function get_date(&$date, &$day, &$month, &$year) { $date = $_GET['date']; $pattern = '/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])/'; preg_match($pattern, $date, $matches); if (count($matches) != 4) { $pattern = '/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])/'; preg_match($pattern, $date, $matches); if (count($matches) != 3) { get_current_date($date, $day, $month, $year); return; } else { $day = "01"; $month = $matches[2]; $year = $matches[1]; } } else { $day = $matches[3]; $month = $matches[2]; $year = $matches[1]; } if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { get_current_date($date, $day, $month, $year); } }
function writeLog() { $date = get_current_date(); $filename = ROOT_DIR . 'log/log_info' . $date; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $fp = fopen($filename, "wa"); fclose($fp); } $data = get_current_time() . " " . $this->getIp() . " " . $this->getInfo() . PHP_EOL; try { file_put_contents($filename, $data, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } catch (Exception $ex) { print_r("<pre>"); print_r($ex->getMessage()); print_r($ex->getTrace()); print_r("</pre>"); die; } }
function format_date($date = "", $format = "") { global $Cfg, $current_date, $db; if ($format == "") { $format = "%day% %monname% '%ye%"; } if ($date == "") { $date = date("Y-m-d-H-i", get_current_date()); } list($yr, $mo, $da, $ho, $mi) = split("-", $date); $mktime = mktime(1, 1, 1, $mo, $da, $yr); $ho12 = $ho > 11 ? $ho - 12 : $ho; $ampm = $ho12 == $ho ? "am" : "pm"; if ($ho12 == 0) { $ho12 = 12; } $format = str_replace("%minute%", $mi, $format); $format = str_replace("%hour12%", $ho12, $format); $format = str_replace("%ampm%", $ampm, $format); $format = str_replace("%hour24%", $ho, $format); $format = str_replace("%day%", $da, $format); $format = str_replace("%daynum%", @date("w", $mktime), $format); $format = str_replace("%dayname%", lang("days", @date("w", $mktime)), $format); $format = str_replace("%weekday%", lang("days", @date("w", $mktime)), $format); $format = str_replace("%weeknum%", @date("W", $mktime), $format); $format = str_replace("%month%", $mo, $format); $format = str_replace("%monthname%", lang('months', -1 + $mo), $format); $format = str_replace("%monname%", lang('months_abbr', -1 + $mo), $format); $format = str_replace("%year%", $yr, $format); $format = str_replace("%ye%", substr($yr, 2), $format); //debug("format: $date, $format"); //while not part of 'dates', we also replace %title% with the //entry's, suitable for use in filenames // $format=@str_replace("%title%", safe_string($db->entry['title'],TRUE) , $format); return $format; }
/** * Updates a post. * * @param string $uid * @param string $postid * @param string $title * @param string $content * @param array $categories * @return void */ function pivot_update_post($uid, $postid, $title, $content, $categories = '') { global $db, $conversion_method, $body_separator; $oldentry = $db->read_entry($postid); $entry['code'] = $postid; $entry['date'] = $oldentry['date']; list($pivotintro, $pivotbody) = explode($body_separator, strip_trailing_space(stripslashes($content))); $entry['introduction'] = $pivotintro; $entry['body'] = $pivotbody; $entry['introduction'] = tidy_html($entry['introduction'], TRUE); $entry['body'] = tidy_html($entry['body'], TRUE); if (empty($categories)) { $entry['category'] = $oldentry['category']; } else { $entry['category'] = $categories; } $entry['publish_date'] = $oldentry['publish_date']; $entry['edit_date'] = date("Y-m-d-H-i", get_current_date()); $entry['title'] = strip_trailing_space(stripslashes($title)); $entry['subtitle'] = $oldentry['subtitle']; $entry['user'] = $uid; $entry['convert_lb'] = $conversion_method; $entry['status'] = "publish"; $entry['allow_comments'] = 1; $entry['keywords'] = $oldentry['keywords']; $entry['vialink'] = $oldentry['vialink']; $entry['viatitle'] = $oldentry['viatitle']; $db->set_entry($entry); $db->save_entry(TRUE); generate_pages($db->entry['code'], TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); }
function doerror($msg) { global $errors; load_cert_data(); echo "<p>\n"; echo $msg; echo "</p>\n"; $reqdebug = print_r($_REQUEST, true); $errors[get_current_date()] = $reqdebug; update_cert_data(); }
function return_car($connection, $id) { $query = "UPDATE Rental SET status = '2', returnDate = '" . get_current_date() . "' WHERE ID = '" . $id . "';" . "UPDATE Car SET status = '1' FROM Car INNER JOIN Rental ON Car.ID = Rental.carID" . "WHERE Rental.ID = '" . $id . "';"; $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query); if (!$result) { return "failure"; } else { return "success"; } }
function timedpublishcheck() { global $serialize_cache, $Cfg, $Paths; $temp_db = new db(); if (isset($Cfg['check_for_timed_publish']) && $Cfg['check_for_timed_publish'] > 0) { $amount = $Cfg['check_for_timed_publish']; } else { $amount = 10; } $entries = $temp_db->getlist(-$amount, 0, "", "", false, "date"); $date = date("Y-m-d-H-i", get_current_date()); $regen = false; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry['status'] == "timed") { $entry = $temp_db->read_entry($entry['code']); if ($entry['publish_date'] <= $date) { debug("toggle"); $entry['date'] = $entry['publish_date']; $entry['status'] = "publish"; $temp_db->set_entry($entry); $temp_db->save_entry(TRUE); notify_new('entry', $entry); $regen = TRUE; // 2004/10/17 =*=*= JM // can only do this if we know Cfg['search_index'] status... if (isset($Cfg)) { // if the global index as they are made var is set - can continue // the rest is copied from 'entrysubmit_screen()' in pv_core.php if ('1' == $Cfg['search_index'] && can_search_cats(cfg_cat_nosearchindex(), $entry['category'])) { include_once 'modules/module_search.php'; update_index($temp_db->entry); debug('update search index: ' . $temp_db->entry['code']); } } } } } if ($regen) { buildfrontpage_function(); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }