Exemplo n.º 1
 function LastChangeTimestamp($add_url)
     $chan = $this->getChangeEvent();
     if (is_null($chan)) {
         return ' ';
     $d = $chan->getDate();
     if (preg_match('/^(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d)/', get_gedcom_value('DATE:TIME', 2, $chan->getGedcomRecord(), '', false) . ':00', $match)) {
         $t = mktime($match[1], $match[2], $match[3]);
         $sort = $d->MinJD() . $match[1] . $match[2] . $match[3];
         $text = strip_tags($d->Display(false, "{$DATE_FORMAT} -", array()) . date(" {$TIME_FORMAT}", $t));
     } else {
         $sort = $d->MinJD() . '000000';
         $text = strip_tags($d->Display(false, "{$DATE_FORMAT}", array()));
     if ($add_url) {
         $text = '<a name="' . $sort . '" href="' . encode_url($this->getLinkUrl()) . '">' . $text . '</a>';
     return $text;
Exemplo n.º 2
function print_todo($block = true, $config = '', $side, $index)
    global $pgv_lang, $factarray, $ctype, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $PGV_BLOCKS;
    $block = true;
    // Always restrict this block's height
    if (empty($config)) {
        $config = $PGV_BLOCKS['print_todo']['config'];
    $id = 'todo';
    $title = print_help_link('todo_help', 'qm', '', false, true);
    if ($PGV_BLOCKS['print_todo']['canconfig']) {
        if ($ctype == 'gedcom' && PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == 'user' && PGV_USER_ID) {
            if ($ctype == 'gedcom') {
                $name = PGV_GEDCOM;
            } else {
                $name = PGV_USER_NAME;
            $title .= "<a href=\"javascript: configure block\" onclick=\"window.open('" . encode_url("index_edit.php?name={$name}&ctype={$ctype}&action=configure&side={$side}&index={$index}") . "', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=350,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); return false;\">";
            $title .= "<img class=\"adminicon\" src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/{$PGV_IMAGES['admin']['small']}\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$pgv_lang['config_block']}\" /></a>";
    $title .= $pgv_lang['todo_block'];
    $content = "";
    require_once PGV_ROOT . 'js/sorttable.js.htm';
    require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/classes/class_gedcomrecord.php';
    $table_id = 'ID' . floor(microtime() * 1000000);
    // sorttable requires a unique ID
    $content .= '<table id="' . $table_id . '" class="sortable list_table center">';
    $content .= '<tr>';
    $content .= '<th class="list_label">' . $factarray['DATE'] . '</th>';
    $content .= '<th class="list_label">' . $pgv_lang['record'] . '</th>';
    if ($config['show_unassigned'] == 'yes' || $config['show_other'] == 'yes') {
        $content .= '<th class="list_label">' . $pgv_lang['username'] . '</th>';
    $content .= '<th class="list_label">' . $factarray['TEXT'] . '</th>';
    $content .= '</tr>';
    $found = false;
    $end_jd = $config['show_future'] == 'yes' ? 99999999 : client_jd();
    foreach (get_calendar_events(0, $end_jd, '_TODO', PGV_GED_ID) as $todo) {
        $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($todo['id']);
        if ($record && $record->canDisplayDetails()) {
            $pgvu = get_gedcom_value('_PGVU', 2, $todo['factrec']);
            if ($pgvu == PGV_USER_NAME || !$pgvu && $config['show_unassigned'] == 'yes' || $pgvu && $config['show_other'] == 'yes') {
                $content .= '<tr valign="top">';
                $content .= '<td class="list_value_wrap">' . str_replace('<a', '<a name="' . $todo['date']->MinJD() . '"', $todo['date']->Display(false)) . '</td>';
                $name = $record->getListName();
                $content .= '<td class="list_value_wrap" align="' . get_align(PGV_GEDCOM) . '"><a href="' . encode_url($record->getLinkUrl()) . '">' . PrintReady($name) . '</a></td>';
                if ($config['show_unassigned'] == 'yes' || $config['show_other'] == 'yes') {
                    $content .= '<td class="list_value_wrap">' . $pgvu . '</td>';
                $text = get_gedcom_value('_TODO', 1, $todo['factrec']);
                $content .= '<td class="list_value_wrap" align="' . get_align($text) . '">' . PrintReady($text) . '</td>';
                $content .= '</tr>';
                $found = true;
    $content .= '</table>';
    if (!$found) {
        $content .= '<p>' . $pgv_lang['todo_nothing'] . '</p>';
    global $THEME_DIR;
    if ($block) {
        require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_small_temp.php';
    } else {
        require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_main_temp.php';
Exemplo n.º 3
     * print parents informations
     * @param Family family
     * @param Array people
     * @param String family type
     * @return html table rows
    function printParentsRows(&$family, &$people, $type)
        global $personcount, $pgv_changes, $pgv_lang, $factarray;
        global $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES;
        global $lang_short_cut, $LANGUAGE;
        $elderdate = "";
        //-- new father/husband
        $styleadd = "";
        if (isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            $styleadd = "red";
				<td class="facts_labelblue"><?php 
            print $people["newhusb"]->getLabel();
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["newhusb"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["newhusb"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
            $elderdate = $people["newhusb"]->getBirthDate();
        //-- father/husband
        if (isset($people["husb"])) {
				<td class="facts_label<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            print $people["husb"]->getLabel();
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["husb"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["husb"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
            $elderdate = $people["husb"]->getBirthDate();
        //-- missing father
        if ($type == "parents" && !isset($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
					<td class="facts_value"><?php 
                print_help_link("edit_add_parent_help", "qm");
 <a href="javascript <?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
" onclick="return addnewparentfamily('<?php 
                print $this->pid;
', 'HUSB', '<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
        //-- missing husband
        if ($type == "spouse" && $this->indi->equals($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_husb"];
					<td class="facts_value"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewspouse('<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
', 'HUSB');"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_husb_to_family"];
        //-- new mother/wife
        $styleadd = "";
        if (isset($people["newwife"])) {
            $styleadd = "red";
				<td class="facts_labelblue"><?php 
            print $people["newwife"]->getLabel($elderdate);
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["newwife"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["newwife"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
        //-- mother/wife
        if (isset($people["wife"])) {
				<td class="facts_label<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            print $people["wife"]->getLabel($elderdate);
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["wife"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["wife"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
        //-- missing mother
        if ($type == "parents" && !isset($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["newwife"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_mother"];
					<td class="facts_value"><?php 
                print_help_link("edit_add_parent_help", "qm");
 <a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewparentfamily('<?php 
                print $this->pid;
', 'WIFE', '<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
                print $pgv_lang["add_mother"];
        //-- missing wife
        if ($type == "spouse" && $this->indi->equals($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["newwife"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_wife"];
					<td class="facts_value"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewspouse('<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
', 'WIFE');"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_wife_to_family"];
        //-- marriage row
        if ($family->getMarriageRecord() != "" || PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
            $styleadd = "";
            $date = $family->getMarriageDate();
            $place = $family->getMarriagePlace();
            $famid = $family->getXref();
            if (!$date && $this->show_changes && isset($pgv_changes[$famid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
                $famrec = find_updated_record($famid);
                $marrrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 MARR", $famrec);
                if ($marrrec != $family->getMarriageRecord()) {
                    $date = new GedcomDate(get_gedcom_value("MARR:DATE", 1, $marrrec, '', false));
                    $place = get_gedcom_value("MARR:PLAC", 1, $marrrec, '', false);
                    $styleadd = "blue";
				<td class="facts_label"><br />
				<td class="facts_value<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            //echo "<span class=\"details_label\">".$factarray["NCHI"].": </span>".$family->getNumberOfChildren()."<br />";
            if ($date && $date->isOK() || $place) {
                $marr_type = "MARR_" . strtoupper($family->getMarriageType());
                if (isset($factarray[$marr_type])) {
                    echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>";
                } else {
                    echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray["MARR"] . ": </span>" . $family->getMarriageType();
                if ($date) {
                    echo $date->Display(false);
                    if (!empty($place)) {
                        echo ' -- ';
                if (!empty($place)) {
                    echo $place;
            } else {
                if (get_sub_record(1, "1 _NMR", find_family_record($famid))) {
                    // Allow special processing for different languages
                    $func = "fact_NMR_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
                    if (function_exists($func)) {
                        // Localise the _NMR facts
                        $func("_NMR", $famid);
                    echo $factarray["_NMR"];
                } else {
                    if (get_sub_record(1, "1 _NMAR", find_family_record($famid))) {
                        // Allow special processing for different languages
                        $func = "fact_NMR_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
                        if (function_exists($func)) {
                            // Localise the _NMR facts
                            $func("_NMAR", $famid);
                        echo $factarray["_NMAR"];
                    } else {
                        if ($family->getMarriageRecord() == "" && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
                            print "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return add_new_record('" . $famid . "', 'MARR');\">" . $pgv_lang['add_marriage'] . "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $factdetail = explode(' ', trim($family->getMarriageRecord()));
                            if ($family->getMarriageType()) {
                                $marr_type = "MARR_" . strtoupper($family->getMarriageType());
                            } else {
                                $marr_type = "MARR";
                            if (isset($factarray[$marr_type])) {
                                if (isset($factdetail)) {
                                    if (count($factdetail) == 3) {
                                        if (strtoupper($factdetail[2]) == "Y") {
                                            echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>" . $pgv_lang["yes"];
                                        } else {
                                            if (strtoupper($factdetail[2]) == "N") {
                                                echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>" . $pgv_lang["no"];
                            } else {
                                echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray["MARR"] . ": </span>" . $family->getMarriageType();
 * print a media row in a table
 * @param string $rtype whether this is a 'new', 'old', or 'normal' media row... this is used to determine if the rows should be printed with an outline color
 * @param array $rowm        An array with the details about this media item
 * @param string $pid        The record id this media item was attached to
function media_reorder_row($rtype, $rowm, $pid)
    global $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS, $GEDCOM, $factarray, $pgv_lang, $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $USE_MEDIA_VIEWER;
    global $SEARCH_SPIDER;
    global $t, $n, $item, $items, $p, $edit, $SERVER_URL, $reorder, $LB_AL_THUMB_LINKS, $note, $rowm;
    global $LB_URL_WIDTH, $LB_URL_HEIGHT, $order1, $mediaType;
    if (!isset($rowm)) {
        $rowm = $row;
    print "<li class=\"facts_value\" style=\"list-style:none;cursor:move;margin-bottom:2px;\" id=\"li_" . $rowm['m_media'] . "\" >";
    //print $rtype." ".$rowm["m_media"]." ".$pid;
    if (!displayDetailsById($rowm['m_media'], 'OBJE') || FactViewRestricted($rowm['m_media'], $rowm['m_gedrec'])) {
        //print $rowm['m_media']." no privacy ";
        return false;
    $styleadd = "";
    if ($rtype == 'new') {
        $styleadd = "change_new";
    if ($rtype == 'old') {
        $styleadd = "change_old";
    // NOTE Start printing the media details
    $thumbnail = thumbnail_file($rowm["m_file"], true, false, $pid);
    // $isExternal = stristr($thumbnail,"://");
    $isExternal = isFileExternal($thumbnail);
    $linenum = 0;
    // NOTE Get the title of the media
    if (showFactDetails("OBJE", $pid)) {
        $mediaTitle = $rowm["m_titl"];
        $subtitle = get_gedcom_value("TITL", 2, $rowm["mm_gedrec"]);
        if (!empty($subtitle)) {
            $mediaTitle = $subtitle;
        $mainMedia = check_media_depth($rowm["m_file"], "NOTRUNC");
        if ($mediaTitle == "") {
            $mediaTitle = basename($rowm["m_file"]);
        print "\n" . "<table class=\"pic\"><tr>" . "\n";
        print "<td width=\"80\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" >" . "\n";
        // Get info on how to handle this media file
        $mediaInfo = mediaFileInfo($mainMedia, $thumbnail, $rowm["m_media"], $mediaTitle, '');
        //-- Thumbnail field
        print "<img src=\"" . $mediaInfo['thumb'] . "\" height=\"38\" border=\"0\" ";
        if (eregi("1 SOUR", $rowm['m_gedrec'])) {
            print " alt=\"" . PrintReady($mediaTitle) . "\" title=\"" . PrintReady($mediaTitle) . "\nSource info available\" />";
        } else {
            print " alt=\"" . PrintReady($mediaTitle) . "\" title=\"" . PrintReady($mediaTitle) . "\" />";
        //print media info
        $ttype2 = preg_match("/\\d TYPE (.*)/", $rowm["m_gedrec"], $match);
        if ($ttype2 > 0) {
            $mediaType = trim($match[1]);
            $varName = "TYPE__" . strtolower($mediaType);
            if (isset($pgv_lang[$varName])) {
                $mediaType = $pgv_lang[$varName];
            //		print "\n\t\t\t<br /><span class=\"label\">".$pgv_lang["type"].": </span> <span class=\"field\">$mediaType</span>";
        print "\n" . "</td><td>&nbsp;</td>" . "\n";
        print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">";
        //print "<font color=\"blue\">";
        print $rowm['m_media'];
        //print "</font>";
        print "<b>";
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $mediaType;
        print "</b>";
        print "<br>" . "\n";
        print $mediaTitle . "\n";
        print "</td>" . "\n";
        print "</tr>";
        print "</table>" . "\n";
    if (!isset($j)) {
        $j = 0;
    } else {
        $j = $j;
    $media_data = $rowm['m_media'];
    print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order1[{$media_data}]\" value=\"{$j}\" />";
    print "</li>";
    print "\n\n";
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * XML <List> start element handler
 * @see ListEHandler()
 * @param array $attrs an array of key value pairs for the attributes
function ListSHandler($attrs)
    global $gedrec, $repeats, $repeatBytes, $list, $repeatsStack, $processRepeats, $parser, $vars, $sortby;
    global $GEDCOM;
    if ($processRepeats > 1) {
    $match = array();
    if (isset($attrs['sortby'])) {
        $sortby = $attrs['sortby'];
        if (preg_match("/\\\$(\\w+)/", $sortby, $match)) {
            $sortby = $vars[$match[1]]['id'];
            $sortby = trim($sortby);
    } else {
        $sortby = "NAME";
    if (isset($attrs['list'])) {
        $listname = $attrs['list'];
    } else {
        $listname = "individual";
    // Some filters/sorts can be applied using SQL, while others require PHP
    switch ($listname) {
        case "pending":
            $rows = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT xref, gedcom_id, CASE new_gedcom WHEN '' THEN old_gedcom ELSE new_gedcom END AS gedcom" . " FROM `##change`" . " WHERE (xref, change_id) IN (" . "  SELECT xref, MAX(change_id)" . "   FROM `##change`" . "   WHERE status='pending' AND gedcom_id=?" . "   GROUP BY xref" . " )")->execute(array(WT_GED_ID))->fetchAll();
            $list = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $list[] = WT_GedcomRecord::getInstance($row->xref, $row->gedcom_id, $row->gedcom);
        case "individual":
        case "family":
            $sql_col_prefix = substr($listname, 0, 1) . "_";
            // i_ for individual, f_ for family, etc.
            $sql_join = array();
            $sql_where = array($sql_col_prefix . "file=" . WT_GED_ID);
            $sql_order_by = array();
            foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) {
                if (strpos($attr, "filter") === 0 && $value) {
                    // Substitute global vars
                    $value = preg_replace_callback('/\\$(\\w+)/', function ($matches) use($vars) {
                        return $vars[$matches[1]]['id'];
                    }, $value);
                    // Convert the various filters into SQL
                    if (preg_match('/^(\\w+):DATE (LTE|GTE) (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##dates` AS {$attr} ON ({$attr}.d_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND {$attr}.d_gid={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_fact='{$match[1]}'";
                        $date = new WT_Date($match[3]);
                        if ($match[2] == "LTE") {
                            $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday2<=" . $date->minJD();
                        } else {
                            $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday1>=" . $date->minJD();
                        if ($sortby == $match[1]) {
                            $sortby = "";
                            $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday1";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == "individual" && preg_match('/^NAME CONTAINS (.*)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        // Do nothing, unless you have to
                        if ($match[1] != "" or $sortby == "NAME") {
                            $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##name` AS {$attr} ON (n_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND n_id={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                            // Search the DB only if there is any name supplied
                            if ($match[1] != "") {
                                $names = explode(" ", $match[1]);
                                foreach ($names as $name) {
                                    $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.n_full LIKE " . WT_DB::quote("%{$name}%");
                            // Let the DB do the name sorting even when no name was entered
                            if ($sortby == "NAME") {
                                $sortby = "";
                                $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.n_sort";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == "individual" && preg_match('/^REGEXP \\/(.+)\\//', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_where[] = "i_gedcom REGEXP '" . $match[1] . "'";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == "family" && preg_match('/^REGEXP \\/(.+)\\//', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_where[] = "f_gedcom REGEXP '" . $match[1] . "'";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == "family" && preg_match('/^NAME CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        // Eventually, family "names" will be stored in wt_name.  Until then, an extra is needed....
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##link` AS {$attr}a ON ({$attr}a.l_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND {$attr}a.l_from={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##name` AS {$attr}b ON ({$attr}b.n_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND n_id={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}a.l_type=IN ('HUSB, 'WIFE')";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.n_full LIKE " . WT_DB::quote("%{$match[1]}%");
                        if ($sortby == "NAME") {
                            $sortby = "";
                            $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.n_sort";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif (preg_match('/^(?:\\w+):PLAC CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##places` AS {$attr}a ON ({$attr}a.p_file={$sql_col_prefix}file)";
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN `##placelinks` AS {$attr}b ON ({$attr}a.p_file={$attr}b.pl_file AND {$attr}b.pl_p_id={$attr}a.p_id AND {$attr}b.pl_gid={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}a.p_place LIKE " . WT_DB::quote("%{$match[1]}%");
                        // Don't unset this filter. This is just the first primary PLAC filter to reduce the returned list from the DB
                    } elseif ($listname == "individual" && preg_match('/^(\\w*):*(\\w*) CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $query = "";
                        // Level 1 tag
                        if ($match[1] != "") {
                            $query .= "%1 {$match[1]}%";
                        // Level 2 tag
                        if ($match[2] != "") {
                            $query .= "%2 {$match[2]}%";
                        // Contains what?
                        if ($match[3] != "") {
                            $query .= "%{$match[3]}%";
                        $sql_where[] = "i_gedcom LIKE " . WT_DB::quote($query);
                    } elseif ($listname == "family" && preg_match('/^(\\w*):*(\\w*) CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $query = "";
                        // Level 1 tag
                        if ($match[1] != "") {
                            $query .= "%1 {$match[1]}%";
                        // Level 2 tag
                        if ($match[2] != "") {
                            $query .= "%2 {$match[2]}%";
                        // Contains what?
                        if ($match[3] != "") {
                            $query .= "%{$match[3]}%";
                        $sql_where[] = "f_gedcom LIKE " . WT_DB::quote($query);
                    } else {
                        // TODO: what other filters can we apply in SQL?
            if ($listname == "family") {
                $list = search_fams_custom($sql_join, $sql_where, $sql_order_by);
            } else {
                $list = search_indis_custom($sql_join, $sql_where, $sql_order_by);
            // Clean up the SQL queries - they will not be used again
            unset($sql_join, $sql_where, $sql_order_by);
            die("Invalid list name: {$listname}");
    $filters = array();
    $filters2 = array();
    if (isset($attrs['filter1']) and count($list) > 0) {
        foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
            if (preg_match("/filter(\\d)/", $key)) {
                $condition = $value;
                if (preg_match("/@(\\w+)/", $condition, $match)) {
                    $id = $match[1];
                    $value = "''";
                    if ($id == "ID") {
                        if (preg_match("/0 @(.+)@/", $gedrec, $match)) {
                            $value = "'" . $match[1] . "'";
                    } elseif ($id == "fact") {
                        $value = "'{$fact}'";
                    } elseif ($id == "desc") {
                        $value = "'{$desc}'";
                    } else {
                        if (preg_match("/\\d {$id} (.+)/", $gedrec, $match)) {
                            $value = "'" . str_replace("@", "", trim($match[1])) . "'";
                    $condition = preg_replace("/@{$id}/", $value, $condition);
                //-- handle regular expressions
                if (preg_match("/([A-Z:]+)\\s*([^\\s]+)\\s*(.+)/", $condition, $match)) {
                    $tag = trim($match[1]);
                    $expr = trim($match[2]);
                    $val = trim($match[3]);
                    if (preg_match("/\\\$(\\w+)/", $val, $match)) {
                        $val = $vars[$match[1]]['id'];
                        $val = trim($val);
                    if ($val) {
                        $searchstr = "";
                        $tags = explode(":", $tag);
                        //-- only limit to a level number if we are specifically looking at a level
                        if (count($tags) > 1) {
                            $level = 1;
                            foreach ($tags as $t) {
                                if (!empty($searchstr)) {
                                    $searchstr .= "[^\n]*(\n[2-9][^\n]*)*\n";
                                //-- search for both EMAIL and _EMAIL... silly double gedcom standard
                                if ($t == "EMAIL" || $t == "_EMAIL") {
                                    $t = "_?EMAIL";
                                $searchstr .= $level . " " . $t;
                        } else {
                            if ($tag == "EMAIL" || $tag == "_EMAIL") {
                                $tag = "_?EMAIL";
                            $t = $tag;
                            $searchstr = "1 " . $tag;
                        switch ($expr) {
                            case "CONTAINS":
                                if ($t == "PLAC") {
                                    $searchstr .= "[^\n]*[, ]*" . $val;
                                } else {
                                    $searchstr .= "[^\n]*" . $val;
                                $filters[] = $searchstr;
                                $filters2[] = array("tag" => $tag, "expr" => $expr, "val" => $val);
    //-- apply other filters to the list that could not be added to the search string
    if ($filters) {
        foreach ($list as $key => $record) {
            foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                if (!preg_match("/" . $filter . "/i", $record->privatizeGedcom(WT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL))) {
    if ($filters2) {
        $mylist = array();
        foreach ($list as $indi) {
            $key = $indi->getXref();
            $grec = $indi->privatizeGedcom(WT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL);
            $keep = true;
            foreach ($filters2 as $filter) {
                if ($keep) {
                    $tag = $filter['tag'];
                    $expr = $filter['expr'];
                    $val = $filter['val'];
                    if ($val == "''") {
                        $val = "";
                    $tags = explode(":", $tag);
                    $t = end($tags);
                    $v = get_gedcom_value($tag, 1, $grec);
                    //-- check for EMAIL and _EMAIL (silly double gedcom standard :P)
                    if ($t == "EMAIL" && empty($v)) {
                        $tag = str_replace("EMAIL", "_EMAIL", $tag);
                        $tags = explode(":", $tag);
                        $t = end($tags);
                        $v = get_sub_record(1, $tag, $grec);
                    $level = count($tags);
                    switch ($expr) {
                        case "GTE":
                            if ($t == "DATE") {
                                $date1 = new WT_Date($v);
                                $date2 = new WT_Date($val);
                                $keep = WT_Date::Compare($date1, $date2) >= 0;
                            } elseif ($val >= $v) {
                                $keep = true;
                        case "LTE":
                            if ($t == "DATE") {
                                $date1 = new WT_Date($v);
                                $date2 = new WT_Date($val);
                                $keep = WT_Date::Compare($date1, $date2) <= 0;
                            } elseif ($val >= $v) {
                                $keep = true;
                            if ($v == $val) {
                                $keep = true;
                            } else {
                                $keep = false;
            if ($keep) {
                $mylist[$key] = $indi;
        $list = $mylist;
    switch ($sortby) {
        case "NAME":
            uasort($list, array("WT_GedcomRecord", "compare"));
        case "CHAN":
            uasort($list, function (WT_GedcomRecord $x, WT_GedcomRecord $y) {
                $f1 = $x->getFirstFact('CHAN');
                $f2 = $y->getFirstFact('CHAN');
                if ($f1 && $f2) {
                    $d1 = $f1->getDate();
                    $d2 = $f2->getDate();
                    $cmp = WT_Date::compare($d1, $d2);
                    if ($cmp) {
                        return $cmp;
                    } else {
                        // Same date.  Compare times
                        preg_match('/\\n3 TIME (.+)/', $f1->getGedcom(), $m1);
                        preg_match('/\\n3 TIME (.+)/', $f2->getGedcom(), $m2);
                        return strcmp($m1[1], $m2[1]);
                } else {
                    return 0;
        case "BIRT:DATE":
            uasort($list, array("WT_Individual", "CompareBirtDate"));
        case "DEAT:DATE":
            uasort($list, array("WT_Individual", "CompareDeatDate"));
        case "MARR:DATE":
            uasort($list, array("WT_Family", "compareMarrDate"));
            // unsorted or already sorted by SQL
    array_push($repeatsStack, array($repeats, $repeatBytes));
    $repeatBytes = xml_get_current_line_number($parser) + 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
* prints a form to add an individual or edit an individual's name
* @param string $nextaction the next action the edit_interface.php file should take after the form is submitted
* @param string $famid the family that the new person should be added to
* @param string $namerec the name subrecord when editing a name
* @param string $famtag how the new person is added to the family
function print_indi_form($nextaction, $famid, $linenum = "", $namerec = "", $famtag = "CHIL", $sextag = "")
    global $pgv_lang, $factarray, $pid, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $WORD_WRAPPED_NOTES;
    global $NPFX_accept, $SPFX_accept, $NSFX_accept, $FILE_FORM_accept, $GEDCOM, $NAME_REVERSE;
    $bdm = "";
    // used to copy '1 SOUR' to '2 SOUR' for BIRT DEAT MARR
    echo "<form method=\"post\" name=\"addchildform\" onsubmit=\"return checkform();\">\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"{$nextaction}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"linenum\" value=\"{$linenum}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"famid\" value=\"{$famid}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"{$pid}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"famtag\" value=\"{$famtag}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $pgv_lang["save"] . "\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"goto\" value=\"\" />\n";
    if (preg_match('/^add(child|spouse|newparent|newrepository)/', $nextaction)) {
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$pgv_lang['saveandgo']}\" onclick=\"document.addchildform.goto.value='new';\"/>\n";
    echo "<table class=\"facts_table\">";
    // When adding a new child, specify the pedigree
    if ($nextaction == 'addchildaction') {
        add_simple_tag("0 PEDI");
    // Populate the standard NAME field and subfields
    $name_fields = array();
    if (!$NAME_REVERSE) {
        foreach ($STANDARD_NAME_FACTS as $tag) {
            $name_fields[$tag] = get_gedcom_value($tag, 0, $namerec);
    } else {
        foreach ($REVERSED_NAME_FACTS as $tag) {
            $name_fields[$tag] = get_gedcom_value($tag, 0, $namerec);
    $new_marnm = '';
    // Inherit surname from parents, spouse or child
    if (empty($namerec)) {
        // We'll need the parent's name to set the child's surname
        if (isset($pgv_changes[$famid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
            $famrec = find_updated_record($famid);
        } else {
            $famrec = find_family_record($famid);
        $parents = find_parents_in_record($famrec);
        $father_name = get_gedcom_value('NAME', 0, find_person_record($parents['HUSB']));
        $mother_name = get_gedcom_value('NAME', 0, find_person_record($parents['WIFE']));
        // We'll need the spouse/child's name to set the spouse/parent's surname
        if (isset($pgv_changes[$pid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
            $prec = find_updated_record($pid);
        } else {
            $prec = find_person_record($pid);
        $indi_name = get_gedcom_value('NAME', 0, $prec);
        // Different cultures do surnames differently
        switch ($SURNAME_TRADITION) {
            case 'spanish':
                //Mother: Maria /AAAA BBBB/
                //Father: Jose  /CCCC DDDD/
                //Child:  Pablo /CCCC AAAA/
                switch ($nextaction) {
                    case 'addchildaction':
                        if (preg_match('/\\/(\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\//', $mother_name, $matchm) && preg_match('/\\/(\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\//', $father_name, $matchf)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $matchf[1] . ' ' . $matchm[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                    case 'addnewparentaction':
                        if ($famtag == 'HUSB' && preg_match('/\\/(\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\//', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $match[1] . ' ';
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                        if ($famtag == 'WIFE' && preg_match('/\\/\\S+\\s+(\\S+)\\//', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $match[1] . ' ';
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
            case 'portuguese':
                //Mother: Maria /AAAA BBBB/
                //Father: Jose  /CCCC DDDD/
                //Child:  Pablo /BBBB DDDD/
                switch ($nextaction) {
                    case 'addchildaction':
                        if (preg_match('/\\/\\S+\\s+(\\S+)\\//', $mother_name, $matchm) && preg_match('/\\/\\S+\\s+(\\S+)\\//', $father_name, $matchf)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $matchf[1] . ' ' . $matchm[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                    case 'addnewparentaction':
                        if ($famtag == 'HUSB' && preg_match('/\\/\\S+\\s+(\\S+)\\//', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = ' ' . $match[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                        if ($famtag == 'WIFE' && preg_match('/\\/(\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\//', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = ' ' . $match[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
            case 'icelandic':
                // Sons get their father's given name plus "sson"
                // Daughters get their father's given name plus "sdottir"
                switch ($nextaction) {
                    case 'addchildaction':
                        if ($sextag == 'M' && preg_match('/(\\S+)\\s+\\/.*\\//', $father_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = preg_replace('/s$/', '', $match[1]) . 'sson';
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                        if ($sextag == 'F' && preg_match('/(\\S+)\\s+\\/.*\\//', $father_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = preg_replace('/s$/', '', $match[1]) . 'sdottir';
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = '/' . $name_fields['SURN'] . '/';
                    case 'addnewparentaction':
                        if ($famtag == 'HUSB' && preg_match('/(\\S+)sson\\s+\\/.*\\//i', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['GIVN'] = $match[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = $name_fields['GIVN'] . ' //';
                        if ($famtag == 'WIFE' && preg_match('/(\\S+)sdottir\\s+\\/.*\\//i', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            $name_fields['GIVN'] = $match[1];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = $name_fields['GIVN'] . ' //';
            case 'paternal':
            case 'polish':
                // Father gives his surname to his wife and children
                switch ($nextaction) {
                    case 'addspouseaction':
                        if ($famtag == 'WIFE' && preg_match('/\\/(.*)\\//', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            if ($SURNAME_TRADITION == 'polish') {
                                $match[1] = preg_replace(array('/ski$/', '/cki$/', '/dzki$/'), array('ska', 'cka', 'dzka'), $match[1]);
                            $new_marnm = $match[1];
                    case 'addchildaction':
                        if (preg_match('/\\/((?:[a-z]{2,3}\\s+)*)(.*)\\//i', $father_name, $match)) {
                            if ($SURNAME_TRADITION == 'polish' && $sextag == 'F') {
                                $match[2] = preg_replace(array('/ski$/', '/cki$/', '/dzki$/'), array('ska', 'cka', 'dzka'), $match[2]);
                            $name_fields['SPFX'] = trim($match[1]);
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $match[2];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = "/{$match[1]}{$match[2]}/";
                    case 'addnewparentaction':
                        if ($famtag == 'HUSB' && preg_match('/\\/((?:[a-z]{2,3}\\s+)*)(.*)\\//i', $indi_name, $match)) {
                            if ($SURNAME_TRADITION == 'polish' && $sextag == 'M') {
                                $match[2] = preg_replace(array('/ska$/', '/cka$/', '/dzka$/'), array('ski', 'cki', 'dzki'), $match[2]);
                            $name_fields['SPFX'] = trim($match[1]);
                            $name_fields['SURN'] = $match[2];
                            $name_fields['NAME'] = "/{$match[1]}{$match[2]}/";
    // Make sure there are two slashes in the name
    if (!preg_match('/\\//', $name_fields['NAME'])) {
        $name_fields['NAME'] .= ' /';
    if (!preg_match('/\\/.*\\//', $name_fields['NAME'])) {
        $name_fields['NAME'] .= '/';
    // Populate any missing 2 XXXX fields from the 1 NAME field
    $npfx_accept = implode('|', $NPFX_accept);
    if (preg_match("/((({$npfx_accept})\\.? +)*)([^\n\\/\"]*)(\"(.*)\")? *\\/(([a-z]{2,3} +)*)(.*)\\/ *(.*)/i", $name_fields['NAME'], $name_bits)) {
        if (empty($name_fields['NPFX'])) {
            $name_fields['NPFX'] = $name_bits[1];
        if (!$NAME_REVERSE && empty($name_fields['GIVN'])) {
            $name_fields['GIVN'] = $name_bits[4];
        if (empty($name_fields['SPFX']) && empty($name_fields['SURN'])) {
            $name_fields['SPFX'] = trim($name_bits[7]);
            $name_fields['SURN'] = $name_bits[9];
        if (empty($name_fields['NSFX'])) {
            $name_fields['NSFX'] = $name_bits[10];
        if ($NAME_REVERSE && empty($name_fields['GIVN'])) {
            $name_fields['GIVN'] = $name_bits[4];
        // Don't automatically create an empty NICK - it is an "advanced" field.
        if (empty($name_fields['NICK']) && !empty($name_bits[6]) && !preg_match('/^2 NICK/m', $namerec)) {
            $name_fields['NICK'] = $name_bits[6];
    // Edit the standard name fields
    foreach ($name_fields as $tag => $value) {
        add_simple_tag("0 {$tag} {$value}");
    // Get the advanced name fields
    $adv_name_fields = array();
    if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $ADVANCED_NAME_FACTS, $match)) {
        foreach ($match[1] as $tag) {
            $adv_name_fields[$tag] = '';
    // This is a custom tag, but PGV uses it extensively.
    if ($SURNAME_TRADITION == 'paternal' || $SURNAME_TRADITION == 'polish' || preg_match('/2 _MARNM/', $namerec)) {
        $adv_name_fields['_MARNM'] = '';
    foreach ($adv_name_fields as $tag => $dummy) {
        // Edit existing tags
        if (preg_match_all("/2 {$tag} (.+)/", $namerec, $match)) {
            foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
                if ($tag == '_MARNM') {
                    $mnsct = preg_match('/\\/(.+)\\//', $value, $match2);
                    $marnm_surn = "";
                    if ($mnsct > 0) {
                        $marnm_surn = $match2[1];
                    add_simple_tag("2 _MARNM " . $value);
                    add_simple_tag("2 _MARNM_SURN " . $marnm_surn);
                } else {
                    add_simple_tag("2 {$tag} {$value}", "", fact_label("NAME:{$tag}"));
        // Allow a new row to be entered if there was no row provided
        if (count($match[1]) == 0 && empty($name_fields[$tag]) || $tag != '_HEB' && $tag != 'NICK') {
            if ($tag == '_MARNM') {
                add_simple_tag("0 _MARNM");
                add_simple_tag("0 _MARNM_SURN {$new_marnm}");
            } else {
                add_simple_tag("0 {$tag}", "", fact_label("NAME:{$tag}"));
    // Handle any other NAME subfields that aren't included above (SOUR, NOTE, _CUSTOM, etc)
    if ($namerec != "" && $namerec != "NEW") {
        $gedlines = split("\n", $namerec);
        // -- find the number of lines in the record
        $fields = explode(' ', $gedlines[0]);
        $glevel = $fields[0];
        $level = $glevel;
        $type = trim($fields[1]);
        $level1type = $type;
        $tags = array();
        $i = 0;
        do {
            if (!isset($name_fields[$type]) && !isset($adv_name_fields[$type])) {
                $text = "";
                for ($j = 2; $j < count($fields); $j++) {
                    if ($j > 2) {
                        $text .= " ";
                    $text .= $fields[$j];
                $iscont = false;
                while ($i + 1 < count($gedlines) && preg_match("/" . ($level + 1) . " (CON[CT])\\s?(.*)/", $gedlines[$i + 1], $cmatch) > 0) {
                    $iscont = true;
                    if ($cmatch[1] == "CONT") {
                        $text .= "\n";
                    if ($WORD_WRAPPED_NOTES) {
                        $text .= " ";
                    $text .= $cmatch[2];
                add_simple_tag($level . " " . $type . " " . $text);
            $tags[] = $type;
            if (isset($gedlines[$i])) {
                $fields = explode(' ', $gedlines[$i]);
                $level = $fields[0];
                if (isset($fields[1])) {
                    $type = $fields[1];
        } while ($level > $glevel && $i < count($gedlines));
    // If we are adding a new individual, add the basic details
    if ($nextaction != 'update') {
        echo '</table><br/><table class="facts_table">';
        // 1 SEX
        if ($famtag == "HUSB" || $sextag == "M") {
            add_simple_tag("0 SEX M");
        } elseif ($famtag == "WIFE" || $sextag == "F") {
            add_simple_tag("0 SEX F");
        } else {
            add_simple_tag("0 SEX");
        $bdm = "BD";
        if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                if (!in_array($match, explode('|', PGV_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
        //-- if adding a spouse add the option to add a marriage fact to the new family
        if ($nextaction == 'addspouseaction' || $nextaction == 'addnewparentaction' && $famid != 'new') {
            $bdm .= "M";
            if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS, $matches)) {
                foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
        if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                if (in_array($match, explode('|', PGV_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
    if (PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) {
        echo "<tr><td class=\"descriptionbox " . $TEXT_DIRECTION . " wrap width25\">";
        print_help_link("no_update_CHAN_help", "qm");
        echo $pgv_lang["admin_override"] . "</td><td class=\"optionbox wrap\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"preserve_last_changed\" />\n";
        echo $pgv_lang["no_update_CHAN"] . "<br />\n";
        if (isset($famrec)) {
            $event = new Event(get_sub_record(1, "1 CHAN", $famrec));
            echo format_fact_date($event, false, true);
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    if ($nextaction == 'update') {
        // GEDCOM 5.5.1 spec says NAME doesn't get a OBJE
    } else {
        print_add_layer('SOUR', 1);
        print_add_layer('NOTE', 1);
        print_add_layer('SHARED_NOTE', 1);
        print_add_layer('OBJE', 1);
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $pgv_lang["save"] . "\" />\n";
    if (preg_match('/^add(child|spouse|newparent|source)/', $nextaction)) {
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$pgv_lang['saveandgo']}\" onclick=\"document.addchildform.goto.value='new';\"/>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
	<script type="text/javascript">
	function trim(str) {
		// Commas are used in the GIVN and SURN field to separate lists of surnames.
		// For example, to differentiate the two Spanish surnames from an English
		// double-barred name.
		// Commas *may* be used in the NAME field, and will form part of the displayed
		// name.  This is not encouraged, as it may confuse some logic that assumes
		// "list" format names are always "surn, givn".
		str=str.replace(/,/g," ");

		str=str.replace(/\s\s+/g," ");
		return str.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,'');

	function lang_class(str) {
		if (str.match(/[\u0370-\u03FF]/)) return "greek";
		if (str.match(/[\u0400-\u04FF]/)) return "cyrillic";
		if (str.match(/[\u0590-\u05FF]/)) return "hebrew";
		if (str.match(/[\u0600-\u06FF]/)) return "arabic";
		return "latin"; // No matched text implies latin :-)

	// Generate a full name from the name components
	function generate_name() {
		var frm =document.forms[0];
		var npfx=frm.NPFX.value;
		var givn=frm.GIVN.value;
		var spfx=frm.SPFX.value;
		var surn=frm.SURN.value;
		var nsfx=frm.NSFX.value;
		return trim(npfx+" "+givn+" /"+trim(spfx+" "+surn.replace(/ *, */, " "))+"/ "+nsfx);

	// Update the NAME and _MARNM fields from the name components
	// and also display the value in read-only "gedcom" format.
	function updatewholename() {
		// don't update the name if the user manually changed it
		if (manualChange) return;
		// Update NAME field from components and display it
		var frm =document.forms[0];
		var npfx=frm.NPFX.value;
		var givn=frm.GIVN.value;
		var spfx=frm.SPFX.value;
		var surn=frm.SURN.value;
		var nsfx=frm.NSFX.value;
		// Married names inherit some NSFX values, but not these
		nsfx=nsfx.replace(/^(I|II|III|IV|V|VI|Junior|Jr\.?|Senior|Sr\.?)$/i, '');
		// Update _MARNM field from _MARNM_SURN field and display it
		// Be careful of mixing latin/hebrew/etc. character sets.
		var ip=document.getElementsByTagName('input');
		var marnm_id='';
		var romn='';
		var heb='';
		for (var i=0; i<ip.length; i++) {
			var val=ip[i].value;
			if (ip[i].id.indexOf("_HEB")==0)
			if (ip[i].id.indexOf("ROMN")==0)
			if (ip[i].id.indexOf("_MARNM")==0) {
				if (ip[i].id.indexOf("_MARNM_SURN")==0) {
					var msurn='';
					if (val!='') {
						var lc=lang_class(document.getElementById(ip[i].id).value);
						if (lang_class(frm.NAME.value)==lc)
							msurn=trim(npfx+" "+givn+" /"+val+"/ "+nsfx);
						else if (lc=="hebrew")
							msurn=heb.replace(/\/.*\//, '/'+val+'/');
						else if (lang_class(romn)==lc)
							msurn=romn.replace(/\/.*\//, '/'+val+'/');
				} else {

	* convert a hidden field to a text box
	var oldName = "";
	var manualChange = false;
	function convertHidden(eid) {
		var element = document.getElementById(eid);
		if (element) {
			if (element.type=="hidden") {
				// IE doesn't allow changing the "type" of an input field so we'll cludge it ( silly :P)
				if (IE) {
					var newInput = document.createElement('input');
					newInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
					newInput.setAttribute("name", element.Name);
					newInput.setAttribute("id", element.id);
					newInput.setAttribute("value", element.value);
					newInput.setAttribute("onchange", element.onchange);
					var parent = element.parentNode;
					parent.replaceChild(newInput, element);
					element = newInput;
				else {
				oldName = element.value;
				manualChange = true;
				var delement = document.getElementById(eid+"_display");
				if (delement) {
					// force FF ui to update the display
					if (delement.innerHTML != oldName) {
						oldName = delement.innerHTML;
						element.value = oldName;
			else {
				manualChange = false;
				// IE doesn't allow changing the "type" of an input field so we'll cludge it ( silly :P)
				if (IE) {
					var newInput = document.createElement('input');
					newInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
					newInput.setAttribute("name", element.Name);
					newInput.setAttribute("id", element.id);
					newInput.setAttribute("value", element.value);
					newInput.setAttribute("onchange", element.onchange);
					var parent = element.parentNode;
					parent.replaceChild(newInput, element);
					element = newInput;
				else {
				var delement = document.getElementById(eid+"_display");
				if (delement) {

	* if the user manually changed the NAME field, then update the textual
	* HTML representation of it
	* If the value changed set manualChange to true so that changing
	* the other fields doesn't change the NAME line
	function updateTextName(eid) {
		var element = document.getElementById(eid);
		if (element) {
			if (element.value!=oldName) manualChange = true;
			var delement = document.getElementById(eid+"_display");
			if (delement) {
				delement.innerHTML = element.value;

	function checkform() {
		var ip=document.getElementsByTagName('input');
		for (var i=0; i<ip.length; i++) {
			// ADD slashes to _HEB and _AKA names
			if (ip[i].id.indexOf('_AKA')==0 || ip[i].id.indexOf('_HEB')==0 || ip[i].id.indexOf('ROMN')==0)
				if (ip[i].value.indexOf('/')<0 && ip[i].value!='')
					ip[i].value=ip[i].value.replace(/([^\s]+)\s*$/, "/$1/");
			// Blank out temporary _MARNM_SURN and empty name fields
			if (ip[i].id.indexOf("_MARNM_SURN")==0 || ip[i].value=='//')
			// Convert "xxx yyy" and "xxx y yyy" surnames to "xxx,yyy"
			if ('<?php 
'=='spanish' || '<?php 
				if (ip[i].id.indexOf("SURN")==0) ip[i].value=document.forms[0].SURN.value.replace(/^\s*([^\s,]{2,})\s+([iIyY] +)?([^\s,]{2,})\s*$/, "$1,$3");;
		return true;

	// If the name isn't initially formed from the components in a standard way,
	// then don't automatically update it.
	if (document.getElementById("NAME").value!=generate_name() && document.getElementById("NAME").value!="//") convertHidden("NAME");
Exemplo n.º 7
* Accpet changed gedcom record into database
* This function gets an updated record from the gedcom file and replaces it in the database
* @author John Finlay
* @param string $cid The change id of the record to accept
function accept_changes($cid)
    global $pgv_changes, $GEDCOM, $TBLPREFIX, $FILE, $GEDCOMS;
    global $INDEX_DIRECTORY, $SYNC_GEDCOM_FILE, $fcontents, $manual_save;
    if (isset($pgv_changes[$cid])) {
        $changes = $pgv_changes[$cid];
        $change = $changes[count($changes) - 1];
        if ($GEDCOM != $change["gedcom"]) {
            $GEDCOM = $change["gedcom"];
        $FILE = $GEDCOM;
        $gid = $change["gid"];
        $gedrec = $change["undo"];
        if (empty($gedrec)) {
            $gedrec = find_gedcom_record($gid);
        update_record($gedrec, $change["type"] == "delete");
        //-- write the changes back to the gedcom file
        if ($SYNC_GEDCOM_FILE) {
            // TODO: We merge CONC lines on import, so need to add them back on export
            if (!isset($manual_save) || $manual_save == false) {
                //-- only allow one thread to accept changes at a time
                //				$mutex = new Mutex("accept_changes");
                //				$mutex->Wait();
            if (empty($fcontents)) {
            if ($change["type"] == "delete") {
                $pos1 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0 @{$gid}@");
                if ($pos1 !== false) {
                    $pos2 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0", $pos1 + 5);
                    if ($pos2 === false) {
                        $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . '0 TRLR' . PGV_EOL;
                        AddToLog("Corruption found in GEDCOM {$GEDCOM} Attempted to correct");
                    } else {
                        $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . substr($fcontents, $pos2);
                } else {
                    AddToLog("Corruption found in GEDCOM {$GEDCOM} Attempted to correct.  Deleted gedcom record {$gid} was not found in the gedcom file.");
            } elseif ($change["type"] == "append") {
                $pos1 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0 TRLR");
                $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . reformat_record_export($gedrec) . '0 TRLR' . PGV_EOL;
            } elseif ($change["type"] == "replace") {
                $pos1 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0 @{$gid}@");
                if ($pos1 !== false) {
                    $pos2 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0", $pos1 + 5);
                    if ($pos2 === false) {
                        $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . '0 TRLR' . PGV_EOL;
                        AddToLog("Corruption found in GEDCOM {$GEDCOM} Attempted to correct");
                    } else {
                        $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . reformat_record_export($gedrec) . substr($fcontents, $pos2);
                } else {
                    //-- attempted to replace a record that doesn't exist
                    AddToLog("Corruption found in GEDCOM {$GEDCOM} Attempted to correct.  Replaced gedcom record {$gid} was not found in the gedcom file.");
                    $pos1 = find_newline_string($fcontents, "0 TRLR");
                    $fcontents = substr($fcontents, 0, $pos1) . reformat_record_export($gedrec) . '0 TRLR' . PGV_EOL;
                    AddToLog("Gedcom record {$gid} was appended back to the GEDCOM file.");
            if (!isset($manual_save) || $manual_save == false) {
                //				$mutex->Release();
        if ($change["type"] != "delete") {
            //-- synchronize the gedcom record with any user account
            $username = get_user_from_gedcom_xref($GEDCOM, $gid);
            if ($username && get_user_setting($username, 'sync_gedcom') == 'Y') {
                $firstname = get_gedcom_value("GIVN", 2, $gedrec);
                $lastname = get_gedcom_value("SURN", 2, $gedrec);
                if (empty($lastname)) {
                    $fullname = get_gedcom_value("NAME", 1, $gedrec, "", false);
                    $ct = preg_match("~(.*)/(.*)/~", $fullname, $match);
                    if ($ct > 0) {
                        $firstname = $match[1];
                        $lastname = $match[2];
                    } else {
                        $firstname = $fullname;
                //-- SEE [ 1753047 ] Email/sync with account
                $email = get_gedcom_value("EMAIL", 1, $gedrec);
                if (empty($email)) {
                    $email = get_gedcom_value("_EMAIL", 1, $gedrec);
                if (!empty($email)) {
                    set_user_setting($username, 'email', $email);
                set_user_setting($username, 'firstname', $firstname);
                set_user_setting($username, 'lastname', $lastname);
        if (!isset($manual_save) || $manual_save == false) {
        $logline = AddToLog("Accepted change {$cid} " . $change["type"] . " into database");
        check_in($logline, $GEDCOM, dirname($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]['path']));
        if (isset($change["linkpid"])) {
            accept_changes($change["linkpid"] . "_" . $GEDCOM);
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * get the number of children in this family
  * @return int 	the number of children
 function getNumberOfChildren()
     if ($this->numChildren !== false) {
         return $this->numChildren;
     $this->numChildren = get_gedcom_value("NCHI", 1, $this->gedrec);
     if ($this->numChildren != "") {
         return $this->numChildren . ".";
     $this->numChildren = preg_match_all("/1\\s*CHIL\\s*@(.*)@/", $this->gedrec, $smatch);
     return $this->numChildren;
Exemplo n.º 9
* get a list of remote servers
function get_server_list()
    global $GEDCOM, $GEDCOMS, $TBLPREFIX, $sitelist, $gBitDb;
    $sitelist = array();
    if (isset($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]) && check_for_import($GEDCOM)) {
        $rows = $gBitDb->getAll("SELECT s_id, s_name, s_gedcom, s_file FROM {$TBLPREFIX}sources WHERE s_file=? AND s_dbid=? ORDER BY s_name", array(PGV_GED_ID, 'Y'));
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $source = array();
            $source["name"] = $row['s_name'];
            $source["gedcom"] = $row['s_gedcom'];
            $source["gedfile"] = $row['s_file'];
            $source["url"] = get_gedcom_value("URL", 1, $row['s_gedcom']);
            $sitelist[$row['s_id']] = $source;
    return $sitelist;
Exemplo n.º 10
* returns FAM:SOUR:PAGE matching filter
* @return Array of string
function autocomplete_FAM_SOUR_PAGE($FILTER, $OPTION)
    global $TBLPREFIX, $gBitDb;
    $sql = "SELECT 'FAM' AS type, f_id AS xref, f_file AS ged_id, f_gedcom AS gedrec, f_husb, f_wife, f_chil, f_numchil FROM {$TBLPREFIX}families WHERE f_gedcom LIKE ? AND f_file=?";
    $rows = $gBitDb->query($sql, array("% SOUR @{$OPTION}@% PAGE %{$FILTER}%", PGV_GED_ID), PGV_AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT);
    $data = array();
    while ($row = $rows->fetchRows()) {
        $family = Family::getInstance($row);
        if ($family->canDisplayDetails()) {
            // a single FAM may have multiple level 1 and level 2 sources
            for ($level = 1; $level <= 2; $level++) {
                $i = 1;
                do {
                    $srec = get_sub_record("SOUR @{$OPTION}@", $level, $family->gedrec, $i++);
                    $page = get_gedcom_value("PAGE", $level + 1, $srec);
                    if (stripos($page, $FILTER) !== false || empty($FILTER)) {
                        $data[] = $page;
                } while ($srec);
    return $data;
Exemplo n.º 11
 // separate SOUR record from the rest
 if (isset($_REQUEST['spid'])) {
     $spid = $_REQUEST['spid'];
 if (!empty($spid)) {
     if (isset($pgv_changes[$spid . '_' . PGV_GEDCOM])) {
         $gedrec = find_updated_record($spid, PGV_GED_ID);
     } else {
         $gedrec = find_person_record($spid, PGV_GED_ID);
     $gedrec = trim($gedrec);
     if (!empty($gedrec)) {
         if ($famid == "new") {
             $famrec = "0 @new@ FAM\n";
             $SEX = get_gedcom_value("SEX", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             if ($SEX == "M") {
                 $famtag = "HUSB";
             if ($SEX == "F") {
                 $famtag = "WIFE";
             if ($famtag == "HUSB") {
                 $famrec .= "1 HUSB @{$spid}@\n";
                 $famrec .= "1 WIFE @{$pid}@\n";
             } else {
                 $famrec .= "1 WIFE @{$spid}@\n";
                 $famrec .= "1 HUSB @{$pid}@\n";
             $famrec .= addNewFact('MARR');
             if (safe_POST_bool('SOUR_FAM') || count($tagSOUR) > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 12
* @todo add info
* @see PGVRListEHandler()
* @param array $attrs an array of key value pairs for the attributes
function PGVRListSHandler($attrs)
    global $pgvreport, $gedrec, $repeats, $repeatBytes, $list, $repeatsStack, $processRepeats, $parser, $vars, $sortby;
    global $pgv_changes, $GEDCOM, $TBLPREFIX;
    if ($processRepeats > 1) {
    if (isset($attrs["sortby"])) {
        $sortby = $attrs["sortby"];
        $vmatch = array();
        if (preg_match("/\\\$(\\w+)/", $sortby, $vmatch) > 0) {
            $sortby = $vars[$vmatch[1]]["id"];
            $sortby = trim($sortby);
    } else {
        $sortby = "NAME";
    if (isset($attrs["list"])) {
        $listname = $attrs["list"];
    } else {
        $listname = "individual";
    // Some filters/sorts can be applied using SQL, while others require PHP
    switch ($listname) {
        case 'pending':
            $list = array();
            foreach ($pgv_changes as $changes) {
                $change = end($changes);
                if ($change['gedcom'] == $GEDCOM) {
                    $list[] = new GedcomRecord($change['undo']);
        case 'individual':
        case 'family':
            $sql_col_prefix = substr($listname, 0, 1) . '_';
            // i_ for individual, f_ for family, etc.
            $sql_join = array();
            $sql_where = array($sql_col_prefix . "file=" . PGV_GED_ID);
            $sql_order_by = array();
            foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) {
                if (strpos($attr, 'filter') === 0 && $value) {
                    // Substitute global vars
                    $value = preg_replace('/\\$(\\w+)/e', '$vars["\\1"]["id"]', $value);
                    // Convert the various filters into SQL
                    $match = array();
                    if (preg_match('/^(\\w+):DATE (LTE|GTE) (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}dates AS {$attr} ON ({$attr}.d_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND {$attr}.d_gid={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_fact='{$match[1]}'";
                        $date = new GedcomDate($match[3]);
                        if ($match[2] == 'LTE') {
                            $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday2<=" . $date->minJD();
                        } else {
                            $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday1>=" . $date->minJD();
                        if ($sortby == $match[1]) {
                            $sortby = '';
                            $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.d_julianday1";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == 'individual' && preg_match('/^NAME CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}name AS {$attr} ON (n_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND n_id={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.n_sort LIKE '" . UTF8_strtoupper($match[1]) . "%'";
                        if ($sortby == 'NAME') {
                            $sortby = '';
                            $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.n_sort";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                    } elseif ($listname == 'family' && preg_match('/^NAME CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        // Eventually, family "names" will be stored in pgv_name.  Until then, an extra is needed....
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}link AS {$attr}a ON ({$attr}a.l_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND {$attr}a.l_from={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_join[] = "JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}name AS {$attr}b ON ({$attr}b.n_file={$sql_col_prefix}file AND n_id={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}a.l_type=IN ('HUSB, 'WIFE')";
                        $sql_where[] = "{$attr}.n_sort LIKE '" . UTF8_strtoupper($match[1]) . "%'";
                        if ($sortby == 'NAME') {
                            $sortby = '';
                            $sql_order_by[] = "{$attr}.n_sort";
                        // This filter has been fully processed
                        //returns all the record with the filter place - does not verify that we speak of a BIRT record for the birth report value=BIRT:PLAC etc.
                        /* 				} elseif (preg_match('/^(?:\w+):PLAC CONTAINS (.+)$/', $value, $match)) {
                        					$sql_join[]="JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}places AS {$attr}a ON ({$attr}a.p_file={$sql_col_prefix}file)";
                        					$sql_join[]="JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}placelinks AS {$attr}b ON ({$attr}a.p_file={$attr}b.pl_file AND {$attr}b.pl_p_id={$attr}a.p_id AND {$attr}b.pl_gid={$sql_col_prefix}id)";
                        					$sql_where[]="{$attr}a.p_place LIKE '".UTF8_strtoupper($match[1])."%'";
                        					unset($attrs[$attr]); // This filter has been fully processed
                    } else {
                        // TODO: what other filters can we apply in SQL?
            if ($listname == 'family') {
                $list = search_fams_custom($sql_join, $sql_where, $sql_order_by);
            } else {
                $list = search_indis_custom($sql_join, $sql_where, $sql_order_by);
            die("Invalid list name: {$listname}");
    $filters = array();
    $filters2 = array();
    if (isset($attrs["filter1"])) {
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
            $ct = preg_match("/filter(\\d)/", $key, $match);
            if ($ct > 0) {
                $condition = $value;
                $ct = preg_match("/@(\\w+)/", $condition, $match);
                if ($ct > 0) {
                    $id = $match[1];
                    $value = "''";
                    if ($id == "ID") {
                        $ct = preg_match("/0 @(.+)@/", $gedrec, $match);
                        if ($ct > 0) {
                            $value = "'" . $match[1] . "'";
                    } else {
                        if ($id == "fact") {
                            $value = "'{$fact}'";
                        } else {
                            if ($id == "desc") {
                                $value = "'{$desc}'";
                            } else {
                                $ct = preg_match("/\\d {$id} (.+)/", $gedrec, $match);
                                if ($ct > 0) {
                                    $value = "'" . preg_replace("/@/", "", trim($match[1])) . "'";
                    $condition = preg_replace("/@{$id}/", $value, $condition);
                //-- handle regular expressions
                $ct = preg_match("/([A-Z:]+)\\s*([^\\s]+)\\s*(.+)/", $condition, $match);
                if ($ct > 0) {
                    $tag = trim($match[1]);
                    $expr = trim($match[2]);
                    $val = trim($match[3]);
                    if (preg_match("/\\\$(\\w+)/", $val, $vmatch) > 0) {
                        $val = $vars[$vmatch[1]]["id"];
                        $val = trim($val);
                    $searchstr = "";
                    $tags = explode(':', $tag);
                    //-- only limit to a level number if we are specifically looking at a level
                    if (count($tags) > 1) {
                        $level = 1;
                        foreach ($tags as $t) {
                            if (!empty($searchstr)) {
                                $searchstr .= "[^\n]*(\n[2-9][^\n]*)*\n";
                            //-- search for both EMAIL and _EMAIL... silly double gedcom standard
                            if ($t == "EMAIL" || $t == "_EMAIL") {
                                $t = "_?EMAIL";
                            $searchstr .= $level . " " . $t;
                    } else {
                        if ($tag == "EMAIL" || $tag == "_EMAIL") {
                            $tag = "_?EMAIL";
                        $t = $tag;
                        $searchstr = "1 " . $tag;
                    switch ($expr) {
                        case "CONTAINS":
                            if ($t == "PLAC") {
                                $searchstr .= "[^\n]*[, ]" . $val;
                            } else {
                                $searchstr .= "[^\n]*" . $val;
                            $filters[] = $searchstr;
                            if (!empty($val)) {
                                $filters2[] = array("tag" => $tag, "expr" => $expr, "val" => $val);
    //-- apply other filters to the list that could not be added to the search string
    if ($filters) {
        foreach ($list as $key => $record) {
            foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                if (!preg_match('/' . $filter . '/i', $record->getGedcomRecord())) {
    if ($filters2) {
        $mylist = array();
        foreach ($list as $indi) {
            $key = $indi->getXref();
            $value = $indi->getGedcomRecord();
            $keep = true;
            foreach ($filters2 as $filter) {
                if ($keep) {
                    $tag = $filter["tag"];
                    $expr = $filter["expr"];
                    $val = $filter["val"];
                    if ($val == "''") {
                        $val = "";
                    $tags = explode(':', $tag);
                    $t = end($tags);
                    $v = get_gedcom_value($tag, 1, $value["gedcom"], '', false);
                    //-- check for EMAIL and _EMAIL (silly double gedcom standard :P)
                    if ($t == "EMAIL" && empty($v)) {
                        $tag = preg_replace("/EMAIL/", "_EMAIL", $tag);
                        $tags = explode(':', $tag);
                        $t = end($tags);
                        $v = get_sub_record(1, $tag, $value["gedcom"]);
                    $level = count($tags);
                    switch ($expr) {
                        case "GTE":
                            if ($t == "DATE") {
                                $date1 = new GedcomDate($v);
                                $date2 = new GedcomDate($val);
                                $keep = GedcomDate::Compare($date1, $date2) >= 0;
                            } else {
                                if ($val >= $v) {
                                    $keep = true;
                        case "LTE":
                            if ($t == "DATE") {
                                $date1 = new GedcomDate($v);
                                $date2 = new GedcomDate($val);
                                $keep = GedcomDate::Compare($date1, $date2) <= 0;
                            } else {
                                if ($val >= $v) {
                                    $keep = true;
                        case "SUBCONTAINS":
                            $v = get_sub_record($level, $level . " " . $tag, $value["gedcom"]);
                            if (empty($v) && $tag == "ADDR") {
                                $v = get_sub_record($level + 1, $level + 1 . " " . $tag, $value["gedcom"]);
                            $ct = preg_match("/{$val}\\b/i", $v);
                            if ($ct > 0) {
                                $keep = true;
                            } else {
                                $keep = false;
                            if ($v == $val) {
                                $keep = true;
                            } else {
                                $keep = false;
            if ($keep) {
                $mylist[$key] = $indi;
        $list = $mylist;
    switch ($sortby) {
        case 'NAME':
            uasort($list, array('GedcomRecord', 'Compare'));
        case 'ID':
            uasort($list, array('GedcomRecord', 'CompareId'));
        case 'CHAN':
            uasort($list, array('GedcomRecord', 'CompareChanDate'));
        case 'BIRT:DATE':
            uasort($list, array('Person', 'CompareBirtDate'));
        case 'DEAT:DATE':
            uasort($list, array('Person', 'CompareDeatDate'));
        case 'MARR:DATE':
            uasort($list, array('Family', 'CompareMarrDate'));
            // unsorted or already sorted by SQL
    array_push($repeatsStack, array($repeats, $repeatBytes));
    $repeatBytes = xml_get_current_line_number($parser) + 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * get the author of this source record
  * @return string
 function getAuth()
     return get_gedcom_value('AUTH', 1, $this->gedrec, '', false);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Creates the SourceRef element and appends it to the Parent Element.  If the actual Source has not
  * 	been previously created, this will retrieve the record for that, and create that also.
  * @param DOMElement $eParent - the parent DOMElement to which the created Note Element is appended
  * @param string $sourcerefRec - the record containing the reference to a Source
  * @param int $level - The GEDCOM line level where the SOUR tag may be found
 function create_sourceref($eParent, $sourcerefRec, $level)
     if (($sourceID = get_gedcom_value("SOUR", $level, $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
         if (id_in_cart($sourceID)) {
             $eSourceRef = $this->dom->createElement("sourceref");
             $eSourceRef = $eParent->appendChild($eSourceRef);
             if (($sourceHlink = $this->query_dom("./sources/source[@id = \"{$sourceID}\"]/@handle")) == null) {
                 $this->create_source($sourceID, find_source_record($sourceID));
             $eSourceRef->setAttribute("hlink", $this->query_dom("./sources/source[@id = \"{$sourceID}\"]/@handle"));
             if (($page = get_gedcom_value("SOUR:PAGE", $level, $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
                 $eSPage = $this->dom->createElement("spage");
                 $etSPage = $this->dom->createTextNode($page);
                 $etSPage = $eSPage->appendChild($etSPage);
                 $eSPage = $eSourceRef->appendChild($eSPage);
             if (($comments = get_gedcom_value("SOUR:NOTE", $level, $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
                 $eSComments = $this->dom->createElement("scomments");
                 $etSComments = $this->dom->createTextNode($comments);
                 $etSComments = $eSComments->appendChild($etSComments);
                 $eSComments = $eSourceRef->appendChild($eSComments);
             if (($text = get_gedcom_value("SOUR:TEXT", $level, $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
                 $num = 1;
                 while (($cont = get_gedcom_value("SOUR:TEXT:CONT", $level, $sourcerefRec, $num)) != null) {
                     $text .= $cont;
                 $eSText = $this->dom->createElement("stext");
                 $etSText = $this->dom->createTextNode($text);
                 $etSText = $eSText->appendChild($etSText);
                 $eSText = $eSourceRef->appendChild($eSText);
             if (($dateRec = get_sub_record(1, $level + 1 . " DATE", $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
                 $this->create_date($eSourceRef, $dateRec, $level + 1);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Creates the lds_ord element and appends the correct information depending
  * on the type of lds_ord (Endowment, Sealing, Baptism). If there is a sealing,
  * the function will search if the family is in the clippings cart and if the
  * family is created or not. If the family is not created yet, it will be created
  * and added to the DOMDocument
  * @param $indirec - The full INDI GEDCOM record of the person the lds_ord is being created
  * @param $eventName - the name of the LDS event (Baptism, Sealing, Endowment, etc...)
  * @param $eventABV - the event abbreviation in the GEDCOM (ie. SLGC, BAPL, ENDL)
  * @param $eParent - The parent element the lds event is attached to
 function create_lds_event($indirec, $eventName, $eventABV, $eParent)
     global $ePerson, $TEMPLE_CODES, $clipping;
     if (($hasldsevent = get_sub_record(1, "1 " . $eventABV, $indirec)) != null) {
         // Create <lds_ord> and attaches the type attribute
         $eLdsEvent = $this->dom->createElement("lds_ord");
         $eLdsEvent->setAttribute("type", $eventName);
         if (($dateRec = get_sub_record(1, "2 DATE", $hasldsevent)) != null) {
             $this->create_date($eLdsEvent, $dateRec, 2);
         // Create <temple>, this element is common with all lds ords
         if (($temple = get_gedcom_value($eventABV . ":TEMP", 1, $indirec)) != null) {
             $eTemple = $this->dom->createElement("temple");
             $eTemple->setAttribute("val", $temple);
             $eTemple = $eLdsEvent->appendChild($eTemple);
         if (($place = get_gedcom_value($eventABV . ":PLAC", 1, $indirec)) != null) {
             $hlink = $this->query_dom("./places/placeobj[@title=\"{$place}\"]/@handle");
             if ($hlink == null) {
                 $hlink = $this->generateHandle();
                 $this->create_placeobj($place, $hlink);
                 $this->create_place($eLdsEvent, $hlink);
             } else {
                 $this->create_place($eLdsEvent, $hlink);
         // Check to see if the STAT of the ordinance is set and add it to the
         // <lds_ord> element
         if (($stat = get_gedcom_value($eventABV . ":STAT", 1, $indirec)) != null) {
             $eStatus = $this->dom->createElement("status");
             $stat = get_gedcom_value($eventABV . ":STAT", 1, $indirec);
             $eStatus->setAttribute("val", isset($stat));
             $eStatus = $eLdsEvent->appendChild($eStatus);
         // If the event is a sealing
         if ($eventABV == "SLGC") {
             // Create an instance of person and look for their family record
             $person = Person::getInstance($clipping["id"]);
             $famId = $person->getChildFamilyIds();
             $famrec = find_family_record($famId[0]);
             $fid = $famId[0];
             $handle = $this->query_dom("./families/family[@id=\"{$fid}\"]/@handle");
             if ($handle == null) {
                  * If the family does not exist and their ID is in the clippings cart,
                  * you must create the family before you can query them in the dom to get
                  * their hlink. The hlink is generated when the person element is created.
                  * This causes overhead creating objects that are never added to the XML file
                  * perhaps there is some other way this can be done reducing the overhead?
                 $this->create_family($famrec, $famId[0]);
                 $handle = $this->query_dom("./families/family[@id=\"{$fid}\"]/@handle");
                 $eFam = $this->dom->createElement("sealed_to");
                 $eFam->setAttribute("hlink", $handle);
                 $eFam = $eLdsEvent->appendChild($eFam);
                 $person = null;
             } else {
                 if ($handle != null) {
                     $eFam = $this->dom->createElement("sealed_to");
                     $eFam->setAttribute("hlink", $handle);
                     $eFam = $eLdsEvent->appendChild($eFam);
                     $person = null;
         if (($note = get_sub_record(1, "2 NOTE", $hasldsevent)) != null) {
             $this->create_note($eLdsEvent, $note, 2);
         $num = 1;
         while (($sourcerefRec = get_sub_record(2, "2 SOUR", $hasldsevent, $num)) != null) {
             $this->create_sourceref($eLdsEvent, $sourcerefRec, 2);
         $eLdsEvent = $eParent->appendChild($eLdsEvent);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Creates the Source and appends it to the Sources Element
  * @param string $sourceID - the ID of the source to be created
  * @param string $sourceRec - the entire GEDCOM record containing the Source
  * @param int $level - the level the source is on in the GEDCOM record
  * @param int $done - whether the method is called from the GrampsExport($done=1) or a sub-class
 function create_source($sourceID, $sourceRec, $level = 1, $done = 1)
     $eSource = $this->dom->createElement("source");
     $eSource->setAttribute("id", $sourceID);
     $eSource->setAttribute("handle", $this->generateHandle());
     $eSource->setAttribute("change", time());
     if (($title = get_gedcom_value("TITL", $level, $sourceRec)) != null) {
         $eSTitle = $this->dom->createElement("stitle");
         $etSTitle = $this->dom->createTextNode($title);
         $etSTitle = $eSTitle->appendChild($etSTitle);
         $eSTitle = $eSource->appendChild($eSTitle);
     if (($author = get_gedcom_value("AUTH", $level, $sourceRec)) != null) {
         $eSAuthor = $this->dom->createElement("sauthor");
         $etSAuthor = $this->dom->createTextNode($author);
         $etSAuthor = $eSAuthor->appendChild($etSAuthor);
         $eSAuthor = $eSource->appendChild($eSAuthor);
     if (($pubInfo = get_gedcom_value("PUBL", $level, $sourceRec)) != null) {
         $eSPubInfo = $this->dom->createElement("spubinfo");
         $etSPubInfo = $this->dom->createTextNode($pubInfo);
         $etSPubInfo = $eSPubInfo->appendChild($etSPubInfo);
         $eSPubInfo = $eSource->appendChild($eSPubInfo);
     if (($abbrev = get_gedcom_value("ABBR", $level, $sourceRec)) != null) {
         $eSAbbrev = $this->dom->createElement("sabbrev");
         $etSAbbrev = $this->dom->createTextNode($abbrev);
         $etSAbbrev = $eSAbbrev->appendChild($etSAbbrev);
         $eSAbbrev = $eSource->appendChild($eSAbbrev);
     if (($note = get_sub_record($level, $level . " NOTE", $sourceRec)) != null) {
         $this->create_note($eSource, $note, $level);
     $num = 1;
     while (($nameSource = get_sub_record(1, "1 OBJE", $sourceRec, $num)) != null) {
         $this->create_mediaref($this->eSources, $nameSource, 1, $done);
     $eSource = $this->eSources->appendChild($eSource);
Exemplo n.º 17
 function create_sourceref($eParent, $sourcerefRec, $level, $done = 1)
     if (($sourceID = get_gedcom_value("SOUR", $level, $sourcerefRec)) != null) {
         $eSourceRef = $this->dom->createElement("sourceref");
         $eSourceRef = $eParent->appendChild($eSourceRef);
         $eSourceRef->setAttribute("hlink", $sourceID);
Exemplo n.º 18
         if (!empty($CITY)) {
             $ADDR .= $cityspace . $CITY;
         } else {
             $ADDR .= $cityspace;
         $STAE = get_gedcom_value("STAE", 2, $subrec);
         if (!empty($STAE)) {
             $ADDR .= ", " . $STAE;
         if ($POSTAL_CODE) {
             $POST = get_gedcom_value("POST", 2, $subrec);
             if (!empty($POST)) {
                 $ADDR .= "  " . $POST;
         $CTRY = get_gedcom_value("CTRY", 2, $subrec);
         if (!empty($CTRY)) {
             $ADDR .= "\n" . $CTRY;
      * @todo add support for ADDR subtags ADR1, CITY, STAE etc
 $PHON = "";
 $subrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 PHON", $gedrec);
 if (!empty($subrec)) {
     $ct = preg_match("/1 PHON (.*)/", $subrec, $match);
     if ($ct > 0) {
         $PHON = trim($match[1]);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * get a singleton instance of this client
  * @return ServiceClient
 static function &getInstance($id)
     if (isset($PGV_SERVERS[$id])) {
         return $PGV_SERVERS[$id];
     $gedrec = find_gedcom_record($id);
     if (empty($gedrec)) {
         $gedrec = find_updated_record($id);
     if (!empty($gedrec)) {
         $url = get_gedcom_value("URL", 1, $gedrec);
         $gedfile = get_gedcom_value("_DBID", 1, $gedrec);
         if (empty($url) && empty($gedfile)) {
             return null;
         if (!empty($url) && strtolower($url) != strtolower($SERVER_URL)) {
             $server = new ServiceClient($gedrec);
         } else {
             include_once 'includes/classes/class_localclient.php';
             $server = new LocalClient($gedrec);
         $PGV_SERVERS[$id] = $server;
         return $server;
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * find the highlighted media object for a gedcom entity
 * Rules for finding the highlighted media object:
 * 1. The first _PRIM Y object will be used regardless of level in gedcom record
 * 2. The first level 1 object will be used if there if it doesn't have _PRIM N (level 1 objects appear on the media tab on the individual page)
 * @param string $pid the individual, source, or family id
 * @param string $indirec the gedcom record to look in
 * @return array an object array with indexes "thumb" and "file" for thumbnail and filename
function find_highlighted_object($pid, $indirec)
    global $GEDCOMS, $GEDCOM, $TBLPREFIX, $gBitDb;
    if (!showFactDetails("OBJE", $pid)) {
        return false;
    $object = array();
    $media = array();
    //-- handle finding the media of remote objects
    $ct = preg_match("/(.*):(.*)/", $pid, $match);
    if ($ct > 0) {
        require_once '../classes/class_serviceclient.php';
        $client = ServiceClient::getInstance($match[1]);
        if (!is_null($client)) {
            $mt = preg_match_all('/\\n\\d OBJE @(' . PGV_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $indirec, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $mt; $i++) {
                $mediaObj = Media::getInstance($matches[$i][1]);
                $mrec = $mediaObj->getGedcomRecord();
                if (!empty($mrec)) {
                    $file = get_gedcom_value("FILE", 1, $mrec);
                    $row = array($matches[$i][1], $file, $mrec, $matches[$i][0]);
                    $media[] = $row;
    //-- find all of the media items for a person
    $media = $gBitDb->query("SELECT m_media, m_file, m_gedrec, mm_gedrec FROM {$TBLPREFIX}media, {$TBLPREFIX}media_mapping WHERE m_media=mm_media AND m_gedfile=mm_gedfile AND m_gedfile=? AND mm_gid=? ORDER BY mm_order", array($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["id"], $pid));
    while ($row = $media->fetchRow()) {
        if (displayDetailsById($row['m_media'], 'OBJE') && !FactViewRestricted($row['m_media'], $row['m_gedrec'])) {
            $level = 0;
            $ct = preg_match("/(\\d+) OBJE/", $row['mm_gedrec'], $match);
            if ($ct > 0) {
                $level = $match[1];
            if (strstr($row['mm_gedrec'], "_PRIM ")) {
                $thum = get_gedcom_value('_THUM', $level + 1, $row['mm_gedrec']);
                $prim = get_gedcom_value('_PRIM', $level + 1, $row['mm_gedrec']);
            } else {
                $thum = get_gedcom_value('_THUM', 1, $row['m_gedrec']);
                $prim = get_gedcom_value('_PRIM', 1, $row['m_gedrec']);
            if ($prim == 'N') {
            // Skip _PRIM N objects
            if ($prim == 'Y') {
                // Take the first _PRIM Y object
                $object["file"] = check_media_depth($row['m_file']);
                $object["thumb"] = thumbnail_file($row['m_file'], true, false, $pid);
                //				$object["_PRIM"] = $prim;	// Not sure whether this is needed.
                $object["_THUM"] = $thum;
                // This overrides GEDCOM's "Use main image as thumbnail" option
                $object["level"] = $level;
                $object["mid"] = $row['m_media'];
                // Stop looking: we found a suitable image
            if ($level == 1 && empty($object)) {
                // Take the first level 1 object, but keep looking for an overriding _PRIM Y
                $object["file"] = check_media_depth($row['m_file']);
                $object["thumb"] = thumbnail_file($row['m_file'], true, false, $pid);
                //				$object["_PRIM"] = $prim;	// Not sure whether this is needed.
                $object["_THUM"] = $thum;
                // This overrides GEDCOM's "Use main image as thumbnail" option
                $object["level"] = $level;
                $object["mid"] = $row['m_media'];
    return $object;
Exemplo n.º 21
* returns FAM:SOUR:PAGE matching filter
* @return Array of string
function autocomplete_FAM_SOUR_PAGE($FILTER, $OPTION)
    $rows = get_autocomplete_FAM_SOUR_PAGE($FILTER, $OPTION);
    $data = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $family = Family::getInstance($row);
        if ($family->canDisplayDetails()) {
            // a single FAM may have multiple level 1 and level 2 sources
            for ($level = 1; $level <= 2; $level++) {
                $i = 1;
                do {
                    $srec = get_sub_record("SOUR @{$OPTION}@", $level, $family->gedrec, $i++);
                    $page = get_gedcom_value("PAGE", $level + 1, $srec);
                    if (stripos($page, $FILTER) !== false || empty($FILTER)) {
                        $data[] = $page;
                } while ($srec);
    return $data;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * get the media type
  * @return string
 function getMediatype()
     $mediaType = strtolower(get_gedcom_value("FORM:TYPE", 2, $this->gedrec));
     return $mediaType;
Exemplo n.º 23
 function addLink()
     global $pgv_lang, $GEDCOM;
     switch ($this->form_location) {
         case 'remote':
             $serverID = $this->addRemoteServer($this->form_txtTitle, $this->form_txtURL, $this->form_txtGID, $this->form_txtUsername, $this->form_txtPassword);
         case 'local':
             $serverID = $this->addLocalServer($this->form_txtCB_Title, $this->form_txtCB_GID);
         case 'existing':
             $serverID = $this->form_cbExistingServers;
         case "FamilySearch":
             //TODO: Make sure that it is merging correctly
             $serverID = $this->addFamilySearchServer($this->form_txtFS_URL, $this->form_txtFS_URL, $this->form_txtFS_GID, $this->form_txtFS_Username, $this->form_txtFS_Password);
     $link_pid = $this->form_txtPID;
     $relation_type = $this->form_cbRelationship;
     if ($serverID && $link_pid) {
         if (isset($pgv_changes[$this->pid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
             $indirec = find_updated_record($this->pid);
         } else {
             $indirec = find_person_record($this->pid);
         switch ($relation_type) {
             case "father":
                 $indistub = "0 @new@ INDI\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}";
                 $stub_id = append_gedrec($indistub, false);
                 $indistub = find_updated_record($stub_id);
                 $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 HUSB @{$stub_id}@\n1 CHIL @{$this->pid}@";
                 $fam_id = append_gedrec($gedcom_fam);
                 $indirec .= "\n1 FAMC @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($this->pid, $indirec);
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 $indistub = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indistub, true, true);
                 $indistub .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($stub_id, $indistub, false);
             case "mother":
                 $indistub = "0 @new@ INDI\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}";
                 $stub_id = append_gedrec($indistub, false);
                 $indistub = find_updated_record($stub_id);
                 $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 WIFE @{$stub_id}@\n1 CHIL @{$this->pid}@";
                 $fam_id = append_gedrec($gedcom_fam);
                 $indirec .= "\n1 FAMC @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($this->pid, $indirec);
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 $indistub = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indistub, true, true);
                 $indistub .= "\n1 FAMS @" . $fam_id . "@";
                 replace_gedrec($stub_id, $indistub, false);
             case "husband":
                 $indistub = "0 @new@ INDI\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}";
                 $stub_id = append_gedrec($indistub, false);
                 $indistub = find_updated_record($stub_id);
                 $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 MARR Y\n1 WIFE @{$this->pid}@\n1 HUSB @{$stub_id}@\n";
                 $fam_id = append_gedrec($gedcom_fam);
                 $indirec .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($this->pid, $indirec);
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 $indistub = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indistub, true, true);
                 $indistub .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($stub_id, $indistub, false);
             case "wife":
                 $indistub = "0 @new@ INDI\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}";
                 $stub_id = append_gedrec($indistub, false);
                 $indistub = find_updated_record($stub_id);
                 $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 MARR Y\n1 WIFE @{$stub_id}@\n1 HUSB @{$this->pid}@";
                 $fam_id = append_gedrec($gedcom_fam);
                 $indirec .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($this->pid, $indirec);
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 $indistub = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indistub, true, true);
                 $indistub .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@\n";
                 replace_gedrec($stub_id, $indistub, false);
             case "son":
             case "daughter":
                 $indistub = "0 @new@ INDI\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}";
                 $stub_id = append_gedrec($indistub, false);
                 $indistub = find_updated_record($stub_id);
                 if (get_gedcom_value('SEX', 1, $indirec, '', false) == 'F') {
                     $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 WIFE @{$this->pid}@\n1 CHIL @{$stub_id}@";
                 } else {
                     $gedcom_fam = "0 @new@ FAM\n1 HUSB @{$this->pid}@\n1 CHIL @{$stub_id}@";
                 $fam_id = append_gedrec($gedcom_fam);
                 $indirec .= "\n1 FAMS @{$fam_id}@";
                 replace_gedrec($this->pid, $indirec);
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 $indistub = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indistub, true, true);
                 $indistub .= "\n1 FAMC @" . $fam_id . "@";
                 replace_gedrec($stub_id, $indistub, false);
             case 'current_person':
                 $indirec .= "\n1 RFN {$serverID}:{$link_pid}\n1 SOUR @{$serverID}@\n2 PAGE {$link_pid}";
                 $serviceClient = ServiceClient::getInstance($serverID);
                 if (!is_null($serviceClient)) {
                     //-- get rid of change date
                     $pos1 = strpos($indirec, "\n1 CHAN");
                     if ($pos1 !== false) {
                         $pos2 = strpos($indirec, "\n1", $pos1 + 5);
                         $indirec = substr($indirec, 0, $pos1) . substr($indirec, $pos2);
                     $indirec = $serviceClient->mergeGedcomRecord($link_pid, $indirec, true, true);
                 } else {
                     echo 'Unable to find server';
         echo '<b>', $pgv_lang['link_success'], '</b>';
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
 $xrefs = preg_split("/[;, ]/", $xref, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 $gedrecords = "";
 foreach ($xrefs as $xref1) {
     if (!empty($xref1)) {
         $gedrec = find_updated_record($xref1);
         if (!$gedrec) {
             $gedrec = find_gedcom_record($xref1);
             if ($gedrec) {
                 preg_match("/0 @(.*)@ (.*)/", $gedrec, $match);
                 $type = trim($match[2]);
                 if (!displayDetailsById($xref1, $type)) {
                     //-- do not have full access to this record, so privatize it
                     $gedrec = privatize_gedcom($gedrec);
                 } else {
                     if ($view == 'version' || $view == 'change') {
                         $chan = get_gedcom_value('CHAN', 1, $gedrec);
                         if (empty($chan)) {
                             $head = find_gedcom_record("HEAD");
                             $head_date = get_sub_record(1, "1 DATE", $head);
                             $lines = explode("\n", $head_date);
                             $head_date = "";
                             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                                 $num = $line[0];
                                 $head_date .= $num + 1 . substr($line, 1) . "\n";
                             $chan = "1 CHAN\n" . $head_date;
                         $gedrec = '0 @' . $xref1 . '@ ' . $type . "\n" . $chan;
                 if (!empty($gedrec)) {
Exemplo n.º 25
  * get a singleton instance of the results
  * returned by the soapClient search method
  * @param string $query - the query to search on
  * @param integer $start - the start index of the results to return
  * @param integer $max - the maximum number of results to return
 function &search($query, $start = 0, $max = 100)
     //$result = $this->soapClient->search($this->SID, $query, $start, $max);
     $search_results = search_indis(array($query), array($this->gedfile), 'AND', true);
     // loop thru the returned result of the method call
     foreach ($search_results as $gid => $indi) {
         // privatize the gedcoms returned
         $gedrec = privatize_gedcom($indi["gedcom"]);
         // set the fields that exist and return all the results that are not private
         if (preg_match("~" . $query . "~i", $gedrec) > 0) {
             $person = new SOAP_Value('person', 'person', "");
             $person->PID = $gid;
             $person->gedcomName = get_gedcom_value("NAME", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             $person->birthDate = get_gedcom_value("BIRT:DATE", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             $person->birthPlace = get_gedcom_value("BIRT:PLAC", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             $person->deathDate = get_gedcom_value("DEAT:DATE", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             $person->deathPlace = get_gedcom_value("DEAT:PLAC", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             $person->gender = get_gedcom_value("SEX", 1, $gedrec, '', false);
             //$search_result_element['gedcom'] = $gedrec;
             $results_array[] = $person;
     //			AddToLog('Found '.count($results_array).' after privatizing');
     // set the number of possible results
     //$results[0]['totalResults'] = count($results_array);
     $results_array = array_slice($results_array, $start, $max);
     //$results[0]['persons'] = $results_array;
     $return = new SOAP_Value('searchResult', 'searchResult', "");
     $return->totalResults = count($results_array);
     $return->persons = $results_array;
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 26
 * print fact DATE TIME
 * @param string $factrec	gedcom fact record
 * @param boolean $anchor	option to print a link to calendar
 * @param boolean $time		option to print TIME value
 * @param string $fact		optional fact name (to print age)
 * @param string $pid		optional person ID (to print age)
 * @param string $indirec	optional individual record (to print age)
function print_fact_date($factrec, $anchor = false, $time = false, $fact = false, $pid = false, $indirec = false)
    global $factarray, $pgv_lang, $SEARCH_SPIDER;
    $ct = preg_match("/2 DATE (.+)/", $factrec, $match);
    if ($ct > 0) {
        print " ";
        // link to calendar
        if ($anchor && empty($SEARCH_SPIDER)) {
            print get_date_url($match[1]);
        } else {
            print get_changed_date(trim($match[1]));
        // time
        if ($time) {
            $timerec = get_sub_record(2, "2 TIME", $factrec);
            if (empty($timerec)) {
                $timerec = get_sub_record(2, "2 DATE", $factrec);
            $tt = preg_match("/[2-3] TIME (.*)/", $timerec, $tmatch);
            if ($tt > 0) {
                print " - <span class=\"date\">" . $tmatch[1] . "</span>";
        if ($fact and $pid) {
            // age of parents at child birth
            if ($fact == "BIRT") {
                print_parents_age($pid, $match[1]);
            } else {
                if ($fact != "CHAN") {
                    if (!$indirec) {
                        $indirec = find_person_record($pid);
                    // do not print age after death
                    $deatrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 DEAT", $indirec);
                    if (empty($deatrec) || compare_facts($factrec, $deatrec) != 1 || strstr($factrec, "1 DEAT")) {
                        print get_age($indirec, $match[1]);
        print " ";
    } else {
        // 1 DEAT Y with no DATE => print YES
        // 1 DEAT N is not allowed
        // It is not proper GEDCOM form to use a N(o) value with an event tag to infer that it did not happen.
        $factrec = str_replace("\r\nPGV_OLD\r\n", "", $factrec);
        $factrec = str_replace("\r\nPGV_NEW\r\n", "", $factrec);
        $factdetail = preg_split("/ /", trim($factrec));
        if (isset($factdetail)) {
            if (count($factdetail) == 3) {
                if (strtoupper($factdetail[2]) == "Y") {
                    print $pgv_lang["yes"];
    // gedcom indi age
    $ages = array();
    $agerec = get_gedcom_value("AGE", 2, $factrec);
    $daterec = get_sub_record(2, "2 DATE", $factrec);
    if (empty($agerec)) {
        $agerec = get_gedcom_value("AGE", 3, $daterec);
    $ages[0] = $agerec;
    // gedcom husband age
    $husbrec = get_sub_record(2, "2 HUSB", $factrec);
    if (!empty($husbrec)) {
        $agerec = get_gedcom_value("AGE", 3, $husbrec);
    } else {
        $agerec = "";
    $ages[1] = $agerec;
    // gedcom wife age
    $wiferec = get_sub_record(2, "2 WIFE", $factrec);
    if (!empty($wiferec)) {
        $agerec = get_gedcom_value("AGE", 3, $wiferec);
    } else {
        $agerec = "";
    $ages[2] = $agerec;
    // print gedcom ages
    foreach ($ages as $indexval => $agerec) {
        if (!empty($agerec)) {
            print "<span class=\"label\">";
            if ($indexval == 1) {
                print $pgv_lang["husband"];
            } else {
                if ($indexval == 2) {
                    print $pgv_lang["wife"];
                } else {
                    print $factarray["AGE"];
            print "</span>: ";
            $age = get_age_at_event($agerec);
            print PrintReady($age);
            print " ";
Exemplo n.º 27
  * add historical events to individual facts array
  * @return records added to indifacts array
  * Historical facts are imported from optional language file : histo.xx.php
  * where xx is language code
  * This file should contain records similar to :
  * $histo[]="1 EVEN\n2 TYPE History\n2 DATE 11 NOV 1918\n2 NOTE WW1 Armistice";
  * $histo[]="1 EVEN\n2 TYPE History\n2 DATE 8 MAY 1945\n2 NOTE WW2 Armistice";
  * etc...
 function add_historical_facts()
     global $LANGUAGE, $lang_short_cut;
     // Only include events between birth and death
     $bDate = $this->getEstimatedBirthDate();
     $dDate = $this->getEstimatedDeathDate();
     if (!$bDate->isOK()) {
     if ($SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS && file_exists('languages/histo.' . $lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE] . '.php')) {
         include 'languages/histo.' . $lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE] . '.php';
         foreach ($histo as $indexval => $hrec) {
             $sdate = new GedcomDate(get_gedcom_value('DATE', 2, $hrec, '', false));
             if ($sdate->isOK() && GedcomDate::Compare($this->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $sdate) <= 0 && GedcomDate::Compare($sdate, $this->getEstimatedDeathDate()) <= 0) {
                 $event = new Event($hrec);
                 $this->indifacts[] = $event;