function select_profile($cmd) { // Request for a random profile. // if ($cmd == "rand") { $profiles = array(); $pic = get_int('pic'); if ($pic == 0) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=0", "limit 1000"); } else { if ($pic == 1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=1", "limit 1000"); } else { if ($pic == -1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum(null, "limit 1000"); } } } if (count($profiles) == 0) { page_head(tra("No profiles")); echo tra("No profiles matched your query."); page_tail(); exit; } shuffle($profiles); $userid = $profiles[0]->userid; header("Location: " . URL_BASE . "view_profile.php?userid={$userid}"); exit; } }
public function includeNominations(Beatmapset $beatmapset, ParamBag $params = null) { if ($beatmapset->isPending()) { if ($params !== null) { $userId = get_int($params->get('user_id')[0] ?? null); } $nominations = $beatmapset->recentEvents()->get(); foreach ($nominations as $nomination) { if ($nomination->type === BeatmapsetEvent::DISQUALIFY) { $disqualifyEvent = $nomination; } if (isset($userId) && $nomination->user_id === $userId && $nomination->type === BeatmapsetEvent::NOMINATE) { $alreadyNominated = true; } } $result = ['required' => $beatmapset->requiredNominationCount(), 'current' => $beatmapset->currentNominationCount()]; if (isset($disqualifyEvent)) { $result['disqualification'] = ['reason' => $disqualifyEvent->comment, 'created_at' => json_time($disqualifyEvent->created_at)]; } if (isset($userId)) { $result['nominated'] = $alreadyNominated ?? false; } return $this->item($beatmapset, function ($beatmapset) use($result) { return $result; }); } elseif ($beatmapset->qualified()) { $eta = $beatmapset->rankingETA(); $result = ['ranking_eta' => json_time($eta)]; return $this->item($beatmapset, function ($beatmapset) use($result) { return $result; }); } else { return; } }
function update_info() { global $user; $sex = get_int('sex'); $birth_year = get_int('birth_year'); $user->bolt->update("sex={$sex}, birth_year={$birth_year}"); }
function remove_admin($team) { $userid = get_int('userid'); $ret = BoincTeamAdmin::delete("teamid={$team->id} and userid={$userid}"); if (!$ret) { error_page(tra("failed to remove admin")); } }
public function show($id) { $postStartId = Request::input('start'); $postEndId = get_int(Request::input('end')); $nthPost = get_int(Request::input('n')); $skipLayout = Request::input('skip_layout') === '1'; $jumpTo = null; $topic = Topic::with('forum.cover')->findOrFail($id); $this->authorizeView($topic->forum); $posts = $topic->posts(); if ($postStartId === 'unread') { $postStartId = Post::lastUnreadByUser($topic, Auth::user()); } else { $postStartId = get_int($postStartId); } if ($nthPost !== null) { $post = $topic->nthPost($nthPost); if ($post) { $postStartId = $post->post_id; } } if (!$skipLayout) { foreach ([$postStartId, $postEndId, 0] as $jumpPoint) { if ($jumpPoint === null) { continue; } $jumpTo = $jumpPoint; break; } } if ($postStartId !== null && !$skipLayout) { // move starting post up by ten to avoid hitting // page autoloader right after loading the page. $postPosition = $topic->postPosition($postStartId); $post = $topic->nthPost($postPosition - 10); $postStartId = $post->post_id; } if ($postStartId !== null) { $posts = $posts->where('post_id', '>=', $postStartId); } elseif ($postEndId !== null) { $posts = $posts->where('post_id', '<=', $postEndId)->orderBy('post_id', 'desc'); } $posts = $posts->take(20)->with('user.rank')->with('')->with('user.supports')->get()->sortBy(function ($p) { return $p->post_id; }); if ($posts->count() === 0) { abort($skipLayout ? 204 : 404); } $postsPosition = $topic->postsPosition($posts); Event::fire(new TopicWasViewed($topic, $posts->last(), Auth::user())); $template = $skipLayout ? '_posts' : 'show'; $cover = fractal_item_array($topic->cover()->firstOrNew([]), new TopicCoverTransformer()); return view("forum.topics.{$template}", compact('topic', 'posts', 'postsPosition', 'jumpTo', 'cover')); }
function IdQuery($query, $id) { global $app, $db; $cleanID = get_int($id); // bad request if ($cleanID == null) { $app->halt(400); } // execute query $result = $db->query(str_replace("_ID_", $cleanID, $query)); return $result; }
function handle_add($job, $inst) { $f = null; $f->x = get_int('pic_x'); $f->y = get_int('pic_y'); $f->type = sanitize_tags(get_str('type')); $c = sanitize_tags(get_str('comment', true)); if (strstr($c, "(optional)")) { $c = ""; } $f->comment = $c; $output = $inst->get_opaque_data(); $output->features[] = $f; $inst->set_opaque_data($output); header("location: bossa_example4.php?bji={$inst->id}"); }
public function discussion($id) { $returnJson = Request::input('format') === 'json'; $lastUpdated = get_int(Request::input('last_updated')); $beatmapset = Beatmapset::findOrFail($id); $discussion = $beatmapset->beatmapsetDiscussion()->firstOrFail(); if ($returnJson && $lastUpdated !== null && $lastUpdated >= $discussion->updated_at->timestamp) { return ['updated' => false]; } $initialData = ['beatmapset' => $beatmapset->defaultJson(), 'beatmapsetDiscussion' => $discussion->defaultJson()]; if ($returnJson) { return $initialData; } else { return view('beatmapsets.discussion', compact('beatmapset', 'initialData')); } }
function show_batch($user) { $batch_id = get_int('batch_id'); $batch = BoincBatch::lookup_id($batch_id); if (!$batch || $batch->user_id != $user->id) { error_page("no batch"); } page_head("Batch {$batch->id}"); $results = BoincResult::enum("batch={$batch->id} order by workunitid"); $i = 0; result_table_start(true, true, null); foreach ($results as $result) { show_result_row($result, true, true, true, $i++); } end_table(); page_tail(); }
function get_batch_output_files($auth_str) { $batch_id = get_int('batch_id', true); if ($batch_id) { $batch = BoincBatch::lookup_id($batch_id); if (!$batch) { die("no batch {$batch_id}"); } } else { $batch_name = get_int('batch_name'); $batch_name = BoincDb::escape_string($batch_name); $batch = BoincBatch::lookup("name='{$batch_name}'"); if (!$batch) { die("no batch {$batch_name}"); } } $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($batch->user_id); if (!$user) { die("no user {$batch->user_id}"); } $x = md5($user->authenticator . $batch->id); if ($x != $auth_str) { die("bad auth str"); } $zip_basename = tempnam("../cache", "boinc_batch_"); $zip_filename = $zip_basename . ".zip"; $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>"); $upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "<upload_dir>"); $wus = BoincWorkunit::enum("batch={$batch->id}"); foreach ($wus as $wu) { if (!$wu->canonical_resultid) { continue; } $result = BoincResult::lookup_id($wu->canonical_resultid); $names = get_outfile_names($result); foreach ($names as $name) { $path = dir_hier_path($name, $upload_dir, $fanout); if (is_file($path)) { system(" nice -9 zip -jq {$zip_basename} {$path}"); } } } do_download($zip_filename); unlink($zip_filename); }
function print_cart() { global $in_cart; if (array_key_exists('игрушка детская велосипед', $in_cart)) { if (get_available($in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['количество заказано'], $in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['осталось на складе']) >= 3) { echo '<p>Поздравляем вас с участием в акции, вы купили товар "игрушка детская велосипед" в количестве более 3 штук, и получаете скидку в 30%</p>'; $in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['diskont'] = 'diskont3'; } else { echo 'Купив товар "игрушка детская велосипед" количеством более 3 штук вы получите скидку 30%!'; } $action_profit = get_profit($in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['количество заказано'], $in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['осталось на складе'], $in_cart['игрушка детская велосипед']['цена']); } $cart = '<table border="1"><tr>'; $cart .= '<td>№</td>' . '<td><b>Наименование</b></td>' . '<td><b>Цена</b></td>' . '<td><b>Скидка</b></td>'; $cart .= '<td><b>В заказе</b></td>' . '<td><b>На складе</b></td>' . '<td><b>Итого со скидкой</b></td></tr>'; static $total_goods = 0; static $total_cost = 0; static $count = 0; static $total_profit = 0; foreach ($in_cart as $key => $val) { $item_price = $val['цена']; $in_order = $val['количество заказано']; $in_stock = $val['осталось на складе']; $diskont = get_int($val['diskont']); $show_diskont = $diskont > 0 ? $diskont . '0%' : '0%'; //красивое число скидки в таблице $price = get_price($item_price, $diskont, $in_order, $key, $in_stock); $cart .= '<tr><td>' . ++$count . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $key . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $item_price . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $show_diskont . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $in_order . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $in_stock . '</td>'; $cart .= '<td>' . $price[0] . '</td>'; $cart .= '</tr>'; $total_goods += get_available($in_order, $in_stock); $total_cost += $price[0]; $total_profit += $price[1] - $price[0]; } $cart .= '</table>'; $cart .= $action_profit; $cart .= '<table style="border:1px solid gray;background:lightgray"><tr><td>ИТОГО в заказе:</td><td> - ' . $count . ' наименования,<br/>'; $cart .= '- ' . $total_goods . ' товаров,<br/> - ' . $total_cost . ' сумма к оплате,<br/> - ' . $total_profit . ' сэкономлено на скидках</td></tr></table>'; return $cart; }
function validate() { $x = get_str("x"); $u = get_int("u"); $user = lookup_user_id($u); if (!$user) { error_page(tra("No such user.")); } $x2 = $user->signature; if ($x2 != $x) { error_page(tra("Error in URL data - can't validate email address")); } $result = $user->update("email_validated=1"); if (!$result) { error_page(tra("Database update failed - please try again later.")); } page_head(tra("Validate email address")); echo tra("The email address of your account has been validated."); page_tail(); }
public function includeCurrentUserAttributes(BeatmapDiscussion $discussion, ParamBag $params = null) { if ($params === null) { return; } $userId = get_int($params->get('user_id')[0] ?? null); if ($userId === null) { return; } $score = 0; // This assumes beatmapDiscussionVotes are already preloaded and // thus will save one query. foreach ($discussion->beatmapDiscussionVotes as $vote) { if ($vote->user_id === $userId) { $score = $vote->score; break; } } return $this->item($discussion, function ($discussion) use($score) { return ['vote_score' => $score]; }); }
// along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; if (DISABLE_PROFILES) { error_page("Profiles are disabled"); } check_get_args(array("search_string", "offset")); function show_profile_link2($profile, $n) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($profile->userid); echo "<tr><td>" . user_links($user) . "</td><td>" . date_str($user->create_time) . "</td><td>{$user->country}</td><td>" . (int) $user->total_credit . "</td><td>" . (int) $user->expavg_credit . "</td></tr>\n"; } $search_string = get_str('search_string'); $search_string = sanitize_tags($search_string); $search_string = BoincDb::escape_string($search_string); $offset = get_int('offset', true); if (!$offset) { $offset = 0; } $count = 10; page_head(tra("Profiles containing '%1'", $search_string)); $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("match(response1, response2) against ('{$search_string}') limit {$offset},{$count}"); start_table(); echo "\n <tr><th>" . tra("User name") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Joined project") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Country") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Total credit") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Recent credit") . "</th></tr>\n"; $n = 0; foreach ($profiles as $profile) { show_profile_link2($profile, $n + $offset + 1); $n += 1; } end_table(); if ($offset == 0 && $n == 0) {
if ($passwd_hash != $user->passwd_hash) { page_head("Password incorrect"); echo "The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.\n"; print_login_form_aux($next_url, null, $email_addr); page_tail(); exit; } $authenticator = $user->authenticator; Header("Location: {$next_url}"); $perm = $_POST['stay_logged_in']; send_cookie('auth', $authenticator, $perm); exit; } // check for time/id/hash case. $id = get_int('id', true); $t = get_int('t', true); $h = get_str('h', true); if ($id && $t && $h) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($id); if (!$user) { error_page("Invalid user ID.\r\n\t\t\tPlease make sure you visited the complete URL;\r\n\t\t\tit may have been split across lines by your email reader."); } $x = $id . $user->authenticator . $t; $x = md5($x); $x = substr($x, 0, 16); if ($x != $h) { error_page("Invalid authenticator.\r\n\t\t\tPlease make sure you visited the complete URL;\r\n\t\t\tit may have been split across lines by your email reader."); } if (time() - $t > 86400) { error_page("Link has expired;\r\n\t\t\tgo <a href=get_passwd.php>here</a> to\r\n\t\t\tget a new login link by email."); }
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // // This file was modified by contributors of "BOINC Web Tweak" project. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); $detail = null; $show_aggregate = false; $nresults = get_int("nresults", true); $entries_to_show = get_int("entries_to_show", true); $last_pos = get_int("last_pos", true); $table = get_str("table", true); $detail = get_str("detail", true); $clauses = get_str("clauses", true); if (strstr($clauses, ";")) { error_page("bad clause"); } $q = new SqlQueryString(); $q->process_form_items(); if (isset($nresults)) { $entries_to_show = $nresults; } else { $entries_to_show = 20; } $page_entries_to_show = $entries_to_show; if (isset($last_pos)) {
// // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // show details of an app require_once '../inc/'; $appid = get_int("appid"); $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($appid); if (!$app) { admin_error_page("no such app"); } admin_page_head("Details for {$app->name} ({$app->user_friendly_name})"); start_table(); row2("Min average efficiency", $app->min_avg_pfc); echo "\n <p>\n In the list below, 'Credit scale factor' should\n be roughly 1 for CPU versions, 0.1 for GPU versions.\n If values are far outside this range,\n you may have bad FLOPs estimates.\n In this case, you may want to\n <ol>\n <li> <a href=job_times.php?appid={$appid}>Get a better FLOPs estimate</a>\n <li> <a href=app_reset.php?appid={$appid}>reset credit statistics for this application</a>.\n </ol>\n"; end_table(); echo "<h2>App versions</h2>\n"; $avs = BoincAppVersion::enum("appid={$appid}"); $avs = current_versions($avs); foreach ($avs as $av) { $platform = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($av->platformid); start_table();
{ return $a->time < $b->time; } function notices_rss_start() { $t = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . " GMT"; header("Expires: {$t}"); header("Last-Modified: {$t}"); header("Content-Type: application/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n <rss version=\"2.0\">\n <channel>\n <title>" . PROJECT . " notices</title>\n <link>" . URL_BASE . "</link>\n <description>Notices</description>\n <lastBuildDate>{$t}</lastBuildDate>\n "; } function notices_rss_end() { echo "\n </channel>\n </rss>\n "; } $userid = get_int('userid'); $auth = get_str('auth'); $since_time = time() - 30 * 86400; $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { xml_error(); } // the auth in the URL includes "userid_" // $x = $user->id . "_" . notify_rss_auth($user); if ($x != $auth) { xml_error(-155, 'Invalid authenticator'); } $since_clause = "and create_time > {$since_time}"; $notifies = BoincNotify::enum("userid = {$userid} {$since_clause}"); $forum = news_forum();
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // This file allows people to subscribe to threads. // Whenever someone posts to the thread // the subscribers will receive a notification email require_once '../inc/'; if (DISABLE_FORUMS) { error_page("Forums are disabled"); } check_get_args(array("action", "thread", "tnow", "ttok")); $action = get_str('action'); $threadid = get_int('thread'); $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($threadid); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); function show_title($forum, $thread) { switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($forum, $thread); break; } } function subscribe($forum, $thread, $user)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("teamid")); $teamid = get_int("teamid"); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); $get_from_db = false; $user = get_logged_in_user(false); // always show fresh copy to admins; they might be editing info // if (is_team_admin($user, $team)) { $get_from_db = true; } if ($user->id == $team->ping_user) { $get_from_db = true; } // Cache the team record, its forum record, its new members, // its admins, and its member counts $cache_args = "teamid={$teamid}"; if (!$get_from_db) {
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("subset", "venue", "confirmed", "cols", "tnow", "ttok")); $user = get_logged_in_user(); check_tokens($user->authenticator); $subset = get_str("subset"); $venue = get_str("venue"); $confirmed = get_str("confirmed", true); $columns = get_int("cols", true); $c = $columns ? "&cols={$columns}" : ""; if ($confirmed) { if ($subset == "global") { $main_prefs = prefs_parse_global($user->global_prefs); $main_prefs->{$venue} = null; global_prefs_update($user, $main_prefs); } else { $main_prefs = prefs_parse_project($user->project_prefs); $main_prefs->{$venue} = null; project_prefs_update($user, $main_prefs); } Header("Location: prefs.php?subset={$subset}{$c}"); } else { page_head(tra("Confirm delete preferences")); $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator);
// If output as xml the user may optionally // also get a list of hosts in case the user provides his/her authenticator. // Object-caching and full-file caching is used to speed up queries // for data from this page. $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../project/"; $auth = get_str("auth", true); if (!$auth) { $id = get_int("userid"); } $format = get_str("format", true); if ($format == "xml") { // don't do caching for XML xml_header(); $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } if ($auth) { $user = lookup_user_auth($auth); $show_hosts = true; } else { $user = lookup_user_id($id); $show_hosts = false;
<?php // osu config~ return ['bbcode' => ['uid' => '1337'], 'beatmaps' => ['max' => 50, 'max-scores' => 50], 'beatmap_processor' => ['mirrors_to_use' => array_map('intval', explode(' ', env('BM_PROCESSOR_MIRRORS', '1'))), 'thumbnailer' => env('BM_PROCESSOR_THUMBNAILER', 'http://*****:*****'], 'forum' => ['admin_forum_id' => intval(env('ADMIN_FORUM_ID', 28)), 'help_forum_ids' => array_map('intval', explode(' ', env('HELP_FORUM_IDS', '4 5 29 30 101'))), 'double_post_time' => ['normal' => 72, 'author' => 24], 'feature_forum_id' => get_int(env('FEATURE_FORUM_ID')), 'slack_watch' => ['forum_ids' => array_map('intval', explode(' ', env('SLACK_WATCH_FORUM_IDS', '5 29 101 4 30 2'))), 'topic_ids' => array_map('intval', explode(' ', env('SLACK_WATCH_TOPIC_IDS', '259747')))]], 'mp-history' => ['event-count' => 500], 'legacy' => ['shared_cookie_secret' => env('SHARED_COOKIE_SECRET', '')], 'store' => ['delayed_shipping_order_threshold' => env('DELAYED_SHIPPING_ORDER_THRESHOLD', 100), 'delayed_shipping_order_message' => env('DELAYED_SHIPPING_ORDER_MESSAGE'), 'notice' => presence(str_replace('\\n', "\n", env('STORE_NOTICE')))], 'twitch_client_id' => env('TWITCH_CLIENT_ID'), 'urls' => ['base' => '', 'smilies' => '/forum/images/smilies', 'support-the-game' => '/p/support#transactionarea', 'legal' => ['dmca' => '/p/copyright', 'tos' => '/p/terms'], 'social' => ['facebook' => '', 'twitter' => '/p/twitter'], 'status' => ['osustatus' => '', 'server' => ''], 'user' => ['kudosu' => '/wiki/Kudosu', 'recover' => '/p/forgot-email', 'rules' => '/wiki/Osu!:Rules', 'signup' => '/p/register'], 'ranking' => ['overall' => '/p/pp', 'charts' => '/p/chart', 'country' => '/p/countryranking', 'mapper' => '/p/kudosu'], 'home' => ['changelog' => '/p/changelog', 'download' => '/p/download'], 'help' => ['wiki' => '/wiki/Main_Page', 'faq' => '/wiki/FAQ', 'support' => '']], 'user' => ['user_page_forum_id' => intval(env('USER_PAGE_FORUM_ID', 70)), 'verification_key_length_hex' => 8, 'verification_key_tries_limit' => 8]];
function handle_add_action() { $user_id = get_int('user_id'); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($user_id); if (!$user) { error_page("no such user"); } $us = BoincUserSubmit::lookup_userid($user_id); if (!$us) { if (!BoincUserSubmit::insert("(user_id) values ({$user_id})")) { error_page("Insert failed"); } } header("Location: manage_project.php?action=edit_form&user_id={$user_id}"); }
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; if (DISABLE_TEAMS) { error_page("Teams are disabled"); } check_get_args(array("format", "team_id", "team_ids", "team_name")); $format = get_str("format", true); $team_id = get_int("team_id", true); $team_ids = get_str("team_ids", true); BoincDb::get(true); if ($team_id || $team_ids || $format == 'xml') { require_once '../inc/'; xml_header(); $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } } if ($team_id) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($team_id); if ($team) { show_team_xml($team); } else {
$host_content .= "\n Swap Space: {$y} MB"; $x = $host->d_total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content .= "\n Total Disk Space: {$y} GB"; $x = $host->d_free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content .= "\n Free Disk Space: {$y} GB\n Avg network bandwidth (upstream): {$host->n_bwup} bytes/sec\n Avg network bandwidth (downstream): {$host->n_bwdown} bytes/sec"; $x = $host->avg_turnaround / 86400; $host_content .= "\n Average turnaround: " . round($x, 2) . " days\n Number of RPCs: {$host->rpc_seqno}\n Last RPC: " . time_str($host->rpc_time) . "\n % of time client on: " . 100 * $host->on_frac . " %\n % of time host connected: " . 100 * $host->connected_frac . " %\n % of time user active: " . 100 * $host->active_frac . " %\n # of results today: " . $host->nresults_today; $subject = PROJECT . " notice for {$user->name}"; $body = PROJECT . " notification:\n\nDear {$user->name}\nYour machine (host # {$host->id}) described below appears to have a misconfigured BOINC\ninstallation. Could you please have a look at it?\n\nSincerely,\n The " . PROJECT . " team\n"; $body .= "\n\nThis is the content of our database:\n" . $host_content . "\n\nFor further information and assistance with " . PROJECT . " go to {$master_url}"; echo nl2br($body) . "<br><br>"; return send_email($user, $subject, $body); } $hostid = get_int("hostid", true); if (!$hostid) { admin_page_head("Misconfigured Host"); echo "This script sends an email to the owner of the supplied host which says that something gone wrong with his configuration.<br>"; echo "<br><form method=\"get\" action=\"problem_host.php\">\n Host ID: \n <input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" name=\"hostid\">\n <input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Email\">\n </form>\n "; } else { $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host) { echo "<h2>No host with that ID</h2>\n\t \t<center>Please <a href=\"problem_host.php\">try again</a></center>"; } else { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($host->userid); echo "<a href=\"problem_host.php\">Do another?</a><br><br>"; send_problem_email($user, $host); echo "Email to " . $user->email_addr . " has been sent.<br>"; } }
echo "<post>\n"; echo " <id>{$post->id}</id>\n"; echo " <threadid>{$post->thread}</threadid>\n"; echo " <threadtitle><![CDATA[" . $thread->title . "]]></threadtitle>\n"; echo " <timestamp>{$post->timestamp}</timestamp>\n"; if ($length > 0) { echo " <content><![CDATA[" . substr($post->content, 0, $length) . "]]></content>\n"; } else { echo " <content><![CDATA[" . $post->content . "]]></content>\n"; } echo "</post>\n"; } echo "</posts>\n"; echo "</rpc_response>\n"; } elseif ($method == "user_threads") { $count = get_int("count", true); if (!$count || $count <= 0 || $count > 50) { $count = 10; } $threads = BoincThread::enum("owner={$userid} ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT {$count}"); $count = count($threads); echo "<rpc_response>\n"; echo "<count>{$count}</count>\n"; echo "<threads>\n"; foreach ($threads as $thread) { echo "<thread>\n"; echo " <id>{$thread->id}</id>\n"; echo " <forumid>{$thread->forum}</forumid>\n"; echo " <replies>{$thread->replies}</replies>\n"; echo " <views>{$thread->views}</views>\n"; echo " <timestamp>{$thread->timestamp}</timestamp>\n";
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // limit a given host to 1 job per day // TODO: document; use new DB interface include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; include_once "../inc/"; db_init(); if (get_int('hostid')) { $hostid = get_int('hostid'); } else { error_page("no hostid"); } $timestr = time_str(time(0)); $title = "host " . $hostid . " max_results_day set to 1 at " . $timestr; admin_page_head($title); if ($hostid > 0) { $result = _mysql_query("UPDATE host SET max_results_day=1 WHERE id=" . $hostid); } echo $title; admin_page_tail();
function get_host($hostid, $user) { $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host || $host->userid != $user->id) { fail("We have no record of that computer"); } return $host; } $user = get_logged_in_user(); page_head("Merge computer records"); $nhosts = get_int("nhosts"); $hostid = get_int("id_0"); $latest_host = get_host($hostid, $user); for ($i = 1; $i < $nhosts; $i++) { $var = "id_{$i}"; $hostid = get_int($var, true); if (!$hostid) { continue; } $host = get_host($hostid, $user); if ($host->create_time > $latest_host->create_time) { $error = merge_hosts($latest_host, $host); if ($error) { echo "<br />{$error}\n"; continue; } $latest_host = $host; } else { merge_hosts($host, $latest_host); } // reread latest_host from database since we just
// // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // cancel a WU: // - mark unsent results as OVER, outcome DIDNT_NEED // - set CANCELLED bit in WU error mask // require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); $wuid1 = get_int('wuid1'); $wuid2 = get_int('wuid2'); $unsent_only = get_str('unsent_only', true); if ($wuid1 < 1 || $wuid2 < $wuid1) { error_page("<h2>Workunit IDs fail to satisfy the conditions:<p> 0 < ID1 <= ID2"); } if ($unsent_only) { cancel_wus_if_unsent($wuid1, $wuid2); } else { cancel_wus($wuid1, $wuid2); } admin_page_head("Cancel jobs"); echo " canceled jobs with {$wuid1} <= workunit ID <= {$wuid2}</h2>"; admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit