function get_folders($root, $subdir = null) { $folders = array(); if (!empty($subdir)) { $path = $root . '/' . $subdir; } else { $path = $root; } $di = new DirectoryIterator($path); if (!empty($di)) { foreach ($di as $fileinfo) { if (!$fileinfo->isDir() || $fileinfo->isDot()) { continue; } $name = $fileinfo->getFilename(); $newsubdir = empty($subdir) ? $name : $subdir . '/' . $name; $folders[] = $newsubdir; $subdirectories = get_folders($root, $newsubdir); if (!empty($subdirectories)) { foreach ($subdirectories as $s) { $folders[] = $s; } } } } return $folders; }
function dir_tree($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn = array(), $sDS = "/") { $arTree = array(); if (is_dir($sPathDir)) { $arTree[] = $sPathDir; //bug($sPathDir,"is dir"); //bug($arNotToCountOn); if (has_dir($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS)) { //bug($sPathDir,"has folders"); $arSubDir = get_folders($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS); //bug($arSubDir,"subdir"); foreach ($arSubDir as $sFolderName) { $sPath = $sPathDir . $sDS . $sFolderName; //$arTree[] = dir_tree($sPath); foreach (dir_tree($sPath, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS) as $sPaths) { $arTree[] = $sPaths; } } } } return $arTree; }
/** * build_settings_formtype * * * */ function build_settings_formtype($setting_data) { // options for themes dropdown if ($setting_data['property_name'] == 'theme') { $theme_dir = WW_ROOT . "/ww_view/themes/"; $themes = get_folders($theme_dir); $setting_data['options'] = '/' . implode(',/', $themes); } switch ($setting_data['formtype']) { // text case 'text': case 'custom': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $default = $setting_data['formtype'] == 'custom' ? '[custom field]' : $default; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <input type="text" name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" value="' . $setting_data['property_value'] . '"/> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // textarea // textarea case 'textarea': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <textarea name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" cols="50" rows="3">' . $setting_data['property_value'] . '</textarea> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // select // select case 'select': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <select name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" > <option value="">select...</option>'; //options for front article dropdown if ($setting_data['property_name'] == 'article_id') { $articles = get_articles_basic('', '', 'date_uploaded DESC', 25); foreach ($articles as $article) { $selected = $article['id'] == $setting_data['property_value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $form_field .= ' <option value="' . $article['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $article['title'] . '</option>'; } } else { // generic options $options = explode(",", $setting_data['options']); foreach ($options as $option) { $option = trim($option); $selected = $option == $setting_data['property_value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $form_field .= ' <option value="' . $option . '"' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>'; } } $form_field .= ' </select> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // checkbox /* case 'checkbox': $checked = (!empty($setting_data['property_value'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ; $default = (!empty($setting_data['default_value'])) ? 'yes' : 'no' ; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'"> '.str_replace('_',' ',$setting_data['property_name']).' </label> <span class="checkbox"> <input type="'.$setting_data['formtype'].'" name="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" id="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" value="1"'.$checked.'/> </span> <span class="default">'.$default.'</span> <span class="note">'.$setting_data['summary'].'</span> </p>'; break; */ // checkbox /* case 'checkbox': $checked = (!empty($setting_data['property_value'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ; $default = (!empty($setting_data['default_value'])) ? 'yes' : 'no' ; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'"> '.str_replace('_',' ',$setting_data['property_name']).' </label> <span class="checkbox"> <input type="'.$setting_data['formtype'].'" name="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" id="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" value="1"'.$checked.'/> </span> <span class="default">'.$default.'</span> <span class="note">'.$setting_data['summary'].'</span> </p>'; break; */ case 'checkbox': $yes_selected = !empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $no_selected = empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $opt_class = !empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' opt_yes' : ''; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <select name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" class="select_checkbox' . $opt_class . '"> <option value="0"' . $no_selected . '>No</option> <option value="1"' . $yes_selected . '>Yes</option> </select> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; default: $form_field = ''; } // end switch return $form_field; }
if (!empty($theme_files)) { $list_files = ' <ul>'; foreach ($theme_files as $th_f) { $file_link = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=editor&theme=' . $edit_theme . '&file='; $list_files .= ' <li> <a href="' . $file_link . $th_f['filename'] . '">' . $th_f['filename'] . '</a> (' . $th_f['size'] . 'b) </li>'; } $list_files .= ' </ul>'; } $list_themes = ''; $themes_dir = WW_ROOT . "/ww_view/themes/"; $themes = get_folders($themes_dir); if (!empty($themes)) { $list_themes .= '<ul>'; foreach ($themes as $th) { $theme_link = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=editor&theme=' . $th; $list_themes .= ' <li> <a href="' . $theme_link . '">' . $th . '</a> </li>'; } $list_themes .= '</ul>'; } $create_file = ' <p>Create a new css file for ' . $edit_theme . '</p> <form action="' . $action_url . '" method="post" name="create_file_form"> <p><label for="new_file">File name:</label>
} else { echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } ?> </title> <link><?php echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . BASE_URL . 'index.php?rss=' . str_replace(" ", "%20", $params['rss']); ?> </link> </image> <?php if ($params['rss']) { $albums[] = str_replace("%20", " ", $params['rss']); } else { $albums = get_folders(ALBUMS_ROOT); } foreach ($albums as $album) { if (is_dir(ALBUMS_ROOT . '/' . $album)) { $photos = get_images(ALBUMS_ROOT . '/' . $album); } else { $photos = array(); } $first = true; foreach ($photos as $photo) { $title = '<title>' . $photo . '</title>'; $desc = '<description><p><a href="' . 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(" ", "%20", BASE_URL . 'albums/' . $album . '/') . $photo . '"><img src="' . 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(" ", "%20", BASE_URL . 'albums/' . $album . '/thumb/') . $photo . '" alt="photo" title="" style="float:left; padding-right:10px; padding-bottom:10px;"/></a></p><br clear=all></description>'; $link = '<link>' . 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(" ", "%20", BASE_URL . 'albums/' . '/' . $album) . $photo . '</link>'; $last_modified = exif_read_data(ALBUMS_ROOT . '/' . $album . '/' . $photo); $last_modified = mktime(substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 11, 2), substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 14, 2), substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 17, 2), substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 5, 2), substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 8, 2), substr($last_modified['DateTimeOriginal'], 0, 4)); if ($last_modified < 950000000) {
<input name="action" type="submit" value="delete"/> </span> </p> </form> '; } // output aside content - into $aside_content variable $quicklinks = ' <ul> <li><a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=files">Files</a></li> <li><a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=images">Images</a></li> <li><a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=attachments">Attachments</a></li> </ul>'; $aside_content = build_snippet('Quick Links', $quicklinks); // attachment subfolders $attachment_folders = get_folders(WW_ROOT . "/ww_files/attachments"); if (!empty($attachment_folders)) { $aside_content .= ' <div class="snippet"> <h6>Attachment folders</h6> <ul>'; foreach ($attachment_folders as $folder) { $aside_content .= ' <li> <a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=attachments&ext=' . $folder . '">' . $folder . '</a> </li>'; } $aside_content .= ' </ul> </div>'; }
</div> </div> <div class="title_bg"> <div class="title">Manage</div> <div class="module_content"> <div class="subtitle">Uninstalled Applications</div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Folder Name</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $folders = get_folders(AC_FOLDER_APPLICATIONS); $no_installed = true; if (!empty($folders)) { foreach ($folders as $folder) { if (!in_array($folder['name'], $apps_array)) { $no_installed = false; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $folder['name']; ?> </td> <td> <?php if (file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AC_FOLDER_APPLICATIONS . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder['name'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "install_config.php")) { ?>
</div> </div> <div class="title_bg"> <div class="title">Themes</div> <div class="module_content"> <div class="subtitle">Uninstalled Themes</div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $folders = get_folders(AC_FOLDER_THEMES); $no_installed = true; foreach ($folders as $folder) { if (!in_array($folder['name'], $theme_array)) { $no_installed = false; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $folder['name']; ?> </td> <td><a href="themes.php?do=install&f=<?php echo $folder['name']; ?> ">Install</a></td> </tr>
function unprotect_folder($vars) { $fl = get_folders(); $folder = $fl[$vars['folder_id']]; if (!$folder) { die("Folder not found: {$vars['folder_id']}"); } if (is_dir($folder['path'])) { $errs = 0; foreach ($folder['files_content'] as $fname => $content) { $f = "{$folder['path']}/{$fname}"; if (!is_file($f)) { continue; } $res = unlink($f); if (!$res) { $errs++; $err[] = "File {$f} couldn't be removed - please remove it manually"; } } } else { print "Folder {$folder['path']} seems to be removed...skipping protection removing step<br />"; } // save folder info now global $config, $db; $files = $db->escape(serialize($files)); $db->query("DELETE FROM {$db->config[prefix]}folders\n WHERE folder_id={$vars[folder_id]}\n "); admin_log("Folder protection removed ({$path}) - {$method}", "folders", $vars['folder_id']); if ($errs) { print "<font color=red><b>"; print "Protection has removed, but some errors happened - please follow our recommenendations to fix:<br />"; foreach ($err as $e) { print "<li>{$e}"; } print "<br /><br />after fixing all problems listed above, click <a href='protect.php'>here</a>"; } else { admin_html_redirect("protect.php?added=ok", "Folder un-protected", "Protection has been removed from the folder"); } exit; }
/** * Retrieves backups from backup folder and sort them in creation date * * @param string $folder * @return array */ function backup_module_get_backups($folder) { $existing_backups = get_folders($folder); $existing_backups_list = array(); if (is_foreachable($existing_backups)) { foreach ($existing_backups as $existing_backup) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($existing_backup); if (strpos($pathinfo['filename'], 'backup ') === 0) { $backup_name = $pathinfo['filename']; if (preg_match("/backup (.*)-(.*)-(.*) (.*)-(.*) GMT/", $backup_name, $results)) { $timestamp = mktime($results[4], $results[5], 0, $results[2], $results[3], $results[1]); $existing_backups_list[] = array('time' => new DateTimeValue($timestamp), 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'size' => dir_size($existing_backup), 'complete' => backup_module_backup_is_valid($backup_name), 'path' => $existing_backup); } // if } // if } // foreach } // if // sort arrays by date usort($existing_backups_list, 'backup_module_compare_backup_dates'); return $existing_backups_list; }
/** * Recursive remove directory * * @param string $folder * @param string $restriction_path * @return boolean */ function recursive_rmdir($folder, $restriction_path = '/') { if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') { if (strpos($folder, $restriction_path) !== 0) { return false; } // if } else { if (strpos(strtolower($folder), strtolower($restriction_path)) !== 0) { return false; } // if } // if if (is_dir($folder)) { $paths = array_merge(get_files($folder), get_folders($folder)); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_dir($path) && !is_link($path)) { recursive_rmdir($path, $restriction_path); } else { unlink($path); } // if } // foreach return rmdir($folder); } // if return true; }
<h1><?php echo $params['title']; ?> </h1> <p><?php echo $params['subtitle']; ?> </p> <h2>Albums</h2> <ul class="album_list"> <?php foreach (get_folders(ALBUMS_ROOT) as $album) { echo '<li>' . l($album, $album) . '</li>'; } ?> <br class="clear"/> </ul> <?php echo '<p>Subscribe feed of all albums as <a href="photo://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . BASE_URL . '?rss">iPhoto photocast</a> or <a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . BASE_URL . '?rss">RSS</a>.</p>'; ?> <p>© <a href="" title="Portfolio of Peter Gassner">Peter Gassner</a> & <a href="" title="Portfolio of Benjamin Wiederkehr">Benjamin Wiederkehr</a> & <a href="" title="Portfolio of Carlo Joerges">Carlo Joerges</a> 2008</p>
header('Location: ' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=files'); } // delete folder if (isset($_POST['remove_folder'])) { if (!empty($_GET['folder'])) { $rm_folder = WW_ROOT . '/ww_files/' . $_GET['folder'] . '/'; rmdir($rm_folder); header('Location: ' . WW_WEB_ROOT . '/ww_edit/index.php?page_name=files'); } } // show a 'portal' page if no folder is selected if (!isset($_GET['folder'])) { // list attachment folders $attachment_folders = get_folders(WW_ROOT . "/ww_files/attachments/"); // create link list of custom folders $file_folders = get_folders(WW_ROOT . "/ww_files/"); $exclude = array('_cache', 'attachments', 'images'); $custom_folders = array(); foreach ($file_folders as $ff) { if (!in_array($ff, $exclude)) { $custom_folders[] = array('title' => $ff, 'link' => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?page_name=files&folder=' . $ff); } } $right_text = 'files home'; } elseif (isset($_GET['folder'])) { $files = get_files(WW_ROOT . '/ww_files/' . $_GET['folder'] . '/'); $total_files = count($files); $right_text = $total_files . ' found'; } elseif (isset($_GET['filename'])) { $file_details = get_file_details(WW_ROOT . '/ww_files/' . $_GET['folder'] . '/' . $_GET['filename']); $right_text = $_GET['filename'];
if ($do == "language") { ?> <div class="subtitle">Languages</div> <div class="subExplain"> <i>If you'd like to add another language, copy the /language/en folder and rename the folder and filename to something else. The folder and filename MUST be the same. For example, language/french/french.php or language/fr/fr.php.</i> </div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $folders = get_folders(AC_FOLDER_LANGUAGE); $result = $db->execute("\n\t\t\tSELECT config_value \n\t\t\tFROM arrowchat_config\n\t\t\tWHERE config_name = 'language'\n\t\t"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); foreach ($folders as $folder) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $folder['name']; ?> </td> <?php if (strtolower($row['config_value']) == strtolower($folder['name'])) { ?> <td>Currently Activated</td> <?php } else {