Exemplo n.º 1
function generate_graph($channel)
    $filename = make_db_filename($channel);
    $dates = get_dates($filename);
    $start_date = $dates['start']['date'];
    $end_date = $dates['end']['date'];
    $start = $dates['start_format'];
    $end = $dates['end_format'];
    return make_gnuplot_input($start_date, $end_date, $start, $end, $channel, $filename);
Exemplo n.º 2
function echo_main_dashboard_JSON($project_instance, $date)
    $start = microtime_float();
    $noforcelogin = 1;
    include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config/config.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    include 'public/login.php';
    include_once 'models/banner.php';
    include_once 'models/build.php';
    include_once 'models/subproject.php';
    $response = array();
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        $response['error'] = 'Error connecting to CDash database server';
        echo json_encode($response);
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        $response['error'] = 'Error selecting CDash database';
        echo json_encode($response);
    $projectid = $project_instance->Id;
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
        $projectname = $project_array['name'];
        if (isset($project_array['testingdataurl']) && $project_array['testingdataurl'] != '') {
            $testingdataurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['testingdataurl']));
    } else {
        $response['error'] = "This project doesn't exist. Maybe the URL you are trying to access is wrong.";
        echo json_encode($response);
    if (!checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $project_array['id'], 1)) {
        $response['requirelogin'] = 1;
        echo json_encode($response);
    $response = begin_JSON_response();
    $response['title'] = "CDash - {$projectname}";
    $response['feed'] = $CDASH_ENABLE_FEED;
    $response['showcalendar'] = 1;
    $Banner = new Banner();
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    $banners = array();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $banners[] = $text;
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $banners[] = $text;
    $response['banners'] = $banners;
    $site_response = array();
    // If parentid is set we need to lookup the date for this build
    // because it is not specified as a query string parameter.
    if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) {
        $parentid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['parentid']);
        $parent_build = new Build();
        $parent_build->Id = $parentid;
        $date = $parent_build->GetDate();
        $response['parentid'] = $parentid;
    } else {
        $response['parentid'] = -1;
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array['nightlytime']);
    // Main dashboard section
    get_dashboard_JSON($projectname, $date, $response);
    $response['displaylabels'] = $project_array['displaylabels'];
    $page_id = 'index.php';
    $response['childview'] = 0;
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/models/proProject.php')) {
        include_once 'local/models/proProject.php';
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $response['proedition'] = $pro->GetEdition(1);
    if ($currentstarttime > time() && !isset($_GET['parentid'])) {
        $response['error'] = 'CDash cannot predict the future (yet)';
        echo json_encode($response);
    // Menu definition
    $response['menu'] = array();
    $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime;
    $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
    $beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
    $end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
    if ($project_instance->GetNumberOfSubProjects($end_UTCDate) > 0) {
        $response['menu']['subprojects'] = 1;
    if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) {
        $page_id = 'indexchildren.php';
        $response['childview'] = 1;
        // When a parentid is specified, we should link to the next build,
        // not the next day.
        $previous_buildid = $parent_build->GetPreviousBuildId();
        $current_buildid = $parent_build->GetCurrentBuildId();
        $next_buildid = $parent_build->GetNextBuildId();
        $base_url = 'index.php?project=' . urlencode($projectname);
        if ($previous_buildid > 0) {
            $response['menu']['previous'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$previous_buildid}";
        } else {
            $response['menu']['noprevious'] = '1';
        $response['menu']['current'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$current_buildid}";
        if ($next_buildid > 0) {
            $response['menu']['next'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$next_buildid}";
        } else {
            $response['menu']['nonext'] = '1';
    } elseif (!has_next_date($date, $currentstarttime)) {
        $response['menu']['nonext'] = 1;
    // Check if a SubProject parameter was specified.
    $subproject_name = @$_GET['subproject'];
    $subprojectid = false;
    if ($subproject_name) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $subproject_name = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($subproject_name));
        $subprojectid = $SubProject->GetId();
        if ($subprojectid) {
            // Add an extra URL argument for the menu
            $response['extraurl'] = '&subproject=' . urlencode($subproject_name);
            $response['subprojectname'] = $subproject_name;
            $subproject_response = array();
            $subproject_response['name'] = $SubProject->GetName();
            $dependencies = $SubProject->GetDependencies();
            if ($dependencies) {
                $dependencies_response = array();
                foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
                    $dependency_response = array();
                    $DependProject = new SubProject();
                    $dependency_response['name'] = $DependProject->GetName();
                    $dependency_response['name_encoded'] = urlencode($DependProject->GetName());
                    $dependency_response['nbuilderror'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['nbuildwarning'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['nbuildpass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['nconfigureerror'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['nconfigurewarning'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['nconfigurepass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['ntestpass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['ntestfail'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    $dependency_response['ntestnotrun'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate);
                    if (strlen($DependProject->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
                        $dependency_response['lastsubmission'] = 'NA';
                    } else {
                        $dependency_response['lastsubmission'] = $DependProject->GetLastSubmission();
                    $dependencies_response[] = $dependency_response;
                $subproject_response['dependencies'] = $dependencies_response;
            $response['subproject'] = $subproject_response;
        } else {
            add_log("SubProject '{$subproject_name}' does not exist", __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_WARNING);
    if (isset($testingdataurl)) {
        $response['testingdataurl'] = $testingdataurl;
    // updates
    $updates_response = array();
    $gmdate = gmdate(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime);
    $updates_response['url'] = 'viewChanges.php?project=' . urlencode($projectname) . '&date=' . $gmdate;
    $dailyupdate = pdo_query("SELECT count(ds.dailyupdateid),count(distinct ds.author)\n            FROM dailyupdate AS d LEFT JOIN dailyupdatefile AS ds ON (ds.dailyupdateid = d.id)\n            WHERE d.date='{$gmdate}' and d.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY ds.dailyupdateid");
    if (pdo_num_rows($dailyupdate) > 0) {
        $dailupdate_array = pdo_fetch_array($dailyupdate);
        $updates_response['nchanges'] = $dailupdate_array[0];
        $updates_response['nauthors'] = $dailupdate_array[1];
    } else {
        $updates_response['nchanges'] = -1;
    $updates_response['timestamp'] = date('l, F d Y - H:i T', $currentstarttime);
    $response['updates'] = $updates_response;
    // This array is used to track if expected builds are found or not.
    $received_builds = array();
    // Get info about our buildgroups.
    $buildgroups_response = array();
    $buildgroup_result = pdo_query("SELECT bg.id, bg.name, bgp.position FROM buildgroup AS bg\n            LEFT JOIN buildgroupposition AS bgp ON (bgp.buildgroupid=bg.id)\n            WHERE bg.projectid={$projectid} AND bg.starttime < '{$beginning_UTCDate}' AND\n            (bg.endtime > '{$beginning_UTCDate}' OR\n             bg.endtime='1980-01-01 00:00:00')");
    while ($buildgroup_array = pdo_fetch_array($buildgroup_result)) {
        $buildgroup_response = array();
        $groupname = $buildgroup_array['name'];
        $buildgroup_response['id'] = $buildgroup_array['id'];
        $buildgroup_response['name'] = $groupname;
        $buildgroup_response['linkname'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $groupname);
        $buildgroup_response['position'] = $buildgroup_array['position'];
        $buildgroup_response['numupdatedfiles'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numupdateerror'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numupdatewarning'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['updateduration'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['configureduration'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numconfigureerror'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numconfigurewarning'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numbuilderror'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numbuildwarning'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numtestnotrun'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numtestfail'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['numtestpass'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['testduration'] = 0;
        $buildgroup_response['hasupdatedata'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['hasconfiguredata'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['hascompilationdata'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['hastestdata'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['hasnormalbuilds'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['hasparentbuilds'] = false;
        $buildgroup_response['builds'] = array();
        $received_builds[$groupname] = array();
        $buildgroups_response[] = $buildgroup_response;
    // Filters:
    $filterdata = get_filterdata_from_request($page_id);
    $filter_sql = $filterdata['sql'];
    $limit_sql = '';
    if ($filterdata['limit'] > 0) {
        $limit_sql = ' LIMIT ' . $filterdata['limit'];
    $response['filterdata'] = $filterdata;
    $response['filterurl'] = get_filterurl();
    // Check if we should be excluding some SubProjects from our
    // build results.
    $include_subprojects = false;
    $exclude_subprojects = false;
    $included_subprojects = array();
    $excluded_subprojects = array();
    $selected_subprojects = '';
    $num_selected_subprojects = 0;
    $filter_on_labels = false;
    $share_label_filters = false;
    foreach ($filterdata['filters'] as $filter) {
        if ($filter['field'] == 'subprojects') {
            if ($filter['compare'] == 92) {
                $excluded_subprojects[] = $filter['value'];
            } elseif ($filter['compare'] == 93) {
                $included_subprojects[] = $filter['value'];
        } elseif ($filter['field'] == 'label') {
            $filter_on_labels = true;
    if ($filter_on_labels && $project_instance->ShareLabelFilters) {
        $share_label_filters = true;
        $response['sharelabelfilters'] = true;
        $label_ids_array = get_label_ids_from_filterdata($filterdata);
        $label_ids = '(' . implode(', ', $label_ids_array) . ')';
    // Include takes precedence over exclude.
    if (!empty($included_subprojects)) {
        $num_selected_subprojects = count($included_subprojects);
        $selected_subprojects = implode("','", $included_subprojects);
        $selected_subprojects = "('" . $selected_subprojects . "')";
        $include_subprojects = true;
    } elseif (!empty($excluded_subprojects)) {
        $num_selected_subprojects = count($excluded_subprojects);
        $selected_subprojects = implode("','", $excluded_subprojects);
        $selected_subprojects = "('" . $selected_subprojects . "')";
        $exclude_subprojects = true;
    // add a request for the subproject
    $subprojectsql = '';
    if ($subproject_name && is_numeric($subprojectid)) {
        $subprojectsql = ' AND sp2b.subprojectid=' . $subprojectid;
    // Use this as the default date clause, but if $filterdata has a date clause,
    // then cancel this one out:
    $date_clause = "AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>='{$beginning_UTCDate}' ";
    if ($filterdata['hasdateclause']) {
        $date_clause = '';
    $parent_clause = '';
    if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) {
        // If we have a parentid, then we should only show children of that build.
        // Date becomes irrelevant in this case.
        $parent_clause = 'AND (b.parentid = ' . qnum($_GET['parentid']) . ') ';
        $date_clause = '';
    } elseif (empty($subprojectsql)) {
        // Only show builds that are not children.
        $parent_clause = 'AND (b.parentid = -1 OR b.parentid = 0) ';
    $build_rows = array();
    // If the user is logged in we display if the build has some changes for him
    $userupdatesql = '';
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash']) && array_key_exists('loginid', $_SESSION['cdash'])) {
        $userupdatesql = "(SELECT count(updatefile.updateid) FROM updatefile,build2update,user2project,\n            user2repository\n                WHERE build2update.buildid=b.id\n                AND build2update.updateid=updatefile.updateid\n                AND user2project.projectid=b.projectid\n                AND user2project.userid='" . $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'] . "'\n                AND user2repository.userid=user2project.userid\n                AND (user2repository.projectid=0 OR user2repository.projectid=b.projectid)\n                AND user2repository.credential=updatefile.author) AS userupdates,";
    $sql = get_index_query();
    $sql .= "WHERE b.projectid='{$projectid}' AND g.type='Daily'\n        {$parent_clause} {$date_clause} {$subprojectsql} {$filter_sql} {$limit_sql}";
    // We shouldn't get any builds for group that have been deleted (otherwise something is wrong)
    $builds = pdo_query($sql);
    // Log any errors
    $pdo_error = pdo_error();
    if (strlen($pdo_error) > 0) {
        add_log('SQL error: ' . $pdo_error, 'Index.php', LOG_ERR);
    // Gather up results from this query.
    $build_data = array();
    while ($build_row = pdo_fetch_array($builds)) {
        $build_data[] = $build_row;
    $dynamic_builds = array();
    if (empty($filter_sql)) {
        $dynamic_builds = get_dynamic_builds($projectid, $end_UTCDate);
        $build_data = array_merge($build_data, $dynamic_builds);
    // Check if we need to summarize coverage by subproject groups.
    // This happens when we have subprojects and we're looking at the children
    // of a specific build.
    $coverage_groups = array();
    if (isset($_GET['parentid']) && $_GET['parentid'] > 0 && $project_instance->GetNumberOfSubProjects($end_UTCDate) > 0) {
        $groups = $project_instance->GetSubProjectGroups();
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            // Keep track of coverage info on a per-group basis.
            $groupId = $group->GetId();
            $coverage_groups[$groupId] = array();
            $coverageThreshold = $group->GetCoverageThreshold();
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold;
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7;
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['label'] = $group->GetName();
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['loctested'] = 0;
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['locuntested'] = 0;
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['position'] = $group->GetPosition();
            $coverage_groups[$groupId]['coverages'] = array();
        if (count($groups) > 1) {
            // Add a Total group too.
            $coverage_groups[0] = array();
            $coverageThreshold = $project_array['coveragethreshold'];
            $coverage_groups[0]['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold;
            $coverage_groups[0]['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7;
            $coverage_groups[0]['label'] = 'Total';
            $coverage_groups[0]['loctested'] = 0;
            $coverage_groups[0]['locuntested'] = 0;
            $coverage_groups[0]['position'] = 0;
    // Fetch all the rows of builds into a php array.
    // Compute additional fields for each row that we'll need to generate the xml.
    $build_rows = array();
    foreach ($build_data as $build_row) {
        // Fields that come from the initial query:
        //  id
        //  sitename
        //  stamp
        //  name
        //  siteid
        //  type
        //  generator
        //  starttime
        //  endtime
        //  submittime
        //  groupname
        //  position
        //  groupid
        //  countupdatefiles
        //  updatestatus
        //  countupdatewarnings
        //  countbuildwarnings
        //  countbuilderrors
        //  countbuilderrordiff
        //  countbuildwarningdiff
        //  configureduration
        //  countconfigureerrors
        //  countconfigurewarnings
        //  countconfigurewarningdiff
        //  counttestsnotrun
        //  counttestsnotrundiff
        //  counttestsfailed
        //  counttestsfaileddiff
        //  counttestspassed
        //  counttestspasseddiff
        //  countteststimestatusfailed
        //  countteststimestatusfaileddiff
        //  testduration
        // Fields that we add within this loop:
        //  maxstarttime
        //  buildids (array of buildids for summary rows)
        //  countbuildnotes (added by users)
        //  labels
        //  updateduration
        //  countupdateerrors
        //  test
        $buildid = $build_row['id'];
        $groupid = $build_row['groupid'];
        $siteid = $build_row['siteid'];
        $parentid = $build_row['parentid'];
        $build_row['buildids'][] = $buildid;
        $build_row['maxstarttime'] = $build_row['starttime'];
        // Updates
        if (!empty($build_row['updatestarttime'])) {
            $build_row['updateduration'] = round((strtotime($build_row['updateendtime']) - strtotime($build_row['updatestarttime'])) / 60, 1);
        } else {
            $build_row['updateduration'] = 0;
        if (strlen($build_row['updatestatus']) > 0 && $build_row['updatestatus'] != '0') {
            $build_row['countupdateerrors'] = 1;
        } else {
            $build_row['countupdateerrors'] = 0;
        // Error/Warnings differences
        if (empty($build_row['countbuilderrordiffp'])) {
            $build_row['countbuilderrordiffp'] = 0;
        if (empty($build_row['countbuilderrordiffn'])) {
            $build_row['countbuilderrordiffn'] = 0;
        if (empty($build_row['countbuildwarningdiffp'])) {
            $build_row['countbuildwarningdiffp'] = 0;
        if (empty($build_row['countbuildwarningdiffn'])) {
            $build_row['countbuildwarningdiffn'] = 0;
        $build_row['hasconfigure'] = 0;
        if ($build_row['countconfigureerrors'] != -1 || $build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] != -1) {
            $build_row['hasconfigure'] = 1;
        if ($build_row['countconfigureerrors'] < 0) {
            $build_row['countconfigureerrors'] = 0;
        if ($build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] < 0) {
            $build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] = 0;
        if (empty($build_row['countconfigurewarningdiff'])) {
            $build_row['countconfigurewarningdiff'] = 0;
        $build_row['hastest'] = 0;
        if ($build_row['counttestsfailed'] != -1) {
            $build_row['hastest'] = 1;
        if (empty($build_row['testduration'])) {
            $time_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT SUM(time) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}'"));
            $build_row['testduration'] = round($time_array[0], 1);
        } else {
            $build_row['testduration'] = round($build_row['testduration'], 1);
        $build_rows[] = $build_row;
    // Generate the JSON response from the rows of builds.
    $response['coverages'] = array();
    $response['dynamicanalyses'] = array();
    $num_nightly_coverages_builds = 0;
    $show_aggregate = false;
    $response['comparecoverage'] = 0;
    foreach ($build_rows as $build_array) {
        $groupid = $build_array['groupid'];
        // Find the buildgroup array for this build.
        $i = -1;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($buildgroups_response); $j++) {
            if ($buildgroups_response[$j]['id'] == $groupid) {
                $i = $j;
        if ($i == -1) {
            add_log("BuildGroup '{$groupid}' not found for build #" . $build_array['id'], __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_WARNING);
        $groupname = $buildgroups_response[$i]['name'];
        $build_response = array();
        $received_builds[$groupname][] = $build_array['sitename'] . '_' . $build_array['name'];
        $buildid = $build_array['id'];
        $siteid = $build_array['siteid'];
        $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS numchildren
                FROM build WHERE parentid=' . qnum($buildid));
        $numchildren = $countChildrenResult['numchildren'];
        $build_response['numchildren'] = $numchildren;
        $child_builds_hyperlink = '';
        $selected_configure_errors = 0;
        $selected_configure_warnings = 0;
        $selected_configure_duration = 0;
        $selected_build_errors = 0;
        $selected_build_warnings = 0;
        $selected_build_duration = 0;
        $selected_tests_not_run = 0;
        $selected_tests_failed = 0;
        $selected_tests_passed = 0;
        $selected_test_duration = 0;
        if ($numchildren > 0) {
            $child_builds_hyperlink = get_child_builds_hyperlink($build_array['id'], $filterdata);
            $build_response['multiplebuildshyperlink'] = $child_builds_hyperlink;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasparentbuilds'] = true;
            // Compute selected (excluded or included) SubProject results.
            if ($selected_subprojects) {
                $select_query = "\n                    SELECT configureerrors, configurewarnings, configureduration,\n                           builderrors, buildwarnings, buildduration,\n                           b.starttime, b.endtime, testnotrun, testfailed, testpassed,\n                           btt.time AS testduration, sb.name\n                    FROM build AS b\n                    INNER JOIN subproject2build AS sb2b ON (b.id = sb2b.buildid)\n                    INNER JOIN subproject AS sb ON (sb2b.subprojectid = sb.id)\n                    LEFT JOIN buildtesttime AS btt ON (b.id=btt.buildid)\n                    WHERE b.parentid={$buildid}\n                    AND sb.name IN {$selected_subprojects}";
                $select_results = pdo_query($select_query);
                while ($select_array = pdo_fetch_array($select_results)) {
                    $selected_configure_errors += max(0, $select_array['configureerrors']);
                    $selected_configure_warnings += max(0, $select_array['configurewarnings']);
                    $selected_configure_duration += max(0, $select_array['configureduration']);
                    $selected_build_errors += max(0, $select_array['builderrors']);
                    $selected_build_warnings += max(0, $select_array['buildwarnings']);
                    $selected_build_duration += max(0, $select_array['buildduration']);
                    $selected_tests_not_run += max(0, $select_array['testnotrun']);
                    $selected_tests_failed += max(0, $select_array['testfailed']);
                    $selected_tests_passed += max(0, $select_array['testpassed']);
                    $selected_test_duration += max(0, $select_array['testduration']);
        } else {
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasnormalbuilds'] = true;
        if (strtolower($build_array['type']) == 'continuous') {
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['sorttype'] = 'time';
        // Attempt to determine the platform based on the OSName and the buildname
        $buildplatform = '';
        if (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 7)) == 'windows') {
            $buildplatform = 'windows';
        } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 8)) == 'mac os x') {
            $buildplatform = 'mac';
        } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 5)) == 'linux' || strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 3)) == 'aix') {
            $buildplatform = 'linux';
        } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 7)) == 'freebsd') {
            $buildplatform = 'freebsd';
        } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 3)) == 'gnu') {
            $buildplatform = 'gnu';
        // Add link based on changeid if appropriate.
        $changelink = null;
        $changeicon = null;
        if ($build_array['changeid'] && $project_instance->CvsViewerType === 'github') {
            $changelink = $project_instance->CvsUrl . '/pull/' . $build_array['changeid'];
            $changeicon = 'img/Octocat.png';
        if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) {
            if (empty($site_response)) {
                $site_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename'];
                $site_response['siteoutoforder'] = $build_array['siteoutoforder'];
                $site_response['siteid'] = $siteid;
                $site_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name'];
                $site_response['buildplatform'] = $buildplatform;
                $site_response['generator'] = $build_array['generator'];
                if (!is_null($changelink)) {
                    $site_response['changelink'] = $changelink;
                    $site_response['changeicon'] = $changeicon;
        } else {
            $build_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename'];
            $build_response['siteoutoforder'] = $build_array['siteoutoforder'];
            $build_response['siteid'] = $siteid;
            $build_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name'];
            $build_response['buildplatform'] = $buildplatform;
            if (!is_null($changelink)) {
                $build_response['changelink'] = $changelink;
                $build_response['changeicon'] = $changeicon;
        if (isset($build_array['userupdates'])) {
            $build_response['userupdates'] = $build_array['userupdates'];
        $build_response['id'] = $build_array['id'];
        $build_response['done'] = $build_array['done'];
        $build_response['uploadfilecount'] = $build_array['builduploadfiles'];
        $build_response['buildnotes'] = $build_array['countbuildnotes'];
        $build_response['notes'] = $build_array['countnotes'];
        // Figure out how many labels to report for this build.
        if (!array_key_exists('numlabels', $build_array) || $build_array['numlabels'] == 0) {
            $num_labels = 0;
        } else {
            $num_labels = $build_array['numlabels'];
        $label_query = 'SELECT l.text FROM label AS l
            INNER JOIN label2build AS l2b ON (l.id=l2b.labelid)
            INNER JOIN build AS b ON (l2b.buildid=b.id)
            WHERE b.id=' . qnum($buildid);
        $build_labels = array();
        if ($num_selected_subprojects > 0) {
            // Special handling for whitelisting/blacklisting SubProjects.
            if ($include_subprojects) {
                $num_labels = 0;
            $labels_result = pdo_query($label_query);
            while ($label_row = pdo_fetch_array($labels_result)) {
                // Whitelist case
                if ($include_subprojects && in_array($label_row['text'], $included_subprojects)) {
                    $build_labels[] = $label_row['text'];
                // Blacklist case
                if ($exclude_subprojects) {
                    if (in_array($label_row['text'], $excluded_subprojects)) {
                    } else {
                        $build_labels[] = $label_row['text'];
            if ($num_labels === 0) {
                // Skip this build entirely if none of its SubProjects
                // survived filtering.
        // Assign a label to this build based on how many labels it has.
        if ($num_labels == 0) {
            $build_label = '(none)';
        } elseif ($num_labels == 1) {
            // Exactly one label for this build
            if (!empty($build_labels)) {
                // If we're whitelisting or blacklisting we've already figured
                // out what this label is.
                $build_label = $build_labels[0];
            } else {
                // Otherwise we look it up here.
                $label_result = pdo_single_row_query($label_query);
                $build_label = $label_result['text'];
        } else {
            // More than one label, just report the number.
            $build_label = "({$num_labels} labels)";
        $build_response['label'] = $build_label;
        // Calculate this build's total duration.
        $duration = strtotime($build_array['endtime']) - strtotime($build_array['starttime']);
        $build_response['time'] = time_difference($duration, true);
        $build_response['timefull'] = $duration;
        $update_response = array();
        $countupdatefiles = $build_array['countupdatefiles'];
        $update_response['files'] = $countupdatefiles;
        $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdatedfiles'] += $countupdatefiles;
        $build_response['hasupdate'] = false;
        if (!empty($build_array['updatestarttime'])) {
            $build_response['hasupdate'] = true;
            if ($build_array['countupdateerrors'] > 0) {
                $update_response['errors'] = 1;
                $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdateerror'] += 1;
            } else {
                $update_response['errors'] = 0;
                if ($build_array['countupdatewarnings'] > 0) {
                    $update_response['warning'] = 1;
                    $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdatewarning'] += 1;
            $duration = $build_array['updateduration'];
            $update_response['time'] = time_difference($duration * 60.0, true);
            $update_response['timefull'] = $duration;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['updateduration'] += $duration;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasupdatedata'] = true;
            $build_response['update'] = $update_response;
        $compilation_response = array();
        if ($build_array['countbuilderrors'] >= 0) {
            if ($include_subprojects) {
                $nerrors = $selected_build_errors;
                $nwarnings = $selected_build_warnings;
                $buildduration = $selected_build_duration;
            } else {
                $nerrors = $build_array['countbuilderrors'] - $selected_build_errors;
                $nwarnings = $build_array['countbuildwarnings'] - $selected_build_warnings;
                $buildduration = $build_array['buildduration'] - $selected_build_duration;
            $compilation_response['error'] = $nerrors;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuilderror'] += $nerrors;
            $compilation_response['warning'] = $nwarnings;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuildwarning'] += $nwarnings;
            $compilation_response['time'] = time_difference($buildduration, true);
            $compilation_response['timefull'] = $buildduration;
            if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) {
                // Don't show diff when filtering by SubProject.
                $compilation_response['nerrordiffp'] = $build_array['countbuilderrordiffp'];
                $compilation_response['nerrordiffn'] = $build_array['countbuilderrordiffn'];
                $compilation_response['nwarningdiffp'] = $build_array['countbuildwarningdiffp'];
                $compilation_response['nwarningdiffn'] = $build_array['countbuildwarningdiffn'];
        $build_response['hascompilation'] = false;
        if (!empty($compilation_response)) {
            $build_response['hascompilation'] = true;
            $build_response['compilation'] = $compilation_response;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hascompilationdata'] = true;
        $build_response['hasconfigure'] = false;
        if ($build_array['hasconfigure'] != 0) {
            $build_response['hasconfigure'] = true;
            $configure_response = array();
            if ($include_subprojects) {
                $nconfigureerrors = $selected_configure_errors;
                $nconfigurewarnings = $selected_configure_warnings;
                $configureduration = $selected_configure_duration;
            } else {
                $nconfigureerrors = $build_array['countconfigureerrors'] - $selected_configure_errors;
                $nconfigurewarnings = $build_array['countconfigurewarnings'] - $selected_configure_warnings;
                $configureduration = $build_array['configureduration'] - $selected_configure_duration;
            $configure_response['error'] = $nconfigureerrors;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numconfigureerror'] += $nconfigureerrors;
            $configure_response['warning'] = $nconfigurewarnings;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numconfigurewarning'] += $nconfigurewarnings;
            if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) {
                $configure_response['warningdiff'] = $build_array['countconfigurewarningdiff'];
            $configure_response['time'] = time_difference($configureduration, true);
            $configure_response['timefull'] = $configureduration;
            $build_response['configure'] = $configure_response;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasconfiguredata'] = true;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['configureduration'] += $configureduration;
        $build_response['hastest'] = false;
        if ($build_array['hastest'] != 0) {
            $build_response['hastest'] = true;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['hastestdata'] = true;
            $test_response = array();
            if ($include_subprojects) {
                $nnotrun = $selected_tests_not_run;
                $nfail = $selected_tests_failed;
                $npass = $selected_tests_passed;
                $testduration = $selected_test_duration;
            } else {
                $nnotrun = $build_array['counttestsnotrun'] - $selected_tests_not_run;
                $nfail = $build_array['counttestsfailed'] - $selected_tests_failed;
                $npass = $build_array['counttestspassed'] - $selected_tests_passed;
                $testduration = $build_array['testduration'] - $selected_test_duration;
            if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) {
                $test_response['nnotrundiffp'] = $build_array['counttestsnotrundiffp'];
                $test_response['nnotrundiffn'] = $build_array['counttestsnotrundiffn'];
                $test_response['nfaildiffp'] = $build_array['counttestsfaileddiffp'];
                $test_response['nfaildiffn'] = $build_array['counttestsfaileddiffn'];
                $test_response['npassdiffp'] = $build_array['counttestspasseddiffp'];
                $test_response['npassdiffn'] = $build_array['counttestspasseddiffn'];
            if ($project_array['showtesttime'] == 1) {
                $test_response['timestatus'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfailed'];
                $test_response['ntimediffp'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfaileddiffp'];
                $test_response['ntimediffn'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfaileddiffn'];
            if ($share_label_filters) {
                $label_query_base = "SELECT b2t.status, b2t.newstatus\n                    FROM build2test AS b2t\n                    INNER JOIN label2test AS l2t ON\n                    (l2t.testid=b2t.testid AND l2t.buildid=b2t.buildid)\n                    WHERE b2t.buildid = '{$buildid}' AND\n                    l2t.labelid IN {$label_ids}";
                $label_filter_query = $label_query_base . $limit_sql;
                $labels_result = pdo_query($label_filter_query);
                $nnotrun = 0;
                $nfail = 0;
                $npass = 0;
                $test_response['nfaildiffp'] = 0;
                $test_response['nfaildiffn'] = 0;
                $test_response['npassdiffp'] = 0;
                $test_response['npassdiffn'] = 0;
                $test_response['nnotrundiffp'] = 0;
                $test_response['nnotrundiffn'] = 0;
                while ($label_row = pdo_fetch_array($labels_result)) {
                    switch ($label_row['status']) {
                        case 'passed':
                            if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) {
                        case 'failed':
                            if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) {
                        case 'notrun':
                            if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) {
            $test_response['notrun'] = $nnotrun;
            $test_response['fail'] = $nfail;
            $test_response['pass'] = $npass;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestnotrun'] += $nnotrun;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestfail'] += $nfail;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestpass'] += $npass;
            $test_response['time'] = time_difference($testduration, true);
            $test_response['timefull'] = $testduration;
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'] += $testduration;
            $build_response['test'] = $test_response;
        $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC');
        $submittimestamp = strtotime($build_array['submittime'] . ' UTC');
        // Use the default timezone.
        $build_response['builddatefull'] = $starttimestamp;
        // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation
        if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) {
            $build_response['builddate'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
            $build_response['builddateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
        } else {
            $build_response['builddateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
            $build_response['builddate'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
        $build_response['submitdate'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $submittimestamp);
        // Generate a string summarizing this build's timing.
        $timesummary = $build_response['builddate'];
        if ($build_response['hasupdate'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['update'])) {
            $timesummary .= ', Update time: ' . $build_response['update']['time'];
        if ($build_response['hasconfigure'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['configure'])) {
            $timesummary .= ', Configure time: ' . $build_response['configure']['time'];
        if ($build_response['hascompilation'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['compilation'])) {
            $timesummary .= ', Build time: ' . $build_response['compilation']['time'];
        if ($build_response['hastest'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['test'])) {
            $timesummary .= ', Test time: ' . $build_response['test']['time'];
        $timesummary .= ', Total time: ' . $build_response['time'];
        $build_response['timesummary'] = $timesummary;
        if ($include_subprojects || $exclude_subprojects) {
            // Check if this build should be filtered out now that its
            // numbers have been updated by the SubProject include/exclude
            // filter.
            if (!build_survives_filter($build_response, $filterdata)) {
        if ($build_array['name'] != 'Aggregate Coverage') {
            $buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'][] = $build_response;
        // Coverage
        // Determine if this is a parent build with no actual coverage of its own.
        $linkToChildCoverage = false;
        if ($numchildren > 0) {
            $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(fileid) AS nfiles FROM coverage
                    WHERE buildid=' . qnum($buildid));
            if ($countChildrenResult['nfiles'] == 0) {
                $linkToChildCoverage = true;
        $coverageIsGrouped = false;
        $loctested = $build_array['loctested'];
        $locuntested = $build_array['locuntested'];
        if ($loctested + $locuntested > 0) {
            $coverage_response = array();
            $coverage_response['buildid'] = $build_array['id'];
            if ($linkToChildCoverage) {
                $coverage_response['childlink'] = "{$child_builds_hyperlink}##Coverage";
            if ($build_array['type'] === 'Nightly' && $build_array['name'] !== 'Aggregate Coverage') {
                if ($num_nightly_coverages_builds > 1) {
                    $show_aggregate = true;
                    if ($linkToChildCoverage) {
                        $response['comparecoverage'] = 1;
            $percent = round(compute_percentcoverage($loctested, $locuntested), 2);
            if ($build_array['subprojectgroup']) {
                $groupId = $build_array['subprojectgroup'];
                if (array_key_exists($groupId, $coverage_groups)) {
                    $coverageIsGrouped = true;
                    $coverageThreshold = $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdgreen'];
                    $coverage_groups[$groupId]['loctested'] += $loctested;
                    $coverage_groups[$groupId]['locuntested'] += $locuntested;
                    if (count($coverage_groups) > 1) {
                        // Add to Total.
                        $coverage_groups[0]['loctested'] += $loctested;
                        $coverage_groups[0]['locuntested'] += $locuntested;
            $coverage_response['percentage'] = $percent;
            $coverage_response['locuntested'] = intval($locuntested);
            $coverage_response['loctested'] = intval($loctested);
            // Compute the diff
            if (!empty($build_array['loctesteddiff'])) {
                $loctesteddiff = $build_array['loctesteddiff'];
                $locuntesteddiff = $build_array['locuntesteddiff'];
                @($previouspercent = round(($loctested - $loctesteddiff) / ($loctested - $loctesteddiff + $locuntested - $locuntesteddiff) * 100, 2));
                $percentdiff = round($percent - $previouspercent, 2);
                $coverage_response['percentagediff'] = $percentdiff;
                $coverage_response['locuntesteddiff'] = $locuntesteddiff;
                $coverage_response['loctesteddiff'] = $loctesteddiff;
            $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC');
            $coverage_response['datefull'] = $starttimestamp;
            // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation
            if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) {
                $coverage_response['date'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
                $coverage_response['dateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
            } else {
                $coverage_response['dateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
                $coverage_response['date'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
            // Are there labels for this build?
            $coverage_response['label'] = $build_label;
            if ($coverageIsGrouped) {
                $coverage_groups[$groupId]['coverages'][] = $coverage_response;
            } else {
                $coverage_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename'];
                $coverage_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name'];
                $response['coverages'][] = $coverage_response;
        if (!$coverageIsGrouped) {
            $coverageThreshold = $project_array['coveragethreshold'];
            $response['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold;
            $response['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7;
        // Dynamic Analysis
        if (!empty($build_array['checker'])) {
            // Determine if this is a parent build with no dynamic analysis
            // of its own.
            $linkToChildren = false;
            if ($numchildren > 0) {
                $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS num FROM dynamicanalysis
                        WHERE buildid=' . qnum($build_array['id']));
                if ($countChildrenResult['num'] == 0) {
                    $linkToChildren = true;
            $DA_response = array();
            $DA_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename'];
            $DA_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name'];
            $DA_response['buildid'] = $build_array['id'];
            $DA_response['checker'] = $build_array['checker'];
            $DA_response['defectcount'] = $build_array['numdefects'];
            $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC');
            $DA_response['datefull'] = $starttimestamp;
            if ($linkToChildren) {
                $DA_response['childlink'] = "{$child_builds_hyperlink}##DynamicAnalysis";
            // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation
            if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) {
                $DA_response['date'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
                $DA_response['dateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
            } else {
                $DA_response['dateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp);
                $DA_response['date'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago');
            // Are there labels for this build?
            $DA_response['label'] = $build_label;
            $response['dynamicanalyses'][] = $DA_response;
    // Put some finishing touches on our buildgroups now that we're done
    // iterating over all the builds.
    $addExpected = empty($filter_sql) && pdo_num_rows($builds) + count($dynamic_builds) > 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($buildgroups_response); $i++) {
        $buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'] = time_difference($buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'], true);
        $num_expected_builds = 0;
        if (!$filter_sql) {
            $groupname = $buildgroups_response[$i]['name'];
            $expected_builds = add_expected_builds($buildgroups_response[$i]['id'], $currentstarttime, $received_builds[$groupname]);
            if (is_array($expected_builds)) {
                $num_expected_builds = count($expected_builds);
                $buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'] = array_merge($buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'], $expected_builds);
        // Show how many builds this group has.
        $num_builds = count($buildgroups_response[$i]['builds']);
        $num_builds_label = '';
        if ($num_expected_builds > 0) {
            $num_actual_builds = $num_builds - $num_expected_builds;
            $num_builds_label = "{$num_actual_builds} of {$num_builds} builds";
        } else {
            if ($num_builds === 1) {
                $num_builds_label = '1 build';
            } else {
                $num_builds_label = "{$num_builds} builds";
        $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuildslabel'] = $num_builds_label;
    // Create a separate "all buildgroups" section of our response.
    // This is used to allow project admins to move builds between groups.
    $response['all_buildgroups'] = array();
    foreach ($buildgroups_response as $group) {
        $response['all_buildgroups'][] = array('id' => $group['id'], 'name' => $group['name']);
    // At this point it is safe to remove any empty buildgroups from our response.
    function is_buildgroup_nonempty($group)
        return !empty($group['builds']);
    $buildgroups_response = array_filter($buildgroups_response, 'is_buildgroup_nonempty');
    // Report buildgroups as a list, not an associative array.
    // Otherwise any missing buildgroups will cause our view to
    // not honor the order specified by the project admins.
    $buildgroups_response = array_values($buildgroups_response);
    // Remove Aggregate Coverage if it should not be displayed.
    if (!$show_aggregate) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($response['coverages']); $i++) {
            if ($response['coverages'][$i]['buildname'] === 'Aggregate Coverage') {
        $response['coverages'] = array_values($response['coverages']);
    if ($response['childview'] == 1) {
        // Report number of children.
        if (!empty($buildgroups_response)) {
            $numchildren = count($buildgroups_response[0]['builds']);
        } else {
            $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS numchildren
                    FROM build WHERE parentid=' . qnum($parentid));
            $numchildren = $row['numchildren'];
        $response['numchildren'] = $numchildren;
    // Generate coverage by group here.
    if (!empty($coverage_groups)) {
        $response['coveragegroups'] = array();
        foreach ($coverage_groups as $groupid => $group) {
            $loctested = $group['loctested'];
            $locuntested = $group['locuntested'];
            if ($loctested == 0 && $locuntested == 0) {
            $percentage = round($loctested / ($loctested + $locuntested) * 100, 2);
            $group['percentage'] = $percentage;
            $group['id'] = $groupid;
            $response['coveragegroups'][] = $group;
    $response['buildgroups'] = $buildgroups_response;
    $response['enableTestTiming'] = $project_array['showtesttime'];
    $end = microtime_float();
    $response['generationtime'] = round($end - $start, 3);
    if (!empty($site_response)) {
        $response = array_merge($response, $site_response);
    echo json_encode(cast_data_for_JSON($response));
Exemplo n.º 3
    echo "This project doesn't exist.";
$project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
$projectname = $project_array["name"];
$role = 0;
$user2project = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
if (pdo_num_rows($user2project) > 0) {
    $user2project_array = pdo_fetch_array($user2project);
    $role = $user2project_array["role"];
if (!$project_array["showcoveragecode"] && $role < 2) {
    echo "This project doesn't allow display of coverage code. Contact the administrator of the project.";
list($previousdate, $currenttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
$logoid = getLogoID($projectid);
$xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
$xml .= "<title>CDash : " . $projectname . "</title>";
$xml .= get_cdash_dashboard_xml_by_name($projectname, $date);
// Build
$xml .= "<build>";
$build = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM build WHERE id='{$buildid}'");
$build_array = pdo_fetch_array($build);
$siteid = $build_array["siteid"];
$site_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT name FROM site WHERE id='{$siteid}'"));
$xml .= add_XML_value("site", $site_array["name"]);
$xml .= add_XML_value("buildname", $build_array["name"]);
$xml .= add_XML_value("buildid", $build_array["id"]);
$xml .= add_XML_value("buildtime", $build_array["starttime"]);
$xml .= "</build>";
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Generate the subprojects dashboard */
function generate_subprojects_dashboard_XML($project_instance, $date)
    $start = microtime_float();
    $noforcelogin = 1;
    include_once "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
    include 'login.php';
    include_once "models/banner.php";
    include_once "models/subproject.php";
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        echo "Error connecting to CDash database server<br>\n";
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        echo "Error selecting CDash database<br>\n";
    $Project = $project_instance;
    $projectid = $project_instance->Id;
    $homeurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->HomeUrl));
    checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid);
    $xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
    $xml .= "<title>CDash - " . $Project->Name . "</title>";
    $Banner = new Banner();
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $xml .= "<banner>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("text", $text);
        $xml .= "</banner>";
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $xml .= "<banner>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("text", $text);
        $xml .= "</banner>";
        $xml .= "<showlastsubmission>1</showlastsubmission>";
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
    $svnurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->CvsUrl));
    $homeurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->HomeUrl));
    $bugurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->BugTrackerUrl));
    $googletracker = htmlentities($Project->GoogleTracker);
    $docurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->DocumentationUrl));
    // Main dashboard section
    $xml .= "<dashboard>\n  <datetime>" . date("l, F d Y H:i:s T", time()) . "</datetime>\n  <date>" . $date . "</date>\n  <unixtimestamp>" . $currentstarttime . "</unixtimestamp>\n  <svn>" . $svnurl . "</svn>\n  <bugtracker>" . $bugurl . "</bugtracker>\n  <googletracker>" . $googletracker . "</googletracker>\n  <documentation>" . $docurl . "</documentation>\n  <logoid>" . $Project->getLogoID() . "</logoid>\n  <projectid>" . $projectid . "</projectid>\n  <projectname>" . $Project->Name . "</projectname>\n  <projectname_encoded>" . urlencode($Project->Name) . "</projectname_encoded>\n  <previousdate>" . $previousdate . "</previousdate>\n  <projectpublic>" . $Project->Public . "</projectpublic>\n  <nextdate>" . $nextdate . "</nextdate>";
    if (empty($Project->HomeUrl)) {
        $xml .= "<home>index.php?project=" . urlencode($Project->Name) . "</home>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<home>" . $homeurl . "</home>";
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/models/proProject.php")) {
        include_once "local/models/proProject.php";
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $xml .= "<proedition>" . $pro->GetEdition(1) . "</proedition>";
    if ($currentstarttime > time()) {
        $xml .= "<future>1</future>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<future>0</future>";
    $xml .= "</dashboard>";
    // Menu definition
    $xml .= "<menu>";
    if (!has_next_date($date, $currentstarttime)) {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("nonext", "1");
    $xml .= "</menu>";
    $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime;
    $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
    $beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
    $end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
    // User
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
        $xml .= "<user>";
        $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
        $user2project = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' and projectid='{$projectid}'");
        $user2project_array = pdo_fetch_array($user2project);
        $user = pdo_query("SELECT admin FROM " . qid("user") . "  WHERE id='{$userid}'");
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("id", $userid);
        $isadmin = 0;
        if ($user2project_array["role"] > 1 || $user_array["admin"]) {
            $isadmin = 1;
        $xml .= add_XML_value("admin", $isadmin);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("projectrole", $user2project_array['role']);
        $xml .= "</user>";
    // Get some information about the project
    $xml .= "<project>";
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuilderror", $Project->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuildwarning", $Project->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuildpass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigureerror", $Project->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigurewarning", $Project->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigurepass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestpass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestfail", $Project->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestnotrun", $Project->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    if (strlen($Project->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", "NA");
    } else {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", $Project->GetLastSubmission());
    $xml .= "</project>";
    // Look for the subproject
    $row = 0;
    $subprojectids = $Project->GetSubProjects();
    $subprojProp = array();
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $subprojProp[$subprojectid] = array('name' => $SubProject->GetName());
    $testSubProj = new SubProject();
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuilderror'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildwarning'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildpass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigureerror'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurewarning'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurepass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestpass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestfail'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestnotrun'] = $row[1];
    $reportArray = array('nbuilderror', 'nbuildwarning', 'nbuildpass', 'nconfigureerror', 'nconfigurewarning', 'nconfigurepass', 'ntestpass', 'ntestfail', 'ntestnotrun');
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $xml .= "<subproject>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $SubProject->GetName());
        $xml .= add_XML_value("name_encoded", urlencode($SubProject->GetName()));
        foreach ($reportArray as $reportnum) {
            $reportval = array_key_exists($reportnum, $subprojProp[$subprojectid]) ? $subprojProp[$subprojectid][$reportnum] : 0;
            $xml .= add_XML_value($reportnum, $reportval);
        if (strlen($SubProject->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
            $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", "NA");
        } else {
            $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", $SubProject->GetLastSubmission());
        $xml .= "</subproject>";
        if ($row == 1) {
            $row = 0;
        } else {
            $row = 1;
    // end for each subproject
    $end = microtime_float();
    $xml .= "<generationtime>" . round($end - $start, 3) . "</generationtime>";
    $xml .= "</cdash>";
    return $xml;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function ComputeTestingDayBounds()
     if ($this->ProjectId < 1) {
         return false;
     if (isset($this->BeginningOfDay) && isset($this->EndOfDay)) {
         return true;
     $build_date = $this->GetDate();
     list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($build_date, $this->NightlyStartTime);
     $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime;
     $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
     $this->BeginningOfDay = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
     $this->EndOfDay = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
function second_try($found, $post_title_param, $destination_title, $destination_dates)
    echo "\nfound             : [{$found}]";
    echo "\npost_title        : [{$post_title_param}]";
    echo "\ndestination_title : [{$destination_title}]\n";
    $post_titles = get_post_titles();
    // $post_titles = array("\(Biodiversity\)"); //debug
    $post_titles = array_diff($post_titles, array($post_title_param));
    //exclude the $post_title_param
    foreach ($post_titles as $post_title) {
        $title = $destination_title . "_" . $post_title;
        if ($wiki_path = get_wiki_text($title)) {
            $title_dates = get_dates($wiki_path);
            if ($destination_dates == $title_dates) {
                //start saving...
                $temp_write_file = $GLOBALS['doc_root'] . "/eoearth/Custom/temp/write.wiki";
                $handle = fopen($temp_write_file, "w");
                fwrite($handle, "#REDIRECT [[" . str_replace("\\", "", $found) . "]]");
                echo "\n saving redirect on title: [{$title}]\n";
                shell_exec("php " . $GLOBALS['doc_root'] . "/eoearth/maintenance/edit.php -m " . $title . " < {$temp_write_file}");
if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
    $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
    $svnurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['cvsurl']));
    $homeurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['homeurl']));
    $bugurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['bugtrackerurl']));
    $googletracker = htmlentities($project_array['googletracker']);
    $docurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['documentationurl']));
    $projectpublic = $project_array['public'];
    $projectname = $project_array['name'];
} else {
    $projectname = 'NA';
checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $project_array['id']);
$xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
$xml .= '<title>CDash - SubProject dependencies Graph - ' . $projectname . '</title>';
list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array['nightlytime']);
$logoid = getLogoID($projectid);
// Main dashboard section
$xml .= '<dashboard>
  <datetime>' . date('l, F d Y H:i:s T', time()) . '</datetime>
  <date>' . $date . '</date>
  <unixtimestamp>' . $currentstarttime . '</unixtimestamp>
  <svn>' . $svnurl . '</svn>
  <bugtracker>' . $bugurl . '</bugtracker>
  <googletracker>' . $googletracker . '</googletracker>
  <documentation>' . $docurl . '</documentation>
  <logoid>' . $logoid . '</logoid>
  <projectid>' . $projectid . '</projectid>
  <projectname>' . $projectname . '</projectname>
  <projectname_encoded>' . urlencode($projectname) . '</projectname_encoded>
  <previousdate>' . $previousdate . '</previousdate>
Exemplo n.º 8
/** Send a summary email */
function sendsummaryemail($projectid, $groupid, $errors, $buildid)
    include 'config/config.php';
    require_once 'models/userproject.php';
    require_once 'models/user.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    require_once 'models/build.php';
    require_once 'models/site.php';
    $Project = new Project();
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    // Check if the email has been sent
    $date = '';
    // now
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate, $today) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
    $dashboarddate = gmdate(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime);
    // If we already have it we return
    if (pdo_num_rows(pdo_query("SELECT buildid FROM summaryemail WHERE date='{$dashboarddate}' AND groupid=" . qnum($groupid))) == 1) {
    // Update the summaryemail table to specify that we have send the email
    // We also delete any previous rows from that groupid
    pdo_query("DELETE FROM summaryemail WHERE groupid={$groupid}");
    pdo_query("INSERT INTO summaryemail (buildid,date,groupid) VALUES ({$buildid},'{$dashboarddate}',{$groupid})");
    // If the trigger for SVN/CVS diff is not done yet we specify that the asynchronous trigger should
    // send an email
    $dailyupdatequery = pdo_query('SELECT status FROM dailyupdate WHERE projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . " AND date='{$dashboarddate}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($dailyupdatequery) == 0) {
    $dailyupdate_array = pdo_fetch_array($dailyupdatequery);
    $dailyupdate_status = $dailyupdate_array['status'];
    if ($dailyupdate_status == 0) {
        pdo_query("UPDATE dailyupdate SET status='2' WHERE projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND date='{$dashboarddate}'");
    // Find the current updaters from the night using the dailyupdatefile table
    $summaryEmail = '';
    $query = 'SELECT ' . qid('user') . '.email,up.emailcategory,' . qid('user') . '.id
                          FROM ' . qid('user') . ',user2project AS up,user2repository AS ur,
                           dailyupdate,dailyupdatefile WHERE
                           up.projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . '
                           AND up.userid=' . qid('user') . '.id
                           AND ur.userid=up.userid
                           AND (ur.projectid=0 OR ur.projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . ")\n                           AND ur.credential=dailyupdatefile.author\n                           AND dailyupdatefile.dailyupdateid=dailyupdate.id\n                           AND dailyupdate.date='{$dashboarddate}'\n                           AND dailyupdate.projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . '
                           AND up.emailtype>0
    $user = pdo_query($query);
    // Loop through the users and add them to the email array
    while ($user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user)) {
        // If the user is already in the list we quit
        if (strpos($summaryEmail, $user_array['email']) !== false) {
        // If the user doesn't want to receive email
        if (!checkEmailPreferences($user_array['emailcategory'], $errors)) {
        // Check if the labels are defined for this user
        if (!checkEmailLabel($projectid, $user_array['id'], $buildid, $user_array['emailcategory'])) {
        if ($summaryEmail != '') {
            $summaryEmail .= ', ';
        $summaryEmail .= $user_array['email'];
    // Select the users that are part of this build
    $authors = pdo_query('SELECT author FROM updatefile AS uf,build2update AS b2u
                        WHERE b2u.updateid=uf.updateid AND b2u.buildid=' . qnum($buildid));
    while ($authors_array = pdo_fetch_array($authors)) {
        $author = $authors_array['author'];
        if ($author == 'Local User') {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
        // If the user doesn't want to receive email
        if (!checkEmailPreferences($UserProject->EmailCategory, $errors)) {
        // Check if the labels are defined for this user
        if (!checkEmailLabel($projectid, $UserProject->UserId, $buildid, $UserProject->EmailCategory)) {
        // Find the email
        $User = new User();
        $User->Id = $UserProject->UserId;
        $useremail = $User->GetEmail();
        // If the user is already in the list we quit
        if (strpos($summaryEmail, $useremail) !== false) {
        if ($summaryEmail != '') {
            $summaryEmail .= ', ';
        $summaryEmail .= $useremail;
    // In the case of asynchronous submission, the serverURI contains /cdash
    // we need to remove it
    $currentURI = get_server_URI();
        $currentURI = substr($currentURI, 0, strrpos($currentURI, '/'));
    // Select the users who want to receive all emails
    $user = pdo_query('SELECT ' . qid('user') . '.email,user2project.emailtype,' . qid('user') . '.id  FROM ' . qid('user') . ',user2project
                     WHERE user2project.projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . '
                     AND user2project.userid=' . qid('user') . '.id AND user2project.emailtype>1');
    while ($user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user)) {
        // If the user is already in the list we quit
        if (strpos($summaryEmail, $user_array['email']) !== false) {
        // Check if the labels are defined for this user
        if (!checkEmailLabel($projectid, $user_array['id'], $buildid)) {
        if ($summaryEmail != '') {
            $summaryEmail .= ', ';
        $summaryEmail .= $user_array['email'];
    // Send the email
    if ($summaryEmail != '') {
        $Build = new Build();
        $Site = new Site();
        $Site->Id = $Build->SiteId;
        $summaryemail_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT name FROM buildgroup WHERE id={$groupid}"));
        $title = 'CDash [' . $Project->Name . '] - ' . $summaryemail_array['name'] . ' Failures';
        $messagePlainText = 'The "' . $summaryemail_array['name'] . "\" group has either errors, warnings or test failures.\n";
        $messagePlainText .= 'You have been identified as one of the authors who have checked in changes that are part of this submission ';
        $messagePlainText .= "or you are listed in the default contact list.\n\n";
        $messagePlainText .= 'Site name: ' . $Site->GetName() . "\n";
        $messagePlainText .= 'Build name: ' . $Build->Name . ' (' . $Build->Type . ")\n";
        $messagePlainText .= "To see this dashboard:\n";
        $messagePlainText .= $currentURI;
        $messagePlainText .= '/index.php?project=' . urlencode($Project->Name) . '&date=' . $today;
        $messagePlainText .= "\n\n";
        $messagePlainText .= "Summary of the first build failure:\n";
        // Check if an email has been sent already for this user
        foreach ($errors as $errorkey => $nerrors) {
            $messagePlainText .= get_email_summary($buildid, $errors, $errorkey, $Project->EmailMaxItems, $Project->EmailMaxChars, $Project->TestTimeMaxStatus, $Project->EmailTestTimingChanged);
        $messagePlainText .= "\n\n";
        $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
        if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
            $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        $messagePlainText .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
        // If this is the testing
        if ($CDASH_TESTING_MODE) {
            add_log($summaryEmail, 'TESTING: EMAIL', LOG_DEBUG);
            add_log($title, 'TESTING: EMAILTITLE', LOG_DEBUG);
            add_log($messagePlainText, 'TESTING: EMAILBODY', LOG_DEBUG);
        } else {
            // Send the email
            if (cdashmail("{$summaryEmail}", $title, $messagePlainText)) {
                add_log('summary email sent to: ' . $summaryEmail, 'sendemail ' . $Project->Name, LOG_INFO);
            } else {
                add_log('cannot send summary email to: ' . $summaryEmail, 'sendemail ' . $Project->Name, LOG_ERR);
Exemplo n.º 9
        foreach ($assignments as $event) {
            array_push($rows, $event);
    $testsmod = $moduleFactory->getModule("_standard/tests");
    $tests = $testsmod->extend_date();
    if ($tests != "") {
        foreach ($tests as $event) {
            array_push($rows, $event);
if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['valid_user']) {
        /* check if the user is enrolled in the course */
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM\r\n\t\t\t\t   `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "course_enrollment`\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `member_id`='" . $_SESSION['member_id'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND   `course_id`='" . $_SESSION['course_id'] . "'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
        if ($row[0] > 0) {
            $dates = get_dates();
        } else {
//Encode in JSON format.
$str = json_encode($rows);
//Replace "true","false" with true,false for javascript.
$str = str_replace('"true"', 'true', $str);
$str = str_replace('"false"', 'false', $str);
//Return the events in the JSON format.
echo $str;
Exemplo n.º 10
$adviser = array();
$supervisor = array();
$course = array();
$not_enroled = array();
$enroled = array();
$study_mode = array();
$reason = array();
$addition_reason = array();
$deletion_reason = array();
$selects = template_selects($template->data);
foreach ($selects as $select) {
    switch ($select) {
        case 'start_dates':
            if (empty($start_dates)) {
                // Get an array of possible module start dates (6 months back and 12 months forward from today)
                $start_dates = get_dates(date('m'), date('y'), 6, 12);
                $start_selected = 6;
        case 'adviser':
            if (empty($adviser)) {
                $adviser = get_advisers($USER->id);
        case 'supervisor':
            if (empty($supervisor)) {
                $supervisor = get_supervisors($USER->id);
        case 'course':
            if (empty($course)) {
Exemplo n.º 11
$Project = new Project();
$Project->Id = $projectid;
// check if this project has subprojects.
$has_subprojects = $Project->GetNumberOfSubProjects() > 0;
// make sure the user has access to this project
checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid);
// connect to the database
$db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
// handle optional date argument
@($date = $_GET["date"]);
if ($date != NULL) {
    $date = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($date));
list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
// Date range is currently hardcoded to two weeks in the past.
// This could become a configurable value instead.
$date_range = 14;
// begin .xml that is used to render this page
$xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
$xml .= get_cdash_dashboard_xml($projectname, $date);
$projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
$xml .= "<title>CDash Overview : " . $projectname . "</title>";
$xml .= get_cdash_dashboard_xml_by_name($projectname, $date);
$xml .= "<menu>";
$xml .= add_XML_value("previous", "overview.php?project={$projectname}&date={$previousdate}");
$xml .= add_XML_value("current", "overview.php?project={$projectname}");
$xml .= add_XML_value("next", "overview.phpv?project={$projectname}&date={$nextdate}");
$xml .= "</menu>";
$xml .= add_XML_value("hasSubProjects", $has_subprojects);
Exemplo n.º 12
function get_dashboard_JSON($projectname, $date, &$response)
    include 'config/config.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    $projectid = get_project_id($projectname);
    if ($projectid == -1) {
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        echo "Error connecting to CDash database server<br>\n";
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        echo "Error selecting CDash database<br>\n";
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
    } else {
        $project_array = array();
        $project_array['cvsurl'] = 'unknown';
        $project_array['bugtrackerurl'] = 'unknown';
        $project_array['documentationurl'] = 'unknown';
        $project_array['homeurl'] = 'unknown';
        $project_array['googletracker'] = 'unknown';
        $project_array['name'] = $projectname;
        $project_array['nightlytime'] = '00:00:00';
    if (is_null($date)) {
        $date = date(FMT_DATE);
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array['nightlytime']);
    $response['datetime'] = date('l, F d Y H:i:s', time());
    $response['date'] = $date;
    $response['unixtimestamp'] = $currentstarttime;
    $response['startdate'] = date('l, F d Y H:i:s', $currentstarttime);
    $response['vcs'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['cvsurl']));
    $response['bugtracker'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['bugtrackerurl']));
    $response['googletracker'] = htmlentities($project_array['googletracker']);
    $response['documentation'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['documentationurl']));
    $response['projectid'] = $projectid;
    $response['projectname'] = $project_array['name'];
    $response['projectname_encoded'] = urlencode($project_array['name']);
    $response['public'] = $project_array['public'];
    $response['previousdate'] = $previousdate;
    $response['nextdate'] = $nextdate;
    $response['logoid'] = getLogoID($projectid);
    if (empty($project_array['homeurl'])) {
        $response['home'] = 'index.php?project=' . urlencode($project_array['name']);
    } else {
        $response['home'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['homeurl']));
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/models/proProject.php')) {
        include_once 'local/models/proProject.php';
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $response['proedition'] = $pro->GetEdition(1);
    $userid = 0;
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash']) && isset($_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'])) {
        $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
        // Is the user an administrator of this project?
        $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT role FROM user2project
            WHERE userid=' . qnum($userid) . ' AND
            projectid=' . qnum($projectid));
        $response['projectrole'] = $row[0];
        if ($response['projectrole'] > 1) {
            $response['user']['admin'] = 1;
    $response['userid'] = $userid;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /** Start element */
 public function startElement($parser, $name, $attributes)
     parent::startElement($parser, $name, $attributes);
     if ($this->UploadError) {
     if ($name == 'SITE') {
         $this->Site->Name = $attributes['NAME'];
         if (empty($this->Site->Name)) {
             $this->Site->Name = '(empty)';
         $siteInformation = new SiteInformation();
         $buildInformation = new BuildInformation();
         // Fill in the attribute
         foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
             $siteInformation->SetValue($key, $value);
             $buildInformation->SetValue($key, $value);
         $this->Build->SiteId = $this->Site->Id;
         $this->Build->Name = $attributes['BUILDNAME'];
         if (empty($this->Build->Name)) {
             $this->Build->Name = '(empty)';
         $this->Build->Generator = $attributes['GENERATOR'];
         $this->Build->Information = $buildInformation;
     } elseif ($name == 'UPLOAD') {
         // Setting start time and end time is tricky here, since all
         // we have is the build stamp.  The strategy we take here is:
         // Set the start time as late as possible, and set the end time
         // as early as possible.
         // This way we don't override any existing values for these fields
         // when we call UpdateBuild() below.
         // For end time, we use the start of the testing day.
         // For start time, we use either the submit time (now) or
         // one second before the start time of the *next* testing day
         // (whichever is earlier).
         // Yes, this means the build finished before it began.
         // This associates the build with the correct day if it is only
         // an upload.  Otherwise we defer to the values set by the
         // other handlers.
         $row = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT nightlytime FROM project where id='{$this->projectid}'");
         $nightly_time = $row['nightlytime'];
         $build_date = extract_date_from_buildstamp($this->Build->GetStamp());
         list($prev, $nightly_start_time, $next) = get_dates($build_date, $nightly_time);
         // If the nightly start time is after noon (server time)
         // and this buildstamp is on or after the nightly start time
         // then this build belongs to the next testing day.
         if (date(FMT_TIME, $nightly_start_time) > '12:00:00') {
             $build_timestamp = strtotime($build_date);
             $next_timestamp = strtotime($next);
             if (strtotime(date(FMT_TIME, $build_timestamp), $next_timestamp) >= strtotime(date(FMT_TIME, $nightly_start_time), $next_timestamp)) {
                 $nightly_start_time += 3600 * 24;
         $this->Build->EndTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $nightly_start_time);
         $now = time();
         $one_second_before_tomorrow = strtotime('+1 day -1 second', $nightly_start_time);
         if ($one_second_before_tomorrow < time()) {
             $this->Build->StartTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $one_second_before_tomorrow);
         } else {
             $this->Build->StartTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $now);
         $this->Build->SubmitTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $now);
         $this->Build->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
         // If the build doesn't exist we add it
         if ($this->Build->Id == 0) {
             $this->Build->Append = false;
             $this->Build->InsertErrors = false;
             add_build($this->Build, $this->scheduleid);
             $this->UpdateEndTime = true;
         } else {
             // Otherwise make sure that the build is up-to-date.
             $this->Build->UpdateBuild($this->Build->Id, -1, -1);
         $GLOBALS['PHP_ERROR_BUILD_ID'] = $this->Build->Id;
     } elseif ($name == 'FILE') {
         $this->UploadFile = new UploadFile();
         $this->UploadFile->Filename = $attributes['FILENAME'];
     } elseif ($name == 'CONTENT') {
         $fileEncoding = isset($attributes['ENCODING']) ? $attributes['ENCODING'] : 'base64';
         if (strcmp($fileEncoding, 'base64') != 0) {
             // Only base64 encoding is supported for file upload
             add_log("upload_handler:  Only 'base64' encoding is supported", __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
             $this->UploadError = true;
         // Create tmp file
         $this->TmpFilename = tempnam($GLOBALS['CDASH_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY'], 'tmp');
         // TODO Handle error
         if (empty($this->TmpFilename)) {
             add_log('Failed to create temporary filename', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
             $this->UploadError = true;
         $this->Base64TmpFilename = $this->TmpFilename . '-base64';
         // Open base64 temporary file for writting
         $this->Base64TmpFileWriteHandle = fopen($this->Base64TmpFilename, 'w');
         if (!$this->Base64TmpFileWriteHandle) {
             add_log("Failed to open file '" . $this->Base64TmpFilename . "' for writting", __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
             $this->UploadError = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        $end_timestamp += 3600 * 24;
        $end_date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
        $response['to_date'] = $date;
    } else {
        // If not, just use whichever one was set.
        if (isset($_GET['from'])) {
            $date = $_GET['from'];
        } else {
            $date = $_GET['to'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['date'])) {
    $date = $_GET['date'];
if (is_null($begin_date)) {
    list($previousdate, $beginning_timestamp, $nextdate, $d) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
    if (is_null($date)) {
        $date = $d;
    $end_timestamp = $beginning_timestamp + 3600 * 24;
    $begin_date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
    $end_date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
// Check if the user specified a buildgroup.
$groupid = 0;
$group_join = '';
$group_clause = "b.type != 'Experimental'";
$group_link = '';
if (isset($_GET['group']) && is_numeric($_GET['group']) && $_GET['group'] > 0) {
    $groupid = $_GET['group'];
    $group_join = 'JOIN build2group b2g ON (b2g.buildid=b.id)';
Exemplo n.º 15
" />
			   <input type="hidden" name="category" value="<?php 
echo $category;
" />
			    <div style="margin: 10px 0; vertical-align:middle;" class="sowcal">
echo form_error('delivery_date');
			    <select name="upcoming" id="upcoming" onchange="upcoming_date(this.value);" style="width:185px; vertical-align:top;">
				<option value=""><?php 
echo lang('Choose delivery date');
$dates = get_dates($product->delivery_method_id, 10);
foreach ($dates as $day) {
				    <option value="<?php 
    echo date('d-m-Y', strtotime($day));
    echo date('l, d F', strtotime($day));
				<optgroup label="....................................." class="vical"></optgroup>
				<option value="cal"><?php 
echo lang('View calendar');
    $id = $argv[1];
// No data, no report to run, bail!
if (!isset($id)) {
// No reports to run, bail!
if (!is_array($config['mailreports']['schedule'])) {
// The Requested report doesn't exist, bail!
if (!$config['mailreports']['schedule'][$id]) {
$thisreport = $config['mailreports']['schedule'][$id];
$graphs = $thisreport['row'];
// No graphs on the report, bail!
if (!is_array($graphs) || !(count($graphs) > 0)) {
// Print report header
// For each graph, print a header and the graph
$attach = array();
$idx = 0;
foreach ($graphs as $thisgraph) {
    $dates = get_dates($thisgraph['period'], $thisgraph['timespan']);
    $start = $dates['start'];
    $end = $dates['end'];
    $attach[] = mail_report_generate_graph($thisgraph['graph'], $thisgraph['style'], $thisgraph['timespan'], $start, $end);
mail_report_send($thisreport['descr'], $attach);
Exemplo n.º 17
function get_dashboard_JSON($projectname, $date, &$response)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
    $projectid = get_project_id($projectname);
    if ($projectid == -1) {
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        echo "Error connecting to CDash database server<br>\n";
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        echo "Error selecting CDash database<br>\n";
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
    } else {
        $project_array = array();
        $project_array["cvsurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["bugtrackerurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["documentationurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["homeurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["googletracker"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["name"] = $projectname;
        $project_array["nightlytime"] = "00:00:00";
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
    $response['datetime'] = date("l, F d Y H:i:s", time());
    $response['date'] = $date;
    $response['unixtimestamp'] = $currentstarttime;
    $response['startdate'] = date("l, F d Y H:i:s", $currentstarttime);
    $response['svn'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["cvsurl"]));
    $response['bugtracker'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["bugtrackerurl"]));
    $response['googletracker'] = htmlentities($project_array["googletracker"]);
    $response['documentation'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["documentationurl"]));
    $response['projectid'] = $projectid;
    $response['projectname'] = $project_array["name"];
    $response['projectname_encoded'] = urlencode($project_array["name"]);
    $response['projectpublic'] = $project_array["public"];
    $response['previousdate'] = $previousdate;
    $response['nextdate'] = $nextdate;
    $response['logoid'] = getLogoID($projectid);
    if (empty($project_array["homeurl"])) {
        $response['home'] = "index.php?project=" . urlencode($project_array["name"]);
    } else {
        $response['home'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["homeurl"]));
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/models/proProject.php")) {
        include_once "local/models/proProject.php";
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $response['proedition'] = $pro->GetEdition(1);
    $userid = 0;
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
        $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
        // Is the user super administrator
        $userquery = pdo_query("SELECT admin FROM " . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'");
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($userquery);
        $response['admin'] = $user_array[0];
        // Is the user administrator of the project
        $userquery = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project WHERE userid=" . qnum($userid) . " AND projectid=" . qnum($projectid));
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($userquery);
        $response['projectrole'] = $user_array[0];
    $response['userid'] = $userid;
Exemplo n.º 18
function echo_subprojects_dashboard_JSON($project_instance, $date)
    $start = microtime_float();
    $noforcelogin = 1;
    include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config/config.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    include 'public/login.php';
    include_once 'models/banner.php';
    include_once 'models/subproject.php';
    $response = array();
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        $response['error'] = 'Error connecting to CDash database server';
        echo json_encode($response);
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        $response['error'] = 'Error selecting CDash database';
        echo json_encode($response);
    $Project = $project_instance;
    $projectid = $project_instance->Id;
    if (!checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid, 1)) {
        $response['requirelogin'] = 1;
        echo json_encode($response);
    $response = begin_JSON_response();
    $response['title'] = 'CDash - ' . $Project->Name;
    $response['showcalendar'] = 1;
    $banners = array();
    $Banner = new Banner();
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $banners[] = $text;
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $banners[] = $text;
    $response['banners'] = $banners;
        $response['showlastsubmission'] = 1;
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
    // Main dashboard section
    get_dashboard_JSON($Project->GetName(), $date, $response);
    $projectname_encoded = urlencode($Project->Name);
    if ($currentstarttime > time()) {
        $response['error'] = 'CDash cannot predict the future (yet)';
        echo json_encode($response);
    $linkparams = 'project=' . urlencode($Project->Name);
    if (!empty($date)) {
        $linkparams .= "&date={$date}";
    $response['linkparams'] = $linkparams;
    // Menu definition
    $menu_response = array();
    $menu_response['subprojects'] = 1;
    $menu_response['previous'] = "viewSubProjects.php?project={$projectname_encoded}&date={$previousdate}";
    $menu_response['current'] = "viewSubProjects.php?project={$projectname_encoded}";
    if (!has_next_date($date, $currentstarttime)) {
        $menu_response['nonext'] = 1;
    } else {
        $menu_response['next'] = "viewSubProjects.php?project={$projectname_encoded}&date={$nextdate}";
    $response['menu'] = $menu_response;
    $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime;
    $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
    $beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
    $end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
    // Get some information about the project
    $project_response = array();
    $project_response['nbuilderror'] = $Project->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['nbuildwarning'] = $Project->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['nbuildpass'] = $Project->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['nconfigureerror'] = $Project->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['nconfigurewarning'] = $Project->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['nconfigurepass'] = $Project->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['ntestpass'] = $Project->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['ntestfail'] = $Project->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    $project_response['ntestnotrun'] = $Project->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if (strlen($Project->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
        $project_response['lastsubmission'] = 'NA';
    } else {
        $project_response['lastsubmission'] = $Project->GetLastSubmission();
    $response['project'] = $project_response;
    // Look for the subproject
    $row = 0;
    $subprojectids = $Project->GetSubProjects();
    $subprojProp = array();
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $subprojProp[$subprojectid] = array('name' => $SubProject->GetName());
    $testSubProj = new SubProject();
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuilderror'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildwarning'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildpass'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigureerror'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurewarning'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurepass'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestpass'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestfail'] = intval($row[1]);
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestnotrun'] = intval($row[1]);
    $reportArray = array('nbuilderror', 'nbuildwarning', 'nbuildpass', 'nconfigureerror', 'nconfigurewarning', 'nconfigurepass', 'ntestpass', 'ntestfail', 'ntestnotrun');
    $subprojects_response = array();
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $subproject_response = array();
        $subproject_response['name'] = $SubProject->GetName();
        $subproject_response['name_encoded'] = urlencode($SubProject->GetName());
        foreach ($reportArray as $reportnum) {
            $reportval = array_key_exists($reportnum, $subprojProp[$subprojectid]) ? $subprojProp[$subprojectid][$reportnum] : 0;
            $subproject_response[$reportnum] = $reportval;
        if (strlen($SubProject->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
            $subproject_response['lastsubmission'] = 'NA';
        } else {
            $subproject_response['lastsubmission'] = $SubProject->GetLastSubmission();
        $subprojects_response[] = $subproject_response;
    $response['subprojects'] = $subprojects_response;
    $end = microtime_float();
    $response['generationtime'] = round($end - $start, 3);
    echo json_encode(cast_data_for_JSON($response));
Exemplo n.º 19
                            <strong style="display:block; clear: left; text-align:left;">Today</strong>
                            <input type="hidden" name="delivery_date" id="delivery_date" value="<?php 
    echo date('d-m-Y', strtotime($row->delivery_date));
" />
} else {
                             <input type="hidden" name="delivery_date" id="delivery_date"  value="<?php 
    echo date('d-m-Y', strtotime($row->delivery_date));
" />
                            <select name="upcoming" id="upcoming"  onchange="upcoming_date(this.value);" style="width:170px; vertical-align:text-middle;">
    $dates = get_dates($row->delivery_method_id, 10);
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($dates as $day) {
                            <option value="<?php 
        echo date('d-m-Y', strtotime($day));
" <?php 
        if ($_POST) {
            if ($p->delivery_date == $day) {
                echo 'selected="selected"';
                $found = TRUE;
        } else {
            if ($row->delivery_date == $day) {
                echo 'selected="selected"';
Exemplo n.º 20
 /** Return an array with two sub arrays:
  *  array1: id, buildname, os, bits, memory, frequency
  *  array2: array1_id, test_fullname */
 private function ListSiteTestFailure()
     include "cdash/config.php";
     include_once 'cdash/common.php';
     if (!isset($this->Parameters['project'])) {
         echo "Project not set";
     $projectid = get_project_id($this->Parameters['project']);
     if (!is_numeric($projectid) || $projectid <= 0) {
         echo "Project not found";
     $group = 'Nightly';
     if (isset($this->Parameters['group'])) {
         $group = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Parameters['group']);
     // Get first all the unique builds for today's dashboard and group
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT nightlytime FROM project WHERE id=" . qnum($projectid));
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
     $date = date("Y-m-d");
     list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
     $currentUTCTime = date(FMT_DATETIME, $currentstarttime);
     // Get all the unique builds for the section of the dashboard
     if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
         $query = pdo_query("SELECT max(b.id) AS buildid,s.name || '-' || b.name AS fullname,s.name AS sitename,b.name,\n               si.totalphysicalmemory,si.processorclockfrequency\n               FROM build AS b, site AS s, siteinformation AS si, buildgroup AS bg, build2group AS b2g\n               WHERE b.projectid=" . $projectid . " AND b.siteid=s.id AND si.siteid=s.id\n               AND bg.name='" . $group . "' AND b.testfailed>0 AND b2g.buildid=b.id AND b2g.groupid=bg.id\n               AND b.starttime>'{$currentUTCTime}' AND b.starttime<NOW() GROUP BY fullname,\n               s.name,b.name,si.totalphysicalmemory,si.processorclockfrequency\n               ORDER BY buildid");
     } else {
         $query = pdo_query("SELECT max(b.id) AS buildid,CONCAT(s.name,'-',b.name) AS fullname,s.name AS sitename,b.name,\n               si.totalphysicalmemory,si.processorclockfrequency\n               FROM build AS b, site AS s, siteinformation AS si, buildgroup AS bg, build2group AS b2g\n               WHERE b.projectid=" . $projectid . " AND b.siteid=s.id AND si.siteid=s.id\n               AND bg.name='" . $group . "' AND b.testfailed>0 AND b2g.buildid=b.id AND b2g.groupid=bg.id\n               AND b.starttime>'{$currentUTCTime}' AND b.starttime<UTC_TIMESTAMP() GROUP BY fullname ORDER BY buildid");
     $sites = array();
     $buildids = '';
     while ($query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query)) {
         if ($buildids != '') {
             $buildids .= ",";
         $buildids .= $query_array['buildid'];
         $site = array();
         $site['name'] = $query_array['sitename'];
         $site['buildname'] = $query_array['name'];
         $site['cpu'] = $query_array['processorclockfrequency'];
         $site['memory'] = $query_array['totalphysicalmemory'];
         $sites[$query_array['buildid']] = $site;
     if (empty($sites)) {
         return $sites;
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT bt.buildid AS buildid,t.name AS testname,t.id AS testid\n              FROM build2test AS bt,test as t\n              WHERE bt.buildid IN (" . $buildids . ") AND bt.testid=t.id AND bt.status='failed'");
     $tests = array();
     while ($query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query)) {
         $test = array();
         $test['id'] = $query_array['testid'];
         $test['name'] = $query_array['testname'];
         $sites[$query_array['buildid']]['tests'][] = $test;
     return $sites;
Exemplo n.º 21
    die("Error: project not specified<br>\n");
@($date = $_GET["date"]);
if ($date != NULL) {
    $date = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($date));
$db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
$project = pdo_query("SELECT id,nightlytime FROM project WHERE name='{$projectname}'");
$project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
$xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
$xml .= "<title>" . $projectname . " : Test Overview</title>";
$xml .= get_cdash_dashboard_xml_by_name($projectname, $date);
$nightlytime = $project_array["nightlytime"];
// We select the builds
list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate, $today) = get_dates($date, $nightlytime);
$xml .= "<menu>";
$xml .= add_XML_value("previous", "testOverview.php?project=" . urlencode($projectname) . "&date=" . $previousdate);
if ($date != "" && date(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime) != date(FMT_DATE)) {
    $xml .= add_XML_value("next", "testOverview.php?project=" . urlencode($projectname) . "&date=" . $nextdate);
} else {
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nonext", "1");
$xml .= add_XML_value("current", "testOverview.php?project=" . urlencode($projectname) . "&date=");
$xml .= add_XML_value("back", "index.php?project=" . urlencode($projectname) . "&date=" . get_dashboard_date_from_project($projectname, $date));
$xml .= "</menu>";
// Get some information about the specified project
$projectname = pdo_real_escape_string($projectname);
$projectQuery = "SELECT id, nightlytime FROM project WHERE name = '{$projectname}'";
$projectResult = pdo_query($projectQuery);
if (!($projectRow = pdo_fetch_array($projectResult))) {
Exemplo n.º 22
/** Add daily changes if necessary */
function addDailyChanges($projectid)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    include_once "cdash/sendemail.php";
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
    $project_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT nightlytime,name,autoremovetimeframe,autoremovemaxbuilds,emailadministrator\n                                              FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'"));
    $date = "";
    // now
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
    $date = gmdate(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime);
    // Check if we already have it somwhere
    $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM dailyupdate WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
        $cvsauthors = array();
        pdo_query("INSERT INTO dailyupdate (projectid,date,command,type,status)\n               VALUES ({$projectid},'{$date}','NA','NA','0')");
        $updateid = pdo_insert_id("dailyupdate");
        $dates = get_related_dates($project_array["nightlytime"], $date);
        $commits = get_repository_commits($projectid, $dates);
        // Insert the commits
        foreach ($commits as $commit) {
            $filename = $commit['directory'] . "/" . $commit['filename'];
            $checkindate = $commit['time'];
            $author = addslashes($commit['author']);
            $email = '';
            if (isset($commit['email'])) {
                $email = addslashes($commit['email']);
            $log = addslashes($commit['comment']);
            $revision = $commit['revision'];
            $priorrevision = $commit['priorrevision'];
            // Check if we have a robot file for this build
            $robot = pdo_query("SELECT authorregex FROM projectrobot\n                  WHERE projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND robotname='" . $author . "'");
            if (pdo_num_rows($robot) > 0) {
                $robot_array = pdo_fetch_array($robot);
                $regex = $robot_array['authorregex'];
                preg_match($regex, $commit['comment'], $matches);
                if (isset($matches[1])) {
                    $author = addslashes($matches[1]);
            if (!in_array(stripslashes($author), $cvsauthors)) {
                $cvsauthors[] = stripslashes($author);
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO dailyupdatefile (dailyupdateid,filename,checkindate,author,email,log,revision,priorrevision)\n                   VALUES ({$updateid},'{$filename}','{$checkindate}','{$author}','{$email}','{$log}','{$revision}','{$priorrevision}')");
            add_last_sql_error("addDailyChanges", $projectid);
        // end foreach commit
        // If the project has the option to send an email to the author
        if ($project_array['emailadministrator']) {
            sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors);
        // Send an email if some expected builds have not been submitting
        sendEmailExpectedBuilds($projectid, $currentstarttime);
        // cleanBuildEmail
        // If the status of daily update is set to 2 that means we should send an email
        $query = pdo_query("SELECT status FROM dailyupdate WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
        $dailyupdate_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
        $dailyupdate_status = $dailyupdate_array["status"];
        if ($dailyupdate_status == 2) {
            // Find the groupid
            $group_query = pdo_query("SELECT buildid,groupid FROM summaryemail WHERE date='{$date}'");
            while ($group_array = pdo_fetch_array($group_query)) {
                $groupid = $group_array["groupid"];
                $buildid = $group_array["buildid"];
                // Find if the build has any errors
                $builderror = pdo_query("SELECT count(buildid) FROM builderror WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND type='0'");
                $builderror_array = pdo_fetch_array($builderror);
                $nbuilderrors = $builderror_array[0];
                // Find if the build has any warnings
                $buildwarning = pdo_query("SELECT count(buildid) FROM builderror WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND type='1'");
                $buildwarning_array = pdo_fetch_array($buildwarning);
                $nbuildwarnings = $buildwarning_array[0];
                // Find if the build has any test failings
                if ($project_emailtesttimingchanged) {
                    $sql = "SELECT count(testid) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND (status='failed' OR timestatus>" . qnum($project_testtimemaxstatus) . ")";
                } else {
                    $sql = "SELECT count(testid) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND status='failed'";
                $nfail_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query($sql));
                $nfailingtests = $nfail_array[0];
                sendsummaryemail($projectid, $groupid, $nbuildwarnings, $nbuilderrors, $nfailingtests);
        pdo_query("UPDATE dailyupdate SET status='1' WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
        // Remove the old logs
        include_once "models/errorlog.php";
        $ErrorLog = new ErrorLog();
        // 10 days
        // Clean the backup directory
        // Remove the first builds of the project
        include_once "cdash/autoremove.php";
        removeFirstBuilds($projectid, $project_array["autoremovetimeframe"], $project_array["autoremovemaxbuilds"]);
        removeBuildsGroupwise($projectid, $project_array["autoremovemaxbuilds"]);
Exemplo n.º 23
                    continue 2;
            case "allgraphs":
                /* make sure we do not show the placeholder databases in the all view */
                if (stristr($curdatabase, "outbound") || stristr($curdatabase, "allgraphs")) {
                    continue 2;
                /* just use the name here */
                if (!preg_match("/(^{$curoption}-|-{$curoption}\\.)/i", $curdatabase)) {
                    continue 2;
        $dates = get_dates($curperiod, $graph);
        $start = $dates['start'];
        if ($curperiod == "current") {
            $end = $dates['end'];
        /* generate update events utilizing jQuery('') feature */
        $id = "{$graph}-{$curoption}-{$curdatabase}";
        $id = preg_replace('/\\./', '_', $id);
        echo "\n";
        echo "\t\tjQuery('#{$id}').attr('src','status_rrd_graph_img.php?start={$start}&graph={$graph}&database={$curdatabase}&style={$curstyle}&tmp=' + randomid);\n";
		window.setTimeout('update_graph_images()', 355000);
	window.setTimeout('update_graph_images()', 355000);
Exemplo n.º 24
 function validation($data, $files)
     $errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
     // Ensure we don't miss errors from any higher-level validation
     // Get valid dates for +- 5 years (MMMYY format)
     $start_dates = get_dates(date('m'), date('y'), 60, 60);
     // Check if at least one field in a required group has an entry
     if (empty($this->required_group)) {
         $group_entry = true;
     } else {
         $group_entry = false;
         foreach ($this->required_group as $key) {
             if ($data[$key] != '') {
                 $group_entry = true;
     // Do our own validation and add errors to array
     $required_value = false;
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == '' && in_array($key, $this->required_field, true)) {
             $required_value = true;
             // Leave the field error display to Moodle
         } else {
             if (!$group_entry && in_array($key, $this->required_group, true)) {
                 // One of a required group with no entries
                 $errors[$key] = get_string('group_required', 'local_obu_forms');
             } else {
                 if ($value == '' && in_array($key, $this->set_group, true) && (array_key_exists($this->check_id, $data) && $data[$this->check_id] == '1')) {
                     // Controlled by a check box
                     $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                 } else {
                     if ($value == '' && in_array($key, $this->unset_group, true) && (array_key_exists($this->check_id, $data) && $data[$this->check_id] == '0')) {
                         // Controlled by a check box
                         $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'adviser') {
                             // They must have selected one
                             if ($value == '0') {
                                 // Oh No! They haven't!
                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                         } else {
                             if ($key == 'supervisor') {
                                 // They must have selected one
                                 if ($value == '0') {
                                     // Oh No! They haven't!
                                     $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                             } else {
                                 if ($key == 'course') {
                                     // Exact match - should be a current course (programme) code
                                     if ($value != '') {
                                         // Might not be mandatory
                                         $current_courses = get_current_courses(0, $this->_customdata['modular']);
                                         if (!in_array(strtoupper($value), $current_courses, true)) {
                                             $errors[$key] = get_string('course_not_found', 'local_obu_forms');
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($key, 'module') !== false) {
                                         // Validate module code format etcetera
                                         if ($value != '') {
                                             // Only validate if the field was completed
                                             $prefix = strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 1));
                                             $suffix = substr($value, 1);
                                             if (strlen($value) != 6 || $prefix != 'C' && $prefix != 'F' && $prefix != 'P' && $prefix != 'U' || !is_numeric($suffix)) {
                                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('invalid_module_code', 'local_obu_forms');
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($this->_customdata['modular'] && $prefix != 'U') {
                                                     $errors[$key] = get_string('invalid_module_code', 'local_obu_forms');
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($key == 'module') {
                                                         // Exact match - should be a current module
                                                         $current_modules = get_current_modules();
                                                         if (!in_array($prefix . $suffix, $current_modules, true)) {
                                                             $errors[$key] = get_string('module_not_found', 'local_obu_forms');
                                             // Check that any associated module fields have also been completed
                                             $pos = strpos($key, 'module');
                                             $prefix = substr($key, 0, $pos);
                                             $suffix = substr($key, $pos + 6);
                                             $key = $prefix . 'title' . $suffix;
                                             if (array_key_exists($key, $data) && $data[$key] == '') {
                                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                                             $key = $prefix . 'start' . $suffix;
                                             if (array_key_exists($key, $data) && $data[$key] == '') {
                                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                                             $key = $prefix . 'mark' . $suffix;
                                             if (array_key_exists($key, $data) && $data[$key] == '') {
                                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                                             $key = $prefix . 'credit' . $suffix;
                                             if (array_key_exists($key, $data) && $data[$key] == '') {
                                                 $errors[$key] = get_string('value_required', 'local_obu_forms');
                                     } else {
                                         if (strpos($key, 'start') !== false) {
                                             // Validate start date format
                                             if ($value != '') {
                                                 // Only validate if the field was completed
                                                 $month = strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 3));
                                                 $year = substr($value, 3);
                                                 if (strlen($value) != 5 || is_numeric($month) || !is_numeric($year)) {
                                                     $errors[$key] = get_string('invalid_date_format', 'local_obu_forms');
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (!in_array($month . $year, $start_dates, true)) {
                                                         $errors[$key] = get_string('invalid_start_date', 'local_obu_forms');
     if ($required_value || !empty($errors)) {
         $errors['form_error'] = get_string('form_error', 'local_obu_forms');
     return $errors;