Exemplo n.º 1
function get_edit_form($op, $review_r, $HTTP_VARS)
    global $PHP_SELF;
    $formContents = "";
    $formContents .= "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">";
    $formContents .= "<table>";
    $compulsory_ind = 'N';
    if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'comment_compulsory') === TRUE) {
        $compulsory_ind = 'Y';
    $formContents .= get_input_field("comment", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('review'), "htmlarea(55,10)", $compulsory_ind, $review_r['comment'], TRUE);
    // We are now able to configure this in the database.
    $attribute_type_r = fetch_attribute_type_r('S_RATING');
    $attribute_type_r['compulsory_ind'] = 'N';
    if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'rating_compulsory') == TRUE) {
        $attribute_type_r['compulsory_ind'] = 'Y';
    $formContents .= get_item_input_field("rating", $attribute_type_r, NULL, $review_r['rating']);
    $formContents .= "</table>";
    if (get_opendb_config_var('widgets', 'enable_javascript_validation') !== FALSE) {
        $onclick_event = "if(!checkForm(this.form)){return false;}else{this.form.submit();}";
    } else {
        $onclick_event = "this.form.submit();";
    $formContents .= format_help_block(array('img' => 'compulsory.gif', 'text' => get_opendb_lang_var('compulsory_field'), id => 'compulsory'));
    $formContents .= "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"{$onclick_event}\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('save_review') . "\">\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"{$op}\">\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sequence_number\" value=\"" . $review_r['sequence_number'] . "\">\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_id\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['item_id'] . "\">\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"instance_no\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['instance_no'] . "\">\n\t\t</form>";
    return $formContents;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @param $op is 'edit' or 'new'
function get_user_input_form($user_r, $HTTP_VARS)
    global $PHP_SELF;
    $buffer .= "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">";
    $buffer .= "<table class=\"userInputForm\">";
    if (is_not_empty_array($user_r)) {
        $buffer .= get_input_field("user_id", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('userid'), "readonly", "", $user_r['user_id'], TRUE);
    } else {
        $buffer .= get_input_field("user_id", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('userid'), "filtered(20,20,a-zA-Z0-9_.)", "Y", $HTTP_VARS['user_id'], TRUE);
    if (is_not_empty_array($user_r) && !is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_USER_PROFILE)) {
        $role_r = fetch_role_r($user_r['user_role']);
        $buffer .= get_input_field("user_role", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('user_role'), "readonly", "", $role_r['description'], TRUE);
    } else {
        $buffer .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('user_role'), custom_select('user_role', fetch_user_role_rs($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'signup' ? EXCLUDE_SIGNUP_UNAVAILABLE_USER : INCLUDE_SIGNUP_UNAVAILABLE_USER), "%description%", '1', ifempty($user_r['user_role'], $HTTP_VARS['user_role']), 'role_name'));
    $buffer .= get_input_field("fullname", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('fullname'), "text(30,100)", "Y", ifempty($HTTP_VARS['fullname'], $user_r['fullname']), TRUE);
    $buffer .= get_input_field("email_addr", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('email'), "email(30,100)", "Y", ifempty($HTTP_VARS['email_addr'], $user_r['email_addr']), TRUE);
    if (get_opendb_config_var('user_admin', 'user_themes_support') !== FALSE) {
        $uid_theme = ifempty($HTTP_VARS['uid_theme'], $user_r['theme']);
        $buffer .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('user_theme'), custom_select("uid_theme", get_user_theme_r(), "%value%", 1, is_exists_theme($uid_theme) ? $uid_theme : get_opendb_config_var('site', 'theme')));
        // If theme no longer exists, then set to default!
    if (get_opendb_config_var('user_admin', 'user_language_support') !== FALSE) {
        // Do not bother with language input field if only one language pack available.
        if (fetch_language_cnt() > 1) {
            $uid_language = ifempty($HTTP_VARS['uid_language'], $user_r['language']);
            $buffer .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('user_language'), custom_select('uid_language', fetch_language_rs(), "%language%", 1, is_exists_language($uid_language) ? $uid_language : get_opendb_config_var('site', 'language'), 'language', NULL, 'default_ind'));
            // If language no longer exists, then set to default!
    $buffer .= "</table>";
    // Now do the addresses
    if (is_not_empty_array($user_r)) {
        $addr_results = fetch_user_address_type_rs($user_r['user_id'], TRUE);
    } else {
        $addr_results = fetch_address_type_rs(TRUE);
    if ($addr_results) {
        while ($address_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($addr_results)) {
            $v_address_type = strtolower($address_type_r['s_address_type']);
            if (is_not_empty_array($user_r)) {
                $attr_results = fetch_address_type_attribute_type_rs($address_type_r['s_address_type'], 'update', TRUE);
            } else {
                $attr_results = fetch_address_type_attribute_type_rs($address_type_r['s_address_type'], 'update', TRUE);
            if ($attr_results) {
                $buffer .= '<h3>' . $address_type_r['description'] . '</h3>';
                $buffer .= "<ul class=\"addressIndicators\">";
                $buffer .= '<li><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="' . $v_address_type . '[public_address_ind]" value="Y"' . (ifempty($address_type_r['public_address_ind'], $HTTP_VARS[$v_address_type]['public_address_ind']) == 'Y' ? ' CHECKED' : '') . '">' . get_opendb_lang_var('public_address_indicator') . '</li>';
                $buffer .= '<li><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="' . $v_address_type . '[borrow_address_ind]" value="Y"' . (ifempty($address_type_r['borrow_address_ind'], $HTTP_VARS[$v_address_type]['borrow_address_ind']) == 'Y' ? ' CHECKED' : '') . '">' . get_opendb_lang_var('borrow_address_indicator') . '</li>';
                $buffer .= "</ul>";
                $buffer .= "<table class=\"addressInputForm\">";
                while ($addr_attribute_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($attr_results)) {
                    $fieldname = get_field_name($addr_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $addr_attribute_type_r['order_no']);
                    $value = NULL;
                    if ($address_type_r['sequence_number'] !== NULL) {
                        if (is_lookup_attribute_type($addr_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'])) {
                            $value = fetch_user_address_lookup_attribute_val($address_type_r['sequence_number'], $addr_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $addr_attribute_type_r['order_no']);
                        } else {
                            $value = fetch_user_address_attribute_val($address_type_r['sequence_number'], $addr_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $addr_attribute_type_r['order_no']);
                        $value = ifempty(filter_item_input_field($addr_attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS[$v_address_type][$fieldname]), $value);
                    } else {
                        $value = filter_item_input_field($addr_attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS[$v_address_type][$fieldname]);
                    // If this is an edit operation - the value must be NOT NULL
                    // for some widgets to work properly.
                    if ($address_type_r['sequence_number'] !== NULL && $value === NULL) {
                        $value = '';
                    $buffer .= get_item_input_field($v_address_type . '[' . $fieldname . ']', $addr_attribute_type_r, NULL, $value);
                $buffer .= "</table>";
    $buffer .= format_help_block(array('img' => 'compulsory.gif', 'text' => get_opendb_lang_var('compulsory_field'), id => 'compulsory'));
    if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'new_user') {
        $buffer .= "<h3>" . get_opendb_lang_var('password') . "</h3>";
        if (get_opendb_config_var('user_admin', 'user_passwd_change_allowed') !== FALSE || is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD)) {
            $buffer .= "<table class=\"changePasswordForm\">";
            if (is_valid_opendb_mailer()) {
                $compulsory_ind = 'N';
            } else {
                $compulsory_ind = 'Y';
            $buffer .= get_input_field("pwd", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('new_passwd'), "password(30,40)", $compulsory_ind, "", TRUE);
            $buffer .= get_input_field("confirmpwd", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('confirm_passwd'), "password(30,40)", $compulsory_ind, "", TRUE, NULL, get_opendb_config_var('widgets', 'enable_javascript_validation') !== FALSE ? "if( (this.form.pwd.value.length!=0 || this.form.confirmpwd.value.length!=0) && this.form.pwd.value!=this.form.confirmpwd.value){alert('" . get_opendb_lang_var('passwds_do_not_match') . "'); this.focus(); return false;}" : "");
            $buffer .= "\n</table>";
            if ($compulsory_ind == 'N') {
                $buffer .= format_help_block(get_opendb_lang_var('new_passwd_will_be_autogenerated_if_not_specified'));
    if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'signup' && get_opendb_config_var('login.signup', 'disable_captcha') !== TRUE) {
        $buffer .= render_secret_image_form_field();
    if (get_opendb_config_var('widgets', 'enable_javascript_validation') !== FALSE) {
        $onclick_event = "if(!checkForm(this.form)){return false;}else{this.form.submit();}";
    } else {
        $onclick_event = "this.form.submit();";
    if (is_not_empty_array($user_r)) {
        $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"update\">";
        if ($HTTP_VARS['user_id'] != get_opendb_session_var('user_id')) {
            $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"this.form.op.value='update'; {$onclick_event}\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('update_user') . "\">";
            if (is_user_not_activated($HTTP_VARS['user_id'])) {
                $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"this.form.op.value='delete'; this.form.submit();\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('delete_user') . "\">";
            } else {
                if (is_user_active($HTTP_VARS['user_id'])) {
                    $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"this.form.op.value='deactivate'; this.form.submit();\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('deactivate_user') . "\">";
            if (!is_user_active($HTTP_VARS['user_id'])) {
                $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"this.form.op.value='activate'; this.form.submit();\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('activate_user') . "\">";
        } else {
            $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"{$onclick_event}\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('update_details') . "\">";
    } else {
        if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] != 'signup') {
            if (is_valid_opendb_mailer()) {
                if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'new_user') {
                    if ($HTTP_VARS['email_user'] == 'Y') {
                        $checked = "CHECKED";
                    } else {
                        $checked = "";
                } else {
                    $checked = "CHECKED";
                $buffer .= "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" id=\"email_user\" name=\"email_user\" value=\"Y\" {$checked}>" . get_opendb_lang_var('send_welcome_email') . "</p>";
            $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"insert\">" . "\n<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"{$onclick_event}\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('add_user') . "\">";
        } else {
            $buffer .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"signup\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op2\" value=\"send_info\">" . "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"{$onclick_event}\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('submit') . "\">";
    $buffer .= "\n</form>";
    return $buffer;
Exemplo n.º 3
 echo _theme_header($page_title);
 echo '<h2>' . $page_title . ' ' . $page_image . '</h2>';
 $attribute_type_r = fetch_alt_item_id_attribute_type_r();
 $altid_item_instance_rs = update_altid_item_instance_rs($HTTP_VARS['op'], $HTTP_VARS['alt_item_id'], $attribute_type_r, get_decoded_item_instance_rs($HTTP_VARS['op'], $HTTP_VARS['checkout_item_instance_rs']), $errors);
 if (is_array($errors) > 0) {
     echo format_error_block($errors);
 echo "\n<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">";
 echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['op'] . "\">";
 echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page_no\" value=\"\">";
 if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkout') {
     echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"borrower_id\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['borrower_id'] . "\">";
 echo "\n<table class=\"borrowerForm\">";
 echo get_item_input_field('alt_item_id', $attribute_type_r, NULL);
 echo "\n</table>";
 echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('add_item') . "\">";
 $HTTP_VARS['checkout_item_instance_rs'] = get_encoded_item_instance_rs($altid_item_instance_rs);
 echo get_url_fields(NULL, array('checkout_item_instance_rs' => $HTTP_VARS['checkout_item_instance_rs']));
 if (is_not_empty_array($HTTP_VARS['checkout_item_instance_rs'])) {
     if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkout') {
         echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"doFormSubmit(this.form, 'item_borrow.php', 'quick_check_out')\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('check_out_item(s)') . "\">";
     } else {
         $HTTP_VARS['sequence_number'] = get_borrowed_item_sequence_number_r($altid_item_instance_rs);
         echo get_url_fields(NULL, array('sequence_number' => $HTTP_VARS['sequence_number']));
         echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"doFormSubmit(this.form, 'item_borrow.php', 'check_in')\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('check_in_item(s)') . "\">";
 echo "</form>";
Exemplo n.º 4
stub for non item specific functionality
function get_input_field($fieldname, $s_attribute_type, $prompt, $input_type, $compulsory_ind = 'N', $value = NULL, $dowrap = TRUE, $prompt_mask = NULL, $onchange_event = NULL, $disabled = FALSE)
    $input_type_def = prc_function_spec($input_type);
    return get_item_input_field($fieldname, array('s_attribute_type' => $s_attribute_type, 'order_no' => NULL, 'prompt' => $prompt, 'input_type' => $input_type_def['type'], 'input_type_arg1' => $input_type_def['args'][0], 'input_type_arg2' => $input_type_def['args'][1], 'input_type_arg3' => $input_type_def['args'][2], 'input_type_arg4' => $input_type_def['args'][3], 'input_type_arg5' => $input_type_def['args'][4], 'compulsory_ind' => $compulsory_ind), NULL, $value, $dowrap, $prompt_mask, $onchange_event, $disabled);
Exemplo n.º 5
function get_row_column_mappings_table($s_item_type, $owner_id, $header_row, $field_column_r, $field_default_r, $field_initcap_r)
    $buffer = "\n<table>";
    $buffer .= "\n<tr class=\"navbar\"><th></th>" . "<th>" . get_opendb_lang_var('field') . "</th>" . "<th>" . get_opendb_lang_var('default') . "</th>" . "<th> " . get_opendb_lang_var('initcap') . "</th></tr>";
    // If the prompt for this field, matches any of the $tokens, then select that token.
    if (!is_numeric($field_column_r['s_item_type'])) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($header_row); $i++) {
            if ($header_row[$i] == 's_item_type' || $header_row[$i] == get_opendb_lang_var('s_item_type')) {
                $field_column_r['s_item_type'] = $i;
    // If your data includes the item_type, then specify the column, so we
    // can ignore records that are not of the chosen item_type.
    $buffer .= "\n<tr>" . "<th class=\"prompt\" scope=\"row\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('s_item_type') . "</th>" . "<td class=\"data fieldColumn\">" . get_column_select_block("field_column[s_item_type]", $header_row, $field_column_r['s_item_type']) . "</td>" . "<td class=\"data defaultColumn\">&nbsp;</td>" . "<td class=\"data initcapColumn\">&nbsp;</td>" . "</tr>";
    // --------- Now the main input fields start....
    $results = fetch_item_attribute_type_rs($s_item_type);
    if ($results) {
        while ($item_attribute_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            // purely readonly
            if ($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] !== 'ITEM_ID') {
                $fieldname = get_field_name($item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $item_attribute_type_r['order_no']);
                if ($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'STATUSTYPE') {
                    $lookup_results = fetch_newitem_status_type_rs();
                    $default_field = build_select("field_default[{$fieldname}]", $lookup_results, $field_default_r[$fieldname], FALSE);
                    // do not include 'None' option
                    $initcap_field = NULL;
                    // No initcap for these types of fields.
                } else {
                    if ($item_attribute_type_r['input_type'] !== "textarea" && $item_attribute_type_r['input_type'] !== "url") {
                        // Check if any lookup values for this field.
                        $lookup_results = fetch_attribute_type_lookup_rs($item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], 'order_no, value ASC');
                        if ($lookup_results) {
                            $default_field = build_select("field_default[{$fieldname}]", $lookup_results, $field_default_r[$fieldname]);
                            $initcap_field = NULL;
                            // No initcap for these types of fields.
                        } else {
                            //use normal input field.
                            if ($item_attribute_type_r['multi_attribute_ind'] == 'Y') {
                                $item_attribute_type_r['multi_attribute_ind'] = 'N';
                            $default_field = get_item_input_field("field_default[{$fieldname}]", $item_attribute_type_r, NULL, $field_default_r[$fieldname], FALSE);
                            if ($item_attribute_type_r['input_type'] === 'text') {
                                $initcap_field = get_input_field("field_initcap[{$fieldname}]", NULL, NULL, "checkbox(true,false,)", "N", ifempty($field_initcap_r[$fieldname], get_opendb_config_var('import', 'row_import_default_initcap_checked') ? "true" : "false"), FALSE);
                            } else {
                                //Only for text fields.
                                $initcap_field = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $field = NULL;
                        $default_field = NULL;
                        $initcap_field = NULL;
                // If the prompt for this field, matches any of the $tokens, then select that token.
                if (!is_numeric($field_column_r[$fieldname])) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($header_row); $i++) {
                        // A direct export from CSV Export, so lets match the columns for you.
                        if ($header_row[$i] == $fieldname || $header_row[$i] == $item_attribute_type_r['prompt'] || $item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'CATEGORY' && $header_row[$i] == 'Genre') {
                            $field_column_r[$fieldname] = $i;
                $buffer .= "\n<tr>" . "<th class=\"prompt\" scope=\"row\">" . $item_attribute_type_r['prompt'] . "</th>" . "<td class=\"data fieldColumn\">" . get_column_select_block("field_column[{$fieldname}]", $header_row, $field_column_r[$fieldname]) . "</td>" . "<td class=\"data defaultColumn\">" . $default_field . "</td>" . "<td class=\"data initcapColumn\">" . $initcap_field . "</td>" . "</tr>";
            //if($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] !== 'ITEM_ID')
    $buffer .= "\n</table>";
    return $buffer;
Exemplo n.º 6
 echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search_list\" value=\"y\">";
 echo "<table class=\"searchForm\">";
 echo format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('title'), "\n<input type=\"text\" class=\"text\" id=\"search-title\" size=\"50\" name=\"title\">" . "\n<ul class=\"searchInputOptions\">" . "\n<li><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"title_match\" value=\"word\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('word_match') . "</li>" . "\n<li><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"title_match\" value=\"partial\" CHECKED>" . get_opendb_lang_var('partial_match') . "</li>" . "\n<li><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"title_match\" value=\"exact\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('exact_match') . "</li>" . "\n<li><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"title_case\" value=\"case_sensitive\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('case_sensitive') . "</li>" . "\n</ul>");
 if (@count($category_type_rs) > 1) {
     $catTypeSelect = "<select name=\"category\" id=\"search-category\">" . "\n<option value=\"\">-------------- " . get_opendb_lang_var('all') . " --------------";
     while (list($value, $display) = each($category_type_rs)) {
         $catTypeSelect .= "\n<option value=\"{$value}\">{$display}";
     $itemTypeBlock .= "</select>";
     echo format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('category'), $catTypeSelect);
 if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'enable') !== FALSE) {
     $attribute_type_r = fetch_attribute_type_r("S_RATING");
     $attribute_type_r['compulsory_ind'] = 'N';
     echo get_item_input_field("rating", $attribute_type_r, NULL, NULL);
 if (@count($item_type_rs) > 1) {
     $itemTypeSelect = "<select name=\"s_item_type\" id=\"search-itemtype\" onChange=\"populateList(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value, this.form.attribute_type, arrayOfAttributes, true, '------------- " . get_opendb_lang_var('all') . " -------------', false);\">" . "\n<option value=\"\">-------------- " . get_opendb_lang_var('all') . " --------------";
     while (list(, $item_type_r) = each($item_type_rs)) {
         $itemTypeSelect .= "\n<option value=\"" . $item_type_r['s_item_type'] . "\" >" . $item_type_r['s_item_type'] . " - " . $item_type_r['description'];
     $itemTypeBlock .= "</select>";
     echo format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('item_type'), $itemTypeSelect);
 $attrTypeSelect = "<select name=\"attribute_type\" id=\"search-attributetype\" onChange=\"populateList(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value, this.form['lookup_attribute_val'], arrayOfLookupValues, false, '" . get_opendb_lang_var('use_the_value_field') . " ---->', true);\">" . "\n<option value=\"\">-------------- " . get_opendb_lang_var('all') . " --------------";
 while (list(, $item_attribute_type_r) = @each($item_attribute_type_rs)) {
     if (has_role_permission($item_attribute_type_r['view_perm'])) {
Exemplo n.º 7
function get_edit_item_instance_form($op, $item_r, $status_type_r, $HTTP_VARS)
    $formContents = "<div class=\"tabContentHidden\" id=\"instance_info\">";
    $formContents .= get_related_item_search_script();
    $results = fetch_item_attribute_type_rs($item_r['s_item_type'], 'instance_field_types');
    if ($results) {
        $formContents .= "<h3>" . get_opendb_lang_var('instance_info') . "</h3>";
        $formContents .= "\n<table>";
        if (($op == 'edit' || $op == 'refresh') && $status_type_r['change_owner_ind'] == 'Y') {
            $formContents .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('owner'), "\n<select name=\"owner_id\">" . custom_select('owner_id', fetch_user_rs(PERM_ITEM_OWNER, INCLUDE_ROLE_PERMISSIONS, INCLUDE_CURRENT_USER, EXCLUDE_DEACTIVATED_USER, 'user_id', 'ASC'), '%fullname% (%user_id%)', 'NA', ifempty($HTTP_VARS['owner_id'], $item_r['owner_id']), 'user_id') . "\n</select>");
        if ($op == 'newinstance' || $op == 'clone_item') {
            $item_r['s_status_type'] = NULL;
            $item_r['status_comment'] = NULL;
            $item_r['borrow_duration'] = NULL;
        while ($item_attribute_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            if ($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'STATUSTYPE') {
                $status_type = ifempty(filter_item_input_field($item_attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS['s_status_type']), $item_r['s_status_type']);
                if ($op == 'new' || $op == 'site' || $op == 'newinstance' || $op == 'clone_item') {
                    $lookup_results = fetch_newitem_status_type_rs();
                } else {
                    // If item has borrowed records, then no s_status_type with borrow_ind == 'X' should be included.
                    $lookup_results = fetch_update_status_type_rs($status_type);
                if ($lookup_results && db_num_rows($lookup_results) > 0) {
                    $formContents .= format_field($item_attribute_type_r['prompt'], radio_grid('s_status_type', $lookup_results, '%img%', 'VERTICAL', $status_type));
                    // value
            } else {
                if ($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'STATUSCMNT') {
                    $status_comment = ifempty(filter_item_input_field($item_attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS['status_comment']), $item_r['status_comment']);
                    $formContents .= get_item_input_field('status_comment', $item_attribute_type_r, NULL, $status_comment);
                } else {
                    if ($item_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'DURATION') {
                        $borrow_duration = ifempty(filter_item_input_field($item_attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS['borrow_duration']), $item_r['borrow_duration']);
                        // The S_DURATION lookup list will most likely include an 'Undefined' option, that equates
                        // to an empty string.  So for Updates, we want to allow for a match, by forcing any NULL
                        // value to a empty string.  The reason why we do this, is because the Borrow Duration was
                        // probably set to 'Undefined', but because this equated to an empty string, the field was
                        // never updated.
                        if ($op != 'new' && $op != 'site') {
                            if ($borrow_duration === NULL) {
                                $borrow_duration = '';
                        $formContents .= get_item_input_field('borrow_duration', $item_attribute_type_r, NULL, $borrow_duration);
        $formContents .= "\n</table>";
    if (get_opendb_config_var('item_input', 'related_item_support') !== FALSE) {
        $formContents .= "<h3>" . get_opendb_lang_var('add_related_parent') . "</h3>";
        $formContents .= "\n<table>";
        $formContents .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('parent_item_filter'), '<input type="text" name="parent_item_filter" id="parent_item_filter">');
        $formContents .= format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('parent_item'), format_item_parents_select($HTTP_VARS, $item_r, '%parent_only%'));
        $formContents .= "\n</table>";
        $relatedItems = get_related_items_listing($item_r, $HTTP_VARS, RELATED_PARENTS_MODE);
        if ($relatedItems != NULL) {
            $formContents .= "<h3>" . get_opendb_lang_var('related_parent_item(s)') . "</h3>";
            $formContents .= $relatedItems;
    $formContents .= "</div>";
    return $formContents;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @param $borrowed_item_rs Items that this action will be performed against.  It may actually
 * 						be an array of 'sequence_number' values, in which case the borrow
 * 						record for the sequence_number will be fetched.
 * @param $HTTP_VARS
 * */
function more_information_form($op, $borrowed_item_rs, $HTTP_VARS, $email_notification = TRUE)
    global $PHP_SELF;
    $duration_attr_type = NULL;
    $default_borrow_duration = NULL;
    echo "\n<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">";
    // In case no detail is required.
    echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"more_info_requested\" value=\"true\">";
    // Pass all http variables onto next instance...
    // Includes empty fields...
    echo get_url_fields($HTTP_VARS, NULL, NULL);
    // Display the items to be operated on.
    if (is_not_empty_array($borrowed_item_rs)) {
        echo "<div id=\"moreInfoListing\">";
        // no pagination.
        $HTTP_VARS['items_per_page'] = '';
        $listingObject = new HTML_Listing($PHP_SELF, $HTTP_VARS);
        if ($op == 'reserve' || $op == 'cancel_reserve' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
        } else {
            if ($op == 'check_in') {
        if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'duration_support')) {
            if ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
        $max_overdue_duration = NULL;
        $default_borrow_duration = NULL;
        while (list(, $borrowed_item_r) = each($borrowed_item_rs)) {
            // If only a sequence_number, we need to fetch the borrow record.
            if (!is_array($borrowed_item_r) && is_numeric($borrowed_item_r)) {
                $borrowed_item_r = fetch_borrowed_item_r($borrowed_item_r);
            // TODO - add borrowed item history this to be displayed as readonly.
            //$results = fetch_borrowed_item_hist_rs($borrowed_item_r['sequence_number']);
            $item_r = fetch_item_instance_r($borrowed_item_r['item_id'], $borrowed_item_r['instance_no']);
            if ($op == 'reserve' || $op == 'cancel_reserve' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
                $listingObject->addUserNameColumn($item_r['owner_id'], array('bi_sequence_number' => $borrowed_item_r['sequence_number']));
            } else {
                if ($op == 'check_in') {
                    $listingObject->addUserNameColumn($borrowed_item_r['borrower_id'], array('bi_sequence_number' => $borrowed_item_r['sequence_number']));
            if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'duration_support')) {
                if ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
                    if (is_numeric($item_r['borrow_duration'])) {
                        // todo - change
                        $duration_attr_type_r = fetch_sfieldtype_item_attribute_type_r($item_r['s_item_type'], 'DURATION');
                        $listingObject->addDisplayColumn($duration_attr_type_r['s_attribute_type'], NULL, $duration_attr_type_r['display_type'], $item_r['borrow_duration']);
                    } else {
            // While we are here, we are going to calculate the default duration value.
            // We want to choose the least duration value.  If any of the items use a
            // different s_attribute_type for duration, then we should not try to get
            // a default value.  This is indicated by the $duration_attr_type===FALSE
            // if we have encountered a difference.
            if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'duration_support') && $duration_attr_type !== FALSE) {
                $new_duration_attr_type = fetch_sfieldtype_item_attribute_type($item_r['s_item_type'], 'DURATION');
                if ($duration_attr_type == NULL) {
                    $duration_attr_type = $new_duration_attr_type;
                } else {
                    if ($duration_attr_type !== $new_duration_attr_type) {
                        // Different s_attribute_type's for DURATION, so cannot display Duration chooser.
                        $duration_attr_type = FALSE;
                if ($duration_attr_type !== FALSE) {
                    if ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
                        // The default borrow duration should be the least amount of days or undefined
                        // if no records have a borrow duration.
                        if ($default_borrow_duration === NULL) {
                            $default_borrow_duration = $item_r['borrow_duration'];
                        } else {
                            if ($default_borrow_duration !== '') {
                                // Undefined empty value.
                                if (is_numeric($default_borrow_duration) && is_numeric($item_r['borrow_duration']) && $item_r['borrow_duration'] < $default_borrow_duration) {
                                    $default_borrow_duration = $item_r['borrow_duration'];
                    } else {
                        if ($op == 'extension') {
                            if ($borrowed_item_r['total_duration'] > $borrowed_item_r['borrow_duration']) {
                                $tmp_overdue_duration = $borrowed_item_r['total_duration'] - $borrowed_item_r['borrow_duration'];
                            // We want to get the max overdue duration, so we can give the User granting the extension a
                            // default, that will bring all selected items back into non-overdue status.
                            if (!is_numeric($max_overdue_duration) || $max_overdue_duration < $tmp_overdue_duration) {
                                $max_overdue_duration = $tmp_overdue_duration;
            //if(get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'duration_support') && $duration_attr_type!==FALSE)
        //while(list(,$borrowed_item_r) = each($borrowed_item_rs))
        echo "</div>";
    echo "<table class=\"moreInfo\">";
    // Do not display this more information section unless email is enabled.
    if (is_valid_opendb_mailer() && $email_notification !== FALSE) {
        echo get_input_field("more_information", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('more_information'), "textarea(50,10)", "N", NULL, TRUE);
    // Include a Borrower ID select, minus the current user.
    if ($op == 'quick_check_out') {
        if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['borrower_id']) == 0 || !is_user_granted_permission(PERM_USER_BORROWER, $HTTP_VARS['borrower_id'])) {
            $current_user_mode = EXCLUDE_CURRENT_USER;
            if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'owner_self_checkout') !== FALSE) {
                $current_user_mode = INCLUDE_CURRENT_USER;
            $results = fetch_user_rs(PERM_USER_BORROWER, INCLUDE_ROLE_PERMISSIONS, $current_user_mode, EXCLUDE_DEACTIVATED_USER, 'fullname', 'ASC');
            if ($results) {
                echo format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('borrower'), custom_select('borrower_id', $results, '%fullname% (%user_id%)', 1, NULL, 'user_id'));
            } else {
                echo format_field(get_opendb_lang_var('borrower'), get_opendb_lang_var('no_records_found'));
    //Only for check_out/quick_check_out operations - makes no sense otherwise!
    if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'duration_support') !== FALSE && ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out' || $op == 'extension')) {
        // Display default borrow duration.
        if (strlen($duration_attr_type) > 0) {
            $duration_attr_type_r = fetch_attribute_type_r($duration_attr_type);
            // We have to find the matching DURATION lookup value, which is at least
            // as many days as the max_overdue value, or the highest possible
            // duration value, if none found as large as the $max_overdue_duration
            if ($op == 'extension') {
                $default_borrow_duration = NULL;
                $result = fetch_attribute_type_lookup_rs($duration_attr_type_r['s_attribute_type'], 'order_no, value ASC');
                if ($result) {
                    while ($lookup_r = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                        if (is_numeric($lookup_r['value']) && (!is_numeric($max_overdue_duration) || is_numeric($max_overdue_duration) && $max_overdue_duration <= $lookup_r['value'])) {
                            $default_borrow_duration = $lookup_r['value'];
                        // backup, in case we need to use outside while loop
                        $lookup_r2 = $lookup_r;
                    // If still null, then set to the largest option
                    if ($default_borrow_duration == NULL) {
                        $default_borrow_duration = $lookup_r2['value'];
            if ($op != 'extension' && strlen(get_opendb_lang_var('default_borrow_duration')) > 0 && is_array($borrowed_item_rs)) {
                $duration_attr_type_r['prompt'] = get_opendb_lang_var('default_borrow_duration');
            $duration_attr_type_r['compulsory_ind'] = 'N';
            echo get_item_input_field("default_borrow_duration", $duration_attr_type_r, NULL, $op != 'quick_check_out' ? $default_borrow_duration : NULL);
            // Not appropriate for extension operation
            if ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
                echo get_input_field("override_item_duration", NULL, get_opendb_lang_var('override_item_duration'), "simple_checkbox(" . ($default_borrow_duration === NULL ? "CHECKED" : "") . ")", "N", "Y", TRUE);
        } else {
            //otherwise tell checkout to use item_instance borrow duration instead.
            if ($op == 'check_out' || $op == 'quick_check_out') {
                echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"override_item_duration\" value=\"N\">";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"" . get_opendb_lang_var('submit') . "\">";
    echo "</form>";
    echo format_help_block(get_opendb_lang_var('more_information_help'));