function print_dau_summary() { global $instance_util_obj; $dau = $instance_util_obj->get_dau(); $instances = $instance_util_obj->get_instances_detail_data(); $total_cost = 0; $total_instances = 0; foreach ($instances as $class => $data) { $total_cost += $data["cost"]; $total_instances += $data["count"]; } $cost_per_user = round($total_cost / $dau, 4); $dau_per_instance = round($dau / $total_instances); $markup = get_game_status($dau_per_instance); $markup .= "<div><b>DAU:</b> " . number_format($dau) . "</div>"; $markup .= "<div><b>DAU per Instance:<sup>1</sup></b> " . format_dau_per_instance($dau_per_instance) . "</div>"; //$markup .= "<div><b>Cost per user:</b> $$cost_per_user per day</div>"; $markup .= "<br/>"; echo $markup; }
function print_games_summary($dataArr, $zc = 0) { $tbl_struct = array(array("label" => "Game", "bold" => 1), array("label" => "Total Instances", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "DAU", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "DAU per Instance", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "RPS<sup>1</sup>", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "Cost per User<sup>2</sup>", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "Optimal Instance <br/> count<sup>3</sup>", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "% Slack", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "Status<sup>4</sup>")); global $server_cfg; if (isset($server_cfg["hostname"])) { $hostname = $server_cfg["hostname"]; } else { $hostname = ""; } $tbl_data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($dataArr as $game => $data) { if (isset($_GET['static'])) { $date = date('dm'); $game_detail_link = "<a href='http://{$hostname}/zperfmon/report/static/{$date}/{$game}.html'>{$game}</a>"; } else { $game_detail_link = "<a href='instance-detail-report.php?game={$game}'>{$game}</a>"; } $status = get_game_status($data["dau_per_instance"], $zc); $tbl_data[$i][] = $game_detail_link; //game name $tbl_data[$i][] = number_format($data["count"]); //instances $tbl_data[$i][] = number_format($data["dau"]); //dau $tbl_data[$i][] = number_format($data["dau_per_instance"]); $tbl_data[$i][] = format_rps($data["rps"], $zc); $tbl_data[$i][] = $data["cost_per_user"]; // $tbl_data[$i][] = number_format($data["optimal_instance_count"]); //recommended instance count $tbl_data[$i][] = "-"; $tbl_data[$i][] = number_format($data["slack"], 2) . "%"; //% slack $tbl_data[$i][] = $status; $i++; } $markup = ReportTableMarkup::get_table_markup($tbl_struct, $tbl_data); echo $markup; }
<?php /* * Copyright 2009 MiTH. All Rights Reserved. * * Application: MiTH (Mafia in The House) * File: 'group.php' */ require_once 'mithkeys.php'; $user_id = $facebook->api_client->users_getLoggedInUser(); get_game_status($game_id); //TODO get the list of people who have accepted and who have not.