function resource_download_allowed($resource, $size, $resource_type, $alternative = -1)
     # For the given resource and size, can the curent user download it?
     # resource type and access may already be available in the case of search, so pass them along to get_resource_access to avoid extra queries
     # $resource can be a resource-specific search result array.
     $access = get_resource_access($resource);
     if ((checkperm('X' . $resource_type . "_" . $size) || checkperm('T' . $resource_type . "_" . $size)) && $alternative == -1) {
         # Block access to this resource type / size? Not if an alternative file
         # Only if no specific user access override (i.e. they have successfully requested this size).
         global $userref;
         $usercustomaccess = get_custom_access_user($resource, $userref);
         $usergroupcustomaccess = get_custom_access($resource, $usergroup);
         if (($usercustomaccess === false || !($usercustomaccess === '0')) && ($usergroupcustomaccess === false || !($usergroupcustomaccess === '0'))) {
             return false;
     # Full access
     if ($access == 0) {
         return true;
     # Special case for purchased downloads.
     global $userref;
     if (isset($userref)) {
         $complete = sql_value("select cr.purchase_complete value from collection_resource cr join collection c on cr.collection=c.ref where c.user='******' and cr.resource='{$resource}' and cr.purchase_size='" . escape_check($size) . "'", 0);
         if ($complete == 1) {
             return true;
     # Restricted
     if ($access == 1) {
         if ($size == "") {
             # Original file - access depends on the 'restricted_full_download' config setting.
             global $restricted_full_download;
             return $restricted_full_download;
         } else {
             # Return the restricted access setting for this resource type.
             return sql_value("select allow_restricted value from preview_size where id='" . escape_check($size) . "'", 0) == 1;
     # Confidential
     if ($access == 2) {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
function get_resource_access($resource)
	# $resource may be a resource_data array from a search, in which case, many of the permissions checks are already done.	
	# Returns the access that the currently logged-in user has to $resource.
	# Return values:
	# 0 = Full Access (download all sizes)
	# 1 = Restricted Access (download only those sizes that are set to allow restricted downloads)
	# 2 = Confidential (no access)
	# Load the 'global' access level set on the resource
	# In the case of a search, resource type and global,group and user access are passed through to this point, to avoid multiple unnecessary get_resource_data queries.
	# passthru signifies that this is the case, so that blank values in group or user access mean that there is no data to be found, so don't check again .

	// get_resource_data doesn't contain permissions, so fix for the case that such an array could be passed into this function unintentionally.
	if (is_array($resource) && !isset($resource['group_access']) && !isset($resource['user_access'])){$resource=$resource['ref'];}
	if (!is_array($resource)){
	else {
	global $k;
	if ($k!="")
		# External access - check how this was shared.
		$extaccess=sql_value("select access value from external_access_keys where resource=".$ref." and access_key='" . escape_check($k) . "'",-1);
		if ($extaccess!=-1) {return $extaccess;}
	if (checkperm("v"))
		# Permission to access all resources
		# Always return 0
		return 0; 

	if ($access==3)
		# Load custom access level
		if ($passthru=="no"){ 
			global $usergroup;
			//echo "checked group access: ".$access;
		else {

	if ($access == 1 && get_edit_access($ref, $resourcedata['archive']))
		# If access is restricted and user has edit access, grant open access.
		$access = 0;

	global $open_access_for_contributor, $userref;
	if ($open_access_for_contributor && $access == 1 && $resourcedata['created_by'] == $userref)
		# If access is restricted and user has contributed resource, grant open access.
		$access = 0;

	# Check for user-specific access (overrides any other restriction)
	global $userref;

	if ($passthru=="no"){
		//echo "checked user access: ".$userspecific;
	else {

	if ($userspecific!="")
		return $userspecific;
	global $usersearchfilter, $search_filter_strict; 
	if ((trim($usersearchfilter)!="") && $search_filter_strict)
		# A search filter has been set. Perform filter processing to establish if the user can view this resource.		
		# Always load metadata, because the provided metadata may be missing fields due to permissions.
		for ($n=0;$n<count($metadata);$n++)
			if ($name!="")
				if ($match==1) {return 2;} # The match for this field was incorrect, always show as confidential in this event.
		# Also check resource type	
		# Disabled until also implented in do_search() - future feature - syntax supported in edit filter only for now.
		if ($match==1) {return 2;} # The match for this field was incorrect, always show as confidential in this event.
	if ($access==0 && !checkperm("g"))
		# User does not have the 'g' permission. Always return restricted for active resources.
		return 1; 
	if (checkperm('X'.$resource_type)){
		// this resource type is always restricted for this user group
		return 1;

	if (checkperm('T'.$resource_type)){
		// this resource type is always confidential/hidden for this user group
		return 2;

	return $access;	
 function get_resource_access($resource)
     # $resource may be a resource_data array from a search, in which case, many of the permissions checks are already done.
     # Returns the access that the currently logged-in user has to $resource.
     # Return values:
     # 0 = Full Access (download all sizes)
     # 1 = Restricted Access (download only those sizes that are set to allow restricted downloads)
     # 2 = Confidential (no access)
     # Load the 'global' access level set on the resource
     # In the case of a search, resource type and global,group and user access are passed through to this point, to avoid multiple unnecessary get_resource_data queries.
     # passthru signifies that this is the case, so that blank values in group or user access mean that there is no data to be found, so don't check again .
     $passthru = "no";
     // get_resource_data doesn't contain permissions, so fix for the case that such an array could be passed into this function unintentionally.
     if (is_array($resource) && !isset($resource['group_access']) && !isset($resource['user_access'])) {
         $resource = $resource['ref'];
     if (!is_array($resource)) {
         $resourcedata = get_resource_data($resource, true);
     } else {
         $resourcedata = $resource;
         $passthru = "yes";
     $ref = $resourcedata['ref'];
     $access = $resourcedata["access"];
     $resource_type = $resourcedata['resource_type'];
     // Set a couple of flags now that we can check later on if we need to check whether sharing is permitted based on whether access has been specifically granted to user/group
     global $customgroupaccess, $customuseraccess;
     $customgroupaccess = false;
     $customuseraccess = false;
     global $k;
     if ($k != "") {
         # External access - check how this was shared.
         $extaccess = sql_value("select access value from external_access_keys where resource=" . $ref . " and access_key='" . escape_check($k) . "' and (expires is null or expires>now())", -1);
         if ($extaccess != -1) {
             return $extaccess;
     global $uploader_view_override, $userref;
     if (checkperm("z" . $resourcedata['archive']) && !($uploader_view_override && $resourcedata['created_by'] == $userref)) {
         // User has no access to this archive state
         return 2;
     if (checkperm("v")) {
         # Permission to access all resources
         # Always return 0
         return 0;
     if ($access == 3) {
         $customgroupaccess = true;
         # Load custom access level
         if ($passthru == "no") {
             global $usergroup;
             $access = get_custom_access($resource, $usergroup);
         } else {
             $access = $resource['group_access'];
     if ($access == 1 && get_edit_access($ref, $resourcedata['archive'], false, $resourcedata)) {
         # If access is restricted and user has edit access, grant open access.
         $access = 0;
     global $open_access_for_contributor;
     if ($open_access_for_contributor && $access == 1 && $resourcedata['created_by'] == $userref) {
         # If access is restricted and user has contributed resource, grant open access.
         $access = 0;
     # Check for user-specific access (overrides any other restriction)
     global $userref;
     if ($passthru == "no") {
         $userspecific = get_custom_access_user($resource, $userref);
     } else {
         $userspecific = $resourcedata['user_access'];
     if ($userspecific != "") {
         $customuseraccess = true;
         return $userspecific;
     if (checkperm('T' . $resource_type)) {
         // this resource type is always confidential/hidden for this user group
         return 2;
     global $usersearchfilter, $search_filter_strict;
     if (trim($usersearchfilter) != "" && $search_filter_strict) {
         # A search filter has been set. Perform filter processing to establish if the user can view this resource.
         # Always load metadata, because the provided metadata may be missing fields due to permissions.
                         # ***** OLD METHOD ***** - used filter_match() - required duplication and was very difficult to implement OR matching for the field name supporting OR across fields
         for ($n=0;$n<count($metadata);$n++)
         	if ($name!="")
                                         echo "<br />$name/$value = $match";
         		if ($match==1) {return 2;} # The match for this field was incorrect, always show as confidential in this event.
         # Also check resource type	
         # Disabled until also implented in do_search() - future feature - syntax supported in edit filter only for now.
         if ($match==1) {return 2;} # The match for this field was incorrect, always show as confidential in this event.
         # ***** NEW METHOD ***** - search for the resource, utilising the existing filter matching in do_search to avoid duplication.
         global $search_all_workflow_states;
         $search_all_workflow_states_cache = $search_all_workflow_states;
         $search_all_workflow_states = TRUE;
         $results = do_search("!resource" . $ref);
         $search_all_workflow_states = $search_all_workflow_states_cache;
         if (count($results) == 0) {
             return 2;
         # Not found in results, so deny
     if ($access == 0 && !checkperm("g") && !$customgroupaccess) {
         # User does not have the 'g' permission. Return restricted for active resources unless group has been granted overide access.
         $access = 1;
     if ($access == 0 && checkperm('X' . $resource_type)) {
         // this resource type is always restricted for this user group
         $access = 1;
     // Check derestrict filter
     global $userderestrictfilter;
     if ($access == 1 && trim($userderestrictfilter) != "") {
         # A filter has been set to derestrict access when certain metadata criteria are met
         if (!isset($metadata)) {
             #  load metadata if not already loaded
             $metadata = get_resource_field_data($ref, false, false);
         $matchedfilter = false;
         for ($n = 0; $n < count($metadata); $n++) {
             $name = $metadata[$n]["name"];
             $value = $metadata[$n]["value"];
             if ($name != "") {
                 $match = filter_match($userderestrictfilter, $name, $value);
                 if ($match == 1) {
                     $matchedfilter = false;
                 if ($match == 2) {
                     $matchedfilter = true;
         if ($matchedfilter) {
             $access = 0;
     return $access;