items from record
* @todo Decide whether or not to update the original gedcom file
* @return string an updated record
function update_media($gid, $gedrec, $update = false)
    global $GEDCOMS, $FILE, $TBLPREFIX, $media_count, $found_ids;
    global $zero_level_media, $fpnewged, $MAX_IDS, $keepmedia, $gBitDb;
    if (!isset($media_count)) {
        $media_count = 0;
    if (!isset($found_ids)) {
        $found_ids = array();
    if (!isset($zero_level_media)) {
        $zero_level_media = false;
    if (!$update && !isset($MAX_IDS["OBJE"])) {
        if (!$keepmedia) {
            $MAX_IDS["OBJE"] = 1;
        } else {
            $MAX_IDS["OBJE"] = $gBitDb->getOne("SELECT ni_id FROM {$TBLPREFIX}nextid WHERE ni_type=? AND ni_gedfile=?", array('OBJE', $GEDCOMS[$FILE]['id']));
    //-- handle level 0 media OBJE seperately
    $ct = preg_match("/0 @(.*)@ OBJE/", $gedrec, $match);
    if ($ct > 0) {
        $old_m_media = $match[1];
        $m_id = get_next_id("media", "m_id");
        		* Hiding some code in order to fix a very annoying bug
        		* [ 1579889 ] Upgrading breaks Media links
        		* Don't understand the logic of renumbering media objects ??
        		if ($update) {
        			$new_m_media = $old_m_media;
        		} else {
        			if (isset ($found_ids[$old_m_media])) {
        				$new_m_media = $found_ids[$old_m_media]["new_id"];
        			} else {
        				$new_m_media = get_new_xref("OBJE");
        				$found_ids[$old_m_media]["old_id"] = $old_m_media;
        				$found_ids[$old_m_media]["new_id"] = $new_m_media;
        $new_m_media = $old_m_media;
        //print "RECORD: old $old_m_media new $new_m_media<br />";
        $gedrec = preg_replace("/@" . $old_m_media . "@/", "@" . $new_m_media . "@", $gedrec);
        $media = new Media($gedrec);
        //--check if we already have a similar object
        $new_media = Media::in_obje_list($media);
        if (!$new_media) {
            $gBitDb->query("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}media (m_id, m_media, m_ext, m_titl, m_file, m_gedfile, m_gedrec) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($m_id, $new_m_media, $media->ext, $media->title, $media->file, $GEDCOMS[$FILE]["id"], $gedrec));
        } else {
            $new_m_media = $new_media;
            $found_ids[$old_m_media]["old_id"] = $old_m_media;
            $found_ids[$old_m_media]["new_id"] = $new_media;
            //$gedrec = preg_replace("/0 @(.*)@ OBJE/", "0 @$new_media@ OBJE", $gedrec);
            //-- record was replaced by a duplicate record so leave it out.
            return '';
        return $gedrec;
    if ($keepmedia) {
        $old_linked_media = $gBitDb->getAll("SELECT mm_media, mm_gedrec FROM {$TBLPREFIX}media_mapping WHERE mm_gid=? AND mm_gedfile=?", array($gid, $GEDCOMS[$FILE]['id']));
    //-- check to see if there are any media records
    //-- if there aren't any media records then don't look for them just return
    $pt = preg_match("/\\d OBJE/", $gedrec, $match);
    if ($pt > 0) {
        //-- go through all of the lines and replace any local
        //--- OBJE to referenced OBJEs
        $newrec = "";
        $lines = explode("\n", $gedrec);
        $ct_lines = count($lines);
        $inobj = false;
        $processed = false;
        $objlevel = 0;
        $objrec = "";
        $count = 1;
        foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
            if (!empty($line)) {
                // NOTE: Match lines that resemble n OBJE @0000@
                // NOTE: Renumber the old ID to a new ID and save the old ID
                // NOTE: in case there are more references to it
                $level = $line[0];
                //-- putting this code back since $objlevel, $objrec, etc vars will be
                //-- reset in sections after this
                if ($objlevel > 0 && $level <= $objlevel) {
                    $objref = insert_media($objrec, $objlevel, $update, $gid, $count);
                    // NOTE: Add the new media object to the record
                    $newrec .= $objref;
                    // NOTE: Set the details for the next media record
                    $objlevel = 0;
                    $inobj = false;
                if (preg_match("/[1-9]\\sOBJE\\s@(.*)@/", $line, $match) != 0) {
                    // NOTE: Set object level
                    $objlevel = $level;
                    $inobj = true;
                    $objrec = $line . "\n";
                } elseif (preg_match("/[1-9]\\sOBJE/", $line, $match)) {
                    // NOTE: Set the details for the next media record
                    $objlevel = $level;
                    $inobj = true;
                    $objrec = $line . "\n";
                } else {
                    $ct = preg_match("/(\\d+)\\s(\\w+)(.*)/", $line, $match);
                    if ($ct > 0) {
                        if ($inobj) {
                            $objrec .= $line . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $newrec .= $line . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $newrec .= $line . "\n";
        //-- make sure the last line gets handled
        if ($inobj) {
            $objref = insert_media($objrec, $objlevel, $update, $gid, $count);
            $newrec .= $objref;
            // NOTE: Set the details for the next media record
            $objlevel = 0;
            $inobj = false;
    } else {
        $newrec = $gedrec;
    if ($keepmedia) {
        $newrec = trim($newrec) . "\n";
        foreach ($old_linked_media as $i => $row) {
            $newrec .= trim($row[1]) . "\n";
    return trim($newrec);
Exemplo n.º 14
 *	generate OSA from Quotations
 * @param	int		quotation_id
 * @return	int		count of OSA Lines generated
function JKY_generate_osa($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM Quotations' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_quotation = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $my_needed_at = $my_quotation['needed_at'];
    if ($my_needed_at == null) {
        $my_needed_at = get_time();
    $my_osa_id = get_next_id('OSAs');
    $sql = 'INSERT OSAs' . '   SET          id =' . $my_osa_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',       osa_number =' . $my_osa_id . ',     quotation_id =' . $the_id . ',       ordered_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',        needed_at ="' . $my_needed_at . '"' . ',    quoted_pieces =' . $my_quotation['quoted_pieces'] . ',   ordered_pieces =' . $my_quotation['quoted_pieces'] . ',          remarks ="' . $my_quotation['remarks'] . '"';
    if ($my_quotation['customer_id']) {
        $sql .= ',      customer_id=' . $my_quotation['customer_id'];
    if ($my_quotation['salesman_id']) {
        $sql .= ',      salesman_id=' . $my_quotation['salesman_id'];
    log_sql('OSAs', 'INSERT', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'OSAs', $my_osa_id);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM QuotLines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_osa_line_id = get_next_id('OSA_Lines');
        $sql = 'INSERT OSA_Lines' . '   SET          id =' . $my_osa_line_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',        parent_id =' . $my_osa_id . ',             peso =' . $my_row['peso'] . ',     quoted_units =' . $my_row['quoted_units'] . ',            units =' . $my_row['units'] . ',    quoted_pieces =' . $my_row['quoted_pieces'] . ',   ordered_pieces =' . $my_row['quoted_pieces'] . ',    quoted_weight =' . $my_row['quoted_weight'] . ',   ordered_weight =' . $my_row['quoted_weight'] . ',		  remarks ="' . $my_row['remarks'] . '"';
        if ($my_row['product_id']) {
            $sql .= ',       product_id=' . $my_row['product_id'];
        log_sql('OSA_Lines', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'OSA_Lines', $my_osa_line_id);
        $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM QuotColors' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        $my_colors = $db->fetchAll($sql);
        foreach ($my_colors as $my_color) {
            $my_osa_color_id = get_next_id('OSA_Colors');
            if ($my_row['units'] == 0) {
                $my_quoted_pieces = ceil($my_color['quoted_units'] / $my_row['peso']);
                $my_quoted_weight = $my_color['quoted_units'];
            } else {
                $my_quoted_pieces = ceil($my_color['quoted_units'] / $my_row['units']);
                $my_quoted_weight = $my_color['quoted_units'] * $my_row['peso'];
            $sql = 'INSERT OSA_Colors' . '   SET          id =' . $my_osa_color_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',        parent_id =' . $my_osa_line_id . ',    quoted_pieces =' . $my_quoted_pieces . ',    quoted_weight =' . $my_quoted_weight . ',   ordered_pieces =' . $my_quoted_pieces . ',   ordered_weight =' . $my_quoted_weight;
            //			if ($my_quotation['customer_id'])	$sql .= ',      customer_id='  . $my_quotation['customer_id'];
            if ($my_row['machine_id']) {
                $sql .= ',       machine_id=' . $my_row['machine_id'];
            //			if ($my_row['product_id'])			$sql .= ',       product_id='  . $my_row['product_id'];
            if ($my_color['color_id']) {
                $sql .= ',         color_id=' . $my_color['color_id'];
            log_sql('OSA_Colors', 'INSERT', $sql);
            insert_changes($db, 'OSA_Colors', $my_osa_color_id);
    $sql = 'UPDATE Quotations' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('Quotations', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Quotations', $the_id);
    return $my_count;